CEINT overview_nanoAg-LONG
CEINT overview_nanoAg-LONG
Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology www.ceint.duke.edu Mark R. Wiesner Director Duke University Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (CEINT) 1. 2. 3. Elucidate general principles that determine environmental behavior of nanomaterials Provide guidance in assessing existing and future concerns Educate students and the general public regarding nanotechnology, nanoscale science, and the environment 4 Core Institutions: Duke (headquarters), CMU, Howard, Virginia Tech + U Kentucky, Stanford Collaborating US government entities (NIST, DOE, EPA, DoD) ICEINT- French consortium supported by CNRS and CEA 10 additional international partners Research Thrusts Key Areas of Expertise Environmental biology Ecotoxicology Nanomaterial transport & transformation Nano-Biogeochemistry Nanochemistry Risk assessment and societal impact Atmospheric particles The nano-Ag example nanomaterials Ca2+ Nanomaterials Cl- ecosystem impacts Ca2+ cellular/organismal impacts ClCa2+ Cl- Na+ CO3 2- Transport and transformation of nano-Ag nanomaterials Nano-Ag today Risk assessment Core C: Risk Assessment & Modeling How does one do risk assessment with the pervasive high levels of uncertainty? Modeling Nano-risk Using Probability Networks Reckhow lab (Eric Money), Duke A lifecycle perspective of nano risk Sources Robichaud et. al 2009 Intermediate Product Ij,i=1n Source of NM S S Air I1 P1 I2 P2 In Pm WWTP Sludge Nano-Enabled Product Pj,j=1m Storage /Use Landfill Effluent Agricultural Land Wiesner, Robichaud, Casman ( Duke & CMU) Natural Waters Upper bound production estimation Intercept: how much is out there now? Slope: how fast will this amount grow? Nano-Ag (MT/yr) – Predicting trends • Biotech rates • Patent and research article data – Current productions – Company data extrapolation time Wiesner lab (Christine Robichaud), Duke Estimated Sources Nano-Ag Estimates Industrial applications of bulk silver 14,161 Estimated nano-Ag production 0.1 - 800 Current nano-Ag as a % of Bulk Market Metric Tons/Year Metric Tons/Year 0.01% - 6% Nano-TiO2 Upper Bound Estimate Bulk Market TiO2 Estimated Upper Bound nano-TiO2 production Current nano-TiO2 as a % of Bulk Market Wiesner lab (Christine Robichaud), Duke 1,700,000 44,400 ~3% Metric Tons/Year Metric Tons/Year Cores A & B: Manufactured, Natural and Incidental Nanoparticles Incidental Manufactured Environmental Transformations Natural A Citrate-coated Ag nanoparticle Gum arabic-coated Ag nanoparticle 20 nm Small PVP-coated Ag nanoparticle 100 nm 50 nm 80 30 B 70 1,2 25 Number weighted 15 10 0,8 Frequency Number of particles Number of particles 60 20 Volume weighted 1 50 40 0,6 0,4 0,2 30 0 10 20 5 ζ potential: -33,0 mV ζ potential: -30,8 mV 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Diameter (nm) Liu and Chilkoti labs, Duke 1000 ζ potential: -22,5 mV 10 0 0 Nanoparticles synthesized by Chilkoti lab 100 Hydrodynamic diameter (nm) Nanoparticles synthesized by Liu lab 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Diameter (nm) Nanoparticles from NanoAmor Theme 1: Exposure: Transport and Transformation Predict NM behavior from first principles Finished Products Raw NM Intermediate products Disposal and reuse Releases NM Properties Transformations Modified NM Properties Distribution, Concentration, and Effects Life Cycle Nanoparticle aggregation and deposition detector data acquisition porous medium syringe pump gear pump flow measurement feed solution Wiesner lab (Shihong Lin), Duke Affinity of nano-Ag for surfaces predictable based on surface composition Wiesner lab (Shihong Lin), Duke Colloidal stability of coated-Ag nanoparticles across a salinity gradient 24h 48h PVP-coated nanoparticles Citrate-coated nanoparticles Gum arabic-coated nanoparticles Effect of Sunlight on the Stability of Nano Ag -coated by gum arabic (GA) GA coated Ag NPs were precipitated out both under UV light and sunlight Stable both under heat (60 °C) and room condition (visible light) No concentration dependence Liu Lab, Duke (A) initial and (B) 7 days of sunlight irradiated PVP coated Ag NPs; (C) initial and (D) 3 days of sunlight irradiated of GA coated Ag NPs. Liu Lab, Duke Theme 2: Cellular and organismal responses Drivers of organismal uptake Impacts on organisms Mechanisms of toxicity Population-level effects Generational/ evolutionary impacts Toxicity of Ag-NP (PVP and Citrate) and Ag ions in C. elegans and - Mortality expected due to dissolved Ag ions at maximum concentrations of PVP and Citrate Ag-NP Bertsch lab, University of Kentucky Growth inhibition of C. elegans as a sublethal toxic effect 25 mg/L Protocol expose mutans and wild strains of C. elegans to nano Ag measure size • Dose-response effects • Different toxic mechanisms as function of the coating Meyer lab, Duke Earthworms (Eisenia fetida) Bioavailability –Bulk ICP-MS analysis Reproductive toxicity Biodistribution- Laser ablation – ICP-MS 20 nm Ag exposed E. fetida 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1400 1200 1000 800 600 distance y (um) 400 200 0 500 1000 1500 2000 distance x (um) Bertsch lab, University of Kentucky Changes in gene expression metallothionein nanoAg Uptake Assays with Corbicula fluminea Absorbance max of 40nm BSA-AgNP over time presentover time by withC. fluminea AgNP Removal of BSA-coated 10 E r r o rbars denote 5% Corbicula fluminea error for data series 9 8 [Ag], mg/L 7 8 ppm ppm 6 avg8ppm with Clam 5 avg4ppm with Clam 4 2 ppm ppm 3 avg2ppm with Clam 4 ppm ppm avgEPA Water with ClamWith 2 clam 1 Control 0 0 50 100 Time,hours hours Time, Vikesland lab, Virginia Tech 150 Without clam Fish Embryotoxicity across a Salinity Gradient – Particle Size versus Silver Speciation Atlan&c Killifish Fundulus heteroclitus Colloidal stability PVP-coated Citrate-coated Gum arabic Di Giulio and Wiesner labs (Cole Matson, Mélanie Auffan), Duke/CEREGE PVP Coated Nanosilver Kills E. coli After a 1:20,000 dilution prior to lawning out on a plate and incubating at 37C overnight: Meyer lab (duke) Zone of inhibition tests with pure cultures !"#$%&'(#$()$("#$&#*$"'+$'$,&(#-$./+0$("'($1'+ ./%%#.$/2$3$4567$)8$95:;<=$!"#-#$/+$'$>&#'-/25$)8$2)$5-)1("$)2$("/+$!"#$%%&'('&)*%$'(%&'(#= !!!!"#!$%%!&#!'(%)*+!,$,&-$.*+($%'!.*'.*/0!&,%1!.2*!345"6!7&,.+&%!7+*$.*/!$ 8&,*!&#!,&!4+&9.2!&,!!"#$%&'#$,/!("#)*+,&')" Understanding AgNPs formation/ transformation in wastewater treatment Targeted National Sewage sludge Survey Statistical Analysis Report (Released in Jan 2009) ! 74 plants across the States ! Total metal contents ! Pharmaceuticals, steroids, and hormones Sludge ID 68349 (from Midwest region) Elemental Analysis Blaser, S. A. et al., Science of the Total Environment (2008). Element (mg kg-1) Mg 13500 Ag 856 Mn 1070 Al 57300 Na 6080 Ca 98900 P 57200 Cu 1720 Ti 4510 Fe 51000 Zn 1530 AgNPs identified in wastewater, but unclear if they are manufactured or incidental 1 2 3 1 Counts Counts 2 Energy (keV) Hochella lab, Virginia Tech Energy (keV) 3 Synchrotron XAS and XRD of AgNP Exposed to Oxidizing Conditions: Ag K-edge • AgNP + excess DO did not significantly change the particle. • AgNP + sulfide immediately formed Ag2S. • Ag K-edge EXAFS data was analyzed. • Synchrotron XRD confirms Ag2S. Lowry Lab, Carnegie Mellon AgNP + S-ligands AgNP + cysteine. Ag LIII-edge XANES and S K-edge EXAFS. ! Elucidate the oxidation transformation and the nature of the Ag-S bonds for both Ag and S. Preliminary Results: ! ! Ag XANES LCF: Particles retain ~85% original AgNP character and ~15% AgCys. S: Spectra may show the presence of Cystine (the oxidized form of Cysteine). Future work (collaborative): ! ! ! AgNP + other S-ligands, S-containing environmental materials. Expand model compound library. Repeat at the Ag K-edge. Lowry and Hsu-Kim Labs (CMU and Duke) Nano-Ag inhibition of bacteria in activated sludge higher concentrations of silver inhibited growth by approximately 50%. Preliminary DGGE results indicate shift in 16S bacterial communities and overall decrease in the number of communities as silver concentration increased. Gunsch lab (Christina Arnaout), Duke Theme 3: Ecosystem-level impacts laboratory mesocosms Microcosms- Sediments More complex systems of sediment and surface water Within 7 days – similar to controls No clear effects of ionic or nanosilver on nutrient availability or enzyme activity Bernhardt and Richardson labs (Ben Coleman, Duke) Stream water No respiration in ionic silver Repression of respiration at 75mg Ag/L with AgNP Decrease in microbial biomass with ionic silver Bernhardt and Richardson labs (Ben Coleman, Duke) Mesocosms Bernhardt, Espinasse, Richardson & Wiesner Nano-Ag: Preliminary Conclusions •?)'@25+$>"'25#$#A#-B("/25C •(-'2+%)-( •(-'2+8)-4'@)2 •()D/>/(B •$9../@A#$'E2/(B$)8$2'2)F95$8)-$+G-8'>#+$+G>"$'+$/-)2F)D/.# •:'2)F95$()D/>/(BC$H)("$./++)&A#.$'2.$2'2)%'-@>&#F+%#>/,> #I#>(+F$>)'@25$>)2(-)&$("#$H'&'2># •?)4%&#D$#2A/-)24#2(+$>)2('/2$H)("$4/@5'@25$'2. #D'>#-H'@25$8'>()-+ •JD%)+G-#$&/0#&B$/2>&G.#+$H)("$4'2G8'>(G-#.$'2.$/2>/.#2('& +)G->#+ Thank You ICEIN 2010 May 11,12,13 UCLA Los Angels, CA www.ceint.duke.edu
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