C ’ W I


C ’ W I
Come Grow With Us!
Sunday Assemblies
Bible Class at 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study at 6:00 p.m.
serving since 1830
101 Morford St.
McMinnville,TN 37110
(931) 473-6537
Wednesday Assembly
Bible Study at 7:00 p.m.
Charles Bogle
Mike Corley
Jimmy Griffith
William Ramsey
Ronnie Rogers
Ken Smith
Larry Smith
Nestor Stewart
Steve Stubblefield
Tyson Brock
Chip Cantrell
Ray Cantrell
John Douglass
Kevin Dunlap
Tim Fariss
Brent Keeton
Mike Mansfield
Frank Reynolds
Bo Rivers
Kevin Rhoton
Pieter van Vuuren 615-585-2119
Jeff Vance
Ken Woods
Ben Bailey
Joshua Pierce
Youth Minister
Tom Watson (615) 604-1602
Charlotte McGregor 473-2238
Ann Terry
David Godwin
Custodian, main building
Ray Bennett
Custodian, annex
Email: [email protected]
Volume 22
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Number 46
How to Make A Distinction
How can a person know which religious group is right? To many people, this seems
like a monumental task that is almost unachievable, when in reality it is a very simple task. For
example, imagine that you go into a grocery store to shop. When you come out of the store, you
forget where you parked your vehicle. How will you be able to find it? You begin by identifying the make, model, and color of your vehicle. The only problem is there are four vehicles that
are the same make, model, and color as your vehicle. What will you do now? You now begin to
think about unique identifying characteristics that only your vehicle has. For example, your
vehicle may have a unique scratch or a bumper sticker. With these unique characteristics and a
little time, it will not be that hard to find your vehicle. This same process is used in finding the
Lord’s church in the midst of denominational and community church chaos. The Lord’s church
has certain unique identifying characteristics that separate it from denominations (2 Tim. 1:13).
Here Are Some of the Unique Identifying Characteristics of the Lord’s Church:
Time of Origin: 50 days after Jesus was resurrected (Dan. 2:44; Acts 1:3; 2:1-5, 47)
Place of Origin: Jerusalem (Isa. 2:1-4; Acts 2)
Founder: Jesus Christ (Mt. 16:13-18; 1 Cor. 3:11)
Descriptions: church of Christ, church of God, etc. (Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 1:2)
Head of the church: Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:21-23)
Headquarters: Heaven (Ps. 119:89; Mt. 16:19)
Final Authority: The New Testament (Mt. 28:18-20; John 12:48; 1 Cor. 1:10; Col. 3:17)
If a religious group does not meet these exterior identifying characteristics, there is no
way they can be the church you read about in the Bible. But, what happens if they meet these
exterior criteria and there is still religious division? We then must look beyond the surface to
their interior characteristics. In 1 Cor. 4:17, Paul said that he taught the same thing in every
church. This teaches us that every true church will teach only what the Bible teaches (1 Cor.
4:6). To determine if a religious group is the true body of Christ, we would need to examine
their doctrine or teaching with that of Scripture (Acts 2:42; 17:11; Rom. 6:17; 16:17). This is
the only way you can know if a religious group is the true church that Jesus built.
—Ben Bailey
Everyone rejoice as Addyson (Addy)
Crouch was baptized into Christ this past
Wednesday night after Bible class. It is always
awesome to see young people committing their
lives to Jesus Christ. Please continue to encourage her as she begins this new walk with the
Lord. Welcome to the family Addy.
At Home
Boyd Spry
Aubrey Williams-Room 504-B
Prayer List
Chelsea Clark, Boyd Spry, Rhett Massey, Thomas
Aaron Cope, Maureen Brewer, Alana Ewing,
Helen Barnes, Gretchen Rhea, Logan Furey, Melba
Hillis, Norman Jernigan, Monica Tidenberg, JoAn
Cantrell, Tommy Bailey, Raymond Holland, Misty
Smith, Hugh Stubblefield, Johnny Greene, Cynthia
White, Tim Jennings, Demi Sue Lee, Joe Boyd,
Steve Brabson, Amanda Burks, Foye Watkins
*Names on the prayer list will be removed after six
weeks unless otherwise notified*
Pantry Item
Pork & Beans
We also want to pray for John Fredrick.
John is a teenager who has recently started attending Central and was restored this past
Wednesday night.
I have always been impressed with our
Central families support and continued encouragement of our young people. Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go, And
when he is old he will not depart from it. Part of
that training comes from not only our paternal
family but our Church family as well. I am truly
blessed to work here with my Central family.
By: Josh Pierce
There is a sign-up sheet on stage for anyone
interested in going on our 2015 mission trip to
Panama. The trip is scheduled for June 26July 4, 2015. It is open to all our members at
Congratulations to Kevin Dunlap who was
elected to the State House of Representatives.
He will represent the 43rd district.
Central Reminders
November 13
 Quilting-Sack Lunch
November 23
 Pack the Pantry
November 25
Mid-week chili supper and Thanksgiving
service. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m.
with mid-week service at 7 p.m. The deacons and their wives will be hosting the
chili supper. Everyone else is asked to
bring a dessert.
Remember mid-week
service will be on Tuesday instead of
This has been a sad week here at Central since
we have lost two great Christian ladies.
We extend our sympathy to the family of
Melba Griffith who was the wife of Jimmy
Griffith and the mother of Lisa Garrison and
Beth Johnson. Her funeral was Monday.
We also extend sympathy to the family of Katie Holt. She was the sister of Peggy Raby.
Katie worked in the office here at Central for
many years. Her funeral was Wednesday.
Thank You
Thank you for your prayers and the cards sent me
during my surgery and recovery. I continue to recover at my daughter’s home 640 Greystone Drive,
Lascassas, Tennessee. Helen Barnes
In the Area
November 21
 Friday Night Singing at Pleasant Knoll church of
Christ 7 p.m.
The following items are needed for our “Pack the
Pantry Day:
Tuna 4 oz
Spam 12 oz
Crackers 16 oz
Spaghetti 15 oz
Oats 18 oz
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix 8.5 oz box
Pork & Beans 15 oz
Tomatoes 15 oz
Pinto Beans 15 oz
Green Beans 15 oz
Corn 15 oz
Instant Mashed Potatoes-Box
Fruit 15 oz
Soup 10.5 oz
Stuffing Mix 6 oz
Peanut Butter 16 oz
Chili 15 oz
Apple Sauce 24 oz
Mac & Cheese 7.25 oz box
Sweet Peas 15 oz
…..to Tommie Tanner, Sadie Tanner, and Larry Bain
who were baptized last week. We are so proud of
them for making this important decision.
PRIVILEGED TO SERVE November 16, 2014
If unable to serve, please call Brent Keeton (668-4846) or Greg Vinson (668-1068)
All men, including substitutes, please come to the library no later than 10:20 a.m.
Sunday - 10:30 A.M.
Sunday Evening – 6:00 P.M.
Prayer……….……..……...Mike Corley
Welcome..John 8:1-12..William Ramsey
Song Leader..……............Boyd Ramsey
Prayer……...…...………..Thomas Reed
Preside at Table…...…Steve McGregor
Bible School….…….......….Amy Corley
A.M. Worship………….....Lisha Cotten
P.M. Worship …....…....Beverly Crouch
Wednesday…………….Stephanie Doak
Prayer………..…......….Ronnie Rogers
Welcome………..........William Ramsey
Song Leader….……...……Greg Vinson
Prayer…….….…….....Bob Centracchio
Scripture:.Rom. 6:1-4..........Kevin Rhoton
Assist with Lord’s Supper
LF–William Ramsey RF-Ronnie Rogers
LR–Tyson Brock RR-Chip Cantrell
Happy Birthday
In Search of the Lords Way
7 & 10 a.m. WUPN
17-Steve Stubblefield
18-Jewel White
Gospel Broadcasting Network
Ben Lomand TV Channel 16
Gospel of Christ TV Program
Treasure of Truth—Joe Gray
November 9, 2014
Wednesday (11-5)……….……...169
Bible Class…….….….…...….…254
AM Worship..…......….…...…....428
PM Worship……...……..........…211
Contribution ...…….........$10,573.00
Happy Anniversary
16-Jay & Keri Wood
17-Fred & Betty Smith
18-Brandon & Mandy Harris
21-Wayne & Sally Pryor
Central Church of Christ
Court Square - P. O. Box 536
McMinnville, TN 37111
(Return service requested)
Scripture Studies
Mon - Fri—12:15 pm 960 WBMC
U. S. Postage PAID
McMinnville, TN
Sermon: Teaching the Lost #5
Ben Bailey
Prayer…....……...............Brent Keeton
Communion…..............Steve McGregor
Delivering the Lord’s Supper
Nursing Homes……Shannon Doak/Tim Sound………………….Richard Pedigo/
Kenneth Mansell
Fariss/Brock Fariss/Randy Garrison
Hospital…….David Godwin/David Hale PowerPoint……...….…Mike Mansfield
Homes………...…Bill Haston/Jim Hillis Baptism Garments……..Kristie Rogers
Restock Cards:….Jacqueline Hitchcock
Prepare Trays:……….……..Phil Smith
Scripture: Rev. 12:11.….Harrison Wood
Communion Bread:……......Pat Hutton
Men to Count—November
Sermon: Defeating Satan by the Book Ray Cantrell...……..…...…...…815-2020
Wednesday - November 19, 2014
Dale Randolph………….......….808-3973 Prayer…………….....….Richard Myers
Ben Bailey
Jim Yates…...….…....……Keith Chisam Song Leader……............Dale Randolph
Prayer………....................Kevin Dunlap Harrison Wood..…..……Brandon Evans
Scripture…..……...........Darryl Cantrell
Doors......Raymond Holland/Brent Pryor Jay Wood………......…Kenneth Mansell
Speaker…….……..……Heath Simpson
Ushers…....Ron Wilmore/Ken Campbell Jeff Chisam
Prayer….….…......…..…Shannon Doak
Substitute…Kenny Pryor/David Rhea/
Kevin Rhoton/Jeff Roberts
Men to Open & Close Building
Van Drivers for November:
Week of
Visitor Cards
Greg Carter—686-8232
Nov 16 - Ray Cantrell
Keaton McGinness….Brett Cantrell
Nov 23-John Douglass
Billy Jones………………...Scottie Keel
James Locke…………...Bill Loudermilk
Carter Mansfield………Tom McColloch
Micah McColloch…...Merek McColloch
Brandon McGinness……….…Bo Rivers
David Hitchcock……..…….Jack Newby
Richard Pedigo….…..……..Percy Phifer
Josh Pierce…………….…..Kevin Prater