Avon Stour Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor:


Avon Stour Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Pastor:
+ Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth (reg. charity no.: 246871)
Avon Stour Pastoral Area
Co-ordinating Pastor:
(temp. till December - Fr. Anthony Pennicott, see below)
Our Lady of Sorrows & St. Philip Benizi,
15, Salisbury Road,
Hampshire, SP6 1EG
The Sacred Heart & St. Thérèse of Lisieux
1, The Close
Hampshire, BH24 1LA
Presbytery & Office, 15, Salisbury Road, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, SP6 1EG. Tel.: 01425 653131
Email: [email protected] Internet: www.shandolos.org.uk; www.avonstourpastoralarea.org
PRIEST: - Fr. Anthony Pennicott MA, - Mobile: 07946 321962; Email: [email protected]
Safeguarding Co-ordinators:
Anne Hammond tel.: 01425 654838; Email: [email protected]
Donna Kerrigan: tel.: 01425 656895 Email: [email protected]
Margaret Pointon: tel. 01425 480726 Email: [email protected]
Fordingbridge Gift Aid
Tony Lane:
tel. 01425 477075 Email: [email protected]
Ringwood Gift Aid
Betty Baxter:
Email: [email protected]
Parish Hall Administrator
Anne Ringrose
tel. 01425 654201 Email: [email protected]
OTHER CHURCHES in the Avon-Stour Pastoral Area with SUNDAY MASS TIMES:
St. Joseph’s, 67, Purewell, Christchurch, BH23 1EH (vacant) 01202 483340. 6.30pm (vigil), 9.00am & 10.45am.
St. Thomas More, 42, Exton Rd., Iford, Bournemouth, BH6 5QG (Fr Darryl Jordan )01202 485588, 6pm (vigil), 9.30am
Holy Redeemer, 15, Kilmington Way, Highcliffe, BH23 5BL (Fr. Paul Obada) 01425 274838, 8am, 10am
Our Lady Queen of Peace, 18, Douglas Rd., Southbourne, BH6 3ER (Fr. Gerald Onyejuluwa) 01202 424960, 8am, 11am, 6pm
Salisbury: 01722 336262 (ask for Catholic Chaplain). Southampton General: Fr. Michael Cronin Tel: 02380 798517.
Bournemouth: & Christchurch: Fr. Darryl Jordan 01202-470722 Emergencies: 07845-983712 email: [email protected]
Poole: Deacon McConville Tel: 01202 442167 (leave message) or 01202 665511(ask for Catholic Chaplain).
Christchurch: St. Joseph’s Primary, Dorset Road, BH23 3DA, 01202 485976, www.stjosephs.dorset.sch.uk
St. Osmund’s Primary, Exeter Street, SP1 2SG, 01722 322632, www.st-osmunds.wilts.sch.uk
Wimborne: St. Catherine’s Primary, Cutlers Place, Colehill, BH21 2HN, 01202 883763, www.stcatherinescolehill.dorset.sch.uk
Bournemouth:St. Peter’s Secondary, St. Catherine’s Road, BH6 4AH, 01202 421141, www.st-peters.bournemouth.sch.uk
29th WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME – October 18th – October 25th 2014 (Sundays Year A; Weekdays Year 2; Psalter Week 1)
Sunday (19th)
Monday (20th)
Thursday (23rd)
Saturday (26th)
6.00pm Mass (fulfils Sunday Obligation)
9.00am Mass
For the people of both Parishes
11.00am Mass
Stuart & Anna Musselwhite RIP
10.00am Liturgy & Holy Communion
10.00am Mass
Canon Michael Howard RIP
10.00am Mass
6.00pm Rosary & Benediction
10.00am Mass St John of Capestrano
Lt William St John Coventry RIP
9.30am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
6.00pm – 8.00pm – Benizi Cell Group in Church Hall – all welcome.
10.00am Mass St Anthony Claret
Fr George Gerry RIP
6.00pm Rosary & Benediction
6.00pm Mass (fulfils Sunday Obligation)
RECONCILIATION (Confessions): Ringwood – Fridays 10.30am, after Mass Fordingbridge – 5-00pm Saturdays or by appointment
£ 75.00
Standing Order
Prisoners Aid
Thank You
TODAY (19TH) IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY …the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official
charity for overseas mission. Your prayers & donations today will support the work of missionaries & young churches as they share faith, build
churches & provide healthcare & education, often in difficult & dangerous circumstances overseas. The World Mission Sunday collection will go
in its entirety to support mission projects worldwide that bring God’s love and message of dignity for all. Please give what you can, and if
possible, please use the Gift Aid envelopes if you are a taxpayer. Every gift makes a real difference to people living in poverty who are yearning
to hear the Good News of God’s love for them. This annual collection supports the 1,069 mission dioceses overseas that are too poor to support
SUNDAY MUSIC: Ent: 300; PSALM: ‘Let everything that lives and breathes give praise to God’; Off.: 90; Comm.: 542; Exit: 179.
PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING 7.30pm Tuesday October 21st in the presbytery.
IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE PARISH AND PAY INCOME TAX please consider signing a Gift Aid Form to enable us to claim income tax on
your donations by envelope or standing order.
For further details please contact Tony Lane by telephone or email, details on the front page of this Newsletter
FISH & CHIP SUPPER after Mass next Saturday October 25th. Come and enjoy an evening with fellow parishioners. The cost will be £5.00
payable by 18th October. Soft drinks, tea and coffee included but do feel free to bring a bottle! Sign list on notice board if you are coming to
secure your place.
POITIERS CARE NEWS. Thank you for supporting our last 'after Holy Mass coffee' fundraiser. I have just banked a cheque for £152.15.
The great combination of generous parishioners and lovely tea and coffee makers worked again! Poitiers Care has been nominated by Solent
Mind for a special award because of the support we give to people who are looked after by this organisation. As soon as I have more news on
this I will let you know. For the meantime, thank you all for your faithful generosity to this essential little charity. Jenny C
CHILDREN’S MASS – 9.00am on Sunday 23rd November, Feast of Christ the King – all welcome (incl. Ringwood children of course).
>COMMON ITEMS for both Parishes:
OCTOBER DEVOTIONS: Rosary and Benediction will be held at 6.00pm every Wednesday during October in Ringwood, and every Friday at
6pm in Fordingbridge. October is the month of the Holy Rosary; if you have lost touch with this ancient and important Catholic devotion, please
try to pick it up again, - come along on Weds, &/or Fridays.
MASS COUNT EVERY SUNDAY IN OCTOBER required by the diocese, as every year, to calculate the average mass attendance and the
annual financial levy that a parish pays to the diocese. (2013: FB: 125; RW: 93.) Last Sat/Sun – FB: 122; RW: 102.
Application forms are available in the church porch, - complete one and return it as soon as possible to Parish Office or Fr. Tony.
Candidates for 1st Communion need to be SEVEN YEARS OLD BY 1ST SEPTEMBER 2014.
LOTUS FLOWER TRUST – Wednesday 12th November at 7pm in Fordingbridge Hall. There will be an illustrated talk given by Ann & John
Hunt, who run the charity, on the projects in the Himalayan region of India. Refreshments will be served. See notices in the proch.
MUSIC WITH MARGARET RIZZA: Saturday 29th November 1pm to 5pm (evensong at 5pm) at St Thomas Cathedral, Old Portsmouth, PO1
2HH. A workshop for musicians, singers and all who have an active role in leading worship. Renowned liturgical composer, Margaret Rizza, will
lead a workshop including items of contemplative and seasonal music. Entry fee: £5. To book, please contact Christopher Myhill on 0208 422
4909 or email: [email protected] Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish has organised transport to this event. Please contact
Mary Rickard (01202 424184) if you would like to be booked on to the minibus.
YOUTH MASS at Our Lady Queen of Peace, SOUTHBOURNE – next SUN. 26th OCT. 6pm, arranged by the Youth Council. All welcome.
DIOCESAN YOUTH RETREAT: BELIEVE @ BOURNEMOUTHYoung people aged 16 to 30 are warmly invited to this year’s diocesan youth
retreat which takes place from Friday 31 October, 5pm, to Sunday 2 November, 2pm, at St Peter’s School, Bournemouth. Young people
themselves lead this retreat, as Pope Francis said: “The best instrument to evangelise young people is other young people.” The retreat is ideal
for post-Confirmation teenagers and will include engaging talks on the essentials of Catholic faith, Mass and opportunities for Confession,
workshops and discussion groups, and time for participants to meet and socialise with other young Catholics. Last year, over 100 young people
from around the diocese participated in this retreat. Bishop Philip will celebrate Mass during the weekend. To book your place, email
[email protected] or visit www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/youth. The suggested donation is £60 for those who are working, and £45 for those
who are students. More details are available from Will Hince, retreat coordinator, on 07780221686.
> FLAME 2 – National Youth Congress – WEMBLEY – 7th March 2015 –(yr. 10 – young adult) STILL BOOKING: www.cymfed.org.uk/flame
www.wisdomhouseromsey.co.uk (posters, leaflets & application forms in church porch. - £25 for each day including light lunch.)
 Sat. 8th Nov. 10am – 3.30pm Experiencing God – A Way of Understanding Meditation.
 Fri. 21st Nov. 10am – 3.30pm Quiet Day – for anyone who has experienced significant Loss or Bereavement.
Fri. 5th Dec. AND Sat. 6th Dec. 10am – 3.30pm Advent Quiet Day – God’s Dream for the World.
VOICE IN THE DESERT - Saturday 15 November 2014, 10:30am – 4pm
If you are aged between year 8 – young adult, we warmly invite you to join us for our preparation event for National Youth Sunday 2014! The
day will kick-start with a performance from award-winning theatre group, TenTen theatre, and will involve workshops on everything from drama
to music to spiritual survival. The day will build towards our final Mass, which will be celebrated by Bishop Philip. Cost: £10. Venue: St. George
Catholic College, Leaside Way, Swaythling, Southampton. SO16 3DQ. Book/info: Will Hince 07780221686 [email protected]
A PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS. Loving & Generous God, You call us by name & ask us to follow You. Help us to grow in love & service of our
Church. Give us the energy & courage of Your Spirit to shape its future. Grant us faith-filled leaders who will embrace Christ's Mission of love &
justice. Bless our Diocese of Portsmouth by raising up dedicated & generous leaders from our families & friends who will serve Your people as
priests, deacons, sisters, brothers, & lay ministers. Inspire us to know You better & open our hearts to hear Your call. Through Christ our Lord.
Keep in touch with the latest news! The Diocese of Portsmouth now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and information from around
the Diocese. Go to www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on Facebook? Like ‘Diocese
of Portsmouth’ to get all the latest info as it happens. You can also follow @BishopEgan and @PortsmouthRC on Twitter.