Review A Comprehensive of Local
Review A Comprehensive of Local
A Comprehensive Review of Local Anaesthesia for Dental Hygienists D LIMITE NT LME SATURDAY AND SUNDAY September 27 and 28, 2014 O ENRENROLMENT LIMITED Registered dental hygienists who have taken a local anaesthesia program, but would like a review course, are invited to participate in SESSION I of the Local Anaesthesia program being offered by Continuing Dental Education this fall. A two-day comprehensive review designed to teach and revisit basic and current concepts of local anaesthesia and administration of local anaesthetic agents. Come and participate in two full days that include lectures and an opportunity for hands-on practice of clinical techniques. Participants must be currently registered to practice in British Columbia. As participants practice on each other, you must be able to receive local anaesthesia or you must provide a stand-in for your partner. • • • • Nobel Biocare Oral Health Centre and the IRC Building Faculty of Dentistry, UBC Campus TIMES Registration (September 27 and 28, 2014) Lectures begin COURSE DESCRIPTION INSTRUCTOR TEAM LOCATION (Subject to change) Erin Shave, DMD Ruth Lunn, Dip. DH, PID, RDH, CDA Alma Pauw, Dip DH, PiD, BHSc, RDH Susan Schmitz, Dip DH, CDA, Instructor Dip. • • • • Ellen Stradiotti, Dip DH, BA Ann Szeto, BA Dip DH, Msc Linda Talbot, BDSC, Dip DH Nancy Baily, Dip DH 8:30 AM 9:00 AM TUITION FEES Dental Hygienists $ 650 Includes a non-refundable deposit of $250 PARKING Health Sciences’ Visitors Parkade (Subject to change) Parking rates are $1.75 per half hour up to a maximum rate of $14.00 before 5pm. After 5pm and on weekends there is a flat rate of $7.00 (accepts Mastercard/Visa) 14 hours of instruction. Luncheons included. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe head and neck anatomy related to the administration of local anaesthetic agents. 2. Describe principles of pharmacology related to local anaesthetic agents and adrenergic drugs. 3. Demonstrate the various techniques involved in the administration of local anaesthetic agents. 4. Explain patient evaluation, complications and office emergencies as related to local anaesthesia. The textbook, HANDBOOK OF LOCAL ANAESTHESIA (6th Edition), by Dr. Stanley Malamed is recommended for review prior to the course. A self aspirating syringe is provided to each participant on the first day of the course. REGISTRATION APPLICATION A Comprehensive Review of Local Anaesthesia for Dental Hygienists September 27 and 28, 2014 14 hours of instruction Tuition: Dental Hygienists $650 Includes a non-refundable deposit of $ 250 LUNCHEONS INCLUDED No refunds will be issued after August 11th, 2014. Please indicate class of license you currently hold with the College of Dental Hygienists of BC please specify Disclaimer: Dental Education institutions have an obligation to disseminate new knowledge related to dental practice. In so doing, some presentations may include controversial materials or commercial references. Sponsorship of a continuing education course by The University of British Columbia does not necessarily imply endorsement of a particular philosophy, procedure or product by The University of British Columbia. Continuing Dental Education at the University of British Columbia designates this activity for 14 continuing education credits. A course schedule and pre-reading package will be forwarded in advance of the course.. IMPORTANT: If you are from out of province, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with the College of Dental Hygienists of British Columbia for a temporary practitioner permit in order to administer local anaesthetic agents during this course. # Last Name:_________________________________________________________ DE9138R First Name:________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________ Province:____________________________ Postal Code:____________________________ Home Number:_______________________ Cell Number:____________________________Work Number:_______________________ R E G I S T R AT I O N I N F O R M AT I O N Your Email Address:__________________________________________________________ Telephone: Local Calls 604-822-6156 or Toll Free 1-877-328-7744 Payment by Cheque: Please make cheque payable to The University of British Columbia and forward to the following address: Registration, Continuing Dental Education, The University of British Columbia, #105 - 2194 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3. Should you wish to pay by credit card please be advised that, due to credit card security compliance, you must register on line at: Fee in full must accompany registration. The tuition fee is deductible for Canadian Income Tax purposes. Registrants withdrawing prior to the course will be refunded less the non-refundable deposit of $250. As this is a Limited Enrolment course, no refunds at all will be issued after August 11th, 2014. Continuing Dental Education at the University of British Columbia is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
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