Ravi Raina 1
Ravi Raina 1
Ravi R 1 Module 4 E-Government , Systems Architecture, E-GIF , E-Services and related subjects 2 Objectives of Module 4 To enhance the knowledge of the CIOs on the basic concepts, techniques and tools for E-Government development and deployment including E-GIF, EServices and BPR in the context of the E-Government Programme of the Government of Iraq 3 Scope E-Government & Public Sector Management Concepts E-Government Development and Deployment E-Services E-Government Systems Architecture E-Government Interoperability Framework Business Process Mapping and Re-engineering 4 Public Sector Management and E-Governance 5 Management Concepts Planning ( Goal setting etc) Resource Allocation Decision Making Monitoring and Control Nature of Management Process Strategic -------- Policies and Strategies Tactical -------- Operational Plans Operations --------- Services and Products 6 Organizational Structure and Management Processes Top Management Strategic Management Organizational Structure Middle Managers Tactical Management Staff Operational Management 7 Information Vs Decision Making Management Level Volume of Information required Aggregation Required Frequency Currency Top Low High Low Low Medium Medium Medium Medium High Low High High Management Middle Management Operational Management 8 Management Performance Vs Information Availability Management Performance INFORMATION AVAILABILITY 9 Public Sector Management Process Strategic Business Processes Decision Support System Applications Operational Business Processes Management Information System Public Service Delivery Content Management System Content / Doc. Repositories / Data warehouses 10 Traditional Bureaucratic Government Structure : Pyramidal TOP to Down PM Departmental Heads Lower Functionaries 11 Organizational Structure Enterprise Start Up Flat Organizations Flexi-project type Bureaucratic – Pyramidal Matrix 12 Organizational Culture Personality of an Organization Value System Communication and participation Degree of Flexibility Attitude Ethics and Norms 13 Traditional Government Agency Structure Prime Minsters office Department 1 Ministry 1 Ministry 2 Department 2 Department 3 Office 1 Office 1 Office 1 Office 2 Office 2 Office 2 Office 3 Office 3 Office 3 Ministry 3 Ministry 4 14 Traditional Government Structure : Characteristic TOP DOWN NO or LIMITED LATERAL CONNECTIVITY LIMITED COLLABORATION INFORMATION FLOW PREDOMINANTLY VERTICLE CUSTOMER HAS NO PLACE: WHY? RULES BOUND CULTURE: AUTHORITARIAN 15 Traditional Government Mandate ENACTING & IMPLEMENTING LAWS TAX COLLECTION SECURITY LAW AND ORDER MAINTENANCE NATIONAL DEFENCE 16 Traditional Government Information Flow Cabinet office AGENCY1 AGECY 2 AGECY 3 Office a Office d Office b Office c Office e Office f 17 Present Day: Government Mandate ENACTING & IMPLEMENTING LAWS TAX COLLECTION SECURITY LAW AND ORDER MAINTENANCE NATIONAL DEFENCE Poverty Eradication Social Development Enhancing balanced Economic Development Promote Transparency Accountability and Democracy Better Service to public, efficient and cost effective 18 Customer Centric Vs Production Centric A concept taken from commercial world Production centric suitable in shortage infested environment Market Orientation Customer is the boss in customer centric so start from there. 19 E-Government Concepts and Tools 20 E-Government: What it is not It is not Computerizing the Existing Government Processes. It is not digitizing the files and documents of the Government. E-Government = Technology E-Government = Government ( Change management and Transformation ) 21 Optimal application of technology for Governance Optimality Governance Being just right. Taking the system to the point of optimality at which the outcomes are maximized per unit of input Establishment of ideal government that is Inclusive Integrated Citizen Centric 22 Governance System Optimization Target Goal 2 3 Points of Optimality 1 TECH 2 A TECH 1 0 OUTPUTS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 INPUTS 23 Processes and Systems People Technology Structure Process People Technology Structure 24 PEOPLE WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT Attitudes Work Culture and Practices Law Enforcement Agent SKILLS Knowledge workers 25 PEOPLE WITHIN THE SOCIETY Attitudes SKILLS Participation information sharing Life Style Change Disconnected Isolated Communities Interconnected knowledge Society 26 Transformation in Government From Bureaucratic » Citizen Centric From Fragmented » Integrated Oriented Participatory From authoritarian » Service & Democratic Transparent From closed » Intuition / guess work » Informed decision making 27 Manual Operation » Automated Manual Data storage » Electronic Media for data storage Use of computers and other data manipulation devices for information management and wide use of electronic voice and data communication 28 Developed Countries Canada Ireland Singapore South Korea UK Australia USA Denmark New Zealand (Indicative List) 29 Where is E-Gov. being Adopted Developing Countries ( Middle Income Countries) Malaysia Botswana Egypt India Thailand Maldives Brazil Georgia Vietnam ( Indicative List) 30 Where is E-Gov. being Adopted Developing Countries Ethiopia Afghanistan Iraq Rwanda East Timor Bangladesh Laos PDR Bhutan Nepal Sri Lanka Mozambique ( Indicative List) 31 Where is E-Gov. being Adopted Developing Countries ( in our neighborhood) Azerbaijan Afghanistan Uzbekistan Tajikistan UAE Iran Bahrain 32 33 Traditional Vs E –Government Use of Resources Low High Infrastructure Fragmented Integrated Cost of Service High Low Speed of Service Months/Day s Hours/Minu te ROI Low High Transparency Low High Participation Low High 34 Traditional Vs E –Government 35 Global Imperatives for E-Government To be part of the emerging global knowledge based economy and society. Make international e-commerce possible. Interaction with the developing egovernments worldwide. Accelerate social and Economic development through globalization . 36 Framework for Development & Deployment ICT Sectoral Programs E-Government Restructure, Re-engineered Processes Policies, Strategies, Standards and Laws Communication & ICT Infrastructure / Security Training and Skill Development 37 E-Services Government to Government G2G Government to Business G2B Government to Citizen G2C 38 Automated Government Processes Electronic Exchange of documents and EDMS/ CONTENT management./ Knowledge Management Collaboration :chatting and emailing and video and voice conferencing. B-Process and work flow integration Information sharing and integration-EII Electronic information searching across the enterprise. Government Payroll and Personnel Management online Government HRM and Development including Training. Government Financial Management Government Strategic Planning and Operational Decision .MIS and DSS. 39 Improved Public Health Administration Better monitoring and management of public health through an integrated national Health Information System. Better control of and monitoring of epidemics and spread of disease (HIV, Malaria, Swine Flue) Public Health Information dissemination quickly and fast training of Health Workers on line Telemedicine and e-health service through linking of lower level health centers with higher level referral Hospitals. Better Health Centre and Hospital Management One of the priority areas-National Dev Plan of Iraq 2010-1014 40 Gov. Information available on line at the government web sites Government Forms available on line for easy downloading Registration of birth and death on line Land records management and information Drivers Licensing application on line Business Registration and trade licensing on line Application for Customs clearance on line. Application for Passport on line Application admission to government education institutions on line Information broadcasting electronically and disaster management. Electronic government payments Citizen grievance registration and follow up Delivery of critical information to specialized citizen groups Delivery of extension and training services 41 Automated Financial management and Accounting Systems. Automated Auditing Systems E-Procurement E-Recruitment. E-Inventory and materials management. Automated HR and Payroll system Citizen and Business E-Services 42 Delivery of formal and information education on line Delivery of life long learning through career courses online Delivery of Basic Education to remote areas though virtual schools. Public Education and National HR management based on sound skill and education and HR information. Better management of public schools and educational institutions. Education of the priority areas-National Dev Plan of Iraq 2010-1014 43 Provision of soil information Provision of agronomy and agriculture extension services Provision of animal husbandry services Provision of weather information Provision of Agriculture market information. Provision of agriculture pricing information. Provision of sub-soil water resource information. Rural Credit Management Development of Rural Enterprise –information Agriculture one of the priority areas-National Dev Plan of Iraq 2010-1014 44 Land Information management system Land use mapping and planning Forest Information data base and information system Water and other Natural resource information systems Dissemination of environment information. Environment modeling and research support. Monitoring emissions and air pollutants 45 E-Government Developments and Systems ArchitectureIraq 46 Iraq- E-Government Vision Iraq harnesses ICT tools to improve basic services to all and to promote all-round good governance, including increased public participation, better social equity and justice as well as a general enhancement of the transparency and effectiveness of public institutions in order to build the necessary platform for a competitive, robust and knowledge-based economy. 47 E-Government Strategic Goals Goal 1: Strengthen the interaction between citizens and the state to enhance participation of civil society in public affairs and promote social inclusion. Goal 2: Disseminate and promote the new e-Governance services within the provinces so that all citizens have access to them on an equal opportunity standing. Goal 3: Increase the capabilities and responsiveness of public institutions through the use of ICTs to achieve better governance and to enhance efficiency, transparency and accountability 48 E-Government Strategic Goals Goal 4: Contribute to the development of a favorable environment for sound economic growth Goal 5: Foster the development of a knowledge based society and bridging the digital divide 49 Iraq Government Priorities Achieve Security and stability Reconstruction Rehabilitation Establish rule of law Establish Governance Structure & Systems Social and Economic Development ( Education, Health, Agriculture)- (National Development Plan 2010-2014) 50 Strategic Focus-E-Government Iraq Awareness raising and Communication Human Capacity and Resources Government Interoperability, Standards and Applications Organizational and cultural change Regulatory framework Telecommunications infrastructure Financial Resource Management Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessments Connecting services and citizen Data and information systems 51 Strategic Focus-E-Government Iraq 52 E-Government -Sectoral Focus e-Health, e-Education, e-Municipal works and Local Government e-Personnel citizens 53 N- Tier ( Multi Layer) Web Based ( Internet ) Service Oriented ( SOA) Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Information Integration Maximum Service Orientation Optimized E-SERVICES 54 High Level E-Government Systems Architecture FULFILMENT INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK Back end applications and Data bases Customer Interface other E Govt. Systems 55 E-Government Architecture Model Agency1 Agency6 Agency2 E-Govt. Hub Agency- Agency3 Informatio 6 n Agency5 Agency4 56 Project Management at the Provincial Level- Systems Architecture 57 Systems Architecture- E-Procurement 58 E-Government Interoperability Framework (e GIF) 59 Iraq e-GIF: Definition e-Governance interoperability, in its broad sense, is the ability of constituencies to work together. At a technical level, it is the ability of two or more government information and communications technology (ICT) systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged to improve governance. 60 Scope of e-GIF Framework Policies and guidelines Technical Standards Implementation and management guidelines How is it different from National Standards and National Government Standards? 61 E-GIF ARCHITECTURE E-GIF e-GIF Policies & Guidelines e-GIF Technical Standards e-GIF Implementation Management & Compliance Government Meta Data Standard Controlled Subject Vocabulary English, Dari & Pashtu Data Exchange Business and Application Access and Presentation Network Standards Web Services Appl. Integrations Information Security 62 Applicability of e-GIF Federal Government Ministries and Departments The office of the President and all its Departments . All provincial Government Ministries and all their subordinate offices and departments. All offices of the Provincial Governors and its subordinate offices All government operated autonomous institutions. All local government entities and organs All privately owned businesses and private entities that act as subcontractors for the government must follow e-GIF in their upside links with the government owned systems. 63 E-GIF Major Policies Adoption of Open and Free standards Reduction of Risk Durability Flexibility and interoperability Better Vendor Support: Lower Costs and Better ROI: International Standards Internet and world wide web Extensible Markup Language (XML) Content and Document Management Delivery Channels Users with disabilities Information Security Maximize Participation 64 E-GIF Implementation Framework Ministry of Science and Technology E-Government Ministerial Committee Interagency EGovernment Working Groups National E-Government Advisory Group Change Management and Reorganization Group Government Content Management & Metadata Group Controlled Vocabulary Government Metadata Government Hardware & Network Standards Group Government Data Exchange Standards Group Government Web Service Standards Group Government Information Security Group Accessibility and Presentation Standards Group Government Business Application Standards Group e-Business, eLearning, e-Government Geospatial Data, Health, e-news 65 e-GIF-High Level Management Process Redrafting Drafting & Revision Control Publish for Consultation Review Acceptance Formal Change Control Release for Use 66 E-GIF Compliance What is e-GIF Compliance Test for Compliance Timetable to achieve compliance. E-GIF Compliance Certification Authorized entities for compliance certification 67 Business Process Mapping and Re-engineering 68 Business Process Concepts INPUTS Business Processes Activities and Actions OUTPUTS 69 Business Process Mapping 70 Business Process Mapping Four Major Steps of Process Mapping Process identification . Information gathering Interviewing and mapping Analysis 71 BPR Vs Process Improvement Process Improvement (TQM) versus Process Innovation (BPR) Description Improvement Innovation Level of Change Incremental Radical Starting Point Existing Processes Clean Slate Frequency of Change One time / Continuous One Time Time Required Short Long Participation Bottom Up Top Down Typical Scope Narrow ( Within functions) Broad ( Cross Functional) Risk Moderate High Primary Enabler Statistical Control Information Technology Type of Change Cultural Cultural/ Structural 72 Approach & Methodology for BPR Develop the Business Vision and Process Objectives BPR is driven by a business vision which implies specific business objectives such as Cost Reduction, Time Reduction, Output Quality / improvement,/Learning/Empowerment. Identify the Processes to Most firms use the High- Impact approach which focuses on the most important processes or those that conflict most with the be Redesigned Understand and Measure the Existing Processes business vision. Lesser number of firms use the Exhaustive approach that attempts to identify all the processes within an organization and then prioritize them in order of redesign urgency. For avoiding the repeating of old mistakes and for providing a baseline for future improvements Identify IT Levers Awareness of IT capabilities can and should influence process Design and Build a Prototype of the New Process design The actual design should not be viewed as the end of the BPR process. Rather, it should be viewed as a prototype, with successive iterations. The metaphor of prototype aligns the BPR approach with quick delivery of results, and the involvement and satisfaction of customers. 73 BPR Methodology 74 New Technologies To enhance effectiveness and efficiency of EGovernment Mobile Technologies Cloud Computing Convergence of TechnologiesShared Delivery Platform 75
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