Out dame de dun dine An died up or de wain
Out dame de dun dine An died up or de wain
Early Years Communication and Language Conference at University Centre Doncaster Back by popular demand! Karl Bowers (SALT) provides a new keynote and continues to follow the tale of Inty, Winty Bider... Out dame de dun dine An died up or de wain An Inty, Winty Bider Dimed up de bout adain! Saturday 29th November 2014 9:00am – 3:30pm Harvey Theatre, High Melton DN5 7SZ (Car Parking is available at the rear of the theatre) Speech, language and communication is essential in underpinning and supporting children’s future development and learning Special Guest Karl Bowers SALT Karl Bower is the Head of Children’s Speech and Language Therapy for a local NHS Hospital Trust. A highly specialist paediatric speech and language therapist with over 16 years experience working with children with speech, language and communication difficulties. A registered member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, a member of the Health and Care Professions Council, an expert communication practitioner and ELKAN tutor. Participation in Standard Funds projects and with a Behaviour and Education Support Team has taken him away from work in traditional therapy environments such as Hospitals / local community clinics and has placed him into educational settings, children’s homes, even providing therapy support on horseback. Karl is a dedicated and conscientious therapist, who believes in supporting children’s communication skills in a child centred, exciting, holistic and creative way. Who is this conference for? • Children Centre Managers • Child Minders • Crèche Workers • Early Years Practitioners • Early Years Professionals • Early Years Teachers • Head Teachers • Higher Level Teaching Assistants • Nursery Nurses • Managers and Owners of Early Years Settings • Learning Support Assistants • Local Authority Advisors • Room Leaders • Students Studying to Work with Children • Teaching Assistants • Teachers in Foundation Stage • Teachers in key Stage 1 Booking fee £32 including lunch and refreshments (please advise of dietary requirements on booking form). The Café bar will be open for hot beverages. Please complete the booking form and forward this with your payment to: HE Admin, Old Hall, University Centre Doncaster, High Melton, DN5 7SZ. If you prefer to pay by credit card tel 01302 553522 but also post your booking form to the above address. Invoices can be raised if this is preferred, please contact Katy Noble. Payment by cheque should be made payable to Doncaster College. For more information please contact: Janine Ryan – Programme Leader Early Childhood Studies Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01302 558248 To book a place contact: Katy Noble Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01302 553549 Programme 9:00am Registration and refreshments 9:30am Karl Bowers: Keynote 11:00amBreak 11:15am Workshop 1 1:00pm Lunch provided, refreshments can be purchased from the Coffee Bar 2:00pm Workshop 2 3:30pmPlenary Workshops – These can be booked on the day 1. Workshop 1: Phonics – A Speech Therapist Perspective 2. Workshop 2: Tots on Tour – Supporting Children’s Language through Song 3. Workshop 3: Supporting Children with EAL 4. Workshop 4: Storytelling in the Garden 5. Workshop 5: Loud and Lively Outdoors 6. Workshop 6: Foundations for Learning – Supporting Children’s Future Literacy Conference Booking Form – 29/11/14 Please complete and send with cheque to: HE Admin, Old Hall, University Centre Doncaster, High Melton, DN5 7SZ If you prefer to pay by credit card tel 01302 553522 or you can request an invoice katy. [email protected] either way you will need to email your booking form to katy.noble@ don.ac.uk Lead booking name: Contact number: Email address: Number of places: Name/s of attendee/s: Name of setting/school: Total payment included: Method of payment: (cheque, cash office etc) Dietary requirements: Please tick the box if you wish to receive email confirmation of your booking