Glenwood Lutheran Church - ELCA - Worship Service


Glenwood Lutheran Church - ELCA - Worship Service
11:00am Praise Band Worship Service
Glenwood Lutheran Church - ELCA - Worship Service
8:30am Service
Service of the Word - ELW
Reformation Sunday
October 26, 2014
*indicates when to stand
Welcome & Announcements
*Brief Order for Confession and Forgiveness .........................................................p. 211
Opening Hymn....................... “The Church’s One Foundation” ...............................# 654
Opening Songs ............................................... “Sing to the King”.............................................................. 30
............................................................................... “Thy Word” .................................................................. 19
Praise Song ....................................................... “Mighty to Save” .............................................................. 18
Scripture Song ................................................... “We are Called” ................................................. Adult Choir
Sermon Song
“A Mighty Fortress” ELW-504 / “Firm Foundation”........................................................ 9
Offering Song ............................................... “I Love to Tell the Story” .............. Diane Moeller and Pr. Randy
Sending Song ........................................................ “Forever” .................................................................... 21
Assisting in 11:00 Worship Today
Keyboard: Diane Moeller
Sound: Judi Morton
Reader: Sharon Cin
Trustee: Steve Claussen
Greeters: Jim & Sandy Nelson
Acolytes: Jadrian Thompson, Treyton Thompson
Kyrie & Canticle ....................................................................................................p. 213
Prayer of the Day
First Lesson ....................................................................................... Jeremiah 31:31-34
Second Lesson ..................................................................................... Romans 3:19-28
*Gospel Acclamation ......... “Alleluia, Lord to whom shall we go?” ..........................p. 216
P: The Holy Gospel is according to…John 8:31-36 ................ C: Glory to you, O Lord
P: The Gospel of our Lord!
C: Praise to you, O Christ
Sermon ...................................................................................................... Pr. Krista Lee
Sermon Hymn........................ “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” ...............................# 504
Receiving New Members
Offering.................................. “I Love To Tell The Story” ... Diane Moeller and Pr. Randy
Children of all ages are invited to come forward and place an offering in the
Giving Church for Habitat of Humanity of Pope County
*Canticle of Thanksgiving ……..“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” ........# 884
Thanksgiving for the Word .....................................................................................p. 220
Lord’s Prayer and Benediction ...............................................................................p. 221
Sending Hymn ............................... “O Day Full of Grace” .......................................# 627
P: The peace of the Lord be with you always. Go in peace. Serve the Lord.
C: Thanks be to God.
Pr. Randy Chrissis and Pr. Krista Lee ~ Assisting in 8:30 Worship Today
Organist: Diane Moeller
Sound: Judi Morton
Reader: Ann Grandy
Trustee: Doug Bogie
Greeters: Chris & Erin Dahlke
Acolytes: Peyton Kolstoe, Jaeger Jergenson
Orville Jacobson
Ethel Rosten
Gloria Heieie
Joyce Finke
Carl Thorp
Faith Thorfinnson
Radio Broadcast is sponsored by
the Ask family in memory of
Francis & Irene Ask
Paul Blair
Duffy Morton
Bob Danielson
Dave Finke
Bob Jones
friends & family
Shannon Dickey
Jessica Stai
Tennille Grossman
Mark Johnson
Scott & Alyssa, Evan and Brielle Gullickson
Christine Obenland McKigney and family
healing & comfort
 Family and friends of Elrue Dunsmore whose
burial was Saturday; 11:00am at Lake Amelia
Cemetery, Pr. Randy Chrissis officiated
 Family and friends of Abner Ogdahl, brother of
Cliff Ogdahl, whose funeral was Friday, 2:00pm at
Barsness Lutheran Church
 Steve Bauko, nephew of Helen Hagen, who is in
in critical condition at Methodist Hospital in
 All those affected by and/or working to contain
 All those working with this year’s harvest
joy & celebration
 Diane Moeller & Pr. Randy providing special
music at both services today
 Adult Choir singing at 11:00am service
 All visitors who are with us today
10:30am - KMGK 107.1 FM
Sponsor a Radio Broadcast
Christmas Day: December 25
Sundays in 2015
January: 11, 18, 25
February: 8, 22
March: 1, 8, 29 (Palm Sunday)
If you are hospitalized and would
like a visit from your pastor
Call your pastor directly or
Privacy laws protect your privacy
We won’t know you are hospitalized unless
you tell us or request someone to tell us
Again, pastors cannot visit you without your
permission to do so
Request that a nurse, family member or
friend call the pastor for you
Pastors cannot visit without your permission
those called to military duty
Adam P. Sheppard
Keith Skidemore
Rob Danielson
Jesse Duhn
Dave Polzin
Chad Blevins
Seth Moore
 Lars Meisner in Rwanda with ELCA Young Adult
Global Missions