Quality Management 1
Quality Management 1 ISO 9000:2000 What Is Quality? Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements 2 Quality Techniques & QMS Standards Quality Control Quality Assurance Quality Management (Detection) (Prevention) (Direction) BS 5750 1979-1987 ISO 9001/2/3 1987-2000 ISO 9001 2000 3 What Is A Quality Management System? Planned Individually Implemented Collectively People Processes Materials Equipment Resources Documented System Describes how this happens System “Best Practice” 4 Why Document? • Communication Tool • Manage Change • Aids consistency • Record of Best Practice • Enables Effective Audit • ISO 9001 Pre-requisite 5 Documented Q.M.S. INTENT POLICY QUALITY MANUAL PROCEDURES WHAT? HOW? WHY? LOCAL/WORK INSTRUCTIONS RECORDS / FORMS PROOF 6 ISO 9001:2000 The Structure: ISO 9001 - Q.M.S. Requirements ISO 9004 - Q.M.S. Guidelines on Performance Improvement ISO 9000 - Q.M.S. Fundamentals & Vocabulary 7 4.1 Control Our Processes 4.2 Control Our Documentation 5.3 Policy Objectives 5.4 Determine & Communicate 5.2 Customer Focus 5.5 Authority & Responsibilities 5.1 Committed Review 5.6 Customer 8.2.1 5. Managed Satisfaction 8.2.2 System 8.2.3 Processes 8.2.4 Product 8.3 Non-conforming Product 8.4 Data & Info 8.5.2 Corrective Action 8.5.3 Preventive Action 8. Measure GOOD Analyse COMPANY Improve ISO 6. Provide Resources People 6.2 Buildings, Equipment, Machinery, etc 6.3 Environment 6.4 7. Do What the Customer Wants 7.1 Planning 7.2 Selling 7.3 Designing 7.4 Purchasing Production 7.5 7.6 Calibrating 8 ISO 9001:2000 Based on the 8 Quality Management Principles: 1. Customer Focus 2. Leadership 3. Involvement of People 4. Process Approach 5. System Approach to Management 6. Continual Improvement 7. Factual Approach to Decision Making 8. Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships 9 Quality Management Process Model Continual improvement of the quality management system Management Responsibility Customers Customers Resource management Requirements Input Product Realisation Measurement, analysis and improvement Satisfaction Output Product 10 So the Quality Management System (ISO9001) defines what the organization does to ensure that its products or services satisfy the customer's quality requirements and comply with any regulations applicable to those products or services. ISO 14000 is primarily concerned with "environmental management". In plain language, this means what the organization does to minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities. 11 ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard for environmental management system which can be applied by any organisation. It has much in common with ISO 9001, in particular the PLAN - DO - CHECK- ACT concept. As a minimum, ISO 14001 requires a commitment to legal compliance, continual improvement and pollution prevention. It involves the identification and assessment of all environmental aspects and impacts in order to determine which are significant. These must then be managed so as to minimise harm to the environment. 12 ISO14001 - Environmental management system model for the international standard Environmental Policy Continual improvement Management Review Checking and Corrective Action •Monitoring and measurement •Non-conformance and corrective and preventative action •Records •EMS audits Planning •Environmental aspects •Legal and other requirements •Objectives and targets •Environmental management programmes Implementation and Operation •Structure and responsibility •Training, awareness and competence •Communication •EMS documentation •Document control •Operational control •Emergency preparedness and response 13 ISO 14001 Fundamental requirements Plan, Do, Check and Act to ensure: • prevention of pollution • compliance with environmental regulations (and RR • Standards) and continual improvement in environmental performance 14 Typical questionnaire for ISO14001 effectiveness: Have all employees received environmental training and been briefed? Are business/corporate objectives and targets communicated to the workforce? Can you show progress towards the achievement of objectives and are the relevant managers and employees aware of their actions in this respect? Is the site in a good general state of housekeeping? Has the HS&E policy been reviewed and is the updated copy available throughout the business? Have any incidents been handled appropriately? 15 Typical questionnaire for ISO14001 effectiveness (continued): Have responsibilities been set for communications with the regulatory bodies? Has there been a test of the emergency plans? Was this documented and plans altered accordingly? Are all maintenance/calibration records fully up to date? Has a management review been undertaken and alterations made to the EMS as necessary? Are all operational procedures up-to-date, readily available and being worked to? 16 Why bother Certificating? External view from trained auditors helps focus attention on the real issues. Impending audits provide “motivation” to do things right. Can be a necessary customer requirement in order to do business. Can give competitive advantage. 17
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ISO 9001-2015 Transition training brochure
Twenty-five years after its inception ISO 9001 has undergone a revision and standard has been released recently. While ISO 9001 continues to be relevant to organisations of all sizes and industries, latest revision will build upon the requirements that have made the standard a success by taking into consideration new technological advancements in the workplace and a higher focus on the quality of outputs to customers.
Revised standard has been written using a new high-level structure found in all new management systems standards allowing for easy integration with other standards within an organisation’s management system.
The revised standard:
• Reflect changes in the increasingly complex, demanding and dynamic environments in which organizations operate
• Apply Annex SL of the ISO Directives to enhance compatibility and alignment with other ISO management system standards
• Facilitate effective organizational implementation and effective conformity assessment by first, second and third parties
To improve the understanding of QMS based on new standard ISO 9001:2015, Intertek offers two day IRCA approved transition training which is an intensive course enables participants to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in transitioning from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015.
The courses designed by international specialists in the field of ISMS involving the most modern accelerated learning techniques existing in the field of training.
Who Should Attend?
As a prerequisite for attending this training programme, delegate should have a good knowledge of ISO 9001:2008 and the principles of QMS. As the training courses will be in English, competency in written and spoken English is a minimum requirement to understand this course..
ISO 9001:2008 Transition Training Course Details:
The Course is approved by IRCA. IRCA is regarded as the world leader in the approval of Training Organizations who present auditor training courses. Transition course IRCA No. A17879.
Course Objective
To gain an in-depth and practical understanding of the ISO 9001:2015 changes.This course is designed to:
Explain the purpose and use of annex SL.
Describe to outline the framework for a generic management system.
Explain the new and revised terms and conditions.
Explain the new requirements relating to the context, leadership, planning and support in Annex SL Appendix 2.
Transition arrangements from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015
• Purpose of change from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015
• Chages to ISO 9001:2015
• New and revised terms Standards, Principles and Definitions
• ISO 9001:2015 framework
• New requirements in ISO 9001:2015
• Annex SL
• Transition to ISO 9001:2015
• IRCA Registration for the existing lead auditors for ISO 9001:2008
Experienced Faculty
All the Intertek Training programs are delivered by qualified faculties and subject-matter experts who are able to share their industry experience with your people.
Intertek faculties are registered International Auditors in respective field. They are specially trained on accelerated learning techniques and have working experience in many countries around the globe.
Attending Timing & Timings:
2 days course will begin at 9.00 A.M. and will go up to 6.00 P.M every day.
Certificate: A certificate of attendence of the course will be issued to those participants who satisfactorily complete the requirements of this course. The Certificates will be approved and accredited by IRCA, UK.
Course Fee
8000+14.5% S.T. per participant,
(Inclusive of registration fee, course material, lunch and refreshment etc. for this non-residential course)
Date: 23 & 24 Jan 2016
Venue – Panchkula / Chandigarh
Registration & Nominations
Registration is based on first cum first serve basis. Request you to kindly make the payment in advance to make your registration confirmed. A Registration form is attached to this leaflet.
The Registration form along with the Cheque / DD favoring Intertek India Private Limited and send to our Delhi Office.
For more information or any clarification or to request an In-house Training quote:
Call: 098143 11283 / 093164 73026, Email – [email protected]
Visit us at www.intertek.com/training