Document 6596027
Document 6596027
BUNKER SURVEY REPORT GENERATOR ZakosBunkerSurvey® is a user-friendly Bunker and Barge Oil calculation program for All ships, Marine Surveyors and Chief Engineers. A comprehensive set of ASTM-API-IP tables are included together with utilities to complement the tables and refine the calculation. ZakosBunkerSurvey® is controlled by easy to use Menus and Dialogs for easy operation. The ZakosBunkerSurvey® is known to be the most thorough Ship Bunker Calculation in the market. As the program includes ship’s FO/DO Sound/Ullage Table and Trim / Heel corrections has the following benefits : • Avoid calculation errors as ( Interpolation ) for Volume / Trim / Heel • Take off the time Ch.Engineer needs to calculate manualy. • Accurate Calculations of Bunker quantities on both your vessel and the receiving vessel. • Accurate Calculations of Bunker’s Arrival / Saiing Reports • BunkerCalculations Reports can be exported as Excel and send to the office. • Provide comprehensive documentation for each survey report. • Monitoring of Bunkers ROB. Office benefits : • The same software program is installed to the Office computers • On receiving a Barge Bunker delivery receipt the user instantly can recalculate the quantities received. • On receiving from ship’s Ch. Engineer the following : Drafts / Heel and for each tank ( Density / Sound / Temp ) the user instantly can calculate the FO/DO Reports in order to monitoring the Bunkers ROB. • The user can track record of Bunker quantity measurements every voyage. 2 ZAKOS BUNKER SOFTWARE offers the following functions: ZakosBunkerSurvey® Bunker and Barge Oil survey calculation for Product oils using a variety of different units of input and output. All Surveys can be stored in internal memory and quickly retrieved. All Surveys can be output as a printed report. FO / DO Tank Data will be created from Ship's Ullage/Sounding Tables. Supports up to ( 15 FO/DO ) tanks and any kind of Trim/List correction method. Includes VCF: ASTM-API-IP tables 6B ,24B and 54B/D for volume correction factor. Generates the following reports : Ship Reports are: FUEL DIESEL FO / DO FO / DO Report Calculation Report Calculation Arrival Report Calculation Sailing Report Calculation Barge Reports are: FUEL DIESEL Report Calculation Report Calculation From (1) One to (5) five Barge Reports Various Calculation Tools : AVERAGE CONVERS Various API-ASTM-IP Api/Dens/Temp Average calculation Unit Conversion Calculation Tools Tables Includes Tables ( 5AB, 6AB, 23AB, 24AB, 53AB, 54ABD ) API-ASTM-IP Tables included are: Tables 5,23,53 Correction of API, Specific Gravity, Density at observed temp to standard temp for Crude (A), Products (B) and Lube (D) oils. Tables 6,24,54 Computation of Volume correction factor for Crude, Products and Lube oils. Using API@60F, Specific gravity @60F, Density@15C. Table 56 Vacuum to air weight and Weight in air to vacuum Correction factor. Tables 1,2 Conversion of Temperatures, Lengths, Areas, Volumes and Weights. Table 3 Conversion from API @60F to Specific gravity @60F, Density @15C. Table 8 Conversion of API@60F to Pounds per USgal @60F. Table 21 Conversion from Specific gravity @60F to API @60F, Density @15C. Table 51 Conversion from Density @15C to API @60F, Specific gravity @60F. Table 4 Conversion from Barrels @60F to Cubic metres @15C using API @60F Table 52 Conversion from Cubic metres @15C to Barrels @60F using Density @15C. 3 BUNKER CALCULATION ( MAIN MENU ) On the top of the screen appears the ( Main Menu ) with the five (4) horizontal selections and 14 icons as shown in the following illustration: Main Menu 1 2 Toolbar 3 4 5 Exit to windows 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. Start a new calculation 2. Open a stored calculation 3. Open a stored calculation 4. Typying Calc informations 5. Main Program for all calculation forms and reports 6. Calculate Astm Table Factors 7. Volume Calculation using Astm Tables 8. Find Cargo Tank Volume 9. Ullage / Sound e-Tables 10. Calculator 11. About 12. End program and exit to Windows BUNKER MENU 4 The screens shown below are the Ship Bunker Reports of ZakosBunkerSurvey® The Screen shown below is the continuation of ‘ F.O. REPORT ‘ 5 The screens shown below are the Barge Reports of ZakosBunkerSurvey® The Screen shown below is the continuation of ‘ BARGE F.O. REPORT ‘ 6 the screens shown below are the Reports of ZakosBunkerSurvey® F.O. / D.O. Report Calculation 7 Barge F.O. / D.O. Report Calculation Gravity / Temp Average Calculation Find Tank Volume 8 ZAKOS ASTM CALCS : ZakosAstmCalc® is a user-friendly for Dry Cargo and Liquid calculation program for all ships, Marine Surveyors and Ships΄ Officers. ASTM Tables ( 5AB, 6AB, 23AB, 24AB, 53AB,54ABD, 3, 21, 51, 4, 22, 52, 11, 13, 56 ) the screens shown below are the Reports of ZakosAstmCalc® SOUND / ULLAGE ELECTRONIC - TABLES : ( Volume Table ) will be displayed 9 EXPORT BUNKER CALCULATIONS REPORTS AS EXCEL : NOTE : We offer to write similar programs for a fee, for any Cargo /Tanker operator/ Owner who may get in touch with us by e-mail for a sample program at : We offer to write a similar program of one (1) Cargo / Tanker ship of your fleet free of charge for a period of three (3) months test with no obligation from your side for more Informations : KOSTAS ZACHAROPOULOS Phone : +30 210 513 7931 E-mail [email protected]
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