! Gatlinburg Presbyterian Church Messenger October 2014


! Gatlinburg Presbyterian Church Messenger October 2014
Gatlinburg Presbyterian Church
October 2014
This past week our area has been inundated with thousands of visitors who have
come to see the fall colors our beautiful mountains have to offer. But, I’ve noticed
as I have tried to travel from place to place, most of those visitors are in their cars! And, that amazes me!
Even though there is something like 550,000 acres of wilderness and over 800 hiking trails to explore in
the Park, most folks never leave the comfort of their automobiles.
I read a statistic recently that said that at least 40 percent of those who come here never leave their cars to
enjoy a view or walk on a trail. I think that figure has to be much higher. If you drive out to Cade’s Cove you
can see what I mean. . . At this time of the year there are so many cars in the Cove it can take three or four
hours just to drive the eleven mile loop! That’s about the same speed that the average walker can do it (3 3.5 mph)! And, I’ve noticed (when I’ve been brave enough to go out to the Cove during peak seasons) that it
is true - precious few people ever get out of their cars even to take a photo. If there isn’t a bear-jam or a
need to go to the bathroom most folks seem to be satisfied with just a “windshied” view of the glory around
them. But, why is that? Are people’s lives so busy and caught up in modern technology that they are satisfied
with just a “windshield” view of reality? Have folks become so consumed by virtual reality that they are afraid
of reality itself?
Well, I’m not sure I know the answer to that, but I do think there is a parallel here that can be applied to the
church. Today, people have dropped out of traditional church in huge numbers. One statistic claims that less
than 20% of Americans attend church on a regular basis. It seems that more and more people are satisfied
with just a drive-by “windshield” Christianity experience. They want to see the glory and they don’t want to
abandon the faith completely - they just can’t see wasting their time with the traditional church which they
think is boring and irrelevant. So, they stay in the comfort of their own spaces.
But at the same time many of those folk claim to be “spiritual” in their outlook. And, if you ask them what
they would like to see in a church most will tell you they want community, closeness, and intergenerational
relationships. It seems that, in the final analysis they really don’t want the “windshield” experience they’ve
been offered by the church over the years. What they really want is to get up close and personal and
experience the glory first hand.
Well, we at Gatlinburg Presbyterian can offer that to you. We let folks get up close and personal with us. We
don’t set up road blocks and barriers to keep you from experiencing the things that most people really desire in
their church - a family, a home, and a place where you are loved. We’ll let you “get out of your car” so to
speak, and spend some time and get to know us. And, we’ll let you cultivate an intimacy with others and with
God that you won’t find in the large “windshield” churches you are used to. We’ll let you participate and see
the glory first hand and not from a distance.
That’s what I like about our church. I think you do too and I know others will also if you just invite them to
“get out of their cars,” so to speak, and walk in the closeness and intimacy of a small church experience.
Pastor Joe
Question 16 Shorter Catechism!
Q: Did all mankind fall in Adam's first transgression?
A: The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity; all mankind,
descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him, in his first
Buzz Hartley
Do you have a favorite Biblical Topic or Book of
the Bible you would like to study?
Prayer Requests
Pray for Tom and Peggy's son Scott for his continued physical and emotional healing.
Pray for Cheryl Lee as she now lives in Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan for her first year of teaching.
!Pray for the session as they continue to plan for our church's 2014 ministry.
Pray for Bill Ball as he is considering major back fusion.
Please pray for Park Tyler’s recovery.
Mark Your Calendars
November 2
Communion and Congregational Meeting to elect Elder
Class of 2017
FALL BACK Time Change
November 9
Second Sunday/Thanksgiving Lunch
November 11
Presbytery Meeting - Maryville College
November 13
Session Meeting
November 30
1st Sunday of Advent
December 13
Church Christmas Party
Octoberfest is being celebrated at Ober Gatlinburg. You can ride the tram
for free with your local ID.
Join a group of us who are going up to
have lunch and listen to the Oompah band. The music and
program be at 1:00 p.m.
News from the Pews
The Happy Hikers went on h ikes to Cades Cove and Old Sugarland Trail.
Tom and Peggy’s son Scott and wife Gaby spent 2 weeks in Germany. Th is is a joy as Scott
continues to improve.
Ann Lee and Debb ie Crain were elected to serve on the elder nominating committee for the
class of 2017. Lori Tierney is chair.
Presbytery Staff held the ir October meeting at ou r chu rch on October 6th. Pastor Joe was
able to share with them all the accomplishments so far th is year as well as ou r dreams for
Bob Spinney attend h is my 50th h igh school reunion at Starboard Galley in Newbu ryport,
MA on Sat, Oct 11. I attended nearby Pentucket Reg ional High School from wh ich Ihe
graduated in 1964. Bob also recently went on a cru ise to Bermuda.
Mo and Belle Crain visited with us Sunday in Chu rch (they came with grandparents Debb ie
and Bob). Debb ie’s son Robert and Daughter-in-law Holly and grandson Alex arrived later
for a visit.
Lori, Kevin, Katie and Kyle attended the wedding of Lori’s niece in Cincinnati. Katie was a
beautiful bridesmaid. Everyone had a good time and Lori got to visit with her mom who is
doing well.
The Presbytery Staff visited ou r chu rch on October 6th. They
had a meeting and then we took them for lunch to the Pancake
Pantry to “experience” Gatlinbu rg.
We walked back in a rain
storm and Judd got splashed by a passing car! I am su re they
will not forget th is visit.
November Birthdays
November 3 - Steve Tackaberry
November 4 - Carol Schlegel
November 13 - Peggy Noblitt
November 15 - Paul Brickwood
November 17 - Elaine McIntosh
November 20 - Bob Spinney
November 25 - Don Winkler
November 27 - Ron Coots
Noblitts Launch Website Devoted to Their Model Railroad
Many members of the Gatlinburg congregation have had occasion to see the model railroad of Peggy and Tom Noblitt (at
Christmas parties, open houses, and individual showings). Now,
there is an opportunity to view it online as they have launched
their own website devoted exclusively to the layout.
The site can be found at www.emeraldspringsmodelrailroad.com
and can be immediately accessed by clicking on that link. It
includes many photographs of the layout as well as descriptive
material regarding the construction of the layout and of various
decisions made in the process (e.g., why “Emerald Springs”?).
Additional features are in the planning stage and are expected
to include two videos, one of which will offer the engineer's
perspective of the layout from the vantage point of the
locomotive. We also expect to publish a number of photographs
showing the layout while it was under construction.
If, after viewing the website, you would like to see the layout in
person, give us a call at 865-908-5956 and we will set up a
time that is mutually convenient.
Session Notes
Peggy Noblitt, Clerk of Session
October 2014
•Attending were: Joe Blevins, Moderator; Peggy Noblitt, COS; John
Lee, Treas., Sara Blevins; Bob Crain and Lori Tierney
• Pastor Joe opened with prayer and a brief devotional
The minutes of the September 11, 2014 Session meeting were read, appro ve d,
and made a matter of record.
A written reques t has been receive d f ro m
Elders Bill and Opal Ball asking that they be put on the inactive lis t as far
concerne d. Witho ut
reques t was grante d.
The Treasurer's report ind icate d that the bo oks were in order and that there
o uts tand ing
s tress
nee d
increase d inco me, noting that the grant monies f ro m the Presbyter y of Eas t
Tennessee w ill be re duce d in 2015. Witho ut objection the Treasurer's report
was accepte d and made a matter of record.
Fellowship Co m mittee: The all-church Thanksg iving d inner w ill be held on
t he
Se co nd
N o vember.
C hr is t mas
sche dule d for Saturday, December 13th, in the Fellowship Hall. The party w ill
beg in at 2:00 p.m.
Mission Co m mittee: There were 1347 hits on the church web site in the month
of September. To address the nee d to respond to the large number of recent
reques ts for help f ro m transients as well as local citizens, a “Propose d Plan
to Address Crisis Nee d s” was prepare d by Reverend Blevins. A copy of this
plan w ill be printe d in the N o vember newsletter. The motion was made and
se co nde d
e nact
t hose
wr i tte n
re co m m e ndatio ns.
M otio n
car r ie d.
add ition it was deci de d that a small supply of tro lley passes as well as
so me Subway g ift card s wo uld be purchase d so they co uld be made available
to fo lks who mig ht find themselves in an emergency situation.
Property Co m mittee: B ob Crain is to make the necessar y ar rangements to
have a dumps ter delivere d and set up by the chain link fence in the church
parking lot. This is the next s tep in preparing the ups tairs space to be use d
for a retreat center.
Wo rs h ip
Co m m i ttee:
Adve nt
bo ok lets
bee n
pu rcha se d
w i ll
d is tribute d to members of the congregation on N o vember 19th. A bo ok let
describing the s taine d g lass w indows has been prepare d and w ill be available
in the church office.
N o minating Co m mittee: A brief Congregational meeting to elect an Elder
N o minating
Co m mittee
sche dule d
im me d iately
fo llow ing the Worship Ser vice. The propose d co m mittee w ill be chaire d by
Elder Lori Tierney and w ill be co mpose d of Ann Lee and Debbie Crain. The
Session g ives their appro val for these two cand i dates to ser ve on the Elder
N o minating Co m mittee.
The upco ming Presbyter y meeting w ill be held on Tuesday, N o vember 11th, on
the Mar yville Co llege campus. A motion was made and seconde d to elect
John Lee as Co m missioner to that meeting.
Old Business: An au d it of the church bo oks has been sche dule d for October
31, 2014.
D ear Friends.
M e et S teve Ta c ka b e r ry
My name is Steve Tackaberry.
I was married for 31
years and my wife died in March of 2011.
The beauty here inspired me to sell my home in St Paul, Minnesota
after retiring in 2012.
I wanted to be closer to God.
forward to retiring from the Federal Government.
I have held several jobs but looked
My sisters, brothers and friends are
always in contact and I pray for them always.
My life here in Tennessee has been blessed. In the spring of 2013 I met a young lady that is
very fa ithful to the teachings of the chu rch. We will be married November 19th and she will
be my wife. Her name is Linda.
My grandmother helped Danny Thomas
ra ise funds to build the first St. Jude Children’s
My plans, if God g ives me another day, is to honor and glorify God.
God be with you.
Saturday, December
2:00pm - - ???
Fellowsh ip Hall
Come join us and help usher in the Christmas Season. We will be playing games,
singing carols and e ati n g! We will have a progressive gift exchange so please bring
a small unisex (not gag!) wrapped gift costing no more than $10.00. (You may not
be able to keep the gift you choose if your ne ighbor wants it more!)
We’ll have Methodist Wassail (no alcohol) and will feast on finger foods and sweet
stuff, so plan to join us for an afternoon of fun, food and fellowsh ip.
Our Church Responds to Crisis Needs
Recently, we have noticed an upturn in the number of folks asking for help from local congregations. We want to
respond to these needs with Christ’s love but we want to respond in a way that will be helpful. The Session has adopted
the following guidelines to help us in that process.
1. As a matter of policy, we will not deal with Crisis situations right after church services. Candidates for help need to
be interviewed to determine the legitimacy and extent of their need and this is difficult to do when local agencies are
not open.
2. We are buying trolley passes to give to those in need of transportation to Sevierville, Pigeon Forge, and the
surrounding area.
3. We are buying gift cards to a local restaurant to give to those that are hungry and need a meal.
4. We are referring those who need help with rent or motel charges to SMARM.
5. We are referring those who need groceries to Sevier County Food Ministries.
6. We are locking the back door during Worship Services for safety reasons. If persons ask to come inside to use the
restrooms, we are referring them to the public restrooms only a short distance from our location.
7. We are going to make overtures to other Gatlinburg congregations to see if we can join with them in meeting these
crisis needs.
Please help us to enact these policies so we will be able to better serve those who have a need and at the same time
protect the safety of our folks who worship on Sunday mornings.