from the desk of the chairman


from the desk of the chairman
From the Desk of the Chairman
Welcome All,
Hours of Operation . . . . . . 2
It’s been a busy year behind the scenes here at Anime
Detour. 2011 has seen some new organization, some
new ideas, and a whole lot of work to bring you All
Good Things!
Registration .
Hotel .
Of course, it’s easy to celebrate the Good
Things when they’re all around us. Our staff are
phenomenal people, and the amount of planning and
effort that goes into creating Anime Detour every
year is always astonishing to see. Of course, even the
hundreds, nay, thousands of hours that have already
gone into making his convention a reality are still not
enough, and that’s where you come in.
Every year, in addition to our staff, hundreds of our
amazing con-goers step up and volunteer to help put
this together. These special people understand that
part of what we’re trying to build is a community.
Volunteering not only lets you help us do this, it also
ties you closer into that community. It gives you
standing. They know, when all is said and done, that
they can point at the amazing things that happened
here and say, “I helped make Anime Detour a success.
I am a part of this.” And although all our attendees
are, of course, a part of Anime Detour, our volunteers
are a little more so.
It’s been five years since I became the Chairman
of Anime Detour, and it has meant the world to me.
The community that has been formed around this
convention continues to grow and astound me, and I
am humbled and honored that for the past five years
I have been allowed to help guide it. When I started
out, I had a set of goals in mind that I wanted to see
completed as Chairman, and I’m happy to say I saw
them all through. There’s always more to do though,
and it’s almost time to let someone else take the helm
for a while.
Thank you all.
And while I still can, I urge you all once more:
Always take the Detour.
Kale Ganann, Chairman
Anime Detour 2007-2011
Security . . . . . . . . . . 4
Dealers . . . . . . . . . . 6
Merchandise . . . . . . . . 7
Operations . . . . . . . . . 7
Volunteers .
Consuite .
. 7
Artists Alley .
Art Show . . . . . . . . . 8
Charity Auction .
. 8
Cosplay Contest . . . . . . . 9
Cosplay Photoshoots .
. 9
Guests of Honor . . . . . . . 11
Gaming . . . . . . . . .
Convention Maps .
. 20
Programming Grids . . . . . . 22
Programming Descriptions . . . . 24
Room Parties . . . . . . . . 40
Video Grids . . . . . . . . 43
Video Descriptions .
Staff List . . . . . . . . . 55
Thank You and Sponsors .
Hours of Operation
Convention Hours:
10:00am Friday - 6:00pm Sunday
Opening Ceremonies:
5:30pm Friday, Grand Ballroom
Closing Ceremonies:
5:00pm Sunday, Grand Ballroom
Panels begin at 1:30pm on Friday, 9:00am
on Saturday, and 10:00am Sunday.
Grand Ballroom Foyer, 2nd Floor
FRI: 10:00am - 10:00pm
SAT: 9:00am - 4:00pm
SUN: 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Dealers Room
East Hallway Ballroom & Verandas, 2nd Floor
FRI: 2:00pm - 8:00pm
SAT: 10:00am - 6:00pm
SUN: 10:00am - 4:00pm
(Sponsors get in 1/2 hour earlier)
Room 215, 2nd Floor
Open: 8:00am Friday until 8:00pm Sunday.
Room 101, 1st Floor
FRI: 10:00am - 9:00pm
SAT: 7:30am - 7:00pm
SUN: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Rooms 115, 116, 117, 118, 218, Poolside
Doors open at ~11:00am Friday until Sunday
5:00pm. Stop by for snacks and beverages
during the convention.
Artists Alley and Art Show
Plaza 6, 1st Floor
FRI: 12:00pm - 8:00pm
SAT: 8:00am - 8:00pm
SUN: 8:00am - 12:00pm
(Art Show Ends Saturday at 8:00pm)
Art Auction
Plaza 6, 1st Floor
SUN: 10:00am Auction
(12:00pm - 2:00pm, Art Pickup)
Charity Auction
Silent Auction
Plaza 6, 1st Floor
FRI: 12:00pm - 8:00pm
SAT: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Live Auction
Garden Court, 1st Floor
Cosplay Competition
Registration: Outside of Grand Ballroom
12:00pm - 6:00pm, Friday
Orientation: Grand Ballroom
9:00am - 10:00am, Saturday
Rehearsals: Grand Ballroom
Saturday Afternoon--Times TBA at Orientation
Workmanship Judging: Grand Ballroom Foyer
Times TBA at Orientation
Greenroom: Grand Ballroom Foyer
3:00pm - 9:00pm, Saturday
Seating / Preshow: Grand Ballroom 6:15pm
Cosplay Contest: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Gaming Room
Console Gaming Atrium 4, 2nd Floor
FRI: 3:00pm - SUN: 3:00pm
Board Gaming, Card Gaming, RPG 22nd Floor
FRI: 3:00pm - 12:00am
SAT: 10:00am - 12:00am
SUN: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor
Bloomington, 2nd Floor
Edina, 2nd Floor
Atrium 3, 2nd Floor
Atrium 6, 2nd Floor
Plaza 1, 1st Floor
Plaza 2, 1st Floor
Plaza 3, 1st Floor
Plaza 4, 1st Floor
FRI: 1:30pm – 2:00am
SAT: 9:00am – 2:00am
SUN: 10:00am – 6:00pm
Video Rooms
Atrium 1 (2nd Floor): Guest of Honor
Atrium 2 (2nd Floor): Request Room
Atrium 7 (2nd Floor): New & Featured
Atrium 8 (2nd Floor): All Good Things
FRI: 11:00am – SUN: 4:00pm
Convention Information and Rules
Registration is located on the second floor in the Grand
Ballroom Foyer
Ballroom Foyer, outside of the Grand Ballroom. The cost
2nd Floor
of on-site registration, if available, is $60.00 for the entire
FRI: 10:00am - 10:00pm*
weekend. We do not offer day passes. Attendees will
SAT: 9:00am - 4:00pm*
be charged an additional $7.00 if their check bounces.
SUN: 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Attendees who do not reconcile the registration fee and
*Pre-registered individuals may pick up their
additional check bouncing fee with Anime Twin Cities
badges in Operations after registration closes.
will be barred from all future Anime Detour conventions
No on-site registrations will be processed after
and ATC events until the debt is settled. Every attendee
normal registration hours.
is responsible for his or her own badge once it has been
picked up. If you lose your badge, you will have to pay
the walk-up rate of $60 in order to receive a new badge. You will need to provide a valid picture ID
and be entered in the registration database to receive a new badge. Anime Detour is not responsible
for badges with misspelled names or nicknames due to illegible handwriting. If you did not specify the
age of the attendee on your registration form, or if you cannot provide a valid ID that indicates that
you are 18 years of age or older, you will automatically be issued a minor badge.
The most simple rule is this: Don’t break the hotel. These nice people are kind enough to host us this
weekend and it would be rude of us to damage anything. If you need something from the hotel, contact the
front desk by dialing “0” from your room phone. If you have a problem or need help with a hotel issue, go to
Operations and tell them you need the Hotel Department. Anime Detour’s hotel department is available 24
hours, helping Detour’s staff, members, and the hotel all have a smooth weekend.
Sleeping In Public Areas: The hotel and the convention prohibit sleeping in public areas of the hotel (including
the Video and Programming rooms). If you are caught sleeping you will be woken up and asked to go to your
hotel room to sleep. If you do not have a room, please either stay awake or go home.
Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in the hotel. By hotel policy, smoking is prohibited in all of the
official spaces Anime Detour inhabits, including all of the party rooms and sleeping rooms.
Sign Posting: You may post non-adhesive signs with low-tack tape, specifically beige masking tape,
on hotel surfaces such as painted or wallpapered walls, tile and metal in approved areas. The removal
of any other type of adhesive is damaging and will be treated as vandalism by the hotel. This is a
requirement of the hotel, therefore not open for interpretation or debate. If signs are posted using any
other kind of tape, they will be removed and taken to Operations. The rules about where signs can be
posted can change from year to year. If you have any questions about where it is and isn’t OK to place
your flyers, please stop in Operations and ask.
PETS: No animals except working animals. If there are special circumstances, please speak with Operations.
Solicitation: No sales are permitted outside of the Dealers Room and Artists Alley.
PARKING INFORMATION: Although there is a significant amount of parking at the Sheraton, parking
is still limited. Please carpool or use public transportation if possible. If you are staying at a hotel
near the Sheraton, please leave your car ar your hotel and walk over to the convention. Please leave
parking nearest the Sheraton for disabled, hotel guests, and convention dealers. Please remember that
hotel guests NEED to be able to park their cars.
ROOM REQUESTS: If you have a problem with your reservation or room that the hotel is unable to
correct, please visit us at Operations and ask to speak with our Hotel Team. They will listen to your
problem and advise on what the next steps could be.
Public Transportation Options: The 540 bus stops just outside the Sheraton and also connects to
the Mall of America. The transit center at the Mall of America connects you to all parts of the metro area.
Weapons Policy
Cosplay guns must clearly be facsimiles and be holstered or at your side when not posing for pictures. Anime
Detour requires that certain weapons be tied, or peace-bonded, at all times. For peace-bonding questions
and materials, please visit Operations or consult with the Cosplay staff .
Anime Detour does not allow guns and other projectile weapons on the premises. Projectiles include but
are not limited to: bullets, pellets, water, laser, paintballs, etc. If it has a firing mechanism, it is not allowed.
(Exception: Bows are allowed, as long as you have NO arrows or similar ammunition.) Projectile weapons that
have had their firing mechanism altered/removed are also not allowed.
Use common sense, respect your fellow attendees.
Items that are confiscated by security due to unsafe behavior or policy violations may or may not be returned to you.
Live steel should be left in the sheath (or scabbard) and peace bonded at all times.
No fighting! This includes sparring and play fighting.
General Behavior
1. All state, federal, and local laws and curfews should be adhered to during the convention. If something is
illegal outside the convention, it is illegal INSIDE the convention.
2. DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED: Anime Detour reserves the right to revoke membership
badges for any reason. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to: fighting, harassment, damaging or
misusing convention/hotel property, stealing, roughhousing, and causing injury or harm to another or yourself.
3. NO HARASSMENT WILL BE TOLERATED: Anime Detour is an event that promotes the diversity of our
community. We accept anyone who comes in the spirit of good will and participation.
4. Please follow instructions given by Anime Detour staff members. If a staff member asks you to stop doing something,
please stop doing it immediately or Security will be notified. If you are asked to move, please move out of the way.
5. Only things that involve physical injury, property damage, theft, or a violation of one of the other rules
need to be brought to the attention of the staff. Personality conflicts and private troubles will not be with dealt
with by convention staff unless they become disruptive to other members.
6. NO SLEEPING IN HALLWAYS OR CONVENTION SPACES: If you want to sleep, you will need to make
arrangements before hand. No exceptions, we will wake you up and have you move.
7. NO UNDERAGE DRINKING!!! If you are serving alcohol in your room you MUST card! If we catch you
serving alcohol or other illegal items to minors, or if you are a minor and are caught drinking, your badge will
be pulled, and the Police will be involved.
8. NO CLOGGING UP THE HALLWAYS! Please move to an out of the way area to have your conversation.
Please move out of the flow of traffic when posing for photographs. An area for photo-shoots will be made
available in the Garden Court. Security will be circulating in an attempt to keep hallways relatively passable.
Continual violations and repeat behavior will force us to pull your badge as per order of the Fire Marshall.
9. Please give the hotel housekeeping staff a break by picking up after yourself and others. Treat the hotel
staff and property with respect.
10. NOISE: Please keep it down during the late night hours. Your fellow convention members are trying to sleep.
11. LOST AND FOUND: All lost items should be taken to Operations (Room 215). If you have lost an item,
report to Operations to see if it has been found.
12. Please respect the badgers, and show them your badges when they ask. The badgers are volunteers who are aiding
the convention. If we catch you hassling the badgers, we will pull your badge and escort you out of the convention.
13. Anyone found without a badge in the convention area will be handed over to security. Registration ensures
that we are able to stage this convention and keep a fun and safe environment for all our members.
14. ENFORCEMENT: If you observe another convention attendee breaking the rules and/or if another convention member
is creating a disturbance, please report this occurrence to a nearby Security member or Operations (Room 215) .
15. EMERGENCIES: In the event of a medical emergency, please contact convention or hotel staff for assistance or dial 911.
16. BADGES: All Badges MUST be visible at all times.
Dealers Room
Anime Detour is a special place and everybody who attends holds
dear memories of their experience. You can commemorate your
Anime Detour experience by finding the one thing you didn’t even
know you wanted to buy in Anime Detour’s Dealers Room! Whether
it be plushies or body pillows, beach towels or statues, you’ll
always find something good at Anime Detour’s Dealers Room!
Dealers Room Rules
Dealers Room
East Hallway Ballroom and
Verandas, 2nd Floor
2:00pm - 8:00pm
SAT: 10:00am - 6:00pm
SUN: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sponsors get in 1/2 hour earlier
Shoplifting will not be tolerated. Getting caught stealing will
result in the revocation of your membership.
Please be considerate of others while in the dealers room, no pushing or shoving.
Please provide proper photo ID with proof of age when purchasing adult materials.
Do not take photos in the Dealers Room. If you are taking or posing for pictures you will be asked to
leave the Dealers Room.
Do not be disruptive while in the Dealers Room. Anime Detour reserves the right to remove people
from the Dealers Room for inapropriate behavior.
There will be no coat or bag check. The following items will not be allowed into the dealers room:
Large bags, excessively large cosplay items (swords, wings, etc.), coats, anything else deemed obtrusive
by Dealers staff.
You will be asked to leave your obstructive item(s) in your hotel room before you can enter the
dealer’s room. If you have no hotel room you will be responsible for your own item(s). Anime Detour is not
responsible for any item(s) lost, stolen, damaged, incinerated, mechanized, gooped on, etc.
V14 V18
V22 V26
V15 V19
V23 V27
V16 V20
V24 V28
V17 V21
V25 V29
M11 M15
M19 M23
M27 M31
M12 M16
M20 M24
M28 M32
M13 M17
M21 M25
M29 M33
M14 M18
M22 M26
M30 M34
M1-M3 Pawstar
M4-M5 Toadhill Shops
M6-M8 Wizzywig Inc.
M11-M12 Source Comics & Games
M13-M14 TOMODACHI / EPC marketing
M16-M18 Eagle Anime
M19, M23 Anime Sekai
M20-M22 Anime Palace
M24-M26 AnimeStuffStore
M27-M29 Asylum Anime
M30, M34 Hen Da Ne, Inc.
M31-M33 Anime Pop
V1-V3 Fast Food Anime
V4 Anime Klub
V5 Dealers Homebase
V6-V7 Mad-Gear
V8-V9 Media Blasters
V10-V11 KMK Designs LLC
V12-V13 Scoundrelle’s Keep
V14 Studio Capsule
V15-V16 Felix Needleworthy
V17 Contact Lens Company
V18 Otaku-no-Yen
V19-V21 BowenDragon1
V22 RavenWing Wearable Art
V23-25 Toys Logic
V26-V28 Anime Pavilion
V29 Mohr Creations
Anime Detour Merchandise
Did you pre-order a shirt? Are you trying to come up with a way to show your friends how much you LOVE AD?
Do you love to buy cute and one of a kind items for very reasonable prices? Anime Detour Merchandise is here
to help with all this and more! We have high quality computer bags, adorable coloring books (with crayons),
durable metal water bottles, AD lanyards, unique buttons, and of course T-SHIRTS! The only place to get your
AD t-shirts for this year, last year, and whatever else we have in stock for drastically reduced prices! Don’t miss
out on some great items, we’re located pool side in Room 114 on the first floor, but if you can’t find us, just ask
any of the friendly staff to point you in the right direction. Our supplies are limited, so check us out today!
Welcome to Anime Detour, dear con-goers! You may be filled with questions,
concerns, or just plain curiosities due to all the changes, both in the con at
large, and the Ops department itself. Ops is here to fulfill many of your
con-going needs: Questions about programming or locations, first aid supplies,
general con information, etc. We are here to oblige you in these regards!
Please feel free to stop by Room 215 on the second floor and pick our brains
for what you seek (Please, no zombies).
With this year’s theme of “All Good Things”, we can all honor the
Room 101, 1st Floor
good thing that is Detour by volunteering. This convention is run solely
FRI: 10:00am - 9:00pm
on the power of our volunteers from the chairman on down we’re
SAT: 7:30am - 7:00pm
all volunteering to make this convention great. So whether you’re
SUN: 9:00am - 4:00pm
addicted to helping out or just looking for something fun to do for a
few hours, we’ve got a job for you.
Thanks to all the clubs that sponsored badger stations this
Three good reasons to volunteer:
1. Meet new people
2. Help the con
Winona State University Anime Club
3. Respect from staff
Come one, come all! Grab a snack to keep you going until you can get a real
meal and not miss all the fabulous fun of the con. We’re on the lower level by
the pool entrance. We have hot rice and cold pop, peanut butter and jelly,
chips, sweets and even some fresh fruit. If you’re real nice and your timing is
right we may even have ramen.
Keep in mind - lots of people will be coming through. Stay and relax as you
eat if you’d like and then move on. Someone else needs a spot to stop awhile
and eat too. If you want to hang out longer - Volunteer and earn cool goodies!
But remember, your mom doesn’t work here, so please pick up your trash!
As we say - this is a snack room. Make sure you grab a real meal or two each day. The hotel will have
some great deals going on hot, filling food and you don’t even have to step outside. But if you want a
break - step across the parking lot and you’ll find some old favorites.
Manga Reading Lounge
Hennepin and Ramsey County Libraries welcome you to kick back,
relax, and read some manga! Check out what your local library has to
offer and hang out with some cool librarians while you’re at it.
Manga Lounge
Atrium 4 Foyer, 2nd Floor
FRI: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
SAT: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Artists Alley
If you ever wanted to meet some of the talented artists
attending Anime Detour then you have found the right place,
come visit these artists and see the fine creations they are
selling! You may purchase their artwork during Artists Alley
times only, no outside selling allowed! The Artists Alley is
located in Plaza 6.
Artists Alley / Art Show
Plaza 6, 1st Floor
FRI: 12:00pm - 8:00pm
SAT: 8:00am – 8:00pm
SUN: 8:00am – 12:00pm
(Art Show Ends 8:00pm SAT)
*Check-in from Noon, Plaza 6
**Art Auction Sunday, 10:00am, Plaza 6
Art Show
Located in Plaza 6 is the Art Show just by Artists Alley. The
Art Show displays art by your fellow anime/manga fans. You
can also place bids to purchase the art, or if the item is listed
for quick sale you can buy it outright! Any piece that receives three bids will be sent to the Art Auction,
where you can battle it out live with other fans to bring home the piece of art that has won your heart!
The Art Auction will be held on Sunday at 10:00am in Plaza 6. Remember if it does not go to auction
the last bidder is responsible to purchase the art piece, so be wise with your bidding.
NOTE: Artists, please remember to pick up your artwork between 9:00am - 12:00pm on Sunday.
Unclaimed artwork will not be returned after the convention. Anime Detour is not responsible for
shipping any unclaimed artwork to artists.
Charity Silent Auction
Plaza 6, 1st Floor
FRI: 12:00pm - 8:00pm
SAT: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Charity Auction
Anime Detour will be hosting our annual Charity Auction again
this year. Proceeds earned from this auction will be donated
to the American Red Cross’ Japan disaster relief fund.
The Charity Silent Auction will be held in Plaza 6 next to the
Art Show from Friday (12:00pm – 8:00pm) through Saturday
Garden Court
(8:00am – 8:00pm). There will be many rare autographed items
SUN: 12:30pm
available, as well as membership and hotel packages for Anime
Detour 2012 for you to bid on. Thanks to how much everyone
has contributed the last few years, our guests have placed a few priceless, one-of-a-kind items in the auction.
The bidding will begin on Friday and continue through Saturday night when the Art Show closes. Some items
will be on display only until the Live Auction. The Live Auction will be on Sunday at 12:30pm in The Garden
Court. See what offers we have brought this year! Come bid! See our wonderful guests of honor auction
off these items for charity. Remember, all winning bids must pick up their items before the Art Show closes on
Sunday between 8:00am and 12:00pm or the item will be forfeited and go to auction. The American Red
Cross name is used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of
any product, service, company, individual or political position. For more information about the American Red
Cross, please call 1 800 HELP NOW or email [email protected].
Charity Live Auction
Thank you for giving support to a wonderful cause!
Cosplay Competition
**Registration for the competition is
Registration: Outside of Grand Ballroom 12:00pm - 6:00pm, Friday
located outside the Grand Ballroom** Orientation: Grand Ballroom 9:00am - 10:00am, Saturday
Rehearsals: Grand Ballroom Saturday Afternoon--Times TBA at Orientation
Anime Detour welcomes all our
Workmanship Judging: Grand Ballroom Foyer Times TBA at Orientation
cosplaying attendees! Our Cosplay
Greenroom: Grand Ballroom Foyer 3:00pm - 9:00pm, Saturday
Masquerade Contest is a chance for
you to perform for the convention and Seating / Preshow: Grand Ballroom 6:15pm
Cosplay Contest: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
show your costumes!
Those wishing to participate in the
Cosplay Contest are required to turn in all materials (forms and music) at our registration table and attend
Registration: At-con registration is located outside the Grand Ballroom. Forms will be provided.
Orientation: At least one member of each entry must be present. Attend this session if you have been wait-listed.
Stage rules, presentation, and safety will be covered. All forms and music are due at this time.
Rehearsals: Skits will run-through presentation on stage. Times will be assigned at orientation. Tardiness will
result in disqualification. Skits should have been rehearsed elsewhere before on-stage rehearsal. Walk-ons
may test the stage shortly before seating begins.
Workmanship Judging: Bring all reference materials with you at this time. Times will be assigned at orientation.
Tardiness will result in disqualification.
Greenroom (Grand Ballroom Foyer): All contestants must sign-in between 3:00pm - 6:30pm. Greenroom will
close a half hour after the awards presentation.
General Costume Policies
1. Please be respectful of all convention attendees.
2. Please keep your costumes to a PG-13 rating. No lewd
or vulgar comments on costumes are permitted.
3. No costume is still no costume. (No nudity.)
4. Do not have any sharp objects on your costume.
5. Photography must be taken out of the flow of
traffic. Do NOT clog hallways.
6. ALL weapons must be peace-bonded, holstered, or
appropriately marked... NO ammo allowed!
7. Senior staff and Security have the final word on
inappropriate costumes.
8. If you have a question/problem with/about a weapon
or prop: See Security staff.
9. If you have a question about the appropriateness of a
costume: See Cosplay staff.
osplay Photoshoots
Photoshoots can use the garden court area with the wall by the pool, just look for the signs, to gather
and host photoshoots in. Anyone can use this area for photography during the con but please allow a
group that has scheduled a photoshoot to have priority when using the area.
Soul Eater
Final Fantasy VII
Fullmetal Alchemist
32 Years of Gundam
Air Gear
D. Gray Man
Black Butler
Ouran Host Club
Yu Yu Hakusho
Vampire Knight
One Piece
Final Fantasy Dissidia
Guests of Honor
Christopher Ayres
has been working in theatre, television and film since the age of
6. He has worked as a voice actor for ADV FILMS and FUNimation Entertainment as well as an
A.D.R. Director for ADV Films and Amusement Park Media. As an A.D.R. director his credits include
the hit anime musical comedy The Nerima Daikon Brothers, XENOSAGA: The Animation, Magikano,
Mermaid Melody, and co-director on The Wallflower. Some of Chris’s best known voice roles are
Kei Kourono in Gantz, Suitengu in Speed Grapher, Von Kampher in Trinity Blood, Nakamaru in
Maburaho, Johnny in One Piece, and Sid in Devil May Cry. Recently, Chris has been heard as the voice of Frieza in
Dragonball Z Kai, Covenant Commander and various other roles in Halo: Legends. Chris will soon be in Tears to Tiara,
Black Butler and Sengoku Basura. Chris is also one of the Anime industry voice actors who sings on Voices for Peace. He
is very proud to be a part of the “Voices For...” organization. Chris also works as a professional fight director and bring
his workshop “Mock Combat for Cosplay” to many conventions. You can learn more about Chris by visiting his website
reg yres can usually be found rockin’ out somewhere, whether animated or not. From
the loud-mouthed Hideki in Nerima Daikon Brothers, to Koyuki, singing with the band in Beck, he’s
always glad to shake things up a bit. He is thrilled to be able to add the roles of Uesugi Kenshin
in Sengoku Basara, Seikechi Tayama in Oh! Edo Rocket, and Abe in Big Windup to his list of new
roles. When he’s not in a booth with headphones on, you can usually find him sporting headphones
of another variety behind “the decks”. A veteran nightclub DJ of many years, Greg has really
enjoyed the opportunity of doing something else that he truly loves. From packed rooms at anime conventions, to
the legendary stage of The Knitting Factory (NYC), Greg never misses an opportunity to share his love of music with
anyone who will listen.
Josh Grelle
is a native Texan who was raised on stage and in the art studios of Central Texas.
He performed on stage at the Tin Building Theatre for over 15 years prior to starting work for ADV Films
and Funimation Entertainment. Josh is known for playing the outrageous Taishi in Comic Party: Revolution;
Kyohei Takano in The Wallflower; Kouchi Hayase in Linebarrels of Iron; and Akisha in Shikabane Hime.
Other roles that Josh has voiced include Chaos in Tsubasa Chronicles; Hatake in Big Windup!; Ox Ford
in Soul Eater; Edward V in Black Butler; and Lithuania in Hetalia: Axis Powers. Recently, Josh was involved
in the much anticipated HALO: Legends project, playing the role of “Haka” in Production I.G.’s “THE DUEL”. Josh was also
ADR Script Writer for the comedy Magikano–which he also provided voices for–and Assistant Writer for Moonlight Mile. In
addition to voice and the Comic Book industry he worked as a freelance colorist doing “the grunt work” for Marvel Comics
and a few other studios around the world
larine arp was first cast by FUNimation Entertainment in 2003 to give life to the
character of Tweedledee in Kiddy Grade. Since then, Clarine’s talents have been featured in a
broad range of roles: Hetalia Axis Powers (China), Burst Angel (Sei), Samurai 7 (Sanae), Speed
Grapher (Ginza), Negima (Kaede), Shin chan (Miss Katz), Witchblade (Asagi) and RIN ~Daughters
of Mnemosyne~ (Laura). Clarine can also be heard in El Cazador de la Bruja, Claymore, JyuOh-Sei, Trinity Blood, Beck, Romeo x Juliet, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Case Closed,
Evangelion 1.0, D.Gray-man, Bamboo Blade, Aquarion, Origin - Spirits of the Past Mushi-Shi, Suzuka, Ouran High
School Host Club, Ghost Hunt, One Piece and many others. Out of the booth, Clarine spends her time producing DVDs
for FUNimation, tending to her horde of rabbits and proudly spreading the gospel of sock knitting. She is also the
inspiration behind the character Aubrey, a regular cast member on the popular web comic, Something Positive.
Kyle Hebert is a Los Angeles-based voice actor whose credits include Marvel Vs Capcom
3 (Ryu), Naruto (Kiba), Bleach (Aizen, Ganju), X Men Arcade (all male voices) and Gurren Lagann
(Kamina). He is best known as the Narrator and Teen Gohan from Dragonball Z. Other notable
roles include Soul Eater (Masamune), Ouran High School Host Club (Kazukiyo Soga), Fullmetal
Alchemist (Vato Falman), Tales of Symphonia (Richter Abend) and Star Ocean (Dias, Arumat, Crow). Kyle also
provides voices in numerous video games including Final Fantasy XIII, World of Warcraft, Devil May Cry 4, Dynasty
Warriors, and James Cameron’s Avatar. He offers voice acting script workouts for beginners over Skype. For more
info, visit
Brittney Karbowski
started voice acting after being discovered playing “Janet”
in a stage production of “The Rocky Horror Show.” A founder at A.D.Vision films used her as
an extra in an Anime called “Gantz,” and the roles flooded in from there! She has voiced
roles for ADV Films (Seraphim Entertainment) and Funimation Entertainment. Some of Brittney’s
credits are Gilgamesh (Fuko), Jinki Extend (Aoba), Kanon (Ayu), Kiko (Darker Than Black),
and Shuffle! (Sia). Recent works include: Shin Chan, Halo Legends: Odd One Out, Full Metal
Alchemist: Brotherhood (Pride), and Soul Eater (Black Star).
arli osier is excited to be back at Anime Detour! She’s been on the stage since
the age of 6. In 2004, after years in the theatre she began working at ADV Films and has
recently begun working for Funimation. She has appeared in such titles as Mythical Detective
Loki Ragnarok (Tsubasa Maijima), Xenosaga: The Animation (Febronia), Nerima Daikon Brothers
(Detective Yukika), and Magikano (Yuri Kurosu). Carli is also thrilled to have roles in Evangelion
and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, as well as a closing credits singer for One Piece. Most
recently Carli voiced Daisy in the Homecoming episode of Halo: Legends and has been geeking out about it since!
She’s proud to be able to announce for the first time at a convention that she plays Akira Yoshii in Baka and Test!
When she’s not recording, Carli spends her time working on music and watching too many horror movies.
onica ial has been working in the anime voice over industry for 12 years. As an actress for
ADV Films and Funimation Entertainment she has lent her voice to over 200 anime including: Black Butler
(Mei Ren), Burst Angel (Jo), Chrome Shelled Regios (Felli), Claymore (Miria), D. Gray-man (Lero/Lulu Bell),
Gunslinger Girl (Angelica), Hetalia (Flying Mint Bunny/ Belarus), Negima (Konoka/Kazumi/Satsuki), One
Piece (Tashigi/Carue/Kuina), Sacred Blacksmith (Lisa), Sekirei (Miya), Sgt. Frog (Momoka), Shuffle! (Asa),
Speed Grapher (Kagura), Soul Eater (Tsubaki), Tsubasa (Sakura), and many more. She can be heard on
the Cartoon Network in Shinchan (Ai), Fullmetal Alchemist (Lyra/Dante), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (May Chang), Case
Closed (Amy) and Trinity Blood (Vanessa). You can also catch her on Nicktoons and the CW as Bulma in Dragonball Z Kai. She
is an ADR script adaptor and occasionally a director for Funimation Entertainment. Be sure to come by and say hello!
Carrie Savage is so happy to be returning to her favorite US convention…Anime Detour!
Carrie currently resides in sunny Los Angeles, but still loves all the folks in Texas, and hopes to
be studying Theater in New York soon! Carrie has voiced characters in shows such as Ikki Tousen,
R.O.D. the TV, Paranoia Agent, Tsubasa Chronicles, XXX Holic, Witchblade, Trinity Blood, Shin
Chan, Solty Rei, Rumbling Hearts, Moon Phase, and more. She has also voiced characters in
several video games. Carrie has background in Theater and is very small time film actress. She
loves traveling around the world helping struggling children and adults in developing countries such as Mexico, the
Philippines, Africa and some parts of the US. Her latest trip was to Uganda, where she stayed in a tribal village
way out in “The African Bush”! Carrie truly, truly can’t wait to see everyone again, at Anime Detour! Don’t forget to
save your money for the charity auction! Let’s see what kind of records we can break this year!
J. Michael Tatum turned-voice actor/writer/ADR director. He spent more years than he
cares to remember in what might be described as freefall before landing on the industry of his dreams.
Discovered by ADR director Christopher Bevins, Tatum’s inexplicable luck has held long enough to see
him in a slew of dream roles, most notably Kyoya Otori in Ouran High School Host Club and Sebastian
Michaelis in Black Butler. Other characters he’s had the good fortune to play include: Doumeki in
XXXHolic, Komui Lee in D-Gray Man, Lawrence Kraft in Spice and Wolf, Zarbon in Dragon Ball Z Kai, and Scar in Full Metal
Alchemist: Brotherhood. He tempted fate by branching out into ADR directing and scriptwriting for Funimation. His ADR
credits include Aquarion, Jyu-oh-Sei, Romeo X Juliet, Big Windup, and Shikabane Hime. His writing credits include Ouran High
School Host Club, Heroic Age, Initial D, Blassreiter, Ga Rei: Zero and Dragon Ball Z Kai. In early 2010 he teamed up with Terri
Doty and Stephen Hoff to launch That Anime Show, a web-based chat show centered on colorful interviews with friends and
colleagues within the dubbing industry, all episodes of which can be downloaded for free at
”M C
c ormic is the creator of www.AnimeMusicVideos.
org, the site considered to be THE place to go when you want to know anything and everything
about Anime Music Videos (AMVs). With his new family, he is stepping down as the website
“go-to guy.” He will be returning to Anime Detour this year bringing a whole new exciting batch
of AMVs for your viewing pleasure.
adao omomatsu is a wonderfully talented actor, comedian, and entertainer.
Tadao has appeared in both movies (Inspector Gadget) and on TV (Banzai, Heroes). Some of
his most well known talents are his quick sense of humor and a wide range of voices. Ask him
to do his Louis Armstrong, you’ll never be the same. His talents led to his participation in theater
productions and discovering a love for the field of entertainment. For Tadao
wrote, directed, and produced numerous daily shows and segments for the world’s first 24 hour
live streaming Internet station. He has also worked doing in-house editing, field production work, camera work, and
interviewing. In his role “Mr. Shake-Hands Man” for the internationally syndicated United Kingdom/USA Gameshow,
Banzai, Tadao has been able to employ all of his varied talents. For more information about Mr. Tomomatsu visit his
website at
aul ornell is a British writer best known for his work in television drama, Doctor Who
fiction, and as the creator of one of the Doctor’s spin-off companions, Bernice Summerfield. Other
popular British TV dramas to feature Paul’s writing include Robin Hood, Primeval, Casualty, Holby
City and Coronation Street. Paul has also written for a number of British comics, and Marvel Comics in
America. He has written Fantasic Four: True Story, Dark Reign: The Young Avengers, and has become
the keeper of the UK corner of the Marvel universe with his series Captain Britain and MI-13. To learn
more about Paul and his work, visit
ob and mily e esus Bob is no stranger to the anime and manga
community. An Indiana born, self-taught artist, who got his first art career break when he
sent an eight page short story to comic publisher, Antarctic Press in 1990, he has drawn
manga inspired art for well over 18 years and has been published nearly all over the
world. He has worked for many companies like Playstation Magazine, Marvel, Hasbro,
and now his most recent work with Harper Collins. Bob and Emily met at a convention
called Anime Central and haven’t been apart since that day. Emily has always enjoyed manga and anime,
but never thought it could be her job. She has worked with Bob for over 6 years now. She helps write the
web comic “How to Loathe Drawing in the Manga Style” and has just finished writing her first children’s
book. Squish DeJesus is the newest addition to the Studio Capsule and the DeJesus Family. Squish had
spent the last 9 months as an artist-in-residence within Emily DeJesus, before emerging to start his own solo
career. We expect great things from Squish.
ichard ownsend After a stint as a writer for A2 Press, a gaming company out
of Chicago, Richard decided to try his hand at working alongside his wife Shannon. Richard’s
main focus of late is the webcomic “Otaku-no-Yen” (aka. Geeks Without Money), which
updates twice a week. Richard is also developing a card game that Studio ONY hopes to
release in the near future, as well as a brand new comic project that will take Studio ONY
into new and exciting directions. He also plays a mean round of Rock Band and loves to kill
zombies. Visit for more information
Shannon Townsend has been drawing almost her entire life, but at the age of
16 she discovered anime, and she’s never been the same since. Self taught in the art style
of anime and manga, Shannon has worked on numerous freelance projects over the years
for everything from board games to websites and children’s books. She now spends her time
working on Otaku-no-Yen and planning Studio ONY’s upcoming comic projects. When she isn’t
drawing, she’s a belly dance instructor and poi spinner.
uest Signing Schedule
Chris Ayres
Clarine Harp
Carli Mosier
J. Michael Tatum
Saturday April 2 - 4:30p
Sunday April 3 – 11:30a
Saturday April 2 - 1:30p
Saturday April 2 - 4:30p
Sunday April 3 - 2:30p
Saturday April 2 – 9:00p
Sunday April 3 – 1:00p
Greg Ayres
Saturday April 2 – 9:00p
Sunday April 3 – 1:00p
Monica Rial
Paul Cornell
Saturday April 2 - 3:00p
Brittney Karbowski
Saturday April 2 - 1:30p
Sunday April 3 – 11:30a
Saturday April 2 - 1:30p
Sunday April 3 – 11:30a
Carrie Savage
Sunday April 3 - 2:30p
Saturday April 2 – 3:00p
Saturday April 2 - 3:00p
Sunday April 3 - 2:30p
Josh Grelle
Saturday April 2 - 4:30p
Sunday April 3 – 1:00p
Kyle Hebert
Tadao Tomomatsu
Gaming Rooms
Console gaming is located in Atrium 4. Rhythm games,
fighting games, shooters, and all manner of electronic
insanity can be found here.
Board gaming, card gaming, and Role Playing are
located on the 22nd Floor. Locate warriors of the mind, or
enjoy a nice quiet place to relax and hang out with your
fellow con goers.
Gaming hours
Console Gaming
Atrium 4, 2nd Floor
FRI: 3:00pm - SUN: 3:00pm
Board Gaming, Card Gaming, RPG
22nd Floor
FRI: 3:00pm - 12:00am
SAT: 10:00am - 12:00am
SUN: 10:00am - 3:00pm
1. Take care of your own stuff. Convention staff are not
responsible for your items. Don’t leave your property
2. Clean up after yourself. If you set up a table a certain way, bring gaming materials, or rearrange
anything, put it back the way it was when you arrived once you’re done.
3. No food or beverages allowed. The consuite is just down the hall.
4. No adult themed gaming or adult language. This is a family convention, thank you.
5. Table space priority goes to scheduled events. Feel free to use empty tables for open gaming.
Map Key
Vista 2202: Magic the Gathering “Dominaria”
Vista 2203: Board Games “Fantasy Flight”
Vista 2204: Anime CCGs “PokéCenter”
Vista 2205: RPGs “Multiverse”
Vista 2206: Miniatures “War Room”
Vista 2207: Open Gaming “Pocket Dimension”
Whack a
Cat Girl
Settlers of
Catan: Basic
All Day
All Day
Atrium 4
D&D 4th
Session 1
Robo Rally
of Catan
D&D 4th
Session 3
Atrium 4
Raiden IV:
Whack a
Cat Girl
StarCraft II
of Catan:
Rock Band
D&D 4th
Session 2
D&D 4th
Session 4
Gaming All
Marvel vs.
Capcom 3
Power Grid
Guilty Gear:
Accent Core
MtG Legacy
Chez Dork
Betrayal at
House on
the Hill
Whack a
Cat Girl
D&D 4th
Session 5
Ticket to
DS Finals
D&D 4th
Session 6
Atrium 4
Gaming All Gaming All
Arkham Horror
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Team up with a group of investigators and fight against the board game to keep the evil Cthulhu and his
horde of minions from invading our realm! Friday, 3:00pm
Battlestar Galactica
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Become the crew of the famous space carrier. Start out as a group of humans whose loyalties will be tested.
There will be Cylon infiltrators out there, but who is it? An edge of your seat thrill ride contained in a board
game! Friday, 8:00pm, Saturday, 10:00am
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Start out as a group of investigators exploring a spooky house. You build the house room by room until a betrayer is
estabished. Then you must make it out of the house alive by defeating the betrayer in up to 50 different scenarios.
Will you be the Betrayer, or just betayed? Saturday, 8:00pm
Chez Dork
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Nerdy collectors unite! Be the first one to collect enough points by collecting your favorite items from comic books
to video games. Dork Tower characters help you get to your goal. Saturday, 9:00pm
Collateral Damage
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Anime game of taking over cities. Can you control the most cities, or will you get derailed by your opponents? Saturday, 10:00am
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Have you played an RPG before? Had the Game Master referee and play the advocate? Not this time! He is now an Evil
Overlord bent on your destruction. Pit up to 4 players against the Overlord in this fantasy game. Saturday, 4:00pm
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Fast paced card game. Build your deck as you play. Be the one with the most points at the end. Saturday, 1:00pm
Dungeon Quest
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) It’s every adventurer for themselves as they attempt to raid the treasure of the sleeping dragon. You win if
you have the most loot at the end of the game, but only if you make it out alive! Sunday, 10:00am
D&D 4th Edition
Room 2205 or 2206 (22nd Floor) Officially sanctioned Dungeons & Dragons adventures. For a party of 4 – 6 people, you will explore tombs and
dungeons to defeat evil villains. Friday, 3:00pm, 8:00pm, 8:00pm; Saturday, 10:00am, 3:00pm; Sunday, 11:00am
Magic the Gathering: Archenemy
Room 2202 (22nd Floor) Casual format. 4 players max. New multiplayer format that pits three players against one. The Archenemy uses an extra
deck to activate diabolical plots to destroy his or her enemy. Required materials: please bring your own Legacy format
deck (60 card minimum, no sideboard). Friday, 6:30pm, 8:00pm, 9:30pm; Saturday, 1:00pm; Sunday, 10:0am, 2:00pm
Magic the Gathering: Commander (AKA EDH)
Room 2202 (22nd Floor) Casual format. 8 players max. Uses Elder Dragon Highlander rules. Required materials: please bring your own EDH
format deck. (99 cards, only 1 copy of any card except basic lands, 1 general, no sideboard). Friday, 9:00pm
Magic the Gathering: Legacy Constructed
Room 2202 (22nd Floor) Officially sanctioned tournament. 16 players max. Required materials: please bring your own Legacy format
deck (60 card minimum + optional 15 card sideboard). Please check for current legal cards
for deck, or see judge the day of the tournament. Friday, 9:30pm
Magic the Gathering: Quantum Leap
Room 2202 (22nd Floor) Casual format. 6 players max. Uses combination of Vanguard cards and Planechase deck for free-for-all Magic fun.
Check website for rules ( or see judge the day of the event. Required materials: please bring your
own Legacy format deck (60 card minimum, no sideboard). Friday, 4:00pm; Saturday, 10:00am, 4:00pm; Sunday, 11:30am
Magic the Gathering: Quantum War (Other)
Room 2202 (22nd Floor) Casual format. 7 players required. Uses combination of Quantum Leap, Emperor and Archenemy formats. Check
website for rules ( or see judge the day of the event. Required materials: please bring your own
Legacy format deck (60 card minimum, no sideboard). Saturday, 8:00pm
Magic the Gathering: Standard Constructed
Room 2202 (22nd Floor) Officially sanctioned tournament. 16 players max. Required materials: please bring your own Standard format
deck (60 card minimum + optional 15 card sideboard). Please check for current legal cards for
deck, or see judge the day of the tournament. Friday, 3:00pm
Magic the Gathering: Standard Draft
Room 2202 (22nd Floor) Officially sanctioned tournament. 16 players max. Required materials: please bring 3 unopened packs of most
current format (vendors will have supply of packs in vendor hall). A limited supply of basic lands will be provided. If
you have them, please bring your own. Saturday 11:00am; Sunday 10:00am
Power Grid
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Do you have what it takes to plan the power infrastructure of the country? Bid on power plant types and create
routes to connect cities. The first one to power the most cities win. Saturday, 5:00pm
Robo Rally
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Robot combat arena game. You control a robot with 3 lives. The object is for you to tag all of the flags. However, you must
successfully program your robot to do this. Crazy fun for up to 8 players. Friday, 5:00pm
Settlers of Catan
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Building and trading game from Germany. Build up your trade network and be the first one to win. Exciting
resource building game. Friday, 3:00pm; Saturday, 3:00pm
Starfarers of Catan
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Explore the galaxy, meet alien life forms, and establish trade networks in this fun game where you build up
your mothership. Saturday, 10:00am
Ticket to Ride
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Build your rail network spanning the country. Make money off of travelers on your rail network, and better yet
other players need to use your track. Sunday, 10:00am
Vegas Showdown
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Who can build the best Casino/Hotel? In this bidding game, you pit yourself with up to four other rivals to
create the biggest and best venue by bidding on rooms. Friday, 8:00pm
Whack a Cat Girl
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Funny anime game where you attempt to whack enough catgirls to win. Lure them with shinies and plushie dolls to their
doom. Quick and fun card game. Friday, 3:00pm; Saturday, 2:00pm; Sunday, 10:00am
Room 2204 (22nd Floor) Constructed deck format tournament. See judge the day of event for current rules and allowed cards. Friday,
5:00pm; Saturday, 11:00am, 5:00pm; Sunday, 10:00am
Room 2203 (22nd Floor) Fight against the undead horde to survive and make it out alive. Humans!!! Version allows YOU to become the evil
zombie horde. Will you survive or take over the world? Friday, 9:00pm; Sunday, 12:00pm
This room is open for anybody who wants to bring their own game to play, or borrow something from
our game library. Here are just a few examples of the board games that will be available in the
Axis and Allies
History of the World
Manifest Destiny
Modern Art
Munchkin (various formats)
Puerto Rico
Red November
Shadows over Camelot
Starcraft (the board game)
Talisman, 4th Edition
Twilight Imperium, 3rd Edition
Twilight Struggle
Union Pacific
World of Warcraft (the board game)
Rock Band Tournament
Atrium 4 (2nd Floor) Friday, 7:00pm You need a full band to sign up. Three songs per band. Full rules will be posted in Atrium 4.
Raiden IV: Doubles
Atrium 4 (2nd Floor) Saturday, 10:00pm High score competition, shooting videogame. Raiden IV is the latest in the long running shmup series. Fly
your ship and destroy … everything! Double mode cranks up the difficulty to 11, where you control both
ships at the same time (yes, really).
Starcraft II (PC Game) Tournament
Room 2205 (22nd Floor) Saturday, 12:00pm 1 vs 1, single elimination. PC Game. Build a base, recruit your troops, and crush your enemies. As the old
saying goes, “Im in ur base, killin ur d00ds”.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Tournament
Atrium 4 (2nd Floor) Saturday, 3:00pm Single elimination, fighting videogame. The battle between Marvel and Capcom characters continues,
in the latest installment of the series.
Guilty Gear: Accent Core Plus Tournament
Atrium 4 (2nd Floor) Saturday, 6:00pm Single elimination, fighting videogame. Guilty Gear is back for another round of challenges!
Pokémon DS Challenge
Room 2204 (22nd Floor) Sunday, 12:00pm Challenge the Poké Judges on Friday and Saturday. Those who pass may return on Sunday to compete in
a finals round to determine a grand champion. Please stop by Room 2204 any time all weekend for the
full rules and to get started. All Weekend. Finals Sunday, 12:00pm
Mystery Tournament
Atrium 4 (2nd Floor) Sunday, 12:00pm The title says it all. The game will be revealed at the start of the tournament. Could it be Halo? E.T.? Or
something far more sinister?
AD Staff Use
Party Rooms
Photo Studio
Garden Court
Front Desk
(Stevie Ray’s
Nine Mile
Plaza 2
(Pro laza
mm 1
(Pro aza
Party Rooms
Plaza 4
Plaza 6
(Artists Alley, Art Show, Silent Auction)
Party Rooms
(Veranda 5)
Grand Ballroom
(Grand Ballroom
(Main Programming)
(Veranda 1)
Party Rooms
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Atrium 4
(Atrium 4 Foyer)
Manga Reading
(Console Gaming)
Atrium 3 Atrium 2 Atrium 1
(Programming) (Video)
Atrium 6
Atrium 7 Atrium 8
Grand Ballroom
Atrium 3
Intermediate Combat for
Hogwarts vs. Sailor Moon
Digimon Through the Ages
The Panel Panel
Cosplay Chess
Sengoku Basara
American Toons
for the Anime Goon
A Game of Geass
One Piece: 3D2Y
Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Good, the
Bad and the Duelists
Geek Partnership Society
Masquerade Dance Lesson
Ouran Host Club Fantime
Japanese Language &
Culture in the Twin Cities
Studio Capsule
Caring for Ball Joint Dolls
Don’t Judge an Anime
by Its Cover
Dolls in Anime and Manga
Pokémon Midnight
Bun In the Oven
Open Ceremonies Setup
Opening Ceremonies
Iron Artist
Meet Paul Cornell!
Dance Setup
(Until 2:00am)
Grand Ballroom
Cosplay Orientation
Anime Feud
St. Olaf Taiko
Clear the Room!
Anime Cash Cab
AMV Contest
Clear the Room!
5:00pm Cosplay Setup/Rehearsals
Cosplay Seating (6:15)
Cosplay Contest
Dance Setup
(Until 2:00am)
Masquerade Ball
Guest of Honor Panel
Scandinavia and
the World
Atrium 3
The Cultured Geek
Anime Detour Forum
Meet & Greet
Mikage Seminar
Behind the Scenes
Beginning Combat
for Cosplay
How to Make a Bento
Bad Cop Cosplay Judging
It Gets Better:
Anime Detour
Anime Radio
Japanese Rock Visual & Oshare Kei
Tears to Tiara
A Game of Geass:
Final Turn
Crash Course to
DVD Production
Life in Japan
Team NASA?
Exploring Pokéarth
TeamFourStar: The
Abridged Panel
Legend of the Five Rings
Card Games on
How Cartoon Network
Saves and Destroys Lives
Otaku no Yen
State of the Art Industry
with Robert DeJesus
Anime Just a Minute
Madness Mark’s You Used
to Pay THAT Much!?
Anime Court
Mai Waifu 2D
Werewolf Game
Atrium 6
Plaza 1
Plaza 2
Plaza 3
Plaza 4
Soul Eater
The JET Programme
The Pokémon DS League
Challenge Begins!
Fanfiction Panel
New Good AMVs
Xenosaga: The
Read the Manga
Watch the Anime
Performing in
ABJD Show and Tell
More New Good
Know Thy Roots: A
Hetalia Panel
Manga for
Chicks Dig Giant
Robots Season 2
Tiny Lolita Hats
Improv 101
Ultraman: Legend
from the Stars
Clear the Room!
Jenny Everywhere: Open
Source Comic Character
Introduction to
Stage Makeup
AMV Hell 5
All Your Brains Are
Belong to Us!
Clear the Room!
Return of Games
With A Penguin
Corpse Princess
TV Tropes Will
Ruin Your Life
Gender Roles (18+)
Let’s Crossplay!
Smut-tastic 2.0 (18+) Learned From Hentai (18+)
All I Need to Know I
Random S#*T Panel
Everything Good: Yaoi,
Yuri and Hentai (18+)
Atrium 6
Plaza 1
Anime for Grown-Ups
Soul Society
Gathering 2011
Anime Jeopardy
Ouran High School
Host Panel
Evangelion: 2.0 You
Can [Not] Advance
Great Debate
Yaoi x Yuri: Tickling
Across the Aisle
Yuri 2011
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Behind
the Card Games
Karaoke Setup
It’s Not Hentai if You Don’t
Draw The D*ck! (18+)
Plaza 2
Art Jam
(Until 2:00am)
Plaza 3
(Until 1:00am)
Plaza 4
University of Minnesota Adventure Games: The
Anime Patch
Even More New
Rise, Fall and Rebirth
Aikido Club
Gooder AMVs
Women in Anime
Tsubasa RESERVoir
“Iron Pen” Drabble
League of Disposable 12:00pm
Ninjas (LoDN)
& Manga
The Philosophy of
Swap Your Fandom
AMV Contest
Animation Production
Cowboy Bebop
Loot (Year 2)
Robotech: 26 Years
Hetalia: The Return Prosthetic Makeup, Or: 3:00pm
Fullmetal Alchemist
of BOOM!
of Insanity
How to Pick Your Nose 3:30pm
K-Pop Panel & Music 4:30pm
Demons, Mecha and
Shinto in Anime
Gathering of Ninja!
Showgirls: Sakura Wars
Video Showcase
E-Z Japanese Treats
Magic: The Gathering;
Internet Panel 2:
All You Need to Know LIVE!
Electric Boogaloo
About the Multiverse
Karaoke Setup
Making Your
Hetalia - Crack Or
The Giant Origami
Own Wig
Clear the Room!
Horrors of the
Fan Service: A
Internet (18+)
Detailed Expose (18+)
Art Jam
(Until 2:00am)
Horrors of Anime V: The Youtube Poop: SPAGETTI
Bad Frontier (18+)
Epic Cosplay:
Making it Happen
Nerd Knitting and
Guest of Honor Panel
Grand Ballroom
Misora Taiko
Japanese Snacks
Voice Acting in
Kaishin Dojo
Video Games
Japanese Films You Should
Probably Watch
Anime Improv:
10 Year Anniversary
Shiny New Anime
The Vocaloid Panel: It’s
Closing Ceremonies Set-Up
About Time!
Closing Ceremonies
Atrium 3
The Color Code of Anime
Character Design
Writing for TV & Radio
Anime Club Summit
Pirates vs. Ninjas
Cosplay: Sewing Seminar
Fursuiting 101
and Furry-Hood
Anime Detour Postmortem
Anton Panel
Programming Descriptions
Special Panel Notices
CLEAR THE ROOM!: Please clear the room immediately following the panel you’re at to make way for
the next event! Thank you for understanding.
18+ Rules: Entry into any 18+ panel will require a state issued photo ID as well as your badge. Please
have these ready for the badger outside the programming room before entering.
LIGHT AND HAZE EFFECTS: Some Grand Ballroom events at Anime Detour will contain the following: Moving,
flashing, color changing lights and theatrical non-particulate, hypo-allergenic haze. If you have a history of severe
asthma, seizures, or are in any way photo-sensitive, it is recommended that you do not attend these programs.
Intermediate Combat for Cosplay
Grand Ballroom Friday, 1:30pm
Already mastered the basics of mock combat with Chris Ayres? Join the intermediate course to learn some new moves.
Chris Ayres, Carli Mosier
Hogwarts vs. Sailor Moon
Bloomington Friday, 2:00pm
Whether you like wands and Slytherin, or school girl uniforms and transformation scenes, only one
fandom will leave this panel alive!
Rob “Vash” Lewis
Digimon Through the Ages
Edina Friday, 2:00pm
Remember when Digimon was way cooler than Pokémon? Help us relive the good old days by remembering the
greatness that is Digimon! There will be a short debate on which season was best and easy Digimon trivia for CANDY!
Luraia, Stacy, Venar
The Panel Panel
Atrium 3 Friday, 2:00pm
Why do so many panel descriptions start with a question? Join some panelist veterans for inside tips and tricks on what
makes an interesting and memorable panel! If you’re hosting a panel this year, we highly recommend that you attend.
Revolutionary Jo, Jessi Silver
Soul Eater
Atrium 6 Friday, 2:00pm
This panel is about the supernaturally-powered-teen show Soul Eater. Come meet many of our guests of
honor, who provided voices for characters such as Black Star and Masamune Nakatsukasa.
Monica Rial, Carrie Savage, Josh Grelle, J. Michael Tatum, Kyle Hebert, Brittney Karbowski
The JET Programme
Plaza 1 Friday, 2:00pm
Want to live in Japan? Wonder how you’ll get there? The JET Programme offers one of the best living
and working experiences to teach English in Japan. Learn about the unofficial JET Motto: ESID. JET
Alumni can learn how to use their experience for future career success.
Atrium 6
Plaza 1
Plaza 2
Cosplay Marriage
Let’s Five (Go)
The Art of Fangirling
The Big Three
Hair Me Out: Cosplay
and Anime Hair
And the Moral of the
Story Is…
Hetalia: Don’t Want to
be an American Idiot
Keeping the Faith
Risembool Rangers &
Miniskirt Army: Final!
Scott Pilgrim vs.
Your Mom
Weapon and Prop
Safety and Handling
Pop Japan Travel
Industry Panel
Pokémon Past
and Present
Plaza 3
Cel Painting
Fanfiction Contest
Happy Fun Time: Duct
Tape, Cons and You
Iron Cosplay
Plaza 4
AMV Contest Awards
Foreign Manga
Then and Now
Classic Goodest
2011 Viewer’s Choice
The Pokémon DS League Challenge Begins!
Plaza 2 Friday, 2:00pm
Ready your DSs and your HG/SS games! This year Detour will be having a Pokémon DS League running
during the whole con! Modeled after the games, we’ll have gyms, an Elite Four, and a championship
battle! Come to register, learn the rules, and meet the gym leaders and elites.
Echo, odouls, Guru Orion
Fanfiction Panel
Plaza 3 Friday, 2:00pm
Where writers and readers meet, and canon is what you make it.
Dejana Talis
New Good AMVs
Plaza 4 Friday, 2:00pm
Phade starts the con off right by spinning you some of the latest and greatest AMVs!
Kris “Phade” McCormic
Cosplay Chess
Grand Ballroom Friday, 3:30pm
The ultimate showdown is about to begin. It is Boys vs. Girls this year and no one is going to leave
unscathed! Human chess has never been this intense!
ammy, Aizen
Sengoku Basara: Fabulous GAR
Bloomington Friday, 3:30pm
ARE YOU READY GUYS? LET’S PARTY! Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to summon a tornado?
Is riding a horse without handle bars and exhaust pipes just not doing it for you any more? Then come
check out what the Sengoku period of Japan was *really* all about!
Bivinz, DrunkenMaster, Wh1t3br34d, Torra
American Toons for the Anime Goon
Edina Friday, 3:30pm
Love anime, but think American cartoons have nothing to offer you except Spongebob? You got some
nerve. Anyway, come on in as we’ll be discussing homegrown toons not just geared for the little ones.
A Game of Geass
Atrium 3 Friday, 3:30pm
Code Geass meets for a round of Capture the Flag. Black Knights vs. Britannia. Come play the most
exciting game of Capture the Flag yet. With hidden twists, it’s never quite clear who’s on top or who’s
going to win. Come take part in the war for (power over) Britannia.
Fire-chan, Michglich
Xenosaga: The Animation
Atrium 6 Friday, 3:30pm
Join our guests of honor as they talk about their roles in Xenosaga: The Anime!
Chris Ayres, Greg Ayres, Carrie Savage, Brittney Karbowski, Carli Mosier
Read the Manga Watch the Anime
Plaza 1 Friday, 3:30pm
Manga spawns anime and sometimes anime spawns manga. How do the two line up, what do you get
out of following both, and what happens when one goes completely off the tracks?
Caroline Symcox, Jessi Silver
Performing in Cosplay
Plaza 2 Friday, 3:30pm
Do you want to perform in the cosplay contest, but don’t know where to begin? At this panel, the
cosplay performance group, Dancing L Productions, will discuss the step by step process of creating a
cosplay performance skit and where to take it to make a crowd-pleaser.
The Poetry Ninja, Mr. Phantom
ABJD Show and Tell
Plaza 3 Friday, 3:30pm
Asian Ball Joint Doll Show and Tell. Whether you’re a total doll noob or are owned by twenty dolls, if
you’re interested in Asian Ball Joint Dolls, you’re welcome to come. Bring your doll for optimal fun!
DeadLegato, Fishay
More New Good AMVs
Plaza 4 Friday, 3:30pm
A man, a plan, a canal. Panama. A panel? Not really, just some anime music videos.
Kris “Phade” McCormic
One Piece: 3D2Y
Bloomington Friday, 5:00pm
Back by popular demand for the third year! Come discuss favorite arcs and episodes, predictions,
theories, etc. Partially spoiler-free this year! Manga will be discussed later in panel for anime-only fans.
Shanks, Trafalgar law, Zoro
Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Good, the Bad and the Duelists
Edina Friday, 5:00pm
ATTENTION DUELISTS! The trio is back! Come and gather for our annual Yu-Gi-Oh fun with questions, games,
and prizes! This year we have some new and exciting things that you’ll be sad you missed! It’s time to duel!
Racecar, AG, Maxwell
Geek Partnership Society
Atrium 3 Friday, 5:00pm
Join your local fandom and find out what’s new with the folks at GPS!
Geek Partnership Society
Know Thy Roots: A Hetalia Panel
Atrium 6 Friday, 5:00pm
Learn your past through the eyes of the Ancients, the parents and grandparents whose powers sheltered
your blossoming nations. They’ll regale you with stories of times long gone and of the forces that shaped
the world you know. (Audience participation and candy! :3)
The Old World
Manga for Grown-Ups
Plaza 1 Friday, 5:00pm
Tired of feeling like there’s no manga out there aimed at your more grown-up tastes? Come to this
panel for info on some manga titles that fall outside the teen-oriented mainstream market.
Jessi Silver, Eric Frederiksen
Chicks Dig Giant Robots Season 2
Plaza 2 Friday, 5:00pm
Last year’s panel ended with the Coordinators and the Newtypes fighting for control for the
microphone... and then Third Impact happened. Now we’re back and even more awesome.
Aoirann, Zakanakai, Sephiroth
Tiny Lolita Hats
Plaza 3 Friday, 5:00pm
What it says on the can. Come and make a tiny lolita hat! Hats and decorative bits will be provided,
you just need to bring your creativity. Don’t have a costume and feel naked without one? Here’s your
chance to fix that! Participation limited by material availability.
DeadLegato, Fishay
Improv 101
Plaza 4 Friday, 5:00pm
Planning on taking the stage for Anime Improv? Come check out this training session to get a handle on
the basics of improv and all the wackiness it entails.
“GoH” Evan Miller
Opening Ceremonies
Grand Ballroom Friday, 5:30pm
The Anime Detour staff welcomes you and our guests to the 2011 convention! Important information will
be conveyed amongst silliness. Trust us, you want to be there.
Anime Detour Staff
Iron Artist
Grand Ballroom Friday, 7:00pm
Artists battle it out on stage by creating a work based on a secret ingredient. Come for the
shenanigans, stay to see whose art will reign supreme!
Anime Detour Staff
Masquerade Dance Lesson
Bloomington Friday, 7:00pm
Excited about the formal ball and want to learn some basic dance steps? We will be teaching the chacha and the waltz. Partner and formal dress not required!
Leslie Pederson, Jo O’Hanley
Ouran Host Club Fantime
Edina Friday, 7:00pm
Know all you need to know about Ouran? Happy about your true fan? Come to Ouran Host Club
Fantime, where your true delights shall bring the wonder and amazement to all those around you!
Ki Ikari, Satoru Ikari
Japanese Language & Culture in the Twin Cities
Atrium 3 Friday, 7:00pm
The Twin Cities are full of opportunities for enjoying Japanese language and culture. Come share info on local
language programs, clubs, cultural associations, conversation groups, annual events, shops, restaurants, and more!
Corpse Princess
Atrium 6 Friday, 7:00pm
Corpse Princess, sometimes known by its Japanese name, Shikabane Hime, is a gritty anime series
(based on a manga of the same name) about a murdered schoolgirl who turns into a “living corpse”;
she must murder 108 people to gain entrance into heaven. Join some of the voice talent for a chat...
we’ve got Keisei Tagami (J. Michael Tatum), Mizuki Inuhiko (Clarine Harp), and more! We promise: no
murderous SUVs will make cameo appearances in this panel.
Clarine Harp, Greg Ayres, Monica Rial, Josh Grelle, Carrie Savage, J. Michael Tatum
Ultraman: Legend from the Stars
Plaza 1 Friday, 7:00pm
Come and learn about the oldest tokusatsu franchise in Japan: Ultraman! Watch out for space aliens,
giant monsters, and much much more! [Please clear the room after this panel.]
Jenny Everywhere: Open Source Comic Character
Plaza 2 Friday, 7:00pm
Jenny Everywhere (aka “The Shifter”) is an open source comic heroine. She’s a purposefully designed open source
character that lives in all dimensions at once. Learn about Jenny (aka “The Shifter”), and her exploits since 2001!
Introduction to Stage Makeup
Plaza 3 Friday, 7:00pm
This panel will teach the techniques of character makeup for stage and masquerade.
Bill Hedrick
AMV Hell 5
Plaza 4 Friday, 7:00pm
The legacy of AMV Hell marches onward with its 5th installation! Warning: If you are easily offended,
you may want to skip this one. It is AMV Hell, after all.
Kris “Phade” McCormic
Meet Paul Cornell!
Grand Ballroom Friday, 8:30pm
You, along with our other guests of honor, will have the change to meet the fabulous Paul Cornell! Paul is best known
for his writing on Doctor Who, and various Marvel and DC comics in addition to being an anime fan himself.
Paul Cornell
Masquerade Ball
Bloomington Friday, 8:30pm
Here’s another chance to dance! More formal than the rave, the masquerade ball is here to show off your
dressiest cosplay! Bring your masks, if you have them, a date, if you have one of those, and let’s party! We’ll be
playing slower music to dance to and offering a how-to lesson panel beforehand. Don’t let lack of dance skills
or partner prevent you from stopping by, you’re not gonna want to miss this! (Formal dress is highly encouraged.)
Leslie Pederson, Jo O’Hanley
Studio Capsule
Edina Friday, 8:30pm
Want to know what is new with Robert and Emily DeJesus of Studio Capsule and what new projects they
are working on? Then this is the panel for you.
Robert DeJesus, Emily DeJesus
Caring for Ball Joint Dolls
Atrium 3 Friday, 8:30pm
Cleaning, stringing, and maintenance of ball joint dolls.
Elizabeth Sloan
TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life
Atrium 6 Friday, 8:30pm
A discussion of tropes, clichés, and other joys found on! Focusing on the tropes that make
anime and manga so much fun.
Zack Fair, Marth, Fishsicles, Aoirann
Gender Roles (18+)
Plaza 1 Friday, 8:30pm
We return with our yearly panel on gender roles and their influence in fiction and culture, especially
anime and manga. Feel free to contribute to discussion or just spectate.
Margo, Dr Scientist
All Your Brains Are Belong to Us!
Plaza 2 Friday, 8:30pm
Think you can survive the zombie apocalypse? We think not! Let us show you the way. “Gentlemen, we can
rebuild him. Make him faster, stronger, we have the technology!” [Please Clear the Room after this panel.]
Rob “Vash” Lewis
Return of Games With A Penguin
Plaza 3 Friday, 8:30pm
A large fluffy penguin who loves to play games is coming back to Detour. Last year we played “Honey
I Love You” and it went really well. This year, who knows? Lots of games and even more cookies than
before, so come join the penguin!
Kittie, Zilzmaer
Plaza 4 Friday, 9:30pm
I want to… SING!
Anime Detour Staff
Don’t Judge an Anime by Its Cover
Edina Friday, 10:00pm
Opening theme songs are an anime’s chance to show the audience what the show is about, impress them
with their dramatic animation style, and hint at the depth of the story. Too bad some shows don’t take
advantage of that opportunity. Come try and guess what these shows are about.
DeadLegato, Jessi Silver
Dolls in Anime and Manga
Atrium 3 Friday, 10:00pm
General, open discussion of dolls in anime and manga.
Elizabeth Sloan
Let’s Crossplay!
Atrium 6 Friday, 10:00pm
From facial hair to butt padding; let our resources find the solution for you! There are a lot of different
characters out there--why not be any and all of them? This panel includes information for both men and
women looking to crossplay.
Smut-tastic 2.0 (18+)
Plaza 1 Friday, 10:00pm
Smut-tastic 2.0 promises be bigger, funnier, and smuttier than 2010. As always, the purpose of Smuttastic is to entertain and educate people about the more perverted aspects of fandom, so please come
join our knowledgeable perverted panelists and have a good time.
All I Need to Know I Learned From Hentai (18+)
Plaza 2 Friday, 10:00pm
Hentai: we’ve all seen it. We’ve all cringed. Well, we are here to bring you what you’ve always known,
but refused to admit: hentai is educational! So come along and be “educated!”
Rob “Vash” Lewis
Art Jam
Plaza 3 Friday, 10:00pm
Artists of all skill levels are welcome to show up, hang out, and sketch to their heart’s content at this late night event.
Anime Detour Staff
Grand Ballroom Friday, 10:30pm
Just wild beat! Communication!
Anime Detour Staff
Pokémon Midnight Madness
Edina Friday, 11:30pm
Do you wanna be the very best, like no one ever was? If you come to this panel you will be! We’re
gonna be looking at all sorts of hilarious fan-made Pokémon videos, episode clips, YouTube poop, and
flash animation. Bring your suggestions and love of Pokémon to this panel! This’ll be madness!
Emily Kringle, Steve Rohricht, Brian Beringer
Bun In the Oven
Atrium 3 Friday, 11:30pm
Do you like your bishies a bit... rounder? We will discuss all things mpreg. From pairings, to pregnancy, to babies and
the like. We will be playing games as well. Just please, keep your pickles and ice cream away from the panelists.
KuramaBabe, Ember, Captain Kirk, Ookamiyou
Random S#*T Panel
Atrium 6 Friday, 11:30pm
Want to discuss something your other panels have missed out on? Come here, we accept you and your topic. We
hold few reservations, and are willing to talk about anything. For a good laugh and good discussion, come join us.
Everything Good: Yaoi, Yuri and Hentai (18+)
Plaza 1 Friday, 11:30pm
Here, we’ll be answering every question you may have related to yaoi, yuri, or hentai terms as best as
we possibly can. Leave this room more informed than you ever have been or wanted to be!
Ren MacKree, Kimberly Stiernagle, Vexona
It’s Not Hentai if You Don’t Draw The D*ck! (18+)
Plaza 2 Friday, 11:30pm
Join me as we journey into the mind of the criminally demented Kazuo Koike, creator of Lone Wolf &
Cub and teacher of Rumiko Takahashi. You’ll learn something and be totally offended at the same time!
Cosplay Orientation
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 9:00am
Going to be in the Cosplay? YOU MUST ATTEND THIS PANEL! We will discuss the rules and when you need to be in
the Greenroom. If you have been wait-listed, come to the orientation. If someone doesn’t show up, you get their spot.
Anime Detour Staff
Scandinavia and The World
Bloomington Saturday, 9:00am
Panel discussing Scandinavia and The World, that other world-personification comic, which puts our
Scandinavian friends in a better light. Discuss characters, the comic, and Hetalia vs. SaTW.
Sike/Dr.Saki, Emilie Bailey
The Cultured Geek
Edina Saturday, 9:00am
Sometimes, just being a geek isn’t enough. Sometimes, one must delve deeply into sociological analysis
of just what it means to be a member of geek subculture: Meta-geekery.
Margo, Dr Scientist
Anime Detour Forum Meet & Greet
Atrium 3 Saturday, 9:00am
Are you a member of the Anime Detour forums? Curious to see if those people you’ve been conversing with
on the internet look anything like their icons? Show up, hang out, and chat at this open forum meet & greet!
Anime for Grown-Ups
Atrium 6 Saturday, 9:00am
Feeling like you’ve outgrown Naruto and Sasuke’s adventures? Come to this panel for some suggestions
on what anime is out there for fans with more grown-up tastes.
Jessi Silver, Eric Frederiksen
Epic Cosplay: Making it Happen
Plaza 2 Saturday, 9:00am
Do you have that mega-project sitting in the back of your mind waiting to be done? Want to do something so utterly epic
that you’re afraid to try? Well, this panel is for you! Join us and we’ll see if we can’t get you going on a dream project.
Rob “Vash” Lewis
Nerd Knitting and Crochet
Plaza 3 Saturday, 9:00am
Tired of the chaos that is an anime convention? Come relax with some fans who are also into fibercrafts. Bring your latest knitting or crochet project to show off/work on. If you want to learn, bring some
supplies and we can get you started.
Anime Feud
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 10:30am
We surveyed a hundred anime fans, can you guess the most popular answers? Two families compete,
one wins big prizes! Contestants will be chosen at random from the audience.
Anime Detour Staff
Behind the Scenes
Bloomington Saturday, 10:30am
What is it like to be a producer? Is it always fun to be the boss? Find out what’s necessary to go from
concept to finished product with industry insiders, Tadao and Clarine.
Clarine Harp, Tadao Tomomatsu
Beginning Combat for Cosplay
Edina Saturday, 10:30am
Learn to beat up your friends the safe and responsible way with fight director and stage combat
teacher, Chris Ayres!
Chris Ayres, Carli Mosier
Mikage Seminar
Atrium 3 Saturday, 10:30am
The continuing adventures of the panel for all the Revolutionary Girl Utena diehards who STILL can’t
stop talking about this show.
Revolutionary Jo, Hoshizuke
Soul Society Gathering 2011
Atrium 6 Saturday, 10:30am
The Soul Society & Hollows alike gather for our fifth year running! Join our panelists from the Soul
Society Detour for more crazy speculation, discussion, games, and a photoshoot from everyone’s
favorite post-mortem epic: Bleach!
Thirstyforanime; Captain Dad; Ulquiorra; Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
UMN Aikido Club Demonstration
Plaza 1 Saturday, 10:30am
Join the University of Minnesota’s Aikido club for a live demonstration of their skills!
University of Minnesota Aikido Club
Adventure Games: The Rise, Fall and Rebirth
Plaza 2 Saturday, 10:30am
“How appropriate! You Panel Like A Cow!” Remember Sam & Max? How about dying all the time as Roger Wilco?
Or where you keep your scythe? We do. Here we shall talk about the Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of the genre.
Aoirann, Bloody-Sunday, Zakanakai
Anime Patch Workshop
Plaza 3 Saturday, 10:30am
We all dig through the dealers’ room to find patches that remind us everyday of our favorite anime.
This class will teach you how to make your own anime patch, hand-sewn to your tastes. Put it on your
bag, jeans, jacket, or costume. Are you wearing your favorite anime today?
Even More New Gooder AMVs
Plaza 4 Saturday, 10:30am
Taco cat! More general vids. ¡Ay carumba!
Kris “Phade” McCormic
St. Olaf Taiko
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 12:00pm
The St. Olaf Taiko group is gonna BANG ON THE DRUMS ALL NIGHT. Well, not all night. And probably
not at night. Well come anyway, and hear some taiko. [Please clear the room after this panel!]
St. Olaf Taiko
How to Make a Bento
Bloomington Saturday, 12:00pm
Learn some easy tips on how to pack your lunch in any style box.
Ember, JennaZeal
Bad Cop Cosplay Judging
Atrium 3 Saturday, 12:00pm
Want an honest critique on your cosplay? In this panel, we will look at your costume, give an honest
review, and give you tips and tricks to help improve it. Be warned: we will not pull any punches. We’ll
give you a truly honest view of your costume.
I-zuki, The Dream Stitcher
Anime Jeopardy
Atrium 6 Saturday, 12:00pm
Italia, Doitsu and the Super Awesome Prussia order you to test your anime knowledge in a game of
jeopardy. Serious game, serious prizes, seriously awesome. Seriously.
Germany, Prussia, Italy
Women in Anime & Manga
Plaza 1 Saturday, 12:00pm
Anime and manga has its share of strong, interesting female characters. Join us to discuss some of our
favorites and what we think of the portrayal of women in the medium.
Jessi Silver, Caroline Symcox, Revolutionary Jo
Plaza 2 Saturday, 12:00pm
Some of the voice acting talent will be running this panel about the anime series RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE:
Tsubasa. Come chat with the voices of Mokona (Carrie Savage), Sakura (Monica Rial), and Seishiro
(J. Michael Tatum).
Carrie Savage, Monica Rial, J. Michael Tatum“Iron Pen” Drabble Contest Plaza 3 Saturday,
Stretch your creative muscles by writing a hundred-word fanfic based on a surprise prompt. Entries will
be judged during the convention and the winner announced at Closing Ceremonies.
Anime Detour Staff
League of Disposable Ninjas (LoDN)
Plaza 4 Saturday, 1:30pm
A delightful panel run by ninjas. Our primary mission is to have fun, celebrate all things ninja, and
extend our aid to conventions worldwide. We are a nonprofit, noncharitable organization promoting the
influence of ninja, both historically and in pop culture worldwide.
-01-, -1- Ninja Phil
Anime Cash Cab
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 1:30pm
Test your knowledge of anime and earn as many prizes as you can before time runs out! Contestants
will be chosen at random from the audience.
Anime Detour Staff
It Gets Better: Anime Detour
Bloomington Saturday, 1:30pm
This panel is a dedication to the members of the Anime & Sci-Fi communities who are LBGTQ or their
allies. For any of us who have been bullied, harassed or otherwise made to feel belittled for our
hobbies, interests and our sexual orientation. Come listen to stories of others in our community, messages
of support and find out how you can get help.
Rin Schwartz, Richard Townsend, Shannon Townsend, Greg Ayres
Anime Radio
Edina Saturday, 1:30pm
Turn back the hands of time as Kyle and guests perform an old radio play UNREHEARSED! Will they
stick to the script? Or will they be tempted to improvise? See, rather, HEAR what happens when a bunch
of people tear loose from the confines of the recording booth.
Kyle Hebert, Tadao Tomomatsu
Atrium 3 Saturday, 1:30pm
You have an awesome costume, but it’s just missing... something. Oh, right. You don’t have a prop! Come
learn some tips for getting started on a prop, or get help on a prop you’re stuck on.
DeadLegato, Fishay, Nat
Atrium 6 Saturday, 1:30pm
What’s upcoming from Funimation? Get your news straight from the source at this industry panel!
Animation Production
Plaza 1 Saturday, 1:30pm
Let’s make some anime! It’s not hard. We’ll show you.
The Philosophy of Cowboy Bebop
Plaza 2 Saturday, 1:30pm
With roots in martial arts, Zen Buddhism, science fiction, jazz, and the Beat movement, Cowboy Bebop is rich
with speculation on the nature of life, death, memory, and reality. Come join us for analysis and discussion!
Samurai Drifter
Swap Your Fandom Loot (Year 2)
Plaza 3 Saturday, 1:30pm
Anime, manga, or gaming booty no longer hold your interest? Come trade your stuff with someone else for something
shiny and new to you! Remember that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. (Trades only, no cash exchanges.)
Venar, Holynarf
AMV Contest Showcase
Plaza 4 Saturday, 1:30pm
The AMV Contest is a popular event! Unfortunately, due to time constraints, not all the submissions we receive
make the final cut. Regardless, Anime Detour would like to showcase the hard work all of our contestants put into
their entries. Stop by and see some awesome AMVs that we would have loved to include, but weren’t able to.
Anime Detour Staff
AMV Contest
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 3:00pm
Anime Detour 2011’s annual, Anime Music Video Contest! Come and watch the submissions of fellow
fans on the big screen. Contest winners will be announced at a special panel on Sunday.
Anime Detour Staff
Japanese Rock - Visual & Oshare Kei
Bloomington Saturday, 3:00pm
We’ll be talking about J-rock music and its connection and influence in anime! Yes, those dark, creepy, and
cuddly pretty boys, and cute, fluffy, girly men. There will be activities to make it fun for those who haven’t
heard of it yet, and for those that have. Give it a chance, we won’t disappoint.
Teiraa, Evan, Katrina, April
Tears to Tiara
Edina Saturday, 3:00pm
Come see the voice actors of the Tears to Tiara anime, itself based on the PS3 remake of the er,
decidedly adult tactical strategy role playing game.
Chris Ayres, Monica Rial, Brittney Karbowski
A Game of Geass: Final Turn
Atrium 3 Saturday, 3:00pm
What is a war fought without a prize gained? Nothing. If you were part of ‘A Game of Geass’ or just
wish to see the outcome, then the Final Turn is your chance. Prizes and awards will be issued at this time
to the players who lasted.
Fire-chan, Michglich
Ouran High School Host Panel
Atrium 6 Saturday, 3:00pm
It’s our responsibility as the elite members of the Ouran Host Club to make every guest happy. If you
happen to find yourself with just too much time on your hands (like ourselves), come and join all the
characters of the host club for loads of entertainment and goodies galore.
NYAH Productions
Fullmetal Alchemist
Plaza 1 Saturday, 3:00pm
Discussion of ALL THINGS FMA! From the differences between the animes, the manga, the movie, the
games, to even the OVAs! We will also be explaining a few small things that had to be censored in the
translation from Japanese to English. Q&A welcome.
Kuri-Kara, Nana, Maes Hughes, Dante
Robotech: 26 Years of BOOM!
Plaza 2 Saturday, 3:00pm
Since 1985, Robotech has exploded into one of the largest anime franchises, and Hollywood is
beginning to notice. What is Robotech? You don’t know? Really? Get your butt in this panel, pronto!
Hetalia: The Return of Insanity
Plaza 3 Saturday, 3:00pm
Hello from France, Canada, Japan, England, and Italy. Come and join us for a second year of fun and craziness.
Ai, England, Canada, Japan, France
Prosthetic Makeup, Or: How to Pick Your Nose
Plaza 4 Saturday, 3:00pm
This will cover, with demonstrations, the basics of how to make or what to buy when you want to wear 3D makeup.
Bill Hedrick
Cosplay Setup/Rehearsals
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 4:30pm
You are in the cosplay masquerade. You must set up and rehearse. This is the time to do it.
Anime Detour Staff
Crash Course to Webcomics
Bloomington Saturday, 4:30pm
An informational for those that are just getting into webcomics, in reading them but moreso in creating
them. The panel will include a good run-down of what you should be doing, because too many
webcomickers start with sub-par online presence.
DVD Production
Edina Saturday, 4:30pm
Clarine Harp discusses the more technical aspects of producing a DVD. Whether you want an insider’s
look into the process, or are just curious about what goes into a making that DVD on your local video
store’s shelf, this is a great panel to attend!
Clarine Harp
Life in Japan
Atrium 3 Saturday, 4:30pm
An open discussion on the good, bad, and in-between facets of life in Japan. Some of the topics may
include programs for going to Japan, studying Japanese, culture shock, and more. Whether you’re
planning on going to Japan or just curious to see what’s out there, we invite you to come join the discussion!
“GoH” Evan Miller
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance
Atrium 6 Saturday, 4:30pm
Meet some of the acting talent behind the new Evangelion movie! We’ve got the voices of Ryoji Kaji (J.
Michael Tatum), Kensuke Aida (Greg Ayres), and PENPEN! (Monica Rial).
Greg Ayres, J. Michael Tatum, Monica Rial
Shinto in Anime
Plaza 1 Saturday, 4:30pm
Shinto is the native religion of Japan, the customs of which often appear in anime. Come to this panel to learn
some basics about Shinto and see some examples of how these beliefs are depicted in various anime.
Jessi Silver, Hoshizuke
Demons, Mecha and Showgirls: Sakura Wars
Plaza 2 Saturday, 4:30pm
Explore an alternate world where steam is king, World War I never happened and the great capital
cities of the world are protected from demonic attack by mecha pilots who are entertainers on the side!
Gathering of Ninja!
Plaza 3 Saturday, 4:30pm
Gathering of the Ninja for a S-class Mission! Everyone expected, Genin to Kage, while we have fun and
answer questions. Like is Haku a guy? For real?
Mr.Black, AsianMai, Pedo-Haruhi, Inori
K-Pop Panel & Music Video Showcase
Plaza 4 Saturday, 4:30pm
A brief presentation on the history of Korean popular music, which from the beginning of the 21st
century, has become popular throughout Asia, with fans from all over the world.
Daniel Lee
Team NASA? Exploring Pokéarth
Bloomington Saturday, 6:00pm
To protecting the world from devastation and uniting all people with our nation, join Team Rocket-- We
mean, NASA, as we explore the bright new world of Isshu Region together, different battle strategies
and what we hope to see in the future in the world of Pokémon.
Boss Giovanni, Executive Mercury, Executive Nell, Executive Nehis Ark
TeamFourStar: The Abridged Panel
Edina Saturday, 6:00pm
Join Lanipator from Team Four Star for a fun filled Q&A Abridging Panel filled with laughs and a special premiere.
The Great Debate
Atrium 6 Saturday, 6:00pm
So, the Cosplay ain’t good enough for you, eh? Want to see your fellow con-goers take the stage and
debate one another without the anonymity of the internet to hide behind, eh? Well GOOD! The Great
Debate returns to pit eight debaters against one another in a debate on all things anime/manga
(as they deal with wacky rules that make this whole thing more entertaining than it really should be).
Players who have the right balance of flexibility, wit, and sound arguments shall win FABULOUS prizes!
“GoH” Evan Miller
Internet Panel 2: Electric Boogaloo
Plaza 1 Saturday, 6:00pm
We’re back from last year with a different name and even more internet insanity and memes. Watch out for
Pedobear and grab a chair.
Aoirann, Zakanakai
Magic: The Gathering; All You Need to Know About the Multiverse
Plaza 2 Saturday, 6:00pm
New players, old players or just interested, come and join us for our second year at Detour. We’ll discuss the
Colors of Magic, your favorite and why, tips, tricks, story elements, and we’ll even teach you how to play!
Echo customheat, ddrfr33k, odouls
E-Z Japanese Treats
Plaza 3 Saturday, 6:00pm
Does watching/reading your favorite anime/manga characters chow down leave you depressed
because they are eating better than you? Are you tired of Cup ‘O Ramen being the extent of your
culinary abilities? Then allow the Pug and Ninja Chefs to teach you to cook Japanese EZ Treats.
Chef Pug, Iron Chef Ninja LIVE!
Plaza 4 Saturday, 6:00pm
Don’t feel like going to the Cosplay Contest? Neither do we. Join the staff of for a live
version of their podcast. Did we mention there would be prizes?
fightbait, MadnessMark, Mrs. MadnessMark, Labant
Cosplay Seating
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 6:15pm
Are you having fun in the line yet? Stop reading your programming guide! Converse with the people
around you! A little socialization won’t kill you. ...or will it?
Anime Detour Staff
Cosplay Contest
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 7:00pm
Come see fellow fans show off their costumes on the stage!
Anime Detour Staff
Legend of the Five Rings
Bloomington Saturday, 7:30pm
This panel will introduce Legend of the Five Rings, a samurai fantasy that consists of a roleplaying
game, a collectible card game, and an ongoing fiction narrative. Welcome to Rokugan: A land where
honor is a force stronger than steel.
Card Games on Motorcycle!?
Edina Saturday, 7:30pm
A discussion panel of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Spin-Off, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s, which has come to an end this year. Stop
by and discuss topics such as the plot, characters, pairings, and its ties to the original anime. There will
be Q&A and CANDY after the main discussion. ALL are welcome!
Misty Lola
Plaza 3 Saturday, 7:30pm
This is HETALIA, but not like the others. It’s gonna have games. Lots of games involving detail.
mai, david oni-sama
How Cartoon Network Saves and Destroys Lives
Bloomington Saturday, 9:00pm
Over the past years, Cartoon Network has both won and failed epically. Through the thick and thin,
this panel will go through every gruesome detail of what this channel has done to us—whether it has
destroyed our minds or saved us from insanity.
Otaku no Yen
Edina Saturday, 9:00pm
Talk with Shannon and Richard about their off-the-wall webcomic based on their real-life convention
experiences. There may or may not be panty shots.
Shannon Townsend, Richard Townsend
State of the Art Industry with Robert DeJesus
Atrium 3 Saturday, 9:00pm
Join guest of honor, Robert DeJesus, for an in-depth discussion of the art industry and its current state of affairs.
Robert DeJesus
Yaoi x Yuri: Tickling Across the Aisle
Atrium 6 Saturday, 9:00pm
In this bipartisan panel, two opposing fandoms are urged to put aside their differences and come
together. Can we do it? YES WE CAN!
Dragonflyfaerie, Marthwmaster
Making Your Own Wig
Plaza 1 Saturday, 9:00pm
How to make a wig starting with inexpensive felt, hair, and other easily obtained materials. Plus, how to
take two wigs and make them into one. [Please clear the room after this panel.]
Elizabeth Sloan
Hetalia - Crack Or Canon?
Plaza 2 Saturday, 9:00pm
Have you ever wondered what pairings were crack, canon, or just plain kawaii? Join Koimatsu (Russia),
Kira (Japan), Tabs (France), and Grace (England) for some pretty Hetalia-related things! Other
countries are invited in on the fun! [Please clear the room after this panel.]
The Giant Origami Challenge!
Plaza 3 Saturday, 9:00pm
It’s year two of the Giant Origami Challenge with new records to break. Fold the largest origami
Minnesota has ever seen with your friends! Let’s beat ACEN, MAC, Anime Iowa, and YoumaCon’s records!
Jilly Foo
Plaza 4 Saturday, 9:30pm
I want to… SING!
Anime Detour Staff
Grand Ballroom Saturday, 10:30pm
Feel the Rhythm Emotion! Feat. DJ and guest of honor, Greg Ayres.
Anime Detour Staff
Anime Just a Minute
Bloomington Saturday, 10:30pm
Can you talk for sixty seconds? Of course you can. But can you talk about anime for exactly sixty seconds
without repeating yourself, hesitating, or deviating from your topic? Come and find out--we’re borrowing the
format of BBC 4’s game show Just a Minute, and the comedy in this challenge practically writes itself.
Paul Cornell
Madness Mark’s You Used to Pay THAT Much!?
Edina Saturday, 10:30pm
A comedic stand-up of the triumphs and downfalls of anime popularity in America and where it is
currently headed.
Anime Court
Atrium 3 Saturday, 10:30pm
Come and accuse your favorite anime characters of wrongdoing. (That means crimes, people.) No
lawyers allowed, no boundaries known. Let the hilarity ensue.
Nana, Kuri-Kara, Solarchos
Yuri 2011
Atrium 6 Saturday, 10:30pm
The yuri panel is back again! Come discuss girls liking girls in anime and manga. The ins, outs, ups, and downs.
Matt, MarthWmaster, Dragonflyfaerie
Horrors of the Internet (18+)
Plaza 1 Saturday, 10:30pm
Once again, we’re back with updated material from the darker side of the interwebs. Stop by, lose any
hope for humanity you had left, and learn the true meaning of NSFW.
Samurai Drifter, The Jock Nerd
Fan Service: A Detailed Expose (18+)
Plaza 2 Saturday, 10:30pm
A discussion and in-depth look into what fan service is, and which fans it serves.
Bad Car Advice, Senator N734NJ
Art Jam
Plaza 3 Saturday, 10:30pm
Artists of all skill levels are welcome to show up, hang out, and sketch to their heart’s content at this late
night event.
Anime Detour Staff
Bloomington Sunday, 12:00am
Don’t know what DRRR stands for? Find out at the Durarara panel! Geek out with Google Earth, looking
at satellite pictures of Ikebukuro. Figure out the real reason Shizuo and Izaya hate each other. Play a
small trivia game for candy! And watch all the cosplaying shenanigans!
Luraia, Saramon, TheEpicSnoCone
Mai Waifu 2D Relationships
Edina Sunday, 12:00am
Over the years, we have come to love our anime/game/manga characters, but can we love them too
much? This panel is here to discuss and understand one of the most odd up and coming trends of 2D
love, so grab your body pillows and join us!
sakeriots, Spike Spegal
Werewolf Game
Atrium 3 Sunday, 12:00am
Come and play the Werewolf Game. Whether you’re a villager or werewolf, the game is fun.
Newcomers always welcome.
ViVi, Fluffy, Hippo
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Behind the Card Games
Atrium 6 Sunday, 12:00am
ATTENTION DUELISTS! Let’s talk Yu-Gi-Oh in a way we’ve never discussed before! So many things that
can be said that is not for young ears! So come with an open mind about all things Yu-Gi-Oh!
Racecar, AG, Maxwell
Horrors of Anime V: The Bad Frontier (18+)
Plaza 1 Sunday, 12:00am
Tired of good anime? Want to see some junk? We got some junk! Come see some junk!
MadnessMark, fightbait
Plaza 2 Sunday, 12:00am
A wise king once said “MAH BOI, this SPAGETTI is what all true warriors strive for!” A hilariously genius
yet immature YouTube fad based off the horrendous Zelda CD-i games and other silly material.
Warning: Severely offensive material. Seriously! >:3
Misora Taiko
Grand Ballroom Sunday, 10:00am
Wake up Sunday morning with some high quality taiko drumming from local group, Misora Taiko.
Misora Taiko
Japanese Snacks
Bloomington Sunday, 10:00am
A tour of the amazing world of Japanese snack food, from treats with hundreds of years of history all
the way to modern chocolate creations. Your panelist will be arriving at the con after three weeks in
Japan, so we promise that he’ll have LOTS of free samples. ^_^
“GoH” Evan Miller
The Color Code of Anime Character Design
Edina Sunday, 10:00am
You’ve watched plenty of anime, but did you ever notice patterns emerging correlating a character’s
physical color scheme with their personality, or path of character development? Let’s look into the
unspoken rules of color used in character design in shounen anime.
Gani, Chimera17, Cat the Terrible
Digital Editing
Atrium 3 Sunday, 10:00am
Phade and Tadao share some of their secrets for making great videos. Whether you’re making an AMV
or editing your fan production, these dudes will get you off to a great start.
Tadao Tomomatsu, Kris “Phade” McCormic
Cosplay Marriage
Atrium 6 Sunday, 10:00am
Love cosplay? Want to see your favorite pairing married? THIS IS THE PLACE TO DO IT! A way to make
new friends and enjoy some insanity, all are welcome to attend this event! Marriages will be arranged
at con, and participation is optional.
Kuri-Kara, Sereno
Let’s Five (Go)
Plaza 1 Sunday, 10:00am
Do you have an interest in how the game of Go is played? We are going to go over the basics of the
game and give out some helpful information on how to learn. This panel is for Go players, or anyone
with a brief interest in the game, even if you haven’t watched Hikaru no Go.
Venar, Taro
The Art of Fangirling
Plaza 2 Sunday, 10:00am
What? You missed it last year? And the year before that? Well, now’s your chance! It could be your year
to be crowned Fangirl Queen of Anime Detour! (Or King because, you know, we totally don’t discriminate.)
Ember, Huntress
Cel Painting
Plaza 3 Sunday, 10:00am
Come and make a mock anime ‘cel.’ We provide materials and tracing templates, so if you can hold a
paintbrush and color in the lines, you can make a cel! Or you can draw your own picture to paint, if so inclined.
DeadLegato, Jessi Silver
AMV Contest Awards
Plaza 4 Sunday, 10:00am
The winners of Anime Detour 2011’s AMV Contest are revealed at this special presentation! Stop by to
see the winning entries or claim your prize if you’ve won!
Anime Detour Staff
Kaishin Dojo
Grand Ballroom Sunday, 11:30am
The Kaishin Dojo returns for a live demonstration of their expertise, featuring steel swords and bokken
(wooden swords).
Kaishin Dojo
Voice Acting in Video Games
Bloomington Sunday, 11:30am
Join some of our guests of honor as they discuss their work on video games and related projects.
Kyle Hebert, Carli Mosier, Josh Grelle
Writing for TV & Radio
Edina Sunday, 11:30am
So you wanna write anime some day, eh? These guys have experience writing for television and radio. Come
listen (and ask questions) about things like scripts, character development, and background research.
Tadao Tomomatsu, Paul Cornell
Anime Club Summit
Atrium 3 Sunday, 11:30am
Local anime clubs get together and compare notes. Not a part of a club? Trying to start your own? Stop
by and get some ideas from seasoned professionals!
Mike Nicchetta
The Big Three
Atrium 6 Sunday, 11:30am
A panel about the current three biggest manga in Shonen Jump: Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. Fans
of one or all of them should come and discuss recent events, their favorite and least favorite events and
speculations about what is to come.
Portgas D. Trace, Kyle-kun, Shanks
Hair Me Out: Cosplay and Anime Hair
Plaza 1 Sunday, 11:30am
Join licensed cosmetologist Toast and her lovely assistant Arri in learning all about cutting, coloring, and
styling natural hair and wigs for that perfect cosplay look! In depth Q&A, live demonstration, and howto’s on the most gravity defying styles.
Toast, Arri
And the Moral of the Story Is…
Plaza 2 Sunday, 11:30am
Not every story ends happily ever after, but they all have something to say. From the cynical nihilism of
Evangelion to Miyazaki’s tales of reverence for nature and Shinto spiritual tradition, we’ll cover them all.
Foreign Manga Then and Now: From Lauded to Loathed
Plaza 4 Sunday, 11:30am
A quick look at the history of manga drawn outside of Japan and the arguments surrounding it. What exactly is
“OEL”? Why do works like Gold Digger and Megatokyo get lots of fan love while other works don’t? As a bonus,
your fantastic panelists will also share their favorite work and tell you about some artists you’ll want to watch.
“GoH” Evan Miller, Shannon Townsend
Anime Improv: 10 Year Anniversary Special!
Grand Ballroom Sunday, 1:00pm
Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s the Tenth Anniversary Special of Anime Improv! What makes it special? Well,
you’ll just have to show up to find out. Watching fellow audience members take on anime-inspired personas
(Sasuke and Sailor Moon waxing a car, perhaps) for cheap laughs, or get up on stage and create some of
your own! If you’re planning on getting on stage, we strongly recommend that you check out Improv 101.
“GoH” Evan Miller
Japanese Films You Should Probably Watch
Bloomington Sunday, 1:00pm
Ever wonder why people get angry at Samurai 7 having Akira Kurosawa’s name on it? Or why the name
Takeshi Miike makes even the most jaded horror fan vomit? You’ll know all this and other stuff at our panel.
Pirates vs. Ninjas
Edina Sunday, 1:00pm
The battle rages on! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! Whether you love dressing in black and hiding in the
shadows, or wenches and grog; show up and defend you honor. Or lack thereof.
Rob “Vash” Lewis
Cosplay: Sewing Seminar
Atrium 3 Sunday, 1:00pm
Everything you need to know about sewing for cosplay but were afraid to ask. This panel will be based on what
YOU want to know about sewing techniques, so please bring some questions, and we’ll do our best to answer them.
Hetalia: Don’t Want to be an American Idiot
Atrium 6 Sunday, 1:00pm
Join your awesome host America (and England, I guess) for the awesomest Axis Powers: Hetalia
panel ever. This awesome audience interactive panel will make you laugh from start to finish, and our
awesome goal is to get you to come and join in on the awesome action!
Awesome Ashley, Superfluous Sara
Keeping the Faith
Plaza 1 Sunday, 1:00pm
In fiction, nothing is more exotic than a foreign religion. However, the writer usually knows nothing about
it and guesses on it. Here we’ll talk about what they got wrong and what they (rarely) got right. No
serious religious discussion, we’re here to make you laugh.
Aoirann, Zakanakai, ddrfr33k, Caroline Symcox
Risembool Rangers & Miniskirt Army: Final!
Plaza 2 Sunday, 1:00pm
Nothing can last forever and we’re no exception. The final battle is here. So come on Rangers and
Skirts, let’s make it one to remember! And whether you’re a Fullmetal Alchemist fan or just curious as to
who we are and what we’re about, we invite you to join us too!
Fanfiction Contest Awards
Plaza 3 Sunday, 1:00pm
Awards for the full-length fanfiction contest will be given out at this special panel. Excerpts from the winning
stories will be read aloud after the contest winners are announced. Writers and readers alike are welcome!
Anime Detour Staff
Classic Goodest AMVs
Plaza 4 Sunday, 1:00pm
Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas! Or don’t. Some anime music videos FOR YOU.
Kris “Phade” McCormic
Shiny New Anime
Bloomington Sunday, 2:30pm
A guide to the latest and greatest anime. Come and see what you can look forward to in future
releases, get some recommendations, and see what’s come out in Japan since last year’s convention!
Jessi, Revolutionary Jo
Fursuiting 101 and Furry-Hood
Edina Sunday, 2:30pm
We’re here to answer questions about Fursuitting, explain the process of fursuitting, fix some
misconceptions, and have some fun. We’ll offer some building techniques, have a discussion, use video
and photos, and give personal demonstrations. Come join the fun!
Sike RedWolf, Luxord/Shadow
Anime Detour Postmortem
Atrium 3 Sunday, 2:30pm
What went well? What could be improved and how? Looking for a feedback form? Show up here and express your opinion.
Anime Detour Staff
Scott Pilgrim vs. Your Mom
Atrium 6 Sunday, 2:30pm
Prepare to feel the wrath of the League of Evil Exes! Make sure you look S-L-ICK. Just don’t come as a
pirate, even if they’re in this year. You can tell it to the cleaning lady on Monday when we’re done. And
if you punch anyone in the boob, prepare to die, obviously.
Kereneko, Lunalaney, Draco
Weapon and Prop Safety and Handling
Plaza 1 Sunday, 2:30pm
A panel on safe presentation and handling of props, weapons, on stage, in photoshoots, and around the con.
o town
Iron Cosplay
Plaza 2 Sunday, 2:30pm
In the tradition of Iron Chef, we bring you Iron Cosplay! Two teams get one hour to make a costume on
one of their team members in keeping with the theme that will be announced using the materials and
tools provided plus a SECRET INGREDIENT. Come to watch or join a team!
Gerald Dagel, Elizabeth Sloan
Happy Fun Time: Duct Tape, Cons and You
Plaza 3 Sunday, 2:30pm
We love duct tape... a lot! From costuming to conventions, duct tape can be a lot of fun and it also has a
number of practical uses too! We promise we won’t tape you to your chair! *crosses fingers behind back*
Rob “Vash” Lewis 2011 Viewer’s Choice Awards
Plaza 4 Sunday, 2:30pm ‘s members have voted for the best music videos of the year. Come see the winners!
Kris “Phade” McCormic
The Vocaloid Panel: It’s About Time!
Bloomington Sunday, 4:00pm
The one-stop spot for all things related to Vocaloid. Stop by for discussion, questions, and general
tomfoolery related to Vocaloid, Utau Voyakiloid, and derivatives. Yes, there will be songs.
Exjoy, Zakanakai
Arashi: Creating a Storm Throughout the World
Edina Sunday, 4:00pm
Interested in learning about Arashi, one of Japan’s most popular music groups? If you are, come see this
panel! You will learn about each member and their accomplishments, watch hilarious TV show clips, and
view some great concert footage as well! If you like sparkles and rainbows, join the party!
Anton Panel
Atrium 3 Sunday, 4:00pm
Come meet the man, the myth, the legend: Anton! If you ask nicely, he may just sign your badge.
Anton Petersen
Pop Japan Travel Industry Panel
Atrium 6 Sunday, 4:00pm
Come learn about Pop Japan Travel, the premier provider of Pop Culture tours to Japan. We’ll discuss our upcoming
tours to Japan, the adventures we’ve had so far this year, and more! Oh, and there’ll be prizes too. You’ll want to show
up for that.
“GoH” Evan Miller
Pokémon Past and Present
Plaza 1 Sunday, 4:00pm
A look at Pokémon, where it was twelve years ago, and where it has come to be today.
Closing Ceremonies
Grand Ballroom Sunday, 5:00pm
The staff thanks our guests, members, and especially our volunteers for a con well done.
Anime Detour Staff
Room Parties
We’ve once again dedicated a set of rooms for room parties, and given them permission to party ‘til the sun
comes up. Take a moment to thank the hosts of these parties, and enjoy them in the spirit of the con. If you are
interested in throwing a party for Detour 2012, please visit the Room Parties page on the convention website.
Room 102
FRI: Limited late night / SAT: After Cosplay -2am
Gojira Party historically represents the finest in Anime Detour room party atmosphere. From regularly celebrating
meet & greets with the guests of honor, toasting with the vital convention staff, to dancing the night away. If dancing
isn’t your style come see our go-go dancers on our exclusive stage... it’s Gojira Party. ‘nuff said.
Room 103
Battle of Bits: Classic Gaming 2.0
FRI: 7pm-2am / SAT: 7pm-2am
Team B.O.B. strikes again with more wholesome old-school gaming goodness! Come chill with us, talk games, and
kick some booty! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO. Oh, and there’s the whole free Kool-Aid thing.
Room 104
After School Specials: Running in the ‘90s FRI: 5pm-10pm / SAT: 5pm-11pm
Snuggle up in an old school pillow fort and watch the 90’s cartoons from your childhood! We’ll be screening
everything from Angry Beavers to Rocko’s Modern Life, Rugrats to Freakazoid, and whatever other requests
you throw at us. So come running in the nineties, it’s the new way you’ll like to be.
Room 105
90’s Nostalgia
FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT: 6pm-10pm
Time travel back to the 1990s. Sit down and watch your favorite cartoons and TV shows. Participate in fun
games. Be sure to sign up for the POG tournament with awesome prizes! Don’t forget to bring your POGS!
Room 106
FRI: 6pm-12am / SAT: 12pm-4pm, 6pm-12am
Come join your friends for snacks, music, games, and contests! Prizes and fun to be had. Come in
costume for our special cosplay awards. Presented by TOMODACHI.
Room 107
Espada Tea Party
SAT: After Cosplay-2am
Has villainy ever been this much fun? The Espada are hosting their very own party! Stop by and see your favorite
villains of Bleach for movies and refreshments! All ages invited (Though be warned, Szayel will be there).
Room 108
The Lady Slipper Cafe
FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT: 8pm-12am
Come attend our elegant soiree, where handsome butlers and charming maids serve tea and
refreshments while entertaining guests. A relaxing retreat for those who enjoy the finer things.
Room 109
Rosie’s Coffee, Tea and Me
Coffee, tea and bites to eat.
FRI: 8am-9pm / SAT: 8am-9pm
Room 110
GPS Double Take!
FRI: 6pm-12am / SAT: 6pm-12am
Ever wonder about those remade cartoons? Well we have! We will be watching old and new of some
of the crazy cartoons of our past.
Room 123
Uncle Iroh’s Tea House
FRI: 9pm-1am / SAT: 9pm-1am
Based on the character ‘Uncle Iroh’ from ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’, who achieved his heart’s desire to own a tea house. Decor will reflect that of the movie’s tea house, and will be staffed by ‘Uncle Iroh’
(Patrick Fisher) and Aunt Wu (Rae Lundquist), both characters from the movie. Tea and cookies will be
served, along with soothing background music.
Room 124
Victorian Tea Party
FRI: 3pm-7pm
Tea and scones, videos, some games mostly for 18 and under. Lots of decorations and fun and music!
Room 125
Ouran Host Club Tea Party
FRI: 6pm-8pm / SAT: 3pm-5pm
Come one, come all. A commoner friendly party with your humble hosts. Cake will be provided.
Room 126
Invader Zim
FRI: 8pm-11pm / SAT: 8pm-11pm
Watch Invader Zim episodes while having snacks in the room. We might even have a discussion in the
room about our favorite “Gir” moments!
Room 127
Black Order of Amestris
FRI: 6:30pm-12am / SAT: 6pm-11:30pm
MarsCon is a volunteer-run, family friendly sci-fi, fantasy & gaming convention with anime, films, art,
science exhibits, hucksters, live music, karaoke, parties and costumes galore! We will be celebrating
our 13th year at the Holiday Inn & Suites, Bloomington, MN, on March 4-6, 2011. Join us for great
conversation, snacks, demented music and movies!
Room 128
Mountain Dew Party Room
FRI: All day / SAT: All day
Like Mtn. Dew? Like anime, gaming, and making signs? Don’t feel like sleeping tonight? Then this is the
party room for you! All day, each day, we will be doing something super special awesome. Stop by and
see what we’re doing! You may even win some prizes!
Room 129
FRI: 6pm-10pm / SAT: 10pm-2am
Wanna pregame it for the Rave? Come to our room party! DJ Moltar will be spinning, and we’ll
probably have refreshments and bacon.
Room 130
Kitten Kandi Kuddle-Romp
FRI: 5pm-2am / SAT: 5pm-2am
For all the adorable little kittens! Come roll in piles of cute, make and trade some kandi, nom delicious
noms, or nap for sixteen hours! No alcohol served, but there will be plenty of hugs and buckets of candy!
Room 131
Introduction to Modern Dance
FRI: 10pm-2am / SAT: 1am-5am
Dance, Trance, Pop-Remixes, Dubstep, Electro, Industrial? Learn about all these genres as we dance and
socialize together! WOOT!
Room 201
Harajuku District Arts and Crafts FRI: 6pm-10pm / SAT: 1pm-3pm, 6pm-10pm
We’re back for our 4th year! This time with music! We will be providing various craft projects (paper
fans, slap bracelets, keychains, etc), as well as a place to draw or color provided line art and watch
some anime. This year we’ll be serving tea and chocolates.
Room 202
Harajuku District Music Lounge FRI: 6pm-10pm / SAT: 6pm-10pm
This is a Rock Band 3 party! We’ll be hosting free play throughout the weekend and a competition on Saturday.
We’re working with Harajuku District Arts & Crafts, so come in and rock with us or go next door to chill out and draw.
Room 203 & 204 League of Disposable Beverages FRI: 10pm-5am
We aim to please. We please to get lovely con goers intoxicated in a fashionable yet responsibly
disposable manner! (Note that this is a 21+ event, and no one under 21 will be let in.)
Room 205
Raging Blast--The Other White Meat SAT: 12pm-4pm
Do you like DBZ? Play the games? Know all the movies? Then this is the party for you! Dedicated to those
who love to watch, play and experience DBZ, Raging Blast is your one stop shop for AWESOME. We’ll have
tournament play with three games and two consoles! There will be a signup sheet outside our room Friday,
but walk ins are also welcome to join! While the gaming is going on, we’re going to be using the provided TV
as a screen for watching DBZ’s greatest videos! Don’t miss out.
Room 206
Eagle Anime’s Pokémon Party FRI: 10pm-1am / SAT: 10pm-2am
Join us for Pokémon! We will be hosting Pokémon pick up games and a tournament. Bring your DS! Also,
learn about our upcoming events for the year!
Room 207
Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Dueling and Trading FRI: 7pm-12am / SAT: 10am-2pm, 10pm-2am
In this room party we will be playing the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, and also be offering lessons for new
players, or curious eyes that would like to see what it is all about. We invite anyone to come hang out,
duel, and watch the original anime episodes.
Room 208
Pokécenter Come rest, meet fellow trainers and discuss all things Pokémon.
SAT: 8pm-12am
Room 209
GEEK.KON FRI: 8pm-1am / SAT: 8pm-1am
Wisconsin’s convention for all things geek welcomes you to enjoy nights of music, refreshments and games!
Room 210
World of Warcraft FRI: 1pm-5pm / SAT: 1pm-5pm
Hang out and talk about World of Warcraft and your favorite addons! FOR GREAT JUSTICE.
Room 223
MAS at Detour
FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT: 8pm-12am
Where can you find karaoke, badass anime, tasty noms, and a plethora of crazy games all in one place? The U of
M’s Manga Anime Society takes teh awesomeness of the convention and compresses it all into one katamari of win!
Room 224
ARASHI FRI: 7pm-1am / SAT: 6pm-1am
A chance for Arashi fans to gather! Or if you have no idea you can come learn about the J-Pop group
we all love. We will be showing concerts, music videos, fan videos, episodes of their TV programs and
game show, maybe parts of their dramas here and there, and maybe playing some Arashi related
games. A great chance to meet fellow fans and make new friends!
Room 225
Ah Real Zombies! FRI: 8pm-10pm / SAT: 12pm-5pm
Left for Dead 1&2 playing and munchies to satisfy zombie survival needs.
Room 226
Purple Monkey Dishwasher There will be fun, food, games, and hanging out!
FRI: 8pm-12am / SAT: 8pm-12am
Room 227
Distractions at Detour FRI: 7pm-1am / SAT: 10pm-2am
(21+) Come and relax, have a drink. Watch great classic anime feature films and take a break from
all that is the great Anime Detour.
Room 228
Biohazard SAT: 7pm-11pm
Biohazard is back again! This room party is hazardous to your health! We cannot be held responsible for
your eyes, ears, thumbs, or livers! This time join us for pre-dance fun, video games, music and drinks. We will
be having our famous cherry bombs and zydrate shots (21+ with picture ID only).
Room 229
Waffles’ House of Waffles for Hope FRI: 8pm-11pm / SAT: 8pm-11pm
Waffles and video games for charity, thru Child’s Play! Eggos and games all three nights 8-11! Come
have some fun and chow down for a good cause.
Friday: Who Wants to Be The Guy, where we all get angry for your amusement!
Saturday: Battle the Toad, play Battletoads, compete vs a speedrunner!
Room 230
This is Geek: Master Control Program FRI: 6pm-1am / SAT: 5pm-1am
Join This is Geek at Anime Detour in their Tron themed room and participate in a variety of fun events
with plenty of prizes such as T-shirts, buttons, stickers and much more. We will be serving Japanese
inspired food throughout the weekend. Check in at the room during any of our normal party times and
you will get 2500 bonus points on
Room 231
Kerumoto FRI: 9pm-1am / SAT: 9pm-1am
Free alcohol for people over 21. Come learn more about Kerumoto, a group dedicated to social
networking and connecting people of the same interests.
Room 232
Perpetual Earthquake FRI: 10pm-4am / SAT: 10pm-6am
Have you ever felt an earthquake? Well multiply that by 5 100-foot-tall rabid rabbits and maybe
you’ll be close to the awesomeness of the Perpetual Earthquake. We will be handing out buckets of
ground-quaking ear-splitting electronic music that would make Al Bundy cry.
July 15-17
M a n i to ba ’ s La r g est a n i M e C o n v e n t i o n
Winnipeg Convention Centre
Year Anniversary!
paneLMso, re&!
Video Rooms
New for 2011, THEMED ROOMS
We will be having four Video rooms located in Atriums 1, 2, 7, 8.
Each room will be having a general theme, including the ALL-NEW
“Request Room”, which features titles that were suggested by fans
using our online Video Suggestion Form. Also, don’t miss our advance
screening of Evangelion: 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance, Saturday at
1:15pm in Atrium 7.
Hours of Operation
FRI: 11:00am - SUN: 4:00pm
All Ages, TV-Y, 3+, 7+ Generally
acceptable for children. No nudity,
possible mild violence.
12+, 13+ May contain violence,
brief nudity, and mild language.
May suggest sexual situations, but
no situations are shown. Parental
discretion advised.
15+,16+,17+,TV-MA Strong violence
and strong language. Prevalent
nudity may be contained within the
picture. Sexual situations or sexually
suggestive imagery may be shown.
Atrium 1: Guest of Honor
Atrium 2: Request Room
Atrium 7: New & Featured
Atrium 8: All Good Things
Video Room Rules
1. Do not touch the video equipment. If there is a
problem, please notify Video personnel.
2. No sleeping in the Video rooms. If you are caught
sleeping in the Video rooms you will be asked to leave.
3. Please turn off cell phones and laptops.
4. Be courteous, and do not talk during the programs.
Atrium 1
Guest of Honor
Murder Princess
Atrium 2
Request Room
Tsubasa RESERVoir
Dragon Ball Z Kai
Spice and Wolf
Fate/Stay Night
Black Lagoon
Tears to Tiara
Corpse Princess
(Shikabane Hime: Aka)
Living for the
Day After
Vampire Knight
5. Have photo ID available if asked to verify your age.
6. Do not leave children unattended in the Video rooms.
7. Do not block the aisles.
8. Please pick up after yourself when leaving.
9. Follow all instructions by the attending personnel.
Atrium 7
New & Featured
Atrium 8
All Good Things
Vision of
The Twelve
Read or Die
(R.O.D.) TV
Soul Eater
Haruhi Suzumiya-chan &
The Girl Who
Nyoron Churuya-san
Leapt Through Time
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are
[Not] Alone
Ghost In The Shell:
The Movie
Eden of the East
Serial Experiments Lain 11:00pm
Atrium 1
Guest of Honor
Atrium 2
Request Room
Atrium 7
New & Featured
Atrium 8
All Good Things
Vampire Knight (10:45) Eden of the East (10:00pm)
Lain (10:45pm)
Corpse Princess
Hellsing Ultimate
Oh! Edo Rocket
Elfen Lied
Blood: The Last Vampire
Kurau: Phantom Memory
When They Cry
Urusei Yatsura:
Only You
Gin Tama
The Wallflower
Last Exile
Ah! My Goddess:
Flights of Fancy
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
Pokémon the First
Nyan Koi!
Sasami: Magical
Girls Club
Mewtwo vs. Mew
Gundam 0080
A War in the Pocket
Captain Tylor
The Combat Butler
Nabari no Ou
Initial D Stage 3
Code Geass
Evangelion: 2.0
You Can [Not] Advance
Xam’d Lost Memories
Summer Wars
Cowboy Bebop
Moonlight Mile
YuYu Hakusho
Black Butler
Death Note
Samurai Kings
Trinity Blood
Axis Powers
Linebarrels of Iron
D. Gray Man
Kino’s Journey
Chrome Shelled Regios
Baccano! (11:30pm)
Atrium 1
Guest of Honor
Speed Grapher
6:00am Negima!? Spring & Summer
Save Me! Lollipop
Kiddy Grade
Romeo x Juliet
Gurren Lagann
Atrium 2
Request Room
Atrium 7
New & Featured
Atrium 8
All Good Things
The Skull Man
Chrome Shelled
Magical Shopping
Arcade Abenobashi
Initial D Stage 4
Ouran High School
Host Club
Casshern Sins
Naruto Shippuden:
The Movie
Shigofumi: Letters
from the Departed
Moribito: Guardian
of the Spirit
The Melancholy of
Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Case Closed: The Time
Bombed Skyscraper
Ranma 1/2
Astro Boy (1963)
Dirty Pair: TV Series
Iria: Zeiram
the Animation
Ratings Disclaimer
The following listings are provided as a convenience to the convention membership only. Anime Detour is not
responsible for the accuracy of individual ratings provided by the manufacturer. Anime Detour does not set
ratings or pre-screen titles for content. What may be acceptable content for some people’s values may not be
for others. Please use your personal judgment in selecting shows that you or your children would like to see.
Video Descriptions
Murder Princess
Atrium 1 Friday, 11:00am
(Dub, 14+, 150 min) The magical kingdom of Forland has fallen to the supernatural cyborgs led by
Dr. Akamashi. Princess Alita has left the country in hope of preserving the royal bloodline. While doing so
she meets a bounty hunter named Falis, which alters both of their lives significantly.
Atrium 2 Friday, 11:00am
(Dub, 13+, 100 min) Something goes wrong during the awakening of Princess Sakura’s power to cross
dimensions. Her soul is scattered across the universe and her life-long love, Syaoran, along with the help
of Kurogane and Fai, must track them down and make Sakura whole.
Vision of Escaflowne
Atrium 8 Friday, 11:00am
(Sub, 13+, 98 min) A typical high school girl, Hitomi Kanzaki, is transported to the strange world of Gaea. She meets
Van who must learn to use a powerful suit of armor, Escaflowne, before the Empire of Zaibach can catch them.
Slayers Revolution
Atrium 7 Friday, 11:15am
(Sub, 13+, 143 min) Cute li’l Pokota is actually a ferocious engine of destruction... And, of course, destructive sorceress Lina
Inverse is getting the blame! Can Lina and the Slayers gang get to the bottom of it all before Lina is put in prison for good?
Atrium 2 Friday, 12:45pm
(Dub, 13+, 100 min) Watanuki has become the servant of the Dimensional Witch Yuko, a mystical woman
of insight and luxury. People come to her shop for help but a lesson must be learned the hard way first.
The Twelve Kingdoms
Atrium 8 Friday, 12:45pm
(Sub, 13+, 125 min) Yoko discovers that being drawn into a fantasy kingdom that she is destined to rule
is not nearly as glamorous as the manga make it out to be! Having lost her home, her family, and even
her appearance, will Yoko be able to keep her life... and her sanity?
Dragon Ball Z Kai
Atrium 1 Friday, 1:30pm
(Dub, 13+, 175 min) Based on Akira Toryama’s original manga, Dragon Ball Z Kai presents the story as it was originally
intended. The evil Saiyans are headed to Earth and only Goku stands between them and the extinction of humanity.
Atrium 7 Friday, 1:45pm
(Dub, 13+, 153 min) Tomoya’s life has been rough. With a dead mother, an abusive father, he seems destined
for a life of delinquency. Then he meets Nagisa, a frail girl who has been held back a year of school due to
illness. The two of them restart the Drama Club, and begin to attract other girls with troubled pasts.
Atrium 2 Friday, 2:30pm
(Sub, 13+, 125 min) In the near future, “The World” is the most popular MMORPG ever created. Several players find
themselves drawn into mystery and adventure when they encounter Tsukasa, a player who is unable to log out of the game.
Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV
Atrium 8 Friday, 3:00pm
(Dub, 13+, 95 min) Anita, Maggie, and Michelle are Paper Masters, able to mould paper into fantastic
weaponry. Their mission is to safeguard reknowned author Nenene. However, the conspiracy against her
is more complicated than any could have imagined.
Spice and Wolf
Atrium 1 Friday, 4:30pm
(Dub, 14+, 144 min) Lawrence, a traveling merchant, finds a naked girl with the ears and tail of a wolf
in his cart. Turns out she is a harvest goddess that is no longer needed here and wishes to return to the
land she came from. He agrees to help her on her journey.
Soul Eater Atrium 7 Friday, 4:30pm
(Dub, 14+, 142 min) Maka and Soul are two very different students at the Grim Reaper’s Death
Weapon Meister Academy, but when Soul transforms into a razor-sharp scythe they are a perfect
combo of meister and weapon in the fight against the supernatural.
Fate/Stay Night
Atrium 2 Friday, 4:45pm
(Sub, 13+, 100 min) Shirou, a young sorcerer, gets drawn into the fifth Holy Grail war. While trying to
protect himself, Shirou summons the powerful servant known as Saber. Can Shirou protect the world from
the destruction that marked the previous Holy Grail War?
Gundam Wing
Atrium 8 Friday, 4:45pm
(Sub, 13+, 125 min) The government of Earth maintains a tyrannical rule over the giant orbiting space
colonies that are home to thousands of oppressed citizens. Five young men and their invincible Gundams
are sent to Earth to spearhead the revolution.
Black Lagoon
Atrium 2 Friday, 6:30pm
(Sub, 16+, 96 min) Okajima Rokuro is a Japanese businessman whose boat gets hijacked by Black Lagoon,
a group of mercenaries out to steal a disc he is delivering for his company. One of the mercenaries
decides he is worth ransoming. The mercenaries soon discover the disc is more trouble than it’s worth.
Tears to Tiara
Atrium 1 Friday, 7:00pm
(Dub, 13+, 173 min) In a world of Celtic myth, a conquering empire makes a critical mistake when they
summon a demon - only for the demon to join their enemies. Priestess Riannon and her brother Arthur are
quick to ally with the demon Lord Arawn, but will it be enough to topple the Divine Empire?
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan & Nyoron Churuya-san
Atrium 7 Friday, 7:00pm
(Sub, 13+, 66 min) The S.O.S. Brigade, super-deformed! Kyon declares his love for Koizumi! Ryoko is
back from the dead! Yuki is... a pervert? And Tsuruya really, really wants some cheese!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Atrium 8 Friday, 7:00pm
(Sub, 13+, 98 min) Makoto discovers she has the ability to leap back in time. Unfortunately with every successful
leap she alters the fate of those around her. As she uses her power to try and fix things she discovers that her
abilities are not limitless and becomes closer to discovering the most wonderful secret in her young life.
Living for the Day After Tomorrow
Atrium 2 Friday, 8:15pm
(Sub, 13+, 150 min) A magic wishing stone grants Karada’s wish to be older by stealing years from Shoko.
Now Shoko is suddenly Karada’s age again, and Karada must must quickly learn what it is like to be a
grown-up. To make matters more awkward they have to deal with their previous romantic relationships.
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone
Atrium 7 Friday, 8:15pm
(Dub, 13+, 98 min) Shinji Ikari was all but abandoned by his father at a young age. Now his father wants
him back, not as a son but as a soldier, fighting against horrifying giant creatures known only as Angels.
Secrets, treachery, and ancient prophesy threaten to doom humanity, or to elevate it to the next stage.
Ghost In The Shell: The Movie
Atrium 8 Friday, 8:45pm
(Sub, 16+, 120 min) Section 9, headed by Major Motoko Kusanagi, faces off against the brain-hacking
“Puppet Master.” The Major begins to question what defines “human.”
Corpse Princess (Shikabane Hime: Aka (TV))
Atrium 1 Friday, 10:00pm
(Dub, 17+, 165 min) Shikabane are murderous corpses that have refused to die, driven by desires
unfulfilled in life. Standing against them are Shikabane Hime, Shikabane who have forged contracts with
monks to retain their humanity. Ouri, brother of a contracted monk, is drawn into their terrifying conflict...
Eden of the East
Atrium 7 Friday, 10:00pm
(Dub, 17+, 150 min) Akira Takizawa wakes up naked in front of the White House with a gun in one
hand and a cell phone in the other. He cannot recall anything about his past . He just knows he is
supposed to save Japan or he will be murdered.
Vampire Knight
Atrium 2 Friday, 10:45pm
(Sub, 16+, 100 min) At Cross Academy there are two sessions of class schedules, Day and Night. As the heads of the
disciplinary committee it is Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu’s job to protect the night class students’ secret life as vampires.
Serial Experiments Lain
Atrium 8 Friday, 10:45pm
(Sub, 16+, 100 min) Advances in communication have given rise to the Wired, the totality of
interconnectivity via the Internet. Rumors are arising of a god coming to exist in the Wired, and a shy
young girl named Lain finds herself embroiled in the phenomenon.
Hellsing Ultimate
Atrium 2 Saturday, 12:30am
(Dub, 16+, 50 min) The Hellsing Organization has been protecting England from undead Freaks for
over 100 years. Their secret weapon is Arucard, a powerful vampire bound to serve Integra Hellsing.
New to the organization is Seras, a former police-woman and newly turned vampire.
Sacred Blacksmith
Atrium 7 Saturday, 12:30am
(Dub, 17+, 142 min) Cecily is a knight, only she’s not very good at it. Most of her battles have ended
with her needing to be rescued. That all changed when the blacksmith Luke uses magic to forge
supernaturally strong blades for her to use. With her new weapons she takes on her foes, not knowing
there is someone in the shadows nearby unleashing demons.
Atrium 8 Saturday, 12:30am
(Dub, 17+, 167 min) Wizard Negi Springfield may be young but he has major problems. Not only does he have to
deal with his 31 female students that are all vying for his attention, but there are serious dark forces that he needs to
fight. His students will gladly earn extra credit fighting ghouls if it means they can spend more time with him.
Oh! Edo Rocket
Atrium 1 Saturday, 12:45am
(Dub, 17+, 168 min) No one in the city of Edo will let Seikichi have any fun. Making things blow up is his
calling in life. Now he has plans to use a rocket to send a princess to the moon.
Elfen Lied
Atrium 2 Saturday, 1:30am
(Sub, 17+, 125 min) Lucy, a genetically-altered human, escapes from a military laboratory in a rampage
of violence. Injured, lost, alone and with no memory, she is found and taken in by Kouta and Yuka.
Renamed as Nyu, she seems innocent at first, but her dark past races to catch up with her.
Atrium 7 Saturday, 3:00am
(Sub, 17+, 100 min) Two girls named Nana move to the city in hopes of starting a new life in Tokyo. One girl
wants a career as a singer in a rock ‘n’ roll band, the other wants her new relationship to get off to a good
start. When they both fall in love with the same apartment the only way to settle it is to become roommates.
Blood: The Last Vampire
Atrium 8 Saturday, 3:30am
(Sub, 15+, 83 min) On the brink of war in Vietnam, the military has many things to worry about. Among
the more ordinary concerns, Vampires have begun to prey upon their ranks! Fortunately, the mysterious
Saya is there to lend a hand.
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Atrium 1 Saturday, 3:45am
(Dub, 15+, 94 min) Kurau is a mercenary with a mastery of the martial arts and a skilled thief. No
mission is beyond her abilities. Kurau has a secret though, she has been fused with a binary alien lifeform known as the Rynax. Her life is lived twice, once with an alien sharing her mind, and the other
something yet to be born. Her secret will cause her to go from being the hunter to the hunted.
When They Cry
Atrium 2 Saturday, 3:45am
(Sub, 16+, 125 min) Keiichi moves to the small rural village of Hinamizawa and becomes friends with 4 cute
girls. Life is good, until he learns about the demonic cults and grisly murders. Can his new friends be involved?
Gin Tama
Atrium 7 Saturday, 4:45am
(Sub, 14+, 152 min) Aliens have conquered feudal Japan and have outlawed the public use of swords,
leaving lots of defeated samurai with limited career options. Gintoki Sakata has opted to work
freelance, taking whatever jobs he can get as long as the money is right.
Urusei Yatsura: Only You
Atrium 8 Saturday, 5:00am
(Sub, 13+, 101 min) When Shinobu encounters a boy wearing a bunny suit, she obtains a special key.
When Lum, Ataru, and the gang open a door with the key, they are given a glimpse into the future...
The Wallflower
Atrium 1 Saturday, 5:30am
(Dub, 14+, 125 min) Four pretty boys must turn their benefactor’s horror-movie-obsessed Gothic niece
into a beautiful young lady, or get jobs and start paying rent.
Last Exile
Atrium 2 Saturday, 6:00am
(Sub, 13+, 100 min) In a retro-futuristic world, Claus and Lavie wanted to become the first air couriers
to cross the Grand Stream in a vanship. When they encounter a mysterious young girl named Alvis, they
become entangled in a war between two countries and their massive air battleships.
Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy
Atrium 8 Saturday, 6:45am
(Dub, 13+, 97 min) After living together for a year, the romance between the mortal Keiichi and the goddess
Belldandy has made little progress. Obstacles both earthly and divine continue to stand in their way!
Nyan Koi!
Atrium 7 Saturday, 7:45am
(Sub, 13+, 156 min) When cat-allergic Junpei Kosaka damages a statue of a cat he is cursed with the
ability to understand felines. Now he must perform 100 great favors for cat-kind or else he will be
turned into a cat. As if serving the whims of every cat in the neighborhood wasn’t bad enough, all the
people around him have suddenly gone cat-crazy as well.
Sasami: Magical Girls Club
Atrium 1 Saturday, 7:45am
(Dub, 13+, 172 min) The 5th grade cooking club is just a front. Sasami and her friends have magical powers.
Miss Washu guides them in the use of their powers and they have adventures as the Magical Girls Club.
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
Atrium 2 Saturday, 7:45am
(Dub, 15+, 75 min) Teenaged Sergeant Sousuke Sagara is far more at ease with a live grenade in his hand than a textbook,
but his youth has landed him the duty of covert bodygard for Kaname Chidori. Her school will never be the same.
Pokémon the First Movie - Mewtwo vs. Mew
Atrium 8 Saturday, 8:30am
(Sub, G, 96 min) Attempting to clone the powerful and legendary Pokémon Mew, Team Rocket has unleashed
a terrifying monster upon the world. Ash and his friends are the only ones who can save the day!
Atrium 2 Saturday, 9:00am
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: A War in the Pocket
(Sub, 13+, 150 min) When Zeon learns of a new Gundam being built they send a spec-ops team to investigate. One team
member, Bernie Wiseman, gets shot down and befriended by a boy named Al. Meanwhile, Al’s neighbor Christina has
become a test pilot on the Gundam project Al was investigating. Little does Al know the dangerous situation he is now in.
Hayate the Combat Butler
Atrium 7 Saturday, 10:15am
(Sub, 13+, 173 min) Hayate’s ridiculously hard life nearly comes to an end when his parents sell his
body to the Yakuza. A wealthy heiress gives him a second chance at life, and he finds that his hardships
were the perfect training for his new career: Combat Butler!
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Atrium 8 Saturday, 10:15am
(Sub, 15+, 125 min) Follow the adventures of one Justy Ueki Tylor, who has managed to accidentally earn the rank
of Captain. Will his new crew learn to work together with him as they come face to face with the Raalgon Empire?
Nabari no Ou
Atrium 1 Saturday, 10:45am
(Dub, 14+, 167 min) Miharu has an ancient power that no one else possesses. Until warring ninja clans
started coming after him, Miharu could have cared less about the power. Now he doesn’t know who to
trust. He must uncover the mystery buried deep in his soul before it’s too late.
Initial D Stage 3
Atrium 2 Saturday, 11:30am
(Dub, 13+, 100 min) When Takumi is asked to try out for an all-star racing team, his toughest challenge
to face will be himself. As everyone prepares to graduate, Takumi tries to defeat as many challengers
as he can to prove himself ready to move on to the next stage.
Rurouni Kenshin
Atrium 8 Saturday, 12:30pm
(Sub, 13+, 100 min) Kenshin Himura, a wandering samurai, wishes to atone for his bloody past and refuses to
take another life. Upon rescuing a strong-willed heiress to a dojo, he takes on the role of her protector.
Code Geass
Atrium 2 Saturday, 1:15pm
(Sub, 13+, 125 min) Japan has been conquered by the Brittanian Empire. Stripped of its identity and
renamed Area 11, its people are cruelly governed by their new masters. Lelouch, given a mysterious
mind control power that he names Geass, seeks to free Japan from its oppressors.
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance
Atrium 7 Saturday, 1:15pm
(Dub, 14+, 113 min) Shinji and Rei are joined in their fight against the Angels by two new Eva pilots,
Asuka and Mari. The four of them fight to protect the world against the Angels and the possibility of
Third Impact, but will they be able to save themselves?
Xam’d Lost Memories
Atrium 1 Saturday, 1:45pm
(Dub, 14+, 150 min) Akiyuki Takehara was a normal student until one day he gets caught up in a
terrorist attack and is infected with Hiruko which transforms him into a creature known as a Xam’d. With
the military after him he takes refuge aboard an airship, leaving his old life behind, including his high
school friend Haru. Aboard the ship, a Tessikan woman named Nakiami helps him to be able to control
his abilities. If he can’t control the Xam’d he may turn to stone.
Atrium 8 Saturday, 2:15pm
(Sub, 13+, 101 min) It’s Sasahara’s first day of college and he is about to make the most important
decision of his life – deciding what club to join. Sasahara joins the Society for the Study of Modern
Visual Culture (Genshiken) to learn more about cosplay, gaming, anime, and doujinshi!
Summer Wars
Atrium 7 Saturday, 3:15pm
(Dub, 13+, 120 min) Kenji is your typical geek, good with computers, bad with girls. He spends much of
his time in the online world known as OZ. His life gets turned upside down when Natsuki recruits him to
pose as her fiancé at a family reunion. One night he receives a mysterious email with a mathematical
riddle which he solves, unwittingly releasing a malicious AI that is intent on destroying the world. Kenji
and Natsuki’s family must work together to prevent Armageddon.
Shakugan no Shana
Atrium 2 Saturday, 3:30pm
(Sub, 13+, 98 min) The Crimson Realm is invading our world and it is up to Shana to slay them. However when
Yuji gets in the way of her sword he learns that death is very different from how he imagined it would be.
Cowboy Bebop
Atrium 8 Saturday, 4:00pm
(Sub, 13+, 124 min) Spike, Jet, and the rest of the crew of the Bebop are bounty hunters, tracking felons
across the solar system. As they hunt their quarry, each tries to flee the demons of their pasts...
Moonlight Mile
Atrium 1 Saturday, 4:15pm
(Dub, 13+, 100 min) Climbers Goro Saruwatari and Jack “Lostman” Woodbridge have conquered all of the
highest peaks on Earth. Now they have their sights set on the moon. The discovery of a nearly unlimited source
of energy on the moon may help them as they join a special NASA training program to try to get there.
YuYu Hakusho
Atrium 2 Saturday, 5:15pm
(Sub, 13+, 94 min) Yusuke Urameshi is a good-for-nothing delinquent. In saving a child’s life at the cost of
his own, however, he earns himself another chance at life, and a new career as a Spirit Detective!
Black Butler
Atrium 7 Saturday, 5:15pm
(Dub, 14+, 175 min) After seeing his parents murdered in front of him and then being abducted and tortured
himself, Ceil Phantomhive is out for vengeance. Ceil sells his soul and together with Sebastian, a demon butler
summoned from the pits of hell, they search the streets of London for those who would do evil.
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings
Atrium 1 Saturday, 6:00pm
(Dub, 14+, 167 min) In feudal Japan, rival warlords have been fighting constantly trying to defeat one
another. They must set their differences aside and unite, in order to defeat the Demon Lord.
Death Note
Atrium 8 Saturday, 6:15pm
(Sub, 15+, 100 min) Yagami Light has found the “Death Note”, a mysterious book that has the power to
kill anyone whose name is written in it. When Light decides to use the book to rid the world of criminals,
the authorities assign the legendary detective L to investigate the deaths.
Scrapped Princess
Atrium 2 Saturday, 7:00pm
(Sub, 13+, 94 min) Pacifica Casull was destined from birth to destroy the world. An act of mercy spared
her from an early grave and left her to be raised alongside adopted siblings. Now grown, can Shannon
and Racquel protect their adopted sister from the world that seeks her demise?
Trinity Blood
Atrium 8 Saturday, 8:00pm
(Dub, 15+, 144 min) The Vatican and the Vampires clash in a centuries old struggle that could end
reality as they know it.
Hetalia: Axis Powers
Atrium 7 Saturday, 8:15pm
(Dub, 17+, 175 min) In the wake of World War I, gruff Germany, bumbling Italy, and straight-laced
Japan team up to form the Axis Powers! World War II is re-imagined as a hilarious comedy with the
nations of the world represented by cute anime characters.
D. Gray Man
Atrium 2 Saturday, 8:45pm
(Dub, 14+, 160 min) Exorcist Allen Walker stands as humanity’s best chance against the cruel spirits
known as Akuma and their sinister leader the Millennium Earl.
Linebarrels of Iron
Atrium 1 Saturday, 9:00pm
(Dub, 17+, 143 min) Kouichi hasn’t gotten a handle on the hero thing yet after being thrust into the
middle of conflict between rival races of self-regenerating Machinas. Kouichi gains the power to stop
the aliens but it has gone to his head and now all his friends can’t stand him.
Kino’s Journey
Atrium 8 Saturday, 10:30pm
(Sub, 15+, 100 min) Kino is a Traveler. Accompanied by Hermes, a talking motorcycle, Kino journeys from country
to country, never spending more than three days in any one place. What wonders await Kino at each destination?
Chrome Shelled Regios
Atrium 7 Saturday, 11:15pm
(Dub, 17+, 146 min) Mutant Contaminoid monsters roam the desolate wastelands, and limited resources
result in conflicts between cities. Young Layfon tries to escape his violent past by entering a military
academy, however his special powers are much stronger than his classmates and draw attention to him.
He must try to keep the source of his enhanced abilities a secret as he helps fight the Contaminoids.
Atrium 1 Saturday, 11:30pm
(Dub, 17+, 105 min) There’s a mafia turf war going in the Big Apple. One problem, the hoods don’t die
even after being shot between the eyes. Featuring, hit-men, femme fatales, monsters, a mad bomber,
and soul sucking alchemists, this one has it all.
The Skull Man
Atrium 2 Saturday, 11:30pm
(Sub, 14+, 142 min) In a dark city corrupted by monsters both figurative and literal, a skull-masked
killer stalks the night. A pair of brave journalists investigate this mysterious individual, and find out that
the truth is more horrifying than they could have imagined.
Atrium 8 Sunday, 12:15am
(Sub, 17+, 67 min) In the aftermath of a global war, humans and bioroid clones live seemingly in
peace. Human terrorists within the military seek a return to power. Legendary soldier Deunan Knute
holds the key that could settle the conflict.
Atrium 1 Sunday, 1:15am
(Dub, 17+, 59 min) Iori, Ichitaka, and Itsuki are a trio of friends who are now growing into adulthood. The three
I”s now have to deal with love, comedy, and dreams as their hearts begin to move in different directions.
Atrium 8 Sunday, 1:30am
(Sub, 13+, 150 min) Two dimensions are at war! One seeks to protect humanity, and the other seeks to
destroy all space-time. The key to resolving the crisis lies with the Dragon Torque, and the key to the
Torque may lie in the hands of 12 year-old Haruka...
Casshern Sins
Atrium 7 Sunday, 1:45am
(Dub, 17+, 150 min) The Ruin has swept across the world. Casshern, a cybernetic assassin, is blamed for
killing Luna, whose death started the Ruin. He has no memories of his past and does not know if he is really
responsible for the devastation that surrounds him. He searches the wastelands for answers and redemption.
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Atrium 2 Sunday, 2:00am
(Dub, 17+, 100 min) Saying goodbye to your best friend when she moves away is difficult. Sasshi is spared the pain,
though, when he and his friend Arumi are pulled into a bizarre parallel dimension! Will they ever make it home?
Atrium 1 Sunday, 2:15am
(Dub, 17+, 100 min) Rin is a lucky guy. He lives with the sweet and beautiful Kaede who pampers him.
One day, two new transfer students arrive. Sia is the Princess of the Gods. Nerine is Princess of the
Demons. They’ve both set their sights on trying to marry Rin! His luck is about to change.
Initial D Stage 4
Atrium 2 Sunday, 3:45am
(Dub, 13+, 165 min) Now that he has joined the Project D racing crew, Takumi tries to defeat all
challengers in order to become the best racer around.
Speed Grapher
Atrium 1 Sunday, 4:00am
(Dub, 17+, 100 min) Saiga, a former war photographer, tries to infiltrate the Roppongi Club, where a
secret ritual is taking place. The ritual awakens a special ability in him, the power to make things explode
once photographed. Saiga investigates to learn the secret of the ritual and the woman who performed it.
Case Closed The Movie: The Time Bombed Skyscraper
Atrium 8 Sunday, 4:00am
(Dub, 13+, 94 min) Kid detective Shinichi Kudo is invited to a party held by a famous architect.
Unfortunately, a mysterious bomber has laced the building with explosives! Fortunately, the bomber has
left clues to follow, and following clues is what Kudo does best!
Naruto Shippuden: The Movie
Atrium 7 Sunday, 4:45am
(Dub, 16+, 94 min) Naruto pledges to protect a priestess, the only one who can stop a rampaging spirit. The
priestess has prophesied Naruto’s death, but Naruto isn’t one to let a little thing like that stand in his way!
Negima!? Spring and Summer
Atrium 1 Sunday, 5:45am
(Dub, 17+, 56 min) Negi, a 10 year old sorcerer/ teacher, is still the center of attention of his students.
Ayaka tries to get him alone for a romantic getaway but the rest of the class finds out. Later, Negi is
accidentally tied to Nodoka by the red string of fate.
Ranma 1/2
Atrium 8 Sunday, 5:45am
(Sub, 13+, 100 min) Teenaged, gender-bending, martial arts master Ranma has plenty of trouble with
two fiancées, a good-for-nothing father, and plenty of rivals who want to kill him. When his childhood
buddy Ukyou shows up in town, Ranma thinks he’s finally gotten a break - but Ukyou has a score to
settle with him, and a secret that will make Ranma’s life harder than ever...
Ouran High School Host Club
Atrium 2 Sunday, 6:30am
(Dub, 14+, 175 min) Haruhi Fujioka is on scholarship at an expensive school. When Haruhi suddenly becomes
indebted to the Host Club, a group of handsome boys that charm bored female students for a fee, the only way to
pay them back is to join them. Only, they’ve mistaken her for a boy.
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed
Atrium 7 Sunday, 6:30am
(Sub, 14+, 150 min) The Shigofumi Mail Carriers deliver messages from the recently departed to their
loved ones. Most of the carriers are dead themselves, but not Fumika. She is still aging and somehow
happens to be mysteriously still alive. She is dedicated to her job, no matter how dangerous it might be.
Save Me! Lollipop
Atrium 1 Sunday, 6:45am
(Dub, 14+, 180 min) Sorcerers from another world have come in search of the coveted Crystal Pearl.
One problem, Nina ate the Crystal Pearl, mistaking it for a piece of candy. Ichii and Zero vow to
protect her until the Pearl can be reclaimed. Is it a dream come true, or will it end up a nightmare?
Astro Boy (1963)
Atrium 8 Sunday, 7:30am
(Dub, G, 131 min) Relive the most classic of classic anime, the original Astro Boy. Astro Boy is a robot created by Dr. Boyton in
his son’s image. Imbued with amazing powers, Astro Boy travels the world and beyond to fight evil and protect the innocent!
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit
Atrium 7 Sunday, 9:00am
(Sub, 13+, 100 min) The Spearwoman Balsa has vowed to save eight innocent lives to atone for a tragic past.
Prince Chagum, cursed, or possibly blessed, to carry the egg of a water spirit is the boy she has chosen to be her
eighth and final charge. With an entire kingdom hunting him down, though, Balsa has her work cut out for her.
Atrium 2 Sunday, 9:30am
(Sub, 13+, 100 min) InuYasha and Kagome continue to search for the shards of the Shikon Jewel. A
demon witch named Urasue has sinister plans for Kagome, though, to use her to reanimate the original
holder of Kagome’s soul: Kikyo, the woman InuYasha once loved!
Kiddy Grade
Atrium 1 Sunday, 9:45am
(Dub, 13+, 71 min) The ES force is the primary law enforcement organization in the galaxy. Eclair and
Lumiere are two of its top agents. They travel the galaxy to bring criminals to justice.
Azumanga Daioh
Atrium 8 Sunday, 9:45am
(Dub, 13+, 121 min) Chiyo and Osaka join Miss Yukari’s high school class. Chiyo is a genius and Osaka…is not.
They both quickly make friends with the other eccentric girls in Miss Yukari’s class in this slice of life comedy.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2
Atrium 7 Sunday, 10:45am
(Sub, 13+, 100 min) Haruhi is determined to make sure things go her way. When she wishes for the perfect summer,
she won’t stop until she gets it- even if that means reliving the same summer again and again and again...
Romeo x Juliet
Atrium 1 Sunday, 11:00am
(Dub, 13+, 144 min) The classic tale of star-crossed lovers is reborn in the in the fantastic floating city known as Neo Verona.
Atrium 2 Sunday, 11:15am
(Dub, 16+, 92 min) In search of her companion Raki, half-demon Claire encounters a fellow warrior,
mortally wounded. With her last breath, she tells Claire that her friends have been captured by Riful, a
Youma of terrifying power, and her lover Dauf. Will Claire be able to save them?
Dirty Pair: TV Series
Atrium 8 Sunday, 12:00pm
(Sub, 13+, 125 min) As members of the World Welfare Works Association, Kei and Yuri’s job is to
resolve crises throughout the universe. You can tell where they’ve been by the resulting destruction. Their
reputation has earned them the unwanted nickname of the “Dirty Pair.”
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Atrium 7 Sunday, 12:30pm
(Dub, 14+, 171 min) Al has been captured by the avaricious Greed! The cavalry is on the way to
save him lead by King Bradley himself. At the same time, royalty from the eastern nation of Xing have
arrived, bringing with them an intriguing new form of Alchemy - as well as plenty of plain old intrigue.
Atrium 2 Sunday, 1:00pm
(Dub, 14+, 175 min) Synethesisa is a power where the senses become blended, colors have scent, and
sounds contain images. Through the use of Biochemical weapons some humans have gained this power and
are recruited into becoming the perfect assassins. They are also being targeted. Welcome to the war.
Gurren Lagann
Atrium 1 Sunday, 1:30pm
(Dub, 13+, 125 min) Humanity is forced to live underground by an invasion of violent monsters. When
Kamina and Simon discover a robotic relic, the two set out on an adventure to reclaim the world!
Iria: Zeiram the Animation
Atrium 8 Sunday, 2:15pm
(Sub, 13+, 87 min) A pair of young bounty hunters discover a terrifying secret. A deadly life form has been
imported to develop a lethal bio-weapon. How can these novice bounty hunters save the populace?
video index
Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy
Astro Boy (1963)
Azumanga Daioh
Black Butler
Black Lagoon
Blood: The Last Vampire
Case Closed: The Time Bombed Skyscraper
Casshern Sins
Chrome Shelled Regios
Code Geass
Corpse Princess (Shikabane Hime: Aka (TV))
Cowboy Bebop
D. Gray Man
Death Note
Dirty Pair: TV Series
Dragon Ball Z Kai
Eden of the East
Elfen Lied
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance
Fate/Stay Night
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ghost In The Shell: The Movie
Gin Tama
Gundam Wing
Gurren Lagann
Hayate the Combat Butler
Hellsing Ultimate
Hetalia: Axis Powers
Initial D Stage 3
Initial D Stage 4
Iria: Zeiram the Animation
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Kiddy Grade
Kino’s Journey
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Last Exile
Linebarrels of Iron
Living for the Day After Tomorrow
Atrium Time
2 FRI, 2:30pm
8 SAT, 6:45am
8 SUN, 12:15am
8 SUN, 7:30am
8 SUN, 9:45am
1 SAT, 11:30pm
7 SAT, 5:15pm
2 FRI, 6:30pm
8 SAT, 3:30am
2 SUN, 1:00pm
8 SUN, 4:00am
7 SUN, 1:45am
7 SAT, 11:15pm
7 FRI, 1:45pm
2 SUN, 11:15am
2 SAT, 1:15pm
1 FRI, 10:00pm
8 SAT, 4:00pm
2 SAT, 8:45pm
8 SAT, 6:15pm
8 SUN, 12:00pm
1 FRI, 1:30pm
7 FRI, 10:00pm
2 SAT, 1:30am
7 FRI, 8:15pm
7 SAT, 1:15pm
2 FRI, 4:45pm
2 SAT, 7:45am
7 SUN, 12:30pm
8 SAT, 2:15pm
8 FRI, 8:45pm
7 SAT, 4:45am
8 FRI, 4:45pm
1 SUN, 1:30pm
7 SAT, 10:15am
2 SAT, 12:30am
7 SAT, 8:15pm
1 SUN, 1:15am
2 SAT, 11:30am
2 SUN, 3:45am
2 SUN, 9:30am
8 SUN, 2:15pm
8 SAT, 10:15am
1 SUN, 9:45am
8 SAT, 10:30pm
1 SAT, 3:45am
2 SAT, 6:00am
1 SAT, 9:00pm
2 FRI, 8:15pm
Atrium Time
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
2 SUN, 2:00am
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: A War in the Pocket
2 SAT, 9:00am
Moonlight Mile
1 SAT, 4:15pm
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit
7 SUN, 9:00am
Murder Princess
1 FRI, 11:00am
Nabari no Ou
1 SAT, 10:45am
7 SAT, 3:00am
Naruto Shippuden: The Movie
7 SUN, 4:45am
8 SAT, 12:30am
Negima!? Spring and Summer
1 SUN, 5:45am
8 SUN, 1:30am
Nyan Koi!
7 SAT, 7:45am
Oh! Edo Rocket
1 SAT, 12:45am
Ouran High School Host Club
2 SUN, 6:30am
Pokémon the First Movie - Mewtwo vs. Mew
8 SAT, 8:30am
Ranma 1/2
8 SUN, 5:45am
Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV
8 FRI, 3:00pm
Romeo x Juliet
1 SUN, 11:00am
Rurouni Kenshin
8 SAT, 12:30pm
Sacred Blacksmith
7 SAT, 12:30am
Sasami: Magical Girls Club
1 SAT, 7:45am
Save Me! Lollipop
1 SUN, 6:45am
Scrapped Princess
2 SAT, 7:00pm
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings
1 SAT, 6:00pm
Serial Experiments Lain
8 FRI, 10:45pm
Shakugan no Shana
2 SAT, 3:30pm
Shigofumi - Letters from the Departed
7 SUN, 6:30am
1 SUN, 2:15am
Slayers Revolution
7 FRI, 11:15am
Soul Eater
7 FRI, 4:30pm
Speed Grapher
1 SUN, 4:00am
Spice and Wolf
1 FRI, 4:30pm
Summer Wars
7 SAT, 3:15pm
Tears to Tiara
1 FRI, 7:00pm
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
8 FRI, 7:00pm
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2
7 SUN, 10:45am
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan & Nyoron Churuya-san 7 FRI, 7:00pm
The Skull Man
2 SAT, 11:30pm
The Twelve Kingdoms
8 FRI, 12:45pm
The Wallflower
1 SAT, 5:30am
Trinity Blood
8 SAT, 8:00pm
2 FRI, 11:00am
Urusei Yatsura: Only You
8 SAT, 5:00am
Vampire Knight
2 FRI, 10:45pm
Vision of Escaflowne
8 FRI, 11:00am
When They Cry
2 SAT, 3:45am
Xam’d Lost Memories
1 SAT, 1:45pm
2 FRI, 12:45pm
YuYu Hakusho
2 SAT, 5:15pm
Anime Detour Staff
Kale Ganann, Co-Chairman
Stephen Gifford, Co-Chairman
Kim Hofer, Treasurer
Heather Buffkin, Division Head
Dan O’Leary, Division Head
Jayson Stob, Division Head
Jayson Stob (Head)
Christina Facchin (Sub-Head)
Tristan Anderson
Tim Dubis
Kevin Ehrler
Holly Hendrickson
Bill Murashie
Chuck Roberts
Michelle Clark (Head)
Seamus Kirwin (Sub-Head)
Jennifer Bergk
Firbaelvan Carnes
Dante DeNicola
Cassie Jahn
Theresa Jahn
Laura E. Johnson
Michelle Kruta
Cat Lane
Jules Mohr
Kat Pepmiller
John Pieper
Ann Randolph
Jessa Stahmann
Joe Swanson
George White Jr.
Sarah Wilks
Eryn Hildebrand (Head)
Rin Schwartz (Sub-Head)
Dave Bernhardt
Mike Ericson
Theora Hildebrand
Cassie Tilbury
Dealer Services
Rebecca Schrom (Head)
Emily Kringle (Sub-Head)
Katelyn Johnson
Elizabeth Sloan
Jeffrey Stenzel (Head)
Matt McMillan (Sub-Head)
James Trainor (Sub-Head)
Patty Boris
Brian Hagen
Jason Horning
Ryan Juel
Antoine Kennedy
Justin Kvithyll
Robert Setter
Jourdan Vivier
Guest Services
Anton Petersen (Head)
Megan Brown (Sub-Head)
Megan Petersen (Sub-Head)
Ryan Benike
Michael Byrne
Nikki Carithers
Jan DeSirey
Tom Hogan
Linda Petersen
Jody Wurl
Joshua Spotts (Head)
Ted Berquam III
Liz Hernandez
Chris Lettermann
Andrew McKay
Danielle McKay
Matthew Hoffman (Head)
Ben Amundson (Sub-Head)
Nate Balas
Cheri Bittis
Sarah Nelson
Sari Hagen (Head)
Holly Hendrikson (Staff Artist)
Dian Huynh (Staff Artist)
Joni Jensen (Staff Artist)
Jessi Silver (Staff Artist)
Micah Snead (Head)
Bethany Anderson
Rachel Gemlo
Christina Kramer
Katelyn Matthes
Sherice Scott
Josh Snead
Rebekah Snead
Jon Tuinstra
Nakita Venus
Damarra Atkins (Head)
Paige Bierbrauer
Bridget Briosi
Lee Hengsescht
Jay Collette Herald-Gordan
Amanda Maus
Ana Shirley
Kraig Finney (Co-Head)
Jay Curry
Danielle McKay
Andy Murphy
Jo Thomsen (Head)
Lori Fischer (Sub-Head)
Laura Graves (Sub-Head)
Evan Miller (Sub-Head)
Alan Berkner
Heather Bufkin
Alexandra Howes
Alex Mei
Michelle Peterson-Reisdorff
Jessi Silver
Scott Saniti (Co-Head)
Andy Tso (Co-Head)
Clarissa Bauer (Sub-Head)
Andrew Benson
Andrew Bopp
Mike Bopp
Val Campion
Janette Dunder
Matt Floeder
Jen Gustason
Cynthia Malinowski
Aries Marquin
Jacob McCue
Mike Nicchetta
Tegan Rolek
Cassie Tilbury
Room Parties
Holly Spotts (Head)
José Rivera (Sub-Head)
Lindsay Savage (Sub-Head)
Patrick Andrle (Head)
Erick Hofer (Sub-Head)
Dawn Ahrens
Kelly Andrle
Samantha Cozort
Victoria Ernst
Kraig Finney
Richard Glidden
Heather Hovind
Erin Koon
Chris Picotte
Steven Radabaugh
Jesse Rock
Brian Jonas (Co-Head)
Aaron Ziegler (Co-Head)
Sari Hagen
Nathan Hoemke
Joni Jensen
Aaron Vander Giessen
Lauren Ganann (Co-Head)
Marian Gagliardi
Mark Hansen
Hope Kronen
Andrew Lunceford
Diana Steben
Emily Stewart
Ryan Juel (Co-Head)
John Koniges (Co-Head)
TJ Hildebrand
Karl Jakober
Scott Saniti
Matt Paulson (Co-Head)
Rin Schwartz (Co-Head)
Charlotte Nickerson (Sub-Head)
Dan O’Leary (Sub-Head)
Alan Berkner (Advisor)
Ben Amundson
Michael Anderson
Jennifer Bergk
Travis Bergren
Chris Bloom
Kyle Bongard
Emily Braun
Andy Breth
David Chamberlain
Dan Comstock
Rob Conde
Jake Dent
Skylar Dunn-Sperling
Collin Fitch
Samantha Fox
Justin Gorres
Jay Colette Herald-Gordon
John Hermonstorfer
Samuel Hoska
Charlie Hickey
Amy Johnson
Erica Johnson
Jere Johnson
Laura Johnson
Gregory Keil
Laure Lally
Charles Lange
Mike Larson
Archie Lewis
Chuck Lindemann
Deb Lovely
Kelly McLaughlin
Mike Nicchetta
Tanya Opitz
Michael Paulson
Ashlee Plath
Eric Roux
David Runkle
Karen Runkle
Christopher Schmidt
Shastina Smith-Dominguez
Jessa Stahmann
Mike Stenstrom
Joshua Strawn
Brian Weller
Thank You and Sponsors
The Chairman and Staff would like to thank the following people who became sponsoring members of Anime Detour 2011:
Richard Adams
Bill Allen
Rachel Attebery
Steven Baker
Brad Benjamin
Landis Bleeker
Sarah Bloy
Robin Bodhaine
Kyle Bongard
Mike Bopp
Evan Braaten
Heather Bufkin
Brian Burke
Sarah Butenhoff
Andrew Carleton
Sara Castro
Keith Coggshall
Jay Curry
Linsday Emert
Matthew Estenson
Michael Estenson
David Falls
Amber Focht
Evan Folman
Caitlin Ginther
Corbin Gjerstad
Kari Hager
Kristi Hager
Matt Halverson
Jenna Hamlar
Jason Hanson
Margaret Harrison
John Haverty
John Higgins
Travis Hildebrand
Erin Hochhalter
Mike Hochhalter
John Hokenson
Phaeton Holland
Brandon House
Charles Hultner
Sarah Janssen
Jeffrey Jasan
Zach Jensen
Keith Jipson
Chris Kilpatrick
Todd Knight
Matthew Knowlton
Katherine Koch
John Koniges
Jerad Lanes
Jessica Lanes
Samantha Langford
John Lash
Kris Lehman
Ray Lehman
Jeff Lindberg
Darell Lubahn
Timothy Maahs
Wes May
Matt Mayfield
Sarah Metty
Sara Meyers
Naomi Mielke
Ian Morris
Bill Murashie
Adelaide Nelson
Sam Nelson
Andrew Nowak
Alexandra Olson
Jennifer Paul
Matt Paulson
Nigel Paulson
Christopher Picotte
Aaron Prudholm
Chris Ramsay
Jake Rick
Joe Rick
Amy Roach
Tegan Rolek
Damien Rossi
Baqi Salahud-Din
Scott Saniti
Megan Schrader
Matt Sexton
Andrew Tho
Nicole Thury
Haide Tryon
Jose Tryon
Andy Tso
Toni Turner
Becky Tveit
Marshall Villebrun
Nicolas Villebrun
Vansay Vivanh
Lilly Wallin
Carol Whitson
Jenea Ylinen
Donald Zimmerman
Donald Zimmerman
We would also like to thank the following companies for their contributions:
AnimEigo, Aniplex USA, Bandai, FUNimation Entertainment, Manga Entertainment, Media Blasters, Right Stuf
International, Section 23 Films, Sentai Filmworks, and Viz Media
Local fan organizations who advised us, encouraged us and whose members help as Volunteers or Staff include:
Geek Partnership Society
Manga Anime Society, from the University of Minnesota
SFen, which sponsors MarsCon
SF Minnesota, which sponsors Diversicon
Last but certainly not least, we’d like to thank our hosts, the management and staff of the Sheraton
Bloomington Hotel.
Program Book Credits
Editors: Laura Graves, Sarah Hagen, Brian Hagen, Brian Jonas, Jo Thomsen
Graphic Design: Sarah Hagen Cover Illustration: Holly Hendrickson
Illustrations: Holly Hendrickson, Joni Jensen
The Anime Detour 2011 Program Book is Copyright © 2011 by Anime Twin Cities, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Anime Detour logo is the property of Anime Twin Cities, Inc. No portion of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express written consent of Anime Twin Cities, Inc.