St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church Burgess Hill


St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church Burgess Hill
St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church
Burgess Hill
St George’s Retreat - Ditchling Common
and St Anne’s Convent - Mill Road
Parish Priest: Father Rick McGrath
The Priest’s House
Station Road
Burgess Hill
RH15 9EN
Tel: 01444 232358
email: [email protected]
Parish Office open: 9am to 3pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Sunday 16 November 2014
Thirty-third Sunday of the Year
This weekend
we welcome into
the family of God
Callum Joseph Egleton
Sienna Iacurci
Isabella Sophie Brailey
Lucas Thomas Brailey
We offer them and their
families our prayers
and congratulations.
Parish Gift Weekend
The collection next weekend
will go towards the on-going
maintenance costs of the parish.
There will be just the one
collection. Spare envelopes are
available at the back of the
Church and if you are a
taxpayer, please do consider
Gift Aiding your donation. If you
would like advice on how to Gift
Aid please call or email the
Parish office.
‘Station Road’ - Road Closure
Station Road is due to be
resurfaced from Monday 17
November - between the hours
of 9:30am - 4:00pm. Although it
should usually be open one way,
in one direction or the other,
there may be times, at random
and unannounced, when it is
closed in both directions.
Therefore, Monday through
Friday next week daily Mass
will be at 9:00am with no
homily, so that those who have
driven to Mass can be out of the
car-park by 9:20am (..and Fr
Rick on his way to St. George’s).
Nursery School and St. Wilfrid’s
Catholic Primary School parents
please also take note.
The Funeral Mass of
Angela Lawrence
will be at
St. Joseph’s Church,
Redhill, Surrey
on Thursday 20 November 2014
at 10am
Taizé Evening of Prayer
The Taizé Community has inspired generations of young people,
connecting with them through its worship and sense of prayer. Not
only this, it is a place where young people can encounter a ‘living
faith’ together - in an imaginative and often, for them, new way.
Please join them at St Paul’s Catholic College, Burgess Hill on Friday
5 December from 6pm till 8.30pm. This is part of a programme that
was started a few years ago with the aim of providing young people
in our community, not just Catholic, to have a taste of the life of
sharing and prayer of the Taize Community. While the focus of the
event is for young people, under 25 - it is open to more mature
participants from 7pm. For more information please see :
First Holy
Communion Prayer
Father in Heaven, our
children are preparing
for their First Holy
Communion next June. We ask
you to be with them so that they
may grow in their understanding
of the Scriptures, of the
Sacraments and especially of
the gift of your Son in The
Eucharist. Please inspire
parents, grandparents and the
children’s catechists to be
supportive, thorough in teaching
and personal examples of
Christian living to inspire all
those preparing for First Holy
Communion. We ask this in the
name of your Son, Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.
Advent Gift Service
The 4th Burgess Hill Brownies
invite you to join them on
Sunday 30 November 2014 at
4pm in the Church, to join in the
beautiful Advent Gift Service.
Our parish children have the
opportunity to think of those less
fortunate and make their
Christmas special by donating a
present that will go to another
child. Please bring a new,
wrapped gift - labelled for a girl
or boy with an approximate age
suitability. These gifts will be
distributed to needy
children in time for
Christmas and will be
thank you.
Prayers for the sick
Please remember in your prayers those
from our community who are unable to
join us:
Bridget Barr, Rona Blackwood, Bobbie
Brodie, Christopher Browne, Carol
Budgen, Margaret Close, Walter
Deadman, Bridget Elwood, Graham
Forster, Carmel Holmes, Elmira Irasga,
Maurice Lake, Lubasi Malumo, Kathleen
and John McKendry, John Mooney, Val
Murray, Val Parris, Eveline Schjerve,
Mary Stapleton, Doris Thorne and
Brenda Walsh.
Please inform the office of any changes
so that the Prayer List is kept up to
date. Thank you.
St Anne’s
Prayer Group - Mondays at 7pm at St
Anne’s Convent. All are most welcome.
Vintage Club - The next meeting
will be Wednesday 26 November
2pm in the Parish Centre
Candlelight Carol Service
At 6pm on 16 December in the
magnificent setting of St Margaret’s
Church, Westminster Abbey - in support
of ‘The Passage - to end homelessness’
charity. Join the choir in singing and
listen to celebrity guests deliver seasonal
readings. Tickets 020 7592 1856 and on
[email protected]
Parish Safeguarding
for The Young or Vulnerable
If you have any concerns for someone
you know or need advice or help
yourself, please contact the Parish
confidence, at the Parish Office - call or
email. Tel 01444 232358
email: [email protected]
Mass Intentions & Service Times - beginning Saturday 8 Nov.
Sat 15
5.00 pm
6.00 pm
Sun 16
9.30 am
11.00 am
4.00 pm
Mon 17
9.00 am
Thirty-third Sunday of the Year
St Wilfrid’s People of the parish
St George’s John Brett RIP
St George’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St Wilfrid’s Holy Souls especially deceased
members of FOSS
10.00 am St George’s Thomas Smith RIP
4.00 pm St George’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
7.00 pm St Anne’s
Prayer Group
Tues 18
9.00 am
11.30 am
7.00 pm
Martha Boyle
Luba Jones
St Wilfrid’s Jean-Claude Nankoo RIP
St Anne’s
Private Intention
St Anne’s
Wed 19
9.00 am
St Wilfrid’s Charles Brunner RIP
10.00 am St George’s Tom McKillop RIP
Thur 20
9.00 am
St Wilfrid’s Intentions of Val and Alex Murray
60th Wedding Anniversary
10.00 am St George’s Intentions of Maurice Lake
7.00 pm St Anne’s
Holy Hour with Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Fri 21
Memorial: The Presentation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
9.00 am St Wilfrid’s Franz Nankoo RIP
10.00 am St George’s Mary Paquette RIP
3.00 pm St Anne’s
Holy Hour with Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Sat 22
5.00 pm
6.00 pm
Solemnity: Christ the King
St Anne’s
Private Intention
St Wilfrid’s People of the Parish
Sun 23
Solemnity: Christ the King
9.30 am
St Wilfrid’s Well-being of Sr Martha and Sr Felicity
11.00 am St George’s Intentions of Sister Mary Clement
Feast Day
This Sunday Eucharistic Prayer 2
Saturday 11.30 am -12.00 noon
16 Nov
Thirty-third Sunday of the Year
St Anne’s
Private Intention
St Wilfrid’s Intentions of Vanessa Rowney
26 Nov
30 Nov
November Diary Dates
Vintage Club 2pm Parish Centre
Advent Gift Service 4pm in the Church
Children’s Liturgy
16 Nov
Julia Murray Logue
Paul Melling Rino Alfieri
St Wilfrid’s Parish Centre is available for hire. Please contact
the Manager on 01444 242296.
Church cleaning
17 Nov
Ministries at St Wilfrid's 15/16 November
Julie Lavelle
Our Schools
St Paul’s Catholic College
Jane Murray Way 01444 873898
St Wilfrid’s Primary School
School Close
01444 235254
St Wilfrid’s Nursery Unit
Parish Centre
01444 871107
Sat 6.00 pm
Sunday 9.30 am
Pat Parrette
Peter Happe
Richard Kennedy
Philip L’Estrange
Andy Razzell
Denise Adamson Sam Aaron
Mel Baird Martha Boyle Mary Tull
Welcomers Pat Tucknott
Alec and Rosemary Fulton
Tom Boyle
St Wilfrid’s Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust registered charity no.252878