Responsibility Aspire Principal’s Report
Responsibility Aspire Principal’s Report
Respect Responsibility Aspire WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] P&C : Wednesday 22nd October, 2014. Term 4 Week 3 Tel: 9948 2257 Fax: 9907 0342 Principal’s Report Strategic Planning This term, teachers have been discussing school planning for Manly West PS 2015-2017 and will continue evaluating current plans with the view to developing future plans for teaching and learning, professional learning and culture in our school. I have also introduced students to the notion of ‘Planning’ at assemblies by using the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians as a foundation and talking point for them. At assembly yesterday, the concept of equity and excellence for all students in Australia was prefaced. The students seemed to grasp an understanding of the difficulties faced by some children from different parts of Australia and the world when attempting to access education. The students were asked to think about comparing these difficult situations with Manly West PS where equity and excellence are expected. In the coming weeks, parents will also be asked to be involved in the planning with some surveys. We would also like to hold 2 focus groups for parents on Monday 3 November for K-2 parents and Tuesday 11 Nov for 3-6 parents at 9.20-10.30. These groups will give opportunities to parents to discuss future directions for the school in terms of teaching and learning and culture. This will be a great starting point for consultation with the focus groups and surveys. We may also hold another evening session as well this term. Please fill in an expression of interest form if you are able to make the morning sessions for the focus groups. More information will be given next week in the newsletter. K-2 maths workshops Thank you to Mrs Milburn, Mrs Israel and Mr Johnson for their K-2 Parent Maths presentation held on Monday. This is the third maths workshop held this semester and we will continue to present more next year to meet the high interest. K-2 Sports Carnival It was very unfortunate that inclement weather occurred on both the dates for this carnival. The teachers will hold some of the tabloid sports activities during their class times. However we will endeavour to book another time for the running races during the tem. We are waiting until after the Year 2 swimming classes are finished. P&C Movie Night The P&C movie night is postponed until Thursday 6 November. Please put this new date into your diary. Mrs Fiona Pearse has sent an email to all parents regarding tickets Student News Congratulations to Jordie Lovegrove Year 4 who successfully auditioned for a role in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at the concourse in Chatswood in January. Kindergarten 2015 If you have a child who is starting Kindergarten in 2015 and have not enrolled as yet, please do so now. Enrolment forms are available on our school website. We will be holding our Kindergarten 2015 Information Night next Wednesday 29th October at 6.30pm. Our two Orientation mornings will be held on Tuesday 4th November and Wednesday 11th November at 9.30-11am. Mrs Julie Organ Principal 1 From the Deputy’s Desk....... Community Safety Reminder: Anaphylaxis is a severe and sometimes sudden allergic reaction. It can occur when a susceptible person is exposed to an allergen, such as a food or insect sting. We strongly advocate that children should not share their food because of the high level risks that can occur. Common food allergens that can trigger anaphylaxis are: peanuts and other nuts, shellfish and fish; milk and egg, wheat, sesame and soy There are a number of students who are anaphylactic and to ensure their well- being the canteen does not use or sell nut products. We request that parents consider this when making their child’s lunch. Even touching the hand of someone who has eaten a peanut butter sandwich or chocolate nut bar can pose a threat. Students have been reminded by their class teachers and at grade assemblies to not share their food with others. All staff have completed anaphylaxis practical instruction in how to use an adrenaline autoinjector (EpiPen® and Anapen®). Important Parent Information Evening Date: Tuesday 28 October Time: 6.30 – 8.30pm Where: School Hall Cyber Safety Education for Parents as Protection Is Key To Online Safety Staying up to date with all the latest apps, social media platforms and maintaining safety online can be very challenging for parents and teachers with so much scattered complex information both online and in print. The P&C have invited Leonie Smith - a cyber- safety online privacy expert to help parents get on board with their children being online safely and give practical tips on how to raise responsible digital citizens. Leonie will talk about: Social Media Safety Maintaining A Spotless Social Media Profile Keeping your child safe online Protecting your child from online adult content What to do if your child is cyber bullied or preyed upon online How to balance your child’s screen time Kids and smart phones the do’s and don’ts Privacy settings and safe sharing on social media For more information go to Assessment and Reporting At this stage of the year our teachers are completing the Semester 2 teaching and learning cycle before they begin their final assessments. Some of these assessments are formal and written, whilst others are based on observations and work samples. Whilst our teachers make on going assessments that are built into the program as they teach the subject, this period is still an important time of the year and I urge families to minimise student absences. After this, teachers will prepare Semester 2 written reports. Parents wishing to discuss student progress with the class teacher are urged to make direct contact to organise a suitable time. 2016 Selective High School Placement Applications for entry to Selective High Schools in 2016 are now available. Selective High Schools are DEC schools which cater for highly achieving academically gifted children. Applicants are ranked and placed in order of academic merit based on a combination of school assessment scores and an external placement test. More information is available at k_6assessments/ss/ss_apppackage.pdf Applicants need to apply online at: by 17th November as there is no scope for late applications. An intention to apply letter has been sent home to all Year 5 children. The Selective High School Placement Test will be held on Thursday 12th March 2015. Adrienne Bruce Deputy Principal 2 Responsibility Be responsible for all of your belongings which includes school uniform and lunch containers . LIBRARY NEWS FINAL REMINDER TO ALL YEAR 5 & 6 BUDDING AUTHORS! Are you creative and imaginative with words, information and ideas? Remember that to be eligible for the JOHN WATT WRITING AWARD this year, please turn in your writing portfolio to me no later than Friday, October 24th, 2014. Your portfolio must include 7 pieces written this year and in at least 4 different genres (persuasive, poetry, imaginative, informative, recount, description, etc.). You can photocopy your writing assignments that are displayed in class or from your notebooks. If they are saved on a thumb drive, then print them out to include them. You have authored many pieces this year, so compile them into a portfolio folder clearly labelled with your full name and class then submit it to me by the end of this week. Best of luck to you all! Book Club order forms will be handed out this week, so have a look to see if you would like to purchase anything. This is the FINAL order of the 2014, so if you have any vouchers or credits you can use them with this order. All order forms and payment (by cheque to Scholastic, over the phone or online ONLY – NO CASH accepted) must be returned to the money box in the office by or before FRIDAY, 7TH OF NOVEMBER, 2014 to ensure plenty of time for books to be delivered to you well before the end of term and Christmas. If you are ordering as gifts, please mark all your order forms to be delivered to the office instead. Happy reading, writing and ordering! Ellen Swick Teacher Librarian Manly West Before & After School Care Accounts If you have changed your email address or did not receive your account, please contact us immediately. The FIRST INSTALMENT is due by Friday 24 October OR FULL PAYMENT by 31 October. Revised Meeting Date BASC Management Committee Meeting and AGM 6:30pm Monday 3 November in the new BASC building – ALL WELCOME! Fancy Dress Party & Disco For children attending After School Care on Fridays, we are having a party on 31 October. The children can bring clothes to get dressed in for a fun filled afternoon! There are some casual spots available. Notification of Absence To ensure the safety and welfare of the children in our care, BASC MUST BE NOTIFIED if a child will be absent from a booked session. There will be a Non-Notification of Absence charge of $11 for each failure to notify. Messages can be written ahead of time in each room’s ‘Parent Message Book’ or by email [email protected] (with at least 24 hrs notice). We can be contacted at late notice by phone on 9948 8113 – please leave a message. Uniform Shop Thursday 23 Oct 8.45-10.00am Monday 27 OCt 2.45-4.00pm DIARY DATES Swim School continues Friday 24 Oct- PSSA Tuesday 28 Oct—Maths relay Tuesday 28 Oct 6.30 P&C Cyber Safety talk Wednesday 29 Oct Musica Viva 6.30pm—2015 Kindy Parent Information Evening 3 Canteen News……..Nachos News…..for those who’ve been left a little confused by my only prescribing an on- line limit for the Wednesday special of “Nachos” let me illuminate you all…... Nachos can be ordered every Wednesday for $4.50 over the counter here at the canteen or on- line with Flexischools. Currently I have not put a limit on counter orders but there is a limit of 30 for those ordering on-line. It is proving to be very popular and as I’m the one that cooks it if any parent would like some more info on ingredients then just stop by and ask! Volunteers, or lack there of!!! Yes Manly Westians we will be facing a crisis this coming week if we don’t get some parents putting up their hands to volunteer in the canteen. We are one of a dying breed of canteens that manages to run 5 days a week. If you need and want a canteen that serves reliably fresh and healthy food options to your children whenever you want to use it then please give some serious thought to how you can manage a couple of hours once a month to help out in the canteen. If that’s not possible how about a couple of hours once a term?…….if everyone did this we wouldn’t have a problem and we’d all be laughing while drinking cups of tea and scarfing down anzac bikkies..what bliss!! Volunteer at any time, contact us by email [email protected] or phone 9948 2257 and ask for Isobel or Shona in the canteen. Thanks, Isobel. Canteen Roster for week 4, Group 4 Monday 27th October Tuesday 28th October Wednesday 29th October Rachel Kassel AM Kelly Ducat AM VACANCY AM VACANCY AM Orlaith Sheill AM Fiona Arneil AM VACANCY PM Lesley Gregory PM VACANCY PM Natalya Hansson PM Tanith Carroll PM Libby Beaumont PM Thursday 30th October Alison Murray AM Kate Scott AM VACANCY PM VACANCY PM Friday 31st October Claudia Bels AM VACANCY AM VACANCY AM Heather Robertson PM Carmen Taylor-Haywood PM Band News NEW BAND MEMBERS IN 2015 - attention all budding musicians It is hard to believe that the year has gone so quickly that it is time to talk with Year 2 about joining the Manly West Band program in 2015. There will be an Information session at school on Monday 3rd November at 630pm for interested families - mainly from Year 2 but also any older kids who have decided that they may like to join in and whose parents want to find out more. It isn’t a long session – just a chance for everyone to hear an example of each instrument being played by one of the older band members and for parents to ask questions. We will also hand out some written information and forms to return. RECENT PERFORMANCES Well done to Performance and Concert Bands, which appeared on the centre stage at Warringah Mall today in the Schools’ Showcase today. UPCOMING IMPORTANT DATES There is a lot on for everyone else in Term 4 as well so please make a note of the following dates: Monday, 3 November 2014, 6.30pm: 2015 Band Information Night Thursday, 13 November 2014, 9.20am: Blow “tests” – Penny our Band Director listens to all the kids wanting to join Band in the following year blow into a few instruments. NB – it is not an audition, so no prior knowledge or practice required! Tuesday, 18 November 2014, 10.00am: Training Band and Intermediate Band’s annual visit to play at Arranounbai School Monday, 24 November and Tuesday 25 November 2014: Auditions for current members of Training, Intermediate and Concert Bands – to determine which Band level is most suitable for 2015. Thursday, 27 November 2014, 7.00pm: Pittwater High Concert for Intermediate Band Monday, 1 December 2014, 1.10pm: Traditional end of year celebratory Pizza lunch for all Band members Monday, 1 December 2014, 6.30pm: School Christmas Concert for All Bands Friday, 5 December 2014: Years 3-6 Presentation Day Assembly – Performance Band – also return of instruments Tuesday, 9 December 2014: Years K – 2 Presentation Day Assembly – Training Band – also return of instruments Penny & the Band Committee Chicken Roster Saturday 25 Oct Sunday 26 Oct Joanne & Austin Holly Andy & Cubby Evans 4 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Congratulations to : Dear Parents and Staff at Manly West, Our family would like to thank you for supporting us during the time of our son’s passing. Thank you so much for your care, the meals that you prepared for us, your presents and kind words. Sienna Rowland 3S, Ewan Key 3R, Jack Havranek 3B and Sophie Krenske 3B for receiving an Expectation Certificate for trading 4 Respect, Responsibility and Aspire Cards. We are so thankful to have you around us during this time. COMMUNITY NEWS Kind regards Narrabeen Lakes School Community Market— Saturday 1st November 9.00-3.00 (1299 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen The Northover Family MOVIE NIGHT POSTPONED Apologies to postpone but it seems the weather may well get the better of us ... The Bureau now saying rain is an 80% chance during the day and thunderstorms are now forecast for the evening … nobody wants to contend with that ! It seems early to make a call but we need to or otherwise get charged for equipment. is NEW DATE : Thursday 6 November. From 6.30pm. Movie will commence after 7.15pm. Entry via Boyle Street Gate or Hill Street Gate only. Please bring a picnic and a rug or pillow to sit on. Slushys, Popcorn, BBQ & Drinks will all be available on the evening. The Movie is SHREK (PG). If you have ALREADY purchased tickets and want a refund please email me directly at and I will organise this for you. All purchased tickets will be valid for the new date ... you DO NOT need to buy new tickets. If you HAVE NOT PURCHASED any tickets yet and would like to please visit Or, we will be selling tickets in the playground from 8.45am on Monday 3 November, Tuesday 4 November and Wednesday 5 November (before school) near the Kindy Lines. - If you have VOLUNTEERED and can no longer help on the new date please contact me via [email protected] Thanks to all the volunteers - so heartening and much appreciated. Many Thanks to 250 people who have already purchased tickets - hopefully many of you can make it on the new date. SPROUT SHOUT! It’s been an exciting couple of weeks of harvesting down in the kitchen garden. Firstly, thanks to everyone who came along to our first ever market-stall and bought some of the organic produce. We sold out! All of the produce (silverbeet, parsley, fennel, white and purple cabbage) was grown, harvested and carefully bundled by the Year 3 students during Science classes. Today, Year 3 classes harvested the radish and sampled them in class, to mixed reviews! Tomorrow (23/10/14) all Students will be able to purchase bunches of the radish from the canteen for $2, with all proceeds going towards further developing our Kitchen Garden Program. Thanks to everyone for their continued support of this incredibly valuable program. Mrs Lind 5 This Saturday 25th October, a number of Manly West families are participating in the Garage Sale Trail. This is a National program about sustainability, community, commerce and fun. Go to to find out about sales in your area or register your own sale. Come and grab a bargain this Saturday, or give your own house a spring clean. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please hand the following Expression of Interest note into the School Office if you are able to attend. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST STRATEGIC PLANNING PARENT FOCUS GROUPS Please circle the date that you may be able to attend: I am able to attend Parent Focus Group on : 3rd November @ 9.20-10.30am OR 11th November @ 9.20-10.30am NAME : ___________________________________ CHILD’S CLASS: ____________ 6