
Visit http://www.mindef.gov.sg for more news and information about MINDEF and the SAF
Date: 7 Nov 2014
Contact person: Adrienne Teo
HP number: 9645 7922
Defence Technology Prize 2014
Every year, the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) awards the Defence Technology Prize (DTP) to
scientists and engineers in recognition of their contributions in strengthening Singapore's defence
capabilities. Established in 1989, this award has since grown in standing and importance, and is
now considered one of the most prestigious awards given at the national level by MINDEF.
The DTP is open to individuals and teams who have made significant technological contributions to
the defence capabilities and security of Singapore. Teams may also comprise members from
different organisations.
Winning the DTP 2014
A judging panel chaired by MINDEF's Chief Defence Scientist Quek Tong Boon selected three
individuals and five team award winners for DTP 2014. All individual winners will receive a trophy
and a certificate. Organisations that have participated and won the Team Awards will also be
presented with a trophy. Each team member will in turn receive a Certificate of Commendation for
his or her role in the project.
DTP Individual (R&D) Award
The award is presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions in pioneering
innovative defence R&D for Singapore. These individuals have also established themselves as
leading authorities in a critical area of defence technology. The winners in this category for DTP
2014 are Ms Lee Yoke Ming from Advanced Technology Research Centre (ATREC) and Mr Han
Yeow Kwang Harry from DSO National Laboratories (DSO).
DTP Individual (Engineering) Award
The award is presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions in pioneering
innovative defence engineering for Singapore. These individuals have also established themselves
as leading authorities in a critical area of defence technology. The winner in this category for DTP
2014 is Mr Tan Ah Tuan from Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA).
DTP Team (R&D) Award
The award is presented to teams for their outstanding accomplishments in research and
development to enhance the defence capabilities of Singapore. The winners in this category for
DTP 2014 are Advanced Electronic Team and Enterprise Security Team from DSO.
DTP Team (Engineering) Award
The award is presented to teams for their outstanding achievements in the delivery of highly
complex engineering solutions and integrated systems in MINDEF’s acquisition programmes. The
winners of this category for DTP 2014 are:
1) The Missile Corvette Upgrade Team from DSTA, Singapore Technologies Engineering and
Republic of Singapore Navy.
2) The Navy Datalink System Team from DSO, DSTA and Republic of Singapore Navy.
3) The Advanced Communications Team from DSTA and DSO.