Document 6579323


Document 6579323
Saints Mary and Joseph Catholic Church
Carlinville, Illinois
Carol Link
Rev. Angel Sierra
[email protected]
Parish Bookeeper
[email protected]
Linda Wood
Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Jennifer Frericks
Rose Marie Price
Rocco Cania
Coordinator of Religious Education
[email protected]
Religious Ed. Assistant
Youth Minister
[email protected]
Carol Lefler
Parish Maintenance
[email protected]
Cheryl Ogden, RN
Parish Nurse
217- 414 - 5542
Weekend Mass Times: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm - Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am
Daily Mass: Monday, Thursday and Friday: 8:00 am and Wednesday: 5:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 - 4:45 pm and by appointment.
Summer Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 9:00 am -12:00 Noon,
2010 East First South Street (Rte 108) - P.O. Box 647 - Carlinville, Illinois 62626
Office: (217) 854-7151
Fax: (217) 854-9228
Ss. Mary and Joseph Church
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 26, 2014
Parish Address:
2010 East First South Street
P.O. Box 647
Carlinville, IL. 62626
Parish Office: 217- 854-7151
Parish Office Hours:
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday:
9:00 am – 12:00 Noon
Wed.: 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Mass Times
Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8 am and 10 am
Mon,Thurs and Fri: 8:00 am
Wednesday - 5:00 pm
Holy Days:
As announced
— Sacrament of Reconciliation —
Saturday: 4:15pm - 4:45 pm
and at other times by appointment
—-Chaplet of Divine Mercy—Monday:
8:30 am
— Scriptural Rosary —
9:00 am
— Eucharistic Adoration —
Thursday: 8:30 am -12:00 pm
All Saints Day
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Not a Holy Day of Obligation this year!
For Roman Catholics, November 1st is known as All Saints Day
or the Feast of All Saints. It is a Solemnity and the day that the Church
honors all saints, known and unknown. The key to understanding the
Catholic practice of honoring saints is our belief in the Communion of
Saints. This is the belief that all of God's people, those on earth, those in
heaven, and those in Purgatory are bound together and connected in a
We believe that the Church militant, the Church Triumphant and the
Church suffering can help one another. People on earth can pray to the
saints to ask for their intercession with God. Saints are not omnipresent nor
are they omniscient. But, because of our common communion together
with Jesus Christ, our prayers are joined together with the community of
All Saints Day is preceded on October 31st by All Hallows' Eve or
Hallowe'en. In Britain, saints are referred to as "hallowed."
The eve or e'en before All Hallows' Day was known as All Hallows' Eve or
Hallowe'en for short.
Mon. 10/27: Ordinary Time
8:00 am: Francis Hartman Tue. 10/28: Ss. Simon and Jude
8:00 am: Communion Service
Wed. 10/29: Ordinary Time
8:00 am: Communion Service
5:00 pm: Tony Eyer Thu. 10/30: Ordinary Time
8:00 am: Leonard Bomkamp
Fri. 10/31: Ordinary Time
8:00 am: John & Lucille Haasis Sat. 11/1: All Saints
5:00 pm: For The Parish
Sun. 11/2: 31st Sunday in OT
8:00 am: Ray Geninatti 10:00 am: Mathew Weyen
Celebrating and remembering saints and martyrs, the heroes of
Christianity, is much like celebrating special holidays when Americans
celebrate very special citizens in our country's history. In honoring the
Saints of our faith, we have the opportunity to remember the paths they
walked during their life and hopefully lead us to living lives that emulate
them and ultimately bring us closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Often, non-Catholics believe that our celebration and remembrance of
saints is idolatrous. It is important to understand that Catholics do not
worship saints, Catholics venerate saints. Catholics do not look to saints as
they look to God. Because of Catholic belief in the Communion of Saints,
praying to saints is like asking a person to pray for you.
The Christian history of honoring saints and martyrs goes back to the second century and the calendar for celebration of saints changed and varied.
Eventually, Pope Boniface IV originated the Feast of All Martyrs on
May 13, 615, when he consecrated the Pantheon in Rome into a Christian
church. The Pantheon was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and all
the martyrs.
October 26, 2014
Week 16
Total to Date
Parish Assessment
Fiscal Year 2014-15:
Weekly Envelopes
Budget Goal
Loose Cash Donated
Total Collected:
Building Fund: $1,100.00
Propagation of Faith/World Mission: $816.00
Sat. 5 pm
Sun. 8 am
Sun. 10 am
Sat. 5 pm
Sun. 8 am
Sun. 10 am
Parish Liturgical Ministry Schedule - November 1 - 2, 2014
Sunday 8:00am
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 10:00am
Adult Choir
No Music
Rick, Heidi, Maggie and Mia Verticchio David and Denise Boente
Steven and Denise Boente
Dennis and Beth Young
Daniel Hussey
Paul Boente
Jeff Link
E. Flowers*, John Kelly*, K.
J. Griffin*, S. Griffin*, C. Behme,
Rosentreter, T. Rosentreter, A. Woods, C Behme, D. Ahrens
D. Yowell, M. Sottoriva.
M. Carr*, S. Carr*, A. Costello,
J. Delaney, M. Delaney,
M. Dyer, W. Dyer
Jacob Petrovich
Madison Bruce
Lexi Egelhoff
Rich Lauwerens
In charity, please remember in your prayers:
… our military personnel, especially: William Charleton, Jerry Clarke, Jim Garner, Matthew Gazda, Jr., Stefan Gazda, Robert Knight,
Antonio Lane, David Mummert, Bryan Murphy Jr., Jordan Ogden, Glen Pedersen, Todd Petersen and family, Leif Peterson,
Austin Michael Smith, and Nathan Stewart.
… the sick and those in need: Kenny Alberico, Robert Alberico, Marie France Armstrong, Eugene Bellm II, Matt Bellm, Mary Boehm,
Paul Boehm, Karen Buechart, Norman Bowman, Mildred Caldieraro, Jayne Cioni, Susan Cosenza, Karen Dworzynski, Bill Fraser,
Jane Garrett, Sandy Goodman, Tony Grayson, Sydney Green, Helen Greenwalt, Jeena Greenwalt, Paul Greenwalt, Louie Hacke,
David Haley, Trisha Agetta Hall, Bill Harding, Lyndal Herschelman, Bill Hoff, Alice Johnson, Richard Justice, Mary Kay Ketchum,
Shonna Knight, Ann Link, Bill Lacy, Sharon Lintner, Mark Logsdon, Randy Logsdon, Michael Marcacci, Sam Oswald, Kristy and Andy Ott,
Ronnie Paul, Joshua Renkin, Hazel Renz, Marie Reznicek, Wilma Rhodes, Regina Richey-Helmers, Chelsea Rives, Betty Robb,
Walter Rosentreter, Betty Roth, Gene Rubemeyer, Russell Ruyle, Cathy Smith, Michael J. Smith, Eric Strutner, Richard Tego,
Dennis Toon, Vittorina Wilson and Harry Yeager
… and those who have died in the year 2014: Delphine “Del” Paul, Christine Selvo, Rose T. Hardin, Catherine Monti, George Lintner,
Emily Tomaska, Darrell Bellm, Duane Morehead, Ralph Robinson, and Philip Regli.
News In Religious Education
—A lifelong journey made together—
8 Ways to Find Balance in
Your Family Life
PSR Calendar
Wednesday 29 – Regular Classes
1. Start and end each day with Prayer
2. As a family. List your highest values. Align your
schedule accordingly
Wednesday 5 - Normal Classes for grades K-8
Youth Group Thanksgiving Feast
6:30 pm in the Social Hall
Wednesday 12 – Regular Classes
Saturday 15th – 5th Grade PSR Mass
Wednesday 19th – Regular Classes
Wednesday 26th – NO CLASSES, Thanksgiving
3. Get sufficient rest.
4. Be in the present, and focus on what you’re doing.
5. Listen to your children. Look them in the eye when
talking to them.
6. gather each day to eat, converse, and enjoy each
other’s company– no tech devices allowed.
PSR Snacks
We are accepting snack donations of cookies,
punch, and popcorn for our PSR program. Place them
in the basket with the monster sign!
Thank You!
7. Learn the joy of saying no to overwork and over
8. Put God at the center of your life. Be aware of
God’s presence in all that you do.
If you are in grades 4th -12th and are
interested in being a server please let me know.
I will be happy to work on getting a training session
set up for you so that you know what to do and are
more comfortable with the idea of serving. This is a
great opportunity to serve your church!
From: Season of Family and Faith Magazine
Children’s Snack Program
Jennifer Frericks
[email protected]
We had a good first week for the Primary School
Weekend Snack program and I thank everyone who
donated for their generosity. Below is the tally of what
we collected and what we purchased through St.
Vincent de Paul funds to complete the 38 snack bags
this week. Remember, we will be collecting these
items every week.
Youth Group
Our Youth Group will be meeting the first
Wednesday of every month for a group activity.
We will meet from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm and will be in
place of the High School PSR classes that evening.
Teenagers in grades 7th -12th are invited and can
bring friends.
We are currently planning the next event which
will take place on Wednesday, November 5th. We will
be having a Thanksgiving Feast at 6:30 – 8:00 pm in
the Social Hall We will provide the turkey and each
student is invited to bring a covered dish. We ask that
you also bring an item for the for food pantry.
We are beginning to plan our Mission Trip and
are looking at possible service opportunities for the
Youth Group to participate in. We are open to any
new ideas you have to continue to rekindle the youth
program here at our Church!
Juice Boxes
Cheese Crackers
Pudding Cups
Fruit Cups
Applesauce Cups
Pop Tarts
Granola Bars (no nuts)
8 large boxes
Sandwich Bags
Thank you and God Bless,
Bob Reiher
October 26, 2014
November Upcoming Events
Nursing Home Masses
November 2014
All parishioners are invited to celebrate the following Nursing Home Masses
Morse Farms
Heritage Health
Carlinville Rehab
Friendship Home
St. Vincent de Paul
November 6
November 13
November 20
November 21
10:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
Sunday, November 2, 2014
The next St. Vincent DePaul meeting will be held on Sunday, November 2nd,
at 9:00 am in the Conference Room of Saints Mary and Joseph Church.
For more information, contact Bob Reiher 854-9339.
Carlinville Community Blood Drive
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Saints Mary and Joseph Catholic Church will sponsor a Community Blood Drive
on Wednesday, Nov. 5th from 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm at the Elks Lodge 201 E. Main St., Carlinville.
Please eat and drink before donating and bring a donor or photo ID.
Donations of cookies should be brought to the Elks Lodge by 11:00 am on that day.
All donations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Call Ann Rolando - 854-2775 for more info.
St. Vincent de Paul Chili and Soup Supper
Saturday, November 8, 2014
St. Vincent DePaul will be holding their annual, “all you can eat Chili & Soup Supper”
on Saturday, November 8th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall .
Adults……$6.00 Children 11-5 …….$3.00 Children under 5….. Free
For more information contact Sue Vieceli… 854-2448
Candy Making
Monday & Tuesday, November 10 & 11, 2014
It’s that time of year again. Time to make that delicious Peanut Brittle and Toffee.
We will be making candy on November 10th and 11th. We need donations of sugar and Light Karo syrup.
To sign up to help make candy or to make a donation please contact Mariann Qualls at 854-8711.
Donations may also be dropped off at the Church office during regular office hours.
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Prayer Service
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Saints Mary and Joseph Church will host the Carlinville Ecumenical Prayer Service on Sunday,
November 23th at 6:00 pm in our Church.
A reception follows with cookies and drinks in our Social Hall.
Thanksgiving Day Mass
Thursday, November 27, 2014
On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27th a Special Mass will be celebrated
at 10:00 am in our Church. All are invited to attend this Mass to offer our gratitude to God
for the many blessings we have received during this calendar year.
Parish Nursing
Parish Notes And Community Events
Do the puzzle pieces fit?
For the past month or so you've been SO
doesn't seem like you can get enough water! On the
evenings when you aren't too tired to make it to your
Bunco group, several of your friends have mentioned
that you look like you've lost some weight. Those pants
that did fit a little snug, are now beginning to hang in
places. Just last week you were opening the mail and
the envelope cut your finger. The cut now is still
unhealed, and very red and tender. As you tick off
these symptoms, you begin to wonder if the pictures
behind this jigsaw are beginning to emerge.
Much like a car, our bodies need fuel to keep them
running. Glucose, a simple form of sugar is the fuel
that keeps us humming along. But in order for the
cells of the body to burn this "gas" we must have a
hormone called insulin. This hormone is produced by
the pancreas and is important because it acts as the
taxi cab that takes the glucose from the bloodstream to
the cells.
Type II Diabetes can occur because the body doesn't
produce enough insulin, or because the cells ignore
the insulin. Since the glucose would then stay in the
blood stream, the cells are starved for the fuel they
need. This is most often the cause for Type II.
The diagnosis of Type II Diabetes increases with age.
The symptoms of Type II diabetes can be:
frequent urination, increased thirst or hunger
extreme fatigue, weight loss for no apparent reason
cuts or bruises that are slow to heal, blurred vision
But sometimes there are no symptoms present in Type
II. The incidences of Type II also increase with being
overweight, inactivity, and with a family history of
Most often Type II diabetes is diagnosed with a blood
test looking at the amount of sugar present in your
blood. This may be done with either a fasting blood test
or a test called an A1C. The A1C is often thought to
give a clearer picture because it shows an average of
the blood glucose level over a three month period.
The results are reported as the percentage of your
hemoglobin that are coated with sugar.
Diagnosis of diabetes as recognized by the Diabetic
Association as a fasting blood sugar of 126mg/dl or
higher or an A1C of 6.5% or higher. The higher the
percentage, the poorer your sugar control.
The key to solving the puzzle of diabetes is early
detection, then a balance of medical management,
exercise and food.
November is National Diabetes awareness month, do
the symptoms of YOUR puzzle fit?
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Salvation Army Bell Ringing will begin on November
24th this year. Our Parish will provide bell ringers on
November 24th, 25th, and 26th at Carl”s IGA and at
Peggy Garrison, Mary Dunn, and Leonard Bomkamp
will be calling members of the parish soon to ask you to
help with this worthy cause. PLEASE HELP if you can.
Leonard Bomkamp
Thank You
The Board of the Carlinville Good Samaritan Ministry
Food Bank would like to thank the people of Saints
Mary and Joseph for the generous support given during
the recent food drive. It will greatly help us serve our
friends and neighbors in the Carlinville school district.
Mass for the Faithful Departed
Saint Francis Hospital
November 6, 2014
Father Ryszard, the Chaplain at Saint Francis Hospital
in Litchfield invites us to a Mass for the Faithful
Departed in the Hospital Chapel , November 6, 2014 at
For those parishioners that cannot drive after dark,
There will be a Mass for the Faithful Departed on
November 6 ( on that same day) at 11:00 am.
All you Can Eat
Chicken & Dumplings
Macoupin Center for the Developmentally disabled
700 East Elm Street, Carlinville.
Sunday, November 9th
11:00 am— 1:30 pm
Adults: $8 Children 6-12: $3
Under 6: Free
If anyone would like to volunteer to help at the dinner
please call (217) 854-3473 by November 2nd.
We are also accepting dessert donations which can be
dropped off at the Center either Friday, Nov. 1st
between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm or on Sunday, Nov. 3rd
before or during the dinner.
All proceeds will benefit MCDD’s Adults with
Developmental Disabilities!
Please call us at 217-854-3474 with any questions or
for directions.
October 26, 2014
Chili Dinner
Saints Simon and Jude Church in Gillespie will hold
its annual Chili Dinner with carry-out only on
Saturday, Nov. 1, 4 :00 to 6:30pm and
Sunday, Nov. 2, carry-out from 10:00 to 1:00 pm,
eat in from 11 to 1. $6 per meal.
Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 1st from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.;
Sunday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Proceeds to support the work of the Altar Society.
For more information contact.
New members & changes only—Fill in, cut out, and
send to parish office.
State_________________ Zip________________
Blood Drive
Saints Mary and Joseph Catholic Church will
sponsor a Community Blood Drive
on Wednesday, Nov. 5th from 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm at
the Elks Lodge 201 E. Main St., Carlinville.
Please eat and drink before donating and bring a
donor or photo ID.
Donations of cookies should be brought to the Elks
Lodge by 11:00 am on that day.
All donations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Call Ann Rolando - 854-2775 for more info.
Phone (Day)____________________
Are you:
____new resident
____new address
____new family member
To Schedule an appointment call the Community
Blood Center at (217) 241-7550 or on line at Use group Sponsor
Code 60045 to schedule on line.
___wish clergy to call
___illness in family
___moving away