W E L C O M E T...


W E L C O M E T...
Guided by the Spirit of God,
St. Luke’s is an inclusive Community of Faith,
seeking to meet people where they are,
growing together toward full humanity
through living the teachings of Jesus:
L O V E , A C C E P TA N C E ,
J U S T I C E and H O P E .
Todays flowers are given by Jerry & Maryellen Davis in celebration of their 25th Wedding
Cafe St. Luke's - Today at 9:30am in Room 212. Join Rev. Sallie, Monty Hoffman &
Lynda Fickling as we share coffee and conversation about the community of St. Luke's.
All are Welcome!
Got extra Halloween Candy? We will be collecting leftover candies to donate to various
outreach programs. Drop your leftovers at the Little School office anytime.
Pictorial directory portraits: If you were photographed at Saint Luke’s and placed an
order, you may pick up your order today. If you did not place an order, your free 5x7
will delivered with your directory. Photos can still be taken at Bettinger's.
All are invited to an evening with Mark Ely, Founder & Executive Director of Pura Vida
(Guatemala). Mark will speak at A Place at the River class, Nov. 12 6:30-8:99pm in
Room 213. (Betsy Keyack bkeyack©att.net or Patricia Sailors Westlake
Les Mis auditions are Nov. 15 &16 ~ go to www.stlukeshr.com for audition info. Contact
Melanie Kirkpatrick (melanie.kirkpatrick©gmail.com) with any questions. We hope to
see you there!
Potato Sunday ~ St. Luke's has become the potato church for the Denver Inner City
Parish Thanksgiving Meals. Please bring your potatoes Sun. Nov. 16 ~ they will be
delivered Nov. 21.
Thanksgiving Dinner for those in need ~ please see the website to sign up to bring
prepared dishes the day before or the morning of Thanksgiving. Meals will be served
from noon-2:00pm. For those wanting to add names to guest list please contact Sam
Leahy (sam©stlukeshr.com).
Candlelight Dinner is Tue. Dec. 2, 6:00-8:00pm, $15.00 per ticket on sale Nov. 9, 16, and
23 at the Get Connected Center. Join the United Methodist Women in experiencing a
beautiful and delicious beginning to the Advent Season.
Are you interested in joining our 2015 Construction trip in Guatemala March 21-29?
Space is still available and we’d love to have you be part of our team. Applications can
be found online at puravida.org/participate.htm. (Laura Richards- laura©puravida.org)
Amahl and the Night Visitors: Presented by Central City Opera with St. Luke’s UMC
benefitting the Performing Arts Academy ~ Thurs. Dec. 4 - Sat. Dec. 6 at St. Luke’s.
Tickets are $15 - $25. To purchase tickets, please visit www.centralcityopera.org.
Prayer Concerns: Joe Forbes, Kathy Hutchinson, Debi Sheppard, Jane Riegle, Lee Long,
Lynn McNichols, Paula Lee, Row Helman, Baby Asher, Winnie Kolves, Sandy
Gibbons, Jack Kennedy and Val Clark
Congratulations to: Jeanne Beitscher and family on the birth of Nathan Patrick Beitscher
Sympathies to: Carl & Joanne Cleveland on the passing of Joanne’s uncle, Bill
Shimamoto; Dan & Kathy Swier on the passing of Dan’s uncle, Alvin Farr
November 9, 2014
Ministry Moment
American Salute Hayes
Kenrick Mervine (8:00)
On Veterans Day
Kidz Prayz (9:30 & 11:00)
Welcoming One Another
Hymn of Praise #89
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Time With Our Children
Rev. Ryan Canaday (9:30 & 11:00)
Thank You Soldiers
Junior Prayz
Call of the Drums
Call to Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
Lord’s Prayer
Prayer Response #143
Spirit of Life
Dr. James Ramsey
Rev. Sarah Merchant
On Eagle’s Wings
Giving Back to God
Reflection on A Patriotic Air Callahan (8:00)
Keep Your Lamps
Chancel Choir (9:30)
Hymn of Grace
2 Corinthians 8:10-11; Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)
Shared Rhythms
Rev. Dr. Janet Forbes
Song of the Body of Christ
What Does the Lord Require?
God of Our Fathers Warren (8:00 & 9:30)
DenUM’s (Denver Urban Ministries) food pantry needs:
• Whole grain cereal • Canned Vegetables (low sodium) • Peanut Butter •
• Pasta Sauce • Fruit (in water or juice) • 100% Fruit Juice •
• Soup • Powdered or shelf-stable Milk •
Missions Opportunities:
• Lunch in the Park needs: We take lunch to civic center park on Mondays for
those in need. Please help out by donating: jam, peanut butter & chips. Donations
can be left in mission closet in the foyer.
• Sedalia Elementary:
◦ Sedalia Elementary needs volunteers every morning in the 1st-4th grade
classrooms to assist with reading & writing. Contact Betsy Keyack
(303-346-7057, bkeyack©att.net).
◦ Bring your Box Tops for Education to the collection envelope on the
Missions closet door in the foyer.
• St. Paul's UMC Sunday Meal Program: Sign up online or at the kiosk in the
Fellowship Hall to help feed the homeless down at St. Paul's. We need your help
the 3rd Sunday of the month. (Pam Wiethoff 303-204-0252)
Love INC (In the Name of Christ)….303-794-LOVE(5683)...www.loveinclittleton.org
If you are in need of assistance or know of someone who is, please call the Clearing
House hotline, Monday - Friday, 9:15am-2:00pm, 303-794-LOVE. In case of an
emergency, please call 211 for 24 hour assistance.
Renewed Treasures Thrift Shoppe…...720-446-1877……..6512 S Broadway, Littleton
Back to School time at Renewed Treasures. Please think of us when cleaning out the
kids closets. We need all sizes, toddlers to teens - clothing, jackets, shoes, hats.
H.A.A.T. Force - South Metro (Homelessness Awareness Action Task Force)
Thanks for your continued contributions to this ministry!
Christian Connection: Sundays at 9:30am in Room 213 ~We will study “The Evolution
of Faith” by Philip Fulley for the rest of the year. Books are available in class. (Ron &
Suzanne Humphreys 303-795-6468 rbhumphreys©comcast.net)
Open Minds: Sundays at 9:30am in Room 210 ~ Side by Side, Parallel Histories of Israel and
Palestine by Sami Adwan, et al ~ a study of the social, spiritual and political histories of
Israel and Palestine. (Raina Powell rainapowell©aol.com & Les Ludlam
Contemplative Fellowship: Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Chapel. Looking for a way to
deepen your relationship with God? Join us in following a Christian mystic path
through contemplative practices. (Glenda Watson glendagwatson©aol.com
Sharon Oliver ~ sharon©stlukeshr.com
Sam Leahy ~ sam©stlukeshr.com
Stephanie Kirk ~ stephanie©stlukeshr.com
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 9 ~ SLY, Jr. Bowling - 5:30-8:00pm
Nov. 21 ~ Playgroup - 9:00am - contact Sam for more information
Nov. 21 ~ Family Movie Night - 6:45pm
Nov. 23 ~ SLY, Jr. Trip to DenUM - noon-4:30pm to put together Thanksgiving
Dinner Boxes. Sign-up with Ms. Sharon.
Sunday School Studies for this Sunday:
Joy Trek (ages 2-4): Wandering in the Wilderness
PEAK (K-4th grade): Samuel
Tweens (5th & 6th grade): Avoiding Jealousy
Godly Play: The Prophets
Children's Sunday School ~ Sign up ONLINE to help one or more Sundays throughout
the Fall. It's a short commitment, lots of fun and a great way to serve and connect with
your St. Luke's community. Thanks!
Dave Laurvick ~ davel©stlukeshr.com
Amy McMullen ~ amy©stlukeshr.com
Sunday Happenings:
SLY AM © 9:30am ~ Life Lessons and the New Testament
SLY Dinner © 5:30: Bring $2
SLY PM 6:00-7:30pm: Cake Decorating
Wednesday Happenings:
No SLY activities ~ see you next week
Confirmation Registration due Nov. 16 ~ forms are on the wall across from the Youth
Amy McMullen ~ amy©stlukeshr.com
Dave Laurvick ~ davel©stlukeshr.com
St. Luke’s Young Adult group meets at 7:00pm on the 1st Thursday of the month…
College Care Boxes - We need addresses for current SLY college students and nonperishables by Nov. 16 and we need HOME MADE GOODS by Nov 21- let’s send
some love for those pre-finals all nighters !!
DenUM’s (Denver Urban Ministries) food pantry needs:
• Whole grain cereal • Canned Vegetables (low sodium) • Peanut Butter •
• Pasta Sauce • Mac & Cheese & other boxed meals • 100% Fruit Juice •
• Soup • Whole Wheat pasta or rice •
Missions Opportunities:
• Lunch in the Park needs: We take lunch to civic center park on Mondays &
provide a sack lunch to those in need. Please help out by donating: jam, peanut
butter & chips. Donations can be left in mission closet in the foyer. Thank you
for supporting those who are hungry and homeless.
• Sedalia Elementary:
◦ Bring your Box Tops for Education to the collection envelope on the
Missions closet door in the foyer.
• St. Paul's UMC Sunday Meal Program: Sign up online or at the kiosk in the
Fellowship Hall to volunteer to help feed the homeless down at St. Paul's. We
need your help the third Sunday of each month. (Pam Wiethoff 303-204-0252)
Love INC (In the Name of Christ)….303-794-LOVE(5683)...www.loveinclittleton.org
The Empty Bowl, Love INC's major fund raising event, is scheduled for Thur. Oct.
2, 6:00-9:00pm at the Ken Caryl Event Center, Terrace Gardens. Volunteers are
needed before and during the event. Please call the office at 303-798-0037. Silent
Auction donations are also being accepted.
Renewed Treasures Thrift Shoppe…...720-446-1877……..6512 S Broadway, Littleton
Back to School time at Renewed Treasures. Please think of us when cleaning out the
kids closets. We need all sizes, toddlers to teens - clothing, jackets, shoes, hats.
H.A.A.T. Force - South Metro
Thank you for your continued support of this ministry.
Christian Connection: Sundays at 9:30 am in Room 213 ~Rob Bell’s book “What We
Talk About When We Talk About God” - challenges conventional notions of God as
an otherworldly divine being set apart from humanity, opposed to science and insistent
on a conservative interpretation of the Bible. Books are available in class. (Ron &
Suzanne Humphreys 303-795-6468 rbhumphreys©comcast.net)
Open Minds: Sundays at 9:30am in Room 210 ~ Side by Side, Parallel Histories of Israel and
Palestine by Sami Adwan, et al ~ a study of the social, spiritual and political histories of
Israel and Palestine. (Raina Powell rainapowell©aol.com & Les Ludlam
Mindful Presence: We invite you to join us in the Chapel on Mondays at 10:00am to be
quiet on the inside and give yourself permission to enjoy time for devotion, stillness
and reflection. (Sam Leahy 303-791-0659 sam©stlukeshr.com)
Contemplative Fellowship: Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm in the Chapel. Looking for a
way to deepen your relationship with God? Join us in following a Christian mystic path
through contemplative practices. (Glenda Watson glendagwatson©aol.com
Are you …
Please Contact
A parent of young children?
Sharon Oliver x27 sharon©stlukeshr.com
Sam Leahy x40 sam©stlukeshr.com
Stephanie Kirk x11 stephanie©stlukeshr.com
A parent of teenagers
(7th-12 grades)?
Dave Laurvick x14 davel©stlukeshr.com
Amy McMullen x19 amy©stlukeshr.com
A young adult?
Dave Laurvick x14 davel©stlukeshr.com
In need of care, prayer,
or a Stephen Minister?
Sallie Suby-Long x32 sallie©stlukeshr.com
Looking for a Christian preschool?
Kay Swanson 303-791-1982 kay©stlukeshr.com
Looking for adult education classes?
Elizabeth Billups elizabethbillups©gmail.com
Looking to volunteer?
Lynda Fickling x20 lynda©stlukeshr.com
Looking for outreach opportunities?
Jerry Hertzler 720-480-0476
Scott Hetherington 303-954-9718
Interested in music or drama?
James Ramsey x23 jim©stlukeshr.com
Ken Mervine x33 kenm©stlukeshr.com
Kay Coryell x36 kayc©stlukeshr.com
Jennifer Ferguson x37 jennifer©stlukeshr.com
Interested in joining St. Luke's?
Lynda Fickling x20 lynda©stlukeshr.com
Sunday Worship Services
8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am
Sunday School for Adults
9:30 & 11:00am
8:00 & 11:00am
Birth-3 years
Birth-2 years
Sunday School for Children
Joy Trek - 2-4 years old
PEAK Workshops - Grades K-4th
Tweens ROCK - Grades 5th & 6th
11:00am (after Children’s Time):
Godly Play - age 4-grade 6
Activities for St. Luke’s Youth &
Young Adults
9:30am SLY AM
5:00pm SLY Dinner ($2)
6:00pm SLY PM Activity
5:30pm SLY Homework Hour
6:30pm SLY Wed
1st Thursday of the month:
7:00pm Young Adults (18+)
Pastoral Contact Information:
Rev. Dr. Janet Forbes: 303-241-9312
Rev. Dr. Sallie Suby-Long: 303-475-0141
Rev. Ryan Canaday: 303-944-5061
Building Maintenance:
Barry Curtis: 303-550-3056
For LARGE PRINT HYMNALS & BIBLES, hearing assistance earphones, or sound
dampening plugs, please see an usher.
For a complete listing of events visit our website at www.stlukeshr.com
Conversations with...
Rev. Ryan ~ September 2 ~ 2:00pm
Rev. Janet ~ October 7 ~ 2:00pm
Boulder Philharmonic Benefit Concert
September 13 ~ 7:00pm
Tickets are $10 Students/Senior; $20 Adult; $30 Premium
seating (front center rows) plus $1 processing fee. Tickets are
general admission and available at www.stlukeshr.com. For
more information: http://boulderphil.org/concerts/opening-night
Flu Shot Clinic
September 14 & October 5 ~ 8:00am
$31.99 (shot) ~ $47.99 (nasal spray)
Free w/ most insurance
Paths to Better Family, Workplace
and Personal Relationships
September 16 ~ 6:30pm
Family Movie Night
September 19 ~ 6:45pm
“Rio 2" rated G
Shine! Family Game Night
September 20 ~ 6:00pm
Pumpkins Arrive…!!!!
September 27 ~ 9:00am
To donate:
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
8817 S. Broadway · Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Phone: 303-791-0659 · Childcare reservations: x47
Email: office©stlukeshr.com