Dell World Opening Keynote Michael Dell 11/5/2014


Dell World Opening Keynote Michael Dell 11/5/2014
Dell World Opening Keynote
Michael Dell
Good morning. Welcome
Look around the room, you are the people who are changing the world through the force of
your ideas
You are curing cancer, you are unlocking the secrets of the galaxy, you’re instrumenting the
world, you’re digitally transforming industries…
Thank you for joining us… we couldn’t be prouder of these relationships and what we’re helping
you accomplish
Individually, we are doing amazing things, but together, we are a movement… anchored in the
core belief that we can build better businesses, better outcomes, better lives…
And a better world through the limitless boundaries of human creativity… amplified
exponentially through the power of technology
We stand at the edge of infinite possibility
Unprecedented computing resources will soon be everywhere… What was once the domain of
only the largest and wealthiest enterprises will soon be within reach of everyone…
Power that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago will seem paltry just a few years
from now
At Dell World this year, we are going to tell a story about practical innovation at scale… about
not just transforming our own corners of the world but, collectively, transforming the world
Roll the video…
Pause for ‘Next Billion’ video
And we’re just getting started…
Peter Diamandis will be on stage tomorrow and he will give you a whole new perspective on
our accelerating ability to address the world’s biggest challenges…
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The forces of cloud, big data, mobile and social … are advancing human progress more quickly
and more fundamentally than at any time in human history
In partnership with all of you, we have never been in a better position to invent the future than
right now
At Dell, we are obsessed with finding a better way…
We are driving radical simplification and innovation from the PC to the data center to the cloud
We see a clear path to an order-of-magnitude better performance and an order-of-magnitude
lower cost of ownership… and we can do it at scale
We recognize the seismic forces reshaping tech and we’ve been aggressively executing a
consistent strategy for nearly a decade to get out in front
We’ve invested heavily to become the leading provider of End to end solutions that matter
most to you now, but more importantly, that position you for the years ahead
And to me, providing END TO END solutions… means of course having both ends of the solution
We are fully committed to all of our businesses, now and for the long term. You can depend on
There’s a lot of turmoil in the industry
A lot of companies going through major organizational transformations… splitting themselves
every which way…
And you have to wonder, who is it for?
Does it help their customers and partners? Does it advance R and D or create better products
and services?
Did someone wake up and think that customers and partners are going to love the chaos, the
dis-synergies, the complication?
People ask me all the time about the advantages of being a private company…
Being private allows us to direct 100 percent of our energy toward creating success for you…
our customers and partners, and focusing on a future that is far beyond the next quarter or
next year
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That’s where we’re headed… together…
I don’t know of a company better aligned with its customers and partners than Dell
We have about 2 billion customer interactions a year and we do our best to learn from all of
In the last year alone, it’s been my privilege to meet with thousands of you…
I often think I must have the best job in the world just based on who I get to learn from…
Heads of Business and Heads of State, entrepreneurs and thought leaders, engineers and
technologists, educators and doctors, mayors and manufacturers...
And I can tell you the conversation is changing… Just bolting on a digital component to an
existing business model or process isn’t enough
It’s not about incremental improvement… it’s about wholesale digital reinvention
We have Andrew McAfee and Erik Brin-YOLF-son speaking on this later this morning
But rather than listen to me tell you about what our customers are thinking, I’d like to welcome
one of you onto the stage to share your story…
Emerson has been working with us for 20 years, they are a leader in the digital transformation
of their industry and now are helping their customers on the same journey…
Please join me in welcoming Peter Zornio, the Chief Strategy Officer of Emerson…
Please tell us a little about Emerson Process Management and the problems you’re
trying to solve for your customers.
Describe Emerson’s businesses, size, and global presence
Detail Emerson Process Management and the process industries
Primary industries
Customer base
“Anything flowing through pipes”
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For your business and your customers, you’re really a leader in the Internet of Things…
solutions that bring in data from sensors on critical System in the field, and use analytics
and expertise to improve process. Can you talk a little about that…
Describe process control
Measure and Analyze
Operate and Manage
Control and Regulate
Dell and Emerson have a unique partnership that spans 20+ years. During that time,
we’ve seen you and your industry dramatically transform from traditional, proprietary
manufacturing processes to open and automated System. How have you successfully
navigated and led through this shift? And how has Dell helped?
 Disparate devices historically
 Unified under the PC
 Collaboration with Dell
Emerson software factory-installed at Dell
Longer lifecycle support
Emerson is a big, global company with the full menu of technology partners to choose
from. Why Dell?
 Process automation à Production automation
 Shared commitment to customer problem solving
 We’re democratizing tech (Just as Dell is doing with affordable computing, Emerson is doing
with Pervasive Sensing)
 Global delivery and support
 Collaboration on security
 Virtualization example (co-engineering Dell VRTX)
Thank you Peter…
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Emerson is a great story and Peter is a fantastic partner
When I mentioned the privilege of getting to learn from our customers… that’s what I’m talking
And in the thousands of customer conversations we have across Dell every day, we’ve
identified four customer imperatives
These are the greatest opportunities to unleash the power of your org in the digital era…
We call them transform, connect, inform and protect…
We have aligned our business to your imperatives… and I’ll take a few minutes to highlight the
progress we’re making across each of these dimensions
Transform is all about data center transformation…
I can show you the future of the data center…
We have 15 solution centers in 11 countries around the world where we can run your
workloads on cloud based models
You can see how our high-velocity cloud can move 8 million packets per second, allowing a
single server to easily manage the voice traffic of a medium size city
Or learn how compute resources scale instantaneously as a workload increases… and
management software automatically provisions a new virtual machine to meet demand…
We are moving beyond software-defined data centers to software-based data centers. That’s
the difference of a single word but with huge implications
Instead of software to manage the silos of today’s data centers, we’re moving to a future-ready
data center in which silos are gone
The only difference between compute, network and storage is the software running on the box
Upgrades are as easy as sliding a new server in the rack or deploying new software
Agile, efficient, scalable – an enormous pool of computing resources at your command
In the last year, we’ve brought more of our vision to customers than ever before
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Our enterprise business is on a roll, growing, adding customers and partners, gaining share
Innovating like never before, in fact we’re in the middle of a complete refresh that establishes
leadership across the portfolio
Just introduced our 13th-generation PowerEdge server
The R730XD, 100TB in 2U – that means it supports 100,000 1G Exchange mailboxes in
just 1 server
Also perfect for all SOFTWARE-defined storage platforms and scale out apps like Hadoop
Server innovation is more critical to you now than ever before, because storage and networking
are moving into compute
And Flash memory inside our servers is radically improving overall System performance
We’re also breaking ground in open, SOFTWARE-defined networking
Think of the Telcos… an industry poised for revolutionary change
We’re announcing the Dell Network Function Virtualization Platform to accelerate carrier trials
and adoption
Powered by Dell’s latest 13th generation PowerEdge servers, Dell Open Networking, and
Anywhere at any scale
Open partner ecoSystemtem, Open source and open standards
In storage, Dell is the No.1 in total TBs sold
IDC reports we shipped more than 4.3 million TBs
We grew 14.8% sequentially when compared to the 2H of 2013… while other competitors
And since the acq of EqualLogic 7 years ago… Dell has been No.1 in iSCSI storage for each of the
last 7 years
Now with the intro of our next generation, the PS4210 which starts shipping TODAY… we’re
building on all this success
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10G iSCSI array, 80K IOPs: 6X perf improvement
One PS420 will support up to 48 TBs
All this for a starting street price under $15K
Also just launched Dell Storage SC4020… industry’s-best tiered solution in fastest growing
segment of market
And we’re setting a new industry standard for value with the SC4020 All Flash Array
Dual controllers in 2U chassis
Both SC4020 and AFA version will start at ~$25K
The lowest entry price for an all-flash mid-range array by any major vendor
And now, I would love to intro all of you to the Dell DCS XA90
Built to handle the storage needs of the exa-scale future
Up to ninety 3.5-inch drives in one 4U chassis
Capable of storing 720 TBs of data
Cloud scale storage to max
I tell you what, this thing has the power of diesel truck…
Pause for NIRVANA reveal
In the form of a Fiat…
With just 1 rack of XA90 storage servers, you could store 279 years of streaming HD video or 2.5
Billion Digital Pics
Same philosophy with our Engineered Solutions
Workload orientation, engineered with the vendors that matter most to you
Tuned appliances Optimized for each application
Leading ISVs, including MicroSoft, VMware, Oracle, Cloudera, SAP and RedHat.
Nutanix -- Accelerate adoption of web-scale converged infrastructure in the Enterprise
And when it comes to converged, we continue to lead through innovation
VRTX brought converged within reach of SMBs, while meeting the needs of branch and remote
Now introducing FX series… a cloud in a box, the ultimate in converged infrastructure,
combining networking, storage and servers with extraordinary value and performance…
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Love to share the experience of an early customer…
Pause for Overlake Hospital video
Overlake Hospital really achieved breakthrough performance, but we understand that every
customer is at a different phase of this journey and we have services to help
Maybe you’re not ready for transformation because your processes are supported by legacy
apps and infrastructure
You can use labor-intensive solutions to rewrite apps… or …
With Dell Modernization Services, we help you modernize using our IP and tools to automate
Increase reliability, agility, performance, and reducing complexity
And our Transformation Services make it easier to keep the lights on by removing redundant
apps, transitioning you to modern data centers and networks, and increasing automation…
Freeing more resources for your innovation agenda
We don’t just sell a long-term promise, but deliver results in the short term…
One of the reasons our customer ratings in Services are among the highest in the industry
Of course, at the other end of these incredible powerful, and efficient data centers… are the
world of connected devices… and connect is our next imperative
This means more than PCs and smart phones… about Internet of Things
As the number of nodes goes from 1B to 100B… instrumenting the world
We need to connect machines to machines, people to people, people to machines, and
everyone to the info they need wherever, whenever…
Digital Transformation is revolutionizing business models, industries…and indeed the world
Our Digital Services leverage social, mobile, analytics, and cloud — to help you better engage
with customers, employees, and partners
Gain competitive advantage by converting physical touch points into digital ones
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We’re also developing solutions that can help any organization participate in the Internet of
KACE K1000 System Management gives greater visibility across corporate networks
Moves beyond PCs and smartphones to now encompass agentless devices like sensors
Now everything can be managed from the same pane of glass providing radical simplicity
And we’re the market leader in virtual client
Unveiled our first Intel-based thin client, the Wyse 3000 Series dual core
Windows 7 embedded
Can connect to anything, from high-speed network connections to legacy peripherals
And as to the PC -- we believe the PC becomes increasingly strategic as a highly distributed,
powerful, local computing resource… the hub of the Internet of Things
Sometimes a narrative sort of gets a life of its own… like the PC is dead…
Like everyone would rather believe a story than what they see every day with their own eyes
There are 1.8 billion PCs out there that are deeply embedded in the infrastructure of how our
world works… and about 350 million PCs are sold every year
And through the exponential power of Moore’s Law… PCs are getting order-of-magnitude
better… more powerful, smaller, lighter… more affordable… the interfaces… the capability… the
When we went private, one of the stated objectives was to invest in our PC business… because
our eyes are wide open when it comes to the potential of PCs
We are in the PC business to stay… committed… leading
And you know, it’s working! The PC business is rocking…
IDC data from the most recent quarter here in the USA...
Overall industry unit shipments grew 4.3 percent...
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We met that demand with the broadest line of commercial and consumer PCs and tablets,
workstations, virtual PCs / thin clients, gaming, rugged… and all of the services to secure,
manage and maintain…
Let's see how we did...
Dell’s U.S. shipments grew 19.7 percent, significantly faster than the industry
We grew 3X as much share as HP, 5X more than Apple and 10X more than Lenovo
We represented substantially all of the industry growth in the U.S…. without Dell that 4.3% goes
to 0.2%
So a very big thanks to our customers and partners
And we aren’t slowing down one bit…
Building on position as No.1 in displays with more innovation
After we brought you 4K…. Now we have 5K which is 15 million pixels
You’ve never seen anything like it…
We have incredible new devices on the market…
Precision M3800 – world’s thinnest, lightest mobile workstation
Best-in-class rugged portfolio
And the new Latitude 2-1… Beautiful, powerful, versatile, light, fast – desirable
But it doesn’t stop with the device, because we complement that with unbelievable
management and security
Automating and simplifying management, deploy, monitor, update
Security: authentication, data protection and advanced malware prevention integrated with
our PCs
Dell Data Protection portfolio has seen more than 380 percent growth year over year
We wrap it all in unparalleled support services, including ProSupport and ProSupport Plus, that
are available around the clock and around the globe
Today we cover 99 percent of the world’s GDP with Dell Support Services
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160+ countries; 55 languages
600+ parts distribution centers; 2K carry-in centers
5 Global Command Centers
24K+ support engineers
Highly trained H/W and software experts
Maximize productivity, minimize disruptions and gain efficiency through a single source for all
your support needs
From services to solutions to support, we have you covered in the Internet of Things…
But what’s the result of the Internet of Things… all these nodes, devices, sensors, phones,
everything instrumented, connected, communicating…
The answer is data and brings us to our third imperative: Inform
I’m not just talking about big data, but about big results and big outcomes: big productivity, big
advantage, big growth
That’s the Data Economy and it is the next trillion dollar opportunity for our industry and yours
Our advanced analytics services help organizations turn data into actionable insights
Social media services help organizations understand, build, measure and monetize social media
Toad Software is helping 3 million business users and database administrators manage,
integrate and analyze big data across Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Hadoop, MySQL and many other
By layering Toad with Boomi, Kitenga and with our latest addition, StatSoft, we have a powerful
analytics engine
StatSoft is a fantastic tech that adapts vertically to deliver the kind of big results you need…
A great example of this is in healthcare
Dell is already the leading tech provider for the healthcare industry… and StatSoft gives us
another incredible opportunity to help improve patient outcomes by turning data into insight…
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We’re working with major universities and healthcare providers to prevent surgical infections,
decrease readmissions and predict risk in prostate cancer… to name just a few
We’re expert at understanding your outcomes and building an analytics engine to meet your
And we are innovating with the partners that matter most to you… Oracle, SAP, Microsoft,
VMware , Hadoop clusters with Cloudera
We are providing the ramps to get off aging, obsolete infrastructure and Unix platforms…and
onto X86, modern, scale-out architecture and Linux, seamlessly
The final customer imperative is protect… top concern for every customer I see
Our security approach is built on 3 foundational imperatives – protect, comply and enable
First, protect the whole enterprise, from END TO END, inside and out
Second, comply with internal governance policies and external regulations using a consistent,
reliable approach that doesn’t compromise business agility
Third, enable business to thrive, including adopting new tech and pursuing innovation and
operational efficiency
By giving solutions a common DNA so that they can be connected together END TO END, Dell
makes IT security better, easier to use and less expensive
Identity and access management, network security, email and web security, endpoint
management and secure remote access
Dell Security is featured in 6 Gartner MQs
And when it comes to MSSP and Unified Threat Management services – we lead
Dell SecureWorks offers Managed Security Services, Security and Risk Consulting, Incident
Response and Threat Intelligence
We see 80 billion events a day… and far from separating data analytics and security as some
competitors are doing, we think one of the biggest opportunities is in bringing the two closer
together to make security truly context aware
We know what’s out there. We know what’s coming and we know what to do about it
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Running through all of the imperatives is the cloud… At the heart of Dell’s Cloud strategy is
Dell offers the broadest range of cloud solutions and services across leading platforms and
providers to give you choice…
The most appropriate cloud solution for your specific business needs
Our cloud strategy is focused on 3 areas:
Private Clouds
Managing multiple cloud environments
Delivering cloud services
Let’s start with Private Clouds. We are providing the converged infrastructure, software and
services to help you build your own private cloud.
And as software improves, private clouds are growing quickly as a way for customers to achieve
the benefits of the public cloud with the security and privacy of an on-premise solution
We offer customers all of the leading choices for private clouds, including Microsoft, VMware
and RedHat built on Dell infrastructure deployed in your data center or one of ours with our
Dell Cloud Dedicated Service
We recently announced Private Cloud offerings with both Microsoft and VMware
Microsoft’s Cloud Platform System -- combines Windows Server, System Center and Windows
Azure with Dell’s cloud server, storage and networking hardware bringing all of Microsoft’s
cloud expertise to your datacenter in a private and secure easy-to-deploy converged System
VMware EVO:RAIL uses Dell’s hyper converged infrastructure to deliver a transformative
experience aimed at VDI, private cloud and general-purpose workloads running in virtual
These solutions are scalable, manageable and bring fast time-to-value and easy to use for
customers of all sizes
Managing Cloud environments:
We’re helping customers easily manage multiple public and private cloud environs with Dell
Cloud Manager, which currently supports more than 20 leading cloud platforms
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And through our broad public cloud partner ecoSystemtem, we offer you the most choice and
flexibility to select the public cloud model that is right for you…
With leading partners including AWS, Windows Azure, Google, CenturyLink and many more…
Dell helps you securely stand up new apps and services, improve business agility
Dell Cloud Marketplace (public beta starts now)… makes it easy for IT organizations to offer
cloud services to their internal customer…
Brings purchasers and vendors together to create a new ecoSystem and exchange
Single pane of glass to consume and manage
Imagine what you can accomplish when you get to pick the right cloud platform, cloud model,
and cloud infrastructure for your needs… your budget and your environment…
I know all of you are feeling pressure from cloud adoption, but I’m not sure if any industry is
facing more disruption from the cloud than telecoms…
And I’d like to share how one of our customers is capitalizing on the opportunity
Pause for BT video
I love that… love what we can do to help you succeed…
It was about a year ago when we took Dell private, the largest company ever to go private…
It’s unleashed us, allowed us to be bold, and refined our focus squarely on our customers’
I don’t know if you can tell, but I’ve never had more fun, been more engaged or more excited
The energy is infectious. I feel it with all of you, our customers and partners, with our team
I can feel it in the business itself, in the velocity of innovation… in attracting and winning new
customers and partners
Today, we are the fastest growing integrated IT company… and I want to thank you for your
business, for the trust you place in us
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When I look to the future I see more opportunity for all of us to lead the way in transforming
the world through the power of digital technology
I’d like to say the sky’s the limit, but for one customer, the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory,
the sky isn’t nearly high enough
Pause for SHAO video
Data… flying through space, circling the globe, connecting us all in a fabric of info and insight
We stand firmly in the Data economy, where data is our most important natural resource…
And where open, cloud-based technologies are the infrastructure… the bridges, airports and
railroads… the labs, clinics and universities
Together, we are inventing this future… and we’re doing it at scale
It’s the next billion jobs that will be created by the world’s entrepreneurs
It’s the next billion patients who receive better care through cloud-based analysis
It’s the next billion students in the emerging world receiving an education
It’s the next billion dollars we keep out of the hands of cyber criminals
It’s the next billion people rising out of poverty, who can participate and compete in the global
Here at Dell World, we are telling a story about how, together, we can and are changing the
Thank you for trusting us to be your partner on this incredible journey
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