Document 6599513
Document 6599513
November 9, 2014 21st Sunday after Pentecost 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Worship Prelude Procession of Cross and Light Liturgical Color: Green Allegro from Organ Concerto No. 13 Handel/Lorenz The cross symbolizes Christ crucified and risen and the light symbolizes the presence of God. Let us prepare our hearts and minds for worship. *Call to Worship (11:00) We Bring The Sacrifice of Praise Dearman *Greeting The God of our ancestors has led us to this place. We will worship and witness together. We have sworn to teach God's promises to all generations. We are witnesses. Let us tell the world of God's faithful love. We are witnesses. This day, in this place, let service to God be our choice. Praise be to God who sustains and nurtures our lives. *Hymn 117 O God, Our Help in Ages Past Organ Interlude Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Choral Prayer Response Father, I Adore You Coelho Children’s Music Make Me An Instrument Children’s Choir Children’s Sermon Frank Hamilton The Receiving of God’s Tithes and Our Offering Offertory As the Deer Arr. by Larson Mike McFee *Doxology Page 95 *Sharing of the Peace *Hymn 177 (2x) He Is Lord Anthem (11:00) Sometimes I Hear God’s Music Williams/Martin Scripture Lesson Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 OT 215 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Sermon As For Me and My House Rev. Ulmer *Hymn 569 We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations *Benediction *Choral Benediction (11:00) The Lord Bless and Keep You Strathdee *Postlude Rigaudon Lau *The congregation stands For those needing assistance we have hearing devices. Please see an usher to obtain one. A nursery is available for children ages 4 and under. A special thanks to Frank Hamilton, our liturgist today. Welcome to Carteret Street United Methodist Church. Visitors and members are encouraged to record your presence on the attached form. The flowers are given to the Glory of God and in memory of my mother, Carolyn Hill by Lynn Price. Special gifts were received in honor of Frances and Russell Jeter by grateful friends. Special gifts were received for the West Street fund in memory of Sharon Haas by Charlotte and Ray James. OUR STEWARDSHIP I will be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it with my prayers, my presence, my gifts, my service and my witness. OUR PRAYERS As the bulletin was prepared: Home Illein Allan, Clyde Ash, Chuck Chapman, Ruth Dickinson, Susan Hums, Velma Kelley, Bill MacKinnon, Bert Mumma, Tim Pearce, Margey Pfeiffer, Carson Rembert, Hazel Stanley, Oili Thompson Bay View Irby Bazemore, Jim Neighbors Franke at Seaside Floyd Hill Helena House Essie Bishop Morningside Art Foulger, Joanne Hosek, Dorothy Schafer Summit Place Claudia Hoffmeyer The Bloom at Belfair Lillian Erlandsen Methodist Oaks Martha Smith Anderson Oaks Barbara Shepherd OUR PRESENCE Sunday School 109 Worship 280 OUR GIFTS Needed Each Week $ 11,730.76 Received Last Sunday $ 16,504.25 Budget Needs Y-T-D $515,793.44 Received Y-T-D $489,165.23 Received This Week (West St.) $ 345.00 OUR SERVICE Ushers 9am Harris Jones, Cliff Wimberly, Cherie and Perry Buchanan 11am Donnie Beer, Mike Allen, Chip Floyd, Don Meyer Greeters 9am Suzi Jones 11am Jackie Black Acolytes 9am Jack and Colin Matz 11am John Henry and Waverly Grace Adams Crucifer 9am Lena Bartlebaugh 11am James Berbigler Nursery 11/09 Melinda Ackerman & Sandra Simmons 11/16 Jenny Kushnereit Fellowship 11/09 All Ages and Stages 11/16 Bob Howell Class Operation Christmas Child Shopping Ideas Carteret Street UMC will continue its ministry to children around the world through Operation Christmas Child. It is time to start shopping for your shoe boxes. We need: 1000 large tubes of toothpaste size 6.1 oz, also children’s toys, such as yo-yo's, playing cards, jump ropes, coloring books, marbles, flashlights, stuffed animals, dolls, toy trucks and cars, kazoos, harmonicas, balls, hair clips or ball caps. Please remember no liquids, chocolate or war related clothing or toys. These items are due November 14th as we will be packing shoe boxes on November 15th from 8am - 3pm in the Fellowship Hall. If you would rather make a contribution, please make your check out to CSUMC and designate Shoe Box Ministry. If you would like to pack your own shoe box they are available at the church and should include $7.00 for shipping and handling. Packed shoe boxes are due on November 16th. Any questions please call Suzi Jones 843-592-0738 or 843-525-9621. Christmas at Epworth Children’s Home Help us make this Christmas a little brighter for the children at Epworth by participating in the Angel Tree Ministry. You will find an Angel Tree located in the Fellowship Hall. You are invited to remove a tag from the tree and purchase that gift for a child at Epworth. Please return the unwrapped gift with the identifying tag on it to the church by Sunday, December 7, 2014. Gift bags and gift boxes are welcome. Hanging of the Greens Join us as we celebrate the beginning of Advent with our Hanging of the Greens Service on Sunday, November 30th at 6pm, Volunteers are needed to provide refreshments. We need cookies, sandwiches, chips/dips, and other treats. Please fill out the attached form and tell us what you will bring. November 12, 2014 Wednesday Niter Dinner Registration 5:30 - 6:00pm Menu: Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Carrots, Salad, Rolls and Dessert Name_____________________________ Adults___________Children___________ Prayer Concerns __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Information for the Ministers __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Items for The Carteret Connection __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Hanging of the Greens Sunday - November 30th, 6:00pm Name_____________________________ I will bring_________________________ Christmas Mission In memory of:______________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In honor of:________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Given by:__________________________ __________________________________ Amount:___________________________ Poinsettias In memory of:______________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In honor of:________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Given by:__________________________ __________________________________ Number of Poinsettias:_______________ HELP of Beaufort Food Pantry On the first Sunday of every month, please bring peanut butter & jelly. Other pantry items needed during the month are boxed dry cereal, boxed macaroni & cheese, canned meats, soups & vegetables, flour, grits, rice, mayonnaise & sugar. A Stephen Ministries Church Carteret Street United Methodist Church Welcomes You Visitors Name__________________________ Address________________________ City/State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Phone (home)___________________ Phone (cell)_____________________ E-mail _________________________ Please circle all that apply: First time visitor Repeat visitor New to area Visiting with family/friends Would like more information about CSUMC Interested in Sunday School Would like a call from minister Would like to join CSUMC Add to mailing list Add to email list Members Name__________________________ Please let us know of address, phone or email changes. Address________________________ City/State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Phone (home)___________________ Phone (cell)_____________________ E-mail _________________________ Please complete both sides, detach and place in offering plate. THIS WEEK AT CARTERET STREET Sunday, November 9 9:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 4:30pm Children’s Choir Monday, November 10 1:00pm Carillon Choir 6:00pm Tai Chi 6:15pm United Methodist Men 7:00pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, November 11 8:00am Carteret Street Striders 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:00pm Tennessee Thomas Wednesday, November 12 10:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Wednesday Niter 7:00pm Chancel Choir Thursday, November 13 8:00am Carteret Street Striders 12 Noon Gray Blades 4:30pm Sandwich Ministry 6:00pm Tai Chi Friday, November 14 9:00am Altar Guild 4:30pm Lectionary Bible Study Saturday, November 15 8am - 3pm Shoebox Filling Thank You for Your Support We celebrated Commitment Sunday on October 26, 2014. Thus far we have received 97 pledges totaling $362,507.16. If you have turned in your Estimate of Giving Card, thank you. If you have not had the opportunity, please place your card in the offering plate or turn it into the church office. Carteret Street United Methodist Church Gray Blades The Gray Blades will meet on Thursday, November 13th at 12Noon for a covered dish luncheon followed by a program. United Methodist Men The UMM will meet on Monday, November 10th at 6:15pm for dinner and a program presented by AMI kids who will be our guests. Bazaar Distributions A meeting will be held on December 7, 2014 following the 11:00 worship service to distribute Bazaar proceeds. Request forms are in the Wesley Building. UMVIM Trip Would you like to be part of a mission team going to build homes with the Ngobe Indian Tribe of Cienaguita, Panama? We will be going for two weeks, leaving on or about January 19, 2015 with a second team leaving about February 3, 2015. Contact Joan Suda at 838-2872 for additional information. Youth Retreat at Asbury Hills United Methodist Camp Our youth and their counselors are at Asbury Hills United Methodist Camp this weekend. They will explore what it means to be a disciple as well as participate in a variety of activities including the zip line canopy tour, alpine tower and much more. Our thoughts and prayers are with them for a meaningful weekend and a safe return home. Wednesday Niter, November 12th 5:30pm Dinner: Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Carrots, Salad, Rolls and Dessert The cost for the meal is $5 for adults, $3 for age 12 and under, families not to exceed $15. If you are not on the permanent reservation list please sign up for dinner on the attached form. 6:15pm The Parables by Terry Pfeiffer Christmas ~ A Time to Help Others Carteret Street UMC needs your help to fight the Ebola outbreak in Africa through our Ebola Emergency Response Plan. Please sign up for an afternoon of food and fun on December 5 th from 11:30am until 3:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be provided for a cost of $15 per person. We ask that you purchase tickets in advance for tables of four. Games may include bridge, scrabble, Mahjongg or your favorite board game. All proceeds will be sent to the Kailahun District in Sierra Leone, which joins Guinea and Liberia but extends beyond. The 599 cases reported as of June 20 are the largest Ebola surge in history. The disease has a death rate of 50 to 60 percent. Our effort involves treatment, prevention and public education. It is a joint effort by West African United Methodist church leaders and regional health boards, denominational health facilities, and missionaries. Tickets may be purchased from: Ellen Fabian (church office) 524-3841, Margey Pfeiffer 525-1761 or Lora Quincy 524-1356 Carteret Street United Methodist Church 408 Carteret Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 843-524-3841 - [email protected] Church Staff KAY T. CROSBY, Choir Director CYNTHIA CHAPMAN, Organist ELLEN FABIAN, Secretary KENT EASTY, Business Manager TINA ASHMORE, Nursery Supervisor JOHN PERRY, Custodian KAREN WILSON, Coordinator of Food Ministries ANDREW WOLFE, Pastor BEN B. BARNES, Pastor Emeritus SUSAN ULMER, Pastor Feathers For A Feast Pluck a turkey and help provide a Thanksgiving meal for a family in need. Turkeys are on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Please return items to church by Sunday, November 23, 2014. Items should be in the original package and not cooked. Thanksgiving with Your Church Family Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday, November 23, 2014 for our annual Thanksgiving lunch. We will have worship at 9am and 11am with Sunday school at 10am. Following the 11am worship service we will gather in the Fellowship Hall and in the Wesley Building for our Thanksgiving fellowship. The church will provide turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and beverages. All that we ask you to do is bring your favorite side dish or dessert for others to enjoy and have a great time celebrating our blessings. Two Advent Opportunities During Advent you will have the opportunity to give poinsettias, which will be placed in our Sanctuary, in honor or in memory of loved ones or you may give a gift to our Christmas Mission Offering in honor or in memory of loved ones. This offering will be divided between Great Day of Service, UMVIM Trip and Rural Mission. If you would like to order a poinsettia or give to our Christmas Mission Offering, please fill out the attached form. Poinsettias are $12.00 each. Deadline to order poinsettias is November 17, 2014. West Street Update Initial Cost, September 2010 Amount Borrowed Debt as of 06/01/2014 Amount Contributed and Paid on Principal Since 06/01/2014 Mortgage Payments Made since 06/01/2014 Amount Owed as of 11/09/2014 $273,750.00 $216,000.00 $ 96,976.52 $ 23,494.51 $ 6,738.29 $ 66,743.72 We continue to need your help to retire this debt. All money contributed to the West Street Fund is applied to the principal. Please make your check payable to CSUMC and designate West Street Fund.