Document 6590094
Document 6590094
Raghav Sagar Computer Science & Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 100050001 Dual Degree (B.Tech+M.Tech.) Male DOB: 11 January 1992 Examination University Institute Year Graduation Intermediate/+2 IIT Bombay CBSE Matriculation CBSE IIT Bombay 2015 Emmanuel Mission School, Talwandi, Kota 2010 Maharaja Sawai Man Singh Vidyalaya, 2008 Jaipur CPI / % 8.01 90.00 92.80 SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS All India Rank 111 in IIT Joint Entrance Examination 2010 out of more than 450,000 students All India Rank 139 in AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Exam) 2010 out of more than 1,000,000 students NTSE Scholarship 2008 – Most prestigious school level scholarship, by the MHRD, Government of India INTERNSHIPS Informatica Corporation | Bangalore In-cache Compression/Decompression Summer 2013 Implemented and benchmarked various compression/decompression schemes [C++] Worked on improving cache storage by partially implementing compression/decompression for data cache Silgate Solutions | Mumbai Server-side Software Development in PHP/MySQL Summer 2012 Optimized SQL queries and suggested changes in MySQL table structure Added 'Event Logging' feature (auditlogs) which runs on cron Implemented 'Dynamic Patient Appointment Editor/Viewer' for doctors [PHP/jQuery] ACADEMIC PROJECTS Entity Relationship Query | Dual Degree Project Summer 2014 - Present Guide – Prof. S. Sudarshan, CSE, IIT Bombay Entity Relationship querying over Wikipedia using PATTY (Max Planck Institute) relation set [Java] Category matching for entities using YAGO (Max Planck Institute) knowledge base Integration of Freebase (Google) RDF triplets for querying on the ERQ model Control Flow Graph Language Processor | Compilers Spring 2013 Guide – Prof. Uday Khedker, CSE, IIT Bombay Tokenizing and parsing of intermediate CFG dump files using Lex and Yacc Semantic Analysis and Code Evaluation for the same [C++] Code Generation to pseudo assembly code including register allocation and assignment A* Search | Artificial Intelligence Spring 2013 Guide – Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharya, CSE, IIT Bombay Constructed a generic A* search implementation [Java] Developed and compared many heuristics over several search problems – Dijkstra graph search, Eight Tiles problem, Missionaries and cannibals problem, Robot Navigation Air Traffic Management | Database and Information Systems Autumn 2012 Guide – Prof. Nandlal L Sarda, CSE, IIT Bombay Developed a booking-cum-management portal for a virtual airline [Java, JDBC, SQL] Implemented user accounts for managers and customers with different privileges and functionality Included ͚hopping flights͛ feature using SQL Data Compression | Data Structures and Algorithms Autumn 2011 Guide – Prof. Varsha Apte, CSE, IIT Bombay Implemented well-known lossless compression/decompression techniques - Huffman, Lempel-Ziv (LZ77 and LZ78), Deflate [C++] Implementation is independent of file types Compared performance for the same - compression ratio v/s speed ToyDB | Database and Information Systems Autumn 2012 Guide – Prof. Nandlal L Sarda, CSE, IIT Bombay Implemented MRU and LRU policies on top of a paged file structure with write back support in C Compared performance for the same with respect to - sequential read/write and random read/write Collision Model | Abstractions and Paradigms Spring 2011 Guide – Prof. Amitabha Sanyal, CSE, IIT Bombay Simulated real-life physical collision model, using basic concepts of mechanics Developed it into a two-player 'Pool' game, using the graphics library of PLT-Scheme INDEPENDENT PROJECTS IITB Database | Web n Coding Club, IIT Bombay Summer 2012 Implemented a student database [MySQL] and a web search portal with advanced search [PHP] Implemented user accounts for all IIT Bombay students integrated with LDAP username and password Blackjack Probabilities Autumn 2012 Calculated player winning probability in different scenarios for Blackjack card game by simulation [C++] Analysed game probabilities suggesting smart strategies by plotting insightful graphs ADDITIONAL COURSES AND TECHNICAL SKILLS Courses – Machine Learning, Functional and Logic Programming, Graph Theory Programming – C, C++ [proficient], Java [intermediate], Bash, PLT Scheme, Prolog Web Development – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL Designing – Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY Hostel Dramatics and Film/Media Secretary Autumn 2011 ‐ Spring 2012 Responsible for planning and organizing intra hostel events related to dramatics and film making Conducting dramatics and film making inter hostel General Championship (GC) Coordinator (Design), Student Alumni Relations Cell (SARC) Autumn 2011 ‐ Spring 2012 Facilitated publicity of SARC events by designing event posters and videos EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Played table tennis at inter school and inter hostel championships Participated in photography and short film making inter hostel General Championship (GC) Completed year-long training in table tennis under National Sports Organization, IIT Bombay Volunteered at Phonathon 2011 and Student Alumni Meet 2011 SA‘C Participated in Performing Arts Festival (PAF) 2012