Activities of IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIR) and Solution DGF08P01 W. Seemüller, Manuela Krügel, Laura Sanchez, Hermann Drewes Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, Alfons-Goppel-Str. 11, D-80539 München/Germany IGS RNAAC SIR SIRGAS Working Group I: Reference Systems DoRu - 19. Juni 2008 Montevideo, Uruguay, May 26-27, 2008 Content • Introduction • Activities of IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIR) • Station Position and Velocity Solution DGF08P01 • Impact of Earthquakes in the SIRGAS Region • Conclusion Introduction • The International GNSS Service (IGS) analysis a global and several regional satellite tracking networks by ten Analysis Centres (AC) and by seven Regional Network Associate Analysis Centres (RNAAC). • Two Global Network Associate Analysis Centres (GNAAC) combine all global and regional network solutions to a global polyhedron • The DGFI is acting as the IGS RNAAC SIR for the Geocentric Reference System for the Americas (SIRGAS) Introduction (cont‘d) • The IGS decided to introduce the new ITRF2005 (IGS05 resp.) solution and to implement absolute phase centre corrections starting with GPS week 1400 • To provide homogeneously processed weekly solutions for the complete time span, IGS RNAAC SIR is reprocessing all former weekly solutions since GPS week 0860 (July 1996) • This talk presents a new position and velocity solution containing the weeks 1199 to 1470 (December 2002 to March 2008) Activities of IGS RNAAC SIR • • The IGS RNAAC is processing all permanent global and regional GPS stations of South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and surrounding areas Each week a coordinate solution is delivered to the IGS data centres At the beginning in July 1996 the weekly solutions contained only 10 IGS stations, today the number of processed stations has increased to 189, 131 of them are regional stations 200 IGS stations regional stations all stations 180 160 No. of stations • 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Activities of IGS RNAAC SIR (cont‘d) • At the workshop of the SIRGAS-WG I in Rio de Janeiro in August 2006, Experimental Processing Centres (EPC) and Experimental Combination Centres (ECC) were installed. The DGFI was appointed as an ECC • At various meetings (e.g. GRF2006, Munich, October 2006) comprisons of EAC solutions w.r.t IGS RNAAC solutions were presented with promising results • ECC results are summarized in the DGFI Report 80 by L. Sanchez et al., 2008 Activities of IGS RNAAC SIR (cont‘d) • Since the year 2000 accumulative combinations of all weekly normal equtions resulting in a multiyear position and velocity solution are generated • Previous position and velocity solutions are DGF00P01, DGF02P01, DGF04P01, and DGF06P01 • Two preliminary solutions DGF07P01 and DGF07P03 with reprocessed solutions were presented at the AGU meetings in Acapulco (May 2007) and San Francisco (December 2007) by posters IGS RNAAC SIR Network (Status: June 19, 2008) -100˚ GOLD -20˚ CHI3 RCM5/RCM6 MTY2 CULI AOML MIA3 NAS0 CULC KYW1 LPAZ INEG EXU0 TAMP SCUB GTK0 UGTO MERI CBSB CAM2 COL2 TOL2 PUR3 CHET GCGT MANZ SMRT VIL2 ELEN OAX2 (TGCV) CRO1 JAMA GUAT TEGU/TEG1 SSIA SLOR ESTI ANDS GRE0 BARB/BDOS MANA CRCS ETCG MARA BANS MOIN PMB1 BOGT SRNW SRZN KOUR GUAV BOAV GALA/GLPS MAPA SAGA S061 BELE RIOP SALU NAUS FORT BRFT MANU MABA CRAT IMPZ PBCG AMHU CRUZ RECF POVE PEPE ALAR RIOB TOPL ROJI ROGM MTSF TOGU SALV BOMJ SAVO,SSA1 CUIB BRAZ MCLA AREQ/ARE2 GOJA UBER MGUB GVAL VICO CEFE (IQQE) MSCG VARG RJCG UEPP/PPTE MGIN RIOD,ONRJ POLI CHPI UBAT UNSA PARA/UFPR NEIA TUCU SCLASCCH COPO IMBT MECO SMAR EISL/ISPA -70˚ ANDS SAMA BQLA CART VALL RIOH MARA MOTE CRCS 20˚ 0˚ ASC1 -20˚ POAL CFAGCORD UCOR UNRO UNSJ MZAC,E,S (VALP) SANT UYRO UYMO IGM0/IGM1 LPGS AZUL CONZ MPLA ANTC LHCL GOUG -40˚ VBCA 10˚ RWSN BANS CUCU APTO -60˚ -20˚ MDO1 -80˚ -40˚ -40˚ BRMU HER2 0˚ -60˚ PIE1 MEXI CIC1 20˚ -80˚ COYQ BUCA BERR MEDE TUNA QUIB DORA FQNE YOPA PERA BOGT IBAG BOGA VIVI BUEN CALI NEVA GUAV POPA TUMA FLOR PSTO PDES PARC RIOG/RIO2 AUTF -60˚ Colombia 0˚ OHIG/OHI2 PALM S061 RIOP VESL -100˚ -80˚ IGS global stations (48) -60˚ SIRGAS regional stations (134) -40˚ -20˚ Stations ceased (11) Earthquakes with impact (Stations with brackets: no observations since more than two years) IGS RNAAC SIR stations ordered by country Country Stations Number IGS Stations Antarctica OHIG/OHI2, VESL Argentina CFAG, CORD, LPGS, RIOG/RIO2, UNSA Barbados BARB/BDOS Regional Stations PALM AUTF, AZUL, IGM0/1, LHCL, MECO, MPLA, MZAC, MZAE, MZAS, PDES, RWSN, TUCU, UCOR, UNRO, UNSJ, VBCA IGS Reg. 2 1 5 16 1 ALAR, AMHU, BELE, BOAV, BOMJ, CEFE, CRAT, CRUZ, CUIB, GOJA, GVAL, IMBT, IMPZ, MABA, Brazil (MANU), MAPA, MCLA, MGIN, MGUB, MSCG, MTSF, NAUS, NEIA, ONRJ, PARA/UFPR, PBCG, BRAZ, BRFT, CHPI, (FORT) PEPE, POAL, POLI, POVE, RECF, RIOB, RIOD, RJCG, ROGM, ROJI, SAGA, SALU, SALV, SAVO, 4 51 SCCH, SCLA, SMAR, SSA1, TOGU, TOPL, UBAT, UBER, UEPP/PPTE, VARG, VICO Cape Verde Chile TGCV Colombia BOGT Costa Rica Cuba Ecuador El Salvador French Guyana Guatemala Honduras Jamaica (MOIN) Mexico CIC1, INEG, (MANZ) Nicaragua Peru Suriname United Kingdom Uruguay USA Venezuela Other regional sites (ESTI), MANA 1 9 ANTC, CONZ, COPO, COYQ, EISL/ISPA, IQQE, PARC, SANT, VALP ANDS, APTO, BERR, BOGA, BQLA, BUCA, BUEN, CALI, CART, CUCU, DORA, FLOR, FQNE, GUAV, IBAG, MEDE, MOTE, NEVA, PERA, POPA, PSTO, QUIB, 1 29 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 16 RIOH, SAMA, TUMA, TUNA, VALL, VIVI, YOPA ETCG SCUB GALA/GLPS, RIOP S061 SSIA KOUR GUAT ELEN (SLOR), (TEGU/TEG1) (JAMA) CAM2, CHET, CHI3, COL2, CULC, (CULI), HER2, LPAZ, MERI, MEXI, MTY2, OAX2, TAMP, TOL2, UGTO, VIL2 3 PMB1, SRNW, SRZN 3 ASC1, BRMU, GOUG UYMO, UYRO Stations in brackets are decommissioned (11 sites) 1 2 1 AREQ (AOML), CRO1, GOLD, MDO1, PIE1, (RCM5/6) 1 KYW1, MIA3, PUR3 6 BANS, CRCS, MARA CBSB, EXU0, GCGT, GRE0, GTK0, NAS0, SMRT Total Number of sites (10 are identical/replaced): 192 48 2 3 3 7 134 Station position and velocity Solution DGF08P01 • The multi-year station and velocity solution DGF08P01 covers the time period from December 2002 (GPS week 1199) to March 2008 (GPS week 1470) with 272 reprocessed weeks • The adjustment is done with the programme ADDNEQ2 of the Bernese GPS software • The main features of the adjustment strategy is described in DGFI Report 79 • For the datum realization we adopted the positions and velocities of the IGS05 stations as fiducials • The positions and velocities of these reference stations were constrained by NNR and NNT conditions w.r.t to IGS05 at epoch 2004.4, such that the network is optimally referred to IGS05 by least squares adjustment IGS05 Fiducial Stations in RNAAC SIR -100˚ GOLD -80˚ -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ PIE1 MDO1 SCUB 20˚ 20˚ CRO1 MANA 0˚ 0˚ GLPS ASC1 BRAZ -20˚ -20˚ CHPI UNSA ISPA CORD SANT LPGS CONZ -40˚ -40˚ -60˚ -60˚ OHI2 VESL -100˚ -80˚ IGS global stations IGS05 fiducial stations -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ IGS regional stations Earthquakes with impact Horizontal Velocities of IGS05 Stations -100˚ GOLD -80˚ -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ PIE1 MDO1 SCUB 20˚ 20˚ This and the next figure CRO1 MANA 0˚ 0˚ GLPS ASC1 BRAZ -20˚ -20˚ CHPI UNSA ISPA CORD SANT LPGS CONZ -40˚ -40˚ -60˚ -60˚ OHI2 2 cm/a IGS05 2 cm/a DGF08P01 VESL -100˚ -80˚ IGS global stations IGS05 fiducial stations -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ IGS regional stations Earthquakes with impact show the horizontal and vertical velocities of the IGS05 reference stations, representing the orientation of the solution DGF08P01; the IGS05 stations MANA and UNSA were excluded for the datum realization. Vertical velocities of IGS05 Stations -100˚ GOLD -80˚ -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ PIE1 MDO1 SCUB 20˚ 20˚ CRO1 MANA 0˚ 0˚ GLPS ASC1 BRAZ -20˚ -20˚ CHPI UNSA ISPA CORD SANT LPGS CONZ -40˚ -40˚ -60˚ -60˚ 1 cm/a OHI2 IGS05 DGF08P01 VESL -100˚ -80˚ IGS global stations IGS05 fiducial stations -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ IGS regional stations Earthquakes with impact Horizontal velocities of all DGF08P01 stations -120˚ -100˚ -80˚ -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ 40˚ 40˚ GOLD PIE1 MDO1 -80˚ SCUB 20˚ 20˚ -75˚ -70˚ ANDS CRO1 RIOH SAMA BQLA MANA CART MARA VALL 10˚ 10˚ MOTE 0˚ 0˚ GLPS BANS CUCU APTO BUCA BERR MEDE ASC1 QUIB TUNA DORA 5˚ 5˚ BOGT IBAG BOGA BUEN BRAZ YOPA FQNE PERA VIVI CALI NEVA -20˚ -20˚ TUMA UNSA ISPA GUAV POPA CHPI FLOR PSTO CORD 0˚ SANT 0˚ LPGS CONZ S061 RIOP -40˚ -40˚ 2 cm/a ITRF2005 2 cm/a DGF08P01 -5˚ -5˚ -80˚ -60˚ IGS Global Station IGS05 Fiducial Station IGS Regional Station 2 cm/a IGS05 2 cm/a DGF08P01 -60˚ OHI2 VESL -120˚ -100˚ -80˚ -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ -75˚ -70˚ Vertical velocities of all DGF08P01 stations -100˚ GOLD -80˚ -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ PIE1 MDO1 -80˚ SCUB 20˚ -75˚ -70˚ 20˚ CRO1 ANDS RIOH SAMA MANA BQLA CART MARA VALL 10˚ 0˚ 10˚ 0˚ GLPS MOTE BANS CUCU APTO ASC1 BUCA BRAZ BERR MEDE QUIB -20˚ -20˚ UNSA ISPA YOPA FQNE PERA 5˚ BOGT IBAG BOGA BUEN CORD SANT TUNA DORA 5˚ CHPI VIVI CALI NEVA LPGS CONZ GUAV POPA -40˚ TUMA -40˚ FLOR PSTO 0˚ 0˚ S061 RIOP -60˚ -60˚ 1 cm/a OHI2 1 cm/a ITRF2005 1 cm/a DGF08P01 VESL IGS05 DGF08P01 -5˚ -100˚ -80˚ -60˚ -40˚ -20˚ -5˚ -80˚ -75˚ -70˚ Impact of earthquakes in the SIRGAS region • The western part of the IGS RNAAC SIR region is a seismically extremely active area, and therefore earthquakes cause many episodic station displacements • These episodic events have to be taken into account in the coordinate and velocity estimates by introducing new position and/or velocity parameters for these stations after an earthquake Earthquake Signals Earthquakes in El Salvador Jan. 13, 2001 4 Earthquakes in Arequipa June 23, 2001 Feb. 13, 2001 2 cm July 07, 2001 NORTH COMPONENT 0 0 These earthquake signals -2 -10 -4 4 EAST COMPONENT have to be excluded from the station and velocity solution 0 Vertical Component North Component East Component -20 cm cm 2 -2 -4 4 -30 UP COMPONENT cm 2 0 -40 -2 -4 1095 3600 2000 1100 1105 GPS Week 20 40 60 80 2001 1110 -50 100 120 170 a) Earthquakes in San Salvador 180 190 Days in 2001 Nov. 15 Jan. 22 IQUIQUE Earthquake at Tarapaca/Chile, June 13, 2005, m = 7.9 Feb. 04 5 NORTH COMPONENT 8 4 cm 210 b) Earthquakes in Peru Earthquakes near Manzanillo Nov. 05 200 4 0 -4 3 -8 EAST COMPONENT 2 cm cm 0 -4 -8 1 -12 0 UP COMPONENT cm 12 -1 8 4 -2 0 1190 1195 1200 1205 1210 1215 GPS Week 280 320 2002 360 0 20 40 60 80 100120140 2003 c) Earthquakes in Mexico -3 155 160 North Component 165 Days 2005 East Component d) Earthquakes near Iquique 170 Vertical Component 175 MARACAIBO (MARA) NORTH COMPONENT 8 6 cm 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 8 EAST COMPONENT 6 cm 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 UP COMPONENT 4 cm 2 0 -2 -4 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 GPS Week 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Conclusion • The DGF08P01 solution is the first reliable station and velocity solution with reprocessed weekly solutions based on the IGS05 reference system and absolute phase centre corrections • All corresponding files of DGF08P01 solution will be available at the DFGI server ftp://ftp.dgfi.badw-muenchen.de/pub/gps/DGF (e.g. DGF08P01.SNX, DGF08P01.CRD, DGF08P01.VEL, DGFI_Report79.pdf, etc.) • The weekly solutions of former years have to be reprocessed (GPS weeks 0860 to 1198)