Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick


Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick
to 5.15pm (concludes with a light meal at 5.15pm and Mass at
6.30pm.) Hosted by Bishop Patrick Dunn & Diocesan Presenters. St. Mark’s Parish, Pakuranga Rd. Registrations
essential. Register by Monday 3
November at
[email protected] or call (09) 576 7959. More information
on noticeboard.
In celebration of Eucharist and in your own personal prayer, please remember:
Recently Deceased: Roger Hoe, Val Mutch, Brian
Maynard, Henk Leenderts, Liz Hilton
Others who have died: John Bos (4th Ann), Anna
Yeoh (2nd Ann), Maurice Murray (4th Ann), Bert
Brydon (13th Ann), Edith Hayden (18th Ann),
Jennifer Pritchard (31st Ann) Gordon Carne (1st
Ann), Allan McNeilage (17th Ann)
For the sick: Maureen Stephens; Mick Neenan;
Florence Ho, Pat Hamlet, Lynette Castle, Joan
Schischka, Kristen Smith, Joseph Ross, Joan
Wass, Marie Traue, Joan Arnott, Warren Holt,
Scott Pirie, Peggy Smyth, Josephine Aoun, Lisette Wesseling, Lovest Reynolds, Agnes Duffy,
Sarah Dwyer, Heidi McGowan, John Clapham,
Jack Roux, Cassie Moody, Peter & Margaret
Honnan, Shirley Moore, Carla Enright, Cade
Lucinsky, Dr. Vipul Upadhyay, Virginia Keith,
Brian Dodd, Francis McNabney, Sebastion Bell,
Rosie Rowan, Bert Woolcott, David Maguire,
Ilona Demjen, Thomas Chant, Delia Morris,
Nola Goosman, Jane Millard, Eileen Waldmeyer,
Dang, Lydia Schweder, Phil Kemble, Ferdinand
Sombrero, Nola Wolfe, Glenn Wedlock, Hercille
Kirchner, Louise Noble-Campbell, Katie Murray, Joan Carne, Caroline Egan, Toni Egan,
Maura Poots, Priscilla Stuart, Betty Vodanovich
Please contact the Parish Office to add or remove
names in the prayer list. Thank you.
CLEANING: Julie & Tyrone Kippen, Candice Simmers, Eithne
FLOWERS: Eunice Tam, Cecilia Wong
LAWNS: Ron Reichardt, Warren & Richard Holt
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Rebecca Lehrke, Jacqui Carston,
Sam Gallen, Calling Back: Gabrielle Wood
Co-Ordinator: Brenda Saunders
Hall Preparation: O’Neill & Jowers-Wilding
Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick
5.00: Kathy McNabney, Viktoria Jowers-Wilding
6.30: Bridget Danbrook, Kevin McCormick
8.00: Pamela & Julian Glynn
9.30: Carole Brajkovich, Kusthuri Pillay
5.30: Steve Lincoln, Paul Wahl
5.00: John Clapham, Bryan Tutty
6.30: Benedict & Margaret Chiu, Helen Henkin,
Allan Danbrook, Mike Giddey, Paul Kay, Cynthia
Keenan, Joseph Koshy
8.00: Emily Goh, Helen & Paul Gleeson, Jeannette
& David Wylie, Charles Hurst, Debbie Jenkins,
Peta Lindstrom
9.30: John Downie, Kevin Commins, Margaret De
Haast, Sam Gallen, Giulia Hall, Margaret & Janusz Gorski, Juliana Hughes
5.30: Mike & Thomas Fairweather, Marc Futter,
Dominic Gorski, Anthony Mukhtar
6.30: Betty Nobbs, Rex O’Brien
8.00: Colin & Annette Bisman
9.30: Harris Family
5.30: Fairweather Family
6.30: Bob Whitley, Johanes Gouw
8.00: Clair Kent, Julie Tan-Cheang
9.30: Carol & Rato Brajkovich
5.30: Matthew & Kieran Henkin
6.30: Trish & Noel Vaughan
8.00: Ann & Rob Redmond
9.30: Helen & Mike Hammond
5.30: Fairweather Family
6.30: Clarissa & Sean Gouw, Elias Falanitule
8.00: Anna George, Casey & Sofia Dela Cruz
9.30: Liam Crowe, Todd Griffin, Matthew Mascarenhas
5.30: William Fairweather, Ben Sutherland, Kian
6.30: Maya Ranzinger 8.00: John Cole 9.30: Denise Mendoca 5.30 Colleen Rodriguez
6.30pm: Betty Nobbs 8.00: Gerard Fletcher 9.30:
Mike Currey
6.30: Tony Bryce 8.00: Organ 9.30: Choir 5.30:
Cherie Aronsen
COUNTING: Johanes Gouw, Cedric Pillay
Office & Parish Centre: 18 Par khill Road, PO Box 38-276, Howick
Church: Cor ner of Picton & Par k Hill Roads
Parish Priest: Fr Tony Dunn
Parish Secretary: Linda Van Heer den
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 10.00am -12.30pm; 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Phone: 534-8710 Email:[email protected]
Fax: 535 7563 Web address: www.howickcatholic.org.nz
Beachlands Mass Centre: Beachlands Community Hall
49 Wakelin Rd, Beachlands
2 November 2014, All Souls Day
Masses for Sunday
Weekday Masses
Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri:
9.15am Mass
9.00am Mass
8.00am Mass
Reconciliation - Rite I
Saturday: After 8.00am Mass
1st Friday : After 9.15am Mass
Rosary: Weekdays after Mass
Novena: Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Wednesdays after 9.00am
1st Friday: Adoration 10.00am - 3.30pm
1st Sunday: Divine Mercy 2.50pm
3rd Friday: Healing Mass 9.15am
In Parish Centre:
St Vincent de Paul Committee:
Meeting every first Wednesday at
10.00am (downstairs).
Food bank open every Wednesday
after 9.00am Mass.
Need help? Please contact: David on
273 8859 or Patsy on 534 3940
Interested in becoming a Catholic?
An enquiry group meets every 2nd &
4th Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Parish
Centre or contact the parish office.
Is. 25:6-9; Ps. 26; Rom. 5:5-11; Matt. 11:25-30
Wis. 6:12-16; Ps. 63; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Matt. 25:1-13
Fit For Mission
This weeks Fit For Mission quote from the Diocese:
“In all places and circumstances Christians are called to
hear the cry of the poor. Sometimes we prove hard of heart
and mind. We are forgetful, distracted carried away by the
limitless possibilities for consumption offered by contemporary society.” How do you connect with the poor? What did
you buy this week that you didn’t actually need? Could you
live more simply so that others can simply live?
November is the month we remember our deceased family and
friends. Names of family and friends may be placed in the book
of remembrance which will be in the church during the month of
November. Please print name clearly and include date of death if
possible. The book of remembrance will come up with the offertory procession at each Mass and be placed in front of the altar
during the month of November.
A cross will also be placed in the sanctuary during November
where you will find two baskets of pebbles. You are invited to
write the names of your deceased loved ones on the pebbles and at
the end of the month they will be placed in the graveyard.
The blessing of the graves will take place today, Sunday 2nd November at 3pm. You are all welcome to join the parish for this
time of prayer.
The 9.30am Mass on Sunday 9th November will be a Solemn
Mass for the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.
Pastor’s Column....
Many years ago now there was a delightful BBC interview called “Carry on sweeping the corridors.” It was
an interview with a young mother who was dying with
cancer. As part of the interview she was asked whether
she had any regrets about her life. She paused and
said that she had two regrets: never having prayed
enough, never having loved enough.
Catholic tradition talks of the souls in purgatory being a
place of fire and purification. I think it would be truer to
say that it is a place of regrets, a place of tears.
It was Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who after working for
years assisting people dying and transitioning from this
world to the next, described our life journey as a school
in which we all have lessons to learn and the most
important is that of unconditional love.
The first lesson is to answer the question: who am I?
Many respond to that question by identifying with their
body, thoughts, emotions, relationships, possessions,
roles etc. The school of love invites us to dis-identify
from all these, realising that each of us is a centre of
awareness and a centre of choice. The process of disidentification can be done willingly or unwillingly. If I
fight and struggle against this unfolding, I suffer and
letting go and letting be, becomes more and more a
grief filled process. If we don’t complete this process on
earth, we complete it in purgatory - a school of love in
which I discover who I am and my capacity to receive
the gift of being and the gift of Being - God, Himself.
Never having prayed enough, never having loved
enough is the refrain of purgatory. The lovely thing is
that we can assist our loved ones there through our
prayer, our sacrifices and above all holding them up in
prayer at the Eucharistic sacrifice.
It was the recently beatified Pope Paul VI who encouraged us especially to be mindful of our dead, to talk to
them, to pray for them and ask them to pray for us.
On All Souls the veil between the visible and invisible
world grows very thin, may we be attentive, and respond
to the pleas of our dead for prayer and mindfulness.
God Bless you all,
Father Tony
These are still available from the parish office during
office hours.
It is with fondness and deep respect that we announce the
retirement at the end of this year of Marie Dawson, our
Director of Religious Studies. Marie has been a wonderful
member of staff for the past 28 years, commencing at Our
Lady Star of the Sea in 1986 whilst the school was still sited
in Granger Road. Marie’s role is paramount to the Catholic
Special Character of our school … leading religious education, integrating catholic teaching with other curriculum
areas, providing opportunities for staff professional development and spiritual formation, promoting and nurturing communal spirituality and ensuring that our school is a faith
community endeavouring to spread the Good News by word
and witness. Over the years, Marie has shared a wealth of
faith, knowledge and experience, love and witness to staff,
students and families alike. Her dedication, commitment
and service to catholic education is exemplary. We look
forward to honouring Marie at a Community Farewell, Friday
5th December at 1.20p.m. Further details to follow.
Sacramental Programme Begins
Father Tony will bless the children in the parish Sacramental
programme at the beginning of the Sunday 5:30pm mass.
For the rest of the mass time the children will then go out
with the programme leaders to work in small groups. At the
end of mass parents are asked to wait on the parish centre
deck for their children. With the carpark being such a busy
space children will not be dismissed without an adult present
to collect them. Thank you for your support with this.
Detta Fairweather Coordinator
The Catholic Women’s League is having a raffle on Saturday and Sunday 22nd, 23rd November. There will be several prizes, one of which will be a Christmas Basket. Members of the league are asked to help provide something for
this. If you are able to help with a contribution, please contact Betty on 534 6666 or give your contribution to one of the
committee members before Friday 21st November.
The rosters for the next three months are about to be prepared. If you are going to be away or would like to come off
the roster please contact Helen Henkin by Monday 17th
November on 537 3423 or email [email protected]
NZ Catholic available in the foyer. Cost $4
Remembering Parihaka
Join the Justice and Peace Group as we remember the
non-violent civil resistance of Maori Christians at Parihaka
to government confiscation of their tribal lands in 1880.
Theirs is an important example of Christian non-violence
as humanity continues to struggle today with violence and
war. www.caritas.org.nz/resources/remembering-parihaka
7:30pm - 9pm Monday 10th November at St Marks Pakuranga. All welcome.
Joint Good Shepherd College / The Catholic Institute public lecture to be held at St Columba Centre, Vermont
Street, Ponsonby, on Monday, 3 November at 7.00pm. Dr
Gerard Hall sm, Head of Theology at Australian Catholic
University, Brisbane, will talk on Mary the First Disciple: a
pathway for mission. Free parking, Koha appreciated,
refreshments provided
Catholic Young Professional’s Inaugural Ball
A Night in Paris. You are invited to a formal evening of
dinner, dancing, music and mingling! Saturday 22nd November 2014, Parnell Jubilee Hall, 7pm – midnight. Ticket
cost: $50 single or $90 double (bring some friends!) Register via http://tinyurl.com/cypball2014 or email us at
[email protected]
Christian Meditation - John Main Seminar
The NZ Community for Christian meditation is hosting the
annual John Main Seminar, an international event, this
January at Waikato University, beginning with a Silent
Retreat led by Fr Laurence Freeman OSB, the director of
the World Community for Christian Meditation, and followed by the seminar led by Professor David Tacey, Professor of Literature at La Trobe University, Melbourne.
Dates: Silent Retreat Jan. 12-15. Seminar January 15-18
2015. Post-seminar pilgrimage to the Hokianga January
19-21 2015.
For further information call St Mary's Parish, Papakura
299 6056 or visit www.johnmainseminar2015.com. This is
a special event for the Church in New Zealand. Registration forms in the foyer.
National Dominican Laity Gathering, Auckland, 21-23
November 2014. All laity with links to the Dominican family
are welcome to join us for all or part of this weekend. For
information and registration go to www.dominicans.org.nz
or ring Susan Healy on (09) 817 6464.
Mass Of Remembrance With Bishop Patrick Dunn
Friday 21st November at 7:00pm, St Mary’s 117 Onewa
Hi All
You should have received an email during the week with
all the details of Saturday 8th Nov. Youth Group Families
BBQ & Bonfire Night.
The next Youth Leaders Meeting will be after Uni exams
have finished, so hope you can all make it along.
Youth Contacts: Fran and Steve on 530 8911
[email protected]
Recent Papal Tweets: Pope Francis@Pontifex
‘If faith is to be strong and healthy, it must be constantly
nourished by the Word of God.’
‘The family is where we are formed as people. Every
family is a brick in the building of society.’
Diocesan Activity:
A ‘Soul Group Movie Night’ is on at Imax Event Cinemas,
Queen Street, Tues 4th Nov at 7 pm. Join the Facebook
event http://on.fb.me/1wCjc7D
Check out the noticeboard for upcoming ’Diocesan Youth
Events’ or go to www.akyouth.org.nz to keep up to date.
Rd, Northcote. For all mothers, fathers and family members who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, still-birth or abortion. Also remembered at this Mass
will be the frozen embryos from IVF programs, due to be
discarded from November 22nd this year. For more information on the frozen embryos, visit Family Life International website www.fli.org.nz/prolifeevents or call Mark on 629
“Abby Johnson” a former Planned Parenthood clinic
director turned pro-life advocate will be sharing her powerful conversion story from being immersed in the abortion
industry to being an influential life advocate. Be inspired
and also get an inside view of what really drives the antilife agenda. Fr Jeremy Palman and Mrs Michelle Kaufman
will also be speaking at the mini-conference on December
6th 2014 2pm – 5pm at the Bruce Mason Centre in Takapuna. FREE entry although collection taken. Refreshments served.
For further info see www.fli.org.nz or
phone 08003675433
DRC Youth. Inviting all youth to join us for a time of Praise
and Worship and Fellowship. Friday 14th November. St
Mary’s Church, Avondale 7.00 to 8.30p.m.
Baptised & Fit for Mission. Sunday 9 November 1.00pm