code Intitutlé Axe Auteurs
code Intitutlé Axe Auteurs
code Intitutlé Axe Auteurs Pays reviewer résultats Proposed presentation org/decs ICEE2014-01 Using Numerical Inverse Laplace for Optimizing the Current Control in Grid Coupled Inverters Analytical Calculation of the Interactions between two Cylinder-shaped Magnets Semi-analytical method for partial self and mutual inductances calculation between conductors of circular cross section for considering proximity and skin effects Analytical Calculation of Permanent Magnet Systems: Internal Energy and Coil Interaction Simulation of a PMW Chopper Based on On-Off Control Systems PEA Jean Marie Vianney Bikorimana Belgique benbouzid/yassin accepté oral oral EEF Allag Hichem u jijel Alex accepté oral oral EEF Asma AZZOUZA u jijel Alex accepté oral oral EEF Mohamed AISSAOUI1 u jijel Alex accepté oral oral PEA EEF Sofiane BOULKROUNE1 u,constantine csc cheraga Alex Alex rejeté rejeté EMD [email protected] EMD MAHGOUN .M.Seddik u setif u,setif benbouzid benbouzid rejeté rejeté EEF u,constantine Legouira rejeté RES k. Roummani MDS Adjissi Nabila u,adrar u,setif Yassine rekioua accepté accepté poster poster poster poster EEF RES u,setif cder alger CDTA Alger Allag Touafek Amara accepté accepté identique39 poster poster identique39 poster poster EMD K.IFFOUZAR RES M. Kaci1 u bejaaia u bejaaia Rekioua Malek accepté accepté poster poster oral poster EEF ME u annaba u mesila Amara Benslim accepté identique60 poster oral EMD L.Atarsia u souk ahras Rekioua accepté oral oral EMD B.Bentchikou u khemis meliana Rekioua rejeté PEA usto Alex rejeté u batna u skikda Rekioua KLAIAIA accepté accepté oral poster oral poster poster poster ICEE2014-02 ICEE2014-03 ICEE2014-04 ICEE2014-05 ICEE2014-06 ICEE2014-07 ICEE2014-08 Numerical study of heat transfer in a multilayer wall H∞ DESIGN OF CONTROLLERS ENSURING THE REGULATION OF CURRENTS OF THE DECOUPLED FIELD ORIENTATION CONTROL APPLIED TO A PMS MOTOR Modélisation de la machine synchrone à aimants permanents Modélisation Numérique du Champ de contact des Contraintes et étude du comportement thermique du Couple Tribologique Cuivre-Acier ICEE2014-09 ICEE2014-10 ICEE2014-11 ICEE2014-12 ICEE2014-13 ICEE2014-14 ICEE2014-15 ICEE2014-16 ICEE2014-17 ICEE2014-18 ICEE2014-19 The Intelligent Control of speed wind Based on DFIG Generator for Grid Integration Studies diagnosis of a multicel converter Accelerating the Frequency-Domain Response Calculation of Horizontal Grounding Electrode Using MBPE Technique Data Acquisition of a Photovoltaic Pumping System Microstructure and optical properties of thin films ZnO-Ag obtained by thermal evaporation Modeling and Analysis of Seven-Phase Induction Motor Fed by Multi-level Inverters in the Normal and Degraded Mode Characterization of charging systems for electrets ELABORATION OF TIN DISULFIDE THIN FILMS WITH ULTRASONIC SPRAY TECHNIQUE FOR THEIR APPLICATION IN SOLAR CELLS Effect of enviremental conditions on the substrate Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell performances Applied to Input-Output Feedback Linearization Control an Induction Motor Investigation sur la Commande Prédictive Généralisée en Utilisant un Onduleur Multiniveaux Piloté par MLI Hybride. Application à la MSAP ICEE2014-20 ICEE2014-21 ICEE2014-22 ICEE2014-23 ICEE2014-24 ICEE2014-25 ICEE2014-26 ICEE2014-27 ICEE2014-28 ICEE2014-29 Robust Backstepping Control of PWM AC/DC Converter Using High Order Sliding Mode Load Current Observer A Multi-output Boost Converter (MOB) controlled by Fuzzy Logic Technique supplied by a Photovoltaic System with Grid-Connected and fed by three level inverter Commande d’une Articulation Robotique par mode glissant du deuxième ordre Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposite hybrid obtained by in situ polymerization oxidative of aniline with ZnO nanoparticle RBF-MLP temperature-based model for estimating hourly global solar irradiation from air temperature: A comparative study Field-Oriented-Control of a Doubly Fed Induction generator Using the PI and RST Controllers Design of a hand prosthesis based on a force sensor control Modeling and Search of Global Power Peak Under Partial Shading Conditions on PV Array Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Abdelouahab Zaatri R.ABOUD(1) T. Rouibah B. Taghezouit F. Lekoui, K. KAMLI A.MEKHANNENE Mohammed Tahar EMD Tarek Boutabba CSR Ali Medjebouri ME Imane. RADJA u mascar Benslim accepté RES R. Yacef u jijel Touafek rejeté EMD F.Arama CSR Imen Deghboudj usto u constantine Rekioua zaatri accepté accepté poster poster poster poster RES CSR u annaba u ourgla Touafek zaatri accepté accepté oral oral oral oral Saad saoud T. AMIEUR ICEE2014-30 ICEE2014-31 ICEE2014-32 ICEE2014-33 ICEE2014-34 ICEE2014-35 ICEE2014-36 ICEE2014-37 ICEE2014-38 ICEE2014-39 ICEE2014-40 ICEE2014-41 ICEE2014-42 ICEE2014-43 ICEE2014-44 ICEE2014-45 Modeling and experiments on the I-V characteristic of n-Si/In-SnO2/Au Schottky Diode Novel Direct Torque and Reactive Power Control of Variable Wind Speed Turbine Based on Grid Connected Doubly Fed Induction Generator Numerical modeling of abradable coatings for the electrical industry Recent Advances in Wind Turbine Generation Systems Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Uncertain Nonlinear SISO Systems La détection des potentiels tardifs par l’analyse Temporelle, Temps/fréquence et Temps/échelle (ondelette) dans un signal électrocardiographie ECG Speed Control of Doubly Fed Induction Motor Impact of High Penetratons of Renewable Energy Systems on the Voltage Profil of Distribution Networks Photovoltaic Generation System with DC-to-DC Converter Using Matlab/PLECS Microstructure and optical properties of thin films ZnO-Ag obtained by thermal evaporation Impact of Partial shading On P (V) and I (V) Characteristic of Photovoltaic Module and Array GPV/Battery Microgrid Energy Management Water pumping system based on a centrifugal pump driven by a permanent magnet synchronous motor, fed by a photovoltaic generator through an offline calculated PWM voltage source inverter. Improvement of Small Crack Detection Performance Using Eddy Current NDT Technique Design and Comparative Study of Induction Motor Squirrel Cage of Medium Power Influence of Temperature and Agitation of the Liquid Cooling on Corrosion Resistance Alloys Aluminum used in the Automobile Industry CONTROL DE LA MACHINE ASYNCHRONE (MAS) PAR MOD GLISSANT ICEE2014-46 ME D. MOHRA usto Benslim accepté oral oral RES Salah Tamalouzt MDS Yazid Fizi RES DIDA u bejaaia CDTA Alger u biskra Yassine salim Yassine accepté rejeté identique154 oral oral CSR u ourgla zaatri identique29 CSR A.BENZAID EMD S. Lekhchine u skikda u annaba KLIAIA Yassine rejeté rejeté RES RES ME bot L. Rachedi1 F. Lekoui usto u batna CDTA Alger BOUKTIR CHELALI Benslim rejeté rejeté accepté poster oral RES RES Ahmed Bouraiou F. Khoucha UREAR ADRAR BOUKTIR EMP BORDJ BAHRIMALEK rejeté accepté oral oral RES T. LADDI u bejaaia Rekioua rejeté MDS Mohammed Chebout1 EMD Z.MADDI u jijel u bejaaia benbouzid/yassin Rekioua accepté accepté oral poster oral poster OUT u skikda Legouira rejeté EMD Abdellatif.Hinda ENPO oran benbouzid rejeté PEA Abdellatif.Hinda ENPO oran salim rejeté RES S.Taraft u bejaaia Yassine accepté poster poster MDS Abla Bouguerne RES R.MATKI u constantine u bab ezzaouar benbouzid/yassin Touafek accepté accepté oral oral oral oral MDS Abbas DEBDOUCHE MDS Mohamed Yacine Hammoudi EMP BORDJ BAHRIbenbouzid/yassin u batna Yassine accepté accepté poster oral poster oral EEF OUT csc cheraga cder alger Allag salim rejeté rejeté EMD Amieur Oualid u tebessa Allag accepté poster poster RES F. BRIHMAT1,2 ENP Alger Rekioua accepté oral oral RES K. Salhi cder alger Touafek rejeté PEA K. Kerbouche MDS S.Aliouat ME A.MEKHANNENE u jijel u bab ezzaouar u mesila Alex benbouzid/yassin Amara rejeté accepté accepté oral poster oral oral MDS Y. Soukkou csc cheraga benbouzid/yassin accepté poster poster T. AMIEUR HAROUAKA Saad Modélisation et Simulation d’un Dispositif STATCOM dans un Réseau D’énergie Electrique ICEE2014-47 Power control over a wide range speed of a wind turbine connected to the grid ICEE2014-48 ICEE2014-49 ICEE2014-50 ICEE2014-51 ICEE2014-52 ICEE2014-53 ICEE2014-54 ICEE2014-55 ICEE2014-56 ICEE2014-57 ICEE2014-58 ICEE2014-59 ICEE2014-60 ICEE2014-61 K- Means Clustering Algorithm For Classification of Ball Bearing Faults Optimization and Sensitivity of PV Diesel Hybrid System for Industrial Plant Induction Motor Model Based on the Method of Electric Circuits Coupled Magnetically In Event of Rotor Faul New State Observer Based On Takai-Sugeno Fuzzy Controller of Induction Motor Study of the morphology of oxide scale formed on hot-rolled steel Meteorological data analysis under LabVIEW environment OPTIMAL DESIGN OF A SINGLE SIDED LINEAR INDUCTION MOTOR (SLIM) USING A USER INTERACTIVE COMPUTER PROGRAM Modeling and Optimal Sizing of a Wind Energy System for the Electrification of an Algerian Territory Study of Absorption of System Using Geothermal Energy in Algeria (P -T-X Behavior and Activity Coefficient) A new non isolated multi-inputs multi-outputs DC-DC converter to interface DC linked hybrid power systems Detection of High Impedance Faults in Electrical Power Network Effect of enviremental conditions on the substrate Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell performances Indirect Adaptive Backstepping Control by Using the Virtual Controls Filtering Adel Balaska1 Bilal Taghezouit ICEE2014-62 ICEE2014-63 ICEE2014-64 ICEE2014-65 ICEE2014-66 ICEE2014-67 ICEE2014-68 Application of Generalized Predictive Control Case of a Chemical Processes Analytical Protection of Power System Study GNL against the current three-phase short circuit Commande d'un onduleur multi-niveaux en pont H cascadé utilisant la méthode MLI calculée à élimination d'harmoniques sélectives (SHE PWM) Application of Predictive Maintenance to Detect Abnormalities Gears by Spectral Analysis Innovative Electrical Machine for Wind Turbine Improved induction motor power by using the PWM inverter Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Via RBFNNs Technique A preliminary study to create a field of wind turbines in Skikda ICEE2014-69 ICEE2014-70 ICEE2014-71 ICEE2014-72 ICEE2014-73 ICEE2014-74 ICEE2014-75 ICEE2014-76 ICEE2014-77 The Stability Study of the Hydraulic Servo Valve Using the Back Integration Algorithm A new approach FMV for the identification and the compensation of the harmonics total and selective in the systems electric Analysis of Defects in Rotating Machines by Vibration Analysis "Case of the pump 100MP14B, Skikda Refinery". Realization of n-type semiconductor thin films prepared by electrochemical deposition for photovoltaic energy Robust Farctional ordre controller : applied to control of on wrist of a robot Effective techniques for the estimation of the hourly flow rate of a PV water pumping system at Madinah, Saudi-Arabia Remote control and supervision of a manufacturing system Application in a cement factory Control of a photovoltaic system by an analogical MPPT MATLAB-based simulator for general photovoltaic devices ICEE2014-78 ICEE2014-79 ICEE2014-80 ICEE2014-81 ICEE2014-82 ICEE2014-83 ICEE2014-84 ICEE2014-85 ICEE2014-86 ICEE2014-87 ICEE2014-88 ICEE2014-89 ICEE2014-90 ICEE2014-91 ICEE2014-92 ICEE2014-93 ICEE2014-94 ICEE2014-95 ICEE2014-96 Discriminant Analysis of Streamers Currents in Dielectrics Liquid under Alternating Voltage The principle of Optimal Power for improving the performance of photovoltaic inverters Power control scheme for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell distributed generation system Energy Intake of a PV System Simulation and Kinematic Modeling of Constant Curvature Flexible Continuum Robots Effect of carbon additions on the characteristics mechanical and Microstructural ceramics kaolinitics Intelligent Identification of Power Quality Problems using Kohonen Self-Organizing Map An experimental Stud Development of a Photovoltaic Simulator Based on DSPACE Map Robust Trajectory Tracking for a Small Model Autonomous Helicopter EEMD-based wind turbine bearing failure detection using the generator stator current homopolar component Detection Harmonics of High Intensity Discharge Lamps Simulation the harmonic pollution of Arc Furnace in Electric network Nanomaterials for Advanced Energy Applications New method dedicated to faults classification of induction machines Microstrip Micro-Plasma 3D modelling and Numerical Simulations Experimental study of a Sheet and tubes hybrids collectors Recovery Dissipated Energy of the Vehicle Suspension Advanced model for simulation of quantum well laser MDS N.Nafir u skikda benbouzid/yassin rejeté MDS Lahmar.Sihem u skikda benbouzid/yassin rejeté PEA KHERCHI Mohamed1 MDS S. Slimane1 RES Abdelkadir Lebsir cder alger usto u constantine Rekioua benbouzid/yassin benbouzid rejeté rejeté identique 100 PEA u skikda REKIOUA accepté poster poster EMD M.Messaadi u batna Rekioua accepté poster oral RES khantout u skikda salim rejeté CSR T.BENABDALLAH u boumerdes KLIAIA accepté poster poster Tamaloussi.Naima MDS A.YOUSFI u khemis meliana benbouzid/yassin rejeté MDS Derdour fatima zohra u skikda salim rejeté hors thème ME H. Rahal1 u guelma Benslim accepté poster oral CSR Y.ZENNIR u skikda zaatri accepté oral oral RES haddad u jijel Touafek accepté oral oral MDS Hanane Zermane u batna benbouzid/yassin accepté oral oral RES Slimani Abdeldjalil UREAR ADRAR CHELALI rejeté RES Boutana Nassiha*, u jijel Touafek accepté oral oral EEF PEA RES RES H.Moulai Merahi R chettibi BEY Mohammed u bab ezzaouar u constantine u jijel u tlemcen Alex BOUKTIR MALEK Touafek accepté accepté accepté rejeté poster poster poster oral oral poster CSR Ammar Amouri u constantine zaatri accepté oral oral ME A. Belbali u setif Benslim rejeté MDS benabid RES Rahmani N u djelfa u setif benbouzid/yassin Rekioua accepté accepté oral poster oral poster CSR M.Rida Mokhtari u tlemcen zaatri accepté oral oral CSR CSR CSR ME CSR EEF RES OUT Nawel. BENAZIZA Ayad Ahmed Ayad Ahmed Hadef lebaroud LABIOD Mokhtar khelifa Khettabi Rym u skikda u sidibelabes u sidibelabes u skikda u skikda u jijel urear ghardaia u skikda zaatri CHELALI CHELALI Benslim Rekioua Alex salim salim rejeté rejeté rejeté accepté accepté accepté accepté rejeté plagiat EEF Khadoudja Aouni u constantine Allag rejeté oral poster poster poster hors thème oral poster poster poster ICEE2014-97 ICEE2014-98 ICEE2014-99 ICEE2014-100 ICEE2014-101 ICEE2014-102 ICEE2014-103 ICEE2014-104 ICEE2014-105 ICEE2014-106 ICEE2014-107 Comparative Study between Sliding Mode Control and nonlinear Control: Theory Applied to Induction Motor Energy Management and control of PVG_Batteries Multisource Power Supply for Solar Vehicle Application Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Via RBFNNs Technique Innovative Electrical Machine for Wind Turbine Measurement and Calculation of Electromagnetic Polution in the Vicinity of the Maximum Sag of Very High Voltage Line. Robust Backstepping Control of PWM AC/DC Converter Using High Order Sliding Mode Load Current Observer Application of Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) for Bearing Faults diagnosis COMPUTATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION PROVOKED BY HF SIGNALS IN THE VICINITY OF ELECTRIC CABLES Influence of Temperature on Influence of Temperature in Naphthenic Naphthenic Transformer Transformer Transformer Transformer Transformer BaTiO3 characterization for dielectric measurement and simulation A Smart Regression Algorithm for the Prognosis of an Impedance Fault in a Photovoltaic Generator A comparative study of the performance of a rod-rod system protected by one or more barriers in any atmosphere and under an AC (alternating) voltage ICEE2014-108 ICEE2014-109 ICEE2014-110 ICEE2014-111 ICEE2014-112 ICEE2014-113 MEPT based Energy Management strategy of a Fuel Cell-Supercapacitor for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Electrochemical study of carbon steel in a binary environment Sea water / oil Optical characterization of thin films TiO2/SnO2: F Corrosion and its effect on the cycling performance of lead-acid battery in photovoltaic system Comparison the Fuzzy System Controller and PQ Method on the Electrical Network Low-Voltage with a shunt Active Power Filter Five Levels MDS A.OUKACI u constantine benbouzid/yassin rejeté RES u laghouat Alex rejeté MDS M.Messaadi RES Abdelkadir Lebsir u batna u batna benbouzid/yassin Yassine accepté accepté identique68 poster poster EEF B. ALI RACHEDI u guelma Allag accepté oral oral PEA Mohammed Tahar usto CHELALI rejeté MDS Adel.boudiaf, csc cheraga benbouzid/yassin rejeté EEF H. Slimani1 u sidibelabes Allag accepté oral oral EEF OUT A. Reffas S. Boumous1 credeg alger u souk ahras Allag SALIM accepté rejeté oral hors thème oral RES Wail Rezgui u batna benbouzid accepté poster poster RES Talit Boughani u bejaaia salim rejeté RES M.N. Sid EMP BORDJ BAHRIAlex accepté oral oral ME ME Med.K.DOB Walid Allag1 u skikda u setif salim MALEK rejeté accepté hors thème poster poster RES M. Hassaine cder alger MALEK accepté poster poster PEA Abdelkader Morsli u medea TAREK accepté poster poster RES BELKACEM Abdelkader ENPO oran benbouzid accepté oral oral RES MDS PEA RES Zaghba layachi H. Merabet Abdelaziz.Rabehi Tassoult houda urear ghardaia u annaba urear ghardaia CDER tepaza Touafek benbouzid/yassin Touafek Touafek accepté rejeté rejeté accepté oral oral poster poster RES Faiçal Mecikar ENP Alger Rekioua accepté poster poster EMD PEA MDS OUT 1Madjid Sibrahim M.R. Skender Y Djegader K. Boualem u tizi ouzou u medea u souk ahras Rekioua Alex CHELALI OMEIRI accepté rejeté rejeté rejeté oral oral EEF D.Lalmi u o el bouaghi Allag accepté poster poster PEA Sekhane Hocine u constantine BOUKTIR accepté poster oral PEA Farid Hamoudi u bejaaia BOUKTIR accepté oral oral B.bendjedia Advanced Control of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) fed by an AC-AC converter used in Wind Energy ICEE2014-114 ICEE2014-115 ICEE2014-116 ICEE2014-117 ICEE2014-118 ICEE2014-119 ICEE2014-120 ICEE2014-121 ICEE2014-122 ICEE2014-123 ICEE2014-124 ICEE2014-125 ICEE2014-126 Study and simulation the effects of partial shading On Maximum Power Point Tracking and PV array characteristics Détection à base de Logique Floue de Défauts Statoriques d’une MADA A Simulation Study of Poly-Si Avalanche PIN diode Study of solar air collector: Effect of temperature variation Photovoltaic Power Conversion System Based on Z-Source Converter and FL-IC MPPT Controller Steady State Behaviour Prediction of a StandAlone Self-Excited Induction Generator Sliding mode observer of serie multicell converter Harmonic filtring in steel industry Investigation Numérique De Confinement Thermique D'une Enceinte Par Jet D’air Diagnostic laser in measurements of Soot Particle Size in a Laminar Diffusion Flame Insertion Study of SSSC Device, to Improve the Powers Transits & Voltage Regulation in a Real Test Network. Fuzzy Logic Based Solution for DC-Bus Voltage Control of Three-Leg Split-Capacitor Voltage Source Inverter Based Four-Wire Shunt Active Filter hors thème ICEE2014-127 ICEE2014-128 ICEE2014-129 ICEE2014-130 ICEE2014-131 ICEE2014-132 ICEE2014-133 ICEE2014-134 ICEE2014-135 ICEE2014-136 ICEE2014-137 ICEE2014-138 ICEE2014-139 ICEE2014-140 ICEE2014-141 ICEE2014-142 ICEE2014-143 ICEE2014-144 ICEE2014-145 ICEE2014-146 ICEE2014-147 ICEE2014-148 ICEE2014-149 ICEE2014-150 ICEE2014-151 ICEE2014-152 ICEE2014-153 ICEE2014-154 ICEE2014-155 ICEE2014-156 ICEE2014-157 ICEE2014-158 ICEE2014-159 ICEE2014-160 ICEE2014-161 ICEE2014-162 ICEE2014-163 ICEE2014-164 ICEE2014-165 Characteristics normalization procedure of different photovoltaic manufacturing technologies panels Realization and Characterization of Cells Organic photovoltaic Characterization of the Electrically Degraded Silicone study of Total Transportation of cons-ion Through The Nafion 117 membranes with Hittorf Method: Use In The PEM fuel cell Applications des différentes techniques MPPT study and simulation pf photovoltaic wind system Impact of shadow on the performance of a PV pumping system Observer based Speed Estimation method for Sensorless Vector Control of a Synchronous Permanent Magnet Machine Design & Tuning of Different PID Controllers for Variable-Speed Induction Motor Using Indirect Field Oriented Control Etude de l’effet de stockage d’hydrogène dans le système FeTi Etude Performance Of The HEMT For Amplification Application Etude 3D Quantum Numerical Simulation Of Performance In The HEMT Modeling of mHEMT InAlN/GaN Double Gate Performance Thermal Effect in Power Electrical for HEMTs Devices with InAlN/GaN Diagnostic laser in measurements of Soot Particle Size in a Laminar Diffusion Flame Performances Evaluation of Shunt Active Power Filter using Fuzzy Controller Operating under Non-ideal Voltage Conditions Steady State and Dynamic Study of Three-level NPC Shunt Active Power Filters based on Conventional and Intelligent Current Controllers ANN-Based Monitoring of Partially Shaded Photovoltaic Panel 4E Comparative study of parabolic trough power plant using molten salt as HTF with and without integrated TES and FBS Harmonic Reducation In Power System Improvement of the Influence of the Parametric Variations on the Performances of a System unified power flow controller by a Regulator based on fuzzy logic. Immersion and Invariance Adaptive Backstepping Controller for Rotary Drilling System Sensorless Field Oriented Control Robust of Doubly Fed Induction Speed Drive Influence of mechanical parameters on the thermal behavior of tribological couples copper-graphite and graphite-graphite Hybridization of modified particle swarm optimization with gravitational search algorithm for solving optimal power flow including wind generation in isolated Adrar region Application de la Commande Adaptative par les Modes Glissant sur une MADA Piloté par un Convertisseur Direct AC/AC Study of solar air collector: Effect of temperature variation Recent Advances in Wind Turbine Generation Systems Sensorless Field Oriented Control Robust of Doubly Fed Induction Speed Drive Structural and microstrutural characterization of nanostructures Fe82-Nb8-B10 powder mixtures Dynamic model and sliding mode control of a new quadrator FUZZY CONTROL OF A SYSTEM WITH SIGNIFICANT TIME DELAY Integrating Wind Power System into an Algerian Distribution Grid under Disturbances Restitution des mouvements de la main sur un prototype d'une prothèse myoélectrique Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motor Based On Parallel Fuzzy-MRAS Observer Etude, optimisation et simulation de différant méthode MPPT par Matlab An Advanced H2-PSS adapted with a Genetic Algorithm to Improve Power System Stability – Implementation under GUI/MATLAB CONTRIBUTION TO THE MODELING AND SIMULATION OF CURRENT MODE PIPELINE ADC BASED ON MATLAB Synergetic Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor RES LAZHAR LALOUI1 u setif Benslim rejeté ME ME T. Ghaitaoui Nacéra Rouha UREAR ADRAR u bejaaia Benslim Benslim rejeté accepté oral oral ME PEA RES RES Laribi SLIMAN said aissaoui mezzai A. MOHAMMEDI UREAR ADRAR u bejaaia u bejaaia u bejaaia Amara CHELALI CHELALI CHELALI rejeté accepté accepté accepté poster poster poster poster poster poster MDS 1MelleBOUACIDA.Hana lachouri u skikda benbouzid/yassin rejeté MDS ME ME ME ME ME abadlia A.Khadraouia B. Bouazza B. Bouazza Z. Kourdi Z. Kourdi u souk ahras u annaba u tlemcen u tlemcen u tlemcen u tlemcen benbouzid/yassin OMEIRI OMEIRI OMEIRI OMEIRI OMEIRI rejeté rejeté rejeté rejeté accepté rejeté OUT LALMi u o el bouaghi Allag PEA Chennai Salim C recherche birineBOUKTIR accepté oral oral PEA RES Chennai Salim hamza mekki C recherche birineBOUKTIR u blida BOUKTIR rejeté accepté poster poster OUT RES Taqiy Eddine Boukelia Larouci Benyekhlef u constantine usto SALIM BOUKTIR rejeté rejeté PEA CSR CSR B. Larouci Touati B. A Mostefa Amara usto u boumerdes u sidibelabes BOUKTIR zaatri zaatri rejeté accepté accepté OUT A.BENFOUGHAL u constantine Touafek rejeté PEA Saida Makhloufi cder alger Rekioua accepté MDS RES RES EMD ME OUT MDS A. DJOUDI Tassoult .H Abdelhak Dida Mostefa Amara T. Chabi1 .M.FIHAKHIR A. I. Barnard cder alger Rekioua CDER tepaza Touafek u biskra Touafek u sidibelabes Rekioua u annaba Amara usto SALIM Pretoria. South Africa SALIM rejeté rejeté accepté RES CSR K. KERROUCHE KLAIAI hors thème poster poster identique124 hors thème oral oral oral oral poster oral poster manque article rejeté accepté poster identique149 rejeté hors thème oral Saida 20000, Algeria Rekioua u skikda zaatri rejeté accepté poster poster MDS Mokhtar Amer Saida 20000, Algeria Rekioua rejeté RES OURGLA Rekioua rejeté MDS GHOURAF Djamel Eddine1 u sidibelabes Rekioua accepté oral oral MDS Salah Hanfoug u batna salim rejeté hors thème MDS N. Bounasla u setif Rekioua rejeté MEKHLOUFI M.A, ICEE2014-166 ICEE2014-167 ICEE2014-168 ICEE2014-169 ICEE2014-170 ICEE2014-171 ICEE2014-172 ICEE2014-173 ICEE2014-174 ICEE2014-175 ICEE2014-176 ICEE2014-177 ICEE2014-178 ICEE2014-179 ICEE2014-180 ICEE2014-181 Optimal Tracking of Wind turbine Based on a Second-Order Sliding Mode Control RES aMAGHNI Billel u annaba Alex Robust Maximum power extraction from wind energy RES aMAGHNI Billel u annaba Yassine system based on sliding mod control(SMC) Robust MPPT and Nonlinear Control of Wind Power Generation Systems Based on the PMSG RES aMAGHNI Billel u annaba Yassine Optimal Tracking and Direct Control Techniques For PMSG Wind Energy Conversion System RES aMAGHNI Billel u annaba Yassine Toward a proactive maintenance strategy «state of the art OUT Manel Bayarassou u batna SALIM Fuzzy-Control of a Polar Axis Solar Tracker with a Linear Solar Position Sensor RES R. van Rensburg Pretoria. South Africa SALIM Analytic Approximate Solution of Hydro-Magnetic Jeffery-Hamel Flow by a Modified Decomposition MethodOUT Mohamed KEZZAR u skikda SALIM CONTROL OF MOBILES OUT KHOCHMANE HAMZA u skikda SALIM Design and Simulation of Multilevel Inverter PEA F. Benzerafa u medea Alex based DSTATCOM Using Fuzzy Logic Contribution à l’amélioration des performances entéritiques est environnementales d’une turbine à gaz par l’intégration RES M.laissaoui de l’énergie solaire à concentration CDER SALIM Le matériau pour la transformation d’énergie thermique OUT INNAL FAHIMA u skikda SALIM Optimal of energy flow management in the buildings RES REBAI ASMA u skikda metatla Power Quality in grid with PV connecting RES sebbar salim u skikda metatla fault diagnosis by use of parametric estimation in electric systems MDS S Benzahioul u skikda modeling and control of coupling for hybrid renewable energy systems MDS s, djebbri u skikda diagnosis of defects short circuit turns of induction motor MDS N Talbi u skikda accepté poster rejeté rejeté rejeté rejeté accepté rejeté rejeté hors thème oral hors thème hors thème rejeté rejeté rejeté accepté accepté accepté accepté accepté hors thème hors thème poster poster poster poster poster oral poster poster poster poster poster