MA Marketing 2006/07 Choosing Your Dissertation Topic Dr Gretchen Larsen Director of Studies


MA Marketing 2006/07 Choosing Your Dissertation Topic Dr Gretchen Larsen Director of Studies
MA Marketing 2006/07
Choosing Your Dissertation Topic
Dr Gretchen Larsen
Director of Studies
Dr Gretchen Larsen
MA Marketing 2006/07
Marketing Topics
Marketing strategy
New product development
Advertising and promotion
Distribution and logistics
Business marketing
Direct marketing
Dr Gretchen Larsen
MA Marketing 2006/07
International marketing
Services marketing
Arts marketing
Consumer behaviour
Segmentation studies
Ethics and CSR
Group Research Themes
Consumer Research
Symbolic consumption
Consumer rights and policy
Consumer ethnography
Ethical behaviour
Marketing Management and
Product deletion
Marketing knowledge
International market entry
Dr Gretchen Larsen
MA Marketing 2006/07
Corporate Identity and Branding
– Organisational brands
– Place branding
– Urban regeneration and brand
– Global branding
– Stakeholder identity
– Services: HE, arts, retail
– Not for profit: charities,
government & public sector
– Industrial and B2B
Example Dissertation Topics (1)
Branding Politicians: An Exploratory Approach
Consumption of Music and Gay Identity
Decision Making and Tourism Consumption: The Role of the
The Extent to Which Different Musical Genres Influence the
Recall of a Brand in a TV Commercial
Corporate Social Responsibility as Service Differentiation
An Investigation of Chinese Consumers’ Buying Motivations of
Skin Care Product
Developing a Model of Buyer-Seller Loyalty in the European
Automotive Industry: A Focus on Business Markets
Dr Gretchen Larsen
MA Marketing 2006/07
Example Dissertation Topics (2)
Revealing the Potential of Brand Extension: Focus on Consumer
Experience Through Experiential Marketing
How Customer Relationship Management Affects Customer
Foshan City Branding: An Examination of Stakeholder
Perception and Evaluation of Marketing Communication of
Foshan Tourism
To Create and Retain Offline Brand Equity by Means of Internet
A Study of Relationship Marketing in Life Insurance Industry in
Taiwan: An Application of Commitment Trust Theory
A Study of the Attitudes of Hong Kong People Towards Soccer
Betting: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Dr Gretchen Larsen
MA Marketing 2006/07
Important Issues
• Knowledge and skills development
• Achievability
• Personal interest
• Future opportunities
• Congruency with research expertise of staff
Dr Gretchen Larsen
MA Marketing 2006/07

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