Switch Fabric Architectures Vahid Tabatabaee Fall 2006 1
Switch Fabric Architectures Vahid Tabatabaee Fall 2006 1
Switch Fabric Architectures Vahid Tabatabaee Fall 2006 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 1 References Light Reading Report on Switch Fabrics, available online at: http://www.lightreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=25989 Title: Network Processors Architectures, Protocols, and Platforms Author: Panos C. Lekkas Publisher: McGraw-Hill Multi-Gigabit Serdes: The Cornerstome of High Speed Serial Interconnects, Genesys Logic America, Inc. C. Minkenberg, R. P. Luijten, F. Abel, W. Denzel, M. Gusat, Current issues in packet switch design, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Volume 33 , Issue 1 (January 2003) ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 2 Two Chip Architecture The switch interface (queue manager) chip resides on the line card Interface with the traffic manager and/or Network Processor. Transmit and receives cells from the switch chip through the backplane. Queues and schedules cells in the ingress and egress side. The switching element chip resides on the switch card. Transmit and switch cells between the line cards. Temporary buffers cells. ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 3 Two Chip Architecture The switching element can have buffer (Shared memory, Buffered Crossbar) or buffer-less (cross-bar) Data, flow control and queue info. is sent between chips. Generally flow-control from the chip with lower memory to the one with larger memory is more critical. Data From Traffic Manger Data Ingress Queues Scheduler Scheduler Serdes Serdes To Traffic Manger Egress Queues Data + Flow Control ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures NxN Switch (Buffered or Bufferless) Arbiter and Conroller Data + Flow Control 4 Back Plane Interface Chip Architecture Back Plane TDM 1 Data Class 1 Data Class 1 Class 2 TDM T Class 2 From Traffic Manger Class C Scheduler Serdes Serdes Virtual Output N Queues Virtual Output 1 Queues Class C Class 1 Multicast Queues Class M Class 1 Class 2 To Traffic Manger Scheduler Data + Flow Control Class C Data + Flow Control ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures Back Plane 5 Backpressure Flow Control Backpressure flow control is to avoid buffer flow in receiving chips. Suppose that the receiving chip does not have any more memory space. It sends the backpressure flow control message to the transmitting chip to avoid sending anymore cells. If there are multiple queues it will desirable to specify which queue is full. We can start sending the backpressure signal before queue is full to lower the transmission rate (rate-based flow control) As the queue gets fuller we send the backpressure signal more frequently to decrease the transmission rate more and more. ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 6 Backpressure Flow Control We can have different threshold values for flow-control of different queues. In the switch fabric, multiple line-card are transmitting to a switching chip. It is desirable to back-pressure each one separately. Therefore, we need per-input, per-class queueing in the switch chip. For a 32x32 system with 8 classes of service How many ingress queues do we need in the interface chip? How many do we need in the switching chip? Do we need to assign higher threshold value to the high priority queue or to the low priority queue? ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 7 Latency, Flow Control issues The aggregate throughput of the routers are increasing The trend is usually increasing number of ports rather than port speed. This means that we need to increase line-cards The switch fabric can no longer be built in a single rack Racks can be tens of meters apart. We need to spend more power for signal transmission. This yields to higher RTT inside a switch ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures Source: Ref. 4 (Current Issues in Packet Switch Design 8 Latency, Flow Control issues The latency is time in flight (backplane or cable) and the pipeline logic and serdes delay. The increased RTT means more packets in flight that should be taken into account for buffering requirements. Source: Ref. 4 (Current Issues in Packet Switch Design ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 9 Backpressure Flow Control and Latency We have to be careful about latency in setting the flow control thresholds. After sending the flow control signal, we can still get up to 2K cells. Therefore, the threshold could not be larger than buffer size - 2K. The problem is more serious in multi-rack systems. We have to take the inside chip hardware delay into account. This could be a serious problem for buffered-crossbar architectures since they have limited memory per-queue. K cells Line Interface ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures Switch Chip 10 Shared Memory Switch Fabric The switching chip has a large size memory. The line interface schedule one of the queues that are not backpressured and send the cell to the swicth chip. Switch chip buffers the incoming cells into the memory. Since every line port can send a cell we have to write N cells in every time slot. There are N schedulers working in parallel in the switch chip (one per output port). Ideally we need to have 1 queue for each class, input and output port. Practically in many systems we only have per output and class queue. ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 11 Shared Memory Switch Chip Architecture From Input 1 Shared Memory Data S1 Output 1 Scheduler ClassC Class2 Class1 ClassC Class2 Serdes Class1 From Input N SN Output N Scheduler Data + Flow Control ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 12 Shared Memory Advantages The scheduling is always a many-to-one problem. It can efficiently support multi-cast. The memory is shared between queues. We can achieve high throughput in this system, since there is no contention as long as we have enough memory. There is no need for transmission synchronization between ingress ports. ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 13 Disadvantages of Shared Memory Scalability problems: Number of queues in the switch chip is NxNxC N writes and N reads from the memory in one time slot. N schedulers in the same chip. It is hard to design a cell slice, shared memory switch fabric (why?) The only appropriate redundancy model is 1+1 (why?) The flow control mechanism should be sophisticated. ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 14 Buffered Crossbar Architectures For each input-output pair a separate memory is used. Instead of one big memory we have N2 small memories. Therefore, at every time slot we are writing and reading at most one cell from each memory. There is no contention between memories. ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 15 Buffered Crossbar Switch Chip ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 16 Advantages of Buffered-Crossbar We do not need memory speed-up since every memory should work at line speed. There is no contention between input and output ports since each one is using separate memories. We have distinct queues for input-output connections that is necessary for providing differentiated services between queues. We only need to perform many-to-one scheduling. Theoretically, we can achieve 100% throughput. ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 17 Disadvantages of Buffered Crossbar We need NxNxC queues in a single chip. We need NxN distinct memories in a single chip. For a 32 port switch, we need 1024 memories. Depth of the memories can not be so large. This results in Flow Control Problems. In order to control number of queues we have to limit number of Classes. We need to take byte-slice approach for speed-up. This means we have to synchronize switch chips. It seems that 1+1 is the only appropriate redundancy model. ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Switch Fabric Architectures 18