Tuesday, November 11 ...
Tuesday, November 11 ...
Tuesday, November 11 16:10-16:30 Ching-sheng Memorial Hall, Tamkang University Opening Ceremony Ching-sheng International Conference Hall, 3F 16:30-18:00 Plenary Ching-sheng International Conference Hall, 3F Chair: Martin Quack Interplay Between Theories and Experiments PI-1 Yuan Tseh Lee (Academia Sinica) Single Molecule Intermittent Fluorescence Studies of Quantum Dots and in Initial Steps in PI-2 Dye Sensitized Solar cells, Examples of Electron Transfers and Diffusion R. A. Marcus(California Institute of Technology) 18:00-20:00 Welcome Reception Corridor of Carrie Chang Music Hall Wednesday, November 12 09:00-10:40 2F, Marina Bay Plaza, Fullon Hotel Lecture I Quantum Chemistry Jixiang Room Chair: Jean Maruani Fragmentation Without Consternation LI-1 Mark S. Gordon (Iowa State University) Systematic derivation of new density functional approximations LI-2 Kieron Burke (University of California,Irvine) Coupling wave function with density functional methods: a one-particle perspective LI-3 Andreas Savin (UPMC Sorbonne Universités) Cluster-in-molecule electron correlation approach and its applications LI-4 Shuhua Li (Nanjing University) 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-12:15 Lecture II Biological Systems Tuanyuan Room Jixiang Room Chair: Yuan-Chung Cheng Nanothermometers: Development and Application to Molecular Cell Biology LII-1 Haw Yang (Princeton University) DNA allostery LII-2 Yi Qin Gao(Peking University) A Multiscale Approach of Biosystems Simulation LII-3 Jhih-Wei Chu (National Chiao Tung University) 12:15-13:45 Lunch 13:45-15:50 Lecture III Biological Systems and Dynamics Jixiang Room Chair: Yi Qin Gao Excited States and Molecular Interactions in Proteins and Solutions LIII-1 Jun-ya Hasegawa (Hokkaido University) Specific Force Fields for Polarization and Reactions based on QM Calculations LIII-2 Jing Ma (Nanjing University) Development of Protein pKa Simulation Methods LIII-3 Hao Hu (The University of Hong Kong) Molecular Modeling of Two-dimensional Spectra and Energy Transfer Dynamics of the LIII-4 Water-Soluable Chlorophyll Binding Protein Yuan-Chung Cheng (National Taiwan University) LIII-5 Toward Understanding the Ion Effect on Water Dynamics Wei Zhuang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian) 13:45-15:50 Lecture IV Dynamics and Spectra Ruyi Room Chair: Samantha Jenkins Photoionization dynamics: Transition delay and scattering delay LIV-1 Jérémie Caillat (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Early-Time Dynamics of a Proton-Coupled Electron-Transfer: Branching Ratio by LIV-2 Quantum Wavepacket Propagation Kyoung Koo Baeck (Gangneung-Wonju National University) Theoretical studies on the mechanisms of photochemical reactions of sulfur-containing LIV-3 compounds S. Nanbu (Sophia University) First-principles calculation for positron binding to molecules LIV-4 Masanori Tachikawa (Yokohama City University) Motion of H+ in H-bond Network: To Eigen or To Zundel LIV-5 Jer-Lai Kuo (Academia Sinica) 15:50-16:10 Coffee Break Tuanyuan Room 16:10-17:50 Lecture V Electron Dynamics Jixiang Room Chair: Jer-Lai Kuo Excited State Dynamics in Nanoscale Materials LV-1 Oleg V. Prezhdo (University of Southern California) Quantum mechanical simulation of open electronic systems: from molecular devices to LV-2 photovoltaics Guanhua Chen (University of Hong Kong) Calculation of Charge Carrier Mobility in Covalent Organic Frameworks LV-3 Stephan Irle (Nagoya University) Heun equations in quantum chemistry: Analytical solutions of the Schroediger equation LV-4 with power potentials Jacek Karwowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University) Thursday, November 13 09:00-10:40 2F, Marina Bay Plaza, Fullon Hotel Lecture VI Spectroscopy and Dynamics Jixiang Room Chair: K Takahashi Vibrational dynamics and spectral simulations of the fluxional H5+ cation and its LVI-1 isotopologues G. Delgado-Barrio (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) Structure Prediction from First Principles LVI-2 Eva Zurek (University at Buffalo) Photodynamics of OH dissociation and charge separation in X-MnOH2: A nonadiabatic LVI-3 electron wavepacket Study Kazuo Takatsuka (Institute for Molecular Science) Proton-transfer mediated enhancement of non-local electronic relaxation processes in LVI-4 X-ray irradiated liquid water Nikolai V. Kryzhevoi (University of Heidelberg) 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break Tuanyuan Room 11:00-12:15 Lecture VII Electronic Structure and Dynamic Jixiang Room Chair: E.K.U. Gross Interference effects in atomic and molecular collisions LVII-1 Alain Dubois (Université Pierre et Marie Curie - CNRS) New DFT-Based Methods for Excited States LVII-2 John M. Herbert (The Ohio State University) Beyond the Orbital Paradigm: AP1roG, A New Mean-Field Method for Strong LVII-3 Correlation Paul W. Ayers (McMaster University) 12:15-13:45 Lunch 13:45-15:50 Lecture VIII Quantum Chemistry Jixiang Room Chair: Gerardo Delgado-Barrio Modeling non-covalent interactions in density functional theory: Non-empirical and LVIII-1 empirical approaches Yousung Jung (KAIST) Conceptual Quantum Topology LVIII-2 Samantha Jenkins (Hunan Normal University) Density Corrected Density Functional Theory (DC-DFT) for Abnormal Density LVIII-3 Functional Calculations Eunji Sim (Yonsei University) Making ab initio Electronic Structure Methods Predictive and Feasible for Realistic LVIII-4 System Jun Yang (Princeton University) Analysis of Exact Exchange in Long-Range Corrected Density Functional Theory LVIII-5 Yukio Kawashima (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science) 13:45-15:50 Lecture IX Material Ruyi Room Chair: Jyh-Chiang Jiang Geometry optimizations by the molecular Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov (HFB) method LIX-1 Masato Kobayashi (Hokkaido University) Theoretical Study on Solar Cell Sensitizers by Two-component Relativistic LIX-2 Time-dependent Density Functional Theory Yutaka Imamura (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science) Modification of D-A-π-A Configuration Toward A High-Performance Starburst LIX-3 Triphenylamine-Based Sensitizer for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: A Theoretical Investigation Siriporn Jungsuttiwong (UbonRatchathani University) New insights on porphyrinoid compounds through studies of gauge including magnetically LIX-4 induced current densities Heike Flieg (University of Oslo) Molecular Design for Ambipolar Air-stable Organic Field-effect Transistors (OFETs) LIX-5 Ming-Yu Kuo (National Chi Nan University) 15:50-16:10 Coffee Break 16:10-17:00 Flash Talks Tuanyuan Room Jixiang Room 17:00-18:00 Poster Session Friday, November 14 09:00-10:40 Tuanyuan Room 2F, Marina Bay Plaza, Fullon Hotel Lecture X Fudamental Aspects Jixiang Room Chair: Chia-Chun Chou Minimizing the Uncertainty Product for Position and Momentum LX-1 Donald J. Kouri (University of Houston) Reactant Coordinate Based State-to-State Reactive Scattering Dynamics Implemented on LX-2 GPUs Keli Han (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian) The Art of Converging Self-Consistent Field Calculations and Effective Bond-Strength LX-3 Indicators Yan Alexander Wang (University of British Columbia) The Dirac Electron as a Massless Charge Spinning at Light Speed and the Kinetic LX-4 Foundation of Rest Mass Jean Maruani (Laboratoire de Chimie Physique – Matière et Rayonnement) 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break Tuanyuan Room 11:00-12:15 Lecture XI Strong Field and Relativistic Effects Jixiang Room Chair: Yan Alexander Wang New Development of Time-Dependent Approaches for Probing Multiphoton Processes in LXI-1 Intense Ultrashort Laser Fields Shih-I Chu (National Taiwan University) Atoms and Molecules in Strong Fields (AMSF) LXI-2 Alexander Glushkov (Odessa State University) The Big Picture of Relativistic Molecular Quantum Mechanics LXI-3 Wenjian Liu (Peking University) 12:15-17:30 Lunch and Excursion 18:30-21:00 Banquet Saturday, November 15 09:00-10:40 2F, Marina Bay Plaza, Fullon Hotel Lecture XII Quantum Mechanics and Applications Jixiang Room Chair: Boris N Plakhutin The mechanism of formation of polar bonds from a quantum mechanical interference LXII-1 perspective Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Cidade Universitária) Prediction of Efficient and Clean Hydrogen Storage Materials without Experimental Help LXII-2 Yoshiyuki Kawazoe (Tohoku University) Proton transfer reactions and hydrogen bond networks in protein environments LXII-3 Hiroshi Ishikita (The University of Tokyo) Flexible Electronic Structures of Inverse Sandwich-type Dinuclear Complex and Metal LXII-4 Salen Complex Shigeyoshi Sakaki (Kyoto University) 10:40-11:00 11:00-12:15 Coffee Break Lecture XIII Biological Systems and Multiscale Simulations Tuanyuan Room Jixiang Room Chair: Jhih-Wei Chu Physicochemical Principles Governing Biological Processes LXIII-1 Carmay Lim (Academia Sinica) Rational Drug Design, Discovery and Development via High-Performance LXIII-2 Supercomputing Chang Guo Zhan (University of Kentucky) Toward Controlling Complex Chemical Reactions in the "Molecular Aggregation States" LXIII-3 -From Multiscale Simulation to Computational Molecular TechnologyMasataka Nagaoka (Nagoya University) 12:15-13:45 Lunch 13:45-15:50 Lecture XIV Biological Systems and Dynamics Jixiang Room Chair: Carmay Lim Computational Modeling of Enzymatic Function: Effects of Substrate Distortion in LXIV-1 ODCase Reaction Toyokazu Ishida (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Impacts of protein-indued fluctuations and intramolecular vibrations upon quantum LXIV-2 dynamics of photosynthetic energy transfer Akihito Ishizaki (National Institutes of Natural Sciences) Probing Water Dynamics the Missing Link for Understanding Enzyme LXIV-3 Structure-Catalysis and Signal Transduction Hsiao-Ching Yang (Fu Jen Catholic University) A Hierarchical Dynamics Approach to Strongly Correlated Quantum Impurity Systems LXIV-4 Xiao Zheng (University of Science and Technology of China) Topologically protected molecular aggregates LXIV-5 Joel Yuen-Zhou (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 13:45-15:50 Lecture XV Quantum Chemistry Ruyi Room Chair: Shridhar Gadre Reactive Collisions, Chemical Reactions & Catalysis LXV-1 Wei-Xue Li (Chineses Academy of Sciences, Dalian) Active space decomposition LXV-2 Toru Shiozaki (Northwestern University) Canonical formulation of the Hartree-Fock method for open-shell systems LXV-3 Boris N. Plakhutin (Russian Academy of Sciences) Development of a DFT code using Lagrange-sinc functions as a basis set and its numerical LXV-4 accuracy. Woo Youn Kim (KAIST) Electron-nucleus correlation functional for multicomponent density functional theory LXV-5 Taro Udagawa (Gifu University) 15:50-16:10 Coffee Break 16:10-17:00 Flash Talks 17:00-18:00 Poster Session Tuanyuan Room Jixiang Room Tuanyuan Room Sunday, November 16 09:00-10:40 2F, Marina Bay Plaza, Fullon Hotel Lecture XVI Quantum Chemistry and Beyond Jixiang Room Chair: Chin-Hui Yu The Role of Spin-Free Cumulants in generating Size Extensive and Size Consistent LXVI-1 Spin-free Multi-Reference Theories Debashis Mukherjee (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science) Reduced Density Matirix Based Valence Bond Theory LXVI-2 Wei Wu (Xiamen University) Harmonic Solvation Model (HSM) for Quantum Chemical Calculation of LXVI-3 Condensed-Phase Free Energy Hiromi Nakai (Waseda University) Ab Initio Investigations of Large Molecular Clusters: An Art of the Possible LXVI-4 Shridhar R. Gadre (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break Tuanyuan Room 11:00-12:15 Lecture XVII Dynamics Jixiang Room Chair: Hiromi Nakai Theory and Applications of Sum-Frequency Generations LXVII-1 S. H. Lin (National Chiao-Tung University) Quantum interference effect observed in photofragments of simple molecules LXVII-2 Satoshi Yabushita (Keio University) A kinetic disconnectivity graph to decode timescale hierarchy buried in reaction networks LXVII-3 Tamiki Komatsuzaki (Hokkaido University) 12:15-13:45 Lunch 13:45-15:50 Lecture XVIII Material and Complex Systems Jixiang Room Chair: Alia Tadjer LXVIII-1 Computational Studies on Metal-mediated C-C and C-H Bond Cleavage Reactions in Organometallic/Bioinorganic Chemistry Seiji Mori (Ibaraki University) LXVIII-2 Heterogeneous Nanocluster Catalysts Masahiro Ehara (Institute for Molcular Science) LXVIII-3 Rare Event Search Detected by Enhanced Sampling Techniques Yasuteru Shigeta (University of Tsukuba) LXVIII-4 Trajectory-based nonadiabatic molecular dynamics without calculating nonadiabatic coupling vector: Trans↔cis photoisomerization in azobenzene Chaoyuan Zhu (National Chiao-Tung University) LXVIII-5 Solid-state Density Functional Theory Study of Terahertz Spectroscopy of Molecular Crystals Michitoshi Hayashi (National Taiwan University) 13:45-15:50 Lecture XIX Electron Interaction Chair: Marco Nascimento All for One and One for All : Accommodating an Extra Electron in C60 LXIX-1 Shachar Klaiman (Universität Heidelberg) A chemical bonding analysis on clusters containing helium LXIX-2 Taku Onishi (Mie University) Ruyi Room LXIX-3 LXIX-4 LXIX-5 A DFT Reinvestigation of DNA Strand Breaks Induced by Electron Attachment Hsing-Yin Chen (Kaohsiung Medical University) Reactive Collisions, Chemical Reactions & Catalysis Andrey Loboda (Odessa State University - OSENU) Correlation effects of heliumoid electron-nuclear systems Y. Mutafchieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 15:50-16:10 Coffee Break Tuanyuan Room 16:10-17:50 Lecture XX Crystal and Electronic Structure Jixiang Room Chair: Jen-Shiang Yu DFT Analysis on the Electronic Properties of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite LXX-1 K. Yamashita (The University of Tokyo) Multi-scale framework of the structure of disordered silicate materials LXX-2 Valera Veryazov (Lund University) Modelling of Alkali-Carbonaceous Complexes LXX-3 A. Tadjer (University of Sofia) Analytical form of helium wave function LXX-4 Henryk A. Witek (National Chiao Tung University) Monday, November 17 09:00-10:40 2F, Marina Bay Plaza, Fullon Hotel Lecture XXI Spectroscopy and Dynamics Jixiang Room Chair: Mei-Yin Chou Molecules in Motion: From Spectroscopy to Quantum Dynamics Including Electroweak LXXI-1 Parity Violation and Biomolecular Homochirality Martin Quack (ETH Zurich) Optical Properties of Graphene Derivatives LXXI-2 Haibin Su (Nanyang Technological University) Theory of Chemical Reaction's Dynamics LXXI-3 A Toro-Labbe (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) Quantum Dynamics and Control of Electrons in Chiral Aromatic Molecules LXXI-4 Yuichi Fujimura (National Chiao-Tung University) 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-12:15 Lecture XXII Frontiers in Density Functional Theories Tuanyuan Room Jixiang Room Chair: Chao-Ping Hsu Ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization: The first 100 femto-seconds LXXII-1 E.K.U. Gross (Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics) Generalized Time-dependent Approaches to Vibrationally-Resolved Electronic and LXXII-2 Resonance Raman Spectra: Theory and Applications Wan-Zhen Liang (Xiamen University) Computational Studies of Two-Dimensional Materials: From Graphene to Few-Layer LXXII-3 Graphene and Beyond Mei-Yin Chou (Academia Sinica) 12:15-12:25 Closing Ceremony Jixiang Room