/ Office of the Commisioner / Central Excise & Service Tax &226001


/ Office of the Commisioner / Central Excise & Service Tax &226001
कार्ाालर् आर्क्
ु त / Office of the Commisioner
केंद्रीर् उत्पाद शल्
ु क एवम ् सेवा कर / Central Excise & Service Tax
7- ए, अशोक मागा, लखनऊ &226001
7-A, Ashok Marg, Lucknow
Commissioner of Central Excise & Service Tax, Lucknow invites bids from the legal owners/
power of attorney holders of suitable building for hiring office accommodation having approximate
carpet area as mentioned below with ample parking space and 100% power backup for the following
offices of the Central Excise and Service Tax, Lucknow along with the office of Directorate General of
Vigilance, Lko Zone located in a developed locality with in limits of Lucknow Municipal Corporation
preferably nearby, 7-A, Ashok Marg, Lucknow Sl. No.
Name of the office premises
Central Audit Commissionerate, Lucknow
Central Excise Commissionerate, Lko
Directorate General of Vigilance, Lko Zone
Required Carpet Area in sq. fit. (Apprx.)
The consideration for the premises will be as per Government of India Rules and the rent will be
fixed and paid in accordance with the Government of India instructions in force.
Interested parties having clear title may download the tender details from official website
ccolkozone.gov.in or obtain the same in person from the office of the Commissioner, Central Excise &
Service Tax, Lucknow at the above mentioned address i.e. office of the Commissioner, Central Excise &
Service Tax, 7-A, Ashok Marg, Lucknow - 226001.
The bid completed in all respects should be placed in sealed cover comprising Technical Bid and
Financial Bid (each in separately sealed cover superscribed as “Technical bid for hiring office space for
Central Excise & Service Tax Offices” and “financial bid for hiring office space for Central Excise &
Service Tax Offices”) may be deposited in the designated sealed box kept in the Office of the
Commissioner of Central Excise & Service Tax, Lucknow on or before 12.11.2014 at 11:30 am. Offers
received beyond the specified date/ time shall not be entertained and this office takes no responsibility
for delay/ loss of documents sent by post/ courier/ or any other means.
1. Technical Bid- PART-A
2. Financial Bid – PART-B
3. Guidelines to Tenderers for Submission of Tender
-Sd/Additional Commissioner (Estate)
Central Excise & Service Tax
Copy to:
1. The Commissioner, Central Excise & Service Tax, Lucknow.
2. The Superintendent (Computer Cell), Central Excise & Service Tax, Lucknow for publication in
the official website i.e. www.cbec.gov.in.
3. The Superintendent (HQ), Central Excise & Service Tax, Lucknow for publication for TENDER
4. The Notice Board at the office of the Commissioner, Central Excise & Service Tax, Lucknow.
-Sd/Additional Commissioner (Estate)
Central Excise & Service Tax
Full particulars of the legal owner of the premises:
(i) Name
(ii) Address of office & Residence:
(iii) Telephone No./Mobile No.
(iv) Tele Fax:
(v) E-Mail Address:
(vi) PAN No.
Full particulars of person(s) offering the premises on rent / lease and
submitting the tender:
Status of the applicant with regard to the accommodation offered for hiring
(enclose power of attorney also if the applicant is other than owner)
(a) Complete Address and location of the building:
(b) Details of the Accommodation offered for rent (viz. carpet area, no. of
floors, floor wise area)(Enclose Certified Sketch Plan also)
Total carpet area offered for rent/lease in Sq. ft
No. of car/two-wheeler parking space offered
Common facilities provided:
Car Parking Space ( No. of vehicles): Yes/No
Scooter/ Motor cycle Parking Space ( No. of vehicles): Yes/No
Generator for emergency: Yes/No
Security arrangements: Yes/No
Proper sanitary/sewerage system: Yes/No
Provision of proper arrangement of Fire safety:
Are the safety measures taken: Yes/No
If yes give details of arrangement:
No. of lifts / carrying capacity, provide details of make,
Number of Toilets – floor wise with details
(a) Whether running water, drinking and otherwise, available round the
(b) Whether sanitary and water supply installations have been provided for?
Whether separate electricity and having sufficient installed electricity load
and water connection available.
Sanctioned electricity load
(a) Whether electrical installation and fitting, power, plugs, switches etc.
provided or not?
(b) Whether building has been provided with fans in all rooms or not? (If
yes, give the Nos. of fans floor wise)
(c ) Details of power back-up facility
Details of Fire Safety Mechanism, if any
Whether the premises is ready for occupation
The period and time when the said accommodation could be made available
for occupation (after the approval):
Specify the lease period (minimum three years) and provision for extension
Provisions for regular repairs and maintenance and special repairs, if any of
the building
Signature of Legal Owner/ Power of Attorney
Sl. No.
Name & Address of the applicant with Phone Nos
Status of the applicant with regard to Building / Accommodation
offered for hire by the owner or power of Attorney Holder
Full particulars of the owner:
(i) Name
(ii) Address(es)
(iii)Telephone Nos/Mobile Nos.
(iv) Business
(v) Residential
(vi) Tele Fax No.
(vii)Pan Card (photo copy)
Complete details of the building viz. Complete postal address of
the location
Rent in Indian Rupees per month per square feet of the carpet
area as mentioned in Technical Bid.
The rent will be subject to issue of Fair Rent Certificate by
CPWD as per procedure laid down by the Govt & it will be
applicable for the leased period of three years. All corporation
taxes, cess or any other tax applicable are to be borne by the
landlord. The electricity and water bills as per actual
consumption to be borne by the Department service Tax will be
borne by the tenant as applicable
Rate of common area maintenance Per sq. ft. on carpet area per
Rate of Rent of car parking (per car per month)
Any other conditions having financial implications relevant to
the offer of the building. Give details, if applicable
Rate per sq.ft.
Signature of Legal Owner/ Power of Attorney Holder
Guidelines to Tenderers for Submission of Tender
(Office Premises on Leases / rent / outright sale)
Tenderers are advised to study the following procedures carefully before submission of Tenders:1.
It is proposed to follow the TWO BID Tender System for this Tender and this BID should be
submitted in the prescribed formats (Part-A & Part-B):
“TECHNICAL BID” (Part-A) in ONE COVER duly sealed. This BID is meant only for
all technical details of the Offered Premises e.g. address, area, quality of construction,
floor, ventilation, surroundings, electrical load available, water supply, parking facilities,
term of lease, its renewal and other terms and conditions etc.
Please note that rent / advances / maintenance charges etc. should not be indicated in the
Technical Bid.
Separate sealed covers should be used for Part-B (Financial Bid). This Bid is meant only
for all Financial Details of the Offered Premises e.g. sale price/rent/ rate, maintenance
charges, air conditioning charges, generator set charges, tax if any to be borne by the
Company, rent escalation on renewal, advances if any etc.
All the points in the Tender Forms (Technical & Financial Bids) are to be answered only.
Tenderers is expected to furnish all information required in both the BIDS. Failure to furnish all
information required by the BIDS (Part-A & Part-B) in every respect may result in to rejection of the
Tenderer should put full signatures on all the pages of the Tender forms.
Over writing/ white inking of any work/figure in the Tender Forms, unless duly authenticated by
the Tenderer, are liable to be rejected at the opting of the Company.
Separate Tender Forms should be used for separate premises, e.g. if a Tenderer wants to officer
more than one premises then separate Tender Forms should be used. If any tenderer offers the same
premises on rent / lease, separate tenders forms should be used (both Technical & Financial)
Since TWO BID Tender System is to be followed, 3 covers should be used for submission of
Tender as detailed below :
Covers – “1” for Technical Bid..
a. “TECHNICAL BID” duly completed and signed should be put in this cover with
tender reference number.
b. The cover should be sealed properly with lac.
c. The cover should be superscribed as: “T E C H N I C A L B I D” “Offer for Office
Premises – Lease / Rent” tender reference number _____________
d. Tenderer’s Name & Address should be written below the superscription.
Cover – “2” for Financial Bid.
a. “FINCANCIAL BID” duly completed and signed should be put in this cover
tender reference number.
b. The cover should be sealed properly with lac.
c. The Cover should be superscribed as: “ F I N A N C I A L B I D” …. Tender
reference number. “Offer for Office Premises – Lease / Rent
d. Tenderers’s Name & Address should be written below the superscription.
Cover – “3” (containing both the above BIDS).
Both the Technical Bid Cover & Financial Bid Cover, prepared as above, are to be put in
this Cover. Use separate cover for “Offer for premises on Lease/ Rent” & “Offer for
premises on Sale”.
a. The cover should be sealed properly with lac.
b. The Cover should be superscribed as : “PLEASE PLACE IN TENDER BOX TO BE
OPENED ONLY BY TENDER COMMITTEE” “ Offer for Office Premises on Lease/
Rent” or “Offer for premises on Sate” and tender reference number _______.
c. Tenderer’s Name & Address should be written below the superscription.
Sealed Offers prepared in accordance with the procedures enumerated above should reach on or
before the prescribed date & time to the Address mentioned in the Advertisement. Any Tender received
after the date specified in Advertisement will be rejected.
After Technical Bids are opened and evaluated, a list of short-listed Tenderers will be prepared.
The short-listed Tenderers will be contacted for inspection of the premises.
This office reserves the right to accept any bid or to annual the Tender Process and reject all bids
at any time without assigning any reason thereof.