Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:


Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Ulisses Spiele
Das Schwarze Auge
Reich des Horas G12.................................30,00
Erscheint am 17.06.2010
Versand ab 16.06.2010
Als Hort der Zivilisation ist das
Reich des Horas in ganz Aventurien
bekannt. Gleich ob Kunst oder
Küche, Politik oder Philosophie,
Magie oder Medizin, Mode oder
Manieren: Entscheidende Impulse
werden im Kaiserreich an der
Westküste gesetzt.
Fast 1.000 Jahre beherrschte das
Alte Reich den Großteil
Aventuriens, dann fiel Bosparan in
seinem Hochmut. Heute, weitere
1.000 Jahre später, ragen die
Zitadellen Vinsalts höher auf als die
Türme Bosparans. Das 'Goldene
Zeitalter' scheint zum Greifen nah.
Erwartungsfroh und wissbegierig
brechen die Horasier auf, die Welt zu erforschen: zu neuen Ideen, zu
fernen Küsten und zu den Geheimnissen der Vergangenheit.
Doch bei allem Glanz ist das Horasreich voller Gefahren. Die marmornen
Paläste der Fürsten und Patrizier sind die Bühnen für Intrigen und
Affären, Ehrenhändel und Attentate. In den dunklen Gassen der
Metropolen sind Raubüberfälle, verbotene Geschäfte und geheime
Zusammenkünfte an der Tagesordnung, während Fallen und Flüche in
uralten Ruinen auf Unvorsichtige warten.
Das Reich des Horas umfasst das Liebliche Feld und den Wilden Süden
an Chabab und Harotrud sowie den Archipel der Zyklopeninseln. Der
vorliegende Band beschreibt die Situation nach dem Krieg der Drachen,
dem in der Königsmacher-Kampagne nachspielbaren ThronfolgeKonflikt. In dieser Spielhilfe erwarten Sie ausführliche Informationen
über das Leben im Horasreich, über die größten Städte der Region und
ihre Besonderheiten, über die wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten und die
gefährlichsten Geheimnisse sowie über den sagenumwobenen Hof des
Diese Spielhilfe enthält alle wichtigen Informationen zu Geographie,
Geschichte und Kultur des Horasreichs und ist für Spieler und Meister
gleichermaßen geeignet. Zum Spielen in Aventurien werden an weitere
Materialien nur die Basisregeln benötigt; Kenntnis der erweiterten
Regeln, der Geographia Aventurica und der Zoo-Botanica Aventurica ist
hilfreich, aber nicht erforderlich.
den Erzähler und bis zu 4 Geisterjäger. Die 83 Erzählerkarten beinhalten
alle Sonderaktionen aus „Ewige Jugend“ und 2 neue allgemeine
Erzähleraktionen. Die 4 Geisterjägerdecks bestehen aus je 23 Karten mit
den neu eingeführten besonderen Eigenschaften, Waffen, Ausrüstung
und dem Geheimen Wissen aus „Ewige Jugend“. Als Bonus enthält jeder
Satz noch eine neue Waffe, die bisher noch in keinem Buch
veröffentlicht wurde, das „Silberwurfmesser“! Somit reicht dieses 175
Karten starke Deck aus, um eine komplette Spielgruppe auszurüsten.
Schnappt euch die Silbermunition, Kreuze und Pflöcke und tretet gegen
die Mächte der Hölle an!
Ewige Jugend............................................24,95
EVT: 28.05.2010
Versandtag: 27.05.2010
Erwacht im Spukschloss im
Spessart erneut das Grauen? Die
Geisterjäger müssen nach
Deutschland reisen, um das
Vermächtnis des Schwarzen Tods
zu stoppen. Es scheint, als habe das
Sinclair-Team nur halbe Arbeit
geleistet und als müssten die
Geisterjäger die Kastanien aus dem
Feuer holen. Doch was hat die
angesehene Lady Farincroft damit
zu tun? Und wie vernichtet man die
Hand einer unzerstörbaren Mumie?
Finden Sie es mit dieser
Erweiterung für das John-SinclairAbenteuerspiel heraus. Sie enthält
drei spielfertige Abenteuer, die den
im Grundbuch begonnenen „Herold-Zyklus“ mit unglaublicher Spannung
vorantreiben und die Geisterjäger mehr als einmal vor scheinbar
unüberwindbare Probleme stellen. Das Buch enthält einen Quellenteil mit
zusätzlichem Material: Ausrüstung, besonderen Eigenschaften und
Monstern sowie erweiterten Regeln und Erläuterungen, die in jedem
Abenteuer zum Einsatz kommen können.
John Sinclairs Kreuz..................................14,95
Im April erschienen
Inrah Kartenspiel ......................................19,99
Drakensang: Vater der Fluten.....................30,00
Wege des Schwerts...................................30,00
Unveränderter Nachdruck der 2.Auflage erschienen
Im Mai erschienen
John Sinclair
Drachenchronik 3 Drachenschwur..............25,00
Sinclair Ewige Jugend Kartendeck..............14,95
EVT: 28.05.2010
Versandtag: 27.05.2010
Mit diesem Kartendeck kann eine
ganze Spielgruppe alle Aspekte des
Abenteuerbands „Ewige Jugend“ als
Karten in ihr Spiel integrieren. Es
enthält die kompletten Karten für
EVT: 28.05.2010
Versandtag: 27.05.2010
Dieses einzigartige Kreuz wurde vom Propheten Hesekiel ca. 500 Jahre
v. Chr. in der babylonischen Gefangenschaft geschaffen. Es ist die
ultimative Waffe gegen die Mächte der Finsternis, denn in ihr vereinen
sich Bannsprüche, Magie und Glaube, ja sogar Zeichen, die gegen
fremde, nichtchristliche Magie wirken. Mit seiner Hilfe hat John Sinclair
schon die stärksten Widersacher bezwungen und der Hölle selbst das
Fürchten gelehrt.
Jetzt können auch Sie ein detailgetreues Replikat dieses mächtigen
Artefakts erwerben. Das Kreuz ist aus Metall mit einem speziellen "Old
Silver" Look und einer Größe von ca. 6cm x 4,5 cm und einer AnhängerÖse ohne Kette.
Geliefert wird das Kreuz in einer schicken Verpackung mit Sichtfenster
und einem Beileger, der die Geschichte des Kreuzes und die darauf
abgebildeten Symbole erklärt.
Zusätzlich enthalten ist eine exklusive "Gruppenaktion-Karte" für das
John Sinclair Abenteuerspiel, die nur zusammen mit dem Kreuz
eingesetzt werden kann.
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Versand ab 23.06.2010
Diese exklusiven Schicksalspunkte
sind Original 11,5 Gramm CasinoQuality Pokerchips und kommen
20er-weise in einer "Geisterjäger
John Sinclair" Plastikröhre. Jeder
der schwarz-gelben Pokerchips ist
mit dem Original "Geisterjäger
John Sinclair" Logo bedruckt und
vermittelt während des
Abenteuerspiels ein
unbeschreibliches Spielgefühl.
Noch nie hat es soviel Spaß
gemacht, seine Schicksalspunkte
einzusetzen und durch die Finger
gleiten zu lassen. Das klackende
Geräusch, wenn der Chip auf die
Tischplatte aufschlägt,
unterstreicht die Entscheidung zum Einsatz eines Schicksalspunkts wie
nichts anderes.
Im April erschienen
Geisterjäger Kartenpack...............................9,95
Erzähler Kartenpack.....................................7,95
Pathfinder dt.
Das Grauen unter dem Hügel ....................11,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Versand ab 23.06.2010
Pathfinder Modul
Die seltsame Stadt Aashügel ragt
schon seit langer Zeit drohend über
den Sumpflandschaften des
östlichen Ustalavs auf, und immer
wieder wechselten über die
Jahrhunderte hinweg ihre
Herrscher. So oft, dass nur wenige
finstere Gelehrte und neugierige
Gemüter die wahre Natur der
ursprünglichen Bewohner des
Hügels kennen: bösartige und
degenerierte Kultisten der Alten
Götter! Doch an diesem Morgen
erhebt sich ein verhängnisvoller
Schrecken aus längst begrabenen Alpträumen in den Verliesen unter dem
Hügel. Ein Monster geht in den gewundenen Gassen der Stadt um, das
Panik verbreitet und Zerstörung hinterlässt. Kann das Grauen von
Aashügel aufgehalten werden?
Das Grauen unter dem Hügel ist ein Stadt- und Gewölbeabenteuer für
Charaktere der 5. Stufe, geschrieben für das Pathfinder FantasyRollenspiel und kompatibel mit dem beliebtesten Fantasy-Rollenspiel der
Welt. Es bezieht seine Inspiration aus den beliebten Geschichten von H.P.
Lovecraft. Dieses Abenteuer ist im unheimlichen Land Ustalav in der
Pathfinder-Kampagnenwelt Golarion angesiedelt, kann jedoch leicht an
jede andere Spielwelt angepasst werden.
Geeignet für: Charaktere der 5. Stufe
Abenteuerart: Stadt- und Gewölbe-Abenteuer
Schauplatz: Ustalav
Im Mai erschienen
D4: Hungrig sind die Toten........................11,95
Würfel & Zubehör
Automatic Dice Ware...................................5,00
Ideal für alle Würfelspiele: ein
elektronischer Würfelroller. Man
kann eigene Würfel einsetzen.
Benötigt zwei AA Batterien (nicht
im Lieferumfang enthalten).
Atlas Games
Spring Break.............................................10,45
Spring Break - Mad Scientist
University Expansion
Catch some gamma rays, frolic with
the laser-equipped sharks, and chill
out with a nice, frosty glass of
liquid nitrogen. The students of
Mad Scientist University are going
on spring break ... and they're
bringing their insanely clever
Gimmicks with them!
Gimmick Rules: At the start of the
game, choose up to three of your
favorite Gimmick cards and place
each one on the table in front of the
player who qualifies as its Catalyst.
A Gimmick can be used by the
player who controls it once per turn,
to give the rules-changing effect
described as its Reaction.
This expansion introduces three
new Gimmick cards: Top Secret Volcano Lair, Glowing Green Radioactive
Stuff, and Heliometer. They're good for hours of maniacally devious fun!
Ars Magica
Lords of Men ............................................23,95
The undisputed rulers of Mythic
Europe are the nobility - those
high-born who are bound together
by sacred vows of loyalty, are
supported by the land, and provide
support to the Church. Lesser
nobles compete for the favor of
those superior to them, while great
nobles seek the loyalty of those
beneath them. When not distracted
by the politics of landholding and
of war, they hunt the mundane and
magical beasts of the forests and
host extravagant feasts. For the
nobles of Mythic Europe are first
and foremost knights in shining
This book contains complete rules and background for the nobility of
Mythic Europe, ranging from the details of their lands to their
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
entertainments, political struggles, and dealings with the Order of
Hermes. And, of course, it presents special rules for combat, whether at a
tournament or during a desperate siege. It also describes the hard lives of
the peasants, who make the rich existence of the nobility possible by
providing the food at their feasts, the labor for their buildings, and the
soldiers in their armies.
Zerstörung, einer allein kann mit seinen gewaltigen Klingen eine ganze
Armee auslöschen.
Runner`s Companion ...............................27,99
Nachdruck erscheint diese Woche
Master the Shadows Life in the
shadows has never been as
dangerous, and runners need every
edge they can get. Runners
Companion opens up a world of
expanded options for Shadowrun
players with dozens of New
Qualities, Advanced Contact and
Lifestyle Rules, and handy tips on
running, travelling and smuggling,
and operating in a surveillance
Historical: Operation Klondike ...................23,99
Erscheint diese Woche
In the wake of the Star League’s
collapse, Aleksandr Kerensky led
the bulk of the SLDF into deep space
to escape the inevitable Succession
Wars. But war soon came to the
“Star League in Exile” anyway,
prompting General Kerensky’s son
Nicholas to form a new society,
based on the principles of honor and
Fifteen years later, the newborn
Clans were unleashed against those
who abandoned Kerensky’s vision.
* A companion volume to the Total
Warfare game system, designed to
help experienced players explore the
historical settings of the game universe.
* Most detailed look ever at a very formative period of BattleTech
history: the formation of the Clans, complete with a full accounting of
who made up the original 802 Bloodnames.
* New 'Mechs and variants, with ready-to-use record sheets included
Cipher Studios
Raziel Archetypum....................................29,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
Als die ultimativen
nekromantischen Waffen, sind
Raziels beängstigende untote
Ritter die durch die Kombination
von wissenschaftlicher Forschung
der Schwarzen Sonne und der
Macht des Buch der Toten
erschaffen wurden. Jeder ist ein
Meisterwerk des Todes und der
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
Al’Djinn sind alte Geister die sich
erdreisteten den Göttern zu trotzen
und dafür als Strafe für ihre
Dummheit eingesperrt und isoliert
wurden. Die Verachteten, die
Manipulatoren des Schicksals… Es
gibt viele Namen für die Al’Djinn.
Nur die größten Beschwörer Gaïas
können sie noch immer rufen.
Obwohl sie durch die vielen Regeln
ihrer Gefangenschaft gefesselt sind,
können sie noch immer ihre
Halbgöttlichen Kräfte nutzen um das
Schicksal der Welt auf viele Weisen
zu ändern.
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
Arkham ist ein ehemaliges Mitglied
des Magusorden welches von der
Idee der Unsterblichkeit und der
Nekromantie besessen ist. Nun ist
er einer der Besten im Bereich der
Feldforschung für die
nekromantischen Waffentests der
Schwarzen Sonne. Von einer Legion
geisterhafter Raben begleitet,
traditionelle schwarze Magie
nutzend, und untote Diener
kommandierend, wird dieser dunkle
Hexer niemals aufgeben bis er sein
Ziel, der ultimative und perfekte
Untote zu werden, erreicht hat.
Catalyst Game Lab
Cubicle 7
Qin: Bestiary ............................................19,99
Qin, exotic and fantastic! A land of
myths, legends, superstitions and
From classic Dragons to exotic
Foxwomen, Qin is full of many
fantastic beings, the existence of
which is laughed at in the cities but
makes those in remote villages
Available as mysterious folklore or
as foes to vanquish, you can
discover the fantastic creatures of
Qin to populate your adventures.
This supplement includes:
— A wealth of descriptions of
fantastic creatures and NPCs related
to the supernatural, as well as their
detail and statistics. — Three scenarios that face your players with the
— And new spells, powers, martial techniques, and objects of legend.
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Warpath: Rules for Mass Combat ..............15,99
Cry Havoc and Let Slip The Dogs of
The clash of grand armies comes to
your game world! Designed by
Hank Woon (Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Core Rulebook, Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Bestiary) and
extensively playtested, WARPATH
is a complete set of rules designed
to give Game Masters and players
all the tools they need to run
anything from a tiny border
skirmish to an all-out epic battle
involving thousands of soldiers. The
rules can be used for units as small
as one to as many as needed, and is
designed to be fully compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
The 96-page rulebook contains rules for:
- Unit Design
- Combat and Tactics
- Battlefield Manoeuvres
- Spells and Spell-like Abilities
- Army Leaders
- Battlefield Design and Set-up
- Casualties, Prisoners and Consequences
- Siege Warfare and Fortifications
- A Quick-play version of the rules for fast results
- Campaign rules, example units and battlefields, and More!
Wild Talents
This Favored Land .....................................27,99
Erscheint diese Woche
"This Favored Land" is a sourcebook
for the "Wild Talents" roleplaying
game set during the American Civil
War. Players take the role of The
Gifted, ordinary people who—by
divine providence or pure chance—
have been granted extraordinary
powers. Occasionally seen as
saviours, they are most often
scorned and hunted as sorcerers
and demons, witches and
Whether heroes or villains, The
Gifted are forced by the
superstitions of the day to hide
from public scrutiny. But they can't
escape their nation's greatest crisis.
Whether they are spying for the Confederacy in Washington, riding with
Quantrill in Missouri, or marching with Sherman through Georgia, The
Gifted must make the difficult choice between using their powers and
avoiding the dangers of discovery. If The Gifted can survive the ordeals
of war, they—like their nation—will be changed forever.
Written by Allan Goodall and illustrated by Todd Shearer, "This Favored
Land" includes everything you need for a thrilling Civil War campaign:
Detailed rules adapting "Wild Talents" to the war; weapons and rules for
the deadly injuries that made Civil War battles so infamous; an in-depth
history of the Civil War; a complete scenario to begin play at once; and
much more.
REIGN Enchiridion .......................................7,99
Erscheint diese Woche
The REIGN Enchiridion is a digestsize paperback that contains the
complete rules for Greg Stolze’s hit
fantasy roleplaying game “REIGN:
A Game of Lords and Leaders.”
REIGN expands the frontiers of
fantasy gaming by elevating the
action to an international stage.
Monarchs, mercenaries and
merchant princes gamble armies
and fortunes to win nations in a
rich and vibrant fantasy setting.
REIGN’s simple but complete rules
model the triumphs and disasters
of societies as small as a village or
as large as a realm-spanning
religion. With REIGN, your
characters can defend threatened
nations, bring prosperity to
desperate provinces, make laws and perpetuate justice… or, if you
prefer, loot, conquer and pillage on a vast and awesome scale.
Powered by a fantasy-optimized version of the One-Roll Engine (or ORE)
popularized by Godlike, Nemesis, Wild Talents, and Monsters and Other
Chidlish Things, REIGN can take your characters from beggars to
emperors. The ORE resolves events in delicate detail without
cumbersome layers of contingent rolls.
In REIGN, the characters aren’t lone wolf strangers in strange lands, but
leaders of communities, and those groups of followers can resolve largescale conflicts against their rivals. This divide allows players to focus on
the story elements they choose. If they don’t care for blow-by-blow
combat, they can simply send their army to besiege an enemy
stronghold. On the other hand, if they lead the attack in person, they can
drastically improve the chances of success… or doom their enterprise
through foolish choices. The benefits of ruling are great, but the
consequences of failure are drastic.
The group-resolution rules from REIGN are self-contained and modular.
It’s a simple matter to stack them on top of any other RPG system. Want
a concrete way to model what happens to the city when your
superheroes destroy the Cult of Moloch Triumphant? Use REIGN to stat
up the city and the cult. Ever wonder who’d win if two rival government
conspiracies went head to head? REIGN lets you measure their
weaknesses and strengths, then test them against one another. Fantasy
kingdoms, cosmic empires and secretive cabals can all be easily managed
and modeled with REIGN.
The REIGN Enchiridion includes:
The complete rules for REIGN, without the detailed setting chapters that
are in the larger core book.
Material from the first two years of online REIGN supplements, such as
rules for building new spells and new schools of sorcery from scratch.
Two new gamer-friendly tools, included by popular demand: “One-Roll
Spells” and “One-Roll Monsters.”
The REIGN Enchiridion is a handy, indispensable reference for any
REIGN game table.
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Savage Worlds
Daring Tales: Compendium 4.....................11,99
Daring Tales of Adventure:
Compendium 4 contains four twofisted pulp adventures for the
award-winning Savage Worlds
roleplaying game.
The discovery of a secret chamber
embarks the heroes on a quest to
locate the fabled sword of King
Arthur—Excalibur! Whoever wields
Excalibur, so the legends say, will
be the rightful King of Britain. But
what if it falls into the wrong
hands! The heroes are on a
desperate quest to retrieve the relic
before Nazis, but are they the only
villains seeking the Sword of
A ship crashing into Boston Harbor
and a botched attempt by the Nazis to kidnap a Romanian scholar
embroil the heroes in a sinister plot which could have serious
repercussions for the whole world! Hitler has dispatched his minions to
hunt down an ancient relic—the chalice Dracula used to become an
immortal vampire! The stakes are high as the hunt begins for The Devil’s
Japan has invaded Manchuria, forcing the Chinese government to
ransack ancient tombs before the invaders can loot the country’s
ancestral heritage. Our heroes have been hired to help clear one such
tomb. But the characters aren’t the only interested party—a rogue
Japanese general hell bent on restoring his family to glory desires proves
to be an indomitable and relentless foe. The race is on, but will The
Muramasa Curse strike before the characters can complete their goal!
Find out in this action-packed pulp tale!
Guarding a starlet on a movie set isn’t really heroic work, but the pay is
good and it’s a free vacation. But what begins as a babysitting gig soon
turns into something far more sinister, as villains equipped with weird
science devices attack the starlet. Is her Egyptian style necklace the
reason? From the dusty tombs of ancient Egypt to the Acropolis of
Athens, the heroes are plagued by dastardly villains with strange powers
whose master, the mysterious Black Pharaoh, intends to conquer the
world by manipulating the flow of time.
folgen, der Unterwerfung fordert?
Die Entscheidung wird ihr abgenommen, als ihr Hofmagus Cyron den
Versuchungen dunklen Wissens erliegt ...
Goodman Games
Amethyst: Foundation................................27,99
Which side will you choose? Which
weapons will you wield? Earth is
torn between the order of science
and the chaos of fantasy. These two
worlds cannot mix. Venture into
lands once claimed by skyscrapers
and factories, now overrun by elves,
goblins, and dragons. Choose your
path and commit to the quest.
Monsters will hunt you; machines
will track you. No gods will help
you; no prophecies will choose you.
The fate of the world rests with
This rulebook includes:
New races
•Four technology-based classes
•Paragon paths for both science and magic based characters
•All new equipment from revolvers to railcannons
•Listings for powered armor and futuristic vehicles
•Monsters for every challenge rating
•GSL-compliant rules to add technology to any 4th Edition game
Rules Set: 4E (GSL).
Micro Art Studios
Fantasy Productions
Das Schwarze Auge
Isenborn Band 1 - Stein #119 ..................10,00
Erscheint am 26.05.2010
Versand ab 25.05.2010
Dämonische Horden haben die
Truppen Tobriens überrannt. Auch
die Isenborns, Reichsjunker mit
einem Gut tief in den Bergen der
Schwarzen Sichel, müssen sich
entscheiden, ob sie weiterhin dem
Kaiserhaus die Treue halten oder
das Knie vor dem dunklen Herzog
beugen, denn marodierende
Goblinbanden bedrohen ihre
Ländereien. Soll Olorande vom
Isenhorn ihrer Tochter Fiana, einer
jungen Ritterin voller Ideale und
Schwärmerei für die Sache Herzog
Bernfrieds, Gehör schenken? Order
ist es weiser, den Argumenten des
Schwarezen Ritters Rorban zu
Iron Brotherhood HTTP-01 (2)....................8,60
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
Two randomly selected models (unpainted), bases not included.
Model requires assembly.
Miniatures cast in high quality metal.
Created by Lukasz Perzanowski
Iron Brotherhood HTTP-01 (5)..................19,40
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
Five models (unpainted), bases not included.
Model requires assembly.
Miniatures cast in high quality metal.
Created by Lukasz Perzanowski
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Iron Brotherhood HTTP-01 (10).................36,70
Death on motorcycle..................................17,30
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
Ten models (unpainted), bases not included.
Model requires assembly.
Miniatures cast in high quality metal.
Created by Lukasz Perzanowski
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang
30 mm scale high quality metal cast
miniature from Terry Pratchett
The miniature kit has 1 pieces.
All miniatures supplied unpainted.
May require preparation and
Provided with a 30mm premium
Battle Bases
Wasteland Bases, Round 25mm (5) ............4,30
plastic round base.
Created by Kul Asyrk
Moist von Lipwig .........................................8,50
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang
30 mm scale high quality metal
cast miniature from Terry Pratchett
The miniature kit has 1 pieces.
All miniatures supplied unpainted.
May require preparation and
Provided with a 30mm premium
plastic round base.
Created by Kul Asyrk
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
Set of 5 random selected, unpainted base
Wasteland Bases, Round 40mm (2) ...........4,30
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
Set of 2 random selected, unpainted base
Wasteland Bases, Round 60mm (1) #1 ......4,30
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
1 unpainted base
Wasteland Bases, Round 60mm (1) #2 0. . . 4,30
Detritus ....................................................34,60
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
1 unpainted base
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang
30 mm scale high quality metal cast
miniature from Terry Pratchett
The miniature kit has 1 pieces.
All miniatures supplied unpainted.
May require preparation and
Provided with a 30mm premium
Discworld Miniature
Dibbler ........................................................7,50
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
30 mm scale high quality metal cast
miniature from Terry Pratchett
The miniature kit has 1 pieces.
All miniatures supplied unpainted.
May require preparation and
Provided with a 30mm premium
plastic round base.
Created by Kul Asyrk
plastic round base.
Created by Kul Asyrk
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Foam Terrain
Low Fortification Dugout #1 (1) ................16,20
Mongoose Publishing
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
One unpainted Low Fortification Dugout.
Length: 28 cm / 11" Long
Width: 18 cm / 7" Width
Height: 4,3cm / 1,6" Height
This model have been made from high quality structure Hardfoam.
Hardfoam is lightweight, durable and easy to cut with a knife or
Book 8: Dilettante .....................................19,99
Erscheint diese Woche
Dedicated to nobles and
entertainers, Dilettante looks at the
wealthier and more ambitious
careers. Whether your character is
a Baron of the Imperium or a young
hopeful setting out to become the
galaxy’s greatest rock star,
Dilettante contains all the options
and items you need to get the best
out of it. From throwing banquets
on a planetary scale to starring in
the latest blockbuster vids or
performing live across an entire
star system, Dilettante provides
new rules and new career
specialities for nobles and
entertainers alike.
Ex Cathedra...............................................19,99
Erscheint diese Woche
A cathedral is a prayer in stone, a
vaulted hymn of masonry and
devoted labour. The great
cathedrals are symbols of the great
faith of the people and the power of
the Church.
Soon, they will burn. Madness and
misrule are loose upon the world,
and only the assassin-monks of the
secret Order can set things right
again. From the Champagne Fair at
Troyes to the uttermost depths of
the Earth, the hunt is on - but who
is the hunted, and who is the
hunter, in a time when all law and
even sanity itself is overturned.
MSF00002 Low Fortification Dugout #2 (1) ........................16,20
Erscheint Ende Mai bzw. Anfang Juni
One unpainted Low Fortification Dugout.
Length: 28 cm / 11" Long
Width: 18 cm / 7" Width
Height: 4,3cm / 1,6" Height
This model have been made from high quality structure Hardfoam.
Hardfoam is lightweight, durable and easy to cut with a knife or
Created by Grzegorz Tomaszewski
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder GameMastery Guide..................31,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
Rule Your World!
Players may be the heroes of the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, but
whole worlds rest on the Game
Master’s shoulders. Fortunately for
GMs, the Pathfinder RPG
GameMastery Guide is here to back
you up. Packed with invaluable
hints and information, this book
contains everything you need to
take your game to the next level,
from advice on the nuts and bolts of
running a session to the greater
mysteries of crafting engaging
worlds and storylines. Whether
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
you’ve run one game or a thousand, this book has page after page of
secrets to make you sharper, faster, and more creative, while always
staying one step ahead of your players.
The 320-page Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide is a must-have
companion volume to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This
imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system
development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers
to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time bestselling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.
The Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide includes:
•Tips and tricks for preparing and running a better game, suitable for
beginning GMs and battle-hardened veterans.
•Step-by-step walkthroughs for creating campaign worlds, cities,
cosmologies, feudal systems, and alternate dimensions.
•Difficult player types, and how to handle them gracefully.
•New rules for subsystems like hauntings, chase scenes, fortune-telling,
gambling games, mysteries, and insanity.
•Charts to help you generate everything from interesting NPCs and
fantastic treasures to instant encounters in any terrain.
•Advanced topics such as PC death, game-breaking rules, overpowered
parties, solo campaigns, and derailed storylines.
•Sample NPC statistics for dozens of common adventuring situations,
such as cultists, guardsmen, barmaids, and pirates.
Adv. Path #33 - Varnhold Vanishing (Kingmaker #3)
Erscheint im Juni
Chapter 3: "The Varnhold
by Greg A. Vaughan
The Stolen Lands consume many
wanderers—the perils of its rugged
wildernesses and hidden mysteries
prey upon even the wariest of
travelers. Founded upon one of the
most savage frontiers, the colony of
Varnhold defied the many dangers
of this harsh region. At least, it did
until all the residents of the
fledgling community completely
disappeared. Now it falls to the PCs
to discover what became of their
eastern neighbor, a secret steeped
in generations-old hatreds and the
mysteries of an empire long crumbled to dust. Can they uncover the
terrible secret behind this shocking disappearance before the same
calamity befalls their own land?
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path includes:
•“The Varnhold Vanishing,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 7th-level
characters, by Greg A. Vaughan.
•A gazetteer of Iobaria, frigid land of savagery and fallen empires, by
Steven Schend.
•Six new sites of adventure and mystery to expand your Kingmaker
campaign, by Ed Greenwood.
•A new Pathfinder’s Journal in which Pathfinder Ollix Kaddar and
Phargas discover the price of gallantry, by J. C. Hay.
•Five new monsters, by Ed Greenwood, Colin McComb, F. Wesley
Schneider, and Neil Spicer.
Pathfinder Adventure Path is Paizo Publishing's monthly 96-page,
perfect-bound, full-color softcover book printed on high-quality paper. It
contains an in-depth Adventure Path scenario, stats for about a halfdozen new monsters, and several support articles meant to give Game
Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder
Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both
the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.
Adv. Path #34 - Blood for Blood (Kingmaker #4)
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
Chapter 4: "Blood for Blood"
by Neil Spicer
Even with the PCs’ kingdom
growing at their heart, the Stolen
Lands are far from tame. An
incursion by merciless barbarians
spills blood on the PCs’ lands and
begins a search for a legendary
artifact in the depths of the
region’s most infamous wilderness.
Amid the perpetual shadows and
bottomless bogs of the Hooktongue
Slough lie long-mired secrets and
terrors eager to consume any who
intrude upon their fetid realm. Yet
what powers that lurk beyond the
swamp seek to end the PCs’ reign? And how might a single, bloodthirsty
blade mean the difference between their kingdom’s ruin and its survival?
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path includes:
•“Blood for Blood,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 10th-level
characters, by Neil Spicer.
•Information on the cruel society and blood-curdling superstitions of
boggards, Golarion’s sinister frogmen, by Todd Stewart.
•Details on some of the most famous hidden treasures and lost relics of
the Stolen Lands, by Brian Cortijo.
•Ollix and Phargas learn the perils of gambling with a leucrotta in the
Pathfinder’s Journal, by Kevin Andrew Murphy.
•Five new monsters, by Julian Neale, F. Wesley Schneider, and Neil
Pathfinder Adventure Path is Paizo Publishing's monthly 96-page,
perfect-bound, full-color softcover book printed on high-quality paper. It
contains an in-depth Adventure Path scenario, stats for about a halfdozen new monsters, and several support articles meant to give Game
Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder
Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both
the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.
Chronicles: Faction Guide...........................15,99
Erscheint im Juni
Loyalty over all
Every campaign has organizations
that pull the secret strings of the
world, toppling monarchs or leading
revolutionaries toward freedom and
war. These secret societies, bardic
colleges, wizard academies, military
orders, and religious cults capture
the imagination—and now your PCs
can join Golarion’s own movers and
shakers with the Pathfinder
Chronicles Faction Guide. This book
presents a new and detailed rules
system for PCs who throw in their
lot with one or more of these
groups, as well as the
responsibilities—and rewards—that
membership entails. With membership in a faction, PCs gain a whole
new reason to adventure, as well as countless roleplaying opportunities
in any sort of campaign, from dungeon crawl to courtly intrigue.
In addition to new goals and motives, membership in a faction comes
with tangible in-game benefits. Gain enough of a reputation with the
Hellknights, and a PC can become a fearsome lictor, complete with
Hellknight minions. Gain prestige with the Pathfinder Society, and a PC
adventurer can get his foot in the door to become a venture-captain.
Everything your players need to infiltrate the halls of power is right
Inside this 64-page book, you’ll find:
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
•Rules on how to gain prestige with various factions and how to use it to
secure items, boons, and allies.
•Twenty-four sample factions and the specific benefits of joining them—
these factions include the fearsome Red Mantis assassins, the notorious
Whispering Way, the righteous Eagle Knights of Andoran, the demonhunting Mendev Crusaders, the calculating Prophets of Kalistrade, and
the blasphemous Church of Razmir.
•Standard rewards available through every faction, such as helpful
spells, expert hirelings, and access to specific magic items and
•New feats, spells, magic items, and traits for all factions.
This book is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and
the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting but fits easily into any
fantasy game world.
Chronicles: Heart of the Jungle...................15,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
The Jungle Awaits
From tropical coasts, where greedy
colonial powers pillage the land, to
remote jungles and rolling
savannas of mystics and lionriders, the Mwangi Expanse is a
region of boundless opportunity.
Underneath the steaming jungle
canopy, the lost ruins of ancient
giants shelter isolated tribes,
bloodthirsty predators, and
screaming hordes of demonworshiping apes. Sites of ancient
magic lie almost forgotten to the
outside world, and a steady stream
of bold explorers ventures into the
trackless wilderness after legendary fountains of youth and cities of
gold, never to return. For the jungle is a living, breathing entity, and it’s
always hungry... Heart of the Jungle is the perfect supplement for any
jungle campaign.
Inside this 64-page book, you’ll find:
•New rules for adventuring in the jungle, including hazards like
diseases, fungi, poisonous plants, insect swarms, quicksand, and more.
•Nine new jungle cities, from the colonial trade town of Bloodcove to the
cyclopean astrologer-fortress of Jaha, complete with full statistics and
•Information on the many cultures of the Mwangi Expanse,
encompassing both the major human tribes and the jungle’s more alien
and monstrous denizens.
•A detailed gazetteer of some of the Expanse’s most legendary
adventure sites, from the crashed flying city of Kho to the City of
Hungry Spires.
•More than a dozen new maps of cities and jungles, each one highly
detailed for GM reference or artistically rendered for player handouts.
•Five new monsters, including the flesh-eating botfly, the ancient jungle
treant, and the terrifying ape-men known as angazhani.
•Massive random encounter tables for multiple jungle adventure terrain
•by Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Amber Scott, Chris Self, and Todd
This book is intended for use with the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign
setting and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, but it can be easily used in
any game setting.
Companion: Gnomes of Golarion...................8,99
Erscheint im Juni
Know Your Gnomes!
Exiled from the mysterious fey
realm of the First World, gnomes
are fundamentally alien to Golarion.
Endlessly excitable, gnomes amuse
and terrify other races with their
strange obsessions and
unconventional methods. Their
childlike wonder—and sometimes
innocent cruelty—are two sides of
the same coin, and every coin the
gnomes have is spent in pursuit of
adventure, whether they like it or
not. For the gnomes have a dark
secret: should they ever stop
seeking out new experiences, they
fall prey to the Bleaching, a wasting disease that slowly sucks away
their hold on the world, leaving them nothing but bones and dust.
Inside this Pathfinder Companion, you’ll find the following:
•Details on the gnomes of Golarion—how they live, who they worship,
their relations with other races, their strange obsessions, and more.
•History and folklore of the gnome race.
•Map and descriptions of the major gnome settlements.
•New traits designed exclusively for gnome characters.
•Rules for the Wonderseekers, a new faction dedicated to fending off
the Bleaching.
•Statistics for the Bleaching, as well as for those strange creatures
known as bleachlings.
•Bizarre new gnome weapons, spells, and feats.
•By Colin McComb, Steven Schend, Sean K Reynolds, Owen KC
Stephens, Mark Moreland, Jeff Quick, and Hal Maclean
Each bimonthly 32-page Pathfinder Companion contains several playerfocused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles
with innovative new rules for social, magic, religious, and combatfocused characters, as well as a persona section detailing helpful NPCs
and traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.
Comp: Sargava, the Lost Colony....................8,79
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
Edge of the Empire
On the distant shores of an
unexplored tropical continent, brave
colonists strive to break with their
devil-haunted past and make new
lives for themselves in a land of
plenty. Yet in fleeing tyranny, these
colonists have also imposed their
own, and the land’s indigenous
peoples have greeted the
imperialistic settlers with open
arms and leveled spears. This is
Sargava: a nation on the brink of
disaster, surrounded on all sides by
pirates, hostile natives, and
trackless jungles full of howling
beasts and ancient ruins. Through
its ports flood ancient treasures beyond imagination, brought forth from
the wilderness by the blood and sweat of intrepid explorers. But can the
colonists maintain their delicate balance, or will greed and their own
deals with the devil see them swept into the sea?
This Pathfinder Companion includes:
•A complete overview of the colony of Sargava, from its pirate-aided
break with Cheliax to the various native peoples, tropical hazards, and
daring adventuring companies that influence daily life.
•Details on the nation’s major settlements, including ruined Kalabuto
and the staunchly traditional port of Eleder.
•Adventure sites such as Barkskin Lake, Smuggler’s Shiv, and the
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
infamous magical prison known as the Stasis Fields.
•An overview of religion in Sargava, and how the colonists’ faith
interacts with that of local tribes.
•New spells designed to make life in Sargava easier on poorly adapted
colonists, as well as combat feats drawn straight from the fighting styles
of tribal warriors.
•New traits to help customize Sargavan characters, both native and
This player-friendly Pathfinder Companion works best with the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the 3.5 version of the world’s oldest
fantasy roleplaying game. Although easily incorporated into any fantasy
world, it is optimized for the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting.
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
vergrößern GameMastery Map
Pack: Swallowed Whole
GameMastery Map Pack:
Swallowed Whole contains 18 fullcolor 5 x 8-inch map tiles,
stunningly crafted by cartographer
Corey Macourek, that combine to
form a variety of monster stomachs
and sticky organic interiors ready to
be hacked apart by desperate
Locations Include:
• Belly of the Whale
• Gut of the Giant Worm
• Tarrasque Tummy
• Carnivorous Plant Pod
• Giant Slime Blob
• Inside the Dragon
For use with all tabletop roleplaying
and miniatures games and usable
by experienced GMs and novices alike, this product fits perfectly into
any Game Master’s arsenal.
Privateer Press
Flip-Mat: Prison.........................................10,39
Erscheint im Juni
A fantasy RPG world is filled with
tough customers, and the worst end
up here, in prison! From the guard
tower to the interrogation chamber
to solitary confinement, Flip-Mat:
Prison is a perfect set-piece for any
campaign, and it makes an
intriguing home base for heroes (or
villains!) who take it over. It’s a
This portable, affordable map
measures 24" x 30" unfolded, and
8" x 10" folded. Its coated surface
can handle any dry erase, wet
erase, or even permanent marker.
Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike, GameMastery Flip-Mats
fit perfectly into any Game Master’s arsenal!
On tabletops across the world, the Flip-Mat Revolution is changing the
way players run their fantasy roleplaying games! Why take the time to
sketch out ugly scenery on a smudgy plastic mat when dynamic
encounters and easy clean-up is just a Flip away?
Cartographer: Corey Macourek
FoW: Cryx (Softcover)................................34,99
FoW: Cryx (Hardcover)...............................44,99
FoW: Cryx (Hardcover) deutsch..................39,99
EVT: 09.06.2010
Versandtag: 08.06.2010
Map Pack: Swallowed Whole.....................10,39
Aus der Finsternis ihrer
alptraumhaften Insel dringen die
Legionen von Cryx gegen die
Eisernen Königreiche vor und jede
Schlacht versorgt ihre unheiligen
Fabriken mit neuem Material für die
gehenden, kriechenden und
krabbelnden Kreationen der
makaberen Nekrotechniker. Gegen
Cryx zu kämpfen, heißt gegen den
Tod persönlich anzutreten, der sich
in Form unzähliger
Mechanoknechte, geisterhafter Fluchknechte, aus schwarzem Eisen
gefertigter Höllenjacks und dahinjagender Knochenjacks
den Befehlen der Lichfürsten beugt.
Mit diesem Forces of Warmachine: Cryx Buch kannst du dem glorreichen
Drachenvater dienen und die Macht des Todes deinem Willen
unterwerfen. Es enthält:
• Vollständige Fraktionsregeln und Spielwerte für alle aktuell
verfügbaren Cryx-Modelle in WARMACHINE Mk II.
• Neue Truppen für den Kampf, inklusive dem völlig neuen Warcaster
Fluchfürst Venethrax.
• Ein detaillierter Blick in die Geschichte und den Aufbau des Militärs
von Cryx.
• Eine Hobby- und Bemalanleitung, mit der du deine Streitmacht auf den
Kampf vorbereiten kannst.
• Listen für Cryx-Themenarmeen, mit denen du spezialisierte
Streitkräfte von Cryx ins Feld führen kannst.
No Quarter Magazine 30..............................7,50
EVT: 28.05.2010
Versandtag: 27.05.2010
Your guide for how to Play Like
You’ve Got A Pair. No Quarter hits a
milestone with its 30th issue! Get a
first look at the new Mk II HORDES:
Primal. Learn how to build your own
working ’jack scrap yard in Terrain
Building. Prepare to feel the pain, as
the Satyxis flaunt their stuff in Guts
and Gears. Plus, Grind players rejoice
in information about the latest
league! No Quarter brings you the
latest news for HORDES,
WARMACHINE, Formula P3, the Iron
Kingdoms, and every Privateer Press
game. Never miss an issue!
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
FoW: Mercenaries (Softcover)....................34,99
FoW: Mercenaries (Hardcover)...................44,99
FoW: Söldner (Hardcover dt.)......................39,99
Erscheint imJuni
Warmachine Söldner
Unser Geschäft ist der Krieg
Wo immer ein Krieg ausbricht,
findet man auch Söldlinge, und die
Eisernen Königreiche sind ein Ort
ständiger Konflikte. Die Söldner
dieser Region sind so vielfältig wie
ihre Herkunftsländer und deren
Bewohner. Von
Meuchlern wie Croes
Halsabschneidern bis zu den
Hammerfall-Kompanien des
Zwergenreiches Rhul und den
disziplinierten Stahlschädeln
können Generäle für jede
Schlachtfeldaufgabe die passenden
Mietsoldaten finden.
Egal ob du deine reguläre Streitmacht mit Söldnern verstärken willst oder
die Söldner als eigenständige Armee führen möchtest, findest du alles
dafür nötige in diesem Forces of WARMACHINE: Söldner Buch. Es
Vollständige Fraktionsregeln und Spielwerte für alle aktuell
verfügbaren Söldner-Modelle in WARMACHINE Mk II.
Neue Truppen für den Kampf, inklusive dem völlig neuen
Warcaster Drake MacBain.
Ein detaillierter Blick auf die zahlreichen Söldner-Chartas, die
in den Kriegen der Eisernen Königreiche ihr Geld verdienen.
Eine Hobby- und Bemalanleitung, mit der du deine
Streitmacht auf den Kampf vorbereiten kannst.
Listen für Söldner-Themenarmeen, mit denen du
spezialisierte Söldner-Streitkräfte ins Feld führen kannst.
Fülle deine Taschen mit dem Lohn des Krieges!
Trollblood Dire Troll Bomber......................35,99
Erscheint Anfang Juni
The escalation of war has provided
many windfalls for the kriels.
Among these are certain dangerous
and explosive chemicals, which
though unsuitable for use as
gunpowder have been put to other
uses. The trollkin have begun
arming some of the more cunning
dire trolls with barrels of these
chemicals to heave at the enemy.
The explosions bother the resilient trolls little and wreak terrible damage
upon their foes.
Dire Troll Bomber comes in a box (PIP 71046). A player may field any
number of Dire Troll Bombers in a Trollblood army.
Trollkin Runebearer comes in a blister (PIP 71051). A player may field
one Trollkin Runebearer for each warlock in a Trollblood army.
Circle Orboros Warpwolf Stalker.....Preis TBA
Erscheint Mitte/Ende Juni
The druids of the Circle Orboros
have continued to experiment with
the forbidden processes by which
they transform men into the
terrifying warpwolves. Volunteers
chosen for the keenness of their
minds as well as their strength in
battle are candidates for the altered
rites that produce the warpwolf
stalker. Unlike their totally
animalistic kin, the stalkers retain a
more than animal cunning. They
prowl the dense foliage of the
Immoren forests, stalking their
unsuspecting prey before leaping
out to deliver powerful killing blows
in a berserk frenzy.
Skorne Razor Worm..................................15,50
Erscheint Anfang Juni
Dragged from beneath the hardened
ground of the Bloodstone Marches,
razor worms are frightening and
voracious monsters. The worms are
difficult to track as they burrow
through solid rock or the tangled
roots of dense terrain. Under the
direction of skorne warlocks, the
razor worms bore through the
surface earth of the battlefield,
erupting from the ground as a
nightmare of hungry teeth and
piercing spines. Those they attack are dragged below the earth and
consumed whole, their screams cut short by the choking earth.
Razor Worm comes in a blister (PIP 74047). A player may field any
number of Razor Worms in a Skorne army.
CygnarStormblade Storm Gunner...............10,99
Protectorate of Menoth Exemplar Errant Seneschal
Trollblood Trollkin Runebearer...................11,99
Erscheint Mitte/Ende Juni
Trollblood Trollkin Runebearer
Some of the most learned trollkin
runescribes choose to accompany
their leaders into battle. Carrying
the sacred tablets of their kriel,
runebearers are capable of
amplifying the Dhunian gifts of
trollkin warlocks. The glyphs glow
as the runebearer speaks them
aloud, easing their warlock’s use of their fury-driven prayers and
Erscheint Anfang Juni
Elevation to the rank of seneschal
among the Exemplar Errants is no
simple promotion. One of the
superlative few chosen to command
his brother knights must be a
veteran of numerous missions on
foreign soil. His most formidable
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
asset may be his understanding of Menoth’s purpose for him on Caen.
His brother Errants know he has a special duty, and so great is their
belief in the Creator and their Seneschal that if the enemies of the
Temple strike him down they will volunteer their own souls to take his
place in Urcaen.
Cryx Satyxis Blood Hag................................8,50
Pathfinder Miniaturen
Gray Maiden................................................3,19
Red Dragon...............................................27,99
P-65 Heavy Metal
Stone Giant...............................................10,39
Cadirith, Colossal Monstrous Spider...........31,99
Studio 2 Publishing
Savage Worlds
Cryx Satyxis Raider Captain.........................8,50
Erscheint Anfang Juni
Raider captains are some of the
most notorious pirates to sail the
black waves of Meredius. Each of
them commands a crew of Satyxis
and other inhuman monsters kept
in line only by barbaric
punishments and the promise of
pillage and bloodshed. Guided by
whim and murderous inclination,
their vessels are the Scourge of the
Broken Coast. Once the inertia of violence has taken a Raider Captain,
she becomes caught up in the slaughter, leaping from victim to victim as
the floor runs slick with blood and the air grows heavy with the screams
of the dying.
Mercenary Drake Macbain.........................10,99
Erscheint Mitte/Ende Juni
Some mercenaries fight for a lost
home, for revenge, for adventure.
Drake MacBain fights for coin. No
mission too dangerous, no
battlefield too bloody, he'll work for
any of the warring nations of the
Iron Kingdoms without moral
qualm. MacBain fights with the
gritty determination of the hired
professional and will let nothing stop him from the completion of his
contracts. He is the consummate mercenary and has the tools to finish
any job.
Reaper Miniatures
Dark Heaven Legends
Rumscratch, Dwarf Wereshark.....................7,99
Lurg, Half Orc Assassin................................3,59
DHL Classics: Lady Lycanthropes .................7,05
Castrus Vile, Evil Mercenary.........................5,05
The Savage Foes of Solomon Kane ............27,99
Erscheint diese Woche
The Pilgrim's Path is choked with
evil. It is a dark era, teeming with
unseen horrors. Thankfully, there
are those like Solomon Kane who
walk the world, confronting the
hidden evils. But the ranks of foes
are endless, and there are
adversaries the likes of which have
never been seen. Pray you are equal
to the task.
There is no safe corner of the globe;
evil is upon the land in every
quarter. Cults and creatures, man
and monster, even simple-seeming
tomes so terrible that the readers’
souls are lost. From beneath the sea,
within the earth, and under the cities, the siege of humanity wears on.
Can you face The Savage Foes of Solomon Kane?
This book contains over twenty new adversaries for those who walk the
Path of Kane. Each foe is fully detailed with an accompanying ready-torun Savage Tale.
The Savage Foes of Solomon Kane is not a complete game. You also need
The Savage World of Solomon Kane , the roleplaying game based upon
the incredible works of Robert E. Howard, author of Conan the
Barbarian ®, Kull the Conqueror ®, and countless other great heroes
and heroines. The Savage World of Solomon Kane is based on the awardwinning Savage Worlds ™ rules and is customized to capture the spirit
of Robert E. Howard’s dark tales.
White Wolf Publishing
WoD: Mage-The Awakening
Mage Chronicler's Guide ............................25,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juni
Mage Chronicler's Guide
The Will To Shape the World
Mages can do almost anything.
Their capacity to create, transform,
preserve and destroy is almost
limited only by their imagination.
What happens when that limiter is
removed? What, ultimately, can a
Mage chronicle be if it goes further
and stranger than ever before? The
answers lie within.
A Chronicle Book for Mage: The
Ausgabe 13
21.05.2010 – 28.05.2010
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
• A treatment of Mage as seen through the lens of seven different
• Alternate takes on using the magic system to represent entirely new
sources of power.
• Expanded information on character design, cabals, Paths, orders, and
• Extensive advice and tools for building the perfect Mage chronicle,
with numerous sample chronicles to utilize.
WOC253830 Player's Handbook Races: Tieflings.................6,95
Erscheint am 15.06.2010
New options and character hooks
for tiefling characters.
This expansion of the Player’s
Handbook core rulebook explores
the infernal secrets of the tieflings.
It presents D&D players with
exciting new options for their
tiefling characters, including unique
racial feats, powers, paragon paths,
and epic destinies. This book also
includes ways to flesh out your
tiefling character’s background and
Wizards of the Coast
WOC254520 LOD 3 The Tyranny of Ghosts Novel................4,89
Erscheint im Juni
The third book in the Legacy of Dhakaan
Monster Manual 3.....................................24,50
Erscheint am 15.06.2010
Iconic monsters for your D&D
This core rulebook packs in over
200 new monsters to menace D&D
player characters. Classic monsters
such as the derro, the mimic, and
Lolth (Demon Queen of Spiders)
make their first appearance here. In
addition, this book includes scores
of new monsters to challenge
characters of heroic, paragon, and
epic level, including deadly
catastrophic dragons!
Dungeons & Dragons 4.0
WOC251520 DU 7:Desert of Athas Dungeon Tiles ...............8,50
Erscheint am 15.06.2010
This D&D® Roleplaying Game
accessory—designed for use with
the Dark Sun® Campaign Setting
and the Marauders of the Dune
Sea™ adventure—gives Dungeon
Masters an easy and inexpensive
way to include great-looking terrain
in their games. This set provides
ready-to-use, configurable tiles and
three-dimensional enhancements
with which to build exciting
encounter locations.
This accessory contains six doublesided sheets of illustrated, die-cut
terrain tiles printed on heavy
cardstock, allowing you to create
desert oases, sandstone vaults, and
other dungeon and wilderness fixtures. Some of the tiles can be
combined to create 3D terrain elements. It is ideal for Dark Sun
campaign adventures or any other D&D setting.
Forgotten Realms
WOC253920 The Erevis Cale Trilogy Novel........................11,19
Erscheint im Juni
This massive trade paperback
omnibus edition collects Twilight
Falling, Dawn of Night and
Midnights' Mask into one book,
featuring stunning new cover art
that brilliantly reflects the swordswinging action of these exciting
fantasy adventures. Erevis Cale
might seem like just ranother loyal
butler for just anotherr wealthy
family in the merchant realm of
Sembia, but he has always been a
whole lot more than that. When the
world itself is threatened, Erevis
Cale takes it personally, and takes
the fight all the way to the Plane of