FBC Mid-Week Prayer Bulletin


FBC Mid-Week Prayer Bulletin
Mission Partners:
FBC Mid-Week Prayer Bulletin
October 22, 2014
“God is the Father who is full of mercy and all
comfort. He comforts us every time we have
trouble, so when others have trouble, we can
comfort them with the same comfort God gives
us.” 2 Cor. 1:3b-4, NCV
Special Prayers
Lela Bouslaugh – Jim’s mom in S Dakota; cancer in blood
Ed Broyles – pastor at Hopewell; has acute leukemia
Marilyn Cantrell – recovering at home after breaking her hip
T. J. Cota – Teri Winstanley’s son in West Virginia
Marla Coleman – Bobbi Smith’s niece starting dialysis
Gerry Dodd – Connie McLaughlin’s & Betty Downs’ sister;
Rosalie Edwards – sister Donna Lobaugh has MS; on
Hospice now & very low
Mary Flippin – taking radiation treatments
Allan Fowler – doing well
Terrie Hancock – Breast Cancer
Kay Hepburn – Julie Young’s mother
Steve Hodge – health issues
Marianne Hunter – Amy Dey’s friend; battling cancer
John Husong – Connie McLaughlin’s son; had part of his leg
removed ; not well
Ella Dean Imhauser
Opal Johnson
Dorothy Kirkpatrick – recovering from broken elbow
Karen Lamb – cancer
Tim & Brooke Monteer
Missy Montgomery – Amy Tilley & Cara Harrington’s cousin;
has breast cancer; has started chemo
Ken Nolan – undergoing radiation for prostate cancer
Butch Phillips – taking treatments
Caroline Quinlan – chemo
Stephani Rice – back surgery on hold
Jerry Sanders – Edna Sanders’ son; health issues
Gene Schroeder – Amy Dey & Sara Pannier’s uncle; cancer
Jacques & Martine Avakian – Montreal
Tillie Burgin & Staff - Mission Arlington, TX
Chris & Jen Burton – South Asia
Christian Activities Center, E. St. Louis, IL
Jim & Annie Culp - Chico, California
Janet & Dudley Graves - Rome, Italy
Richard & Elizabeth Engkjer (Fundacion Yo Te Amo Ecuador)
Emily (Huser) & Hosea Palagi – East Asia
Randy & Debbie Murray – India
Tim & Jill Owens, Bangkok - Thailand
Mary Ellen & Joel Ragains - Kiev, Ukraine
Ken & Amy Smith - Forest Avenue Shelter, KC
Our Active Military
Cameron Anderson – Army; Fort Drum, NY (Flora
Anderson’s grandson)
Justin Baker – Army; Fort Campbell, KY (Flora
Anderson’s grandson)
Jason Chavies – Air Force, Georgia (Janice Abney’s
Justin Dancer – Air Force; California (Floyd & Sandra
Kerns’ grandson)
Joe Davis – Marines; California (Jim & Cindy Davis’
Eric & Michele Hardin – (she’s Linda Hodges’ niece);
both in Air Force, Beale AFB, CA
Adam Marcum – Army, Tennessee (Bridgett
Marcum’s son)
James Mitchell – Marines, Baghdad (Katy Hopper’s
Cody Patton – Navy; on the USS Eisenhower (Theo
& Kelly Asbury’s son)
Derek Phillips – Air National Guard; Whiteman
Dustin Patton – National Guard; in Missouri (Theo &
Kelly Asbury’s son)
Paul Phillips – Marines, NC
Mark A. Pulliam – Air Force; Germany (Tom &
Wendy Fairfax’s son)
Alan Reed – Air Force; Ramstein, Germany (Jim &
Vivian Woodall’s son-in-law)
Hannah Schmitz – Heidi Pollard’s daughter; Air
Force, Kuwait
Sean Simons – Air Force; Anchorage, Alaska (Twila
& Mike Simons’ son)
Corey Turner – Navy; USS Michael Murphy at Pearl
Harbor (Shirley McCowan’s nephew)
treatments; not well
Janice Shireman – Lloyd Shireman’s sister-in-law; brain tumor
Sandy Smith – Ryan Smith’s mother; cancer
Morris Stober – Scott Stober’s brother; cancer; starting
Bert Thomas – health concerns, but doing better
Marty Thomas – recovering from knee surgery
Abbie Tippie – age 10; Bryan Tippie’s great-niece; leukemia
Tammy Walker – recovering at home after recent surgery
Pray for the Pastor Search Committee
Ecuador Mission Trip
October 16 to 25th, 2014
Cara Harrington, Leader
Alan Allmon
Cindy Decker
Beth Halsell
David/Shelley Hare
Terri Howard
Lada Sheremet

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