On the Road to 2016: International Drug Policy Mr. Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director,
On the Road to 2016: International Drug Policy Mr. Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director,
On the Road to 2016: The Role of Civil Society in Contributing to International Drug Policy Mr. Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director, Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs Content I. UNODC strategic partnership with NGOs on drug-related issues II. Presentation of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC) III. On the Road toward 2016 – The Role of Civil Society Engaging with NGOs: a successful strategy The Beyond 2008 initiative provided NGOs a platform to reflect on their own achievements and limitations, exchange ideas and make recommendations to the UN for the 2008 UNGASS review. ACHIEVEMENTS: • Inclusive: participation of 900 NGOs (through an online questionnaire, regional consultations and a NGO Forum) • Global: representation from 115 countries INDEPENDENT EVALUATION: “participatory, relevant and efficient.” On the Road towards 2016: The Role of Civil Society Milestones: UNGASS 2016 and final review of the Political Declaration and its Plan of Action in 2019. Partnership: Joint UNODC – VNGOC project. Objective: Facilitate NGO participation in preparations and at UNGASS 2016. Primary Target Group: Ensure broad participation of NGOs from developing countries. Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 57th session Fourth Inter-sessional Meeting Consideration of the implementation by the Commission of CND resolution 57/5 on “Special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem to be held in 2016”, including briefings by UNODC Michel Perron, Chair of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs & Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse About VNGOC •Collaborating with the CND and UN system since mid 1980’s •Austrian registered global network of +140 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working in the field of drug abuse. •Many members represent umbrella groups with international reach and representation including, inter alia: • World Federation of Therapeutic Communities – WFTC • European Cities Against Drugs – ECAD • International Drug Policy Consortium – IDPC • Community Anti Drug Coalitions of America – CADCA •Members represent a diversity of views among the entire range of services and programs including, prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery at the policy and program level. VNGOC’s 2014-2017 Strategic Objectives 1.Develop NGO capacity to engage UN member states and relevant UN bodies 2.Create opportunities for NGO engagement with UN member states and relevant UN bodies 3.Advocate for NGO inclusion in international drug policy decision-making 4.Present a global NGO voice at key strategic events VNGOC Consensus Positions • VNGOC has facilitated several comprehensive consultations over 20 years among its members. Recent examples include: • Beyond 2008 Declaration and resolutions (www.vngoc.org) • Global submission on input (www.undoc.org) to the 2014 JMS development process • Written Statement to the 2014 High Level Review • Endorsed by +70 NGOs with ECOSOC General, Special, Roster status and other NGOs • Briefing to High Level Delegates on the Outcome of the informal Civil Society Hearing held in Cooperation with the UNODC, WHO and with Honorary Chair: H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden • Theme: Addressing Drug Abuse together through a Health Based Approach as part of the International Drug Control Conventions VNGOC plans towards UNGASS 2016 •Collaborate with UNODC On the Road towards 2019: The Role of Civil Society in Fostering Social Innovation •Advance global NGO discussions on priorities including Addressing Drug Abuse together through a Health Based Approach as part of the International Drug Control Conventions •Increase the number and diversity of NGOs contributing to the preparations for and at UNGASS 2016. • VNGOC Committee undertaking appointment of regional coordinators to broaden reach and engagement of members. •Contribute to preparations for and at UNGASS 2016 • Bring forward NGO input into relevant processes and discussions • Host two Civil Society Hearings@ CND 58 & 59, and 1 specific Pre UNGASS event • Advance innovative NGO/MS Collaboration Platform entitled Marketplace. What is Marketplace? • A Social Entrepreneurship model that links NGO Expertise and Needs with Priorities of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action. • An innovative online platform offering new forms of investment opportunities focused on specific funder priorities. • A means to dramatically increase the speed from Priority identification to on the ground implementation. • An opportunity to (re)define a relationship with NGOs into a strategic relationship working towards common objectives. An NGO Marketplace to match readily available services with existing needs elsewhere. The intended result? A demonstrable decrease in the drug prevention and treatment Impact Gap Going forward • We need financial and in-kind MS support to ensure a diverse and meaningful participation of NGOs in the preparations for and at UNGASS 2016. • We need to know from you, how VNGOC can best support your needs – as MS and the CND? • We encourage you to identify and help us connect with your national NGOs. • VNGOC remains at your disposal to maximize all opportunities presented by UNGASS 2016. THANK YOU UNODC Civil Society Team: [email protected] Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs: [email protected]