Monthly Heartbeat The


Monthly Heartbeat The
The Hope in Christ Church Newsletter
Volume 21 NOVEMBER 2014 Issue 11
2014-10 Thank You
Submitted by Pastor Scott
Thank You!
Jen and I want to thank each of you who have sent cards
or expressed your appreciation for us this past year, and
particularly this past month. It has been very encouraging
to us and each letter has been read and reread multiple
times. We are very blessed to be able to minister to this
body and in the Kingdom of God. Thanks for letting us
know how you have been served or for the words that
you wrote which built up our souls. May the Lord bless
each of you greatly.
2014-10 What is wisdom?
We all want wisdom. We all need wisdom. But what exactly is wisdom? Dictionaries tend to define it as a combination of experience and knowledge that result in good
judgments. But is that truly wisdom? In a worldly sense it
is. But in heavenly sense, Scriptural sense, many of the
things that result in good judgments for living life are
actually not all that wise. Wisdom would say things like
avoiding difficulties is good and don’t let yourself be
burned twice by the same fire. But isn’t it exactly when
we are in the difficulties and have been burned by others
that we need a form of wisdom that will carry us to the
good life?
James opens his letter with an invitation to ask for wisdom if you lack it (James 1:5). Once thing that I had
never really noticed before was that the context of the
need for wisdom is the very situation I am proposing –
trials, difficulties, and hardships. But James also tells us
that if we aren’t committed to wisdom, we shouldn’t ask,
for we are unstable. But how can one know if they are
committed to wisdom without knowing what wisdom
would call them to do in the hardships of life.
Well in chapter three James finally defines the kind of
wisdom we need for the tough times of life. He calls it
heavenly wisdom and he describes it this way, “But the
wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then
peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and
good fruit, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17). Wow!
That is something one can hang their hat on. It is concrete
and very helpful. Wisdom’s chief characteristic is purity.
In the midst of life, purity must be our guide. But in the
midst of difficulty, the call to purity is often the last thing
we consider, we just want to get this hardship over, whatever the cost. Wisdom calls us to maintain a pure heart, a
pure mouth, pure thoughts, and pure actions. It is no wonder that James warns those seeking wisdom to be convinced that they want it, for wisdom will demand a great
price, yet yield a great harvest. Purity is the key, but so is
loving peace. In hardships, are we willing to seek peace
with those causing us pain or do we want revenge and a
chance to get back, or speak our mind or stir up strife for
them? Heavenly wisdom calls us to seek peace and pursue
it, but more than that it calls us to love peace. To hold it
as a high value which we work toward and are willing to
lay our comfort down in order to secure. Loving peace is
more than simply seeking it. It is cherishing it, embracing
it, judging things by their ability to enhance it. Loving
peace is being willing to lay down your life so that others
can find life.
….continued on page 3
Page One
Preaching Series:
Offering Schedule for Nov.
11/16 Eph. 1:4—Identity in Christ: Loved
11/23 Eph 1:7—Identity in Christ: Redeemed
and Forgiven
Giving in September 2014:
Eph. 1:5 –Identity in Christ: Adopted
Eph. 1:6—Identity in Christ: Graces
11/27 Thanksgiving Service
11/30 Ex. 1:22-2:10—Birth of a Liberator
Greeters Schedule
Outside Doors
Dale and Deloris Perry
Bud and Lorraine Brouwer
11/16 Lisa Oppenhuizen and Joe Pruitt
11/23 Karen Smith and Chris Pike
11/27 Thanksgiving—Helen Bowman and Ruth Stadt
11/30 Jay and Avis Kaemingk
Nursery Schedule
General Fund
General Fund
Outreach Fund
General Fund
Outreach Funds—Thanksgiving
Benevolence Fund
General Fund Offerings - $17,707.02
Income from Rentals/Utilities - $550.00
Expenses for September - $21,296.12
YTD General Fund Offerings - $156,574.71
YTD Income from Rent/Utilities - $22,305.16
YTD Expenses - $184,684.08
YTD Budget - $188,762.50*
*Denominational Quotas included
Designated fund offerings:
Adoption - $1,250.00
Benevolence - $70.00
Education - $328.25
Outreach - $775.00
In-Reach - $10.00
Total Designated Fund Offerings: $2,433.25
Loan Balance for CRC Loan - $22,437.66
Loan Balance for Classis Loan - $25,000.00
Pat Bosman and Jenn Boer
Ushering Schedule
Avis Kaemingk and Esther VandenBos
Bud Brouwer and Lou Kooistra
11/16 Lorraine Brouwer and Rosa McAlister
Joe Pruitt and Don Knutson
11/23 Barb Zylstra and Jolene Skovron
11/16 Helen Bowman and Ken Wick
11/27 Thanksgiving—Ida Richards & Denise Doezema
11/23 Len Vander Woude and Bud Brouwer
11/30 Tanya Obbink and Jenn Boer
11/30 Dale and Deloris Perry
Coffee/Snack Schd.
Children & Worship Sch.
Jolene Skovron and Megan Speyer
Elaine Snapper and Deloris Perry
Christine Speyer and Ruth Stadt
Harlean Stegink and Joanne Schultz
Donna VanBeek and Terry Vander Woude
Prayer Room
Terry Vander Woude
Evelyn Kooistra
Denise Doezema
Gary Buma
Ida Richards
Diane Button and Ellie Roberts
Dan Obbink and Megan Speyer
Jen Roberts and Ev Kooistra
Ida Richards and Ali Laninga
Diane Button and Bekah Roberts
Sunday School Schd.
Melissa Koning and Dan Obbink
Melissa Koning and Dan Obbink
Diane Button
Diane Button
Diane Button
Page Two
Items of Interest from October's
Council Meeting
Building & Grounds/Maintenance team reports that repairs need to be done in the ministry house bathrooms,
however, the team doesn’t know the extent of damage
until they start the work.
Rental team reports we have lost rental income because
the Russian church no longer uses our facilities.
Adopt-a-Kid Program – Brian Koning continues to
work with Darlys’ Recker to get this program started.
Terry reports that the new church directories will be
published soon.
Feb. Church Retreat report: Dave Richards will be
meeting with Herm Laninga to go over the report and
possibly have him share at Nov. Council mtg. Dave is
also in contact with another individual outside our
church who may be able to help with future planning.
The proposed 2015 budget was
presented by the deacons. Of particular note was the ongoing and
increasing amount of maintenance/repairs required on our aging campus and the likelihood that
we can’t continue to support this
with our current resources and
level of funding. The proposed
2015 budget was approved as presented by the deacons
and will be presented for input at the pre-budget meeting on Oct. 29 for all members.
The Classical church visitors will be meeting with the
elders at their Nov. 5 meeting.
A Harvest Hymn sing is scheduled for Sunday evening,
Nov. 16. The Table & The Jesus Gathering groups will
be invited to join us.
Classis NW meeting took place at Lynden First CRC on
October 9. Pastor Scott and Mark attended as our delegates.
Submitted by Jerry Hop (Clerk, pro tem)
What is wisdom?....cont. from page one
And the list goes on. Will we lay down our desires to seek
the best benefit of the other? Will we grant pardon to
those oppressing us? Will the fruit of the spirit guide our
actions? Can we maintain a true sincerity towards God
and others in the midst of hard times? All of these are
wrapped up in wisdom. So the next time you find yourself
facing a difficult situation or needing a bit of heavenly
insight, simply ask yourself some questions like these:
Which road forward will bring about the greatest purity in
my life? Are there any attitudes of my heart that betray a
desire for war instead of peace? Which route is contrary
to my warring nature? How can I be considerate of others
and submissive to their needs? Am I truly sincere about
wanting to do things heaven’s way, or do I really want to
live by my own version of wisdom? Honestly answering
these questions will help us to find the way of peace.
Congregational Birthdays
For November
2 Nathan Boer
3 Evelyn Kooistra
3 Serenity McAlister
5 Marilyn Kaiser
11 Christine Speyer
11 Zeke Roberts
12 Mary Kudsk
13 Lou Kooistra
14 Mitch Senti
16 Grace Roberts
17 Karen Smith
18 Clara Skovron
20 Deloris Perry
21 Mike Button
21 Amber Obbink
22 Rosa McAlister
27 Sarah Furler
28 Elisha Senti
Christmas Program
The Sunday School Christmas Program will be December
7th. The children will be practicing their script and songs
on November 16th, 23rd & 30th during the Sunday school
hour, and will also have dress rehearsal on Saturday December 6th in the morning. It will be very helpful to have
the children attend all these practices and rehearsal.
Page Three
Deacon's Digest
Tablecloths Available
By Ali Laninga
By Ruth Stadt
Believe it or not, we are approaching the end of the year
and heading into the Holiday Season of Thanksgiving,
Christmas and New Year. It’s a time to reflect on God’s
goodness in our lives, His gifts to us, and His faithfulness throughout the years.
Tablecloths will be available for all the tables currently
owned by the church, including the round tables. We not
only have colored tablecloths for the round tables, but
will now have the cream colored that will match those
available for the 6 and 8 foot long tables.
The Deacons would like to bring a few items to your
attention as we enter this time of the year.
The Hospitality Team requests that should you use any of
the tablecloths that you return them cleaned and wrinkle
free. Please do not fold them up and leave them in the
closet, but take the time to hang them on the rack located
in the upstairs area of the sanctuary.
The Hymn Sing that was held in August received such
positive feedback that the Deacons have planned another
Hymn Sing for the Fall. So the Fall Sensational Hymn
Sing will be on Sunday, November 16, at 6:30pm followed by a fellowship time over cider and doughnuts.
Two of Bellingham’s church plants, The Table and The
Gathering, have been invited to join us. Who knows, this
might become a quarterly event.
World Renew has designated Sunday, November 2, as
World Hunger Sunday. Look for the insert in the bulletin on November 2nd. Their theme is “Farm to TableTable to Farm.” I hope you will read the insert as it has
some interesting facts about world hunger and what
World Renew is doing to help struggling farmers around
the world grow enough food to feed their families all
year long.
Our Tenth Annual Bazaar and
Craft Sale—November 1
from 9-4:30
What can we do locally to reduce hunger in Whatcom
County? On World Hunger Sunday, November 2, the
Deacons would like to encourage everyone to bring nonperishable food for the Bellingham Food Bank. I have
just started volunteering at the Food Bank again and
would like to share a few facts as to who is helped and
who visits the Bellingham Food Bank:
15% of all families in the Bellingham city limits
use the food bank at least once a year.
50% of food bank recipients are children or senior citizens.
60% of food bank families skip or cut the size of
meals on a weekly basis.
Every month Bellingham Food Bank receives more than
11,000 visits and distributes more than 225,000 pounds
of food. Check out the Bellingham Food Bank website
at and read about their programs and how they work with local farmers to help reduce hunger in Whatcom County.
Donations of baked items, handcrafted items are requested and should be at the church prior to nine on Saturday morning. Help will be needed at 4:30 to re-set up
the sanctuary and move all the tables back in to storage or
classrooms. We will be selling hotdogs and chili, plus
cookies, coffee and hot cider. Bring your knives down to
church for Ken Wick to sharpen—just $2 per knife.
The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you
can do only a little.
Sydney Smith
Page Four
Someone has written these beautiful words. The piece
is a must read. Try to understand the deep meaning
of it. They are like the Ten Guidelines to follow in life
all of the time!
1. Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out
when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout the journey.
2. So why is a car's WINDSHIELD so large and the
Rear View Mirror so small? Because our PAST is not
as important as our FUTURE. So, Look Ahead and
Move on.
3. Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes a few minutes
to burn, but it takes years to write.
4. All things in life are temporary. If they're going
well, enjoy them... they will not last forever. If they're
going wrong, don't worry... they can't last long either.
5. Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the
Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a
Base of Gold!
6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end,
GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, friend, it's
just a bend, not the end!"
7. When GOD solves your problems, you have faith
in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.
8. A blind person asked St. Anthony: "Can there be
anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied,
"Yes, losing your vision!"
9. When you pray for others, God listens to you and
blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and
happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
10. WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's
TROUBLES... it takes away today's PEACE.
We honor our members who are
The following have served our
Glen VanBeek (Donna’s husband) – served during Korean War in Ulm German
Richard Bowman – Air Force, 4 years, served during Korean War
Don Vanderpol – Air National Guard – 26 years
Rene Geleynse – Army, served during Korean War, married to Anne during this time
Doug Scholten – Navy, served during Vietnam War, 28
years total
Bud Brouwer – Army, 3 years in US and Germany
Dale Perry – Army, served during Korean War
Len Vander Woude – Air Force, served during Vietnam
War and also during Operation Desert Storm when reserve unit was activated (14 years total)
Jay Kaemingk – Army, served during Vietnam War
Lou Kooistra – Army Airborne, served during Vietnam
Don Knutson – Naval Air Reserve, Air National Guard
for 14 years
Solomon McAlister – Marines
Bill Feller – Army, Cold War era, married to Peggy during this time, served in Maryland, Germany and Ft. Sill,
Darryl Groothuis - Air Force, Vietnam War
Mervin Figenbaum – World War II; was at the Battle of
the Bulge where he was injured
Roy Stadt (Ruth’s husband) – Army, Panama Canal Zone
Lee Veenstra – Vietnam War, 6 years in the Reserves
Don Snapper – Army, Cuban Missile Crisis, beginning of
Vietnam War
Jim Bean - Navy
James Kudsk – Army
Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak
kindly, and Leave the rest to God.
-- Author Unknown
Page Five
November 2014
1-7:30 set
up for
9:30 Service
11 Sunday Schl
6:30 GEMS Mtg
7pm Laninga
7pm Bldg &
Maint. Mtg
10 Women’s
6pm Prayer
7pm Elders
7pm Deacons
6:30am Men’s
7pm Praise
Team Practice
7pm Men’s Grp
9:30 Service
11 Sunday Schl
7pm Friendship
6:30pm Boers
10am Women’s
7pm Women’s
Study Grp
7pm Council Mtg
6:30am Men’s
7pm Men’s Grp
7pm Praise
Team Practice
10am Women’s
6:30am Men’s
7pm Men’s Grp
7pm Praise
Team Practice
4:30 Scott’s Grp
9:30 Service
11 Sunday Schl
6:30 GEMS Mtg
6:30pm Hymn
9:30 Service
11 Sunday Schl
7pm Friendship
6:30pm Boers
4:30 Scott’s Grp
9:30 Service
11 Sunday Schl
11:30 Potluck
7pm Women’s
Study Grp
Day Service