Introduction to Social Network Analysis Technology and Innovation Group Leeds University Business School
Introduction to Social Network Analysis Technology and Innovation Group Leeds University Business School
Leeds University Business School Introduction to Social Network Analysis Technology and Innovation Group Leeds University Business School Growing influence of SNA SNA or "social network analysis" in Web of science 500 400 300 No of hits 200 100 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year Leeds University Business School 2 Example applications within management and business • • • • • • Borgatti, S.P. & Cross, R. (2003) A relational view of information seeking and learning in social networks, Management Science, 49(4), 432-445. Boyd, D.M. & Ellison, N.B. (2008) Network sites: Definition, history and scholarship, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210-230. Hatala, J-P. (2006) Social network analysis in human resource development: a new methodology, Human Resource Development Review, 5(1) 45-71 Ibarra, H. (1993) Network centrality, power, and innovation involvement: determinants of technical and administrative roles, Academy of Management Journal, 36(3), 471-501. Reingen, P.H. & Kernan, J.B. (1986) Analysis of referral networks in marketing: methods and illustration, Journal of Marketing Research, 23, 370-8. Tsai, W. (2000) Social capital, strategic relatedness and the formation of intraorganizational linkages, Strategic Management Journal , 21(9), 925-939. Leeds University Business School 3 Development of SNA Gestalt theory (1920-30s) Structural – functional anthropology Field theory, sociometry (30s) Group dynamics Graph theory (50s) Manchester anthropologists (50-60s) Harvard structuralists (60-70s) Social network analysis (SNA) 80s Leeds University Business School adapted from Scott (2000) p. 8 4 SNA – method or theory? • “Social network analysis emerged as a set of methods for the analysis of social structures, methods that specifically allow an investigation of the relational aspects of these structures” Scott (2000) p. 38 • “Social network theory provides an answer to a question that has preoccupied social philosophy from the time of Plato,… how autonomous individuals can combine to create enduring, functioning societies” Borgatti et al. (2009) p.892 Leeds University Business School 5 Attributes vs. Relations Attributes ID Actors/ Cases Gender Age (years) Height (m) Weight (kg) Tom M 30 1.85 115 Dick M 35 1.65 85 Sally F 25 1.60 65 Fred M 55 1.80 110 Alice F 45 1.70 70 Univariate analysis Correlations Relations (but not all connections shown) Traditional analysis – focuses on attributes SNA – focuses on relationships Leeds University Business School 6 Relational matrix A simple relational matrix in which presence/absence of a relation is indicated by a 1 or 0 respectively: who drinks with whom? Tom Dick Sally Fred Alice Tom 0 0 1 1 0 Dick 0 0 1 1 0 Sally 1 1 0 0 1 Fred 1 1 0 0 0 Alice 0 0 1 0 0 Leeds University Business School 7 Sociograms • • • Nodes represent actors, e.g. people Lines represent ties or relationships among actors, e.g. trust, information sharing, friendship, etc. Network is the structure of nodes and lines Tom Sally Alice • Attributes: nodes can have one or more attributes, e.g. gender, company; seniority; tenure and job titles Leeds University Business School 8 Basic network components Triad Dyad Star (or wheel) Clique (size 4) Chain Circle centralised Leeds University Business School decentralised 9 Directionality of ties Ties may be directed or undirected •undirected lines (ties) are referred to as ‘edges’ •e.g. Tom and Fred drink together •directed lines are referred to as ‘arcs’ •direction is indicated by an arrow head (potentially at both ends) •e.g. Tom likes Dick but Dick doesn’t like Tom Tom Fred Tom Dick Tom Sally •e.g. Tom likes Sally and Sally likes Tom •nodes connected by arcs/edges are also referred to as vertices Leeds University Business School 10 Tie enumeration - binary Ties might be present/ not present (binary) or can be valued E.g. matrix shown earlier in which presence/absence of a relation is indicated by a 1 or 0 respectively: who drinks with whom? . Tom Dick Sally Fred Alice Tom 0 0 1 1 0 Dick 0 0 1 1 0 Sally 1 1 0 0 1 Fred 1 1 0 0 0 Alice 0 0 1 0 0 Tom Alice Sally Fred Dick Note matrix is symmetrical (and redundant) about diagonal Leeds University Business School 11 Tie enumeration - valued Ties can be valued (and in this case directed) E.g. may be weighted in ordinal/interval manner: e.g. 0 = ‘Don’t like’, 1=‘like’, 2=‘really like’; or telephones n times per week. To Tom From Dick Sally Fred Alice Tom 0 2 1 5 4 Dick 0 0 3 0 4 Sally 2 5 0 3 5 Fred 3 2 2 0 8 Alice 5 3 3 0 0 Note matrix is not symmetrical (nor redundant) about the diagonal Leeds University Business School 12 Network – directed and valued Tom 5 4 2 1 2 5 Dick Sally 3 3 5 3 2 5 3 4 2 Alice 3 Fred Leeds University Business School 8 13 Levels of measurement for ties Directionality Binary Numeration Valued Undirected Directed 1 3 2 4 Where 1 is lowest (simplest) level Scott (2000) p. 47 Leeds University Business School 14 Different forms of tie •Between individuals •Between groups, organisations, etc. •Similarities between actors, e.g. work in the same location, belong to same groups, homophily •Social relations, e.g. trust, friendship •Interactions, e.g. attend same events •Transactions, e.g. economic purchases, exchange information Leeds University Business School 15 Modes and matrices Two mode – incidence matrix Directors Companies A A B C D E W 1 1 1 1 0 X 1 1 1 0 1 Y 0 1 1 1 0 Z 0 0 1 0 1 B W Leeds University Business School C X D Y E Z 16 Modes and matrices Single mode – adjacency matrix - company by directors W X Y Z W - 3 3 1 X 3 - 2 2 Y 3 2 - 1 Z 1 2 1 - 3 W 1 2 A B C D E A - 2 2 1 1 B 2 - 3 2 1 C 2 3 - 2 2 D 1 2 2 - 0 E 1 1 2 0 - Leeds University Business School 2 3 Z Single mode – adjacency matrix – director by companies X Y 1 A B 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 E 2 C D 17 Some network concepts • • • • • • Degree Distance, paths and diameter Density Centrality Strong vs. weak ties Holes and brokerage Leeds University Business School 18 Degree Degree: the number of other nodes that a node is directly connected to Undirected ties Tom Dick Sally Fred Alice Tom Tom 0 0 1 1 0 Dick 0 0 1 1 0 Sally Fred 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Alice 1 3 Sally 1 0 2 Fred 2 Dick Alice 0 0 1 Leeds University Business School 0 0 19 Degree for directed ties To Tom Dick Sally Fred Alice Out-degree Tom 0 2 1 5 4 4 Dick 0 0 3 0 4 2 2 5 0 3 5 4 3 2 2 0 8 4 Alice 5 3 3 0 0 3 Indegree 3 4 4 2 4 17 F r Sally o Fred m Leeds University Business School 20 Distance, paths and diameter • Path and distance both measured by ‘degree’ (i.e. links in the chain) A B C D E.g. distance between A and D is 3 • Diameter of a network: the shortest path between the two most distant vertices in a network. Leeds University Business School 21 Density The actual number of connections in the network as a proportion of the total possible number of connections. Calculated density is a figure between 0 and 1, where 1 is the maximum l density n(n 1) / 2 Low Leeds University Business School where n = number of nodes l = number of lines (ties) HIgh 22 Density Scott (2000) p. 71 Leeds University Business School 23 Centrality •Number of connections (degree centrality). •Cumulative shortest distance to every other node in the graph (closeness centrality). •Extent to which node lies in the path connecting all other nodes (betweenness centrality). Leeds University Business School 24 Strong vs. weak ties • Mark Granovetter (1973) The strength of weak ties American Journal of Sociology 78-1361-1381. • The most beneficial tie may not always be the strong ones • Strong ties are often connected to each other and are therefore sources of redundant information Leeds University Business School 25 Holes and brokerage Bridge Broker If the bridge was not present there would be a structural hole between the two parts of the network Leeds University Business School 26 Data collection •Questionnaire of group, e.g. roster •Interviews of group •Observation of group •Archival material, databases, etc. •Sample size issues, e.g. need for high response rates •Symmetrisation •Ethical issues, e.g. assurance of confidentiality vs. discernible identification Leeds University Business School 27 Analysis focus •node •dyad •whole network or components •group vs. individual (egonet) •network structure determines node attributes •node attributes determine network structure •etc. Leeds University Business School 28 Some SNA Literature • Borgatti, S.P., Mehra, A., Brass, D.J. and Labianca, G. (2009) Network analysis in the social sciences, Science, 323, 892-895 • Freeman, L.C. (2004) The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science. Vancouver: Empirical Press. • Scott, J. (2000) Social Network Analysis. London: Sage. • Wasserman, S. and Faust, K. (1994) Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Leeds University Business School 29 SNA software • • • • UCINET Pajek Egonet See list on International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) website Leeds University Business School 30 SNA training and resources • Essex Summer School • Hanneman, R.A. and Riddle, M. () Introduction to social network methods – online text • De Nooy, W., Mrvar, A. and Batalgelj, V. (2005) Exploratory social network analysis with Pajek, Cambridge University Press • Various resources at: Leeds University Business School 31 Questions and discussion Leeds University Business School 32
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