// my notes


// my notes
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2, 2014 // 10:30AM
my notes
Contact G.S.C.C.
Lead Pastor Rev. Adam Nickell [email protected] 519.794.4429
Youth and Music Pastor
Administrative Assistant
Rev. J.P. Smits
Stacey Wight
[email protected]
[email protected]
Supporting Clergy: Rev. Ann Gillies, Rev. Derwyn Docken and Rev. Shirley Ferris
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Don Prince
Cedarside Campus Coordinator: Rev. David McIntyre 519.924.2951
Mailing Address: RR#4, Box 21 Flesherton, ON N0C 1E0
Physical Address: Fire #426176, Concession 8 (North of Grey Road 4, East of Grey Road 13)
GPS Coordinates: 44.303182,-80.518479
Office Hours: Wed. 9:30am-4pm, Thurs. 9:30am-4pm, Fri. 9:30am-4pm
Phone: 519.924.3422
Website: GentleShepherd.ca
Twitter: @gentle_shepherd
Affiliated with:
Facebook: Like us!
Call to Worship & Prayer of
Acts 1:8 // Elder Jan van der Grift
W o r s h i p
Pastor Adam and Team
W o r s h i p
i n
i n
S o n g
G o d ’ s
W o r d
Scripture: Matthew 24:9-14
Message: Live Dead! // Ken Riegert
T h e
L o r d ’ s
W o r s h i p
Jesus Saves! // No. 667
i n
S u p p e r
S o n g
watch n’pray
7 day strategy
M o n d a y
N o v e m b e r
King’s Kids Beavercrest (3pm), Junior Youth @ Cedarside Campus (7pm)
T u e s d a y
N o v e m b e r
Ladies’ Bible Study @ Pascucci’s (9:30am), King’s
Kids Dundalk (3pm), Men’s Bible Study @ David
McIntyre’s (7pm), Pastor Adam and Pete Olver leave
for Ethiopia
W e d n e s d a y
N o v e m b e r
Men’s Breakfast at Knight’s Inn (8am), Acts Bible
Study with Rev. Shirley Ferris (1:30pm), Senior Youth
@ Cedarside (7pm)
T h u r s d a y
N o v e m b e r
King’s Kids @ Macphail (3pm), Choir Practice (7pm)
F r i d a y
S a t u r d a y
N o v e m b e r
N o v e m b e r
S u n d a y
N o v e m b e r
Prayer Meeting (9:30am), Worship Service
(10:30am), Bobby and Sandy Jank visiting
Our condolences this morning to Nancy Riegert in the passing of her
grandmother. We are grateful to have Ken and Nancy with us today.
PTL – Irene’s surgery went very well. The surgeon was able to remove
the 2 largest cysts and slow the growth of the other two. Pray for Irene’s
recovery in London Hospital.
Prayers for recovery for Alex Trafford after undergoing a heart procedure to insert a pacemaker. Alex is recovering now at home.
Continued prayers for Jenny Tilker’s mom Mary Black who is very low in
Markdale Hospital with aggressive brain tumors.
For Gary Jaciuk who is palliative at his daughter’s house in Stratford.
Prayers of Marilyn Jones as she recovers at home from complications
from her recent hip surgery.
Continued prayers for the families of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent of
St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que. and Corporal Nathan Cirillo of Hamilton
senselessly murdered in our Nation.
Prayers for those battling cancer: Lynne Archdekin, Shirley Betts, Jim
Green, Cindy Hargrave, Heather Jackson, Carol Lundsted, Linda
McCready, Joyce McMillan, Betty Mills, Amber Tabor, Cheryl Weatherall (Laura McKillop’s niece).
Ongoing prayer for Jan Dawson, Jan Smits, Karl & Elfriede Engel, John
& Elma MacKinnon, Tim MacNeil, Frank Meredith, Kelly Reid, Joan
White, Les Burnham’s nephew Don Tracey, Rose’s mother and step
father Marsha and Will Vanderleeuw.
Grey Gables Residents: Don Bullock and Susie MacKinnon.
Rockwood Terrace Resident: Margaret Nykorchuk.
please pray for our mission partners
Knitters for food bank or Flesherton Love Committee: most requested items was slippers, all sizes for men, women and children. Also requested men’s socks and knitted dish cloth.
This October 62 boxes were prepared for 66 adults and 52
children. This is the highest number we have ever had and is a
21% increase from last year. The need unfortunately is increasing. Requests have been made for women’s coats, all sizes, snow suits for boy size 6X and boy size 12, also winter boots
for girl size 13 and boy size 12. All winter clothing donations
would be welcome. Needs: canned tomatoes (gardens didn’t
produce), apple juice, pasta sauce, tuna. Next food bank dates
are Tuesday November 11 and Tuesday November 25.
for the fridge door
New Tribes Mission—Bobby & Sandy Jank
Chosen People Ministries—Simchat Yeshua Congregation in Israel
Rev. Ken & Nancy Riegert—SIM/IATW.
Beverley Kalnin—Thailand—FLC
Margaret Thomas Indonesia—OMF
Prayers for Cheryl and Donna Pridham, missionaries at the Widow’s School in
Samaru-Kataf, Nigeria
Rev. Bitrus and Monica Audu, Christ Missionary Outreach, Nigeria
Peter and Georgina Symons serving with SIM Bolivia
Pastor Adam and Pete Olver serving with SIM Ethiopia
Beth Vance and Monica Green serving with Christ for your City in Israel
Peggy Ferris serving with Medical Missions Canada in Ecuador
Thank to all of you for the cards and phone calls and especially your
prayers in the recent passing of my brother Gordie. It truly is a warm
family feeling. In Christ, Larry and Bev.
Tonight at the Cenotaph park in Flesherton from 7pm to 7:30pm. It
will be hosted by area churches. All are welcome to come and say a
prayer and stand in solidarity for brothers and sisters who are persecuted for their Christian beliefs. This will be a family friendly event. Candles will be provided.
Anointing service for the sick on Sunday, November 16th @ 7pm. This
is in accordance with James 5:14-16. We are calling this an
“Anointing” Service because the anointing and faith is our part, healing
is God's part, and the healing is not only for us but to make us witnesses of God's power.
Pastor Adam and Pete Olver will be part of a team of 5 travelling with
SIM to Ethiopia from November 4-13. Prayer partners are needed for
this mission. Sign up today. If you would like to support this mission
financially – please do so with the mission line of your envelopes and
mark it “Ethiopia Mission”.
Peggy Ferris – John Ferris’s sister-in-law will be travelling with Medical
Missions Canada to Ecuador November 8-22 inclusive. The mission is
to provide compassion and healthcare.
Fellowship Lunch on November 23—remember this is an International
Food lunch! Membership meeting will follow the lunch.
Men's Bible Study on the book of John every Tuesday at 7pm at David
McIntyre's, 5 Bonnie Brae Place in Flesherton. 519-924-2951.
Our GSCC Leadership Retreat is coming November 14 & 15 at the
Retreat Centre in Clarksburg.
A summary of the decisions made at the October 22 meeting of the
Council of Elders is posted in the Fellowship Hall.
God is the source
General Fund Weekly Budget: $4899.00 Received Last Week: $9396.00
>>Year to Date—Over (Under) Budget: $6899.00
Mission Fund Weekly Goal: $577.00 Received Last Week: $817.00
>>Year to Date—Over (Under) Goal: ($83.00)