ELECTION INFORMATION PACKET GENERAL ELECTION & REFERENDUM November 4, 2014 CONTENTS A. B. LIST OF CANDIDATES POLLING PLACES AND HOURS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: SUSAN T. ERTMER, WINNEBAGO COUNTY CLERK 920-236-4888 OR 727-2880, EXT. 4888 1 LEGISLATIVE AND STATE GOVERNOR/ LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Countywide (Vote for One) Democratic Mary Burke / John Lehman Republican Scott Walker / Rebecca Kleefisch People’s Party Dennis Fehr / No Candidate Libertarian Party Robert Burke / Joseph M. Brost ATTORNEY GENERAL Countywide (Vote for One) Democratic Susan V. Happ Republican Brad Schimel Libertarian Thomas A. Nelson, Sr. SECRETARY OF STATE Countywide (Vote for One) Democratic Doug La Follette Republican Julian Bradley Constitution Jerry Broitzman Libertarian Andy Craig STATE TREASURER Countywide (Vote for One) Democratic David L. Sartori Republican Matt Adamczyk Constitution Andrew Zuelke Wisconsin Green Party Ron Hardy Libertarian Jerry Shidell 2 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, DISTRICT 6 (Vote for One) Democratic Mark L. Harris Republican Glenn Grothman Libertarian Gus Fahrendorf Cities of Menasha, Neenah, Omro and Oshkosh; Towns of Algoma, Black Wolf, Menasha, Neenah, Nekimi, Nepeuskun, Omro, Poygan, Rushford, and Utica; Part of the Town of Oshkosh - Wards 1A & 2-5; Part of the Town of Vinland -Wards 1A & 2; Part of the Town of Winneconne-Ward 5; Part of the Town of Wolf River –Wards 1 & 2A; and Part of the City of Appleton – Wards 31 & 32 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, DISTRICT 8 (Vote for One) Democratic Ron Gruett Republican Reid J. Ribble Towns of Clayton and Winchester; Village of Winneconne; Part of the Town of Oshkosh – Ward 1B; Part of the Town of Vinland – Ward 1B; Part of the Town of Winneconne – Wards 1-4; Part of the Town of Wolf River – Wards 2B & 2C STATE SENATE, DISTRICT 19 (Vote for One) Democratic Penny Bernard Schaber Republican Roger Roth Cities of Menasha and Neenah; Towns of Clayton, Menasha, Neenah, Poygan, Vinland, Winchester, Winneconne and Wolf River; Village of Winneconne; and Part of the City of Appleton - Wards 31 & 32 REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ASSEMBLY, DISTRICT 53 (Vote for One) Democratic No Candidate Republican Michael Schraa City of Omro; Towns of Algoma, Black Wolf, Nekimi, Nepeuskun, Omro, Oshkosh, Rushford and Utica; and Part of the City of Oshkosh - Wards 22B, 23B, 24, 25A, 26, 28B, 29B & 30-37 REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ASSEMBLY, DISTRICT 54 (Vote for One) Democratic Gordon Hintz Republican Mark Elliott Part of the City of Oshkosh - Wards 1-22A, 23A, 25B, 27, 28A & 29A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ASSEMBLY, DISTRICT 55 (Vote for One) Democratic Mark Westphal Republican Mike Rohrkaste City of Neenah; Towns of Clayton and Neenah; Part of the Town of Menasha - Wards 1-7; and Part of the City of Menasha - Wards 1B & 5B 3 REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ASSEMBLY, DISTRICT 56 (Vote for One) Democratic No Candidate Republican Dave Murphy Towns of Poygan, Vinland, Winchester, Winneconne, and Wolf River; and the Village of Winneconne REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ASSEMBLY, DISTRICT 57 Part of the City of Appleton – Wards 31 & 32; Part of the City of Menasha – Wards 1A,2,3,4,5A,6-15 & 21-31; and Part of the Town of Menasha – Wards 8-13 (Vote for One) Democratic Amanda Stuck Republican Chris Klein COUNTY SHERIFF Countywide (Vote for One) Democratic No Candidate Republican John F. Matz CORONER Countywide (Vote for One) Democratic No Candidate Republican Barry Busby CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Countywide (Vote for One) Democratic No Candidate Republican Melissa M. Konrad STATE REFERENDUM Countywide Question 1: “Creation of a Transportation Fund. Shall section 9 (2) of article IV and section 11 of article VIII of the constitution be created to require that revenues generated by use of the state transportation system be deposited into a transportation fund administered by a department of transportation for the exclusive purpose of funding Wisconsin’s transportation systems and to prohibit any transfers or lapses from this fund?” [ ] YES [ ] NO 4 City of Appleton – All Wards CITY OF APPLETON REFERENDUM REFERENDUM QUESTION #1 Shall the City of Appleton adopt a resolution, which reads as follows? WHEREAS, the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission and related case law allows unlimited political campaign spending to influence local, state and federal elections; BE IT RESOLVED, that “We the People” of the City of Appleton, Wisconsin, call for reclaiming democracy from the expansion of corporate personhood rights and the corrupting influence of unregulated political contributions and spending. We stand with the Move to Amend campaign and communities across the country supporting passage of an amendment to the United States Constitution stating: 1. Only human beings – not corporations, limited liability companies, unions, nonprofit organizations, or similar associations – are endowed with Constitutional rights; and 2. Money is not speech and, therefore, regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limited political speech. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we hereby instruct our state and federal representatives to enact resolutions and legislation to advance this effort. [ ] Yes [ ] No REFERENDUM QUESTION #2 Shall the City of Appleton adopt a resolution which supports increasing the minimum wage in the State of Wisconsin to $10.10 per hour? [ CITY OF MENASHA REFERENDUM ] Yes [ ] No City of Menasha – All Wards QUESTION #1 “Shall the City of Menasha adopt Resolution R-17-14, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission and related case law allows unlimited spending to influence local, state, and federal elections; and BE IT RESOLVED, that “We the People” of the City of Menasha, Wisconsin, call for reclaiming democracy from the expansion of corporate personhood rights and the corrupting influence of unregulated political contributions and spending. We stand with the Move to Amend campaign and communities across the country supporting passage of an amendment to the United States Constitution stating: 1. Only human beings-not corporations, limited liability companies, unions, nonprofit organizations, or similar associations-are endowed with constitutional rights; and 2. Money is not speech, and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we hereby instruct our state and federal representatives to enact resolutions and legislation to advance this effort. [ ] YES [ ] NO 5 QUESTION #2 Should the State of Wisconsin increase the State minimum wage to $10.10 per hour? [ ] YES [ ] NO City of Neenah – All Wards CITY OF NEENAH REFERENDUM QUESTION #1 Shall the City of Neenah adopt Resolution 2014-13, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission and related case law allows unlimited political campaign spending to influence local, state and federal elections; BE IT RESOLVED, that “We the People” of the City of Neenah, Wisconsin, call for reclaiming democracy from the expansion of corporate personhood rights and the corrupting influence of unregulated political contributions and spending. We stand with the Move to Amend campaign and communities across the country supporting passage of an amendment to the United State Constitution stating: 1. Only human beings – not corporations, limited liability companies, unions, nonprofit organizations, or similar associations – are endowed with Constitutional rights; and 2. Money is not speech, and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we hereby instruct our state and federal representatives to enact resolutions and legislation to advance this effort. [ ] YES [ ] NO QUESTION #2 “Shall the City of Neenah adopt Resolution 2014-15, which supports increasing the minimum wage in the State of Wisconsin to $10.10 per hour?” [ ] YES [ ] NO NEW LONDON SCHOOL DISTRICT REFERENDUM Town of Winchester – Part of Ward 2 Town of Wolf River – Ward 2C and Part of Ward 2A Question 1: Shall the following Resolution be approved? RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET TO EXCEED REVENUE LIMIT FOR NON-RECURRING PURPOSES BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of the School District of New London, Waupaca, Outagamie and Winnebago Counties, Wisconsin, that the revenues included in the School District budget be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $500,000 for the 2014-2015 school year, $500,000 for the 2015-2016 school year, $500,000 for the 2016-2017 school year, and $500,000 for the 2017-2018 school year for non-recurring purposes consisting of roofs and facilities maintenance, ensuring safe and secure buildings and maximizing student achievement efforts. [ ] YES [ ] NO 6 RIPON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT REFERENDUM Town of Nepeuskun – Part of Ward 1 Town of Utica – Part of Wards 1 & 2 Question #1: Shall the Ripon Area School District, Fond du Lac, Winnebago and Green Lake Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to issue pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $29,100,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of constructing additions to, renovating and remodeling the high school to create a combined middle school and high school on one campus; demolishing the current middle school to convert the space into a parking lot and tennis courts; undertaking safety, security and other improvements at the elementary schools; and acquiring furnishings, fixtures and equipment? [ ] YES [ ] NO Question #2: Shall the Ripon Area School District, Fond du Lac, Winnebago and Green Lake Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $500,000 a year for the 2015-2016 school year through the 2020-2021 school year, for non-recurring purposes consisting of updating curriculum, updating technology, performing maintenance and replacing vehicles? [ ] YES [ ] NO POLLING PLACES AND HOURS – NOVEMBER 4, 2014 ALL POLLING PLACES WIL OPEN AT 7:00 A.M. AND WILL CLOSE AT 8:00 P.M. ALL POLLING PLACES ARE ACCESSIBLE TO ELDERLY AND DISABLED VOTERS. TOWN OF ALGOMA Wards 1-2 & 7-10 Wards 3-6 Town Hall, 15 North Oakwood Road All Saints Lutheran Church, 1072 Honey Creek Road TOWN OF BLACK WOLF Town Hall, 380 East Black Wolf Avenue TOWN OF CLAYTON Municipal Building, 8348 County Road T TOWN OF MENASHA Wards 1, 2, 4 & 7 Wards 3, 5 & 6 Wards 8, 9 & 10 Municipal Complex, 2000 Municipal Drive Spring Road School, 1191 County Road II Community Center, 1000 Valley Road 7 Wards 11, 12 & 13 Maplewood School, 1600 Midway Road TOWN OF NEENAH Municipal Building, 1600 Breezewood Lane TOWN OF NEKIMI Town Hall, 3790 Pickett Road TOWN OF NEPEUSKUN Town Hall, 1475 County Road E TOWN OF OMRO Town Hall, 4205 Rivermoor Road TOWN OF OSHKOSH Town Hall, 230 E. County Road Y TOWN OF POYGAN Town Hall, 8693 Town Hall Road TOWN OF RUSHFORD Town Hall, 3413 County Road K TOWN OF UTICA Town Hall, 1730 County Road FF TOWN OF VINLAND Town Hall, 6085 County Road T TOWN OF WINCHESTER Town Hall, 8522 Park Way TOWN OF WINNECONNE Town Hall, 6494 County Road M TOWN OF WOLF RIVER Town Hall, 8800 County Road II VILLAGE OF WINNECONNE Winneconne Municipal Center, 30 S. First Street CITY OF APPLETON Ald. Dist. 11, Wards 31 & 32 Riverview Evangelical Lutheran Church & School Gymnasium, 136 West Seymour Street CITY OF MENASHA Dist. 1 & 2, Wards 1A, 1B, 2, 4 & 7 ** Trinity Lutheran School, 300 Broad Street** Dist. 3 & 4, Wards 5A, 5B, 6, 8, 9, 23-29 & 31 Banta Administration Building, 328-6th Street Dist. 6, Wards 3, 14, 15 & 30 Jefferson School, 105 Ice Street Dist. 5 & 7, Wards 10-13; 21 & 22 Clovis Grove School, 974 – 9th Street CITY OF NEENAH Dist. 1, Wards 1-4 Dist. 1, Wards 5-8 Dist. 2, Wards 9-12 Dist. 2, Wards 13-16 Dist. 3, Wards 17-20 Dist. 3, Wards 21-25 Roosevelt School, 215 East Forest Avenue Wilson School, 920 Higgins Avenue Shattuck Middle School, 600 Elm Street Neenah Police Station, 2111 Marathon Avenue Hoover School, 950 Hunt Avenue City Services Building, 1495 Tullar Road CITY OF OMRO Omro Area Community Center, 130 W. Larrabee Street CITY OF OSHKOSH Dist. 1, Wards 1 & 2 Dist. 2, Wards 3 & 4 Dist. 3, Wards 5 & 6 Dist. 4, Wards 7 & 8 Dist. 5, Wards 9 & 10 Dist. 6, Wards 11 & 12 Dist. 7, Wards 13, 14 & 36 Senior Center, 200 North Campbell Road Albee Hall, 776 Algoma Boulevard St. John’s Church, 808 North Main Street Webster Stanley School, 915 Hazel Street Washington School, 929 Winnebago Avenue Jefferson School, 244 West 11th Avenue Bethany United Church of Christ, 145 W. 24th Avenue 8 Dist. 8, Wards 15 & 16 Dist. 9, Wards 17, 18 & 37 Dist. 10, Wards 19, 20 & 35 Dist. 11, Wards 21, 22A & 22B Dist. 12, Wards 23A, 23B, 24 & 34 Dist. 13, Wards 25A, 25B & 26 Dist. 14, Wards 27, 28A & 28B Dist. 15, Wards 29A, 29B & 33 Dist. 16, Wards 30, 31 & 32 Franklin School, 1401 West 5th Avenue Alberta Kimball Auditorium, 435 North Eagle Street Carl Traeger Middle School, 3000 West 20th Avenue Calvary Lutheran Church, 2580 West 9th Avenue St. Andrew’s Evangelical Church, 1100 East Murdock Ave Elks Lodge, 175 West Fernau Avenue Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 1860 Wisconsin Street Wittman Regional Airport, 525 West 20th Avenue Sunnyview Exposition Site, 500 East County Road Y **New polling place for November 4, 2014** WINNEBAGO COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO MEDIA ELECTION NIGHT ELECTION UPDATES AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET – www.co.winnebago.wi.us Our electronic voting system (Global Election Monitoring System-GEMS) will allow us to post election results directly to the county’s website. To access this information on the Internet, go to: www.co.winnebago.wi.us. There will be an election link that will take you to the voting results. These results are updated at regular intervals as the municipalities modem in their results. Official results will be posted after the Board of Canvass meets on Thursday and again on Tuesday. This will be a wonderful option for anyone with Internet capabilities. COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE – ELECTION NIGHT You are welcome to come to the County Clerk’s Office on election night to receive totals as they come in. They will be printed for you periodically throughout the night. One phone line will be available for the media to use. POLLING PLACES State law allows that anyone may observe the ballot counting after the polls are closed, but may not interfere with the orderly conduct of the election process. During the day, members of the media may not contact or interfere with voters waiting to cast their ballots. Exit polls are permitted by law, but must not interfere with the election or be done until the voters are through voting. CITY/VILLAGE/TOWN HALLS You are also welcome to observe election activities at any of the town, village or city offices. 9
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