
Updated: 22 October 2014
Postal & residential address:
Mobile/cell phone:
David Neil McDonald
1004 Norton Road, Wamboin, NSW, Australia
national (02) 6238 3706; international +61 2 6238 3706
national 0416 231 890; international +61 416 231 890
national (02) 9475 4274; international +61 2 9475 4274
[email protected]
Consultant in Social Research & Evaluation
(Director, Social Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd, ABN 40 113 241 973).
Visiting Fellow, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health,
ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, The Australian National
Consultant, Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drug Association of the ACT Inc. (ATODA).
Research team member, Drug Policy Modelling Program, National Drug and Alcohol
Research Centre, The University of New South Wales.
Graduate Diploma in Population Health, National Centre for Epidemiology and
Population Health, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia,
Master of Arts in Community Development, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
Canada, 1978.
Bachelor of Arts, Diploma in Social Work, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,
Australia, 1968.
Australasian Evaluation Society, ACT Regional Group Committee.
Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD), member,
Scientific Program Committee.
Australian Capital Territory Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Strategy Evaluation
Group (Research Adviser).
Of Substance, the National Magazine on Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs, Editorial
Reference Group.
Public Health Association of Australia, Australian Capital Territory Branch Committee
(Hon. Secretary).
2002-present Consultant in Social Research & Evaluation
Academic Level C (Fellow), part-time, National Centre for
Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National
University, Canberra, Australia
Centre Visitor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health,
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Senior Criminologist, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra,
ACT, Australia
Visiting Fellow, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population
Health, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Deputy Head of Research, Criminology Research Unit,
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Canberra, ACT,
and Adelaide, SA, Australia
Commonwealth Government member, National Campaign Against Drug
Abuse Task Force on Evaluation, Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy,
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Director, National Drug Abuse Information Centre, Commonwealth
Department of Community Services and Health, Canberra, ACT,
Deputy Director & Director, Drug and Alcohol Bureau, Northern
Territory Department of Health, Darwin, NT, Australia
Senior Training Officer (Social Development), Department of
Decentralisation, Government of PNG, Port Moresby, PNG
Research Assistant, Department of Community Medicine, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Senior Training Officer (Social Development), Department of the Chief
Minister and Development Administration, Government of PNG, Port
Moresby, PNG
Provincial Community Development Officer, Department of Social
Development and Home Affairs, Government of PNG, Kundiawa,
Chimbu Province, PNG
Community Development Officer, Department of Social Development
and Home Affairs, Government of PNG, Madang, Madang Province,
Child Welfare Officer, Department of Child Welfare and Social Welfare,
Government of NSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia (former Board member and former chair
of the National Drug Sector Information Service Advisory Committee)
American Evaluation Association
Australasian Evaluation Society (Charter member)
Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs
Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology
Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth
Public Health Association of Australia (Fellow)
Melanesian Pidgin: fluent
Inaugural Annual ACT Alcohol and Other Drug Awards, December 2009: Outstanding
Contributions Award
National Drug and Alcohol Roll of Honour: inducted 24 June 2011
Appointed a Life Member of the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia
(ADCA), 24 November 2011
Appointed a Fellow of the Public Health Association of Australia, 18 September 2013
Alcohol and other Drugs Peaks Network, ‘Evaluation of the building funding
application skills project’, 2013-2014.
Australian National Council on Drugs, preparation of a background paper on consumer
participation in drug treatment services, 2013.
Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT: provision of research consultancy
services 2013-14.
ACT Health Directorate, Drug and Alcohol Policy Unit: provision of research
consultancy services 2013-14.
ACT Government Health Directorate, evaluation of the Expanded Naloxone
Availability ACT (ENAACT) program (with P. Dietze, S. Lenton & A. Olsen),
Alcohol and other Drugs Peaks Network, ‘Evaluation of peak bodies’ roles in building
sector capacity in the non-government alcohol and other drug sector’, 2012-2014.
Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT: evaluation of the ACT ATOD
sector implementation of the ACT eASSIST screening instrument, Stage 1 pilot project,
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National
University: design and teach components of a course ‘Bridging the Research-Policy
Divide’ for AusAID Australian Leadership Award Fellows, 2012.
Queensland Health: Mapping and Audit of the Queensland Alcohol and Other Drugs
Non-Government Residential Sector, sub-contractor to Siggins Miller, 2012.
Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT: design and implement a Service
Users Satisfaction Survey in the ACT’s alcohol and other drug services, 2012-13.
Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT: provision of research consultancy
services 2012-13.
ACT Health Directorate, Drug and Alcohol Policy Unit: provision of research
consultancy services 2012-13.
ACT Government: evaluation of the ACT Drug Diversion Programs, with Caitlin
Hughes, Marian Shanahan, Alison Ritter & Gray-Weale (DPMP), 2012.
Australia 21: preparation of a background paper for a Roundtable: ‘What are the likely
costs and benefits of a change in Australia’s current policy on illicit drugs?’, 2011.
ACT Government Health Directorate: update of the publication The extent and nature
of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and related harms in the Australian Capital
Territory, 2011-12.
Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users’ League (AIVL): evaluation of the 2012
AIVL anti-discrimination campaign, 2011-12.
ACT Government Justice and Community Safety Directorate, manage and report upon
a consultation with ACT users of illicit drugs about quantities consumed and purchased,
July-August 2011.
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National
University: design and teach components of a course ‘The art and science of integration
and implementation: a short-course for research leaders’, 30 May – 2 June 2011.
ACT Government Health Directorate, design an evaluation of the Expanded Naloxone
Availability ACT (ENAACT) program.
Drug Policy Modelling Program, The University of NSW: assessment of the Program’s
influence, 2010-11.
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health & ARC Centre of Excellence
in Policing and Security (CEPS), The Australian National University: with Professor
Gabriele Bammer, conduct a pilot study ‘Using Research to Influence Policy in
Policing and Security in Australia: Views of Senior Investigators’, 2010.
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National
University: design and teach components of a course ‘Bridging the Research-Policy
Divide in Asia and the Pacific’ for AusAID Australian Leadership Award Fellows,
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: assist in developing a publication Drugs in
Australia 2010, 2010.
ACT Health: design and implement a Service Users Satisfaction Survey in the ACT’s
alcohol and other drug services, 2009-2010.
Queensland Health: scoping the alcohol and other drug treatment service capacity for
Queensland (Associate of Siggins Miller), 2009-2010.
Youth Coalition of the ACT: project support and evaluation services to the ACT
Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector Project, 2009-2010.
ACT Health: provision of research support to the ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other
Drugs Strategy Implementation & Evaluation Group and the Alcohol and Other Drug
Policy Unit, ongoing.
ACT Health: preparation of a draft response to policy proposals to introduce an offence
of smoking in cars when children are present, 2009.
RAND Europe: book chapter review, 2009.
Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users’ League (AIVL): ‘Track Marks’: research
into the contributions to Australian illicit drugs policy made by drug user organisations
and people who use or have used illicit drugs, 2008-09.
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National
University: design and teach components of a course ‘Bridging the Research-Policy
Divide’ for AusAID Australian Leadership Award Fellows, 2009.
Youth Coalition of the ACT: project support and evaluation services to the ACT
Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector Project, 2008-2009.
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National
University: management of the editing and publication of a book McDonald, D,
Bammer, G & Deane, P 2009, Research integration using dialogue methods, Canberra,
ANU E Press, 2008-09.
ACT Health: preparation of a discussion paper on proposals to amend the ACT Road
Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1977, 2008.
Centacare Canberra for the non-government members of the ACT Alcohol and Other
Drugs Executive Directors’ Group: preparation of a response to proposals to amend the
ACT Liquor Act 1975, 2008.
ACT Health: update of the publication The extent and nature of alcohol, tobacco and
other drug use, and related harms in the Australian Capital Territory, 2008.
ACT Health: design of an evaluation of the relocation of the Civic primary needle
syringe exchange service, 2007.
Youth Coalition of the ACT: project support and evaluation services to the ACT
Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector Project, 2007-2008.
ACT Health: research support to ACT Health regarding the evaluation of the ACT
Police Early Intervention and Diversion Program, 2007-08.
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing: Evaluation of the National
Drug Strategy 2004-2009 (Associate of Siggins Miller Consultants), 2007-2009.
ACT Health: research associate support to Siggins Miller Consultants for the ACT
Alcohol and Other Drugs Service Sector Review, 2007.
Directions ACT: Preparation of a research paper ‘Strategies for addressing alcohol and
other drugs in correctional settings’, 2006.
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing: National Drug Strategy Data
Analysis (Associate of Campbell Research & Consulting), 2006-2007.
ACT Health: Advising on the design of an evaluation of the proposed Peer Education
Program for Disengaged Young Persons, 2006.
ACT Health: Development of a profile of the ACT Alcohol & Other Drug Sector
Workforce, 2006.
ACT Health: preparation of a research paper and presentation on ACT Government
expenditures on preventing and responding to drug abuse, 2005-06.
Directions ACT: preparation of a research paper ‘The proposed needle syringe program
at the Alexander Maconochie Centre, Canberra’s new prison; an information paper on
the evidence underlying the proposal’, 2005.
ACT Health: Preparation of an information paper and presentation on the prevalence of
alcohol-, tobacco- and other drug-related harm in the ACT, 2005.
ACT Health: Updating of an information paper and presentation on sources of
published data in alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in the ACT, 2005.
ACT Health: Evaluation of the Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and
Advocacy, 2005-06.
ACT Health: Scoping the evaluation of the ACT drug offenders’ diversion program,
Australian National Council on Drugs: Preparation of articles for Of Substance, The
National Magazine on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, 2005.
ACT Health: Policy analysis on anti-smoking health warnings in cinemas, 2005.
Land & Water Australia: Establishment of an expert advice function (with G. Bammer),
ACT Health: Policy analysis on the ACT Government’s initiative to strengthen and
increase case management services for clients with complex needs, 2005.
ACT Health: Preparation of an information paper and presentation on sources of
published data in alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in the ACT, 2005.
Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users’ League (AIVL): Evaluation of AIVL’s
National Hepatitis C Education Program, 2005-2007.
ACT Health: Preparation of a briefing paper and presentation on governance
arrangements for the ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2004-2008,
Australian National Council on Drugs: Preparation of articles for Of Substance, The
National Magazine on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, 2004.
ACT Health: Prepare and make a presentation on the treatment of alcohol and opioid
disorders to the Karralika Consultative Committee, 2004.
Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Melbourne: Analysing and developing
taxonomies of interventions concerned with illicit drugs, 2004.
ACT Health: Preparation of a background paper and presentation on the ACT Alcohol,
Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2004-2008, 2004.
ACT Health: Preparation of a background paper on alcohol and other drug-related peer
education in schools, 2004.
ACT Health: Evaluation of the Australian Capital Territory syringe vending machines
trial, 2004-2006.
ACT Health: Feasibility of trialling hydromorphone as a treatment for heroin
dependence in the Australian Capital Territory, with G. Bammer & P. Dance, 2004.
Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users’ League (AIVL): Evaluation of AIVL’s
National Handwashing Campaign, 2003-2005.
Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users’ League (AIVL): Evaluation of AIVL’s
National Hepatitis C Education Program, 2003-2005.
Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia: Preparation of draft policy papers, 2003.
National Health and Medical Research Council - National Illicit Drugs Strategy: An
analysis of needs of Indigenous illegal drug users in the ACT and region for treatment
and other services, with P. Dance, R. Brown & G. Bammer, 2001.
United Nations International Drug Control Programme, Regional Office for South Asia:
Leader of the Terminal Evaluation Mission of the UNDCP Program in Bangladesh,
Dhaka, 2000.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission: Development of a strategy for the
further implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, 1999.
United Nations International Drug Control Programme, Regional Centre for East Asia
and the Pacific: Rapid assessment of drug abuse in Papua New Guinea, Papua New
Guinea, 1998-1999.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics Unit, Australian Bureau of Statistics:
Preparation of publication Occasional Paper: Law and Justice Issues, Indigenous
Australians 1994, 1998.
World Health Organization, Western Pacific Regional Office: Substance Abuse among
Pacific Youth, and Mental Health Legislation in the Pacific Island Nations, Melanesia
and Micronesia, November-December 1997.
United Nations International Drug Control Programme, Regional Office for South Asia:
Leader of the Mid-term Evaluation Mission of the Drug Demand Reduction Program in
Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1997.
United Nations International Drug Control Programme: Resource Person, Expert Forum
on Drug Demand Reduction in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Hanoi, 1995.
World Health Organization, Western Pacific Regional Office: Alcohol-related Problems
in the South Pacific, Polynesia and Melanesia, 1995.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission: Keeping Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people out of custody: An evaluation of the recommendations of the
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, with C. Cunneen, 1995.
United Nations International Drug Control Programme: Resource Person, Expert Forum
on Drug Demand Reduction in South and Southwest Asia, New Delhi, 1995.
National Drug Crime Prevention Fund: The social impact of legislative options for
cannabis in Australia, 1995, grant to the Australian Institute of Criminology.
United Nations International Drug Control Programme, Regional Office for South Asia:
Member of the Evaluation Mission of the Drug Demand Reduction Program in India,
India, 1994.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission: Determination of a funding
distribution mechanism for ATSIC regions, 1993, grant to the Australian Institute of
National Drug Crime Prevention Fund: The safe handling of drug-affected persons by
police, 1993, grant to the Australian Institute of Criminology.
National Task Force on Cannabis: Legislative options for dealing with cannabis use,
1993, grant to the Australian Institute of Criminology.
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, What is the HIV
risk for Aboriginal heroin users in the ACT?, with G. Bammer, O. Brown &
B. Sibthorpe, 1992.
Research into Drug Abuse Program, National Campaign Against Drug Abuse, Illicit
drug users’ unmet treatment needs: What can we learn from treatment dropouts?, with
G. Bammer & B. Sibthorpe, 1992.
International Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations Against Drug Abuse
Evaluation workshop facilitator, Colombo, 1989.
Asia/Pacific Centre for Women and Development: Consultant/Trainer, Port Moresby
and Goroka, PNG, 1979.
Commonwealth Youth Program: Consultant, London, Port Moresby and Suva, 19781980.
1. Lenton, S; Dietze, P; Olsen, A; Wiggins, N; McDonald, D; Fowlie, C in press,
‘Working together: expanding the availability of naloxone for peer
administration to prevent opioid overdose deaths in the Australian Capital
Territory and beyond’, Drug and Alcohol Review.
2. Olsen, A, Dessauer, P, Dietze, P, Lenton, S, McDonald, D, van Beek, I &
Wiggins, N 2013, ‘Expanding the availability of naloxone in Australia:
reviewing the first year’, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 32, supp. 1, p. 15.
3. Dietze, P, Lenton, S, McDonald, D, Olsen, A & van Beek, I, 2013, ‘Evaluating
Australia’s first naloxone programs: development, progress and preliminary
results’, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 32, supp. 1, p. 16.
4. McDonald, D, Bode, A & Fowlie, C 2013, ‘Evaluation of a pilot project to
implement eASSIST across the ACT ATOD sector’, Drug and Alcohol Review,
vol. 32, supp. 1, p. 50.
5. McDonald, D 2013, ‘Book review: The electronic cigarette, an alternative to
tobacco? by J-F Etter’, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 635-6.
6. McDonald, D 2013, Evaluation of the ACT eASSIST Stage 1 Pilot Project,
November 2012 to February 2013, Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug
Association ACT (ATODA), Canberra.
7. McDonald, D 2013, ‘Drug laws and regulations’, in A Ritter, T King & M
Hamilton (eds), Drug use in Australian society, OUP, Melbourne, pp. 226-50.
8. Hughes, C, Shanahan, M, Ritter, A, McDonald, D & Gray-Weale, F 2013,
Evaluation of the Australian Capital Territory drug diversion programs, Drug
Policy Modelling Program, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, The
University of New South Wales, Sydney.
9. McDonald, D 2013, ACT Alcohol & Other Drugs Sector Service Users’
Satisfaction Survey 2012: final report, Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug
Association ACT, Canberra.
10. McDonald, D, Bode, A, Sequoia, K & Fowlie, C 2012, ‘Trends in alcohol and
other drugs service user satisfaction in the ACT, 2009–2012’, Drug and Alcohol
Review, vol. 31, no. supp. 1, p. 69.
11. McDonald, D 2012, ‘An NSP at the AMC?’, APSAD Newsletter, November
12. Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) 2012, The
involvement of drug user organisations in Australian drugs policy - a research
report from AIVL’s ‘TrackMarks’ Project, AIVL, Canberra (authors: Capper,
W, Madden, A, McDonald, D & Stubbs, D).
13. Douglas, B, Wodak, A & McDonald, D 2012, Alternatives to prohibition: illicit
drugs, how we can stop killing and criminalising young Australians, report of
the second Australia21 Roundtable on Illicit Drugs held at the University of
Melbourne on 6 July 2012, Australia21, Canberra.
14. McDonald D 2012, ‘Evaluation of the AIVL Anti-discrimination Campaign
September 2011 – June 2012: the film “Afternoons with Max Marshall, a short
film exploring drugs, discrimination and the media”, Social Research &
Evaluation Pty Ltd, Wamboin NSW.
15. McDonald, D 2012, The extent and nature of alcohol, tobacco and other drug
use, and related harms, in the Australian Capital Territory, July 2012, 4th edn,
ACT Government Health Directorate, Canberra.
16. Douglas, R & McDonald, D 2012, The prohibition of illicit drugs is killing and
criminalising our children and we are all letting it happen: report of a high
level Australia21 Roundtable, Australia21, Canberra.
17. McDonald, D 2011, A background paper for an Australia21 Roundtable,
Sydney, 31 January 2012, addressing the question ‘What are the likely costs and
benefits of a change in Australia’s current policy on illicit drugs?’, Australia21,
18. McDonald D 2011, review of Evidence versus politics: exploiting research in
UK drug policy making? by Mark Monaghan, Drug and Alcohol Review,
vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 690-1.
19. McDonald, D 2011, ‘Australia’s National Drug Strategy 2010-2015: an impact
assessment and comparison with other nations’ drug strategies’, Drug and
Alcohol Review, vol. 30, Supp. 1, pp. 62-3.
20. McDonald, D 2011, ‘Building on the Capital’, Of Substance: the national
magazine on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 17.
21. McDonald, D 2011, ‘Australian governments’ spending on preventing and
responding to drug abuse should target the main sources of drug-related harm
and the most cost-effective interventions’, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 30,
no. 1, pp. 96-100.
22. McDonald, D 2010, ‘Law is one thing, enforcement is another’, Of Substance:
the national magazine on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 25.
23. Bammer, G, Strazdins, L, McDonald, D, Berry, H, Ritter, A, Deane, P & Van
Kerkhoff, L 2010, ‘Expanding the deliberations about the research-policy gap:
useful ideas from the literature’, in G Bammer with A Michaux and A Sanson
(eds), Bridging the ‘know-do’ gap: knowledge brokering to improve child
wellbeing, ANU E Press, Canberra, pp. 135-55.
24. McDonald, D 2010, ACT Alcohol & Other Drugs Sector Service Users’
Satisfaction Survey 2009: final report, ACT Health, Canberra.
25. Siggins Miller, Miller, M-E, Siggins, I, Hall, W, Bush, R, McDonald, D, Cleary,
G, Lai, SH-C & Ho, B 2009, Evaluation and monitoring of the National Drug
Strategy 2004-2009: final report, Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy,
26. McDonald, D 2009, ‘Understanding the adverse unintended consequences of
policies and interventions addressing drug availability and drug use’, Drug and
Alcohol Review, vol. 28, no. Supp. 1, p. A43.
27. McDonald, D, Bammer, G and Deane, P 2009, Research integration using
dialogue methods, ANU E Press, Canberra.
28. McDonald, D 2009, ‘The policy context of roadside drug testing, Journal of the
Australasian College of Road Safety, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 37-43.
29. McDonald, D 2009, ‘The evaluation of a trial of syringe vending machines in
Canberra, Australia’, International Journal of Drug Policy, vol. 20, no. 4,
pp. 336-9.
30. McDonald D 2008, The extent and nature of alcohol, tobacco and other drug
use, and related harms in the Australian Capital Territory, February 2008,
Social Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd, Canberra,
31. Ritter, A and McDonald, D 2008, ‘Illicit drug policy: scoping the interventions
and taxonomies’, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, vol. 15, no. 1,
pp. 15-35.
32. Bammer, G, Ritter, A, Deane, P, Strazdins, L, McDonald, D, Berry, H & Van
Kerkhoff, L 2007, Improving research support for environmental policy
making: lessons from the literature and issues for debate, National Centre for
Epidemiology and Population Health, ANU College of Medicine and Health
Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra.
33. McDonald, D, Lai, SH-C, Miller, M-E, Hall, W, Cleary, G, Bush, R, Fowler, G,
O’Connor, P, Sumner-Armstrong, C, Siggins, I, Bolton, M, Siggins, E & Price,
K 2007, ‘Evaluating major national strategies in human services: challenges and
possibilities - the case of Australia’s National Drug Strategy 2004-2009’, paper
presented to Australasian Evaluation Society International Conference 2007,
Melbourne 5-7 August 2007, < >.
34. Bammer, G, McDonald, D & Deane, P 2007, Dialogue methods for research
integration, Integration Insights, no. 4, ANU College of Medicine & Health
Sciences, Canberra.
35. McDonald, D, Bammer, G & Deane, P 2007, Dialogue methods for research
integration in Natural Resource Management, National Centre for
Epidemiology and Population Health, College of Medical & Health Sciences,
The Australian National University, Canberra.
36. McDonald, D 2007, ‘Using the evidence-base’, ADCA News, no. 36, p. 14.
37. McDonald, D 2007, review of RealWorld evaluation: Working under budget,
time, data, and political constrains by Michael Bamberger, Jim Rugh, & Linda
Mabry, Health Sociology Review, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 89-90.
38. Guthrie, J, Dance, P, Cubillo, C, McDonald, D, Tongs, J, Brideson, T, Bammer,
G 2006, ‘Working in partnership: skills transfer in developing a cross-cultural
research team’, Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 515-522.
39. McDonald, D 2006, Strategies for addressing alcohol and other drugs in
correctional settings, Social Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd, Canberra.
40. McDonald, D 2006, A profile of the Australian Capital Territory alcohol and
other drug workforce, April 2006, Social Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd,
41. McDonald, D 2006, Australian Capital Territory Government expenditure on
preventing and responding to drug abuse, 2004-05, Social Research &
Evaluation Pty Ltd, Canberra,
42. McDonald, D 2006, The extent and nature of alcohol, tobacco and other drug
use, and related harms, in the Australian Capital Territory, April 2006, Social
Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd, Canberra.
43. McDonald, D 2006, ‘Peer education: “popular but not proven?”’, DrugInfo:
newsletter of the Australian Drug Foundation’s prevention clearinghouse,
vol. 4, no. 3, p. 2.
44. McDonald, D 2006, Evaluation of the Canberra Alliance for Harm
Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA), Social Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd,
45. McDonald, D 2006, ACT Syringe Vending Machines Trial 2004-2006: Progress
report no. 3, Siggins Miller Consultants and Social Research & Evaluation Pty
Ltd, Canberra.
46. McDonald, D 2006, Sources of published data on alcohol, tobacco and other
drugs in the Australian Capital Territory, January 2006, 2nd edition, Social
Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd, Canberra.
47. Ritter, A & McDonald, D 2005, Drug policy interventions: a comprehensive list
and a review of classification schemes, Drug Policy Modelling Project
Monograph Series no. 2, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc., Fitzroy,
48. McDonald, D, Bammer, G & Breen, G 2005, Australian illicit drugs policy:
mapping structures and processes, Drug Policy Modelling Project Monograph
Series no. 4, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc., Fitzroy, Vic.
49. Ritter, A & McDonald, D, 2005, Bulletin No. 5: Drug policy response schema,
DPMP Bulletin Series, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy, Vic.
50. McDonald, D 2005, The proposed needle syringe program at the Alexander
Maconochie Centre, Canberra’s new prison; an information paper on the
evidence underlying the proposal, Directions ACT, Canberra.
51. McDonald, D 2005, Proposal for a needle syringe program in the Alexander
Maconochie Centre, Canberra’s new prison: questions and answers, Directions
ACT, <>.
52. Bammer, G, McDonald, D & Breen, G 2005, Bulletin no. 3: Drug policy –
mapping structures and enhancing processes, DPMP Bulletin Series, Turning
Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy, Vic.
53. McDonald, D 2005, ACT Syringe Vending Machines Trial 2004-2006: Progress
report no. 2, Siggins Miller Consultants and Social Research & Evaluation Pty
Ltd, Canberra.
54. McDonald, D 2005, ‘Drugs and research: an overview’, Of Substance: the
national magazine on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 8-9.
55. Guthrie, J, Dance, P, Cubillo, C, McDonald, D, Tongs, J, Brideson, T &
Bammer, G 2005, ‘Approaches to developing a culturally appropriate research
team’, in LR Jackson Pulver & D McDermott (eds), Djiadi no. 1.1, revised
monograph of the Inaugural Indigenous Health Unit Research Day 2004, Muru
Marri Indigenous Health Unit, The University of New South Wales, Randwick,
NSW, pp. 35-44.
56. McDonald, D 2005, ‘Suboxone: a welcome addition but no silver bullet,
Of Substance: the national magazine on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs,
vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 12-13.
57. Tresidder, J & McDonald, D 2005, ‘Peer education: popular but not proven?’,
Of Substance: the national magazine on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs,
vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 26-27.
58. McDonald, D 2005, ‘A rapid situation assessment of drug use in Papua New
Guinea’, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 79-82.
59. McDonald, D 2005, Case management in the substance abuse field: insights
from the research literature; a report prepared for the Drug & Alcohol Policy
Unit, ACT Health, Social Research & Evaluation Pty Ltd, Canberra, published
online at
60. McDonald, D 2005, ACT Syringe Vending Machines Trial 2004-2006: Progress
report no. 1, Siggins Miller Consultants and Social Research & Evaluation Pty
Ltd, Canberra, published online at
61. McDonald D 2005, Anti-smoking health advertisements in cinemas: a literature
review, published online at
< >.
62. McDonald, D 2005, ‘Sources of published data on alcohol, tobacco and other
drugs in the ACT’, published online at
63. McDonald, D 2005, ‘Drugs & driving: from RBT to RDT’, Of Substance: the
national magazine on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 22-3.
64. McDonald, D, 2004, ‘Cannabis in Papua New Guinea’, Pacific Health Dialog,
vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 96-101.
65. McDonald, D 2004, The ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 20042008: Proposals for further developing structures and processes for
implementing the Strategy, published online at
66. McDonald, D 2004, ‘The impact of drug policy on the implementation of the
Canberra Social Plan’, online at
67. McDonald D 2004, Alcohol and other drug peer education in schools: A review
for the ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy Evaluation Group,
published online at
and <>.
68. Dance, P, Tongs, J, Guthrie, J, McDonald, D, D’Souza, R, Cubillo, C &
Bammer, G 2004, ‘I want to be heard’: an analysis of the needs of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander illegal drug users in the ACT and region for
treatment and other services, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population
Health, The Australian National University, Canberra.
69. McDonald, D 2004, The ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 20042008: A background paper for the ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug
Strategy Evaluation Group, published online at
<> .
70. McDonald, D 2004, ‘Supervised injection facilities: an Australian perspective –
Australian Capital Territory’, Of Substance: the national magazine on alcohol,
tobacco and other drugs, vol. 2, no.3, p. 28.
71. McDonald, D. 2004, ‘Cannabis – the honest truth!’, book review of Hall, W &
Pacula, R 2003, Cannabis use and dependence: public health and public policy,
Cambridge, Port Melbourne, Vic., Med J Aust, vol. 180, no. 12, p. 639.
72. McDonald, D 2004, ‘International drug control systems’, Of Substance: the
national magazine on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 20-1.
73. McDonald, D 2003, ‘Police diversion programs’, Of Substance: the national
magazine on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, vol. 1, no.1, p. 28.
74. Book review: Reflections on violence in Melanesia, S Dinnen & A Ley (eds)
2000, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 241-242.
75. Dolan, K, Kimber, J, Fry, C, Fitzgerald, J McDonald, D & Trautmann, F 2000,
‘Drug consumption facilities in Europe and the establishment of supervised
injecting centres in Australia, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 337346.
76. McDonald, D 2000, Violence as a public health issue, Trends and Issues in
Crime and Criminal Justice, no. 163, Australian Institute of Criminology,
77. McDonald, D & Jowitt, A 2000, ‘Kava in the Pacific Islands: a contemporary
drug of abuse?’, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 19, no.2, pp.217-227.
78. Pratt, A & McDonald, D 2000, ‘Aboriginal self-determination: “fine words and
crocodile tears”?’, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 349354.
79. Lenton, S, McDonald, D, Ali, R & Moore, T 1999, ‘Laws applying to minor
cannabis offences in Australia and their evaluation’, International Journal of
Drug Policy, vol. 10, pp. 299-303.
80. McDonald, D 1999, ‘Australia: the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths
in Custody”, pp. 283-301 in P. Havemann (ed.), Indigenous peoples’ rights in
Australia, Canada and New Zealand, OUP, Auckland.
81. McDonald, D & Winmarang, M 1999. Rapid situation assessment of drug abuse
in Papua New Guinea, 1998. Papua New Guinea National Narcotics Bureau,
Port Moresby.
82. Book Review of S Chapman, Over our dead bodies: Port Arthur and
Australia’s fight for gun control, in Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 10,
no. 3, pp. 330-332.
83. McDonald, D 1998, ‘Politiche sulla Canapa: discrezionalità penale e “tolleranza
zero”’ (‘Hemp politics: penal discretion and “zero tolerance”’), Fuoriluogo, vol.
3, no. 10, p. 3.
84. McDonald, D 1998, ‘Notes and comments’, Proceedings, regulating cannabis:
options for control in the twenty-first century: an international symposium,
Regents College, London, 5 September. Published online at
85. McDonald, D 1998, ‘The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey
– law and justice issues’, ALRM Focus, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 7-9.
86. McDonald, D 1998, ‘Aboriginal deaths in custody: contemporary policing
issues’, PDC (Policing) Occasional Papers, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 45-68.
87. Mukherjee, S, Carcach, C, McDonald, D & Barnes, T 1998, Occasional paper:
law and justice issues, indigenous Australians 1994, Australian Bureau of
Statistics and Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
88. McDonald, D 1998, ‘“Man passeth away like a shadow”: Australian criminal
justice system-related deaths six years after the Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody’, pp. 44-63 in A. Liebling (ed.), Deaths of
offenders: the darker side of justice, Waterside Press, Winchester, UK.
89. McDonald, D, Elvy, G & Mielke, J 1997, ‘Alcohol in the South Pacific: the mid
1990s’, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 16, no. 4, pp.383-390.
90. Cunneen, C & McDonald, D 1997, ‘Indigenous imprisonment in Australia: an
unresolved human rights issue’, Australian Journal of Human Rights, vol. 3, no.
2, pp. 90-110.
91. McDonald, D & Cunneen, C 1996, ‘Aboriginal deaths in custody and
Aboriginal incarceration: looking back and looking forward’, Current Issues in
Criminal Justice, vol. 9, no.1, pp. 5-20.
92. Carcach, C & McDonald, D 1997, National police custody survey 1995:
national report, Research and Public Policy Series no. 9, Australian Institute of
Criminology, Canberra.
93. McDonald, D & Brown, M. 1997, Indicators of aggressive behaviour: report to
the Minister for Health and Family Services and the Minister for Family
Services from an Expert Working Group, Research and Public Policy Series no.
8, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
94. Dalton, V, Atkinson, L, Carcach, C, McDonald, D & Mukherjee, S 1997,
‘Trends in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths in custody and
incarceration’, in Implementation of the Commonwealth Government responses
to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in
Custody: annual report 1995-96, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Commission, Canberra, pp.1-61.
95. Cunneen, C and McDonald, D 1997, Keeping Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people out of custody: an evaluation of the implementation of the
recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody,
ATSIC, Canberra.
96. McDonald, D 1996, ‘Australian deaths in custody: the impact of the Royal
Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody’, in A Liebling (ed.), Deaths in
custody: caring for people at risk, Whiting & Birch, London, pp. 81-98.
97. McDonald, D 1996, ‘Deaths in police custody’, in D Chappell & P Wilson
(eds), Australian policing: contemporary issues, 2nd edition, Butterworths,
Sydney, pp.165-179.
98. McDonald, D 1996, Prevention of alcohol-related problems in the Pacific.
Mission Report. World Health Organization, Western Pacific Regional Office,
99. Atkinson, L, Dagger, D, Dalton, V, Halstead, B, McDonald, D & Mukherjee, S
1996, ‘Trends in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths in custody and
incarceration’, in Implementation of the Commonwealth Government responses
to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in
Custody: annual report 1994-95, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Commission, Canberra, pp.1-56.
McDonald, D, Aboriginal Health and Aboriginal Deaths in Custody,
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Research
Discussion Paper no. 4, AIATSIS, Canberra, 1996.
McDonald, D 1996, The contemporary national drug policy strategies of
Australia, the Netherlands and the USA, Prepared for the Victorian Premier’s
Drug Advisory Council, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
Dalton, V & McDonald, D 1995, Australian deaths in custody and in
custody-related police operations, 1994-95, Deaths in Custody, Australia, no.
11, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
McDonald, D 1995, ‘Methadone maintenance treatment in the
management of opioid dependence’, pp. 46-47 in P. Grabosky & M. James
(eds), The promise of crime prevention leading crime prevention programs,
Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
Atkinson, L & McDonald, D, Cannabis, the law and social impacts in
Australia, Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, no. 48, Australian
Institute of Criminology.
Dalton, V & McDonald, D 1995, Australian deaths in custody and in
custody-related police operations, 1994, Deaths in Custody, Australia, no. 9,
Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
McDonald, D & Atkinson, L (eds) 1995, Social impact of the legislative
options for cannabis in Australia: phase 1 research, Report to the National
Drug Strategy Committee, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra,
Walker, J & McDonald, D 1995, The over-representation of indigenous
people in custody in Australia, Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice,
no. 47, Australian Institute of Criminology.
McDonald, D & Walker, J 1995, ‘Trends in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander deaths in custody and incarceration’, in Three years on: implementation
of Commonwealth Government responses to the recommendations of the Royal
Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: annual report 1993-94, vol. 1,
pp. 39-801, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Canberra.
McDonald, D & Whimp, K 1995, ‘Australia’s Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: law and justice issues’, in K Hazlehurst (ed.),
Legal pluralism and the colonial legacy: indigenous experiences of justice in
Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Avebury, Aldershot, pp. 187-215.
Halstead, B, McDonald, D & Dalton, V 1995, Australian deaths in
custody and in custody-related police operations, 1993-94, Deaths in Custody,
Australia, no. 8, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
McDonald, D, Moore, R, Norberry, J, Wardlaw, G & Bellenden, N
1994, Legislative options for cannabis in Australia, National Drug Strategy
Monograph No. 26, AGPS, Canberra.
McDonald, D 1994, ‘The monitoring of Australian deaths in custody:
some contemporary issues’ Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.
Morrison S, McDonald, D & Dalton V 1994, Australian deaths in
custody 1993, Deaths in Custody, Australia, no. 7, Australian Institute of
Criminology, Canberra.
McDonald, D, Bammer G, Legge D & Sibthorpe B 1994, ‘Service
provision considerations for the evaluation of a heroin trial: a discussion paper’,
in Issues for designing and evaluating a ‘heroin trial’, Feasibility Research into
the Controlled Availability of Opioids, Working Paper no. 8, National Centre
for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University &
the Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, pp. 31-34.
Bammer, G & McDonald, D 1994, ‘Report on a Workshop on Trial
Evaluation’, in Issues for designing and evaluating a ‘heroin trial’, Feasibility
Research into the Controlled Availability of Opioids, Working Paper no. 8,
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian
National University & the Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, pp. 110.
McDonald, D, Walker J & Howlett C 1994, ‘Trends in Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander deaths in custody and incarceration: annual report 199293’, in Implementation of Commonwealth Government responses to the
recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody:
first annual report 1992-93, vol. 1, pp. 1-41, Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Commission, Canberra.
Howlett, C & McDonald, D 1994, Australian deaths in custody 1992-93,
Deaths in Custody, Australia, no. 6, Australian Institute of Criminology,
McDonald, D & Thomson N 1993, ‘Australian deaths in custody, 19801989: 2. causes’, Med J Aust, vol. 159, pp. 581-585.
Thomson N & McDonald, D 1993, ‘Australian deaths in custody 19801989: 1. relative risks of Aborigines and non-Aborigines’, Med J Aust, vol. 159,
pp. 577-581.
McDonald, D & Howlett C 1993, Australian deaths in custody 1992,
Deaths in Custody, Australia, no. 4, Australian Institute of Criminology,
McDonald, D, Stevens A, Dance P & Bammer G 1993, ‘Illicit drug use
in the Australian Capital Territory - implications for the feasibility of a “heroin
trial”’, ANZJ Crim, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 127-145.
McDonald, D 1993, National police custody survey 1992: preliminary
report, Deaths in Custody, Australia, no. 2, Australian Institute of Criminology,
McDonald, D & Howlett C 1992, Australian deaths in custody 1990 &
1991, Deaths in Custody, Australia, no. 1, Australian Institute of Criminology,
Legge D, McDonald, D & Benger C 1992, Improving Australia’s health:
the role of primary health care, Final Report of the Review of the Role of
Primary Health Care in Health Promotion in Australia, National Centre for
Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University,
Biles D & McDonald, D (eds) 1992, Deaths in custody, Australia, 19801989, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
Hartland N, McDonald, D, Dance P & Bammer G 1992, ‘Australian
reports into drug use and the possibility of heroin maintenance’, Drug and
Alcohol Review, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 175-182.
Whimp K & McDonald, D 1991, ‘The national report of the Royal
Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC): findings relating to
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health’, Aboriginal Health Information
Bulletin, no. 16.
McDonald, D & Biles D 1991, ‘Who gets locked up? The Australian
police custody survey’, ANZJ Crim, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 190-203.
Fleming J, Watson C, McDonald, D & Alexander K 1991, ‘Drug use
patterns in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities 1986-1987’, Drug and
Alcohol Review, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 367-380.
McDonald, D 1990, ‘Ayurveda and acupuncture in heroin detoxification
in Sri Lanka’, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 329-331.
Alexander, K (ed.) 1990, Aboriginal alcohol use and related problems:
report and recommendations prepared by an Expert Working Group for the
Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Alcohol and Drug
Foundation, Australia, (joint author).
Biles D, McDonald, D & Fleming J 1990, ‘Australian deaths in custody
1980-1988: an analysis of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal deaths in prison and
police custody’, in A matter of life and death: contemporary Aboriginal
mortality, A Gray, ed., Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, pp. 159-179.
Biles D, McDonald, D & Fleming J 1990, ‘Aboriginal and NonAboriginal deaths in custody’, ANZJ Crim, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 15-23.
McDonald, D 1989, ‘Australia adopts drug war compromises: policy
driven by AIDS concern’, The Drug Policy Letter, vol. 1, no. 4.
McDonald, D, Brown H, Hamilton M, Miller M & Stephenson E 1988,
‘Australian drug policies 1988 and beyond - a drugs campaign evaluation’,
Australian Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 499-505.
Stephenson E, Brown H, Hamilton M, McDonald, D & Miller M 1988,
The National Campaign Against Drug Abuse 1985-1988: report of the Task
Force on Evaluation, Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy, Canberra.
[McDonald, D] 1988, How Many heroin users are there in Australia?,
Statistical Update no. 5, National Drug Abuse Information Centre,
Commonwealth Dept. of Health, Canberra.
McDonald, D 1987, ‘Australia’s National Campaign Against Drug
Abuse’, guest editorial, Australian Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 6, no. 3, pp.
Larkins K, McDonald, D & Watson C (eds) 1985, Alcohol and drug use
in a changing society: proceedings of the 2nd National Drug Institute, Darwin,
Northern Territory, Australia, 1985, Canberra: Alcohol and Drug Foundation
[McDonald, D & Alexander K] 1984, Evaluation of Banyan House.
Northern Territory Drug and Alcohol Bureau, Darwin.
[ McDonald, D], Review of the Impact of Public Drinking Legislation The ‘Two Kilometre Law’. Northern Territory Drug and Alcohol Bureau,
Darwin, 1984.
Larkins K & McDonald, D 1984, ‘Recent NT liquor control initiatives’,
Australian Alcohol/Drug Review, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 59-64.
McDonald, D 1978, Health care and community development: the inner
city of Edmonton, M.A. thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
McDonald, D, Greenhill S & Laing L 1977, Community health resources
for the inner city of Edmonton, Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta,
Department of Community Medicine.
McDonald, D 1970, ‘Holiday foster homes for children in residential
care’, Focus, Journal of the NSW Department of Child Welfare and Social
Welfare, vol. 5, no. 1-2, pp. 1-13.
(presenter highlighted if not David McDonald)
1. ‘Consumer participation roundtable’, Australian National Council on Drugs,
Canberra, 22 October 2014.
2. ‘What’s the drug driving problem represented to be?’, Seventh Annual ACT
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Sector Conference, Canberra, 24 September 2014.
3. ‘Medicinal cannabis in the ACT: supply options’, Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug
Association ACT Public Forum, Canberra, 23 September 2014.
4. ‘The causality challenge: evaluation’, The Society, Culture & Health Group,
National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health, The Australian National
University, Canberra, 9 April 2014.
5. ‘Expanding the availability of naloxone in Australia: reviewing the first year’, Anna
Olsen, Paul Dessauer, Paul Dietze, Simon Lenton, David McDonald, Ingrid van Beek,
Nicole Wiggins, Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs Annual
Conference, Brisbane, 27 November 2013.
6. ‘Assessing the quality of proposed Indigenous health policies: a checklist
methodology for evaluation’, Indigenous Health Interest Group, The Australian
National University, Canberra, 10 September 2013.
7. ‘ACT Alcohol & Other Drugs Sector Service Users’ Satisfaction Surveys 2009 &
2012’, ATODA Consumer Participation Forum, Canberra, 12 April 2013.
8. ‘Assessing the quality of proposed Indigenous economic and social policies: a
checklist methodology for evaluation’, CAEPR Seminar, Centre for Aboriginal
Economic Policy Research, The Australian National University, Canberra, 3 April
9. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 7 February 2013.
10. ‘Approaches and principles for alcohol and other drugs’, invited keynote address to
the Association of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies NT (AADANT) Sector Policy
Forum and Launch, Darwin, NT, 30 November 2012.
11. ‘Assessing the Influence on Drug Policy of a Program of Drug Policy Research: the
Australian Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP), 2006-2011’, Sixth Annual
Conference of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, Canterbury, UK,
29-30 May 2012.
12. ‘Is the current legislative focus on prohibition of harmful illicit drugs effective in
Australia or should consideration be given to decriminalisation of illicit drugs, and
why?’, Diploma of Intelligence course, Centre for Intelligence, Risk & Investigation
Training, Canberra Institute of Technology, 18 April 2012.
13. ‘A checklist of criteria for assessing the merit of a proposed policy as part of
ex-ante evaluation’, lunchtime discussion, ACT Regional Group, Australasian
Evaluation Society, Canberra, 20 February 2012.
14. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 2 February 2012.
15. ‘Australia’s National Drug Strategy 2010-2015: an impact assessment and
comparison with other nations’ drug strategies’, APSAD 2011 National Conference,
Hobart, Tas., 13-16 November 2011.
16. ‘Assessing the influence on Australian illicit drug policy of the Drug Policy
Modelling Program, 2006-2011’, Drug Policy Modelling Program Team Meeting,
Sydney, 13-14 October 2011.
17. Discussant: ‘Cultural epidemiology: a chimera or productive f(r)iction?’, 60 Years
of Anthropology at ANU: Contesting Anthropology’s Futures, Canberra, 26 September
18. ‘A checklist of criteria for assessing the merit of a proposed policy as part of
ex-ante evaluation’, Hot Issues discussion, ACT Chapter, Australasian Evaluation
Society, Canberra, 25 August 2011.
19. ‘How useful is a checklist of criteria for assessing the merit of drug policies?’,
Talking Head Seminar, Drug Strategy Branch, Australian Government Department of
Health and Ageing, Canberra, 13 July 2011.
20. ‘A Checklist of criteria for assessing the merit of drug policies’, poster, Fourth
Annual ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Sector Conference, Canberra, 23 June
21. ‘Developing and trialling a checklist of criteria for assessing the excellence of drug
strategy documentation through assessing the respective qualities of the new
(2010/2011) national drug strategies of the USA, the United Kingdom and Australia’,
Fifth Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy,
Utrecht, The Netherlands, 23-24 May 2011.
22. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 2 February 2011.
23. ‘Roadside drug testing in Australia: why have we adopted, with such alacrity, this
flawed policy?’, Dangerous Consumptions Colloquium, Canberra, 2-3 December 2010.
24. ‘Client Satisfaction Surveys and the use of the CSQ-8©: the 2009 ACT Drug Sector
Service User Satisfaction Survey, 40th Annual Conference, Public Health Association of
Australia, Adelaide.
25. ‘Thinking about burdens and harms’, Third Annual ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and
Other Drug Sector Conference, Canberra, 24 June 2010.
26. ‘Highlights from the 2010 Annual Conference of the International Society for the
Study of Drug Policy’, ACT ATOD Sector Forum, Canberra, 27 May 2010.
27. ‘The role of dialogue in integrative research addressing sustainability’, lecture to
Integrative Research Methods course, The Fenner School of Environment and Society,
The Australian National University, 23 March 2010.
28. McDonald, D, Cleary, G, Miller, M-E, Lai, SH-C, Siggins, I & Bush, R 2010,
‘Using theories of policy processes in evaluating national drug strategies: the case of
the 2009 evaluation of Australia’s National Drug Strategy’, Fourth Annual Conference
of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, Santa Monica, California,
USA, 15-16 March.
29. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 3 February 2010.
30. ‘Understanding the adverse unintended consequences of policies and interventions
addressing drug availability and drug use’, APSAD National Conference, Darwin, NT,
1-4 November 2009.
31. ‘Applying theories of policy processes to evaluation: the example of evaluating
Australia’s National Drug Strategy’, David McDonald, Geraldine Cleary, Mary-Ellen
Miller, Sally Hsueh-Chih Lai, Ian Siggins & Robert Bush, Australasian Evaluation
Society International Conference, Canberra, 2-5 September 2009.
32. ‘Drug policy and science in Australia’, Science and Public Policy Program, Centre
for Public Awareness of Science, The Australian National University, 31 August 2009.
33. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 30 January 2009.
34. ‘Roadside drug testing: an example of a flawed policy analysis?’, APSAD National
Conference, Sydney, 23-26 November 2008.
35. ‘Evaluating the 2004-2009 phase of Australia’s National Drug Strategy’, APSAD
National Conference, Sydney, 23-26 November 2008, poster presentation,
David McDonald & Sally Hsueh-Chih Lai.
36. ‘Linking policy and practice’, Keynote Address, Youth Coalition of the ACT Policy
Platform Consultation, Canberra, 25 July 2008.
37. ‘Alcohol policy in the Australian Capital Territory: past, present and future’, First
Annual ACT Alcohol and Other Drug Sector Conference, Canberra, 25 June 2008.
38. ‘The policy context of drug-driving countermeasures’, Public Forum on Drugs and
Driving, University of Canberra, 06 June 2008,
39. ‘How fear and stigma inhibit sound public health policies’, Public Forum on the
Alexander Maconochie Centre, Canberra’s new prison, presented by the Community
Coalition on Corrections, Canberra, 14 March 2008. The audio and PowerPoint slides
are online at
40. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 1 February 2008.
41. ‘Evaluating major national strategies in human services: challenges and
possibilities the case of Australia’s National Drug Strategy 2004-2009’,
David McDonald, Sally Hsueh-Chih Lai, Mary-Ellen Miller, Wayne Hall, Geraldine
Cleary, Robert Bush, Greg Fowler, Peter O’Connor, Crissa Sumner-Armstrong, Ian
Siggins, Michael Bolton, Eamon Siggins and Karen Price, Australasian Evaluation
Society International Conference: Doing Evaluation Better, Melbourne, 7 September
2007 <>.
42. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 5 February 2007.
43. ‘Drugs, money and government: estimating ACT Government expenditures on
preventing and responding to drug abuse’, ACT Biennial Public Health Forum 2006,
Canberra, 16 November 2006.
44. ‘Estimating ACT Government expenditure on preventing and responding to drug
abuse’, APSAD National Conference: Drugs: Meeting New Challenges, Cairns, Qld, 58 November 2006, <>.
45. ‘Linking policy analysis and program evaluation: the Canberra syringe vending
machines trial’, International Evaluation Conference, Darwin, NT, 4-7 September 2006,
46. ‘Scoping drug policy interventions and taxonomies’, Strategic Approaches to Illicit
Drug Policy: Findings from the first stage of the Drug Policy Modelling Program,
University of NSW, Sydney, 14 August 2006, D. McDonald and A. Ritter.
47. ‘Syringe vending machines in the Australian Capital Territory’, poster presentation,
17th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Vancouver, 30
April-4 May 2006, D. McDonald and A. Hart.
48. ‘Evaluating peer education: values and evidence’, Australian Drug Foundation
DrugInfo Seminar: Peer Education as a Drug Prevention Strategy: What Works?,
Melbourne, 11 April 2006. Online at
nald .
49. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 2 February 2006.
50. ‘At the frontier of drug harm reduction: prisoners’ rights to health & safety’,
Australian Parliamentary Group for Drug Law Reform National Meeting, Parliament
House, Canberra, 2 December 2005.
51. ‘The evaluation of AIVL’s National Hepatitis C Education Program’, poster
presentation, APSAD National Conference: Science, Practice, Experience, Melbourne,
6-9 November 2005.
52. ‘School-based peer drug education: a policy analysis’, APSAD National
Conference: Science, Practice, Experience, Melbourne, 6-9 November 2005.
53. ‘Initiating a trial of syringe vending machines in the Australian Capital Territory’,
APSAD National Conference: Science, Practice, Experience, Melbourne,
6-9 November 2005.
54. ‘Illicit drugs in Papua New Guinea: the research process and implications of a rapid
situation assessment’, invited lecture in the ‘Drugs in a Changing World Order’ seminar
program, The Australian National University, Canberra, 11 Oct 2005.
55. ‘“I want to be heard”: an analysis of needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
illegal drug users in the ACT and Region for treatment and other services’, Australian
MAE Annual Conference 2005 ‘Doing it together’, Canberra, 10 March 2005, P Dance,
J Tongs, J Guthrie, D McDonald, R D’Souza, C Cubillo and G Bammer.
56. ‘Drug policy in Australia’, Michigan State University Program: The People,
Government, Justice System and Public Policies in Australia, The Australian National
University, 25 January 2005.
57. ‘“I want to be heard”: an analysis of needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
illegal drug users in the ACT and Region for treatment and other services’. ACT
Election ‘critical issues’ forum on the state of Indigenous health, ACT Branch of the
Australian Medical Association, AMA House, Canberra, October, 2004, P Dance,
J Tongs, J Guthrie, D McDonald, R D’Souza, C Cubillo and G Bammer.
58. ‘“I want to be heard” – analysis of needs of Indigenous illegal drug users in ACT
and region regarding treatment and services’, Inaugral Indigenous Health Day, School
of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of NSW, Sydney, 2 September
2004, J Guthrie, J Tongs, P Dance, D McDonald, R D’Souza, C Cubillo, G Bammer.
59. ‘The impact of drug policy on the implementation of the Canberra Social Plan’,
Drug Action Week Public Forum, Canberra, 23 June 2004.
60. ‘Rapid assessment as a research strategy: the Papua New Guinea drug abuse rapid
situation assessment, 1998-99’, invited lecture in Research Methods in Information
Technology seminar program, School of Information Sciences and Engineering,
University of Canberra, 30 April 2004.
61. ‘Thinking about drugs policy: some core concepts that might underpin the next
stage of Australia’s National Drug Strategy’, presentation to Families and Friends for
Drug Law Reform, Canberra, 22 May 2003.
62. ‘Prevention: where does it fit in the mix?’, International Research Symposium:
Preventing Substance Use, Risky Use and Harm: What is Evidence-based Policy?
Perth, Western Australia, 24-27 February 2003, M Hamilton, G Bammer and D
63. ‘An Analysis of Needs of Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Illegal Drug Users
in the ACT and Region for Treatment and Other Services’, presentation to NHMRC
National Illicit Drug Strategy Working Party, APSAD National Conference, Adelaide,
November 2002, J Tongs, P Dance, J Guthrie, C Cubillo, D McDonald, R D’Souza and
G Bammer.
64. ‘Transferring Skills Between Aboriginal Medical Services and Research
Institutions’, AMA NT Inc. Conference: Missionaries, Mercenaries & Misfits:
Indigenous Health Initiatives across Northern Australia, Darwin, September 2002,
J Tongs, P Dance, T Brideson, J Guthrie, C Cubillo, D McDonald, R D’Souza and G
65. ‘Law, Justice and Drugs: Moving Towards a “Net Harm” Approach’, Public Forum
on Law, Justice and Drugs, Drug Action Week, Canberra, 28 June 2003.
66. ‘Towards a Model of Skills Transfer between Aboriginal Medical Services and
Research Institutions’, Master of Applied Epidemiology Conference, Canberra, March
2002, J Tongs, P Frith, T Brideson, J Guthrie, P Dance, D McDonald, R D’Souza and
G Bammer.
67. ‘Health Research in Prisons: Who said you’d be a mug to try it?’, Wrongs and
Rights: Prisons and Public Health – Responsibilities, Challenges, Possibilities. National
Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health, The Australian National University,
Canberra, 24 November 2000.
68. ‘The Uphill Battle to Reduce Drug-Related Harm: The Collapse of Canberra’s
Supervised Injecting Place Trial’, Fourth NCEPH Work in Progress Conference, The
Australian National University, Canberra, 10 November 2000.
69. ‘Drugs in Papua New Guinea: The Findings of a Rapid Situation Assessment’,
International Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations Against Drug Abuse,
Winter School in the Sun, Brisbane 4 July 2000.
70. ‘A Public Health Researcher’s Perspective on the Relevance of International Law to
Drug Trials in Australia’, International Law Discussion Group Seminar, Faculty of
Law, The Australian National University, Canberra, 9 March 2000.
71. ‘Firearm-caused Homicides in New South Wales: “How Did the Gun Get There?”’,
invited lecture, Information & Intelligence Centre, New South Wales Police Service,
Sydney, 21 January 2000.
72. ‘Intentionality in Homicide’, Homicide Research Working Group Symposium,
Toronto, Canada, 18 November 1999.
73. ‘How Did the Gun Get There? Enhancing Strategies Aimed at Preventing FirearmCaused Homicides in a Relatively Low Gun-Owning Nation’, American Society of
Criminology, 51st Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 17-20 November 1999.
74. ‘A Rapid Situation Assessment of Drug Abuse in Papua New Guinea’, Annual
Conference of the Australian Professional Society on Alcohol & Other Drugs,
Canberra, 1-10 November 1999.
75. ‘Diversion and Best Practice for Indigenous People: A Non-Indigenous View’, Best
Practice Interventions in Corrections for Indigenous People, Adelaide, 13-15 October
1999, C Cunneen and D McDonald.
76. ‘Kava in the Pacific: The Transition from Traditional Intoxicant to Drug of Abuse’,
ACT Public Health Expo, Canberra, 9 September 1999.
77. ‘Interpersonal Violence: Public Health Perspectives’, Australian Institute of
Criminology Roundtable on Public Health Perspectives on Interpersonal Violence,
Canberra, 7 September 1999.
78. ‘Population Health & Criminological Perspectives on the Prevention of FirearmCaused Homicides’, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health seminar,
Australian National University, 29 July 1999.
79. ‘Kava in the Pacific: An Emerging Public Health Problem?’, 19th Pacific Science
Congress, Sydney, 4-9 July 1999.
80. ‘Strategies for Preventing Interpersonal Violence: A Role for Health
Development?’, The National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health 10th
Anniversary Conference: Developing Health, The Australian National University,
Canberra, 11-12 November 1998.
81. ‘Kava in the Pacific: An Emerging Public Health Issue?’, 1998 Australian
Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs National Conference, Sydney, 9-11
November 1998.
82. ‘The Proximate or the Population: McMichael, Violence and Drugs’, Third NCEPH
Work in Progress Conference: From Academic to Useful …, The Australian National
University, Canberra, 7 October 1998.
83. ‘Public Health and Criminal Justice Perspectives on Firearm Controls’, Seminar
Presenter, ACT Chapter, Australian Institute of Health, Law and Ethics, Canberra, 16
April 1998.
84. ‘Deaths in Police Custody and Police Operations: The Impact of Recent Australian
Reforms’, British Criminology Conference, Belfast, 16-18 July 1997.
85. ‘‘Man Passeth Away Like a Shadow’: Australian Criminal Justice System-Related
Deaths Six Years After the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody’,
Deaths of Offenders: The Darker Side of Justice Conference, Brunel University,
Uxbridge, 2-4 July 1997.
86. ‘Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Contemporary Policing Issues’, Indigenous Issues
and Policing Seminar, NSW Police Academy and Professional Development Centre
(Policing), Charles Sturt University, Goulburn, 25-26 June 1997.
87. ‘Injury Among Young Males: Policy Responses Following Port Arthur’, National
Injury Prevention Workshop, Sydney, 12-13 June 1997.
88. ‘Substance Abuse in the South Pacific’, Annual Meeting of the Section on Alcohol
and Other Drugs, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Sydney
2-3 May 1997.
89. ‘Indicators of Aggression: Criminal Justice and Population Health Perspectives on
Violence’, The Second National Outlook Symposium: Violent Crime, Property Crime
and Public Policy, Canberra, 3-4 March 1997.
90. ‘Violence in Australia: Risk Factors and Policy Responses’, Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare, Canberra, 12 November 1996, with Melanie Brown.
91. ‘Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and Aboriginal Incarceration: Looking Back and
Looking Forward’, Public Seminar, Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, The
University of Sydney, Sydney, 6 November 1996, .
92. ‘Deaths in Police Custody’, Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology
Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 29 January-1 February 1996.
93. ‘The Monitoring and Evaluation of National Drug Strategies and Programs’, Expert
Forum on Drug Demand Reduction in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Hanoi,
11-15 December 1995.
94. ‘Issues Relating to Deaths in Custody’, Discussant, Australian National University
Graduate Program in Public Policy/Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
Seminar, 4 September 1995.
95. ‘Trends in Indigenous Deaths in Custody and Incarceration’, National Conference
of Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committees, Brisbane, 16-18 August 1995.
96. ‘Aboriginal Health and Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Four Years of
Implementation of the Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal
Deaths in Custody’, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Studies, Canberra, 8 May 1995.
97. ‘The Monitoring and Evaluation of National Drug Strategies and Programs’, Expert
Forum on Drug Demand Reduction in South and Southwest Asia, New Delhi,
6-10 March 1995.
98. ‘Monitoring of Aboriginal Deaths in Custody’, National Aboriginal and Islander
Legal Services Secretariat National Conference, Broadbeach, 2-27 January 1995.
99. ‘Australian Deaths in Custody: The Impact of the Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody’, Deaths in Custody: Caring for People at Risk; An
International Conference, New Hall, Cambridge University, United Kingdom, 5-7 April
100. ‘Policing Australia: What Can We Learn From the National Police Custody
Survey?’. Ninth Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of
Criminology, Sydney, 28 September-1 October 1993.
101. ‘The Monitoring of Australian Deaths in Custody: Some Contemporary Issues’.
Institute of Criminology, The University of Sydney, Public Seminar, Sydney,
29 September 1993.
102. ‘Service Delivery Considerations for the Evaluation of a Heroin Trial’, Trial
Evaluation Workshop, Feasibility Research into the Controlled Availability of Opioids,
with G. Bammer, D. Legge & B. Sibthorpe, National Centre for Epidemiology and
Population Health, The Australian National University, 15 June 1993.
103. ‘Corrections Health and Custodial Deaths: Government Responses to the Royal
Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody’. Corrections Health, Second National
Conference, Sydney, 6-7 August 1992.
104. ‘Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Implications for Aboriginal Health Research’.
Workshop on Confronting the Barriers to Improvements in Aboriginal Health: The Role
of Research. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies,
Canberra, 28-30 April 1992.
105. ‘The Role of Primary Health Care in Health Promotion in Australia’. The
Window of Opportunity: First National Congress, An Intersectoral Approach to Drug
Related Problems in our Society. Adelaide, 2-6 December 1991.
106. ‘Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Drug Related Issues’. The Window of
Opportunity: First National Congress, An Intersectoral Approach to Drug Related
Problems in our Society. Adelaide, 2-6 December 1991.
107. ‘The Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Health
Implications’. Twenty-third Annual Conference, Public Health Association of
Australia, Alice Springs, 29 September-2 October 1991.
108. ‘Who Gets Locked Up? Police Custody, Aboriginality and Public Drunkenness
in Australia’, 10th National Conference of the Australian Medical and Professional
Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs, Sydney, 7-10 October 1990.
109. ‘Making Drug Research Relevant to Policy Formulation: One View from the
Bureaucracy’, Epidemiology of Illegal Drug Use in Australia 1990: Proceedings of the
Second National Drug Indicators Conference, Canberra, 12-14 March 1990, ed.
G. Wardlaw, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 1991, pp. 463-473.
110. ‘National Drug Data Bases: The National Drug Abuse Information Centre’,
Epidemiology of Illegal Drug Use in Australia 1988: Proceedings of the First National
Drug Indicators Conference, Canberra, 10-12 May 1988, ed. G. Wardlaw, Canberra:
Australian Institute of Criminology, 1989, pp. 323-338.
111. ‘A Review of the Processes of Evaluating Australia’s National Campaign
Against Drug Abuse’, in A Case Study of the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse:
The Australian Experience, Proceedings of the International Conference on the
Formulation of Policies and Strategies to Combat Drug Abuse, 24-31 March 1988,
[Canberra: Department of Community Services and Health, 1988], pp. 118-126.
112. ‘A Continuing ‘Drug Offensive’: Australia’s National Campaign Against Drug
Abuse’, in The Clinical Biochemist: Screening for Drug Abuse - A Community
Challenge, Proceedings of a conjoint conference, Canberra, 20-21 February 1988, pp.
113. ‘Australian Experience in the Utilization of Community Resources for the
Prevention and Reduction of Drug Abuse’‘ UN Division of Narcotic Drugs Workshop
on the Utilization of Community Resources, Manila, 7-11 December 1987.
114. ‘The Evaluation of the First Year of Australia’s National Campaign Against
Drug Abuse’, Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Non-Governmental
Organisations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse, Canberra: Alcohol and
Drug Foundation, Australia, 1987, pp. 233-235.
115. ‘Keynote Address’, Proceedings of the National Workshop on Drug and
Alcohol Evaluation, Sydney, 11-13 August 1986, pp. 8-15.
116. ‘The Evaluation of Australia’s National Campaign Against Drug Abuse’‘ Third
National Evaluation Conference, Sydney, 23-25 July 1986.
117. ‘The National Drug Information Centre: It’s Place in Policy Formulation’.
Illegal Drug Markets and Law Enforcement Strategies. Australian Institute of
Criminology, Canberra, 24-27 June 1986.
118. ‘Evaluation of Treatment Programs Under the National Campaign Against Drug
Abuse’, National Drug Treatment Workshop, Melbourne, 15-17 April 1986.

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