Document 6594824
Document 6594824
ffi PUNJAB STATE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION IIMITED (Regd. Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala-147001 Punjab lndia) Corporcte ldent ity ( O/O Chief Financial ( e-mail-ao-pav(a Nu mbe r:U 40709PB2O70SGCO3 38 74 Officer, (Pay and Accounts & Cash section) Shakti Sadan, Patiala ) pstcl.ors, Phone No .0775-2203636, Fax No. 0175-2203637) To All DDO's u nder PSTCL (AS per list attached ) Memo No: 208/829 Dated: Subject: 05-11-2014 Resardinq transfer of Pensioners from PSTCL to PSPCL Ref: Dy.CAO/P&F Memo No:216 Dated:3/tU2Ol4 &217 Dated: 04lLll2}l4 On the subject cited above, copies of the above referred letters are sent herewith to your office for immediate necessary action. You are requested to send the cases of pensioners drawing pension from your offices alongwith complete documents as per enclosed instructions to this office through Accounts Officers/P&M Circles so that the pensioners drawing pension from PSTCL may be transferred to PSPCL at the earliest. Matter most u rgent. DA/As above I n uy {}pr],uH0'a0trL ^o P.S.T.C.L., Patiala. End.No: 828/34 a sh (c PC ). Dated: 05-11-2014 Copy of the above is forwarded to all AOs/P&M circles PSTCL wlth the request the matter regarding transfer of pensioners from PSTCL to look in to to PSPCL. CC:- ./' of above is forwarded to Senior Executive/lT, PSPCL/PSTCL. Patiala for uploading on PSPCT/PSTCL web-site Please. arztopy pstcl 'qEEmffitFr PUNJAB STATE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION TIMITED (Regd. Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, patiala-147001 punjab tndia) Co rpo rote ( O/O Chief Financial t d entity N u m ber:u4OtOgp B2O tOSc COgg8 t4 Officer, (pay and Accounts & Cash section) Shakti Sadan, patiala ) To All DDO's under pSTCL (AS per list attached) Memo No: 2OB/829 Dated: 0S-tL-20t4 Subject: Ref: herewith Dy.CAO/P&F Memo No:216 Dated: 3/t7/2OI4&217 Dated: O4/tt/2014 on the subject cited above, copies of the above referred retters are sent to your office for immediate necessary action. you are requested to send the cases of pensioners drawing pension your offices atong*itt comprete _from -officurs/p&M documents as per enclosed instructions to this office through Ac.ornt, circres so that the pensioners drawing pension from Matter most urgent. PSTCL may be transferred to pspcl at the earliest. DAr/As above O.ra"r*h $J&'[finr"r.r, P.S.T.C.L., patiala. End.No:828/34 Dated: 05-U-2014 copy of the above is forwarded to a, Aos/p&M circres psrcL with the request to rook in to the matter regarding transfer of pensioners pSpCL from PSTCL to . CC:- Copy of above is forwarded to Senior Executive/tT, PSPCT/pSTCL web_site please. ,r#.7rrra.-. patiala for uploading on Sr. No: Name of Division L.Code Sr/Xen,TLSC Patiala 207 2 Sr/xen,TLSC Jalandha r 27L 3 Sr/Xen,Grid Const. Jalandhar 212 4 Sr/Xen,TLSC Mohali 2!4 5 Sr.Xen/PLC, Amritsar 221 6 Sr.Xen/PLC, Ludhia na 223 7 Sr/Xen,C/W Patiala 262 8 SrlXen,Civil Works Jalandhar 265 9 Sr/Xen,Protection No. I Jalandhar 601 1 10 Sr/Xen,P&M Sarna 603 11 Sr/Xen,P&M Fatehgarh Churian 6L2 t2 Sr/Xen,Protection ll Ludhiana 622 13 Sr/xen,P&M Gobindgarh No. 2 623 t4 Sr/Xen,P&M Mahilpur 631 15 Sr/Xen,P&M Mukatsar 654 16 Sr/Xen,P&M Dhandari Kalan 660 77 ST.XEN/P&M, Jamsher 662 18 Sr/Xen,P&M Wadala Grathian 663 19 Sr/Xen,P&M Civil line Amritsar 655 20 SLDC PATIALA 233 i6Ed 3Eddt Hrffi latrti.Fc {u Eu' s,a, u1.Ea.u1.F1.A6.ufuryrsr ftE n6E6 At!r.6 fr 3Td-'6 t rtffi rrR{.f,61 ffi t: €,-S ri_d€. D6E6 & turdfr u ttiu E'c' u1.u1.B Ftr ftu wcla lt.6rrr,-ao, u1. fifr. u1. fi. As )?raJa1 +6Es n6E-6 EE fi. i t trs d: 216 flr* 'rt6s'o ft Ee rtsa AE. u1. fi. A6 e-asd HSfi HtorrS foe'lftd o'F1t d-6ee Ffug ,nf fi ITETTd: ( er ftX€rH fir*: o(a o. i-ars aets ii: rHss:i: LIr-38 f E'HTfrffi zif,ry aryr zffi dra?fut Ma **1,*J**t* ot75-2213046 Ad bB edq d: *oe(f* ' sc',,\'- fiw &w trran-o, f .o':a:a';firx: ufuDr'6' t r'l ^ a r t LI:Gr6:-,-r fe.r': firS L,{- \t-}o1\ tfr.fr8.4.m.)t5. Dfd-6 B-or4f do dA }6666"i y,{d-6 sa-$6 a-fr6 Frifil fr A-dH6 fus sare e, t:?i:zto flr* B{id-J e Friq fEs dfr-}rr'f,E a k ifi.}r}8.4.m.46. * BA 06.F6-dt'd ftd[6 b{qt6 ye-ets. .ril6 ffi y,tllE g'c d td6 *s1 frC :- e) w) E) H) a-ornr a-s Frifi i.6 firB u.r_as.s m 0686 uo rfiB zs r+d *d EEqc &nfu *.fi.6.*6. rlrd-6 A6E6 sE-*6 a-o-o rr,Er8 lrfiBEt s s.d-d *{ tfc Eq, urers as.r* g DEE6 3E+d AE ffi fra f<s B,r+a-s i-€,8 aruT O-as. zi: 3 r,rfir B t s i{ }ifr arB s.{il? Htrqt +{ frFa ?ifr Fsa ifr F''? Dfi fud u-at& a-e'f6-)1{, € fa }iil drB ers.CT rroary df fr srs,eg # a' ufo f,e frs a.s D6.F-6 3E-d-6 *or fus zrrus u€r dH ttr')r{effi zqiEA }rSB fr ro s'*d # tB t6.r6 3ESd AE Lrq Str.. D16m. fi.) $ }.ta'r Ut{ &q'rr<ro}o.. lr&B S rs{ fd,A-6.rd 3E+d aE d +6lr6-di rd,4'o.. ryfr6 3TEt6 a-sa &-*B uqlr atonr A-dE-6 3E-Sd gfl{ ifi.)t'.f.E1.+6. 4fi6 3u-Sc, a-ec Srd-s micrs s€-Jd EO d u"re'' *fr a fdf,t *d U'rB ilf,d& 3';0a.16 rfrB fr zs 3-Sd *d na..r6 +€-c antd fFE-JH fus 8-J r&r S,..+d-J ur6nro aro-<d {d& u-fi6t E-cd re 3r A-68-6-dr d A-6T6 sa-+e er& Aa'F6 r{nl:r dir6 fug f+* rria-s g'E'o}rEr a'a-ea, u?t fud Li{ Etr rrrffrd t:B: m rl€.6afr a.s.r'fi eihr Rtr al i **;r. t * *(x gu uH ri.Ot:Ur:ar:fuX: q.fuD1r6r I i qEFd ?tsiE-d rneea.x fra 3EetflJ aroo rF f,gfi EF3eE q*& u-e€ re:s-$ U-5F-6 3'q-Eldii *r a.O dfe €rB e.F3refri e'toE, 6: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) oJ 7) 8) e) 10) 11) r2) LT€dorq{ d e ffrE g65s }?rm-6 0686' qus a-o-a1 } t fd aH 6fli Or +e ers E-D ?is} a-d} eE ?id'4, tr 6' ffi. e€Xrft11p HA i6.r5d )1{a{r6 rrrs Utritk. et enfr )rrF6 ffi.a.ts. et dafr Ht.d.k. lrl-e' *co firS d rr rfr !686d yfr ffi U-6Ir6 ldr lil=fi Al rre, fi:1 ar8 t sr +ilEr ttre' dtgt d-a f,r 3.J trr+rgO ffisJ }-qr gr -d€r trda-6 f+ fffa*ara !6.n6 616 EEqJ gf€)rt-d i *S arg' a-eo, uftie't 1996/2006 d't6ir6 fd&.r6 d'da.t ilfrd d]-$ de1il lefrn aqr *f,s dA de Etrq3 81.81.€ t or='tre E( \^^ )$'4i h,-c-(r KdaP ffiz{ zfif,rr aw zt€d d'dziA.HT (td3d tu SH' arcna, I : q':, zf' dr: zr at fuv: ztfr"{w') a*r : *d hB *at f: 0175-2213046 }rt-dtrd, a=-#a-es rau''o frs, f .Ar:Z':ar;fuX: Ufurytg trs ii: 1- I T<rtr qr^/"\ flr$ 3-l t-2o 6 d l\ nEE-6 fi')ax'rfi'fr'D6' b{d-6 + +{ d{ efl{dt '}rrqt6 H A Hiiq fE-s usg nrd-o tiru nu-lfi'Ar-'A'fr'fi'6' ,t"g q frr tur tus Lrqlr ad Ea A6Ea-d A m#=#*iH-;Sfr t . t" s<rs exsr f6.D{r ftTnl,. fr Da-e-c EB Er tu€ ;,]i;"uH;'e1;.r"_-'fts'Li* ft" n'a DB i n6Ea-d fi')tn'A'fr'46' DIqt6 fi.ftH'.A.m.hto. D{ft6 Ad 0646'n'fi8'A'm''t6' e s65{' i 3Eet6 ilda fi e6rdr + fuas rfars * i;"'1f".;;-o-alg " * go, =#"t # #m *g" ats'3n€T uons a-e-c's .n.,},t6. a s€E, 'B q-ffi u-e'f il?:d -n686 a'.s :ifi ryt-arso B' )'r-6frr{ as st M r. -' a+r& 4tfl-6 \[.rrs ,l=,*t*:fux: ? s+ro ffi 3rds at$ mffit 3!d-o dE€Er €rfe !-6' U{rf frr^saro 4qt6 2. 1j3 q" ;,;1 t".""";# ffifgi; Br e-ags s' 6'11 rrr.{} edffi + ilEfle+ f,,.e i= m ;#;';; 'r* 'n* ron'.s oa e-e-ro-5 t*tt n" 1FT" q s t6r6 9-0" d ffi+ na.rc .{,rrs "-o ? srrs umc sud6 a-q fr$ aQ-afrt *ri".rh.f,.ra". 3. i# J *5S. t# #-:;e!d,r ftt 3set6 a-or ufr t6 ffi'ex3af, a-e'ffi: m u-*61 ,.r#-"t ftx srrs wfr6 n6T6 qrrs a-ea1 a a6T6E €1 iflrt{86 eig-d-J Dr) E) H) oj h{H6 i1.u1.6. e1 drul nms fr.d.6. frarfr nt.*.6. Dre'orec S flr* rrre, ** r' ufr i-snr d-r4fr BYt +6F6 fdl f{S :i.d fi?6.8.m. e'?oE' Dre'** 6["]'r I ?3,1,r, t ufio rs'ry dd sA imlrdr sa-*s a-o-e rnffit roB scrs er t:?i: 560 flr* to'z'i+ fu.r': ,k" &t(u i.5, {H But <@- aIE "i u) dr) d2 a'ei nl'ngr Zar e'toE fiff'cfral t *) ffisr i-*drr fr'gfunId i ie1 "rs' a-so'' aftie' t ;i ffi t" Eriq-J ;i e#**i-d-d''ie1t? s- i- ---e-, HifHu aH i-6E5 sE*6 {il6 6S 4. rS ri: : nr6a'o in Uv, ah ad'ffi e *'81'€' - a'atl t:q: 1ia4-s :ar'ts-a tH Ete rt"E" -'Ft'; # "-d' dH su'"rerot Da1{t riq-o ? a-es&t G; d aH"" fi fd fer dH S ftffifdl A " -"-'d" ja Erfi uTscdrH 3 gE3E 'fld-6 ; ,i, i i o d' 3-fldT uqn'-o-fuae-e-d'-Jl$itt q**i{rirxs}de' HroIrEr {ildr } r*e' m €'d= a"-d a6{6 '}i.ia-g' t "'r} "* d -d H ail']id. ";ti;-J ft"Etd+qnb *{1' a";"';# . /r rr{fird'fi A ![.€'64fr a-s r'f itsr f,re-r tl fu" rad" "u-o {nrs {s E} i)nre-o & ,{eqE€T Efus sfi€r f<s +68'6 sgd-g1 i.o H' Et rn'e-oa'x *: 6aF6 d:t aoird gdso I 201 frffi:dr:dr:fEiit: 4.fi6.fiF.m. ulalr.6- 6Jt 3 262 4t rr6ro ttr.rts.-dt di. rmt-e.o <til-d l6a[: reff: Ht /BnRg qtZrrfqqr q6 af?rlrTr 4 2tr Ff6l:ar:dr:feiit: A.*n irdu-d 5 2t2 Ed-a fuor:ffi: drfd-J {r{a.F6 6 265 liffi: fa-€6 *r{dn-6 rdrd tla{F6 tirs F.tq-d 7 601 8 652 622 ll 660 fin-dfr (t) tJoE utZlrrsr t7 ffiufutts' 20 ri'c}n 2t 20 uErr'6' 20 ,* utz t{rsr 20 s ad6Es 7s 81 81 u 153 y-eu ara.Hrrro <rita tirar: 60 Hrt6 z186 ed?iidg drt-J fd.g tfi.ry+ ,+H. fiH+d mtq-d 1l fss Feiq-d cdw '75 Tdq-d q6 10 *S r€:- Urei,arD{ 47 fi.rns.rft. 9 g63iI ryoxs rr6F6il 8'q' 2 q6 ffi rn-a'g rdfiqd (87) 75 z€a erafters 72 297 ofunr'-ar \ra{86 riB-6 2 grurrrrEf Lfr.hrf hlx. ffi {s. 297 69 ,rt ax.rl-. t2 5 Egn ddrs 12 I irsH HrJs zT96 12 t2 t2 FGTI -dIiI 4i,tiI -dkI d6 Afqb{6, (n7) 7s t2 221 Etitq lirat:tEfrt: Ut ri's.Ht atBgsror*ea' I 242 13 666 ul'.)rB )tH. t r€5 6'et6 57 1161 E-drd qn hfnFHd (st) (*) t4 663 ut.DB u.H. l5 612 UI.DB Alr. tfJtr Bfsddr{ gr:}r{t t6 603 t7 2t4 drliF }isrs )13-6 q-Jr6r at*r?F tt l9 2l) 623 654 Tria )frH- ril6r (fl) 220 tn hri. l}H. t-asrr (fl aIt.ilJ ,rs's Ut-br] blHJft6-u-{ (a) 42 fd*ad 42 42 42 42 47 299 299 F€r. Bs aretdi 93 iisr:llJg ryli]dt rg,:}lJs ffit 350 4 E-CrF 46 Eerlrr 47 93 a_ rit6-t:ar:ar: fSiit: ufggz EnzIEru, F-ira' 350 Iif6ta':dr:tE?il: fs':)ir6ffi I ++I i=e7.i.{ d6 a.J E.R. ,it Ut di. zt Drrd.BE6E-l a.bfrs.BnEq-2 (,a.€) {ZaF6 }i86 2 ffiEdr{ ('}r'*) Misc. 42 4 ffi(,ifs) fitait:ar:ar:tii;ii: 75 lffilirs adela.En-t fiafr Iildt:Ar:q'r:f€;il: A.*rr.r}F.*. 18 b l5 riLit:a':a': fi*fi: fu':*ro I d{iirarq 37 Ff6l:ar:ar:tffi: 1 Iil6-I:ar:dr:fii?it: *u.:liro6-sro *s':)ir6 1 Hfa6_rrd 4s9 4s9 1241 1241