
United Methodist Church
Brevard, North Carolina
Connecting People with God’s Love
October 2014
The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God… Mark 1:1 (NIV)
One evening, an elderly Cherokee brave told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the
battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity,
humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee replied simply, “The one you feed.”
Glennon Doyle Melton, an author and blogger on Momastery, recently posted the above story on her blog. It is a
familiar story and perhaps one you have heard before. But it is a powerful story and rings true for all of us. It is a
story about being both a sinner and a saint. We have spent time over the last three months, hearing the call in Sunday
school, worship, and Bible study to be a follower of Christ. We must resist evil and embrace God.
Often I find myself reading the newspaper or listening to the news as I have a spare moment throughout the day.
More often than not, I find myself growing more and more anxious as I hear the daily headlines. There is so much
bad news that it can be overwhelming and discouraging. But as Glennon wonderfully writes, “The scarier and more
shocking the news gets- the better their ratings. If we look to the news for the truth of our world, we are feeding only
one wolf. Because the news is not really a reflection of WHAT HAPPENED TODAY – it is a reflection of the CRAZIEST,
MOST PROVOCATIVE things that happened today.”
Instead, we must daily remember the good news in the world. The quiet, untold stories of people helping people.
Of people volunteering in their community, sending money to overseas missions...and simply smiling and giving a
helping hand wherever they find themselves on a given day.
We must remember as Christians that we have the most amazing good news to share with the world: the good news
of Jesus Christ. We have a message of hope and love. We have a message of grace and forgiveness. We must share
that message by being followers of Jesus Christ, bringing about the kingdom of heaven here on earth. This month and every month - I encourage you to share the GOOD NEWS of Christ. And do it, by being the good news!
Pastor Ann
You’re Invited!
Over 50’s
Homecoming Sunday: October 19
The Over 50’s will be traveling up the mountain to the
Pisgah Inn for lunch on October 7. We will meet in the
church parking lot at 11:15am to carpool, and will leave
promptly at 11:30am. There is a sign up sheet in the
Gathering Space, all ages are invited and bring a friend.
The food is good, the company exceptional. For more
information please call Frances Siniard at 883-9346.
We are pleased to have invited Rev. Boyd Holliday as our
preacher for Homecoming. Homecoming Sunday is October
19. We will gather as usual for Sunday school, and follow
with a wonderful worship service. Rev. Holliday was raised
at St. Timothy and served as a pastor in the Western North
Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church. He
is a graduate of UNC Chapel Hill, with his Master of Divinity
and Master of Theology from Duke University. He has
also has a Doctorate in Education from UNC Greensboro.
He served several churches in the Greensboro area and
is currently retired and living with his wife Jean at Lake
Junaluska. His sister Marie still lives in Brevard. Following
worship, there will be a covered-dish meal. Please bring a
dish or two to share. And don’t forget to order a mum in
honor or in memory of someone. The order forms are in
your bulletins or call Pat Messer to make your order. The
cost of each mum is $6.50. The mums will be placed around
the Communion table that Sunday and you may take them
home following worship. I hope you will join us on October
19 for a wonderful service and time of fellowship and food
celebrating the rich history of Oak Grove and St. Timothy.
See you on the 19th!
Additional Bible Study Opportunity
If you missed the recent Bible study on Tuesday
afternoons, now is your chance to participate. Beginning
Sunday October 12, join Pastor Ann and Charles Warren
during Sunday school for a study of Adam Hamilton’s book
Making Sense of the Bible. This is the same study that was
held recently on Tuesday afternoons. It will be co-taught
by Ann and Charles. If you’d like to join, please sign up by
signing the form outside the classroom or letting Ann or
Charles know your interest. The book is $10.00. We will
give you a book and let you know the reading schedule.
Again, the study will be taught during the Sunday school
hour in the Charles Warren classroom. The study lasts
for 6 weeks. Hope you will commit to this wonderful
opportunity and join us!
District Announcement
The Daybreak Community
The Daybreak Community is a new ministry that Central
UMC, as part of the Asheville Urban Missional Network, is
launching this fall. Our prayer and hope for the Daybreak
Community is that it will be a place of restoration for
anyone suffering from the many issues that can make us
feel separated from the love of God. Addiction, alcoholism,
loss of a loved one, past abuse, a painful divorce - these are
among many of the life issues that can draw us away from
God’s love and grace. We will begin worshipping together
in the evening of October 5th at Central UMC (27 Church
Street, Asheville 28801). We will share a meal, spend time
together in worship of our Lord and have small groups that
will have a focus on specific issues, relating the discussions
to recovery and healing. I look forward to meeting with
you and sharing in this journey in the name of Christ.
Childcare and Youth Opportunities will be provided. For
more information contact: [email protected]
or 828-222-0482.
Dartball will be starting
October 13. This mild activity
is for anyone to play and enjoy.
We meet in the Fellowship
Hall each Monday evening at
6:15pm and start playing at 6:30pm. Come as you can!
For questions and information please call Jeff Thompson
at 883-5881 or Sam Woodruff 883-4123.
Reading Women
The Reading Women group will meet on
October 26 at 4:00 pm. The book for this
month is “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin.
The library has 16 copies in their Reading
Groups collection. All are welcome to join
Church Phone Tree
Greetings! The Church Council has approved the addition of an electronic phone tree for our church community. The
phone tree enables Pastor Ann to call from any phone to a recording service where she can leave a message. The service
will then call everyone in the church at the same time with an important announcement. The phone tree will be used for
emergency prayer requests, announcements and reminders about upcoming events and worship services, cancellation of
worship due to inclement weather, as well as reminders for committee meetings. Email prayer requests and updates will
still be sent in non-emergency situations. You may opt out of the service if you wish, but we promise to use the system
wisely and will not be calling every day. Just let Michelle or Ann know if you’d like your number left off. The system will
begin sometime in October. The Council approved the phone tree to be added to the 2015 budget, but with a designated
gift, we are now able to start the service early. We hope the phone tree will aid the community in staying up-to-date on
community needs and events. Stay tuned!
Church Pews for Sale
Three pews from the sanctuary were removed to make room for the new choir chairs. The pews are currently
in the fellowship hall and are for sale. If you would like to buy one or more - or know someone who is interested - please speak with Jim Deacon. The price is negotiable and are available on a first come basis.
New Address
Mildred Martin has a new address. It is:
100 Sundew Ct.
Allentown, PA 18104
Youth and Children’s News
The youth of the church are participating in Brevard’s CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, October 19. The
walk begins at 2pm and they invite everyone to join them. The CROP Hunger Walk raises funds to end
hunger at home and around the world. If you would like to support the youth in the walk, please consider
giving a monetary donation. You may give the donation directly to a youth or put it in the offering plate
indicating it is for the Walk. If you have any questions, please speak with Christy Stansel. Thank you in
Community News
Nurture Team News
The annual Church picnic at Sycamore Flats on Sept. 14th was a special time of fellowship enjoyed by many. The aroma
coming from the grill was mouthwatering, the tables loaded with picnic fare was tantalizing and all of it was so delicious.
Many thanks to all who provided food and helped to make this a fun time in the life of St. Timothy UMC!
Please mark your calendars for the remaining events of this year so you won’t miss out:
October 19, Homecoming Service and meal
December 14, Christmas Celebration, meal and carol singing.
Angel Project and Third Mile - The Haven in Brevard
We will collect supplies such as:
regular coffee
powdered creamer
artificial sweetener
paper towels
toilet paper razors
feminine hygiene products bath soap
over-the-counter medicines: ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, antihistamines, cold medicines, etc.
Our Third Mile Offering will help The Haven provide numerous services including safe shelter, showers, laundry facilities
and counseling for homeless people in our community.
Sharing House Needs:
Most needed items include: Hot cereal, cold cereal baked beans and vegetable soup. Other items are
welcomed but these items listed are the most requested and are in low supply at this time.
September Outreach Report
WOW! What a super, generous response we had for our Angel Project and Third Mile Offering in September for Project
AGAPE, the UMC mission project in Armenia! We donated 67 (yes, that is 67!) boxes of nice clothing, household items and
small tools, 44 Christmas Shoe Boxes for the children and a Third Mile Offering of $372 for this very needy and worthy cause.
Many needy people will be touched and many children will have a happy Christmas because of this joyful generosity of the
members of St. Timothy. Our other September outreach activities included several gleaning opportunities for tomatoes,
beans, eggplant, peppers and cabbage for a total of approximately 4400 pounds (yes, that is over 2 tons!) of fresh veggies for
our local food pantries and community kitchen. Join our growing Gleaning team if you want to have a great and satisfying
time. Also consider joining our other volunteers from St. Timothy at The Bread of Life and The Sharing House to help place
all this freshly gleaned food into the hands and stomachs of hungry people. With TLC from our garden crew, our community
garden is still producing good food.
Project AGAPE packing party
Highlights from Church Council Meeting
September 9, 2014
We were reminded of the Transylvania Missional Network’s One Great Day of Service to be held on Saturday, September 27.
It will begin at 7:45 with breakfast here at our church. We will be painting the pump house and “chicken coup” and will also
paint the shelter at Davidson River School. Since this date is shortly before our annual Homecoming (October 19), we will
also use the time to do some cleaning inside our building and to work on the grounds. Everyone is invited to participate as
there will be something each of us can do.
Fifty bags of “goodies” were packed and sent to Brevard College for incoming freshmen. Because Lemonade in the Shade
is so well received, we will extend it until the end of October rather than the end of September. We will start Cider Inside
in November.
During August, we gleaned and distributed 6,000 lbs. of fresh fruits and vegetables involving 75 volunteer hours. This
makes a total of 11,680 pounds gleaned this year. Our members continue to serve at Sharing house and we collected two
loads of food and supplies to deliver there. We also collected two loads of supplies for Davidson River School (DRS) for our
August Angel Project. We provided food and help serve at a reception for students who participated in the summer reading
program at DRS. For our August Third Mile Offering, we collected $2,066 for Backpack Buddies. Project AGAPE will be our
September project for both the Third Mile Offering and the Angel Project. We have begun collecting clothing and Christmas
Shoe Boxes for this project. We are collecting new shoes, new or good used clothing, sewing cloth and supplies, and small
household utensils and tools. Those are all due to the church by September 21.
The next Nurture event will be the Church-wide picnic at Sycamore Flats Picnic Area on September 14 following worship.
The October Nurture event will be Homecoming on October 19. There is no Nurture event in November. The Church-wide
Christmas party will be on Sunday, December 14 with a fellowship meal and a carol sing.
The Altar Guild has been restructured under the leadership of Billy West. We need volunteers who will work with Billy on
Communion each month. There will not be a Christmas Cantata this year, but there will be more music at the Christmas Eve
Service. Boyd Holliday, who grew up in this church, will preach on Homecoming, October 19.
The Staff Parish committee has almost completed the clergy assessment and staff salaries proposals for the 2015 budget.
They will begin the annual staff reviews soon.
A committee has been formed to consider options for long term plans for the Oak Grove building. The building needs a great
deal of work/repairs and the Trustees have decided not to put any more money into it. The congregation at Oak Grove has
asked to be allowed to continue renting that facility, agreeing that they will pay for any needed repairs. Plans are continuing
on the Fellowship Hall renovation. Kitchen drawings are complete. We found out we will not get any Duke Endowment
funds for the project, because our church is debt free. We are considering either a stewardship campaign to complete the
entire project or doing the project in stages as funds allow. This will be addressed at future meetings of both the Trustees
and Finance Committee. All parsonage repairs are done except the back porch roof. The Trustees brought a motion that
we sell the chair pews taken out of the sanctuary, first offering them to church members and then to a larger audience. The
motion passed and they will be offered to our congregation for purchase in the October Epistle, and hopefully disposed of
by the end of October.
August was a good month financially because of a large gift at the beginning of the month. We had normal expenses during
the month. We paid out $3500 in architect fees for the fellowship hall and also paid the expenses for the Council room. We
ended up with $2300 more income then our expenses. The Finance Committee will meet on October 1 to begin work on the
2015 budget and the Stewardship campaign. The 2015 proposed budget will be presented at the October Council meeting.
Pastor Ann reported the Nominations committee will begin meeting next week to secure a slate of officers for 2015. Ann
has met with the youth and their parents and they want to continue holding activities, but not weekly. They will probably
meet monthly. The Youth will participate in CROP Walk on October 19. Bible Study class is going well with 25-19 folks
participating each week. Charge Conference will be on Sunday, November 9, at 5:00 at the First Methodist Church of
Lay Leader Marty Griffin pointed out the Nominations season is a time to consider how we will use our gifts for the church.
We need everyone to serve where they can use their gifts. Prayerfully consider requests to serve and make sure you are
agreeing to serve where you truly want to serve.
Our next meeting will be October 14.
“I will be loyal to The United Methodist Church and uphold it
with my Prayers, my Presence, my Gifts, my Service, and my Witness.”
Please remember in your prayers:
2014 Ministries Budget
Budget requirements for the month
Amount received for General Budget in August Amount received for Use of Building Oak Grove Rent
Amount spent from General Budget in August
Additional Receipts Altar Flowers
BBQ lunch
Building and Grounds Capital Fund
Choir Chairs
Davidson River School
Hospitality lunches
Project AGAPE / Shoeboxes
Sharing House Study Books
Third Mile Giving / Backpack Buddies
Total Additional Receipts
West Africa Ebola Outbreak
Our Armed Forces & Our Country
Charles & Eunice Ayers
Alice Carr
Mae Clayton
Anna Dennis
Aileen Morgan
Ruby Oliver
Lorraine Pearsall
Vivian Ritenour
Annette Thompson
Joan Uhler
Evelyn Watson (Brian Center)
Keith Worley
Alice Carr (Room 404 The Oaks)
Mary Lou Rhodes (Tore’s Home)
Frances Riebe (Room 102 The Oaks)
Dottie Vaniman (Tore’s Home)
Homebound members
Helen LaTulipe (Donna Mullinax’s friend)
Margaret Keehn (Evelyn Keehn’s niece)
Christine Burgest (Vivian Ritenour’s granddaughter)
Jean Moll (Pam Moll’s Mother-in-law)
Harold Sturdivant (Pam Moll’s father)
Terry Gangwer (Lorraine Pearsall’s son)
Beth Tabb (Barbara Russell’s cousin)
Bob Szabo (David Mackey’s friend)
Kim Buchanan (Martha Snow friend’s daughter)
Robin Bolt (Cindy Dalton’s friend)
Tom Rainey (Gloria Harris’s cousin)
Carolyn Craft (Harold Mullinax’s sister)
Mindy West (Marge Woodruff’s daughter)
Guy Metzger (friend of John & Helen Barker)
Lamar Taft (friend of John & Helen Barker)
David Petty (Helen Barker’s friend)
J.C. Price (Virginia Penland’s brother)
Jimmy Arledge (Al Seal’s friend)
Sheila Gales (daughter-in-law of Woody and Elaine Gales)
Oct. 5 - Don & Rhae Mozley, Joe & Gloria Harris
12 - Al & Cathy Seal, Mel & Agnes LaBree
19 - Bill Siniard, Billy West, Jerry & Lisa Lindholme
26 - Woody & Elaine Gales, Barbara Bennett, Lorraine Pearsall
Oct. 5 - James Thompson
12 - Abby Thompson
19 - Valeka Ramakis
26 - Nelson Kittrell
Nursery Attendants
Lay Readers
Oct. 5 - Dave Manning
12 - Mike Uhler
19 - Ginny Rush
26 - Linda Uhler
Oct. 5 - Gladys Taylor
12 - Christy Stansel
19 - Marcy Thompson
26 - Jean Price
Sunday School Worship
Oct. 5 - Tony Dalton, Jack Bryson, Bernie Case, John Barker, Don Mozley
12 - 4 L’s Class
19 - Wendell Hodges, Pam Winstead, Jean Potter, Guis
Siniard, Bill Roth, Al & Ellen Hooper, Al Seal
26 - Marty Griffin, Jim Deacon, Nathan Siniard,
Gladys Taylor, Mary C. Griffin, Bob Huey
Security Check for October
Susan Donaldson
October Birthdays....
1 - JoAnn Bryson
Lawrence Watson
5 - Allan Roberts
7 - Mimi Hodges
9 - Evan Connolly
14 - Tink Siniard
20 - Alan Keehn
23 - Kathi Gaburri
Karla Atkinson
Art Thompson
29 - Ginny RushFriday
Tuesday Wednesday
9:30am Garden 1
Women’s Coffee
11:00am Prayer
Friday Saturday
9:00am Men’s
Coffee Hour
9:00am Stamping
9:30am Garden
9:00am Men’s
Coffee Hour
9:30am Garden 8
Women’s Coffee
11:00am Prayer
11:15pm Over 50’s
9:00am Men’s 9
Coffee Hour
9:00am Bread of Life
9:00am Stamping
9:30am Garden
5:30pm Church Council
9:00am Men’s
Coffee Hour
2:00pm CROP Walk
9:30am Garden
4:00pm Reading Women
Newsletter Deadline
9:00am Men’s
Coffee Hour
6:15 Dartball
3:30pm Koinonia
9:00am Men’s 16
Coffee Hour
9:00am Stamping
1:00pm Lydia Circle
6:15pm Choir
5:30pm Stamping
6:00pm Ladies AA
6:15 Dartball
9:30am Garden
9:30am Garden 15
10:00am Women’s
11:00am Prayer Group
2:00pm Witness
6:15 Dartball
3rd Mile Giving
9:00am Men’s
Coffee Hour
Sylvan Squares
6:15pm Choir
6:30pm Smudge Bunch
5:30pm Trustees
6:15pm Choir
9:30am Garden 22
10:00am Women’s
11:00am Prayer Group
9:00am Men’s 23
Coffee Hour
9:00am Stamping
Sylvan Squares
6:15pm Choir
9:30am Garden 29
10:00am Women’s
11:00am Prayer Group
6:15pm Choir
9:00am Men’s
Sunday Worship
10:00 am Sunday School
10:55 am Worship Service
11:00 am Prayer Group
We’re on the Web!
St. Timothy Staff
The Rev. Ann L. Duncan ..................................................................Pastor
James Sutherland ...........................................Director of Music Ministry
Michelle McQuaid ....................................................................Secretary
Keith Worley .............................................................................Custodian
Suporn Flagg .......................................................................Nursery Staff
Office Hours 9:00am - 1:00pm Monday - Friday
Phone: 883-2985, 884-6125 Fax: 883-2985
Church email: [email protected]
Pastor’s email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Pastor’s cell phone: 828-505-6073
St. Timothy United Methodist Church
PO Box 429
Brevard, NC 28712