Research Methods Revision January 2010


Research Methods Revision January 2010
Research Methods Revision
January 2010
Research Methods Revision
 describe the different types of experimental and nonexperimental techniques in Psychological research.
 evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each type
of technique
 Identify ethical issues and how to deal with them
 Identify and use descriptive and inferential stats
 understand the need for Peer review
 decide if psychology is a science
 know the procedure for writing a report
Research Methods Revision
Activity 1
Complete the Research Methods Glossary
Use the text book to help you
10-15 mins
Research Methods Revision
Activity 2
In groups choose 2 types of research from….
lab experiment, natural experiment, field
experiment, correlation, case study,
questionnaire, interview, observation, content
We will share
 For each jot down ..
responses in
20 mins
 definition
 2 examples and why used in these examples
- strengths/ weaknesses
Research Methods Revision
Activity 3
Complete the ‘Defending the design’
10 mins
Research Methods Revision
Activity 4
Draw round hands – on one jot down
reasons why Psychology can be called a
science and on the other 3 points as to
why it can’t
5 mins
Research Methods Revision
Activity 5
 Ethics
 Match the cards
 Write the answers in correct order on the
blank sheet
15-20 mins
Research Methods Revision
Activity 6
 Ethics
 Ethical Committee worksheets Write a proposal for a new piece of
research relating to Addiction.
 Other groups assess ethics of your
20 -25 mins
Research Methods Revision
What is peer review and why is it needed?
Levels of measurement
Nominal: named categories (count how
many in each)
 Ordinal: points in order on a scale (gaps
between points not equal)
 Interval and Ratio: points in order with
equal gaps (ratio has a real zero)
think … NOIR
4 Research Methods
Levels of measurement
Which levels of measurement
are being used in each of the
following tests?
4 Research Methods
How securely attached is your
Tick all of the following which apply:
• s/he runs to me when upset
• s/he hides behind me when
• s/he will play away from me
only if s/he can see me
• s/he brings me things to
show me
4 Research Methods
How good is your memory?
Tick one of the following:
 Excellent – I remember everything
 Very good – I remember all the important
 Okay
 Poor – I forget some important stuff
 Terrible – I forget a lot
4 Research Methods
Parasocial attachments
Which of these TV and video characters
are you attached to?
4 Research Methods
How quickly does a child cry
when left alone?
Timed in seconds from
the departure of the
primary carer
4 Research Methods
Does repetition help recall?
Number of
repetitions of a
syllable and its
effect on
accuracy of
4 Research Methods
Improving eyewitness testimony
Which of the following factors do you think is most
important in improving eyewitness recall?
• Immediate access to pen and paper to jot down what they
can remember
• Helping them by asking them guiding questions
• Returning eyewitnesses to the
scene of the crime
• Using scene reconstruction to help
them to feel the same as they did at
the time
• Letting them discuss what has
happened with other witnesses
4 Research Methods
Are these subjects sciences?
 Biology
 Geography
 Psychology
 RE
 Physics
4 Research Methods
Inferential Tests
Spot the inferential test
 Look at the scenarios on
Which Inferential test would you use in
each case
 Justify your choice.
Pub quiz
 Use Quick Quiz round 1
 Mark Round 1
 Round 2
 Mark round 2