The Rain Forest Ecosystem =} Samantha Santillan Samantha McClung


The Rain Forest Ecosystem =} Samantha Santillan Samantha McClung
The Rain Forest Ecosystem
Samantha Santillan
Samantha McClung
May 30, 2008
The Rain Forest
• This ecosystem’s land
features have rugged
mountains and fast
flowing water falls. Also
it has a wide variety of
plants such as: tall trees,
ferns, palms,orchids,
vines, moss, and fungi.
Animals such as: Cairns
bird wing butterfly,
cassowary bird,
crocodiles, and the
Striped Possum all live in
this Habitat.
The Rain Forest Food
Food Chain
• The producer is
the vernacular
plant, the
Consumer is the
Cairns bird wing
butterfly, the
Predator is the
• The Cassowary Bird only lays it’s eggs on one species of plants. This is
an adaptation because when this species was first developed they
didn’t know that they need to lay their eggs on a certain type of
plant, it took many years.
• This lifestyle goes for the Cairns Bird wing Butterfly also.
• An adaptation for the striped possum is that it uses its teeth tongue
and long fourth fingers to catch their prey.
• An adaptation that the crocodile has is that their teeth can be
replaced many times in their lifetime.
• The striped possum hides from predators
by concealing its self in a burrow.
• The bird wing butterfly it obtains its
poison from the toxic Pipeline plant,
animals that eat it become very sick and
eventually die.
• The crocodile doesn’t have much
predators other than humans and others
• The Cassowary Bird simply runs.
=] Likes and Dislikes ]=
• We liked how you let us use
laptops for our projects.
• We liked how we could joke
around with you and you don’t
get butt hurt.
• We disliked the homework on
the weekends.
The End
The End
The End