Document 6567834
Document 6567834
THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 Vol. LXX No.1 September-October 2014 Elul 5774—Tishrei/Heshvan 5775 THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER What does FHJC mean to you ? “Thank you for the gi of Shabbat candles and challah. We had a wonderful me ligh ng the candles and reci ng the prayer as a family, and we plan to do it every Friday going forward. It ins lls a strong sense of Jewish iden ty in our girls.” “Being part of the adult Bar and Bat Mitzvah class has given me a chance to fulfill a dream.” “My deepest friendships were born at FHJC.” “FHJC is a community, a family, a place to learn and find peace.” “The longer I belong, the more I realize how important the shul is, in good mes and bad.” “FHJC has given me a chance to grow spiritually.” Please consider increasing last year’s gi by 10% or making a first‐ me dona on. New matching opportuni es make your gi go even farther. Here’s how..... Several FHJC members have pledged this year to each match 10% of all new pledges; pledges increased over last year will also be eligible for matching. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 From the Rabbi’s Study Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik A Challenge for the New Year The Jewish and academic calendar years have very similar rhythms, par‐ cularly at their beginnings. The cool‐ er air of September is filled with a sense of freshness, and we feel eager to get started. Of course, the new Jewish beginning is spiritually ground‐ ed—the two calendars are not iden ‐ cal—but both share the sense that what is to follow, though grounded in the past year, offers new and perhaps exci ng possibili es. termarried children, cousins, siblings… reflec ng the full range of possibili es. Interfaith families are a growing reality in every Jewish community—yes, less so in the Orthodox world, but there too—and the longer we delay in responding to them in some significant way, the greater the chance becomes that they will be lost to us forever. Our congrega on has been the recipient of a very generous grant from UJA‐Federa on to help us explore the various ways that we can work to become a more inclusive and welcoming synagogue, and develop and implement those innova ons. As this New Year unfolds, you may no ce these efforts in all areas of synagogue life, from ritual policies in our services to what As we prepare to begin the new Jew‐ happens in our religious schools, and everything in‐between. ish year, our minds are obviously s ll preoccupied with all that As we prepare to enter into this effort, I want to assure you that has gone on in Israel this past summer. It has been, to under‐ I, the Hazzan, and all of our educa on professionals and lay state the obvious, a painful few months, and the story of Opera‐ leadership, remain commi ed to the Halakhic integrity of our on Defensive Edge is far from over. The long‐term challenge of synagogue, which is the undergirding of its greatness. We have reaching a sustainable state of peace and calm in southern Israel no inten on whatsoever of abandoning our Halakhic mooring. remains a vexing problem for Israel, and therefore for us as well. But we are, as one, commi ed to pushing the envelope to the But at the same me, we here in the US have challenges of our greatest degree possible in order to keep our interfaith families own that we cannot afford to ignore. Although it might not be connected to our synagogue and to the Jewish community. The the first thing that comes to your mind, I—and my colleagues on road ahead is filled with unknowns—these are uncharted waters the professional staff—are convinced that none of them is more for us—but we are commi ed to going there, and convinced compelling than responding though ully and effec vely to the that it is what we should be doing. interfaith families that are increasingly a part of all of our com‐ As the New Year begins, please know that, up front, we appreci‐ muni es. ate your help, and hope you will work with us to make this new The “tradi onal” approach to dealing with interfaith families, ini a ve successful. And, of course, please allow me to wish including in our own congrega on, has been to hold them at you and your loved ones a year that will be blessed with good arm’s length. A er all, men and women who “marry out” of the health, happiness, and peace for all of us, and for Israel. Jewish community have consciously flaunted one of the most sacred norms of the Jewish world, right? How can we convince our children and grandchildren that “marrying out” has serious consequences if those who have already done so are welcomed Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik warmly by us, and with no consequences? I understand the ques on, and I would be less than honest if I were not to admit that I share the concern. But all of us who work in this field have learned that turning our backs on the interfaith families among us is a losing strategy, both in the short run and in the long term as well. And what we are slowly discovering is that most of us—our own synagogue community very much included, and my extended family as well—have in‐ The Message USPS 340‐300 The Forest Hills Jewish Center, 106‐06 Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375‐4248. 718‐263‐7000, Fax: 718‐520‐ 4369. Website: h p://www. Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conserva ve Judaism. Published bi‐monthly September‐June. Subscrip on: $25 per year (included in membership dues.) Periodicals postage paid at the Post Office in Flushing, NY. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Forest Hills Jewish Center. 106‐06 Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375‐4248. Editorial Board: Karen L. Stein (Editor), Gerald C. Skolnik (Rabbi), Henry Rosenblum (Hazzan), Erno Grosz (Cantor Emeritus), Deborah Gregor (Execu ve Director), Susan Rosenbaum (Director, Early Childhood Educa on), Lynn Lancaster (Director of Educa on), Laurie Worthman (Office Manager). Officers: Jack Gostl (President), Michael Abrams (Vice President), Ilana Altman (Vice President), Sharon Matzner (Vice President), Judy Zipkowitz (Vice President), William Re‐ gen (Treasurer), Deborah Ball Witlin (Secretary). Arms: Men’s Club, Bob Koenigsberg and Mark Weinbla (Co‐Presidents), Minyan Club, Be y Korb (President), Sisterhood, Anise Parnes (Outgoing President) Judy Gostl and Randy Zwick‐Marks (Co‐Presidents). Opinions expressed in The Message are the authors’ and do not necessarily represent those of the Forest Hills Jewish Center, its officers and Board, or the Editorial Board. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum Notes from the Hazzan As the summer is nearly over and we are preparing for the coming of the new school year and the High Holi‐ days, I must confess that I have never had as difficult a me as this in wri ng an ar cle for a Synagogue Bulle n. Every me I sit down at the computer, I cannot get my mind away from the chaos raging in the world; ranging from the tragedy of blood‐ shed in Israel, to the conflict between those suppor ng Israel’s ac ons and those condemning her ac ons, to the reality of growing an ‐ Israel and an ‐Semi c acts throughout many European coun‐ tries, to the growing number of rallies in ci es in our own coun‐ try, and the list goes on and on. Yet, when I finally decided that I would try to put this all aside and write something upli ing in The President’s Pen Tradi onally the President’s first column of the year is one of introspec on and review. As I write this, I have only been President for two months, so I was wondering what I could draw on with only two months of experiences. The answer is that there is a great deal to draw on. The first two months of any venture in general will be unique because it is the first two months. Being President of a shul, especially The Forest Hills Jewish Center, is par cularly unique. When it became public knowledge that I was the next President, people came over to me and asked “Are you prepared?” Any sane man would say no. Ready yes, pre‐ pared no. I had a good idea of what the job entailed, and I knew it would be a chal‐ lenge, and I hoped that I would do jus ce to the trust that people placed in me. But prepared? Not likely. A er taking office, what surprised me was the difference between the job of Presi‐ dent and being President. I am quite used to being in the seat where the “buck stops,” as well as being the person that everyone in the room turns to for difficult decisions. That wasn’t the uniqueness. The an cipa on of the New Year, I was overwhelmed by the news of Robin Williams' death. Like many of you, I was in awe of his amazing talents and excep onal comedic gi s, and found his crea vity and ar stry to be beyond words. But his death is some‐ thing that requires words because the real tragedy is that we as a society have s ll not come to fully appreciate mental illness as just that. It is an illness as serious and deadly as cancer or heart disease, and it is all around us. We need to learn to be more sup‐ por ve of those in need and even more loving of those who feel so alone. As we prepare for the New Year, we must rededicate ourselves to fostering the warmth and strength in community that will con nue to make others feel more at home here in our shul and truly welcomed into the fabric of the Forest Hills Jewish Center. With best wishes for a peaceful year for all. B’Shalom uv’shira, Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum uniqueness was in the difference between the percep on of how we see ourselves, The Forest Hills Jewish Center, and how the world sees us. A er talking to people as “The President of The Forest Hills Jew‐ ish Center,” as well as a ending services at other shuls, I have come to realize what an amazing community we have here. In addi on to a dedicated, knowledgeable clergy and hardworking professional staff, we have a base of concerned, dedicated and knowledgeable membership. On any given Shabbat we could easily put togeth‐ er an en re service, including sermon, led by the membership. For the lack of a be er term, we are regularly steeped in an aura of love for Judaica, dedica on, dili‐ gence and thirst for knowledge. Now I am the first to acknowledge we have serious problems, something that of necessity I understand be er than most. We face daily challenges which are fiscal, demographic and just plain prac cal. But we also have something very good, some‐ thing worth nurturing and worth figh ng for. So I’m going to break with tradi on a bit. Rather than asking you to perform more mitzvot than last year, I’m going to ask you to recognize and appreciate what we have and help preserve and improve it. Spend one more morning in shul. A end one more class. Suggest one more idea. Be a li le more ac ve. Be part of the success that we have all built. Just be part of it, and that will be the biggest single thing you can do to improve on something that adds quality to your life, your family and your community. But most important, have a happy, healthy and safe New Year. I look forward to see‐ ing all of you during the Hagim and at least one addi onal me during the year that follows. Jack Gostl, President, FHJC Order Your Lulav and Etrog Your celebra on of Sukkot cannot be complete without a Lulav and Etrog. To help our members par cipate in this wonderful tradi on, we are once again taking orders. Deluxe set $48/Standard set $36. Place your order by September 29, 2014. We can also order sukkot and schach mats. Please contact Deborah Gregor at dgregor@ for more informa on or to place your order. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 4 Membership & Community Affairs GET INVOLVED SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 Schedule of Services for the High Holidays I hope everyone’s summer has been enjoyable, so far. The holidays are upon us (oy vey) and there is something for everyone. ROSH HASHANAH: Wednesday Evening, Sept. 24, 6:30 PM Thursday, Sept. 25, 8:30 AM & 6:30 PM Friday, Sept. 26, 8:30 AM & 6:30 PM Once again, FHJC is offering the opportunity for you to create a way to welcome the New Year by welcoming others into your home. If you would like to invite an FHJC member to your holiday table who might otherwise spend the holiday alone, please contact Lenny Picker at [email protected] KOL NIDRE AND YOM KIPPUR: Friday, Oct. 3, 6:00 PM Shabbat, Oct. 4, 9:00 AM Tickets for Yom Kippur only will be on sale Monday, September 29. Friday, September 19th is Chicken Soup Shabbat. Sunday, September 28th, 9am‐5pm, the FHJC is holding our third annual U2WI (Used to Wear It) Clothing sale. Please contact Sara Kaufman Greenberg at [email protected], for dona ons and/ or volunteering opportuni es. Sunday, October 5th, all are welcome to join us as we decorate the Sukkah from 9am—4pm. Sunday, October 12 , 10am—Noon, Join us in the Sukkah to welcome new members. th Thursday, October 16th, Simhat Torah Ice Cream party 5:30—7:30pm. Saturday, October 18th is a Siddur celebra on for our Religious School children. Please reach out to me if you have any comments or ques ons. Michael Abrams VP, Membership and Community SELIHOT SERVICES Motz’ei Shabbat Saturday, September 20th PRE‐SELIHOT PROGRAM AT 8:30 PM SELIHOT SERVICES AT 10:00PM in the Estelle Feiner Crystal Room Officia ng: Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik and Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum The Selihot service inaugurates the High Holiday season in the spirit of introspec on and t’shuvah. Please join us for this essen al, beau ful and meaningful opening of the High Holiday season. Workshop and Colla on sponsored by the Minyan Club. OFFICIATING AT ROSH HASHANAH and YOM KIPPUR SERVICES in the RABBI BEN ZION BOKSER SANCTUARY Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum Ba’al Shaharit: Ba’al Teki’ah: Ma hew Beizer Dr. Mar n Topol Ba’al Musaf: Hazzan Henry Rosenblum Ba’alei Keriah: 1st Day Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Rebekah Fassler Nathaniel Korb Yom Kippur Morning Dr. Jonathan Mohrer Yom Kippur Minha Ira Beer You are cordially invited for a toast of good cheer to the FHJC Sisterhood and the coming New Year! Cocktail and Hors d’oeuvres Party & Installa on of the 2014‐2015 Board Sunday, September 7, 2014 4:00 PM The Estelle Feiner Crystal Room No couvert for paid‐up members; guests and spouses $36. R.S.V.P. to the Center Office or sisterhood@ THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 5 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 Religious School Reflec on Lynn Lancaster September brings with it the beginning of school, Rosh Hashanah and the first signs of autumn. Inevitably we try to hold on to the last wisps of summer. This year summer brought with it mourning for four mur‐ dered teens, three Jewish and one Arab, and worry as Israel was a acked and went to war. As adults it has been difficult to understand the role of the media in re‐ por ng this war and to see how rapid‐ ly and virulently an ‐Semi sm rose to the surface in so many parts of the world. It is troubling, frightening and has reinforced how important and close our rela onship to Israel is and needs to be. Israel is always front and center in the culture and curriculum of our school. This September we are more focused than ev‐ er. This will mean different things for different age groups. For our youngest students, we will work harder than ever to connect our students and their families to a vibrant modern Israel. We are also working to make sure that our teachers are prepared to respond to our children’s ques ons and concerns, should they arise, in an age‐appropriate manner. Our fi h‐ and sixth‐grade students will be taking part in a new partnership with stu‐ dents in an Israeli school. Our students will be working with an Israeli class on a pla orm that is accessible in both English and Hebrew. This partnership has been in the works since last spring. We are sure that sharing learning and experiences with Israeli peers will bring richness and con‐ nec on to the students involved in both American and Israeli classrooms. Our high school students will be able to hear first‐hand from one of their peers what being in Eastern Europe and Israel this summer was really like. Not CNN, not the New York Times, but one of their own whose summer on USY Pilgrimage includ‐ ed sirens and shelters as well as rich expe‐ riences and a great deal of fun. Their teachers too will be ready to help them struggle with some of the very difficult reali es of this summer. As we begin this year, we are looking for‐ ward to a new model for all of our FHJC Youth as we merge the resources of our youth and educa onal departments. Hav‐ ing, with great success, piloted this model last year on a High School level, we are excited to be incorpora ng what we learned into programs for our younger children. Using all of our resources we are planning fun and meaningful programming for all of our children. Everyone involved is looking forward to programming that melds the best of what we’ve had with new and innova ve programs. So, as September begins I look forward to a school year rich with meaning, Jewish learning and experiences and a growing community. May 5775 be a year of peace. Shanah Tovah from The Religious School. News from Nursery School Susan Rosenbaum This summer, most of us were glued to the TV or internet, watching the events unfold in Israel, and praying for the safe‐ ty of our Israeli brethren. We wit‐ nessed true miracles in that there was limited casualty and property damage to Israelis, although rockets were raining upon them. If anything, the unity and soli‐ darity of Jews around the world has given us hope, strength, and longing for God’s protec on. Nursery School, feel it is important to em‐ phasize and model mitzvot as well. Our staff teaches the children about mitzvot by modeling “Jewish” behavior. For example, when a spill might occur, the teacher will o en help and show how to clean up, modeling the type of behavior we want them to learn. Soon they are offering to help one another without being asked. The children feel proud about helping a friend in need. As these instances occur, we recognize them verbally, by com‐ men ng on their kind gestures. We infuse our curriculum with Jewish val‐ ues. It is our hope that upon the children witnessing teachers and parents doing Shortly, we will usher in the Hebrew mitzvot at home and in school, that they month of Elul, a month that gives Jews the will build a strong Jewish founda on. opportunity for introspec on and prepara‐ The New Year offers a host of related mitz‐ on for the new year. God gave us the vot and rituals, which you and your child opportunity for self‐examina on to im‐ can par cipate in: prove ourselves and to elevate our spiritu‐ FHJC has a special family service. ality. Doing mitzvot (commandments) and Please come and bring your child. If it good deeds brings one to spiritual perfec‐ is important to you, it will become on. Doing mitzvot at home allows your important to them. child to witness first‐hand how a Jew should conduct him/herself. We, at the Listening to the sounds of the shofar. Ea ng apples dipped in honey. Extending New Year wishes to friends and family. Our goal in the classroom is to familiarize children with Jewish values, rituals, and beliefs. In so doing, they are trying out new rules, thus recognizing how their ac‐ ons can impact others for the good. As a result, they feel pride in themselves, cre‐ a ng inherent posi ve reinforcement, and encouraging them to keep up the good work. Hopefully, actually teaching these concepts to children ensures that the lega‐ cy of Jewish values is perpetuated in the next genera on. It is my hope that in the merit of doing all these mitzvot, good deeds, and caring for our brethren, we will merit a peaceful and joyous New Year. Most importantly, hav‐ ing your children par cipate will bring you unlimited joy and nachat. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 6 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 Sisterhood As we welcome the New this summer’s presenta on by Sandra Glotzer on Breast Cancer. Year, we also welcome a few November is Jewish Book Month. Please join us on Thursday changes to Sisterhood and November 6 for our discussion of One More River by Mary Glick‐ many upcoming programs. man. We will be led by Robin Skolnik. This program always We would like to thank An‐ promises a lively discussion. ise Parnes for her dedica on Also save November 16 on your calendars and join us for the and service to the Sister‐ annual Torah Fund Event. More informa on will follow. hood Board. Anise served as president for the past four Randi Zwick Marks & Judy Gostl years. She has stepped down in order to accept a posi on on the BQLI Regional Board. Congratula ons to Anise and we wish her luck in her new endeavor. Are you a young woman On Sunday, September 7 at 4:00PM, we will be holding our Sis‐ terhood Paid‐up Membership Cocktail Party and Installa on. Thank you in advance to Robin Skolnik for installing the new Sisterhood Board and Hal Berkowitz for tending bar at this event. This event is free with payment of dues. Looking ahead, please join the Sisterhood and Men’s Club as we decorate the Center’s Sukkah on October 5 through October 7. This is a great opportunity for you and your children to meet new people, and spend me with friends while helping to deco‐ rate the sukkah. All are welcome. Save Wednesday, October 22, when there will be a follow‐up to looking for: Friendship and camaraderie with women around your age? Support and encouragement? Jewish study on your level? Opportuni es to help others? Leadership skills? Work‐life balance? Fun? FHJC is star ng its own chapter of Z’havah, a Sisterhood group for women in their 20s to 40s who are looking for a Jewish forum to share common interests and ideas. For more informa on, please contact Rebecca Shualy at [email protected] Men’s Club The Men's Club Board hopes everyone had a peaceful and relax‐ well, bring any electronic items and ba eries that you would like ing summer. The Board wishes our FHJC Community a Shanah to get out of your house or apartment. Men's Club, with Andy Hevesi's office, has scheduled the 2nd recycling program for Tovah, a sweet, peaceful, happy and healthy New Year. electronic devices. As Men's Club starts the New Year, we are restructuring the club. One of the changes this year is dues. We are not charging Wellness is on our minds, and on Sunday November 9th at 11:00 dues this year! Instead, we are asking that all men 18 and older AM, Men's Club will be sponsoring a Wellness Program for all at join Men's Club by making a dona on to the FHJC Men's Club. FHJC. Leading cardiologist Dvorah Holtzman from Lenox Hill We are sugges ng anywhere from $18 to $36. If you can't afford Hospital's Department of Cardiology will present "Screening and to make this contribu on, we are asking for $11, which will help Preven on of Coronary Artery Disease." Watch for more details us cover our dues to the na onal organiza on. This contribu on coming soon! will allow you to be come a member this year and a end events Other future events include Coffee House, World Wide Wrap, at either no charge or at the member price. Of course, our and, in March, Bud Harrelson! events are open to all, but men who are not members would pay These are just some of the events already on the calendar. In any admission fees. addi on we are working on a second wellness event in the FHJC Men's Club is planning monthly mee ngs either at FHJC or spring, a movie night of short films—including one by our own in a restaurant. Our kick‐off mee ng is Wednesday, Sept. 10, Keith Chernin. So, as you can see we are building a Men's Club following the 7:30pm minyan. Our guest speaker is FHJC's own for everyone. If you have an idea for a program please contact Jonathan Vick, speaking about his work with the ADL. Pizza and Hal Berkowitz, Vice President of Programming, and we will try beverages will be served, and the Men's Club member cost for and put it on the Men's Club calendar. this event is $5 and $12 for non‐members. Bob Koenigsberg and Mark Weinbla , Co Presidents Other scheduled events are a Sunday Night October 12, Barbe‐ Hal Berkowitz, Vice President of Programming cue in the Sukkah with Scotch, Interna onal suds, and soda. Cost Gary Weil, Ritual Chairman for members will be $21; non‐members will be $30. This event is David Zipkowitz, Chairman of Ritual Programming open to anyone 18 and older, and limited to 70 people. Dan Korb, Treasurer Myron Baer, Vice President of Publicity Also on the calendar are the Annual Bike Trip to Jim Thrope, PA, on October 19. Not a biker? Not a problem! On October 19 as THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 7 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 FHJC MERCAZ COMMITTEE Good News for FHJC FHJC shines again in our support for Zionism and our Jewish State. In light of our 40+% increase in our number of new MERCAZ mem‐ bers for the past fiscal year (July 1, 2013—June 30, 2014), we are the winners of the Mercaz Apprecia on Program (MAP) award. The prize will consist of $200 to be awarded to FHJC for a youth schol‐ arship to any of the Conserva ve Movement Israel trips or pro‐ grams, i.e. USY Pilgrimage, NATIV, Ramah Seminar, Schechter Day School trips, etc. Are you interested in helping to support Israel by being an advocate for Israel? Would you like to learn about Israel advocacy from a Conserva ve/Masor perspec ve? Please save the date for this exci ng training seminar sponsored by Mercaz‐USA with BQLI Region of Women’s League & New York Metro Region of the Federa on of Jewish Men’s We also s ll have a chance to win that El Al cket this year. For anyone keeping score, we had a total of 175 members (translates into 103 family units) this past year. With 40+% new members, this is nothing to sneeze at, but building on this, with everyone's help, we have nowhere to go but up as we strive for 200 units to win the cket. Here's to a produc ve year going forward! While we worry about Israel's physical security, we have to do our share to help Israel to be a Jewish state with religious pluralism, freedom and democracy for all Jews and to support Israel related programs for Conserva ve Judaism. For more info and to join / rejoin Mercaz for this fiscal year (July 1, 2014—June 30, 2015), please check for materials on tables in shul and/or go to or speak to Michael Abrams, Robyn Cimbol, Ruth Danis or Cindy Megiddo. Sukkah Art Let’s make this year’s Sukkah more decora ve than last year! You are invited to create a Jewish‐themed piece of art (or two!) which will be hung in our FHJC Sukkah. Ar sts of all ages are encouraged to create masterpieces no larger than 9” x12.” Please bring your finished art to the Center Office by Thursday, September 28. Then, stop by and help us... Decorate the Sukkah We’re looking for keen eyes, steady hands, and Center members with a zeal to have a good me as we all come together to dress up the FHJC Sukkah. We’ll be star ng Sunday morning, October 5, 9:00 AM and con nuing through Tuesday evening, October 7—but the big push will be Sunday. We’ll have refreshments on hand for our dedicated workers, so make some me to perform the mitzvah of decora ng the Sukkah. Sponsored by Sisterhood, Men’s Club, Nursery School and Religious School Join us for Tashlikh, Sept 25 One of the me‐hallowed rituals of Rosh Hashanah is the Tashlikh service. Near a body of flowing water, we symboli‐ cally cast off the burden of our sins by tossing pieces of bread into the water and reci ng a few brief peniten al prayers. In our community, Tashlikh is observed at Flushing Meadows Park, right off Jewel Avenue, in the late a ernoon a er services on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, September 25. Please join with your fellow Jews of Forest Hills in marking this annual observance. L’Shanah Tovah U’Metukah! Have a Happy and Sweet New Year 5775 THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 8 Adult Educa on The Adult Education committee has been busy planning for this year. We are bringing back old favorites like the Shabbaton and the Scholar‐in‐ Residence, and working on new programs for all. The following programs are set: First, we want to announce the return of Rabbi Skolnik's Thursday Morning Talmud Class which meets immediately after morning Minyan. Those who have loved the class are invited to return and those who have never studied Talmud but would like to are invited to join. The class will be meeting in Rabbi Skolnik's Study on September 4, 11 & 18. After the first three classes, there will be a break for the High Holidays with class resuming on October 23. Deconstructing the Experience of Jewish Pray‐ er is Rabbi Skolnik's new Monday night class which will be held after minyan at 8:00PM. He describes the class as partly devoted to the spir‐ itual/experiential side as it has been understood through the ages, and partly to the practical side of prayer. The class will examine the Shabbat morning service as well as weekday. This class will meet on the following Monday nights: October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 17, 24; and December 1, 8, and 15. SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 It’s Back By Popular Demand! begin a er the High Holidays are over on October 22. The Shabbaton, which has had over 300 people participating in each of the last two years, is scheduled for the weekend of December 12 & 13. We are still looking for members with an interesting topic to teach. Please contact the committee if you or someone you know wishes to be considered to be a part of this pop‐ ular annual program. Also remember to save the weekend of February 6 & 7 for our annual Scholar‐in‐Residence. Rabbi Shai Held will be our scholar. Everyone was very excited and inspired by Rabbi Held’s Bokser Lec‐ ture last year. The Adult Education committee has always been able to make the Shabbaton and the Scholar‐in‐ Residence program available to the entire con‐ gregation free‐of‐charge due to generous spon‐ sorship from a number of people who gave $250 or $500 each to cover the cost of large Kiddushes. If you would like to be a sponsor this year, please leave a message in the office or email one of us. Hazzan Rosenblum will teach a class on: The Less‐Well‐Known Trop: Can lla‐ on for the High Holidays and the Megil‐ lot. The chan ng of the Ha orah & To‐ rah sound familiar, but this class will fo‐ cus on the special trops for High Holidays and the five megillot. Please join whether you want to become skilled at chan ng Judy Gostl [email protected] these trops or you just want to learn Pearl Buitron [email protected] more about the musical sounds of our Al Krieger [email protected] tradi on. This class will meet on Wednes‐ days a er evening minyan. The class will CHICKEN SOUP SHABBAT A program for young children and their families. Friday, September 19, 2014 Join us as we feed our bodies and our souls. Greet Shabbat with Rabbi Skolnik and Hazzan Rosenblum as they lead us in a fun, family‐friendly musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Join new friends and old for a very different Shabbat meal—chicken soup (or veggie broth) with all the fixings and dessert. Kabbalat Shabbat — 5:30 PM Noshing — 6‐7 PM Please RSVP to ssterman@ by September 15, 2014. There is no charge for this program but reserva ons are required. This program is designed for children ages 2‐8 and their families. Jeanine Mashihi, Chairperson Wear The New Torah Fund Pin With Pride—Mishpachah / Family This year’s theme, Mishpachah, encourages us to recognize the diverse character of our families. It also encourages our communi es to be pluralis c, welcoming and open‐hearted. The Jewish family, in all its configura ons, is the solid system of roots that supports our Tree of Life. The community lends its strength to each family and in turn draws renewed energy, wisdom and direc on from its cherished members. These Jewish family bonds have an immeasurable impact when cul vated in each new genera on. Sisterhood’s support of the Torah Fund Campaign helps strengthen Conserva ve/Masor Judaism throughout the world and enhances the Jewish community by recognizing and apprecia ng our diverse families. Every Torah Fund dona on, in any amount, counts, and your contribu on will be 100% tax‐deduc ble. For more informa on about how you may par cipate in this important Sisterhood fundraising effort, please contact Miriam Chait, Anise Parnes or Shirley Rossman Zucker. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 9 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 UÉÉ~ Éy exÅxÅuÜtÇvx On Yom Kippur (Saturday, October 4) and Shemini Atzeret (Thursday, October 16), as on all other designated holidays when Yizkor is recited, Rabbi Skolnik will read the names of those inscribed in the Book of Remembrance. Davora Abraham Yakov Hassid Abraham David Abrahams Madeline Abrahams Barney W. Adler Henrie a K. Adler Esther Anopolsky Samuel Anapolsky Arthur Ball O o Josef Baruch Berthold Bear Lisa Bear Mar n Bear Toni Bear Victoria Benghiat Ida Benghiat Edwin Berger Sol Berley Sydell Berley Jean Roberta Biegelson Evelyn Blum Robert Blum Abe Blumstein Rabbi Baruch Micah Bokser Kallia Bokser Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Aaron Broder Jennie Broder Sylvia Broder Milton Bruck Ruth Bruck Dora Butnick Milton Butnick Irving Cahn Hugo N. Cahnman Elaine Charap Hyman Sid Citron George DePinna Marcia DePinna Abram Dykerman Alfred Dykerman Erna Dykerman Herman Dykerman Ester Dylewski Lola Eckstein Helene Falik Estelle Feiner Sonia Gurewitz Fink Abraham Obiedzinski Fink Philip Fogelman Rose Fogelman Stella Frank John Steven Fuchs Josef Samuel Fuchs Rosalie Fuchsberg Meyer Fuchsberg Dr. J. Savin Garber Philip Garfield Benedicto Geber Marta Geber Feiga Rosa Ginsburg Albert Glazer Cecelia Glazer Clara Glazer David Glazer Gussie Glazer Arnold Glick Fannie Glick Irving Glick Max Glick Ruth Rhoda Glick Helen Goldenberg Sherry Sue Goldenberg Mar n Goldman Lola Joy Goldman Celia Goldman Norman Peter Goldman Abraham Goldsmith Harold Goldsmith Mary Goldsmith Benjamin Goldstein Dave Goldstein Herb Goldstein Ne e Goldstein Rita Goldstein Cantor Isaac Gorsky Sylvia Gould Ann Grossman Gertrude B. Gruenberg Jascha Gurewitz Fred Hahn Celia Haims George Haims Joseph Haupt Celia F. Heiferman Cookie Heiferman (Esther Rose Signet) Solomon G. Heiferman Jean Claude Heilberg Ray F. Heitner Solomon Heitner Anna Heller Arthur Heller Jesse Heller Morris Heller Albert Hirsch Herta Hirsch Sybil Hyman Nathan Hyman Eva Lea Jaari Lochem Avichai Jaari Julius D. Kahn Kate Kahn Frances Kalikow Morris Kalikow Nathaniel Saul Kane Benjamin B. Katz Haskel Katz Helen F. Katz Miriam Katz Morris M. Katz Fred E. Katzner Gladys Kenner Max Kenner Herman Kingsley Marion Kingsley Sophie Kohn Louis Kohn Aaron Korn Lillian Korn Fortuna Kovalsky Max Kovolick Leo Kra Adolph G. Kraus Samuel Kravitz Abraham Krumbein Sarah Krumbein Benjamin Krumholz Henry Krumholz Jack Krumholz Mera Krumholz Rose Krumholz Philip Kule Isidore Kulichefsky Jennie Kulichefsky Herbert Kupferberg Cantor David Kusevitsky Elaine Kusevitsky Patricia Lily Kusevitsky Harry B. Lader Helen J. Lader Murray Landau Dorothy Lapin Samuel Lapin Edward Lehem Fortuna Lehem Marco Lehem Palomba Lehem Sol Lehem Charles Leibler Frieda Leibler Abraham Lerner Clara Lerner Maurice Lerner Joseph Lestz Leon Levin Charles Levy Pearl Levy Ludwig Loewenstein Margaret Loewenstein Dr. Jack London Dr. Edward Mahlab Suze e Mahlab Lionel Malamed Leopold Lipot Mayer Rose Gu man Mayer Theodore Mayer Michael Mayorowitz Gertrude Mayorowitz Lukacs Harry Mesard Lily R. Mesard Chaskel Morgenstern Irene Morgenstern Carl J. Moskowitz Charlo e Moskowitz George Moss Irving Moss Jack Nelson Ruth Nelson Abraham Okun Celia Okun Theodore Okun Harvey L. Perlstein Jeanne S. Perlstein Isidore Platkin Shep Porter Tauba Po k Yefim Po k Raphael Raphael Irwin Reich Stephen Reich Feiga Reme er Frank E. Riesenfeld Sylvia Rolnick Carolyn Rosenblum Lubin Howard Rosenblum Jonathan Rosenblum Dr. Louis Rosenblum Seymour Rosenthal Sidney Roth George Rozsa Toni Pernitz Ruda Sabina Safier Simon A. Safier Gladys Salup Abraham Salzmann Elizabeth Samuel Siegfried Samuel Irving Savitz Ruth Savitz Jack Schaeffer Lillian Schaeffer Leo Schain Martha Schain Harold Schantz Elias Segal Mildred Segal Malvin Sevin Albert Shaw Anne e Silberman Ruby Silberman David Skolnik Lillian Skolnik Edward Skornicki Natalie Skornicki Mildred F. Smith Deena Soloway Joseph Stark Katalin Stark Pearl Strauss Amy Lisa Sturm Judith Susan Sturm Ida Sumerfeld Meyer Sumerfeld Fred Theise Leslie Ticker Marvin Ticker Max Troper Jack Vogel Bessie Walker Ellen Bea Walker Joseph Walker Leon Walker Marie M. Walker Rose Walker Jacob Wallach Raoul Wallenberg Stanley Weg Alfred A. Weinberg Selma Weinberg Anna Weiner Morris Weiner Isidore Weinkselbaum Jennie Weinkselbaum Jerry Weinkselbaum Walter Weintraub Herbert Weiser Milton Winograd Estelle Zafran Ira Zalbe Harry Zielonka If you are interested in placing a name in the Book of Remembrance, or on a Memorial Plaque, please contact the Center Office, 718 263‐7000, or lworthman@ THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 10 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 September‐October S’machot—Mazal Tov! Michelle Donefer Bat Mitzvah September 7, 2014 Michelle is an 8th grade Honor Roll student at Louis Armstrong Middle School. She values her school’s spirit, and couldn’t ask for a be er group of friends! Her favorite subjects are Math, Science, Chorus and Gym. Michelle has a great passion for sports, especially so ball, volleyball and run‐ ning. She enjoys par cipa ng in school clubs such as Boost and the Green Team, hanging out with friends, cartooning, and be‐ ing outdoors. Michelle has been a ending FHJC since Nursery school, and wants to thank her teachers. For her Hesed project, she will bring notes of encouragement and teddy bears to sick children. Michelle is happy to be reaching this milestone in her life with the help of her Mom and Dad, her friends, and her whole family. Bre Biletsky Bar Mitzvah October 18, 2014 Bre is an eighth‐grade student at Russell Sage JHS 190. His favorite sub‐ jects are science and ELA. Bre a ends the FHJC Religious School and has been a part of the FHJC family since his “Mommy & Me” days. He has made many great friends and memo‐ ries there. Bre is a huge sports fan and loves to play and watch all sports, with his favorite being baseball. His favorite teams are the Mets, Jets, Rangers, and Knicks and he loves to go to a game whenever possible. In his spare me, Bre also enjoys playing video games and spending me with his family and friends. Bre ’s mitzvah project is to raise money for the American Heart Associa on in memory of his grandfather. Bre is looking for‐ ward to his special day and sharing it with everyone. SAVE THE DATE—Grades 5-7 October 2nd October 23rd Nurit Yocheved Buitron Bat Mitzvah October 25, 2014 My name is Nurit Yocheved and I am named a er my grandfather Noach, a Holocaust survivor and his father, my great‐grandfather, Yehoshuah. I am a seventh‐grade student at Solomon Schechter School of Queens where I have been a student since Kindergar‐ ten. My favorite part of school is being with my friends. This past summer I a ended camp at Queens College where I conducted science experiments, par cipated in making a movie and created my own video game. I also sprained my finger playing basketball, but as my mother says, it was worth it! I love my black & white pet rabbit that I named Utopia who hops around and makes me laugh when she sneez‐ es. On Shabbat a ernoons, I love playing baseball and football with my synagogue and neighborhood friends (some of whom are reading Torah with me). My favorite part of my weekends has been my lessons with Hazzan Henry‐‐‐which brings me here today. Hey, Performers! Time to think about how you'll spend five minutes on stage at this year's FHJC Coffee House. That's right, registra on forms will be available at the beginning of October, and the deadline is November 7. Be ready! FHJC Teens—8th‐12th Grade Will you hit the mark? Join us at Queens Archery Open to all FHJC teens Sunday a ernoon September 21 Get ready for a great year! Watch for details. More details coming soon! THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 11 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER ה טובהלש 5775 Rabbi Gerald and Robin Skolnik, Hillel, Sharon, Dafna and Liav, Leora, Yoni and Calanit, Talya and Matan Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum and Susan Ticker, Leora, Jesse and Rena, Shira and Ari Cantor Emeritus Erno and Anna Grosz, Michelle, Alan, Rachel, and Daniel, and Diane, Max, and Rebecca, and Kenneth, Andrea, and Lauren President Jack and Judy Gostl, Karoline and Theo, and Rachel Execu ve Director Deborah and Jacob Gregor, Dan, Rachel and Miri Early Childhood Director Susan and David Rosenbaum and family Educa on Director Lynn and Bill Lancaster, Elana and Joseph Office Manager Laurie and Roy Worthman, Michael and Courtney THE ABRAMS FAMILY PATRICIA ALTMAN & DEBRA AND RICHARD ALTMAN MARILYN GERTZ‐ BALLABON & FAMILY BARBARA & ALLISON BERNSTEIN MR. & MRS. STANLEY H. BLUM & FAMILY MR. AND MRS. ALAN BRAUNSHWEIGER & FAMILY LOTTIE & HENRY BURGER ROBYN, WILLIAM, MICHELLE & LAUREN CIMBOL MYRA & SOL COHEN MARLA, JORGE, DAVID & SAMSON CORNEJO GEORGETTE & ANTHONY DANKNER AND FAMILY ROLF, GINETTE & DEBBIE DAVID RITA & SAUL DIAMOND & FAMILY THE DOMROE FAMILY SUSAN & TODD DUFFY & FAMILY REBEKAH & NORMAN FASSLER ALEX FEINGOLD DIANE, LEONARD, MATTHEW, AMY, ELLA & LILY FOGELMAN RUTH GOLDSCHMIDT & FAMILY MARCIA & ELLIS HITTNER MR. LOUIS A. JAARI, ZVI, YAEL & AVIVA TEMMA & AL KINGSLEY BARBARA AND JERRY KLIBANOFF AND FAMILY CANDICE & CARL KOERNER & FAMILY MARIAN & MARTIN KRASILOVSKY & FAMLIY GERRI & DAVID KULE BARBARA KUPFERBERG RITA & MICHAEL LIEBERMAN & FAMILY VALERIE & JACK LEIBLER & FAMILY SUE & FRED LEVINE FLORENCE LOTKER TIKVA, ZAHAVA, HANNA, & DOROTHY MAHLAB MR. & MRS. OSKAR MATZNER & FAMILY ANITA & MURRAY MILLER ROZ OKUN & FAMILY ALYSSA, HOWARD, MADISON, HAILEY & MELISSA POLLACK PAULINE, MARK, MELISSA, ROBBIE & ERICA RAPHAEL MENA ROKHSAR & FAMILY ARLENE SACKS PAULINE & HAROLD SAND GRACE SCHWARTZBERG AUDREY LOU SEVIN RUTH SHULIM MABEL & JORGE STEINBERG ELLEN & STANLEY STURM & FAMILY LAURA & NORMAN VOGEL SUSAN, ARNIE, JUSTIN, COURTNEY, SKYLER, GEOFFREY, GLADYS, RUSSELL, CARLY & ZACHARY WEG DEBRA & GARY WEIL, LAVEY, AARON & TSVI CAROLE & ERWIN WEINBERG MIRIAM WEINTRAUB SHELLEY & JUSTIN WEINTRAUB, ASHLEY & ETHAN THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 12 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 Schedule of Services Save the Date Luncheon in the Sukkah October 9th Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of services is as follows: Shaharit: Weekdays…………………...……….7:00 AM Shabbat …………………………......9:00 AM Sunday, and legal holidays…..8:20 AM Minha/Ma’ariv Weekdays…………………………………………………...7:30 PM Friday Kabbalat Shabbat…………………..……..….6:30 PM Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays….Sundown Watch for details in the next few weeks. Teri Goffner, Event Chair Schedule of Children’s Services Junior Congrega on…………..……..10:00 AM ‐ Noon—Li le Synagogue Kids Kongrega on…………………....10:30 AM ‐ 11:30 AM—Room M4 September 2014 / Elul 5774-Tishrei 5775 SUN MON 1 6 Elul TUE 2 7 Elul WED 3 8 Elul THU 4 FRI 9 Elul 5 SAT 10 Elul Building Closed Religious School Begins (K‐8) 8 13 Elul First Day Nursery School Talmud Class Nursery School Parent Orienta on Yarncra 7:15pm Ma’ariv 12 Elul 11 Elul Parashat Ki Titzei Labor Day 7 6 9 14 Elul 7:03pm Candle Ligh ng 10 15 Elul 11 16 Elul 12 17 Elul 13 18 Elul Parashat Ki Tavo Religious School High School Begins Hebrew Literature Sisterhood Cocktail Party & Installa ons Yarncra 14 19 Elul 15 20 Elul 16 21 Elul Men’s Club Mee ng 17 22 Elul Rabbi’s Talmud Class 18 23 Elul Rabbi Lecture Series @FHJC 6:52pm Candle Ligh ng 19 24 Elul Rabbi’s Talmud Class Board of Trustees 21 26 Elul 22 27 Elul 23 28 Elul High Holiday Orienta on Erev Rosh Hashana 6:30pm CL 6:30pm Services FHJC Teens Program 4 Tishrei Tzom Gedalia Religious School Closed FH Street Fair Used2Wear It Sale 29 Elul No Nursery School Hanukat Habayit 28 24 29 5 Tishrei 30 6 Tishrei 25 1 Tishrei ROSH HASHANAH 25 Elul Chicken Soup Shabbat Parashat Nitzavim‐ Vayelch 6:40pm Candle Ligh ng S’lichot & Program Labor of Love YAC/ Yarncra 20 26 2 Tishrei ROSH HASHANAH 27 3 Tishrei Parashat Haazinu Shabbat Shuvah Please refer to page 4 for Schedule of Services 7:31 pm CL 6:30pm Services 6:28pm Candle Ligh ng *ALL WEEKDAY EVENING EVENTS AND CLASSES ARE HELD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 7:30 PM MINYAN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Please try to a end the minyan on the nights you a end those events. Thank you. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 13 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER Schedule of Services Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of services is as follows: Shaharit: Weekdays…………………...……….7:00 AM Shabbat …………………………......9:00 AM Sunday, and legal holidays…..8:20 AM Minha/Ma’ariv Weekdays…………………………………………………...7:30 PM Friday Kabbalat Shabbat………………..……..See schedule Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays….Sundown Schedule of Children’s Services Junior Congrega on…………..……..10:00 AM ‐ Noon—Li le Synagogue Kids Kongrega on…………………....10:30 AM ‐ 11:30 AM—Room M4 Congrega onal Kiddush Hosts October 9—Tikva, Zahava, Hanna and Dorothy are sponsoring the Kiddush in memory of their beloved parents, Dr. Edward and Suze e Mahlab October 18—Sponsored by Michele and Charles Biletsky in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Bre October 25— Sponsored by Aryeh and Pearl Buitron in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Nurit October 2014 / Tishrei-Heshvan 5775 SUN MON TUE WED 1 7 Tishrei THU 2 8 Tishrei *ALL WEEKDAY EVENING EVENTS AND CLASSES ARE HELD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 7:30 PM MINYAN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Please try to a end the minyan on the nights you a end those events. Thank you. 5 11 Tishrei Sukkah Decora ng 6 12 Tishrei Sukkah Decora ng 7 13 Tishrei Kadima 8 14 Tishrei No Nursery School Religious School Closed New Member Welcome Men’s Club Dinner 19 25 Tishrei 13 19 Tishrei Columbus Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot Nursery School Breakfast 20 26 Tishrei 9 Tishrei No Nursery School 9 15 Tishrei No Nursery School 10 16 Tishrei No Nursery School 16 22 Tishrei No Nursery School SHMINI ATZERET EREV SIMHAT TORAH Simhat Torah Ice Cream 17 Religious School Dinner 5:59pm CL 6:00pm Services 7:00pm CL 7:00pm Services 5:53pm Candle Ligh ng 5:50pm Kabbalat Shabbat 21 22 23 24 27 Tishrei 15 28 Tishrei 29 Tishrei 23 Tishrei No Nursery School SIMHAT TORAH 30 Tishrei Rosh Hodesh Heshvan Men’s Club Bike Trip Kadima Hazzan’s Trop Class 26 2 Heshvan 27 3 Heshvan 28 4 Heshvan 29 5 Heshvan Rabbi’s Talmud Class 5:43pm Candle Ligh ng 30 6 Heshvan 31 7 Heshvan Religious School/ PA Breakfast Queens Mitzvah Day (FHJC Teens) Rabbi’s Monday Class Yarncra 11 17 Tishrei Hebrew Literature 21 Tishrei No Nursery School Hoshana Rabbah (6:15am Shacharit) EREV SHMINI ATZERET Chol HaMoed Sukkot Nursery School Breakfast YOM KIPPUR Yizkor Chol HaMoed Sukkot 6:05pm Candle Ligh ng 6:05pm Kabbalat Shabbat 20 Tishrei 10 Tishrei SUKKOT II SUKKOT I 7:10pm CL 7:10pm Services 14 4 6:16pm Candle Ligh ng Sukkah Decora ng 6:10pm CL 6:10pm Services 18 Tishrei Chol HaMoed Sukkot 3 SAT KOL NIDRE Please refer to page 4 for Schedule of Services EREV SUKKOT 12 FRI Breast Cancer Follow‐Up Session Hazzan’s Trop Class 5:34pm Candle Ligh ng Rabbi’s Talmud Class 5:35pm Kabbalat Shabbat 18 24 Tishrei Parashat Bereishit Bar Mitzvah of Bre Biletsky Rel. School Siddur Ceremony 25 1 Heshvan Parashat Noah Rosh Hodesh Heshvan Bat Mitzvah of Nurit Buitron THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PULPIT FUND Elaine and Carl David in honor of the birth of Jill and Jon Mohrer’s granddaughter Elaine and Carl David in honor of B’nai Mitzvah class Bonnie and Keith Chernin in honor of Debby and Mike Seiden and Ruth Danis on the birth of their grandson and great‐grandson Julius and Lucy Ross in honor of the marriage of Susan and Arnold Weg’s son, Russell to Carly Freiman Roz Okun in honor of the Bat Mitz‐ vah of Lillian Regen Roz Okun in honor of the Bat Mitz‐ vah of Myra Hackel Roz Okun in honor of the Bat Mitz‐ vah of Alyse Koenigsberg Roz Okun in honor of the Bat Mitz‐ vah of Kim Trigoboff Roz Okun in honor of the Bat Mitz‐ vah of Regina Geber Susie Spodek, Michael Turner and Family in honor of Rebecca Feld‐ man’s Bat Mitzvah Susie Spodek, Michael Turner and Family in honor of Sam Leifer’s Bar Mitzvah Terry and Ira Goldstein in honor of Shirley Rossman Zucker being hon‐ ored as “Woman of Achievement” Carol and Frank New in honor of Shirley Rossman Zucker being hon‐ ored as “Woman of Achievement” Louis A. Jaari in honor of Shirley Rossman Zucker being honored as “Woman of Achievement” Esther Feldman in gra tude to Mar‐ n Topol for honors received Rita and Saul Diamond in gra tude to Mar n Topol and Norman Gursen for honors received. Susan and Arnold Weg in gra tude to Norman Gursen for honors re‐ ceived Susan and Arnold Weg in gra tude to Judy Beizer for honors received Marian and Mar n Krasilovsky in gra tude to Judy Beizer, Norman Gursen and Mar n Topol for hon‐ ors received Mar n R. Krasilovsky in gra tude to Judy Beizer, Norman Gursen and Mar n Topol for honors received Marian and Mar n Krasilovsky on the occasion of Carol and Norman Gu man’s 50th anniversary Roz Feuer in gra tude to Rabbi Skolnik for his prayers, good wish‐ es, and love Miriam and Morris Chait in gra ‐ tude to Monica and Ezra Lagnado for their kindness Melanie and Mar n Topol in gra ‐ tude to Dr. Jay Luger for his fasci‐ na ng tour of some “lesser known” places PAGE 14 Melanie and Mar n Topol in gra ‐ tude to Zita and Jay Luger for their kindness and friendship Barbara Kupferberg in honor of Esther Feldman’s special birthday Barbara Kupferberg in honor of Dorrie and Hal Berkowitz’s 40th anniversary Barbara Kupferberg in honor of the Adult B’nai Mitzvah Celia Harary in honor of Louis Jaari on the engagement of his grand‐ daughter, Yael Jaari to Oren Nagler Celia Harary in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah class Bonnie and Keith Chernin in honor of the marriage of Louis Jaari’s granddaughter Louis A. Jaari in honor of Marshall Nisselbaum’s Bar Mitzvah Louis A. Jaari in honor of Joe Fox comple ng his term of office as President of FHJC: May Hashem bless you to con nue with great success in all your endeavors, and so to your first lady too. Louis A. Jaari in gra tude to Judy Beizer and the Ritual Commi ee for honors received on Shavuot Louis A. Jaari in gra tude to Nor‐ man Gursen for honors received for the 5th yahrzeit of his dear wife, Eva Jaari Louis A. Jaari in gra tude to Nor‐ man Gursen and Dr. Mar n Topol for honors received by Yael Jaari and Oren Nagler Louis A. Jaari in gra tude to Rabbi Skolnik for introducing Yael Jaari and Oren Nagler to our FHJC Com‐ munity Louis A. Jaari in gra tude to Hazzan Henry Rosenblum for calling Oren Nagler B’Kol Ram to ascend to the Torah Louis A. Jaari in gra tude to the Ritual Commi ee for honors ex‐ tended to the en re Jaari Family Barbara Kupferberg for the full and speedy recovery of Roz Feuer Louis A. Jaari in memory of his be‐ loved wife, Eva Lea Jaari (yahrzeit) Louis A. Jaari in memory of his brother, David Moskowitz (yahrzeit) Louis A. Jaari in memory of Sara and Shlomo Grunbaum, parents of Eva Grunbaum Jaari (yahrzeit) Louis A. Jaari in memory of his brother Eugene Moskowitz Louis A. Jaari in memory of Chaya and Abraham Moskowitz Louis A. Jaari in memory of Frida and Samuel Winkler and their chil‐ dren The following people have made dona ons to the Pulpit Fund in memory of Lili Weisberger, beloved mother of Deborah Gregor: SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 Refuah Shelemah רפואה שלמה a full and speedy recovery to Rolf David and Walter Lauchheimer Mazal Tov מזל טוב …to those in our Center family who are celebra ng a simha: to Rabbi & Robin Skolnik on the birth of their granddaughter, Calanit Batya to Bracha & Yves Behar on the birth of their twin grandsons to Nora Mandel & Harold Shultz on the birth of their grandson, Ravi to Reuven and Brocha Fenton on the birth of their son, Daniel to Michele & Charles Biletsky on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Bre to Pearl & Aryeh Buitron on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Nurit to Susan & Alan Kirschner on the upcoming marriage of their son, Jason to Yonah Ringlestein to Allan Donefer & Mitzi Cohen on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Michelle Hamakom Y’nahem המקום ינחם ...may God grant comfort and consola on to those who have lost a loved one: to Phyllis Mozes on the loss of her dear mother, Miriam Cushing to Mindy Weinbla on the loss of her dear sister, Miriam Rappaport to Marcy Mirkin on the loss of her dear mother, Florence Mirkin to Judy Beizer on the loss of her dear father, Rudy Oppenheim to Alyce Koenigsberg on the loss of her dear father, Hy Cohen to Jason Dunkel on the loss of his dear father, Steven Dunkel to Denise Birbach on the loss of her dear father, Jack Goldman We mourn the loss of our dear Center Members and friends Jean Biegelson and Robert Schwartz May their memories be for a blessing. Louis A. Jaari Irene and Ron Sternberg Bonnie and Keith Chernin Ruth Shulim Susie Spodek and Michael Turner in memory of Bella Schrag Fran and Zev Spiro in memory of Bob Schwartz, husband of Eliza‐ beth, father of Daniel and AJ Randi Jacoby, Jason Epstein, and Jordan Epstein in memory of Jean Beigelson Diane and David Biegelson in memory of Jean Biegelson Lo e & Henry Burger in memory of Denise Birbach’s father, Jack Gold‐ man The following people have made dona ons to the Pulpit Fund in memory of Rudy Oppenheim, be‐ loved father of Judy Beizer: Debbie and Jeff Bochner and Family Gail Port Tikva, Zahava, Hanna and Doro‐ thy Mahlab Joanne and Haskell Klaristenfeld The Wagners Daralynn, Jim, Zachary and Sasha Robin and Glenn Rothbort Fran and Zev Spiro Rhona & Myron Yolkut Ruth Baran‐Gerold & Sam Gerold YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND Bonnie and Keith Chernin in honor of Shanna Segal for being recog‐ nized as “Volunteer of the Year” Regina Geber in honor of Sam Leifer’s Bar Mitzvah Pauline, Mark, Melissa, Robbie & Erica Raphael in memory of Judy Beizer's father, Rudy Oppenheim Pauline, Mark, Melissa, Robbie & Erica Raphael in memory of Denise Birbach's father Jack Goldman Elaine and Jerome Nisselbaum in honor of Marshall Nisselbaum’s Bar Mitzvah THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER Elaine and Bruce Gerstein in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Lillian Regen Judy and David Zipkowitz in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Lillian Regen Judy and David Zipkowitz in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Alyse Koenigs‐ berg Carol and Howard Hankin in honor of Barbara Klibanoff’s special birth‐ day Pauline, Mark, Melissa, Robbie and Erica Raphael in honor of the auf ruf and marriage of Susan and Ar‐ nold’s son, Russell to Carly Freiman Pauline, Mark, Melissa, Robbie and Erica Raphael in honor of Jill and Jonathan Mohrer on the birth of their granddaughter, Lily Jane Laura and Norman Vogel in honor of Jill and Jonathan Mohrer on the birth of their granddaughter, Lily Jane Laura and Norman Vogel in honor of the Skolnik and Warren families on the birth of Calanit Batya Judy and David Zipkowitz in honor of Fernando Koatz being honored by United Synagogue of Conserva‐ ve Judaism METNY District as an emerging leader Tikva, Hanna, and Dorothy Mahlab in gra tude to Norman Gursen for honors received Bonnie and Keith Chernin in gra ‐ tude to Arlene Sacks for her kind‐ ness Toby, Allie, Eddie, Zeke, and Isaac Silvera in honor of James Bass on his gradua on PAGE 15 Toby, Allie, Eddie, Zeke, and Isaac Silvera in honor of Marilyn and Eli Hertz on Maya’s engagement Helaine, Andy, Jordan, James, and Isabel Bass in memory of Miriam Cushing, mother of Phyllis Mozes Laura and Norman Vogel in memory of Rudy Oppenheim, fa‐ ther of Judy Beizer Ilana and Bill Altman in memory of Rudy Oppenheim, father of Judy Beizer Marcia and Ellis Hi ner in memory of Sydell and Howard Kane Paul Gordon in memory of Joyce Gordon Harriet, Linda and Ted Cohen in memory of Jean Biegelson Louis A. Jaari in memory of his mother, Joanna Moskowitz Katz, Joanna bat Elke and Joseph Katz HaKohen Linda and Alan Kahn in memory of Malvina and Solomon Parnes Barbara Kupferberg in memory of KIDDUSH FUND Herbert Kupferberg Barbara and Jerry Klibanoff in hon‐ Roz and Oskar Matzner in memory or of Hal Berkowitz’s Bar Mitzvah‐ of Isaac and Gitel Matzner mazal tov on this wonderful occa‐ Florence Lotker in memory of Carol sion Siegel Lotker Ted and Esther Feldman in gra ‐ Ruth Rosenzweig in loving memory tude to Hal Berkowitz for his kind‐ of Mrs. Ana Feuer ness and gentleness Mena Braunshweiger in memory Ted Feldman in gra tude to Hal of Alice Friedland Mena Braunshweiger in memory Berkowitz for his kindness and of Jacob Friedland gentleness Mena Braunshweiger in memory Ilse Seitenbach in memory of her of Dr. Harry Friedland beloved husband, Max, and sons, Arlene Glotzer in memory of Frank Irwin and Ronnie Eskin Susan and Arnie Weg & Family in JACK VOGEL FUND Elaine Vogel in memory of beloved memory of Joan Halper husband, loving father and grandfa‐ Esther Feigenbaum in memory of ther, Jack Vogel. We love you and Lillian and Morris Rosenberg miss you. (37th yahrzeit) PRAYER BOOK FUND Barbara and Jerry Klibanoff in hon‐ BIBLE FUND Caring friends in memory of Rudy or of Carol and Norman Gu man’s Oppenheim, dear father of Judy 50th wedding anniversary Joy Finkel and Family in gra tude Beizer to Rae Kerzner for her kindness Pam, Stuart, and Rebecca Deutsch MAHZOR FUND Toby, Allie, Eddie, and Zeke Silvera Susan and & Arnie Weg & Family in in memory of Miriam Rappaport, sister of Mindy Weinbla in honor of Isaac Silvera on his grad‐ honor of Carly and Russell Weg’s wedding Evey Palat & Family in memory of ua on Toby, Allie, Eddie, Zeke, and Isaac Melanie and Allen Krieger in honor Judy Beizer's father, Rudy Oppen‐ heim Silvera in honor of Zach Weg on his of their 49th wedding anniversary Irene and Ron Sternberg in honor Linda Welsh & Family in memory gradua on of Judy Beizer's father, Rudy Op‐ Toby, Allie, Eddie, Zeke, and Isaac of their 36th wedding anniversary penheim Silvera in honor of Russell Weg on Drs. Ronnie Goodfriend Feldman his gradua on and Philip Feldman in honor of their Gerri and David Kule in memory of Toby, Allie, Eddie, Zeke, and Isaac children, Drs. Candace H. Feldman Rudy Oppenheim Silvera in honor of Russell Weg on and Evan Macosko, and their his marriage to Carly Freiman grandchild, Nathaniel Feldman Toby, Allie, Eddie, Zeke, and Isaac Macosko Silvera in honor of the birth of Jill Roz Okun in honor of Hal and Jon Mohrer’s granddaughter Berkowitz’s Bar Mitzvah FHJC Sisterhood in gra tude to Judy Beizer Forgive us! Before each publication, the MESSAGE is checked and rechecked to the best of our ability for content, dates, times, and spelling. We apologize in advance if any errors should occur. SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER RITA BERGER FUND Julie Berger in memory of Rudy Oppenheim, father of Judy Beizer LEAH WEINBERG FUND Erwin Weinberg in memory of Jean Biegelson Carole and Erwin Weinberg in memory of Edythe Siegel Carole and Erwin Weinberg in memory of Arnold Bresnick’s sister Carole and Erwin Weinberg in memory of Rudy Oppenheim, fa‐ ther of Judy Beizer CANTOR’S MUSIC FUND Adult B’nai Mitzvah class in gra ‐ tude to Hazzan Henry Rosenblum for his knowledge and pa ence Bonnie and Keith Chernin in gra ‐ tude to Hazzan Henry Rosenblum for his kindness Regina Geber in memory of Hy Cohen, beloved father of Alyse Koenigsberg POOL FUND Sybil Mailman in memory of Rudy Oppenheim, father of Judy Beizer AG KRAUS FUND Bass Family in memory of Jack Goldman, father of Denise Birbach PJ LIBRARY FUND FHJC Sisterhood wishing a refuah sheleima to Roz Feuer ESTELLE'S PLACE & NURSERY FUND Roz Feuer in gra tude to all her friends at FHJC‐ thank you for all your caring and best wishes Our families would like to thank the FHJC community for all the love and support expressed a er the loss of our father, Rudy Oppenheim. Thank you for your visits, cards, tributes, and meals. Judy Beizer & Ellen Cordes THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER Postmaster: Send address changes to: Forest Hills Jewish Center Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Square 106‐06 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375‐4248 Return Service Requested Kim F. Trigoboff Attorney at Law Wills Guardianships Estate Planning Medicaid, Special Needs and Disability Planning Probate and Estate Administration Tel: (646) 308-1747 1140 Sixth Avenue, 9th Floor Fax: (646) 308-1240 New York, NY 10036 [email protected] PAGE 16 SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER 2014 TIME VALUE Periodicals postage paid at the P.O. in Flushing, NY ELDER CARE SERVICES, INC. MEDICAID PROFESSIONALS Over 18 years experience filing Medicaid home-care and nursing home application Protect your income with a pooled income trust, Protect your home, assets, and surplus income, Nursing home placement, Challenge denials, Full service including representation at Medicaid’s fair-hearings, recertification, and reimbursements. FREE CONSULTATION 108-18 Queens Boulevard * Suite 801 * Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718) 575-5700