Recommended Commercial (Apple iBookstore) Serious E-Books General Options Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects


Recommended Commercial (Apple iBookstore) Serious E-Books General Options Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects
Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
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Last Updated: Friday, 24-Oct-2014 19:10:45 PDT
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Recommended Commercial (Apple
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects
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from Apple iBookstore (521 categorized - I bought and kept all of the
following, on my iPad)
Apple iBookstore and iBooks
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
I have bought several hundred books (below), from Apple and their
selection is quite good now (below). Yes, Apple sells books online. Apple may
seem to have an oversimplified program for managing books, but I have used
a Kindle 3 and the Kindle app on the iPad and Apple's iBooks app is so much
easier to use, more adjustable, and powerful, as well as, being easier to
manage through iTunes and more reliable. It is also much easier to read on
the iPad, iPad Air, and iPad Mini, because of the higher resolution and
quality screen of the iPad, iPad Air, and iPad Mini. Download iBooks and
search within iBooks or within iTunes on your PC or Mac.
iBooks now comes with Mac OS X Mavericks (OS 10.9, released in
October 2013), which is a free upgrade, for at least as far back as Mac OS X
Lion (OS 10.7, released in July 2011), through the Mac App Store. All new
Macs bought after July 2011 come with Mac OS X Lion or higher and the Mac
App Store. OS X Mavericks is only for Macs. It will not run on PCs, iPhones,
iPod Touches, iPads, iPad Airs, or iPad Minis. It is widely reported that it
makes older Macs run faster.
Criteria for Inclusion
Topical Criteria
Major Topical Focus
This list is focused on world history for Asia, Africa, and Europe, with a
major emphasis on Asia and a very small amount of focus, on Europe.
There is also a secondary focus, on major world belief systems, so that the
perspective is varied as well.
Time period focus is the Asian Golden Age (about 300 AD - 1300 AD),
which occurs at about the same time as the European Middle Ages (about
500 AD - 1500 AD). I have studied the history and writings produced
during that 1,000 year period across most of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
I also have tried to include books, that show a different perspective, than
people typically study and try to correct things that most people, who
study history, learn wrong, for a variety of reasons.
Most Important Books
The most important books sub list is the Book Series / In Depth Reading,
which includes about 500 e-books.
The most important books are organized, by major historical time periods.
World Regions
Favorite Regions
Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and East Africa
Regions in between and connecting Major Countries / Regional Cultures
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Focus by World Region and Religion
mostly pre-colonial history and religion, especially in Southeast Asia
and Africa
Central, South, and East European history
Medieval Christian Mystics and lesser known Christian Existentialists
Medieval (mainly Oriental Orthodox) Christianity (liturgy, history, and
theology) in the Middle East, Central Asia, and East Africa
Classical Middle Eastern (including Turkey) Islamic, including Sufi texts
Iranian and Central Asian (everything North and West of China, North of
India, Pakistan, and Iran and West through the end of the Caucus
mountains north of Asia Minor) history and religion also (including nonIslamic and Shia / Shiite Medieval history, literature, and religion)
South Indian, Pakistani, Sikh, and Jain history and religion
Chinese Zen Buddhism and Korean history and religion
Contemporary Chinese history and Classical Chinese poetry
Christianity, Islam, and (Atheist) Existentialism in Africa
Ancient North America and Pacific, including Polynesia and Micronesia
Detailed Criteria
Specific Criteria Just for this List
Apple e-Books: All books lists in this section include just books e-Books on
Apple's iBookstore, accessed through the iTunes application for Windows
and Mac OS X and the iBooks application on iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch,
iPad, iPad Air, and iPad Mini)
Only Books I Like: The big difference between my previous regular book
list and my e-book list is that the e-books only contain religious and
philosophical texts that I agree with or partially agree with, plus some
history. The previous regular books list contained some religious and
philosophical books I totally or mostly disagreed with. I have also omitted
books in this new e-books list, which I already read and understood well
enough, that I do not wish to complete reading or re-read.
Major Characteristics of Books Required
Only Well Written Books: If you see a book that you think should be on the
list but is not, likely I have already read it and didn't include it because it
was too hard for others to read or it was poorly written including being too
repetitive or not being clear and concise.
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Christian Friendly: This is also a great list for Christians who want to
study world religions and philosophies without studying the occult.
Non-White Authors: I have also particularly focused on Asian and classical
texts, and have especially tried to limit the Greek, Roman, white American
and English writing to as few works as possible, because I think those
areas are over read and I have little interest in them after having to read so
many of them in high school. I have focused on other often ignored areas
of history and religion including:
Minor Criteria
A Slightly Different View: I also have usually only included one book by
each author and not necessarily the most famous, but rather the most
useful one.
Reasonably Priced: Another consideration is the cost and availability of
the works. All these works should be available on Apple's iBookstore in
iTunes for use on iPads, iPad Airs, iPad Minis, and other Apple devices
besides Macs like iPhones and iPod Touches, as I have boughten all of
them there and have them on my iPad. Some books are free and some are
as high as $40. The usual price is between $5 and $15.
Few Feminist Authors: I generally avoid female writers as most of them I
cannot understand.
I am Bad at Languages: The Qu'ran (Koran) is not listed as it must be
read in Arabic.
Book Restrictions
Many people seem to think that an ebook is just an ebook, but it is not. The
file formats can be converted to and from fairly easily (except most PDFs),
but the real incompatibility comes from a anti-feature called DRM. DRM is
a set of software based restrictions that, make it harder to copy books, for
people who want to do so legally and easily, who don't know much about
Copyright and technical restrictions on copying apply to e-books, but not
regular books, because people usually don't photocopy real books and then
sell them, as it requires a lot of work and offers little profit. On the
computer, whenever you upload a file, you are actually uploading a copy of
that file and whenever anyone downloads it, they are downloading a copy
of that.
You have never owned all the rights, to any intellectual property, unless
you pay for all rights and hand over something like a million dollars per
song. Another term for this is called piracy or what every major belief
system and government would call stealing. What you own is a license for 1
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The reality is that anything, that can be seen on a computer, can be copied,
despite any software restrictions. The big deal comes with the electronic
distribution of books and the same applied to movies and music (although
they never meant for it to be so easy to copy music from audio CDs, and
each new format is more restricted), so there is a legal quagmire about
converting DVDs to iTunes compatible formats and Blue Ray is many
times harder to convert.
The real unintended effect of DRM is that e-books cannot be
seen in iBooks and Apple e-books cannot be seen on a Kindle. Ironically,
Apple allows its competitors and Barnes and Noble to put
their e-reader apps on their (Apple's) online store, but Apple is not allowed
the same on their ( and Barnes and Noble) online stores.
Apple still does not even advertise its own e-book store or even bundle
their e-book reading and buying app with new iPads and iPhones.
Best of Book Lists
Best Bible Study Lists
Go To Top
Longest and Most Expensive Religious Book
Genesis through Revelation by Vernon McGee
5 Best Christian Bibles, Jewish Bibles, and Islamic Perspectives
(Eastern Orthodox) New Testament by Editor Cleenewerck and A New
English Translation of the Septuagint by Albert Pietersma & Benjamin G.
Wright (all together)
The Orthodox Study Bible by Thomas Nelson
Ancient Israel: The Former Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and
Kings: A Translation with Commentary, The Book of Psalms: A
Translation with Commentary, The David Story: A Translation with
Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel, Genesis: Translation and Commentary,
and The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: A Translation
with Commentary by Robert Alter; Commentary on the Torah by Richard
Elliott Friedman; and Tree of Life Bible (New Testament) by Messianic
Jewish Family (all together)
The Bible from an Islamic Perspective (Jay Crook / Jay R. Crook): From
the Creation to the Flood, Abraham, Jacob and Joseph, The Bible: An
Islamic Perspective - Moses, From Judges to Monarchy, David and
Solomon, From Monarchy to Hellenism, The Bible: An Islamic
Perspective: Jesus, Paul and Early Christianity, and Armageddon (all
The People's Bible, NIV
Best 25 Christian (Medieval Era / Asian Golden Age)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Books/Series over $20 and under $40
Western Christian
The Restoration of Rome: Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders by
Peter Heather (476-1000s AD)
The Carolingian World by Marios Costambeys, Matthew Innes & Simon
MacLean (580-876 AD)
The Murder, Betrayal, and Slaughter of the Glorious Charles, Count of
Flanders by Galbert of Bruges & John Jeffrey Rider (1127 AD)
The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718–1050 by
Archibald R. Lewis
Spain, 1157-1300 by Peter Linehan
A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire: Volume One, Portugal
by A. R. Disney (before 1807 AD)
Cross and Scepter by Sverre Bagge (900s AD-Renaissance)
Warfare in Tenth-Century Germany by David S. Bachrach (900s AD)
The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown by Hugh Agnew
Central Europe in the High Middle Ages by Nora Berend, Przemyslaw
Urbanczyk & Przemyslaw Wiszewski (900-1300 AD)
The Hungarians by Jefferson Decker & Paul Lendvai
Eastern Christian
A History of the Byzantine State and Society by Warren Treadgold (2851461 AD)
The Philokalia (Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4) by G.E.H. Palmer (3001400 AD) (all together)
The Black Sea: A History by Charles King
Scanderbeide by Margherita Sarrocchi (1560-1617 AD)
The Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean by Ronnie Ellenblum (9501072 AD)
Lebanon: A History, 600-2011 by William Harris
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean by Sebouh Aslanian (1600s1700s AD)
Legends of the Caucasus by David Hunt
Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion by W. Barthold (late 600s-early
1200s AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Coptologia Journal Volume II, Volume XI, Volume XV, Volume XVII,
Volume XVIII, and Volume XIX by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak (all together)
Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route by Steven E. Sidebotham
Darfur's Sorrow by M. W. Daly (1500s AD-2000 AD)
Foundations of an African Civilisation by David W. Phillipson (1000 BC1300 AD)
The Berber Identity Movement and the Challenge to North African States
by Bruce Maddy-Weitzman (323 BC-2000 AD)
Best Islamic (Medieval Era / Asian Golden Age) Books/Series
over $20 and under $40
History of Islam in 7 Books
Empires of Faith: The Fall of Rome to the Rise of Islam, 500-700 by Peter
Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian,
Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam by Robert G. Hoyland
(620-780 AD)
The Venture of Islam, Volume 2 by Marshall G. S. Hodgson (750-1500 AD)
Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean by K. N. Chaudhuri (632-1750
Islamic Gunpowder Empires by Douglas E. Streusand (Ottoman/Turkey
1299-1923 AD, Safavid/Iran 1501-1736 AD, and Mughal/India 1526-1857
The Struggle for the Eurasian Borderlands by Alfred J. Rieber (Habsburg
1526-1918 AD, Russian 1462-1918 AD, Ottoman 1299-1918 AD, Iranian
1501-1918 AD, and Qing 1644-1918 AD Empires)
African Studies by Bruce S. Hall (1600-1950 AD)
Best 10 Islamic (Medieval Era / Asian Golden Age) Books/Series over $20
and under $40
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume I and Volume II by E.J.W. Gibb
(1300-1520 AD) (all together)
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 2, English Translation, The
Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 4, English Translation, and The
Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi by Jalaluddin Rumi & Reynold A.
Nicholson (1207-1273 AD) (all together)
Gaza: A History by Jean-Pierre Filiu
Aden and the Indian Ocean Trade by Roxani Eleni Margariti (1000-1200
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran by Patricia Crone (550 BC1501 AD)
Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali (1058-1111 AD) multiple books
The Modern Uzbeks by Edward A. Allworth (1300s-2000 AD)
The Muslim Heritage of Bengal by Muhammad Mojlum Khan (after 1200
India before Europe by Catherine B. Asher & Cynthia Talbot (1200-1750
Writing the Mughal World by Muzaffar Alam & Sanjay Subrahmanyam
(mid 1500s-early 1800s AD)
Best of Other Major World Religions
Go To Top
6 Indian Belief System Books/Series (Medieval Era / Asian Golden Age)
Books over $20 and under $40
The Grandeur of Gandhara by Rafi-us Samad (600 BC-400 AD)
Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia by Sheldon Pollock (15001800 AD)
In the Buddha's Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Long Discourses of the
Buddha by Maurice Walshe, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha
by Bhikkhu Nanamoli & Bhikkhu Bodhi, and Great Disciples of the
Buddha by Njaponika Thera (all together)
Buddhist Scriptures by Edward Joseph Thomas, Buddhist Suttas by
Thomas William Rhys Davids, The Mahavagga by Thomas William Rhys
Davids, The Milinda Panha by Thomas William Rhys Davids, The SuttaNipata by Michael Viggo Fausboll, and Udana by Buddha Gotama (all
A History of Early Southeast Asia by Kenneth R. Hall
Siam & the West, 1500-1700 by Dirk Van der Cruysse
7 Chinese Philosophy Books/Series (Medieval Era / Asian Golden Age)
Books over $20 and under $40
Li Shi Min, Founding the Tang Dynasty by Hing Ming Hung (599-649
Historical Records of the Five Dynasties by Richard Davis (907-979 AD)
The Tales of the Heike by Burton Watson & Haruo Shirane (late 1100s AD)
Epistolary Korea by JaHyun Kim Haboush (1392-1910 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Sources of Vietnamese Tradition by Jayne Werner, John K. Whitmore &
George Dutton (111 BC-1975 AD)
The Silk Road Journey With Xuanzang by Sally Wriggins (602-664 AD)
Book of Poetry by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (1100s-700s BC), Golden
Treasury of Chinese Poetry in Han, Wei and Six Dynasties by Xu
Yuanchong & Feetan (206 BC-589 AD), Golden Treasury of Chinese
Poetry in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Poetry by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong
(960-1911 AD), 300 Song Lyrics by Xu Yuanchong (960-1279 AD), 300
Tang Poems by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (618-907 AD), and 300 Yuan
Songs by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (1271-1368 AD) (all together)
More Best of Books Lists
Go To Top
10 Best Anti-Religion
Abnormal by Graham Burchell and Michel Foucault
The Discovery of France by Graham Robb (1890 AD)
For the Soul of France by Frederick Brown (1871-1900 AD)
Savage Continent by Keith Lowe (1945-1955 AD)
Going Solo by Eric Klinenberg
The Good Life and Its Discontents by Robert J. Samuelson
In CHEAP We Trust by Lauren Weber
The Narcissism Epidemic by Jean M. Twenge & W. Keith Campbell
The Other Irish by Karen F. McCarthy
What Money Can't Buy by Michael J. Sandel
Best 11 (Medieval Era / Asian Golden Age) Books/Series under $10
Netherlands and Belgium War of Independence: Charles the Bold, Last
Duke of Burgundy by Ruth Putnam, The Story of William of Orange by
Ottokar Schup, and The Eighty Years' War by George Edmundson
Medieval Germany (Holy Roman Empire): The Church and the Empire
1003-1304 by D.J. Medley, Germany in the Later Middle Ages by William
Stubbs, A History of the Germanic Empire by S.A. Dunham, History of
Germany in the Middle Ages by Ernest F. Henderson, A Short History of
Germany by Ernest Henderson (individually)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Medieval Italy (City States and Holy Roman Empire) The Barbarian
Invasions of Italy by Pasquale Villari, The History of the Popes by John
Farrow, The Italian Wars 1494-1518 by Arthur Johnson, and The Story of
Florence by Edmund Gardner (individually)
Western European Christian Mystics: Against the Pelagians by St.
Jerome, Ascent of Mount Carmel, Dark Night of the Soul, The Living
Flame of Love, The Spiritual Canticle by Saint John of the Cross (15421591 AD), The Dialogue by Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380 AD), First
and Second Apology by St. Justin Martyr & Wyatt North (100-165 AD),
Introduction to the Devout Life, Treatise on the Love of God by Saint
Francis de Sales (1567-1622 AD), The Journey of the Mind into God by St.
Bonaventure (1221-1274 AD), The Life of Our Most Holy Father Saint
Benedict (Modern Translation) by St. Gregory the Great & Wyatt North
(540-604 AD), A Little Book of Eternal Wisdom by Blessed Henry Suso
(1295-1366 AD), Meditations on the Way of the Cross (Stations of the
Cross) by St. Francis of Assisi (1226 AD), Meister Eckhart's Sermons by
Meister Eckhart (1260-1328 AD), Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of
Norwich (1342-1416 AD), The Rule of St. Benedict by Saint Benedict of
Nursia (480-543 AD), A Treatise on God as First Principle by Blessed
John Duns Scotus (1266-1308 AD), and Treatise on Purgatory by St.
Catherine of Genoa & Wyatt North (1447-1510 AD) (individually)
Middle Eastern Christian Literature: The Ascetic Discourses and Three
Letters of Philoxenus of Mabbugh by E.A. Wallis Budge (523 AD), The
Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom by St. John Chrysostom (347-407
AD), An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith by St. John of Damascus
(676-749 AD), The Institutes by John Cassian & Wyatt North (360-435
AD), The Lausiac History of Palladius by Peter Farrington (360s-420s
AD), Life and Essential Writings of Ephraim the Syrian by Ephraim the
Syrian (306-373 AD), The Martyrdom of Polycarp - Multiple Translations
by Apostolic Fathers & Wyatt North, On the Holy Spirit (De Spiritu
Sancto) by St. Basil The Great (330-379 AD), The Orations and Letters of
Saint Gregory Nazianzus by St. Gregory Nazianzus (329-390 AD), and
The Soul and the Resurrection by St. Gregory of Nyssa (335-394 AD)
Coptologia Journal Volume II, Volume XI, Volume XV, Volume XVII,
Volume XVIII, and Volume XIX by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak (individually)
The Bible from an Islamic Perspective (Jay Crook / Jay R. Crook): From
the Creation to the Flood, Abraham, Jacob and Joseph, The Bible: An
Islamic Perspective - Moses, From Judges to Monarchy, David and
Solomon, From Monarchy to Hellenism, The Bible: An Islamic
Perspective: Jesus, Paul and Early Christianity, and Armageddon
Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali (1058-1111 AD) multiple books
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Buddhist Scriptures by Edward Joseph Thomas, Buddhist Suttas by
Thomas William Rhys Davids, The Mahavagga by Thomas William Rhys
Davids, The Milinda Panha by Thomas William Rhys Davids, The SuttaNipata by Michael Viggo Fausboll, and Udana by Buddha Gotama
Hitasiksa Chatrisi - The Secret of Success by Veer Vijayji & Kalyanbodhi
Suriji, Magnopanishad by Acharya Kalyanbodhi Suriji, Purnopanishad by
Acharya Kalyanbodhi Suriji, and Viropanishad by Acharya Kalyanbodhi
Suriji & Manish Modi (individually)
Book of Poetry by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (1100s-700s BC), Golden
Treasury of Chinese Poetry in Han, Wei and Six Dynasties by Xu
Yuanchong & Feetan (206 BC-589 AD), Golden Treasury of Chinese
Poetry in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Poetry by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong
(960-1911 AD), 300 Song Lyrics by Xu Yuanchong (960-1279 AD), 300
Tang Poems by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (618-907 AD), and 300 Yuan
Songs by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (1271-1368 AD) (individually)
Best 25 (Medieval Era / Asian Golden Age) Books/Series under $20
The Discovery of Middle Earth
Conversion of Europe
Forge of Christendom
Vanished Kingdoms
Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness
Cross and Crescent in the Balkans
Middle East and Central Asia
From the Holy Mountain
The Third Choice
Jesus in the Eyes of the Sufis
A Year with Hafiz
Empire of the Silk Road
Red Book Peoples of the Russian Empire
South and Southeast Asia
The Hindus
History of Medieval India
The Trading World of the Tamil Merchant
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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A Short History of Indonesia
A Record of Cambodia
East Asia
Defending Heaven
Return to Dragon Mountain
Bright Moon White Clouds
Du Fu
Cold Mountain Poems
In the Heart of the Desert
Trickster Travels
Regional Focuses History (88 e-books)
Eastern Europe (22 e-books)
Go To Top
North Eastern European History
The Baltic by Alan Palmer
Belarus by Andrew Wilson
Borderland by Anna Reid
The Northern Crusades by Eric Christiansen (1100s-1200s AD)
The Teutonic Knights by William Urban (1190-1525 AD)
Ukrainian Poetry (by Hryhory Skovoroda, Taras Shevchenko, Yevhen
Hrebinka, etc)
Polish History
Camaldolese Spirituality by Peter-Damian Belisle (Catholic Christianity)
(1000s AD)
Jan Sobieski by Miltiades Varvounis (1629-1696 AD)
Poland, A Unique Country & Its People by Alicja Deck-Partyka
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Polish Culture in the Renaissance by Lepri, Valentina (a cura di) & Facca,
Danilo (a cura di) (late 1400s-late 1500s AD)
Central Eastern European History
The Black Sea: A History by Charles King
Central Europe in the High Middle Ages by Nora Berend, Przemyslaw
Urbanczyk & Przemyslaw Wiszewski (900-1300 AD)
A Concise History of Romania by Keith Hitchins
The Hungarians by Jefferson Decker & Paul Lendvai
The Reconstruction of Nations by Timothy Snyder (1569-1999 AD)
South Eastern European History
The Balkan Wars by Andre Gerolymatos
A Concise History of Bulgaria by R. J. Crampton
Cross and Crescent In the Balkans by David Nicholle (1300s-1400s AD)
Heavenly Serbia and the Medieval Idea by Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Janissaries by Godfrey Goodwin (1400s-1500s AD)
A Short History of the Balkans by Neville Forbes
Scanderbeide by Margherita Sarrocchi (1560-1617 AD)
African History (47 e-books)
Go To Top
Coptic (Egyptian) Church Literature
The Incarnation of the Word (De Incarnatione Verbi Dei) by St.
In the Heart of the Desert by John Chryssavgi
On the Unity of Christ by Cyril of Alexandria
The Stromata (Miscellanies) by St. Clement of Alexandria & Wyatt North
Coptic (Egyptian) Church History
The A to Z of the Coptic Church by Gawdat Gabra, Birger A. Pearson, Mark
N. Swanson, Youhanna Nessim Youssef (Coptic Christianity)
The History of the Patriarchs of the Church of Alexandria by Severus of
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Coptic (Egyptian) Church Academic Journal
Coptologia Journal Volume II by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XI by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XV by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XVII by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XVIII by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XIX by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Egyptian History (Late Antiquity and Medieval/Pre-Modern)
Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route by Steven E. Sidebotham
City of the Sharp-Nosed Fish by Peter Parsons (300 BC-600 AD)
A History of Egypt by Jason Thompson (from 3000 BC)
Secrets of the Sands by Harry Thurston (from 2686 BC-30 BC)
Beyond Egypt East African Church History
Darfur's Sorrow by M. W. Daly (1500s AD-2000 AD)
Foundations of an African Civilisation by David W. Phillipson (1000 BC1300 AD)
Introduction to the Ethiopian Orthodox by Alemayehu Desta
Beyond East Africa Church History
The Berber Identity Movement and the Challenge to North African States
by Bruce Maddy-Weitzman (323 BC-2000 AD)
Trickster Travels by Natalie Zemon Davis (1492-1550 AD)
White Gold by Giles Milton (1716 AD)
North African Islamic History
Kairwan Through The Ages by Dr. Touhami Negra
The Sahara by Eamonn Gearon
Tunisia Since the Arab Conquest by Jacob Abadi
West African Islamic History
Angry Wind by Jeffrey Tayler
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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African Studies by Bruce S. Hall (1600-1950 AD)
Timbuktu by Marq de Villiers & Sheila Hirtle
General African Islamic History
A History of the East African Coast by Charles Cornelius
A Labyrinth of Kingdoms: 10,000 Miles through Islamic Africa by Steve
Kemper (1849 AD)
African Islamic Literature
The Awakening of the Soul by Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik Ibn Tufail
(1105-1185 AD)
Emir Abd el-Kader by Ahmed Bouyerdene (1807-1883 AD)
African Atheist History
Exile and the Kingdom by Albert Camus
The First Man by Albert Camus
Happy Death by Albert Camus
The Plague by Albert Camus
Entire African Continent Mixed/Pre-World Religion History
Forgotten Africa by John Brownie
A History of Sub-Saharan Africa by Robert O. Collins & James M. Burns
Papers On Language And Culture: An African Perspective by Mary
Nyambura Muchiri, Ph.D.
Precolonial Black Africa by Cheikh Anta Diop
Warfare in African History by Richard J. Reid (1000-2000 AD)
West African Mixed/Pre-World Religion History
The Evolution of Ondo Kingdom Over 500 years (1510-2010+) by Ibidayo
Ajayi, Oladipo O. Akinkugbe & Jacob K. Olupona
A History of Nigeria by Toyin Falola & Matthew M. Heaton
Southern African Mixed/Pre-World Religion History
Becoming Zimbabwe by Brian Raftopoulos & Alois Mlambo (850-2008
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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A History of South Africa, Fourth Edition by Leonard Thompson
A History of Zimbabwe by Alois S. Mlambo
Reminiscences On the Dynastic History of Ndom Mwasundem, Cameroon
by S. N. Ejedepang-Koge
Southeast Asian History (19 e-books)
Go To Top
Regional Southeast Asian History
A History of Early Southeast Asia by Kenneth R. Hall
The Mekong by Milton Osborne
A Short History of South-East Asia by Peter Church
Southeast Asian History by D. R. SarDesai
Charting the Shape of Early Modern Southeast Asia by Anthony Reid
Mainland Southeast Asian History
A Brief History of Lan Na by Hans Penth (1200-1500 AD)
A Free People by Dave Moore
A Record of Cambodia by Zhou Daguan (1296-1297 AD)
A Short History of Cambodia by John Tully
A Short History of Laos by Grant Evans
Siam & the West, 1500-1700 by Dirk Van der Cruysse
Sources of Vietnamese Tradition by Jayne Werner, John K. Whitmore &
George Dutton (111 BC-1975 AD)
A Story of Vietnam by Truong Buu Lam
(Malayan Archipelago) Southeast Asian History
A Short History of Bali by Robert Pringle
A Short History of Indonesia by Colin Brown
A Short History of Malaysia by Virginia Matheson Hooker
Chinese Southeast Asian History
China as a Sea Power, 1127-1368 by Lo Jung-pang & Bruce A. Elleman
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Chinese Circulations by Eric Tagliacozzo
A Short History of China and Southeast Asia by Martin Stuart-Fox
Trade Routes Focuses History (46 e-books)
Central Asian History (24 e-books)
Go To Top
General Central Asian Christian History
Empires of the Silk Road by Christopher I. Beckwith
Legends of the Caucasus by David Hunt
The Story of Sts. Vartanants by Hagop Kizilos
Medieval Central Asian Christian History
Lost Enlightenment by S. Frederick Starr (800-1200 AD)
The Silk Road: A New History by Valerie Hansen (200-1200 AD)
Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion by W. Barthold (late 600s-early
1200s AD)
Medieval Central Asian Islamic History
The Arab Conquests in Central Asia by H. A. R. Gibb (718-750 AD)
Kublai Khan by John Man (1215-1294 AD)
The Mongols by W B Bartlett (1167-1510 AD)
Early Modern Central Asian Islamic History
Europe's Steppe Frontier, 1500-1800 by William H. McNeill
The Modern Uzbeks by Edward A. Allworth (1300s-2000 AD)
The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire by Margus Kolga, Igor
Tonurist, Lembit Vaba, Juri Viikberg, Andrew Humpreys & Krista Mits
(starting 1500s AD)
The Struggle for the Eurasian Borderlands by Alfred J. Rieber (Habsburg
1526-1918 AD, Russian 1462-1918 AD, Ottoman 1299-1918 AD, Iranian
1501-1918 AD, and Qing 1644-1918 AD Empires)
Central Asian Islamic Literature
The Epic of Jangar by He Dexiu (1400s-1600s AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Kyrgyz Legends by Oksana Vasilenko
The Language Of The Birds by Alisher Nava'i (1441-1501 AD)
Legend of Manas by He Jihong & Chun Yi & Feetan (1700s AD)
Indian Central Asian History
Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia by Sheldon Pollock (15001800 AD)
A Great Deception by Western Shugden Society
Nepal Through the Ages by Ram Niwas Pandey
Secret Lives of the Dalai Lama by Alexander Norman & Dalai Lama
Chinese Central Asian History
Wars With the Xiongnu by Joseph P. Yap (206 BC-9 AD - Western Han
Defending Heaven by James Waterson (1209-1370 AD)
The Silk Road Journey With Xuanzang by Sally Wriggins (602-664 AD)
Indian Ocean (22 e-books)
Go To Top
Portugese Catholic History
1494 by Stephen R. Bown
Bringers of War by John Laband (1400s-1700s AD)
A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire: Volume One, Portugal
by A. R. Disney (before 1807 AD)
Over the Edge of the World by Laurence Bergreen (1519 AD)
Mediterranean Catholic History
City of Fortune by Roger Crowley (1204-1503 AD)
Empires of the Sea by Roger Crowley (1521 AD)
Sea of Faith by Stephen O'Shea (500-1500 AD)
The Shield and the Sword: The Knights of Malta by Ernle Bradford (10991798 AD)
General European History
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Spice by Jack Turner
A Splendid Exchange by Barry Krakow
Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route by Steven E. Sidebotham
Foundations of an African Civilisation by David W. Phillipson (1000 BC1300 AD)
A History of the East African Coast by Charles Cornelius
Middle East
Aden and the Indian Ocean Trade by Roxani Eleni Margariti (1000-1200
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean by Sebouh Aslanian (1600s1700s AD)
Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean by K. N. Chaudhuri (632-1750
South Asia
Trade and Trade Routes in Ancient India by Moti Chandra (up to 1000
Matritime Malabar and The Europeans 1500-1962 by K. S. Mathew
The Trading World of the Tamil Merchant by Kanakalatha Mukund (after
300 BC)
(China Cultural Sphere) Southeast Asian History
China as a Sea Power, 1127-1368 by Lo Jung-pang & Bruce A. Elleman
Chinese Circulations by Eric Tagliacozzo
A Short History of China and Southeast Asia by Martin Stuart-Fox
Country/Empire Focuses History (60 e-books)
General Area (3 e-books)
Go To Top
Empires of Faith: The Fall of Rome to the Rise of Islam, 500-700 by Peter
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Islamic Gunpowder Empires by Douglas E. Streusand (Ottoman/Turkey
1299-1923 AD, Safavid/Iran 1501-1736 AD, and Mughal/India 1526-1857
Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian,
Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam by Robert G. Hoyland
(620-780 AD)
Turkey/Anatolia/Asia Minor (28 e-books)
Go To Top
Greek Orthodox Christian History
The Alexiad by Anna Komnene & E. R. A. Sewter (1081-1118 AD)
The Chronographia of Michael Psellus by Michael Psellus (1025 AD)
A History of the Byzantine State and Society by Warren Treadgold (2851461 AD)
Other Greeks by Victor Davis Hanson
The Philokalia (Volumes 2, 3, 4) by G.E.H. Palmer (300-1400 AD)
Central Eastern Europe Orthodox History
The Black Sea: A History by Charles King
A Concise History of Romania by Keith Hitchins
Regional South Eastern Europe Orthodox History
The Balkan Wars by Andre Gerolymatos
Cross and Crescent In the Balkans by David Nicholle (1300s-1400s AD)
The Janissaries by Godfrey Goodwin (1400s-1500s AD)
A Short History of the Balkans by Neville Forbes
Specific Country South Eastern Europe Orthodox History
A Concise History of Bulgaria by R. J. Crampton
Heavenly Serbia and the Medieval Idea by Matthew Raphael Johnson
Scanderbeide by Margherita Sarrocchi (1560-1617 AD)
Seljuk Empire/Sultanate of Rum (Turkey/Anatolia/Asia Minor) Islamic
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
The Book of Dede Korkut by Faruk Sumer, Ahmet E. Uysal & Warren S.
Walker (900s AD)
Quarreling with God by Jennifer Ferraro
Road to Manzikert by Brian Todd Carey, Joshua B. Allfree & John Cairns
(1054 AD)
Rumi's World by Annemarie Schimmel (1207-1273 AD)
Ottoman Empire (Turkey/Anatolia/Asia Minor) Islamic History
The Ottoman Empire by Halil Inalcik (1300-1600 AD)
A Social History of Ottoman Istanbul by Ebru Boyar & Kate Fleet
Turks, Moors, and Englishmen In the Age of Discovery by Nabil Matar
Ottoman Empire (Turkey/Anatolia/Asia Minor) Islamic Travel Logs
Among the Turks by Cyrus Hamlin (1839-1876 AD)
Life on the Golden Horn by Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762 AD)
An Ottoman Traveller by Robert Dankoff (1600s AD)
Medieval Turkish Islamic Literature
The Drowned Book by Coleman Barks & John Moyne (Father of Rumi
1152-1231 AD) (Rumi 1207-1273 AD)
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume I and Volume II by E.J.W. Gibb
(1300-1520 AD)
The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli by Huseyin Abiva (1209-1271 AD)
Jalaluddin Rumi (Turkish/Persian/Central Asian Sufi) - 1207-1273 AD
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 2, English Translation by
Jalaluddin Rumi & Reynold Nicholson
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 4, English Translation by
Jalaluddin Rumi & Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi by Jalaluddin Rumi & Reynold A.
Iran/Iraq (29 e-books)
Go To Top
Native Iranian Religious History
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Rostam by Abolqasem Ferdowsi & Dick Davis (20-10 BC Parthian
Shahnameh: The Epic of Kings by Abolqasem Ferdowsi (before 600s AD)
The Spirit of Zoroastrianism by Prods Oktor Skjaervo
The Story of Bahaullah by Druzelle Cederquist (1817-1892 AD)
Christian Mesopotamia / Iraq / Kurdistan History
Assyrian Tradgedy by Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII, Catholicos Patriarch
Babylon by Paul Kriwaczek (6000 BC-600 BC)
Dawn and Sunset by Michael Baizerman (4000-3000 BC)
Syriac Studies by Dale A. Johnson
Christian Mesopotamia / Iraq / Kurdistan Religious issues
Church of the East by Mar Bawai Soro
The Mesopotamian School & Theodore of Mopsuestia by Fr. Andrew
Persian Christian History
Ch'ing-Tsing by Charles Home
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean by Sebouh Aslanian (1600s1700s AD)
A History of the Iranian Plateau by Dr. Parviz Kambin
Jesus In the Eyes of the Sufis by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh
Paths to the Heart by James S. Cutsinger
Iranian/Iraqi Pre-Shia/Medieval Islamic History
The Battle of Qadisiyyah by Darussalam Publishers (636 AD)
The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate by Guy Le Strange (636-1405 AD)
The Life, Personality and Writings of al-Junayd by Ali Hassan AbdelKader (800s AD)
The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran by Patricia Crone (550 BC1501 AD)
Iranian/Iraqi Shia/Early Modern History
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Iran At War by Kaveh Farrokh (1500-1988 AD)
The Other Islam by Muhammed Al Dami
The Persian Album, 1400-1600 by David J. Roxburgh
Travels in Persia, 1673-1677 by Sir John Chardin
Shi'a Tradition and Iran by Global Scholarly Publications
al Ghazzali (Iranian/Iraqi Sufi) - 1058-1111 AD
al Ghazzali On Knowing this World by Abu Hamid Muhammad AlGhazzali
al Ghazzali On Hope and Fearless by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Knowing God by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Knowing Yourself by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Listening to Music by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Repentance by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On the Quest for Knowledge by Abu Hamid Muhammad AlGhazzali
al Ghazzali On the Remembrance of God Most Highest by Abu Hamid
Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of Hypocrisy by Abu Hamid Muhammad
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of Ignorance by Abu Hamid Muhammad
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of Love of Power and Control by Abu
Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of Miserliness and Greed by Abu Hamid
Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of the Harms of the Tongue by Abu Hamid
Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Truthfulness and Sincerity by Abu Hamid Muhammad AlGhazzali
Iranian/Iraqi Islamic Literature
The Glad Tidings by Shaykh Emadul Deen Al-Tabari
Nahj Al-Balaghah by As-Sayyid Abul-Hasan, Ali Ibn Al-Husayn and ArRadi Al-Musawi (900s AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
The Sacred Foundations of Justice in Islam by Ali M. Lakhani (600s AD)
A Year with Hafiz by Hafiz and Daniel Ladinsky (1325-1389 AD)
India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Sri Lanka/South Asia (28 e-books)
Go To Top
North India History
Banaras by Diana L Eck
Dreaming in Hindi by Katherine Russell Rich
None But India (Bharat) The Cradle Of Aryans, Sanskrit, Vedas, &
Swastika by Jagat Motwani (1800-1500 BC)
The Structure of Hindu Society by Nirmal Kumar Bose
The Wonder that was India by A. L. Basham
South Indian Classic Literature
Hundred Tamil Folk and Tribal Tales by Sujatha Vijayaraghavan
Periya Puranam by Sekkizhaar
Scenes from Tamil Classics by Sellathamby Sriskandarajah
Silappadikaram and Manimekalai by Lakshmi Holmstrom & A. V. Ilango
South Indian History
Continuities and Transformations by Senake Bandaranayake
Matritime Malabar and The Europeans 1500-1962 by K. S. Mathew
The Trading World of the Tamil Merchant by Kanakalatha Mukund (after
300 BC)
Pakistan History
Bactria by Hugh George Rawlinson (250 BC-10 AD)
Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River by Alice Albinia
Empire of the Sikhs by Patwant Singh (1700s-1800s AD)
The Grandeur of Gandhara by Rafi-us Samad (600 BC-400 AD)
South Asian Regional History
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia by Sheldon Pollock (15001800 AD)
History of the Bengali People (Ancient Period) by Niharranjan Ray (before
1200 AD)
Trade and Trade Routes in Ancient India by Moti Chandra (up to 1000
South Asian (Indian Dharma Traditions) Religious History
Buddhism by Daisaku Ikeda
A Group of Eastern Romances and Stories from the Persian, Tamil, and
Urdu by W.A. Clouston
The Hindus by Wendy Doniger
The Jain Saga by Kalikaal Sarvagya Hemchandrasuriswarji & Muni
Samvegyash Vijayji
Jain Dharma
Hitasiksa Chatrisi - The Secret of Success by Veer Vijayji & Kalyanbodhi
Living Jainism by Aidan Rankin & Kanti V Mardi
Magnopanishad by Acharya Kalyanbodhi Suriji
Purnopanishad by Acharya Kalyanbodhi Suriji
Viropanishad by Acharya Kalyanbodhi Suriji & Manish Modi
Hindu Dharma
The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
& Rama P. Coomaraswamy
Hindu Myths by Wendy Doniger
Thirty Minor Upanishads by Anonymous
The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran
The Upanishads by Valerie Roebuck
Indian Buddhist Scriptures
Buddhist Scriptures by Edward Joseph Thomas, Buddhist Suttas by
Thomas William Rhys Davids, The Mahavagga by Thomas William Rhys
Davids, The Milinda Panha by Thomas William Rhys Davids, The SuttaNipata by Michael Viggo Fausboll, and Udana by Buddha Gotama
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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In The Buddha's Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Long Discourses of the Buddha by Maurice Walshe
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha by Bhikkhu Nanamoli &
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Sikh Dharma Scriptures
Ek Onkar Satnam by Taoshobuddha
Guru Nanaks Divine Teaching by Swarn Singh Bains
The Ultimate Sikhism Library - (A Unique Collection of 3 sacred books of
the... by Publishthis
Sikh Dharma Theology
The Religion of the Sikhs by Dorothy Field
The Soul of Sikhism by Prof. Gurpreet Singh
Sikh Dharma Leaders and History
Autobiograpghy of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh by Bhai Sahib Randhir
Life of Guru Amar Das Ji by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Life of Guru Arjan Dev Ji by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Life of Guru Ram Das Ji by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Rangle Sajjan by Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh
(Pakistan / Bangladesh) South Asian Islamic History
The Baloch And Balochistan by Naseer Dashti
The Chachnamah by Rana Saad (664-712 AD)
The Muslim Heritage of Bengal by Muhammad Mojlum Khan (after 1200
(Medieval) Delhi Sultanate Indian Islamic History
The Adventures of Amir hamza by Ghalib Lakhnavi, Abdullah Bilgrami &
Musharraf Ali Farooqi (1000-1562 AD)
History of Medieval India by Dr. Sunil K. Saxena (711-1526 AD)
(Medieval and Early Modern) Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire Indian
Islamic History
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
India before Europe by Catherine B. Asher & Cynthia Talbot (1200-1750
The Languages of Political Islam in India c.1200-1800 by Muzaffar Alam
(Early Modern) Mughal Empire Indian Islamic History
Textures of Time: Writing History In South India 1600-1800 by Velcheru
Narayana Rao, David Shulman & Sanjay Subrahmanyam
Writing the Mughal World by Muzaffar Alam & Sanjay Subrahmanyam
(mid 1500s-early 1800s AD)
Pakistani / South Asian Islamic Literature
Amir Khusro, The Nightingale of India by Khalid Hameed Shaida, MD
(1253-1325 AD)
Ghalib, the Indian Beloved by Khalid Hameed Shaida (1797-1869 AD)
Book Series / In-Depth Reading: Religion and
History (517 e-Books)
206 Christian (100 West, 97 East, and 9 Mixed), 258 Major NonChristian (113 Islamic, 61 Indian Dharma Traditions, 63 Chinese/East Asian,
and 21 Jewish), and 57 Other (29 Anti-Religion and 28 Pre-World or Mixed
General (Medieval) Christian Europe (9 e-books)
Go To Top
The Conversion of Europe (TEXT ONLY) by Richard Fletcher (300-1386
The Discovery of Middle Earth: Mapping the Lost World of the Celts by
Graham Robb (500 BC-85 AD)
The Inheritance of Rome by Chris Wickham (400-1000 AD)
Life in the Medieval University by Robert S. Rait
Medieval World by John M. Thompson
Mercator's Atlas of Europe by Gerardus Mercator (1572 AD)
The Queen Mary Atlas by Diogo Homem (1558 AD)
The Restoration of Rome: Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders by
Peter Heather (476-1000s AD)
Vanished Kingdoms by Norman Davies
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Western (Roman Catholic and Protestant) Christianity (100 ebooks)
Go To Top
Catholic European Christian History
English Pre-Protestant History
Bede's The Ecclesiastical History of the English People by BEDE (672-735
A Brief History of the Anglo-Saxons by Geoffrey Hindley (450-1066 AD)
England During the Dark Ages by John Green
Scottish Pre-Protestant History
Life of St Columba by Adomnan Of Iona (521-597 AD)
The Men of the North by Tim Clarkson (450-1093 AD)
The Picts by Tim Clarkson (297-1050 AD)
Welsh Pre-Protestant History
The Kings & Queens of Wales by Timothy Venning (540-1282 AD)
The Little Book of Cornwall by John Van der Kiste
The Mabinogion by Lady Charlotte Guest (1060-1200 AD)
Proto-France-Germany Pre-Protestant/Catholic History
Becoming Charlemagne by Jeff Sypeck (742-814 AD)
The Carolingian World by Marios Costambeys, Matthew Innes & Simon
MacLean (580-876 AD)
The Birth of the West by Paul Collins (900s AD)
French Catholic History
1,000 Years of Annoying the French by Stephen Clarke (1066-2000 AD)
The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718–1050 by
Archibald R. Lewis
The History of the Franks by Gregory Of Tours (539-594 AD)
Marshal Vauban and the Defence of Louis XIV's France by James Falkner
(1633-1707 AD)
The Normans by Trevor Rowley (880s-1489 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
The Story of the Normans by Sarah Jewett
French Catholic Literature
The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine Pizan (1405 AD)
The Heptameron by Margaret of Queen (1558 AD)
The Lais of Marie de France by Marie de France (late 1100s AD)
The Letters of Abelard and Heloise by Peter Abelard & Betty Radice (10791142 AD)
Netherlands and Belgium Pre-Protestant (Burgundy) History
The Cistercian World by None (1090-1153 AD)
Cities of Commerce by Oscar Gelderblom (1250-1650 AD)
The Murder, Betrayal, and Slaughter of the Glorious Charles, Count of
Flanders by Galbert of Bruges & John Jeffrey Rider (1127 AD)
German Pre-Protestant (Holy Roman Empire) History
The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger by Johannes (Johann)
Schiltberger (1380-1440 AD)
The Church and the Empire 1003-1304 by D.J. Medley, Germany in the
Later Middle Ages by William Stubbs, A History of the Germanic Empire
by S.A. Dunham, History of Germany in the Middle Ages by Ernest F.
Henderson, A Short History of Germany by Ernest Henderson
Frederick II by Richard Bressler (1194-1250 AD)
Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works by Matthew Fox (1098-1179
Warfare in Tenth-Century Germany by David S. Bachrach (900s AD)
German Pre-Protestant (Holy Roman Empire) Literature
The Nibelungenlied by Anonymous (1180-1210 AD)
Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach (early 1200s AD)
Tristan with the 'Tristan' of Thomas by Gottfried Strassburg (1210 AD)
Central European Catholic/Pre-Protestant History
The Austrians by Gordon Brook-Shepherd
Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe by Simon Winder
Slovakia in History by Mikulas Teich, Dusan Kovac & Martin D. Brown
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Italian Catholic (City States and Holy Roman Empire) History
The Barbarian Invasions of Italy by Pasquale Villari, The History of the
Popes by John Farrow, The Italian Wars 1494-1518 by Arthur Johnson,
and The Story of Florence by Edmund Gardner
Before the Normans by Barbara M. Kreutz (800s-900s AD)
City of Fortune by Roger Crowley (1204-1503 AD)
The Pope Who Quit by Jon M. Sweeney (1294 AD)
Italian Catholic (City States and Holy Roman Empire) Literature
Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini by Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571 AD)
The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni (1628 AD)
The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375 AD)
The Golden Legend: All Volumes by Jacobus de Voragine & Wyatt North
(1260 AD)
Orlando Furioso (Volume I, Cantos 1-24) by Ludovico Ariosto (1516 AD)
Iberian Catholic History
Spain, 1157-1300 by Peter Linehan
Spain Under the Visigoths by Rafael Altamira
Portugese Catholic History
1494 by Stephen R. Bown
Bringers of War by John Laband (1400s-1700s AD)
A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire: Volume One, Portugal
by A. R. Disney (before 1807 AD)
Over the Edge of the World by Laurence Bergreen (1519 AD)
Southern European Catholic History
Croatia by Marcus Tanner
Imperial Spain 1469-1716 by J. H Elliott
Mediterranean Catholic History
Empires of the Sea by Roger Crowley (1521 AD)
Sea of Faith by Stephen O'Shea (500-1500 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Shield and the Sword: The Knights of Malta by Ernle Bradford (10991798 AD)
Polish Nominally Catholic History
Camaldolese Spirituality by Peter-Damian Belisle (Catholic Christianity)
(1000s AD)
Jan Sobieski by Miltiades Varvounis (1629-1696 AD)
Poland, A Unique Country & Its People by Alicja Deck-Partyka
Polish Culture in the Renaissance by Lepri, Valentina (a cura di) & Facca,
Danilo (a cura di) (late 1400s-late 1500s AD)
Central Eastern European Nominally Catholic History
Central Europe in the High Middle Ages by Nora Berend, Przemyslaw
Urbanczyk & Przemyslaw Wiszewski (900-1300 AD)
The Hungarians by Jefferson Decker & Paul Lendvai
The Reconstruction of Nations by Timothy Snyder (1569-1999 AD)
Overseas / Colonial History
The Making of the Philippines by Frank Senauth
Spice by Jack Turner
A Splendid Exchange by Barry Krakow
Protestant European Christian History
Netherlands and Belgium Protestant War of Independence
Charles the Bold, Last Duke of Burgundy by Ruth Putnam
The Story of William of Orange by Ottokar Schup
The Eighty Years' War by George Edmundson
Netherlands and Belgium Protestant History
Amsterdam by Russell Shorto
Going Dutch by Lisa Jardine (mid 1600s AD)
History of Holland by George Edmundson
Holland by Thomas Colley Grattan
German Protestant History
A Concise History of Germany by Mary Fulbrook
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Defenders of the Faith by James Reston (1520-1536 AD)
The German Genius by Peter Watson
Germania by Simon Winder
Czech Protestant History
The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown by Hugh Agnew
Warrior of God by Victor Verney (1370-1424 AD)
Scandinavian Protestant and Pre-Protestant History
A Concise History of Sweden by Neil Kent
Cross and Scepter by Sverre Bagge (900s AD-Renaissance)
Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness by Ibn Fadlan (900s AD)
The Northern Conquest by Katherine Holman
North Eastern European Mixed-Protestant History
The Baltic by Alan Palmer
The Northern Crusades by Eric Christiansen (1100s-1200s AD)
The Teutonic Knights by William Urban (1190-1525 AD)
Western European Christian Theology
Western European Christian Mystics
Against the Pelagians by St. Jerome
Ascent of Mount Carmel, Dark Night of the Soul, The Living Flame of
Love, and The Spiritual Canticle by Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591
The Dialogue by Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380 AD)
First and Second Apology by St. Justin Martyr & Wyatt North (100-165
Introduction to the Devout Life and Treatise on the Love of God by Saint
Francis de Sales (1567-1622 AD)
The Journey of the Mind into God by St. Bonaventure (1221-1274 AD)
The Life of Our Most Holy Father Saint Benedict (Modern Translation) by
St. Gregory the Great & Wyatt North (540-604 AD)
A Little Book of Eternal Wisdom by Blessed Henry Suso (1295-1366 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Meditations on the Way of the Cross (Stations of the Cross) by St. Francis
of Assisi (1226 AD)
Meister Eckhart's Sermons by Meister Eckhart (1260-1328 AD)
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich (1342-1416 AD)
The Rule of St. Benedict by Saint Benedict of Nursia (480-543 AD)
A Treatise on God as First Principle by Blessed John Duns Scotus (12661308 AD)
Treatise on Purgatory by St. Catherine of Genoa & Wyatt North (14471510 AD)
Eastern (Oriental and Eastern Orthodox) Christianity (97 ebooks)
Go To Top
Eastern European Orthodox History
Greek Orthodox Christian History
The Alexiad by Anna Komnene & E. R. A. Sewter (1081-1118 AD)
The Chronographia of Michael Psellus by Michael Psellus (1025 AD)
A History of the Byzantine State and Society by Warren Treadgold (2851461 AD)
Other Greeks by Victor Davis Hanson
The Philokalia (Volumes 2, 3, 4) by G.E.H. Palmer (300-1400 AD)
Political Russian Orthodox Christian History
Between East and West by R. D. Charques (862-1953 AD)
In Siberia by Anthony Haywood
Religious Russian Orthodox Christian History
On the Prayer of Jesus by Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867 AD)
Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality by Matthew Raphael Johnson
Way of a Pilgrim by Gleb Pokrovsky (1884 AD)
North Eastern Europe Orthodox History
Borderland by Anna Reid
Belarus by Andrew Wilson
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Ukrainian Poetry (by Hryhory Skovoroda, Taras Shevchenko, Yevhen
Hrebinka, etc)
Central Eastern Europe Orthodox History
The Black Sea: A History by Charles King
A Concise History of Romania by Keith Hitchins
Regional South Eastern Europe Orthodox History
The Balkan Wars by Andre Gerolymatos
Cross and Crescent In the Balkans by David Nicholle (1300s-1400s AD)
The Janissaries by Godfrey Goodwin (1400s-1500s AD)
A Short History of the Balkans by Neville Forbes
Specific Country South Eastern Europe Orthodox History
A Concise History of Bulgaria by R. J. Crampton
Heavenly Serbia and the Medieval Idea by Matthew Raphael Johnson
Scanderbeide by Margherita Sarrocchi (1560-1617 AD)
Asian Church History
Middle Eastern Christian Literature
The Ascetic Discourses and Three Letters of Philoxenus of Mabbugh by
E.A. Wallis Budge (523 AD)
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom by St. John Chrysostom (347407 AD)
An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith by St. John of Damascus (676749 AD)
The Institutes by John Cassian & Wyatt North (360-435 AD)
The Lausiac History of Palladius by Peter Farrington (360s-420s AD)
Life and Essential Writings of Ephraim the Syrian by Ephraim the Syrian
(306-373 AD)
The Martyrdom of Polycarp - Multiple Translations by Apostolic Fathers
& Wyatt North
On the Holy Spirit (De Spiritu Sancto) by St. Basil The Great (330-379
The Orations and Letters of Saint Gregory Nazianzus by St. Gregory
Nazianzus (329-390 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Soul and the Resurrection by St. Gregory of Nyssa (335-394 AD)
Middle Eastern Christian History
The Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean by Ronnie Ellenblum (9501072 AD)
From the Holy Mountain: A Journey In The Shadow of Byzantium (Text
Only) by William Dalrymple (587 AD)
The Goddess and the Bull by Michael Balter
Lebanon: A History, 600-2011 by William Harris
Palestine Under the Moslems by Guy Le Strange
Middle Eastern Christian Religious Issues
Patristic Study by H.B. Swete
Pillars of Community by Terrence Kardong, OSB
The Third Choice by Mark Durie
Christian Mesopotamia / Iraq / Kurdistan History
Assyrian Tradgedy by Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII, Catholicos Patriarch
Babylon by Paul Kriwaczek (6000 BC-600 BC)
Dawn and Sunset by Michael Baizerman (4000-3000 BC)
Syriac Studies by Dale A. Johnson
Christian Mesopotamia / Iraq / Kurdistan Religious issues
Church of the East by Mar Bawai Soro
The Mesopotamian School & Theodore of Mopsuestia by Fr. Andrew
Persian Christian History
Ch'ing-Tsing by Charles Home
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean by Sebouh Aslanian (1600s1700s AD)
A History of the Iranian Plateau by Dr. Parviz Kambin
Jesus In the Eyes of the Sufis by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh
Paths to the Heart by James S. Cutsinger
General Central Asian Christian History
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Empires of the Silk Road by Christopher I. Beckwith
Legends of the Caucasus by David Hunt
The Story of Sts. Vartanants by Hagop Kizilos
Medieval Central Asian Christian History
Lost Enlightenment by S. Frederick Starr (800-1200 AD)
The Silk Road: A New History by Valerie Hansen (200-1200 AD)
Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion by W. Barthold (late 600s-early
1200s AD)
African Church History
Coptic (Egyptian) Church Literature
The Incarnation of the Word (De Incarnatione Verbi Dei) by St.
Athanasius (296-373 AD)
In the Heart of the Desert by John Chryssavgi (270-400s AD)
On the Unity of Christ by Cyril of Alexandria (378-444 AD)
The Stromata (Miscellanies) by St. Clement of Alexandria & Wyatt North
(150-215 AD)
Coptic (Egyptian) Church History
The A to Z of the Coptic Church by Gawdat Gabra, Birger A. Pearson, Mark
N. Swanson, Youhanna Nessim Youssef (Coptic Christianity)
The History of the Patriarchs of the Church of Alexandria by Severus of
Coptic (Egyptian) Church Academic Journal
Coptologia Journal Volume II by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XI by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XV by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XVII by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XVIII by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Coptologia Journal Volume XIX by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
Egyptian History (Late Antiquity and Medieval/Pre-Modern)
Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route by Steven E. Sidebotham
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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City of the Sharp-Nosed Fish by Peter Parsons (300 BC-600 AD)
A History of Egypt by Jason Thompson (from 3000 BC)
Secrets of the Sands by Harry Thurston (from 2686 BC-30 BC)
Beyond Egypt East African Church History
Darfur's Sorrow by M. W. Daly (1500s AD-2000 AD)
Foundations of an African Civilisation by David W. Phillipson (1000 BC1300 AD)
Introduction to the Ethiopian Orthodox by Alemayehu Desta
Beyond East Africa Church History
The Berber Identity Movement and the Challenge to North African States
by Bruce Maddy-Weitzman (323 BC-2000 AD)
Trickster Travels by Natalie Zemon Davis (1492-1550 AD)
White Gold by Giles Milton (1716 AD)
Liturgy / Prayer / Worship
Eastern Orthodox Liturgy / Prayer / Worship
Christian Orthodox Prayer Book by Stanimir Andonov
Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Sa... by Saint Basil the Great &
Rev. Fr. Michael Monos
The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom by St. John Chrysostom
The Simple Guide to Attending Orthodox Christian Ceremonies by Akasha
Syriac / Aramaic Liturgy / Prayer / Worship
The Book of Before and After by Fr. Andrew Younan
Christian Prayer Book Translitration by Cherian Jacob
Daily Prayers from the Language of Jesus by Dale. A. Johnson
Jacobite Prayers by Jeesmon Jacob
Lenten Prayers by Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles by Sir James Donaldson, Arthur
Cleveland, Alexander Roberts, St. Adaeus & St. Maris
Maranatha by Father Nabil Wehbe
Maronite Daily readings by Father Nabil Wehbe
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Spiritual Treasures from the Chaldean Tradition by Paul Karmo
Coptic / African Liturgy / Prayer / Worship
Agpeya by Father Moses Samaan
The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark, The Disciple
of the Holy Peter by Sir James Donaldson, Arthur Cleveland & Alexander
Glory to God by British Orthodox
Images of Faith by Kes Halie Maskel Samuels
Our Daily Life by Peter Farrington
Islam (113 e-books)
Go To Top
Basic Islamic Classics and Beliefs
Core / Primary Sacred Islamic Texts
Al-Hadith: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad by Prophet Muhammad
English Translation of the Qur'an by Dr Muhammad Muhsin Khan
Sahih Bukhari by M. Muhsin Khan
Sahih Muslim by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui
The Bible from an Islamic Perspective (Jay Crook / Jay R. Crook)
From the Creation to the Flood
Jacob and Joseph
The Bible: An Islamic Perspective - Moses
From Judges to Monarchy
David and Solomon
From Monarchy to Hellenism
The Bible: An Islamic Perspective: Jesus
Paul and Early Christianity
Sufism (Islam)
al Ghazzali (Iranian/Iraqi Sufi) - 1058-1111 AD
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
al Ghazzali On Knowing this World by Abu Hamid Muhammad AlGhazzali
al Ghazzali On Hope and Fearless by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Knowing God by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Knowing Yourself by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Listening to Music by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Repentance by Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On the Quest for Knowledge by Abu Hamid Muhammad AlGhazzali
al Ghazzali On the Remembrance of God Most Highest by Abu Hamid
Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of Hypocrisy by Abu Hamid Muhammad
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of Ignorance by Abu Hamid Muhammad
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of Love of Power and Control by Abu
Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of Miserliness and Greed by Abu Hamid
Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On the Treatment of the Harms of the Tongue by Abu Hamid
Muhammad Al-Ghazzali
al Ghazzali On Truthfulness and Sincerity by Abu Hamid Muhammad AlGhazzali
Jalaluddin Rumi (Turkish/Persian/Central Asian Sufi) - 1207-1273 AD
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 2, English Translation by
Jalaluddin Rumi & Reynold Nicholson
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 4, English Translation by
Jalaluddin Rumi & Reynold A. Nicholson
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi by Jalaluddin Rumi & Reynold A.
Islamic History
General Asian Islamic History
Empires of Faith: The Fall of Rome to the Rise of Islam, 500-700 by Peter
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Islamic Gunpowder Empires by Douglas E. Streusand (Ottoman/Turkey
1299-1923 AD, Safavid/Iran 1501-1736 AD, and Mughal/India 1526-1857
Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian,
Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam by Robert G. Hoyland
(620-780 AD)
The Struggle for the Eurasian Borderlands by Alfred J. Rieber (Habsburg
1526-1918 AD, Russian 1462-1918 AD, Ottoman 1299-1918 AD, Iranian
1501-1918 AD, and Qing 1644-1918 AD Empires)
Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean by K. N. Chaudhuri (632-1750
The Venture of Islam, Volume 2 by Marshall G. S. Hodgson (750-1500 AD)
Seljuk Empire/Sultanate of Rum (Turkey/Anatolia/Asia Minor) Islamic History
The Book of Dede Korkut by Faruk Sumer, Ahmet E. Uysal & Warren S.
Walker (900s AD)
Quarreling with God by Jennifer Ferraro
Road to Manzikert by Brian Todd Carey, Joshua B. Allfree & John Cairns
(1054 AD)
Rumi's World by Annemarie Schimmel (1207-1273 AD)
Ottoman Empire (Turkey/Anatolia/Asia Minor) Islamic History
The Ottoman Empire by Halil Inalcik (1300-1600 AD)
A Social History of Ottoman Istanbul by Ebru Boyar & Kate Fleet
Turks, Moors, and Englishmen In the Age of Discovery by Nabil Matar
Ottoman Empire (Turkey/Anatolia/Asia Minor) Islamic Travel Logs
Among the Turks by Cyrus Hamlin (1839-1876 AD)
Life on the Golden Horn by Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762 AD)
An Ottoman Traveller by Robert Dankoff (1600s AD)
Syria and Palestine
The Caliphate Of Bannu Ummayah by Ibn Katheer (661-750) AD
Gaza: A History by Jean-Pierre Filiu
The Rock by Kanan Makiya (600s AD)
Middle East Islamic History
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Arabs by David Lamb
Arab Society in the Time of The Thousand and One Nights by Edward
William Lane (900s AD)
The Middle East by Bernard Lewis 1-2000 AD
Middle East Islamic International Relations
Aden and the Indian Ocean Trade by Roxani Eleni Margariti (1000-1200
The Great Arab Conquests by Hugh Kennedy (623-1050s AD)
Iranian/Iraqi Pre-Shia/Medieval Islamic History
The Battle of Qadisiyyah by Darussalam Publishers (636 AD)
The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate by Guy Le Strange (636-1405 AD)
The Life, Personality and Writings of al-Junayd by Ali Hassan AbdelKader (800s AD)
The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran by Patricia Crone (550 BC1501 AD)
Iranian/Iraqi Shia/Early Modern History
Iran At War by Kaveh Farrokh (1500-1988 AD)
The Other Islam by Muhammed Al Dami
The Persian Album, 1400-1600 by David J. Roxburgh
Travels in Persia, 1673-1677 by Sir John Chardin
Shi'a Tradition and Iran by Global Scholarly Publications
Medieval Central Asian Islamic History
The Arab Conquests in Central Asia by H. A. R. Gibb (718-750 AD)
Kublai Khan by John Man (1215-1294 AD)
The Mongols by W B Bartlett (1167-1510 AD)
Early Modern Central Asian Islamic History
Europe's Steppe Frontier, 1500-1800 by William H. McNeill
The Modern Uzbeks by Edward A. Allworth (1300s-2000 AD)
The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire by Margus Kolga, Igor
Tonurist, Lembit Vaba, Juri Viikberg, Andrew Humpreys & Krista Mits
(starting 1500s AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Specific Central Asian Islamic History
Azerbaijan & Europe by Yagub Mahmudov
The Crimean War by Orlando Figes (1853-1856 AD)
Forgotten Heritage of Tatars
Let Our Fame Be Great by Oliver Bullough (1864 AD)
A Peep into Toorkisthhan by Rollo Gillespie Burslem
(Pakistan / Bangladesh) South Asian Islamic History
The Baloch And Balochistan by Naseer Dashti
The Chachnamah by Rana Saad (664-712 AD)
The Muslim Heritage of Bengal by Muhammad Mojlum Khan (after 1200
(Medieval) Delhi Sultanate Indian Islamic History
The Adventures of Amir hamza by Ghalib Lakhnavi, Abdullah Bilgrami &
Musharraf Ali Farooqi (1000-1562 AD)
History of Medieval India by Dr. Sunil K. Saxena (711-1526 AD)
(Medieval and Early Modern) Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire Indian Islamic History
India before Europe by Catherine B. Asher & Cynthia Talbot (1200-1750
The Languages of Political Islam in India c.1200-1800 by Muzaffar Alam
(Early Modern) Mughal Empire Indian Islamic History
Textures of Time: Writing History In South India 1600-1800 by Velcheru
Narayana Rao, David Shulman & Sanjay Subrahmanyam
Writing the Mughal World by Muzaffar Alam & Sanjay Subrahmanyam
(mid 1500s-early 1800s AD)
(Malayan Archipelago) Southeast Asian Islamic History
A Short History of Indonesia by Colin Brown
A Short History of Malaysia by Virginia Matheson Hooker
North African Islamic History
Kairwan Through The Ages by Dr. Touhami Negra
The Sahara by Eamonn Gearon
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Tunisia Since the Arab Conquest by Jacob Abadi
West African Islamic History
Angry Wind by Jeffrey Tayler
African Studies by Bruce S. Hall (1600-1950 AD)
Timbuktu by Marq de Villiers & Sheila Hirtle
General African Islamic History
A History of the East African Coast by Charles Cornelius
A Labyrinth of Kingdoms: 10,000 Miles through Islamic Africa by Steve
Kemper (1849 AD)
Islamic Literature
Medieval Turkish Islamic Literature
The Drowned Book by Coleman Barks & John Moyne (Father of Rumi
1152-1231 AD) (Rumi 1207-1273 AD)
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume I and Volume II by E.J.W. Gibb
(1300-1520 AD)
The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli by Huseyin Abiva (1209-1271 AD)
Saudi Arabia Islamic Literature
A Brief Introduction to the Arabic Alphabet by John F. Healey & G. Rex
Koranic Allusions by Ibn Warraq
Night and Horses and the Desert by Robert Irwin (400s-1500s AD)
The Path of Muhammad by Imam Birgivi & Tosun Bayrak (570-632 AD)
Iranian/Iraqi Islamic Literature
The Glad Tidings by Shaykh Emadul Deen Al-Tabari
Nahj Al-Balaghah by As-Sayyid Abul-Hasan, Ali Ibn Al-Husayn and ArRadi Al-Musawi (900s AD)
The Sacred Foundations of Justice in Islam by Ali M. Lakhani (600s AD)
A Year with Hafiz by Hafiz and Daniel Ladinsky (1325-1389 AD)
Central Asian Islamic Literature
The Epic of Jangar by He Dexiu (1400s-1600s AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Kyrgyz Legends by Oksana Vasilenko
The Language Of The Birds by Alisher Nava'i (1441-1501 AD)
Legend of Manas by He Jihong & Chun Yi & Feetan (1700s AD)
Pakistani / South Asian Islamic Literature
Amir Khusro, The Nightingale of India by Khalid Hameed Shaida, MD
(1253-1325 AD)
Ghalib, the Indian Beloved by Khalid Hameed Shaida (1797-1869 AD)
African Islamic Literature
The Awakening of the Soul by Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik Ibn Tufail
(1105-1185 AD)
Emir Abd el-Kader by Ahmed Bouyerdene (1807-1883 AD)
South Asian (Indian Dharma Traditions) - 61 e-books
Go To Top
South Asian (Indian Dharma Traditions) History
Central Asian History
A Great Deception by Western Shugden Society
Nepal Through the Ages by Ram Niwas Pandey
Secret Lives of the Dalai Lama by Alexander Norman & Dalai Lama
North India History
Banaras by Diana L Eck
Dreaming in Hindi by Katherine Russell Rich
None But India (Bharat) The Cradle Of Aryans, Sanskrit, Vedas, &
Swastika by Jagat Motwani (1800-1500 BC)
The Structure of Hindu Society by Nirmal Kumar Bose
The Wonder that was India by A. L. Basham
South Indian Classic Literature
Hundred Tamil Folk and Tribal Tales by Sujatha Vijayaraghavan
Periya Puranam by Sekkizhaar
Scenes from Tamil Classics by Sellathamby Sriskandarajah
Page 44 of 67
Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Silappadikaram and Manimekalai by Lakshmi Holmstrom & A. V. Ilango
South Indian History
Continuities and Transformations by Senake Bandaranayake
Matritime Malabar and The Europeans 1500-1962 by K. S. Mathew
The Trading World of the Tamil Merchant by Kanakalatha Mukund (after
300 BC)
Pakistan History
Bactria by Hugh George Rawlinson (250 BC-10 AD)
Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River by Alice Albinia
Empire of the Sikhs by Patwant Singh (1700s-1800s AD)
The Grandeur of Gandhara by Rafi-us Samad (600 BC-400 AD)
South Asian Regional History
Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia by Sheldon Pollock (15001800 AD)
History of the Bengali People (Ancient Period) by Niharranjan Ray (before
1200 AD)
Trade and Trade Routes in Ancient India by Moti Chandra (up to 1000
South Asian (Indian Dharma Traditions) Religious History
Buddhism by Daisaku Ikeda
A Group of Eastern Romances and Stories from the Persian, Tamil, and
Urdu by W.A. Clouston
The Hindus by Wendy Doniger
The Jain Saga by Kalikaal Sarvagya Hemchandrasuriswarji & Muni
Samvegyash Vijayji
Regional Indianized Southeast Asian History
Charting the Shape of Early Modern Southeast Asia by Anthony Reid
The Mekong by Milton Osborne
A Short History of South-East Asia by Peter Church
Southeast Asian History by D. R. SarDesai
Indianized Countries Southeast Asian History
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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A Short History of Bali by Robert Pringle
A Short History of Cambodia by John Tully
A Short History of Laos by Grant Evans
Indianized Medieval / Ancient Southeast Asian History
A Brief History of Lan Na by Hans Penth (1200-1500 AD)
A History of Early Southeast Asia by Kenneth R. Hall
A Record of Cambodia by Zhou Daguan (1296-1297 AD)
Siam & the West, 1500-1700 by Dirk Van der Cruysse
South Asian (Indian Dharma Traditions) Religion (India)
Indian Buddhist Scriptures
Buddhist Scriptures by Edward Joseph Thomas, Buddhist Suttas by
Thomas William Rhys Davids, The Mahavagga by Thomas William Rhys
Davids, The Milinda Panha by Thomas William Rhys Davids, The SuttaNipata by Michael Viggo Fausboll, and Udana by Buddha Gotama
In The Buddha's Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Long Discourses of the Buddha by Maurice Walshe
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha by Bhikkhu Nanamoli &
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Hindu Dharma
The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
& Rama P. Coomaraswamy
Hindu Myths by Wendy Doniger
Thirty Minor Upanishads by Anonymous
The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran
The Upanishads by Valerie Roebuck
Jain Dharma
Hitasiksa Chatrisi - The Secret of Success by Veer Vijayji & Kalyanbodhi
Living Jainism by Aidan Rankin & Kanti V Mardi
Magnopanishad by Acharya Kalyanbodhi Suriji
Purnopanishad by Acharya Kalyanbodhi Suriji
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Viropanishad by Acharya Kalyanbodhi Suriji & Manish Modi
Sikh Dharma Religion (Pakistan)
Sikh Dharma Scriptures
Ek Onkar Satnam by Taoshobuddha
Guru Nanaks Divine Teaching by Swarn Singh Bains
The Ultimate Sikhism Library - (A Unique Collection of 3 sacred books of
the... by Publishthis
Sikh Dharma Theology
The Religion of the Sikhs by Dorothy Field
The Soul of Sikhism by Prof. Gurpreet Singh
Sikh Dharma Leaders and History
Autobiograpghy of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh by Bhai Sahib Randhir
Life of Guru Amar Das Ji by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Life of Guru Arjan Dev Ji by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Life of Guru Ram Das Ji by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Rangle Sajjan by Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh
East Asian (Chinese Cultural Sphere) (63 e-books)
Go To Top
East Asian (Chinese Cultural Sphere) History and More
Early Medieval Confucian History
Historical Records of the Five Dynasties by Richard Davis (907-979 AD)
Li Shi Min, Founding the Tang Dynasty by Hing Ming Hung (599-649
Wars With the Xiongnu by Joseph P. Yap (206 BC-9 AD - Western Han
Late Medieval Neo-Confucian History
Epistolary Korea by JaHyun Kim Haboush (1392-1910 AD)
Return to Dragon Mountain by Jonathan D. Spence (1597 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Most Venerable Book (Shang Shu) by Confucius & Martin Palmer
(1100s BC)
Early Medieval Chan (Zen) Buddhist History and More
The Golden Age of Zen by John C.H. Wu (600s-900s AD)
The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon (990s-1010s AD)
The Silk Road Journey With Xuanzang by Sally Wriggins (602-664 AD)
Late Medieval Chan (Zen) Buddhist History and More
Defending Heaven by James Waterson (1209-1370 AD)
Samguk Yusa by Illyon (1200s AD)
Zen's Chinese Heritage by Andrew Ferguson (400s-1200s AD)
Vietnamese Mixed History
A Free People by Dave Moore
A Story of Vietnam by Truong Buu Lam
(China Cultural Sphere) Southeast Asian History
China as a Sea Power, 1127-1368 by Lo Jung-pang & Bruce A. Elleman
Chinese Circulations by Eric Tagliacozzo
A Short History of China and Southeast Asia by Martin Stuart-Fox
General East Asian (Chinese Cultural Sphere) History
East Asia by Hugh Dyson Walker
East Asia Before the West by David C. Kang (1368-1841 AD)
East Asian (China Cultural Sphere) Philosophy, Literature, and More
Early Medieval Confucian Literature
Book of Poetry by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (1100s-700s BC)
Golden Treasury of Chinese Poetry in Han, Wei and Six Dynasties by Xu
Yuanchong & Feetan (206 BC-589 AD)
Late Medieval Neo-Confucian Literature
Bright Moon, White Clouds by Li Po (701-762 AD)
Golden Treasury of Chinese Poetry in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Poetry
by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (960-1911 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Sources of Vietnamese Tradition by Jayne Werner, John K. Whitmore &
George Dutton (111 BC-1975 AD)
Neo-Confucian Philosophy and More
Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo & William Scott Wilson (1709-1716
Mencius by Mencius (391-308 BC)
The Scholars by Wu Ching-tzu (1750 AD)
The Tales of the Heike by Burton Watson & Haruo Shirane (late 1100s AD)
Taoist Literature
300 Song Lyrics by Xu Yuanchong (960-1279 AD)
300 Tang Poems by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (618-907 AD)
Du Fu by Fu Du & David Young (712-770 AD)
The Outlaws of the Marsh by Luo Guanzhong (1100s AD)
Taoist Philosophy
The Ideals of the East by Kakuzo Okakura (1883 AD)
Lieh-Tzu by Eva Wong (500s BC or 300s AD)
The Lunar Tao by Ming-Dao Deng
Wen-tzu by Thomas Cleary (800s or 600s BC)
The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine by Maoshing Ni (475 BC-220
Chinese Chan (Zen) Buddhist Background / Compilation Philosophy
300 Yuan Songs by Feetan & Xu Yuanchong (1271-1368 AD)
The Essence of Chan by Guo Gu (400s or 500s AD)
Chinese Chan (Zen) Buddhist Individual Literature and Philosophy
Cold Mountain Poems by Han Shan (800s AD)
Monkey by Wu Chengen (1500s AD)
The Sayings of Layman P'ang by James Green (740-808 AD)
Swampland Flowers by J. C. Cleary (1100s AD)
Trust in Mind by Mu Soeng (606 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po by John Eaton Calthorpe Blofeld & P'ei
Hsiu (850 AD)
The Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma by Bodhidharma and Red Pine (400s
or 500s AD)
Medieval Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy
The Awakening of Faith of Ashvagosha by Timothy Richard
A Flock of Fools by Kazuaki Tanahashi & Peter Levitt (Ancient/Sutra)
Beyond Thinking by Zen Master Dogen (1200-1253 AD)
Ikkyu: Crow With No Mouth by Stephen Berg (1394-1481 AD)
The Mirror of Zen by Zen Master So Sahn (1520-1604 AD))
Early Modern Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy and Literature
Bankei Zen by Yoshito Hakeda (1622-1693 AD)
The Unfettered Mind by Takuan Soho & William Scott Wilson (1573-1645
The Old Tea Seller by Baisao & Norman Waddell (1675-1763 AD)
Original Nature by Sokei-an Sasaki (1900s AD)
The Book of Equanimity by Gerry Shishin Wick (Contemporary)
Mixed and Other East Asian (Chinese Cultural Sphere) Philosophy,
Literature, and History
Mixed East Asian (Chinese Cultural Sphere) Philosophy and History
The Chinese on the Art of Painting by Osvald Siren (206 BC-1911 AD)
The Essential Huainanzi by John S. Major (200s BC)
Master of the Three Ways by William Scott Wilson & Hung Ying-ming
(1600s AD)
The New History of Korean Civilization by Chai-Shin Yu
Other East Asian (Chinese Cultural Sphere) Philosophy and Literature
1000 Poems from the Manyoshu by Anonymous (347 AD-759 AD)
The Book of Master Mo by Mo Zi & Ian Johnston (470-391 BC)
The Shin Buddhist Classical Tradition by Alfred Bloom
Jewish Theology (21 e-books)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Go To Top
Literary Translations
Ancient Israel: The Former Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and
Kings: A Translation with Commentary by Robert Alter
The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary by Robert Alter
The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel by
Robert Alter
Genesis: Translation and Commentary by Robert Alter
A Literary Bible by David Rosenberg
The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: A Translation with
Commentary by Robert Alter
Traditional / Classic Theology
The Babylonian Talmud by Michael L. Rodkinson (Translator) (200-500
The Doctor and the Soul by Viktor E. Frankl
Hebrew Daily Prayer Book by Jonathan Sacks & United Synagogue, The
Kuzari by Yehuda Halevi (1140 AD)
Moses Maimonides On Teshuvah: The Ways of Repentance, a New
Translation and Commentary by Henry Abramson
The Unheard Cry for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
Modern Messianic Theology
Jewish New Testament Commentary by David H. Stern
The Orthodox Jewish Bible by Dr. Phillip E. Goble
Tree of Life Bible by Messianic Jewish Family
Walking Genesis by Jeffrey Enoch Feinberg, Ph.D.
Modern Rabbinic Theology
American Reform Responsa by Walter Jacob
Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament by John Walton
Commentary on the Torah by Richard Elliott Friedman
The Taryag Companion by Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Torah's Seventy Faces by Simcha Raz & Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins
Anti-Religion History (27 e-books)
Go To Top
French Atheist History
Abnormal by Graham Burchell and Michel Foucault
The Chomsky-Foucault Debate by Michel Foucault and Noam Chomsky
The Discovery of France by Graham Robb (1890 AD)
Exile and the Kingdom by Albert Camus
The First Man by Albert Camus
For the Soul of France by Frederick Brown (1871-1900 AD)
Happy Death by Albert Camus
The Plague by Albert Camus
Savage Continent by Keith Lowe (1945-1955 AD)
Contemporary American History
The Art of Conversation by Catherine Blyth
Farming by Wendell Berry
The Fine Art of Small Talk by Debra Fine
Going Solo by Eric Klinenberg
The Good Life and Its Discontents by Robert J. Samuelson
How To Be a Man by Glenn O'Brien & Jean-Philippe Delhomme
In CHEAP We Trust by Lauren Weber
Louder than Words (Enhanced Edition) by Joe Navarro and Toni Sciarra
Made to Stick by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
The Narcissism Epidemic by Jean M. Twenge & W. Keith Campbell
The Other Irish by Karen F. McCarthy
The Pain Chronicles by Melanie Thernstrom
Sound Sleep, Sound Mind by William J. Bernstein
Spy the Lie by Philip Houston, Michael Floyd, Susan Carnicero, & Don
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Standing by Words by Wendell Berry
The Upside of Irrationality (Enhanced Edition) by Dan Ariely
Urban Dictionary by Aaron Pecklham
What Money Can't Buy by Michael J. Sandel
Pre-World/Mixed Religion History (29 e-books)
Go To Top
Native Iranian Religious History
Rostam by Abolqasem Ferdowsi & Dick Davis (20-10 BC Parthian
Shahnameh: The Epic of Kings by Abolqasem Ferdowsi (before 600s AD)
The Spirit of Zoroastrianism by Prods Oktor Skjaervo
The Story of Bahaullah by Druzelle Cederquist (1817-1892 AD)
Entire African Continent Mixed/Pre-World Religion History
Forgotten Africa by John Brownie
A History of Sub-Saharan Africa by Robert O. Collins & James M. Burns
Papers On Language And Culture: An African Perspective by Mary
Nyambura Muchiri, Ph.D.
Precolonial Black Africa by Cheikh Anta Diop
Warfare in African History by Richard J. Reid (1000-2000 AD)
West African Mixed/Pre-World Religion History
The Evolution of Ondo Kingdom Over 500 years (1510-2010+) by Ibidayo
Ajayi, Oladipo O. Akinkugbe & Jacob K. Olupona
A History of Nigeria by Toyin Falola & Matthew M. Heaton
Southern African Mixed/Pre-World Religion History
Becoming Zimbabwe by Brian Raftopoulos & Alois Mlambo (850-2008
A History of South Africa, Fourth Edition by Leonard Thompson
A History of Zimbabwe by Alois S. Mlambo
Reminiscences On the Dynastic History of Ndom Mwasundem, Cameroon
by S. N. Ejedepang-Koge
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Pacific Ocean History
Beyond the Coral Sea: Travels in the Old Empires of the South-West
Pacific (Text Only) by Michael Moran
Polynesia in Early Historic Times by Douglas Oliver
Medieval North American History
Cahokia by Timothy R. Pauketat (1050 AD)
House of Rain by Craig Childs (1000s-1200s AD)
Indian Nations of North America by National Geographic, Herman Viola,
George Horsecapture, Rick Hill and ...
Modern North American History
Indian Givers by Jack Weatherford (1500-2000 AD)
Indian Wars by Bill Yenne (1850s-1900 AD)
Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynne (1836-1875 AD)
Pre-Historic British History
The Origins of the British: The New Prehistory of Britain by Stephen
Warfare in Prehistoric Britain by Julian Heath
Other History
Against the Grain by Richard Manning (8000 BC-2000 AD)
The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong (900-200 BC)
Last Speakers by K. David Harrison
Contemporary Christian
Modern Christian Classics
Protestant Commentaries
Commentary on the Bible by Adam Clarke
Genesis through Revelation by Vernon McGee
The New Matthew Henry Commentary: Complete and Unabridged by
Matthew Henry
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
The Ultimate John Calvin Collection by Charles River Editors & John
John Wesley
The Journal of John Wesley by Percy Livingstone Parker
Sermons on Several Occasions by John Wesley
Works of John Wesley by John Wesley
Protestant Hymns
The Baptist Hymnal by Doane, William Howard
Book of Common Prayer by Episcopal Church in Scotland
The Reformed Church Hymnal by The General Synod of the Reformed
Church in the United States
Protestant Worship and Theology
Chalice Worship by Colbert S. Cartwright (Disciples of Christ)
Dynamics of Faith by Paul Tillich
The New Handbook of the Christian Year by Hoyt Hickman (United
The Protestant Revolution by William G. Naphy
Orthodox Christianity / Church History for Western Christians
A Beginners Guide to Spirituality by Fr. Michael Keiser
The Faith by Clark Carlton
The Historic Church by David S. Rains
The Life by Clark Carlton
Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism by Stanley N.
Gundry & James J. Stamoolis
The Way by Clark Carlton
West of Jesus by Anthony of the Desert
Christian Reference
General Purpose Protestant Bibles
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
New American Standard Bible by The Lockman Foundation
NIV Archeological Study Bible by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. & Duane Garrett
NLT Study Bible by Tyndale House Publishers
Special Purpose Protestant Bibles
Amplified Bible by Zondervan
The Message by Eugene H. Peterson
The People's Bible, NIV
Eastern Orthodox Bibles
A New English Translation of the Septuagint by Albert Pietersma &
Benjamin G. Wright
(Eastern Orthodox) New Testament by Editor Cleenewerck
The Orthodox Study Bible by Thomas Nelson
Oriental Orthodox Bibles
The Original Aramaic New Testament in Plain English by Rev. David
Peshitta Genesis by Aramaic Peshitta
Oriental Orthodox Theology
The Hebrew and Aramaic Origin of the New Testament by James Trimm
Orthodox Christology by Father Peter Farrington
African Theology
African Christian Theology by Zondervan
God, Where Are You? by Benjamin Kisoni
A Guide to Interpreting Scripture by Michael Kyomya
The Trinity of Sin by Yusufu Turaki
The War Within by Revd. Canon A. C. Chukwuocha
More Christian Theology
Encountering the Mystery by PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Spurgeon Anthology by Charles H. Spurgeon
Spurgeon Gems by Charles H. Spurgeon
Tradition and Change by Tolly Kizilos
Beyond Church / Worship
The Message Concordance by Eugene Peterson
Morning and Evening - Daily Readings by Charles H. Spurgeon
Our Daily Bread Yearly Devotional Vol 2 by RBC Ministries
Rich Mullins: A Devotional Biography by Brennan Manning & James
Bryan Smith
Turnaround by Forrest Long
Christian Practice
Christian Formation by James R. Estep & Jonathan H. Kim
Imagine That by Manuel Luz
Jesus and the Jewish Festivals by Gary M. Burge
Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling by Mark
R. Mcminn
Way of the Lord: Perspectives on Sharing the Gospel of Christ by
Archbishop Demetrios of America
Bible / Church History
Bible History: Geography
Bible Zoology by Milton E. Jones
HarperCollins Atlas of Bible History by James B. Pritchard
Satellite Bible Atlas by William Schlegel
Bible History: Illustrated Reference (Protestant)
The Illustrated Guide to Bible History by Kendell Easley
Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Manners and Customs by Howard F. Vos
Modern World Regional (Extras)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Warsaw 1920: Lenin's Failed Conquest of Europe by Adam Zamoyski
Budapest 1900 by John Lukacs
Between the Woods and the Water by Patrick Leigh Fermor & Jan Morris
Prague in Black and Gold by Peter Demetz
Art and Poetry by Jacques Maritain
Being and Having by Gabriel Marcel
Personalism by Emmanuel Mounier
Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing by Soren Aabye Kierkegaard
Tragic Sense of Life by Miguel de Unamuno
Two Discourses of God and Man by Soren Kierkegaard & Simon Yee
The Russian Idea by Nikolai Berdyaev
Yesterday's Children by Elizabeth Yoel Campbell
Arshavir Shiragian - The Legacy by Arshavir Shiragian
Treatises of Fr. Matthew the Poor by Prof. Fayek M. Ishak
100 Year of African Missions by Stanley E. Granberg
Motherland Lost by Samuel Tadros
An African Prayer Book by Desmond Tutu
Africa Bible Commentary by Tokunboh Adeyemo
The Other Side Of Jordan: A Commentary On The Book Of Hebrews In
The Historic, Orthodox Tradition by Earl Cripe
The Art of Personality by Hazrat Inayat Khan
The Mysticism of Music, Sound, and Word by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Sufi Mysticism by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Sufi Teachings by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Russia and the Arabs by Yevgeny Primakov (1947-1991 AD)
From Malayan Union to Singapore Separation by Mohamad Noordin
A Servant of Sarawak: Reminiscences of a Crown Counsel in 1950s
Borneo by Peter Mooney
The Letters by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960 AD)
The Rays by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960 AD)
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
Speech and Power of Expression by M. Fethullah Gulen (after 1941 AD)
Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Tolerance by M. Fethullah
Gulen (after 1941 AD)
Faiz, A Wailing Nightengale by Faiz Ahmad Faiz (1911-1984 AD)
Khalish by Khalish Dehlavi (1935 AD)
A Spirit of Tolerance by Amadou Hampate Ba (1875-1939 AD)
Ways Unto Heaven by Abdoul Aziz Mbacke (1853-1927 AD)
The River of Lost Footsteps by Thant Myint-U
Where China Meets India by Thant Myint-U
Conversations With Thaksin (Giants of Asia Series) by Tom Plate
Bhikkhuni Vinaya Studies by Bhikkhu Sujato
A History of Mindfulness by Bhikkhu Sujato
Living Dharma by Jack Kornfield
Sects & Sectarianism by Bhikkhu Sujato
China's Great Train by Abrahm Lustgarten
Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants by Hsiao-Hung Pai
Dragon Rising by Jasper Becker
Doing The China Tango by Alan Refkin and Scott Cray
The Fight for the Republic in China by Bertram Lenox Simpson
What Chinese Want by Tom Doctoroff
When A Billion Chinese Jump by Jonathan Watts
Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew by Tom Plate
Dreaming In Chinese by Deborah Fallows
Lagos by Kaye Whiteman (after 1861 AD)
General History
Pre-History (before recorded history)
Becoming Dinosaurs by David Trexler
The Cave Painters by Gregory Curtis
Deep Ancestry by Spencer Wells
Driven to Extinction by Richard Pearson
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Ice, Mud and Blood by Chris Turney
The Last Lost World by Lydia V. Pyne & Stephen J. Pyne
Ancient History
Lexicon and Atlas of the Modern World Coinciding With the Ancient
Greek World by Joseph R. Laurin
In the Spirit of Happiness by Monks of New Skete
The Shape of Ancient Thought by Thomas McEvilley
Modern Cultural History
After Tamerlane by John Darwin (1405-2000 AD)
Empires of the Word by Nicholas Ostler (3500 BC-2000 AD)
The European Culture Area by Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov
Flushed by W. Hodding Carter
From the Ruins of Empire by Pankaj Mishra (1870-1940 AD)
The Great Warming by Brian Fagan (800-1300 AD)
The Victorian Internet by Tom Standage (1842-1858 AD)
Contemporary Geographic History
Geographies of the World's Knowledge by Mark Graham, Monica
Stephens, Scott A. Hale & Kunika Kono
The Geography of Thought by Richard Nisbett
A Geography Of Time by Robert N. Levine
Ocean Mapbook by Ocean and Design
Contemporary World Situation
7 Billion by National Geographic
Atlas of Global Development by the World Bank
CIA World Factbook 2011 by Central Intelligence Agency
Eco-Geography by Andreas Suchantke
Future Trends
Eaarth by Bill McKibben
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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The Revenge of Geography by Robert D. Kaplan
Tropic of Chaos by Christian Parenti
The Weather of the Future by Heidi Cullen
The World in 2050 by Laurence C. Smith
Near Future
7 Billion People are Consuming the Planet by Michelle Arseneault, Tom
Armitage, and Timo Brielmann
Climate Change, Foreign Assistance, and Development by Christopher
Paul, Erika Weinthal & Courtney Harrison
Global Trends 2020, Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World, and
Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds by National Intellligence Council
High Mountain Glaciers and Climate Change by Bjorn Petter Kaltenborn,
Christian Nellemann & Ingunn Ims Vistnes
Natural and Social Sciences
General Science
The Believing Brain by Michael Shermer
The Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine by Dr. Neil T. Anderson & Dr.
Michael Jacobson
Brain by Michael S Sweeney and Richard Restak
Incognito (Enhanced Edition) by David Eagleman
Eccentric Preachers by Charles H. Spurgeon
Quiet by Susan Cain
In Praise of Doubt by Peter Berger & Anton Zijderveld
The Language of Advertising by Alan Papprill
Contemporary Animal Emotions / Communication
Bones Would Rain from the Sky by Suzanne Clothier
For the Love of a Dog by Patricia McConnell, Ph.D.
Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz
The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell, Ph.D.
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
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Sounds from The Great Animal Orchestra (Enhanced) by Bernie Krause
Tales of Two Species by Patricia McConnell
Understanding Cat Language - 50 Points by Aude Yvanes
Understanding Dog Language - 50 Points by Aude Yvanes
Contemporary Farming
African Agricultural History by AI Limited
Farm Sermons by Charles H. Spurgeon
Food Security, Farming, and Climate Change to 2050 by Gerald C.
Nelson, Mark W. Rosegrant, Amanda Palazzo, Ian Gray, Christina
Ingersoll, Richard Robertson, Simla Tokgoz, Tingju Zhu, Timothy B.
Sulser, Claudia Ringler, Siwa Msangi & Liangzhi You
Forests at Risk by The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies
West African Agriculture and Climate Change by Abdulai Jalloh
19th Century Animals
Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals by R. Lee
Domestic Animals by Richard L. Allen
Domesticated Animals by Nathaniel Southgate Shaler
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Charles Darwin
Kindness to Animals by 1790-1846 Charlotte Elizabeth
The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals by William Temple Hornaday
On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals by Thomas Henry Huxley
A Short History of English Agriculture by William Henry Ricketts Curtler
Stories about the Instinct of Animals, Their Characters, and Habits by
Thomas Bingley
The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I. by
Charles Darwin
e-Books Extras List
Odds and Ends
Belief and Islam by Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi
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Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects: Recommended Serious e-Books
10/24/14 7:11 PM
The British Government and Jihad by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Discipline and Conventions of the Theravada Forest Tradition by
Amaravati Publications
The Hidden Life Of The Prophet Muhammad by Dr. A. A. Ahmed
In the Mystic Footsteps of Saints by Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani &
Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein
The Woman who Rewrote History by Claire lloyd
Content Ends
Final Notes
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Network Overview
Website Ownership
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© Ben Huot 1998-Present. Website designs and all content not marked with a
specific license copyrighted, from 1998-Present by Ben Huot. I am the webmaster of
this network, which includes 6 different, but related websites.
These websites all serve different purposes or audiences, but all share one thing
in common: they are all created by me and are about me and my mission/ministry. I
am the webmaster, so that I not only create everything on these websites, but also
have designed and done all the technical things, to make this site work well, on a wide
range of the most popular devices.
I have worked on all this for 16 years now, while understanding that I would
never make any money off of it, as my niche is too small.
Website Purpose
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Most problems we encounter, in the world, these days are solved by highly
intelligent people, in elite teams. But the most difficult problems have to be solved by
you, as an individual, often times without any outside help. The most difficult
problems do not have answers: the solution is to manage the problems and not let
them control you. These are the problems I deal with, on this website and in my own
life. These are also the kind of problems our current world has to deal with, as well.
Nothing less than divine intervention will save us; for the biggest problems, we need
to enlist the grace of God. (more on my challenges)
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10/24/14 7:11 PM
I have spent a decade and a half studying the major world religions and world
history, to try to find a way to explain who I am in a way that is both accurate and
understandable to the lay person. The technical terms would be my unique
philosophy combining Philosophical Taoism and Christian Existentialism, in order to
find a way to understand the Bible better within its Asian and mystical traditions. I
found along the way that Christianity first caught on in what is now occupied by
Islamic fundamentalists, from North Africa and East Africa to Iran and Central Asia
and has surprisingly close connections to Islam, in almost all of its practices and
I am now able to explain who I am in a few simple words. First of all I am very
religious, I am very literal, I have Schizophrenia, and I have extremely bad luck. To
deal with these challenges, I have leveraged my creativity, my attention to detail, and
my inability to give up on anything, to live a happy life. I took many risks, when I
joined the military, and came out of that miraculously well. I now choose to live a very
carefully thought out life and take as few risks as possible. (more on me)
In my designs and my writing, I aim to be as clear, concise, and direct as
possible, while still being polite. Do not assume that because I use simple words, to
explain the ideas, that I talk about, that my writing is easy to understand. This site is
based on philosophy, so there is little challenge in the vocabulary, but it requires you
to think, to understand.
Our society tries very hard, to get us to not think, so it is not easy for most
people. If you want to have purpose and meaning, in your life, it will require a
tremendous amount of time, effort, and discipline. There are no shortcuts, to peace
and happiness. You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the way
you think and the decisions you make. You may be in a very bad situation, but no
matter where you are, you can always improve your situation, by making good
choices. (more on my missions)
Design Decisions
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I also aim to make the website and writing beautiful, but also responsive to the
user in a fast and fluid manner, at the same time. I use bright colors, as those cheer
me up, as I get depressed easily. I also color code many of my website elements, to
make them easier to understand. My overall goal in the design is to re-enforce the
messages in my writing. (more on design)
Unlike most web designers, my sites are all optimized, for smartphones, plus I
still have a dedicated mobile website and even one optimized for dialup modems. Not
only do I have a professional overview website, one for most of my non-fiction books
and other content, one for my missions/ministry overview, one for my hobbies/fun,
and one for my childhood.
Benjamin-Newton.Net Challenging Projects is the umbrella site, for the
following projects
Benjamin-Newton Challenging Projects Network
This Website: Benjamin-Newton.Net Challenging Projects
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