PRAYER LIST Prayer Requests for McDermott Members


PRAYER LIST Prayer Requests for McDermott Members
Prayer Requests for McDermott Members
Steve Strother – recovering from out-patient knee surgery
Clyde & JoAnn Owen – sympathy in the unexpected death of their granddaughter’s husband, Dustin
Petro & Deb Bome – sympathy in the death of their father, Ofusu Snoh Bome from complications from diabetes
Wendy Wilson – recovery from emergency surgery for a torn retina
Mark Klapper – heart concerns, third heart procedure scheduled for October 21
Lester Gregory, Louise Cassity, Lisa Arnold – sympathy in the death of Pearl, beloved wife, mother, and grandmother
Kris Howe – recovering from out-patient surgery
Vance Bryan – recent diagnosis of prostate cancer
Ryan Powell – recovering from partial shoulder replacement surgery
Morgan Wilson – traveling in Croatia
Cindy Conway – recovering from arm & foot injuries
Carol White – diminishing eye sight
George Vardas – recovering from knee surgery for a torn meniscus
Barbara Gaumer – recovering from surgery for thyroid cancer
Roberta Todd – recovering from shoulder surgery
Donald Thomas – recovering from knee replacement surgery
Daniel Howe – diagnosed with Long QT syndrome, a genetic heart condition
Betty Shinsato – continuing health concerns
Bill Antwine – currently undergoing chemo treatments
Linda Vardas – recovering from surgery
Carolyn Stevens – recovering after recent fall and hospitalization
Maxine Sears – recovering after a recent fall
Doris Martin – health concerns, now recovering at home
Gina Gillman – recovering at home from a recent stroke
Bill Martin – recovering at home from recent hospital stay
Donna Hall – currently undergoing chemo, diagnosed with breast cancer
Jim Strother – health concerns
Barbara Weyandt – recent fall, immune system, diagnosis and treatment of uterine cancer
Nelva Kleppe – continued health concerns
Maxine Bearden – recovering at home from recent fall
Lester Gregory – declining health
Fred Raines – health concerns following stroke
Jackie Cosper – recovering from a mini-stroke
Eunice Smith – diagnosed with lymphoma
JoEtta Shaw – recovering from stroke
Elliott Berryhill – recent heart concerns
Lois Holmes – continued health problems
Bob Phillips – diagnosed with renal cell cancer in his lung
Patsy Harrell – undergoing cancer treatments, health is improving
Frank & Norma Cates – both have been diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Wanda Eitel (Haney) - lung cancer
Prayer Requests for Family & Friends
Jack Sears – 18 yr old diagnosed with Lymphoma, undergoing chemo in Austin (Nephew of Johnny & Nancy Garner)
Charles Wilson – upcoming brain surgery to remove a benign brain tumor (Chris Wilson’s dad)
Fern Brawner – now in a rehab facility for complications from gall bladder surgery, doing better (Laura Newland’s mom)
Ronny Gardner – hospitalized with complications for pancreatic cancer (Rocky Gardner’s brother)
Evelyn Richardson – in ICU suffering from severe liver damage (Kris May’s aunt)
Hope Rice – colon cancer, recovering from surgery (Mike Dockins’ aunt)
Connie Roberts – colon and liver cancer only given 6-12 months to live (Chris Moses’ friend)
Lynn Varnau – recently diagnosed with aggressive form of breast cancer (Karen Morris’ friend)
Valencia Taylor – diagnosed with liver cancer, only 31 yrs old (Kristan Newsome’s friend)
Lucy Ann Griffitt – struggling with C-Diff and other health concerns (Zane Barker’s grandmother)
Beverly Darcy – currently in ICU with health complications from pneumonia (Ginny Selec’s mom)
October 19, 2014
Prayer Requests for Family & Friends Cont.
Donna Hirt – diagnosed with Leukemia (former member at McDermott Rd)
Erin Shippert – 31 years old; diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer (Zane Barker’s friend)
Quincy Roan – recently diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer, cancer has spread (friend of Robin Stevens)
Sam Wong – diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer (friend of Mike Russell)
Amy Duncan – suffering from rare stage 4 kidney cancer, recently had left kidney removed (Jason Duncan’s sister)
Tommy Hall – recovering from triple by-pass surgery (family friend of Frances Hadley’s son)
Malory Cass – 8 yr old recently diagnosed with leukemia, going through chemo (Family friend of the Cavanaugh’s)
Gerald Davis – dealing with severe health issues (Cindy Mills dad)
Jean Sparkman – Hospice care, in Sunrise Memory Care Unit (Lana Ralston’s mom)
Aubrey Griffith – experiencing severe cardiac problems, he is 92 yrs old (Debbie Green’s dad)
Joan Pierce – continuing health concerns (Rebecca Monroe’s mother)
Ramona Saunders – recovering from a heart attack (Sheila Lanham’s aunt)
Oscar Jones – recovering from stroke (Marcelle Jones family member)
Jerry McDonald – recuperating at home following open heart surgery (Judy McDonald’s husband)
Jessica Maldonada – suffering from unexplained seizures (Patsy Wheat’s daughter)
Glenn Long – in declining health; has been moved to long term care facility in Lubbock (Emily Christensen’s grandfather)
Mark Shackford – diagnosed with cancer of mouth, throat, and tongue (Erin Barker’s uncle)
Ken Burkett – reoccurrence of prostate cancer (Julie Raybon’s dad)
Marilyn Duffey – recent diagnoses of lymphoma (Lesa Gilliland’s mom)
Janet Martin – Lymphoma, currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments (Troy Martin’s mom)
Rosemary Fitzgerald – bound to a wheelchair and in a lot of pain (Charlie Fitzgerald mom)
Eddie Edwards Sr. – recent diagnosis of prostate cancer (Eddie Edward’s dad)
Ed Hanis – his cancer has spread & condition is not good (father of Mark Hanis)
Mike O’Dell – cancer (son-in-law to Jean Burrow)
Emma Reed – diagnosed with colon cancer (sister-in-law of Myrtle Lyles)
Please keep the office updated about the progress of the individuals for whom you have requested prayers. Unless
otherwise requested, names will be removed from the list after a month.
Special Prayers for our Military
Kayla Lanier – Kuwait (Kavin Lanier’s daughter)
Nathan Pritchett – California (son of Lisa Stewart)
Michael Madsen – Egypt
Steven Wasko - Afghanistan
Andrew Freeman – injured in bombing in Afghanistan, now in Germany (friend of Derek Crites)
Hayden Stovall – Bahrain (Jerry & Carolyn Stevens grandson, Robin Stevens’ nephew)
October 19, 2014

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