Document 6604577


Document 6604577
与保险学系、财政学系、发展经济学系等 6 个教学单位。6 个系均有能力提供用
英文教授的课程;截至目前,我们经过整理,拟提供下面 65 门用英文教授的课
School of Economics, Peking University
The School of Economics, Peking University is a wonderful place to study economics,
thanks to its reputation in economic education and successful research programs.
There are six departments at School of Economics, which are Department of
Economics, Department of International Economics and Trade, Department of
Finance, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, Department of Public
Finance, and Department of Development Economics. Each department could offer
English-taught courses that there are 65 tentative English-taught courses in total.
Here are the descriptions about the tentative English-taught courses we could offer.
Note: These tentative course descriptions are for reference only. Please realize that
these tentative course descriptions may be modified depending on different
semester, semester progresses, instructors, the interests of students, the number of
students participating(each course requires a minimum number of students), our
teaching plan and other reasons. Instructors reserve the right to modify. The School
of Economics, Peking University reserves the right to the interpretation of the
English-taught courses.
Introduction to School of Economics, Peking University
Tentative English-taught Courses List
Tentative English-taught Courses Descriptions
Courses with Chinese Characteristics
Degrees and Majors
Application Information and Contact
Introduction of School of Economics, Peking University
School of Economics, Peking University was established in 1985. Its predecessor is Department of
Economics, established in 1912 by Mr. Yan Fu, after he was assigned the President of Peking
University. School of Economics, Peking University is one of the oldest faculties in the university,
and the first economics faculty among China’s higher education institutions.
The academic structure of School of Economics, Peking University achieves high integration of the
theoretical economics and the applied economics, as well as the economic history and the
modern economics. Not only have we built upon and maintained our strengths in our traditional
fields of economics, but also, we have innovatively developed and gradually advanced expertise
in several new fields to adapt to the needs of China’s and the world’s economic development and
system changes. School of Economics has an undergraduate program consisting of 6 majors which
are Economics, Finance (International Finance), International Economics and Trade, Risk
Management and Insurance, Public Finance, and Development Economics. The master program
offers 8 majors, including Political Economics, Western Economics, Finance (International Finance,
Insurance), Economic History, History of Economic Thoughts, World Economy, Public Finance, and
Population, Resources & Environmental Economics. The PHD program offers 7 majors, including
Political Economics, Western Economics, Finance (International Finance, Insurance), Economic
History, History of Economic Thoughts, World Economy, and Public Finance. The school also has
one post-doctoral research station which is the first of its kind ever established in China.
School of Economics, Peking University is one of the ‘National Training Bases of Economics
Fundamental Talents’ and ‘National Innovative Experimental Areas of Talents Culturing Mode’
assigned by the Ministry of Education P.R.C. Its profound history, rich cultural deposits, renowned
academic status and innovative education mode attract the best students in China and all over
the world. In 2011, School of Economics had 810 undergraduate students, 301 master and
doctoral students, approximately 1796 part-time master students, and about 11796 registered
students in the Continuing Education Center (including online education and advanced seminars
School of Economics, Peking University has a strong faculty consisting of both distinguished
senior scholars and a large number of young academic leaders. By 2011, the school has 75
fulltime faculty members in total, including 30 professors, 35 associate professors, 10 assistant
professors, plus 75 post-doctoral research fellows in the school. One third of the faculty received
their Ph. D overseas, and those who received domestic Ph. D also have rich international
academic experience through frequent academic visiting, exchanges and joint researches with
prestigious universities and research institutes worldwide. School of Economics, Peking University
has 14 research institutes with many excellent researchers from our school and the society, which
provides the institutes with solid research strength. Scientific research and teaching complement
and promote each other in School of Economics.
School of Economics, Peking University aims at becoming one of the best economics institutions
in the world. Led by Professor Sun Qixiang, the Dean, the school is striving and working diligently
to achieve its goal through research and teaching excellence.
Tentative English-taught Courses List
Department of Economics (P7-25)
1. Econometrics–DONG Zhiyong
2. Experimental Economics–DONG Zhiyong
Department of International Economics and
Trade (P26-37)
20. Advanced Macroeconomics–CHEN Yi
21. Topics in International Macroeconomics
3. Financial Market–GUO Yan
4. Principles of Economics (II)–GUO Yan
22. Time Series Econometrics–CHEN Yi
23. Intermediate International
Macroeconomics–CHEN Yi
5. Microeconomics of banking–GUO Yan
6. Principles of economics–HU Tao
7. Advanced Health Economics–QINXuezheng
8. Principles of Economics–QIN Xuezheng
9. Empirical Economic Research
Methodology-QIN Xuezheng
24. Intermediate Econometrics–CHEN Yi
25. Intermediate Macroeconomics–CHEN Yi
26. International Trade–LI Quan
27. Practice of International Trade–LI Quan
28. Series of Seminars on Economic System
Comparisons between United States
and China–QI Zike
10. Health Care Policy and Reform
–QIN Xuezheng
29. Welfare Economics–TANG Xiang
11. Applied Econometrics–QIN Xuezheng
30. International Macroeconomics
–TANG Xiang
12. Intermediate Macroeconomics–SU Jian
31. International Marketing–WU Qiaoling
13. Introduction to Chinese Economy-SU Jian
14. Advanced Microeconomics (2)–XIA Qingjie
15. Frontier of Applied Microeconometric
Methods–XIA Qingjie
16. Economics of Public Issues and Public
Policy–XIA Yeliang
17. China's Economy and Institutional Change
–XIA Yeliang
18. Optimization Methods in Dynamic
Economics–ZHAO Xiaojun
19. General Equilibrium Theory–ZHAO Xiaojun
Department of Finance (P38-48)
Department of Public Finance (P59-64)
32. Corporate Finance–CUI Wei
53. Law and Economics–CHEN Jingqi
33. Behavioral Finance–CUI Wei
34. International Macroeconomics
35. International Finance–HUANG Ling
36. Empirical Research in International
Finance–HUANG Ling
54. Applied Public Economics–CHEN Jingqi
55. Public Economics–LIN Shuanglin
56. Macroeconomics–LIN Shuanglin
57. Microeconomics–LIN Shuanglin
37. Topics in International Finance
38. China Economic System Reform–LI Lianfa
58. China’s Public Finance–LIN Shuanglin
39. Corporate Governance–LI Lianfa
40. Introduction to Financial Economics
–SONG Fangxiu
41. Energy Finance–XIE Shiqing
42. Credit Risk Measurement and
Management–XIE Shiqing
Department of Risk Management and
Insurance (P49-58)
43. Principle of Actuarial Science–CHEN Kai
44. Risk Management–CHEN Kai
45. Theory of Interest–CHEN Kai
Department of Development Economics
59. Resource Economics–CAO Heping
60. Ecological Economics–JI Xi
61. Resource and Environmental Management
–JI Xi
46. Quantitative Risk Management–CHEN Kai
62. Topics in Development Economics
–LIU Minquan
47. Enterprise Risk Management–CHEN Kai
48. Risk Management and Insurance
–SUN Qixiang
63. Dynamic Optimization–ZHANG Bo
64. Non-life Actuarial Sciences–ZHANG Bo
49. Principles of Risk Management
and Insurance–SUO Lingyan
65. Theory of Economic Growth
–ZHANG Pengfei
50. Introduction to Health Economics
and Health Policy–SUO Lingyan
51. China's Insurance Market–ZHENG Wei
52. China's Social Security Reform–ZHENG Wei
Tentative English-taught Courses Descriptions:
(In time order of the establishment of departments)
Department of Economics
1. 课程中文名称:实验经济学
任课教师: 董志勇
TITLE: Experimental Economics
INSTRUCTOR: DONG Zhiyong, Professor, Department of Economics
Experimental economics is a new economics branch that applies controlled experiment to exam
economics hypothesis and to discover new rules, and a decision-making behavior that applies
experimental methods to research on human interaction under social backgrounds with explicit
or implicit rules. This course provides systematical and comprehensive introductions of the
origin, development and theories of experimental economics. It makes efforts to make students
obtain comprehensive understanding of experiment economics, and to make them design
economics controlled experiment independently to solve actual problems.
It is a department optional module.
Textbook: DONG Zhiyong (2008.10). Experimental economics. Peking: Peking University Press.
Teaching method: in-class lectures, in-class discussions, group experiments, etc.
Exam: in-class discussions and experiments accounts for 10% of your final result, group
speeches and experiment reports 30%, final exam 60%.
Chapter 1: experimental economics theory
Chapter 2: application and design principle of economics experiments
Chapter 3: psychology and behaviour of investors in financial markets
Chapter 4: experimental research of game theory
Chapter 5: the expansion of game theory in experimental economics
Chapter 6: public economics
Chapter 7: information asymmetry
Chapter 8: auction experiment
Chapter 9: bargain theory
Chapter 10: market structure
Chapter 11: experimental economics-capital market
Chapter 12: experimental research of public goods
Chapter13:present situation, problems, and development prospect of experimental economics
western economics (Economic principles)
2. 课程中文名称:计量经济学
任课教师: 董志勇
TITLE: Econometrics
INSTRUCTOR: DONG Zhiyong, Professor, Department of Economics
Econometrics is the branch of economics concerned with the empirical estimation of economic
relationships. It is conceived broadly to include not only econometric models and estimation theory but
also econometric data analysis, econometric applications in various substantive fields, and the uses of
estimated econometric models.
Econometrics is the application of mathematics and statistical methods to the analysis of economic
data. The evidence provided by the data affects our ideas about the appropriateness of the original
model and may result in significant revisions of such models. There is, thus, a continuous interplay in
econometrics between mathematical-theoretical modeling of economic behavior, data collection, data
summarizing, model fitting, and model evaluation. Theory suggests data to be sought and examined;
data availability suggests new theoretical questions and stimulates the development of new statistical
methods. The examination of theories in light of data leads to their revision. The examination of data in
the light of theory leads often to new interpretations and sometimes to questions about its quality or
relevance and to attempts to collect new and different data.
Part 1: summarizes some basic tools used repeatedly in econometrics, including linear algebra, matrix
methods, and statistical theory.
Part 2: deals with econometric models, their relationship to economic models, their identification, and
the question of model choice and specification analysis.
Part 3: takes up more advanced topics in estimation and computation theory such as non-linear
regression methods, biased estimation, and computational algorithms in econometrics. This part also
includes a series of chapters on simultaneous equations models, their specification and estimation,
distribution theory for such models, and their Bayesian analysis.
Part 4: considers testing of econometric estimators, including Wald, likelihood ratio, and Lagrange
multiplier tests; multiple hypothesis testing; distribution theory for econometric estimators and
associated test statistics; and Monte Carlo experimentation in econometrics.
Part 5:treats various topics in time series analysis, including time series and spectral methods in
econometrics, dynamic specification, inference and casuality in economic time series models,
continuous time stochastic models, random and changing coefficient models, and the analysis of panel
Parts 6 and 7: present discussions of various special topics in econometrics, including latent variable,
limited dependent variable, and discrete choice models; functional forms in econometric model
building; economic data issues including longitudinal data issues; and disequilibrium, self selection, and
switching models.
Part 8: covers selected applications and uses of econometrics. Because of the extremely wide range of
applications of econometrics, we could select only a few of the more prominent applications.
Part 9: Eviews application
先修课程和能力要求/PREREQUISITES: Principles of Economics, Statistics
3. 课程中文名称:金融市场
任课教师: 郭研
TITLE: Financial Market
INSTRUCTOR: GUO Yan, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
The course is an introduction of financial market to undergraduate students from different
departments. It aims at providing students with a general understanding of financial market,
and basic theories in assets pricing. The course covers a wide range of topics such as the
function of financial market, why financial market is regulated, characteristics of different
financial institutions, how to measure risk and expected return of different financial
instruments and financial derivatives, how to price a financial asset, etc. The students are
expected to capture the main paradigm of assets pricing and risk sharing in financial market,
which will provide them with necessary foundations for further study in intermediate and
advanced financial economics.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Cash Flow Analysis
Week 3:Central Bank and Money Supply
Week 4: Interest Rate
Week 5: Assets Pricing
Week 6: Structure and Organization of Financial Market
Week 7:Midterm Exam
Week 8: Financial Institutions
Week 9: Monetary Market Instruments
Week 10: Bonds Market
Week 11: Assets Securitization
Week 12: Stock Market
Week 13: Futures and Options
Week 14: Other Derivatives
Week 15: Course Review
As an introduction course, there are no prerequisites.
4. 课程中文名称:经济学原理(II)
任课教师: 郭研
TITLE:Principles of Economics (II)
INSTRUCTOR: GUO Yan, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
This is an introduction course of principles of macro-economics to first year undergraduate
students. The course has three objectives: provide fundamental principles of macroeconomics,
its rationale, and important concepts; help students understand real world economy, the
impact of macroeconomic policies; make students a more astute economic intuition. The
course tries to give students the first taste of economic research method, armed with graphs
and data. After completing the course, students are expected to use basic theory to explain and
analyze macroeconomic problems. The course offers necessary foundation for further studies
on intermediate and advanced macroeconomics.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Measuring a Nation’s Income
Week 3:Measuring the Cost of Living
Week 4: Production and Growth
Week 5: Saving Investment and Financial System
Week 6: Basic Tools of Finance
Week 7:Unemployment
Week 8: Monetary System
Week 9: Money Growth and Inflation
Week 10: Open Economy Macroeconomics
Week 11: The Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy
Week 12: Aggregate Demand and Supply
Week 13: The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand
Week 14: Short Term Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment
Week 15: Five Debates in Macroeconomic Theory
As an introduction course, there are no prerequisites.
5. 课程中文名称:银行微观经济学
任课教师: 郭研
TITLE: Microeconomics of banking
INSTRUCTOR: GUO Yan, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
This is an intermediate course of microeconomics of banking to graduate students. The course
will guide students to delve into literatures of banking to understand bank’s role as a financial
intermediary in financial system based on asymmetric information paradigm. The course covers
different dimensions of banks, such as why there is a financial intermediary, how banks interact
with borrowers and lenders, why there is regulation and the impacts of bank’s decision on
macro--economy. After completing the course, students are expected to use the frame work of
information economics to model banks functions in resource allocation; to evaluate regulatory
policies in terms of efficiency and financial stability, to understand bank’s influence on
economic growth.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Definition and functions of a bank
Week 3: Why financial intermediaries exist (I)
Week 4: Why financial intermediaries exist (II)
Week 5: Class discussion on financial intermediaries
Week 6: Lender-borrower relationship(I)
Week 7: Lender-borrower relationship(II)
Week 8: Class discussion on lender-borrower relationship
Week 9: Macroeconomics of credit market
Week 10: Class discussion on macroeconomic implications of bank
Week 11: Systematic risk and bank runs
Week 12: Class discussion on bank runs
Week 13: Regulation (I)
Week 14: Regulation (II)
Week 15: Class discussion on regulation
Intermediate microeconomics
6. 课程中文名称:经济学原理
任课教师: 胡涛
TITLE: Principles of Economics
INSTRUCTOR: HU Tao, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
As the introduction level course of economics, we emphasize the fundamental principles of
economics and the perspectives of economists. To this end, the course takes great effort in
teaching what the most important principles of economics are, how economics distinguishes
itself from other social science principles. Besides above, we also pay a lot attention to
application of the abstract principles. It means the course will use a lot of facts from the real
world around us as the case to analysis.
The lecture will cover most fundamental topics in micro and macro fields, such as opportunity
cost, demand and supply, consumer and producer behavior, perfect and imperfect markets,
input markets and some macro issues.
There will be two tests and five problem sets, the credits should closely relate to your
performance in tests and problem sets.
Week 1: Ten principles of economics
Week 2: Theory of comparative advantage
Week 3: Supply and demand
Week 4: Using of supply and demand
Week 5: Welfare economics
Week 6: Externality
Week 7: Commons and public goods
Week 8: The cost of production
Week 9: Competitive market
Week 10: Monopoly
Week 11: Oligopoly
Week 12: Markets of input
Week 13: Inequity and poverty
Week 14: Consumer theory
Week 15: Frontiers of Microeconomics
7. 课程中文名称:高级卫生经济学
任课教师: 秦雪征
TITLE: Advanced Health Economics
INSTRUCTOR: QIN Xuezheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
This course aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the analytical framework
and research frontier in health economics. With an aging population and increasing demand for
healthcare resources, health economics as a relatively new branch in economics has enjoyed
unprecedented attention and fast growth in recent decades. In this advanced level course, we
will discuss the important papers in health economics through a series of seminar sessions. The
research topics covered include the theoretical and empirical analysis of the demand for health
and health care, the physician behavior and the supply of health care, health insurance and the
related issues, the interaction between health and the social, environmental and behavioral
factors, the study on the statistical value of life, the China health care reforms, etc. Upon
completion of the course, students are expected to be familiar with the main research subjects
and tools in this field, and be able to conduct independent research on the related topics.
Week 1: Introduction to Health Economics (1)
Week 2: Introduction to Health Economics (2)
Week 3: The Demand for Health as Human Capital
Week 4: Demand for Medical Care and Moral Hazard
Week 5: Physician as Supplier of Medical Care
Week 6: Demand for Health Insurance and Adverse Selection
Week 7: Public Health Insurance
Week 8: Managed Care Programs
Week 9: Social Economic Status and Health
Week 10: Environment and Health
Week 11: Health Related Behaviors
Week 12: Hospital Market and Performance
Week 13: Valuation of Life and Health
Week 14: China Health Care Reforms
Week 15: Student Paper Presentation
Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Econometrics. It is expected that you are already
familiar with the microeconomic theory and the econometric modeling techniques before
taking this course.
8. 课程中文名称:经济学原理
任课教师: 秦雪征
TITLE: Principles of Economics
INSTRUCTOR: QIN Xuezheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
This course aims to provide you with a general understanding of the principles and analytical
tools in economics. The lectures cover a wide range of topics in micro- and macro- economics,
such as the demand and supply analysis, market structure and firm behavior, GDP and its
measurement, inflation and unemployment, business cycles and short run equilibrium output,
money market and the federal reserve system, etc. In completing this course, you are expected
to be familiar with these economic subjects. You will also be requested to conduct independent
research on an economic issue and present your findings in the form of a term paper and class
presentation. Multimedia resources will be used in the class to enhance the learning
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Comparative Advantage and Production Possibility Curve
Week 3: Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium
Week 4: The Invisible Hand and Perfect Competition
Week 5: Monopoly, Oligopoly and Other Forms of Imperfect Competition
Week 6: Externalities and Property Rights
Week 7: Measuring a Nation’s GDP
Week 8: Measuring the Price Level and Inflation
Week 9: Labor Market and Unemployment
Week 10: Short Term Economic Fluctuations
Week 11: Spending and Output in the Short Run
Week 12: Money Market and the Role of Fed
Week 13: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Week 14: Student Group Presentation (1)
Week 15: Student Group Presentation (2)
9. 课程中文名称:实证经济研究方法
任课教师: 秦雪征
TITLE: Empirical Economic Research Methodology
INSTRUCTOR: QIN Xuezheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
This course provides you with an in-depth understanding of the methodology and tools that are
frequently used in the empirical economic research. The topics covered include linear and
non-linear regressions, generalized method of moments, non-parametric and semi-parametric
techniques, time series and panel data models, models of limited dependant variables, IV
estimation and simultaneous equation systems, survival analysis and program evaluation
methods. In supplement to the lectures, we will also study many empirical research papers
during the seminar sessions of each class, which provide good examples of the above topics. In
addition, you will get hands-on experience in conducting empirical research by writing and
presenting a term paper by the end of the semester.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Linear Least Squares
Week 3: Non-linear Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Week 4: Discrete Choice Models
Week 5: Time Series Models
Week 6: Models for Panel Data
Week 7: Tobit and Selection Models
Week 8: Models of Count Data
Week 9: Endogeneity and IV Estimation
Week 10: Simultaneous Equation Models
Week 11: Generalized Method of Moments
Week 12: Non-parametric and Semi-parametric Methods
Week 13: Survival Analysis
Week 14: Treatment Evaluation
Week 15: Student Paper Presentation
Intermediate Econometrics. It is expected that you have a good understanding of the
intermediate level econometrics before taking this course. The purpose of this course is to
survey the more advanced econometric methodology used in modern empirical research;
therefore we will not spend much time on the derivation of basic models.
10. 课程中文名称:医疗政策与改革
任课教师: 秦雪征
TITLE: Health Care Policy and Reform
INSTRUCTOR: QIN Xuezheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
The aging population and an increasing demand for healthcare resources have generated
political debate and scholarly interest in health care policy and health system reforms around
the world. The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of the health care
system, its components, and the policy challenges created by the organization of this system.
The topics covered include: demand for health and health care, the physician behavior and the
supply of health care, health insurance and the related issues, medical institutions and the
hospital market, public health programs and the role of government, the pharmaceutical
industry and drug policy, health care reforms in US and China, etc. Upon completion of the
course, students are expected to be familiar with the main subjects and issues in this field, and
be able to conduct independent research on the related topics.
Week 1: Introduction to the Health Care System (1)
Week 2: Introduction to the Health Care System (2)
Week 3: The Consumer Demand for Medical Care
Week 4: Physicians, Medical Institutions, and the Supply of Medical Care
Week 5: Demand for Health Insurance and the Rand Health Insurance Experiment
Week 6: Supply of Health Insurance and the Managed Care
Week 7: The Role of Government in Health Care
Week 8: Pharmaceutical Industry and the Drug Policy
Week 9: Health Care Reforms in US
Week 10: Health Care Reforms in China
Week 11: Preparation for Student Presentation
Week 12: Student Paper Presentation (1)
Week 13: Student Paper Presentation (2)
Week 14: Student Paper Presentation (3)
Week 15: Term Paper Submission
No disciplinary background is assumed, nor is any special familiarity with the field of health
care required.
11. 课程中文名称:应用计量经济学
任课教师: 秦雪征
TITLE: Applied Econometrics
INSTRUCTOR: QIN Xuezheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
This course provides you with a general understanding of the econometric modeling tools that
are frequently used in the empirical economic studies. The topics covered include linear
regressions and the selection of functional forms, heateroskedasticity and serial correlation,
basic and more advanced time series techniques, pooled cross-sectional and panel data
models, models for binary choice and limited dependant variables, endogeneity and
instrumental variable estimation, simultaneous equation models, etc. The computer
programming techniques that are needed to implement the above models will also be taught
using SAS software. In addition, you will get a taste of empirical research using the real-world
data by conducting an independent research project.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: SAS Training
Week 3: Ordinary Least Squares, Functional Form, Hypothesis Testing
Week 4: Dummy Variables, Correcting for Trend and Seasonality
Week 5: Heteroskedasticity and Serial Correlation
Week 6: Classical Time Series Models
Week 7: Time Series: Advanced Topics
Week 8: Pooling Time Series and Cross Sections
Week 9: Panel Data Models
Week 10: Binary Choice Models
Week 11: Limited Dependant Variable Models
Week 12: Endogeneity and IV estimation
Week 13: Simultaneous Equation Models
Week 14: Term Paper Presentation (1)
Week 15: Term Paper Presentation (2)
Introductory Econometrics or Statistics. It is expected that you are already familiar with the
basic set-up and derivation of the linear regressions through an introductory
econometric/statistics course. The purpose of this course is to enable you to apply the
econometric modeling tools to solve the real economic problems rather than teach you the
mathematical derivation of each model.
12. 课程中文名称:中级宏观经济学
任课教师: 苏剑
TITLE:Intermediate Macroeconomics
INSTRUCTOR: SU Jian, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive training in macroeconomic analysis.
With knowledge of this course, students shall be able to understand the causes of
unemployment, inflation, and economic growth, and are able to understand and design
macroeconomic policies.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Macroeconomic Indicators
Week 3: Income-expenditure Model (1)
Week 4: Income-expenditure Model (2)
Week 5: Asset Markets (1)
Week 6: Asset Markets (2)
Week 7: Demand Management Policies
Week 8: Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model
Week 9: Economic Growth
Week 10: Mircofoundations of Aggregate Demand (1)
Week 11: Mircofoundations of Aggregate Demand (2)
Week 12: Mircofoundations of Aggregate Supply I: New Classical School (1)
Week 13: Mircofoundations of Aggregate Supply I: New Classical School (2)
Week 14: Mircofoundations of Aggregate Supply II: New Keynesian School (1)
Week 15: Mircofoundations of Aggregate Supply II: New Keynesian School (2)
Introductory Microeconomics.
13. 课程中文名称:中国经济导论
TITLE: Introduction to Chinese Economy
INSTRUCTOR: SU Jian, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
China’s fast economic growth has generated great interest among media, scholars and ordinary
people around the world. The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of the
Chinese economy. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be familiar with
China’s economic system, its current economic reforms, and the challenges that the country
faces in the twenty-first century.
The contents of this course will be conveyed through a mix of lectures and class discussions.
Student’s participation is strongly encouraged. Specifically, students are expected to discuss the
assigned articles and current events in class.
Week 1: An overview of the Chinese economy
Week 2: The Chinese economy before 1949
Week 3: The socialist era
Week 4: The rural economy (1)
Week 5: The rural economy (2)
Week 6: The price reform of China
Week 7: China’s enterprise reform
Week 8: The population policy of China
Week 9: The employment issue of China
Week 10: China and the world economy
Week 11: Macroeconomic stability (1)
Week 12: Macroeconomic stability (2)
Week 13: Sustainability
14. 课程中文名称: 高级微观经济学(二)
任课教师: 夏庆杰
TITLE:Advanced Microeconomics (2)
INSTRUCTOR: XIA Qingjie, Associate Professor in Economics, Department of Economics
Advanced Microeconomics (2) is for the postgraduate students subjected in economics.
Following the design of postgraduate studies in economics of the western major universities,
the module of Advanced Microeconomics (2) focuses on the advanced game theory. The
purpose of the module is to train postgraduate students to think strategically and to do
economic modeling by using game theory.
Week 1: Introduction to game theory
Week 2: Basic models of game theory (1)
Week 3: Basic models of game theory (2)
Week 4: Modeling the dueling game by game theory
Week 5: Modeling the Russian Roulette Game by game theory, the St. Petersburg paradox,
Allais paradox
Week 6: Computing Nash equilibrium
Week 7: Von Neumann's minimax game
Week 8: Inspection game
Week 9: Proof of Nash Equilibrium, modeling duopoly game
Week 10: Sequential game: basic theory, Kreps's Quiche game
Week 11: Sequential game: further theory, von Neumann's card game and other games
Week 12: Repeated game
Week 13: Bargaining game
Week 14: Cooperative game: basic theory
Week 15: Cooperative game: Shapley value
Microeconomics, probability theory, calculus, primary game theory
15. 课程中文名称:应用微观计量前沿方法
任课教师: 夏庆杰
TITLE: Frontier of Applied Microeconometric Methods
INSTRUCTOR: XIA Qingjie, Associate Professor in Economics, Department of Economics
Frontier of Applied Microeconometric Methods is an optional research-method-oriented
module for senior undergraduate students subjected in economics. The main purpose is to
train the students to conduct economic research by using advanced microeconometric
methods and to publish academic papers. In detail, a series of academic papers focusing on
using microeconometric methods published in the top economic journals will be introduced
and analyzed. Additionally, this module will also supply the students with a data set of
household survey, and the students will be asked to write a research paper. Through such a
process, the students will learn how to conduct serious economic research.
Week 1: Introduction to module and talk on how to write an academic paper
Week 2: Mincerian earning function and its estimation
Week 3: JMP decomposition method
Week 4: DFL decomposition method
Week 5: Quantile regression 1
Week 6: Quantile regression 2
Week 7: Quantile regression 3
Week 8: MM decomposition method
Week 9: GMM
Week 10: Panel GMM (1)
Week 11:Panel GMM (2)
Week 12: Treatment effect
Week 13: Research discontinuity design
Week 14: Duration model
Week 15: Semi-parametric regression
Principle of economics, introduction to basic econometrics
16. 课程中文名称:公共问题经济学与公共政策
任课教师: 夏业良
TITLE: Economics of Public Issues and Public Policy
INSTRUCTOR:XIA Yeliang, Professor, Department of Economics
This course aims to provide you a brief introduction on current issues concerning China's social
and economic issues with group or public interests with basic concepts, data and information
from Food Security, Oil Price and State Monopoly, Housing and Land disputes, Traffic Jam,
Environmental Pollution, etc. to various policy debates and possible alternatives for measures
taken by the government.
Week 1: Introduction to Political Economy on Public Issues in China
Week 2: Group Interests or State Interests? Whose Benefits?
Week 3: Fairness, Justice and Economic Efficiency
Week 4: Optimization and Pareto Improvement
Week 5: Urbanization and Rural Land Occupation
Week 6: Public Goods and Externalities
Week 7: Compensation and External Supervision
Week 8: Traffic dilemma and Efficiency of transportation
Week 9: The Food Security, Moral Hazard and Punishment
Week 10: The Nightmare of Environmental Pollution
Week 11: Energy Crisis and Oil Pricing Mechanism
Week 12: The Adventures in the Stock and Housing Markets
Week 13: Social Security and Insurance Bottleneck
Week 14: Social Justice and Effective Supervision on Judicial Justice
Week 15: Media Exposure, Netizen Discussion and Policy Debates on Public Issues
Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics. It is expected that you are already familiar with the
basic econometrics, microeconomics and macroeconomics before taking this course. Courses
taken on institutional economics are appreciated and preferred.
17. 课程中文名称:中国经济与制度变迁
任课教师: 夏业良
TITLE: China's Economy and Institutional Change
INSTRUCTOR: XIA Yeliang, Professor, Department of Economics
This course aims to provide you a brief introduction on current issues of China's economy with
basic concepts, data and information from GDP, CPI, unemployment rate, etc. to various policy
debates and possible alternatives for measures taken by the government.
Week 1: Introduction to Chinese Economic History Before 1949
Week 2: China's Economic System Before 1979
Week 3: Reform and Opening to the Outside World
Week 4: Initial Institutional Innovation started in Rural China
Week 5: Urban Reform and designated SEZs in Coastal Areas
Week 6: Dual-Track Price System and Independent Decision Making by the Firms
Week 7: Incentives and Performance Improvement
Week 8: The Unexpected Demand and Hyper-Inflation
Week 9: The Share-Holding System and Modern Firm System
Week 10: Deng's speech during Tour to the South and Steering Towards the Market Economy
Week 11: The Entry to WTO and Active Response to Globalization
Week 12: SOEs Revitalization and Monopoly Status
Week 13: Renationalization and Unfavorable conditions for Private Firms
Week 14: Social Conflicts, Unequal Redistribution of Wealth and Pressure for Further Reform
Week 15: Policy Debates on Public Issues
Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics. It is expected that you are already familiar with the
basic micro- and macro- economic theory before taking this course. Courses taken on
institutional economics are appreciated and preferred.
18. 课程中文名称: 动态经济学优化方法
任课教师: 赵晓军
TITLE: Optimization Methods in Dynamic Economics
INSTRUCTOR: ZHAO Xiaojun, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
This course provides various optimization methods to analyze the dynamic economy. The
dynamic economy can be separated as the deterministic and stochastic parts, and the
optimization methods are variation method, optimal control, Lagrange functional and dynamic
programming. Variation method is the fundamental in the dynamic optimization theory, and
can be used to find the optimal rules that the agents should abide by in the complex economic
system, such as the optimal stopping time, multi-stage problems and the information
economics. Optimal control is the standard method, while Lagrange functional has the
universal usage. Dynamic programming is another important optimization method which does
not depend on the variation method; it is widely used to find the numeric solution of the
dynamic system. In a word, this course provides you swords to fight difficulties in the economic
Week 1: Differential and Difference Systems
Week 2: Static Optimization: Kunn-Tucker Theorem
Week 3: Variation Method (1)
Week 4: Variation Method (2)
Week 5: Optimal Control (1)
Week 6: Optimal Control (2)
Week 7: Optimal control and the Applications in Economics
Week 8: Lagrange functional
Week 9: Lagrange functional and the Applications in Economics
Week 10: Dynamic Programming (1)
Week 11: Dynamic Programming (2)
Week 12: Dynamic Programming and the Applications in Economics
Week 13: Some Various Topics in Dynamic Economy
Week 14: Student’s Presentation (1)
Week 15: Student’s Presentation (2)
Advanced Calculus, Advanced Macroeconomics, Numerical Methods, Probability and Stochastic
Process, Statistics.
19. 课程中文名称:一般均衡理论
任课教师: 赵晓军
TITLE: General Equilibrium Theory
INSTRUCTOR: ZHAO Xiaojun, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
This course provides the deep understanding about the economy system. Traditionally, general
equilibrium (GE) theory is deemed as the core of economics, it has much more longer history
than other subjects in economics. In this course, we first introduce the classic GE theory, which
is composed of the work of Walras, Debrue, Mckenzie, etc. Even, we will extend to the dynamic
and stochastic cases and show how the GE theory works. Furthermore, we step in the dynamic
stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model and derive some new results. Besides, the course
provides the computational methods to analyze the GE model, we prepare the two sections
focusing on the CGE and DSCGE models. In the last, I will propose several open problems which
are concerned with GET, and hope the prominent student solve them. Pure theory can be
cumbersome, you may find fun in it.
Week 1: Some Mathematical Preliminaries
Week 2: Demand and Supply Theory
Week 3: General Equilibrium and Welfare(1)
Week 4: General Equilibrium and Welfare(2)
Week 5: The Existence of the Equilibrium(1)
Week 6: The Existence of the Equilibrium(2)
Week 7: General Equilibrium and the core
Week 8: Dynamic General Equilibrium Theory
Week 9: Stochastic General Equilibrium Theory
Week 10: Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models----Some Cases
Week 11: The Stable Distribution in DSGE Models
Week 12: Some Numerical Methods in DSGE Models
Week 13: The Computational General Equilibrium Models
Week 14: Special Topics in DSGE Models
Week 15: Several Open Problems Related to the General Equilibrium Theory
Advanced Calculus, Advanced Microeconomics, Advanced Macroeconomics, Numerical
Methods, Probability and Stochastic Process, Statistics.
Department of International Economics and Trade
20. 课程中文名称:高级宏观经济学
TITLE: Advanced Macroeconomics
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Yi, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This is a macroeconomic course for first-year and / or second-year graduate students. The main
difference between undergraduate and graduate macroeconomics is the use of models that are
explicitly dynamic and stochastic. This course is designed as an introduction to dynamic
macroeconomic analysis, particularly recursive methods. As such, the course will consist of a
fairly thorough presentation of the ideas and techniques contained in a wide range of macro
literature. Topics include but are not limited to consumption-based asset pricing, real business
cycles and Walrasian monetary model.
Week 1: Introduction to Dynamic Programming I
Week 2: Introduction to Dynamic Programming II
Week 3: Saving under Uncertainty
Week 4: Lucas-Tree Model
Week 5: Equity Premium Puzzle I
Week 6: Equity Premium Puzzle II
Week 7: Modeling Term Premium
Week 8: Real Business Cycles I
Week 9: Real Business Cycles II
Week 10: Real Business Cycles III
Week 11: MIU model
Week 12: CIA model
Week 13: Shopping Time Model
Week 14: Introduction to New Keynesian Monetary Models
Week 15: Course Review
Introductory Graduate Macroeconomics
21. 课程中文名称:国际宏观经济学专题
TITLE: Topics in International Macroeconomics
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Yi, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This is a course for advanced graduate students specialized or interested in international
macroeconomics. The first objective of this course is to familiarize students with recent
developments in international macroeconomics. The course will focus on intertemporal models
of the current account and exchange rate, a body of work which has come to be known as the
"New Open Economy Macroeconomics." The course will deal with the theory, testing, and
applications of these models. The second objective is to help students explore potential areas
for dissertation topics.
Week 1: Intertemporal Models of the Current Account
Week 2: International Capital Movement: The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle
Week 3: Comovements in International Business Cycles
Week 4: International Portfolio Diversification and Risk Sharing I
Week 5: International Portfolio Diversification and Risk Sharing II
Week 6: Nominal Exchange Rate Determination I
Week 7: Nominal Exchange Rate Determination II
Week 8: The Role of Monetary Policy
Week 9: Testing Law of One Price
Week 10: Exchange Rate Risk and Welfare
Week 11: Optimal Monetary Policy
Week 12: Valuation Effects
Week 13: Monetary Union
Week 14: Trade Costs
Week 15: Course Review
Advanced Macroeconomics, Intermediate International Economics, Time Series Econometrics
22. 课程中文名称:时间序列分析
TITLE: Time Series Econometrics
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Yi, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
The course is a graduate-level introduction to univariate and multivariate time series models. It
starts by introducing basic concepts and progresses to more complicated models. The course
intends to meet two goals. It provides tools for empirical work with time series data and is an
introduction into the theoretical foundation of time series models.
Week 1: Preliminaries
Week 2: Stochastic Processes and Stationarity
Week 3: Modeling Trends
Week 4: Autocovariances and Linear Time Series Models I
Week 5: Autocovariances and Linear Time Series Models II
Week 6: Spectral Representation of Stationary Processes
Week 7: Asymptotic Theory for Dependent Samples
Week 8: Estimation and Specification of ARMA Models
Week 9: Multivariate Time Series and VARs I
Week 10: Multivariate Time Series and VARs II
Week 11: Multivariate Time Series and VARs III
Week 12: GMM Estimation
Week 13: Unit Root Asymptotics and Unit Root Tests
Week 14: Cointegration
Week 15: Course Review
Intermediate Econometrics
23. 课程中文名称:中级国际宏观经济学
TITLE: Intermediate International Macroeconomics
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Yi, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This course is designed for sophomore / junior undergraduate students. The goal of the course
is to understand what determines a country’s exchange rate, trade balance, and national
output in an international context. The first portion of the course will lay out several useful
theories regarding these variables, and the second portion will help students assemble these
theories into an overall analytical framework usable for policy analysis. The third portion of the
course will challenge students to apply this analytical framework to several current and
historical policy issues.
Week 1: Introduction to exchange rates
Week 2: The monetary approach to exchange rates
Week 3: The asset approach to exchange rates
Week 4: National and international accounts
Week 5: Determination of currant account
Week 6: The gains from globalization
Week 7: Midterm
Week 8: Macroeconomic policies
Week 9: History of the international monetary system
Week 10: Macroeconomic policy coordination
Week 11: European monetary union
Week 12: Currency crises
Week 13: Developing country issues
Week 14: Student presentation and discussion
Week 15: Student presentation and discussion
Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics
24. 课程中文名称:中级宏观经济学
TITLE: Intermediate Macroeconomics
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Yi, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This course is designed to familiarize students with the tools of modern macroeconomic theory
at the intermediate undergraduate level. Models are developed to explain how output,
unemployment and inflation are determined. These models then are used to analyze monetary
and fiscal policies.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Macro data
Week 3: National income
Week 4: Economic growth I
Week 5: Economic growth II
Week 6: Unemployment
Week 7: Money and inflation
Week 8: Introduction to economic fluctuations
Week 9: Aggregate demand I
Week 10: Aggregate demand II
Week 11: Aggregate supply II
Week 12: A Dynamic Policy Model
Week 13: Stabilization Policy
Week 14: Consumption theory
Week 15: Government debt
Introductory Microeconomics, Introductory Macroeconomics
25. 课程中文名称:中级计量经济学
TITLE: Intermediate Econometrics
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Yi, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This course is designed for 2nd-year undergraduate students. The course focuses on
understanding and application of the linear regression model. This tool is essential in the study
of relationships between two or more economic variables, testing hypothesis of economic
behavior and forecasting economic outcomes. Economics and econometrics, unlike most
sciences and statistics, is characterized by the unavailability of controlled environments and
repeated experimentation. Consequently, it is difficult to discover or test causal relationships,
to measure the effects of a particular economic policy or an economic control on economic
states, and other similar thought experiments. Econometrics not only provides adequate
statistical methods but also clever solutions to overcome many of these obstacles.
Week 1: Introduction to Empirical Questions and Data
Week 2: Review of Probability
Week 3: Review of Statistics
Week 4: Univariate Linear Regression I
Week 5: Univariate Linear Regression II + Midterm 1
Week 6: Multivariate Regression I
Week 7: Multivariate Regression II
Week 8: Applications of Linear Regression Models I
Week 9: Applications of Linear Regression Models II
Week 10: Midterm 2 + Instrumental Variables Regression
Week 11: Multiple Regression I
Week 12: Multiple Regression II
Week 13: Time Series Regression I
Week 14: Time Series Regression II
Week 15: Course Review
Introductory Statistics, Introductory Econometrics
26. 课程中文名称:国际贸易
TITLE: International Trade
INSTRUCTOR: LI Quan, Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This is a course in international trade theory and policy with an emphasis on real world
applications. We will introduce the thoughts and models of remarkable theories such as
comparative advantage, factor proportion, and scale economy. We will use partial and general
equilibrium analysis to cover a wide range of topics in policies such as tariffs, quotas, VERs,
subsidies, anti-dumping, integration, WTO, etc.
With the examinations of cases on realistic events and policies, we will shed light on the
underlying economic, social, and political factors that affect trade patterns. The goal is to enable
you to understand current political debates on trade and protection in a structured manner and
to express your analysis in a coherent way.
Week 1: Introduction to International Trade
Week 2: The Ricardian Model
Week 3: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model
Week 4: Imperfect Competition and Scale Economy Model
Week 5: Catch-up and Review I
Week 6: Discussion Section I
Week 7: Overview of WTO
Week 8: Tariffs
Week 9: Quotas and VERs
Week 10: Fair Trade
Week 11: Economic Integration
Week 12: Catch-up and Review II
Week 13: Discussion Section II
Week 14: Topic (Arguments For and Against Protection)
Week 15: Summary
Introductory Micro-Economics. It is expected that you are already familiar with the basic microeconomic theory before taking this course. In addition, it will be better if you have taken the
course on Economic and Business in English.
27. 课程中文名称:国际贸易实务
TITLE: Practice of International Trade
INSTRUCTOR: LI Quan, Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This course aims to provide you with a comprehensive training in international trade rules and
negotiations. The lectures cover a wide range of topics such as Trade Terms, Delivery and
Payment of Goods, Disputes Settlements, etc. We will use plenty of cases to analyse the
important topics.
In completing this course, you are expected to attend the discussions and group presentation,
which will enhance your ability to learn and cooperate. In addition, from this course, you are
expected to have a good sense of trade environment and trade negotiations, which will be
helpful to your practice.
Week 1: Introduction to Practice of International Trade
Week 2: Contracts for the Sale and Purchase of International Commodity
Week 3: Trade Terms and Pricing Methods
Week 4: Delivery of Goods
Week 5: Cargo Transportation Insurance
Week 6: Payment of Goods
Week 7: Disputes, Claim, Arbitration
Week 8: Catch-up and Review
Week 9: Discussion Section
Week 10: WTO and Economic Integration
Week 11: Barriers to Imports and Promoting Exports
Week 12: Sources of Protectionism
Week 13: Trade Patterns
Week 14: Trade Negotiation
Week 15: Summary
It will be better if you have taken the course on Economic and Business English.
28. 课程中文名称:中美经济体制比较
TITLE: Series of Seminars on Economic System Comparisons between United States and China
INSTRUCTOR: QI Zike, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This course aims to provide you a whole picture about how American and Chinese economic
systems get going and more importantly how they differ from each other. Basically the course is
composed of series seminars which cover a wide range of topics with micro- and macroperspectives, such as GDP and its components, different market structure and firm or
household behavior, dissimilar factor markets, distinct business cycles, and disparities on
macro-economic managements done by governments, etc.
In completing this course, you will have a much better and comprehensive understanding
about what a mature market economy looks like and what a pre-mature market economy
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Different Uses about Economic Indicators
Week 3: The Undergoing Reform in China and the Counterpoints in U.S. History
Week 4: Micro Disparities: Enterprises and Households I
Week 5: Micro Disparities: Enterprises and Households II
Week 6: Factor Markets in United States and China__Capital and Technology
Week 7: Factor Markets in United States and China__Land and Labor
Week 8: Similar and Dissimilar Macro Fiscal Management I
Week 9: Similar and Dissimilar Macro Fiscal Management II
Week 10: Similar and Dissimilar Macro Financial Management I
Week 11: Similar and Dissimilar Macro Financial Management II
Week 12: Income Distribution in United States and China
Week 13 :Social Security in United States and China:
Week 14: Business Cycles
Week 15: Who is the Political Economic Laboratory?
Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics. It is expected that you are already familiar with the
basic micro- and macro- economic theory before taking this course.
29. 课程中文名称:福利经济学
TITLE: Welfare Economics
TANG Xiang, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
Welfare economics is an important branch of modern economics. Essentially, it could be
regarded as a system of theories about “choosing the optimum social life style”. It attempts to
answer an imaginative question: How a society should organize its social life in order to
maximize the aggregate well-being of its members, under given natural and cultural
conditions. More formally, welfare economics is a science that uses the methodologies of
modern economics to study 1) how to define the social welfare based on individual welfare,
and 2) how to maximize the social welfare by appropriate design of social institutions and
public policy. These two topics may be termed as normative and applied welfare economics,
This course discusses a series of important contemporary policy issues based on an
introduction of the concepts and theories of welfare economics, with the aim of equipping the
students with a basic framework for understanding and thinking about social institutions and
public policy-making.
Week 1: Introduction: Definitions, Concepts and Intellectual History
Week 2: Pareto Efficiency and Competitive Economy (I)
Week 3: Pareto Efficiency and Competitive Economy (II)
Week 4: Old vs. New Welfare Economics (I)
Week 5: Old vs. New Welfare Economics (II)
Week 6: Externalities and the “Coase Theorem”
Week 7: Public Goods Theory (I)
Week 8: Public Goods Theory (II)
Week 9: First, Second and Third Best
Week 10: Sen’s Capability Approach to Poverty
Week 11: Relative Income effects (I)
Week 12: Relative Income effects (II)
Week 13: Optimal Income Tax Theory
Week 14: Globalization and the Race to the Bottom (I)
Week 15: Globalization and the Race to the Bottom (II)
Intermediate Micro-economics, Basic Calculus
30. 课程中文名称:国际宏观经济学
TITLE: International Macroeconomics
TANG Xiang, Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade
This course can also be entitled “international monetary economics”. Its subject is the
macroeconomic and monetary interactions between national economies, which fall into two
categories: 1) open-economy macroeconomics, which concerns how an individual country
interacts with the international economy in the macroeconomic and monetary sphere; and 2)
the theory of international monetary systems, which discusses different monetary and
financial arrangements for the world as a whole from a global perspective.
This course is divided into 3 parts. First, we will conduct a brief introduction of the basic
concepts and theories of open-economy macroeconomics. Second, we will discuss the historic
evolution and lessons of the international monetary system. Third, we will discuss several
important theoretical and policy issues concerning the contemporary global financial system.
Week 1: Basic Relations in the Open Economy
Week 2: Theories of Exchange Rate Determination (I)
Week 3: Theories of Exchange Rate Determination (II)
Week 4: Theories of Balance of Payments Adjustment
Week 5: The Mundell-Fleming Model and Stabilization Policies
Week 6: The Gold Standard (I): The Rules of the Game
Week 7: The Gold Standard (II): The Great Depression
Week 8: Bretton Woods System (I): Its Design
Week 9: Bretton Woods System (II): Its Operation and Collapse
Week 10: Post-Bretton Woods Experiences
Week 11: Optimum Currency Areas and the EMU
Week 12: Financial Globalization: Political Economy and Social Welfare
Week 13: BOP and Financial Crises
Week 14: Global Imbalances and the RMB Exchange Rate (I)
Week 15: Global Imbalances and the RMB Exchange Rate (II)
Intermediate Micro- and Macro-economics, Economics of Money and Banking, International
Trade Theory. You should be quite familiar with closed-economy macroeconomics before taking
this course.
31. 课程中文名称:国际市场营销
TITLE: International Marketing
INSTRUCTOR: WU Qiaoling, Associate Professor, Dept. of International Economics and Trade
This course aims to provide you with a comprehensive training in International Marketing. The
lectures cover the main parts of International Marketing, such as the nature of international
marketing, the international environment,, market segmentation, market entry strategies,
product strategies, pricing strategies, promotion strategies, structure of international physical
distribution, some important markets and organization of international marketing activities.
The course is focused primarily on the international marketing decisions and management
processes. This course helps students to acquire their knowledge about international
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Bases of International Marketing
Week 3: The International Environment
Week 4: Information for International Marketing
Week 5: Market Selection: definition and strategies
Week 6: Market Entry Strategies
Week 7: Product Decisions
Week 8: Pricing Decisions
Week 9: Promotion and Marketing Communication
Week 10: Distribution Decisions
Week 11: European Market
Week 12: Chinese Market
Week 13: Organization of International Marketing Activities
Week 14: Student Group Presentation
Week 15: Student Group Presentation
Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics. It is expected that you are already familiar with the
basic micro- and macro- economic theory before taking this course.
Department of Finance
32. 课程中文名称:公司金融
TITLE: Corporate Finance
INSTRU CTOR: CUI Wei, Associate Professor, Department of Finance
This is a first class in Corporate Finance. This class involves the answers to three questions. First
is the capital budgeting decision, which is about what long term investments should the firm
take on. Second is the financing decision, which is about how can cash be raised for the
required investment. Lastly, it examines short term finance and concerns net working capital
and discusses the way the firm manage its day-to-day cash and financial affairs.
At the end of this course, students should be able to think analytically about portfolio selection,
corporate decision making and asset pricing. These skills can also be used as personal financial
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Interest Rate Mathematics
Week 3: NPV I
Week 4: NPV II
Week 5: Alternative investment criteria
Week 6: Applications
Week 7: Risk and Return I
Week 8: Risk and Return II
Week 9: EMH
Week 10: Capital structure I
Week 11: Capital structure II
Week 12: Behavioral corporate finance I
Week 13: Behavioral corporate finance II
Week 14: Review
Week 15: Discussion
33. 课程中文名称:行为金融学导论
TITLE: Principles of Behavioral Finance
INSTRU CTOR: CUI Wei, Associate Professor, Department of Finance
At the most general level, behavioral finance is the study of human fallibility in competitive
markets; it is the application of psychology to financial behavior. Empirically, behavioral finance
both explains the evidence that appears anomalous from the efficient markets perspective, and
generates new predictions that have been confirmed in the data.
In this course we will cover both the psychological insights and their applications to finance. We
will improve our understanding of financial markets and the relation between human behavior
and asset prices, as well as our own decision--making processes.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Challenges of Traditional Finance
Week 3: Psychological Foundations I
Week 4: Psychological Foundations II
Week 5: Prospect Theory
Week 6: The theory of arbitrage
Week 7: The aggregate stock market
Week 8: The cross sectional of stock returns
Week 9: The puzzle of close end fund
Week 10: Behavioral Portfolio Theory
Week 11: Social Forces
Week 12: Herd behavior
Week 13: Investor Behavior I
Week 14: Investor Behavior II
Week 15: Discussion
34. 课程中文名称:国际宏观经济学
TITLE: International Macroeconomics
INSTRUCTOR: HUANG Ling, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance
This course is an advanced course for graduate students. It will cover models of current
account, foreign exchange market puzzles, exchange rate determination, monetary policy and
credibility, models of currency and financial crises, and recent development in open economy
macroeconomics. We will cover theory, empirical evidence and policy issues.
The reference textbook is: Obstfeld, M. and K. Rogoff, Foundations of International
Macroeconomics, MIT Press, 1996
Week 3: IACA: 2-period small open economy
Week 4: IACA: Dynamic CA models: deterministic and stochastic
Week 5: The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle measuring the degree of integration of financial markets
Week 6: Global Capital Market Integration: Developing Countries
Week 7: The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle and Deviations from the Law of One Price
Week 8: Purchasing Power Parity and Non-traded Goods
Week 9: The Dornbusch Overshooting model
Week 10: The Flexible-price exchange rate model
Week 11: The puzzles in international economics
Week 12: Credibility in monetary policy
Week 13: Currency Crises models: first generation
Week 14: Currency Crises models: second generation
Week 15:Global imbalance and the great financial crises
Intermediate macroeconomics, econometrics
35. 课程中文名称:国际金融
TITLE: International Finance
INSTRUCTOR: HUANG Ling, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance
This course aims to provide undergraduate students with the fundamental knowledge and
intuitive perspectives in the area of international finance. Our reference textbook is Krugman
and Obstfeld' "International Economics: Theory and Policy". Beyond the textbook we add many
advanced but timely topics and supplement readings from the Economist and the NBER
working papers to this one-semester course taught to the brilliant PKU students. The course
covers a wide range of topics in international finance, including the fundamentals of balance of
payments, the models of exchange rate determination, the DD-AA model and the
Mundell-Fleming model, the Balassa-Samuelson model and the Renminbi appreciation,
Krugman's currency crisis model, the international monetary system history, the choice of
exchange rates regimes, euro and optimal currency area theory, etc.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Balance of Payments : fundamentals
Week 3: Balance of Payments: The Alternative Perspectives on Current Account
Week 4: Balance of Payments and Money Supply; global imbalance
Week 5: The Determination of Exchange Rates, Marshall-Lerner Condition and J-curve
Week 6: The Purchasing Power Parity: theory and empirics
Week 7: The Balassa-Samuelson Model, UIP and CIP
Week 8: The Balassa-Samuelson effect and RMB appreciation
Week 9: The Dornbusch Overshooting Model
Week 10: Monetary Approach to Exchange Rates
Week 11: The DD-AA Model
Week 12: The Fixed Exchange Rates Regime
Week 13: The Mundell-Fleming Model
Week 14: The Krugman Currency Crisis Model
Week 15: The International Monetary System; Euro and the Optimal Currency Area Theory
Introductory Micro- and Macro Economics.
36. 课程中文名称:国际金融实证研究
TITLE: Empirical Research in International Finance
INSTRUCTOR: HUANG Ling, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance
This course aims to teach the undergraduates the basic and most useful empirical research
skills and techniques used in the international finance area. The students are required to do
careful readings of selective classical and latest empirical NBER working papers in this area, and
to learn about the research routines such as the data processing, statistical analysis and
econometric models.
Week 1: Introduction: basic STATA, Data Management
Week 2: Intertemporal Approach to Current Account
Week 3: CA and the Feldstein- Horioka Puzzle
Week 4: Measuring the Degree of International Financial Integration
Week 5: International Financial Integration and Growth
Week 6: Currency Crisis
Week 7: Global Imbalance and Global Financial Crisis
Week 8: Credit Boom and Financial Crisis (1)
Week 9: Credit Boom and Financial Crisis (2)
Week 10: PPP (1)
Week 11: PPP (2)
Week 12: The Balassa-Samuelson Model and the Renminbi Revaluation
Week 13: Exchange Rate Regimes (1)
Week 14: Exchange Rate Regimes (2)
Week 15: Monetary Credibility and Self-fulfilling Currency Crisis
Introductory Micro- and Macro Economics, International Finance, Basic Econometrics.
37. 课程中文名称:国际金融专题
TITLE: Topics in International Finance
INSTRUCTOR: HUANG Ling, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance
This course will teach the graduates the classical as well as latest research topics in the
international finance area, with a focus to teach the students the basic and most useful
empirical research skills and techniques used in the international finance area. The students are
required to do careful readings of selective classical and latest empirical NBER working papers
to learn about the ongoing research frontiers in this area. The students shall also replicate and
extend some of the empirical work in selected papers to grasp the research routines such as the
data processing, statistical analysis and econometric models.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Stata Basics
Week 3: Data sources; how to go from source data to Stata Dataset
Week 4: IACA and Current Account Sustainability: theories
Week 5: IACA and Current Account Sustainability: empirical papers
Week 6: International Financial Integration: measurements
Week 7: International Financial Integration and growth
Week 8: Empirical papers on the Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle
Week 9: The Balassa-Samuelson Model and the Renminbi Revaluation
Week 10: Global Imbalance and Global Financial Crisis
Week 11: Credit Boom and Financial Crisis (1)
Week 12: Credit Boom and Financial Crisis (2)
Week 13: Monetary Credibility and Self-fulfilling Currency Crisis
Week 14: Currency Crises; Contagion
Week 15: Discussion session
Intermediate international finance, intermediate macro and micro, intermediate econometrics
38. 课程中文名称:中国经济体制改革
TITLE: China Economic System Reform
INSTRUCTOR: LI Lianfa, Associate Professor, Department of Finance
Since the emergence of the “New China” in 1949, the country’s economic system has
undergone an unprecedented transformation from its original central-planning organization to
its current socialist market economy, its growth has become a major topic of discussion among
ordinary people in their daily conversations. This course is designed to give students an
overview of the various factors that have contributed to the evolution of the Chinese economic
system after 1978, beginning with the personal role that Deng Xiaoping played in the early
stages of China’s economic development. This course will examine the remarkable history of
China’s economic reform over the last three decades, and will anticipate the kinds of daunting
challenges that the country may have to face in the twenty-first century.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: A survey of enterprise reforms in China
Week 3: China's Economic Growth 1978-2025
Week 4: The external and domestic side of macroeconomic adjustment in China
Week 5: What capital is missing in developing countries
Week 6: Why do firms in developing countries have low productivity
Week 7: Risk and global economic architecture
Week 8: The role of China in global external imbalances
Week 9: The China miracle
Week 10: Understanding High Saving Rate in China
Week 11: Capital flows and monetary policy in China
Week 12: Will the renminbi become a world currency
Week 13: The political obstacles to greater exchange rate flexibility in China
Week 14: Causes and remedies of China's external imbalances
Week 15: Exchange rate and monetary policy in China
Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics. It is expected that you are already familiar with the
basic micro- and macro- economic theory before taking this course.
39. 课程中文名称:公司治理
TITLE: Corporate Governance
INSTRUCTOR: LI Lianfa, Associate Professor, Department of Finance
This course is designed to give students an overview of the theory underlying the governing the
structure and operation of business operation in China and other industrial countries. Subject
matter includes the structure of ownership and its role in governance and capital formation;
the role of board as fiduciary and performance monitor; the securities markets; the market for
corporate control; controlling shareholders and corporate development. The course will involve
readings, class lectures, class discussion, and projects. There will be group and individual
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Crises Prevention: How to Gear Up the Board
Week 3: The Promise of the Governed Corporation
Week 4: Governing the Family-owned Enterprises
Week 5: Appraising Boardroom Performance
Week 6: Changing Leaders
Week 7: Beyond Takeovers Politics Comes to Corporate Control
Week 8: Redraw the Line Between the Board and the CEO
Week 9: The Case for Professional Boards
Week 10: How Well-run Boards Make Decisions
Week 11: Information Technology and the Board
Week 12: The President and the Board of Directors
Week 13: The Emerging Solution to Corporate Governance
Week 14: Efficient Markets Deficient Governance
Week 15: Final Exam
Junior or Senior Students, Economics Major Preferred
40. 课程中文名称: 金融经济学导论
TITLE: Introduction to Financial Economics
INSTRUCTOR: SONG Fangxiu, Associate Professor, Department of Finance
The aim of the course is to introduce students to a variety topics related to finance theory.
Finance theory can be separated into two main areas: asset pricing and corporate finance.
Asset pricing studies the individual asset valuation and investment problem. Corporate finance
studies capital financing and investment from the perspective of corporations. The course will
cover both topics and mainly focus on asset pricing.
Week 1: Introduction and Choice under Uncertainty
Week 2: Risk Attitude and Measure of Risk Aversion
Week 3: Mean-variance Analysis and Efficiency Frontier
Week 4: Modern Portfolio Theory
Week 5: Student Group Presentation
Week 6: Efficiency Market Theory and Market Efficiency
Week 7: Capital Assets Pricing Model(CAPM)
Week 8: Midterm
Week 9: Miller – Modigliani(MM) Theorem
Week 10: No-arbitrage Analysis and Linear Pricing Rule
Week 11: Arbitrage Pricing Model(APT)
Week 12: Introduction to Derivative Securities
Week 13: Binomial Option Pricing Model
Week 14: Black-Scholes Valuation and The Pricing of Corporate Liability
Week 15: Final
Introductory Micro- and Macro-economics; Calculus and Probability Analysis
41. 课程中文名称:能源金融学
Title: Energy Finance
INSTRUCTOR: XIE Shiqing, Associate Professor, Department of Finance
Energy and Finance are two core sectors of modern society that are getting increasingly
related. Energy Finance is a new type of finance that integrates energy and finance. Although
China is a big energy-consuming country, it does not have the pricing power of international
energy products. Moreover, energy corporations are facing various risks because of the energy
price fluctuation. Therefore, how to develop China’s energy finance market and how to manage
energy price risks become very important economic and financial issues.
This course mainly focuses on energy derivatives markets and risk management. It emphasizes
teaching and discussion about the operation mechanism of energy finance markets, major
energy derivatives and risk management techniques, risk management of energy corporations,
and financial issues in energy field. It aims at guiding graduate students to further study the
theory and frontier topics of energy finance on the basis of basic understanding of finance
theory. Moreover, it emphasizes the development of students’ ability of reading relevant
references and ability of conducting academic researches.
This course is suitable for those graduate students in Department of Finance and Department
of Development Economics who are interested in energy finance issues.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Markets of energy finance derivatives
Week 3: Energy futures markets
Week 4: Energy options markets
Week 5: Energy exchange markets
Week 6: Grading and financing of energy corporations
Week 7: The application of VaR in energy field
Week 8: Risk management of energy corporations
Week 9: Cases of the comprehensive application of energy finance products
Week 10: Carbon Finance
No requirement
42. 课程中文名称:信用风险度量与管理
TITLE: Credit Risk Measurement and Management
INSTRUCTOR: XIE Shiqing, Associate Professor, Department of Finance
Credit risk refers to the possibility of loss in a financial transaction that a bond issuer or a
borrower may default, or that the credit quality may change. It is one of the oldest and the
most important forms of risk. People are more awake to the importance of credit risk because
of the subprime crisis of US and the debt crisis in Europe. Through this course, Students will
understand the principle and mode of credit risk measurement, and the management method
of credit risk.
The content of this course is the major content of FRM (Financial Risk Manager) certification
awarded by the GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals). We adopt Scheweser’s (a
famous exam training institute) fourth book for the preparation of FRM. It helps students who
are interested in finance risk management pass the FRM.
Moreover, Matlab is generally used in finance engineering to process data and calculation. At
present, over 2000 finance institutes in the world including Morgan Stanley are using Matlab to
manage company property. Matlab is one of the major software to be mastered by people in
finance engineering. Through this course, students will know how to use Matlab to process the
programming practice of credit risk management in finance engineering.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Matlab Basics
Week 3: Matlab Matrix Operation
Week 4: Matlab M file and Program Design
Week 5: Matlab Data Visualization and Database Connection
Week 6: Credit Risk
Week 7: Extending the VAR Approach to Non-Tradeable Loans
Week 8: Default Risk: Quantitative Methodologies
Week 9: Introduction to Portfolio Approaches
Week 10: Economic Capital and Capital Allocation
Week 11: Applications of Portfolio Approaches
Week 12: Measuring and Marking Counterparty Risk
Week 13: Credit Derivatives and Credit-Linked Notes
Week 14: Cash Collateralized Debt Obligations
Week 15: Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligations
Department of Risk Management and Insurance
43. 课程中文名称: 企业风险管理
TITLE: Enterprise Risk Management
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Kai, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
Enterprise risk management is a complex yet critical issue that all companies must deal with as
they head into the twenty-first century. It empowers you to balance risks with rewards as well
as people with processes. But to master the numerous aspects of enterprise risk management,
you must first realize that this approach is not only driven by sound theory but also by sound
This course is based on the framework of Enterprise Risk Management. It also introduces the
models and applications of Enterprise Risk Management. The scheme of the course is followed
by introduction, reform, model, application and future of Enterprise Risk Management.
It requires students not only to understand the concepts and framework of Enterprise Risk
Management, but also to master the risk management model and applications in the real
world. Students are required to finish a group project and present the report at the end of the
a) Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management (6 hours)
i. Basic concepts of Enterprise Risk Management
ii. Enterprise Risk Management processes and models
b) Enterprise Risk Management Framework (10 hours)
i. The fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management
ii. Basic methods of Enterprise Risk Management
iii. Risk transfer and risk control
iv. Data and technology
c) Enterprise Risk Management Applications (12 hours)
i. Credit risk management
ii. Market risk management
iii. Operational risk management
iv. Financial institution risk management
v. Non-Financial institution risk management
d) The Future of Enterprise Risk Management (2 hour)
i. Development of Enterprise Risk Management
e) Presentation (2 hour)
Risk Management, Finance, Calculus, Probability
44. 课程中文名称: 保险精算学
TITLE: Principle of Actuarial Science
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Kai, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
This course aims to provide you with a comprehensive training in actuarial science. The lectures
cover particularly concepts in life insurance aspect. The lectures include the fundamental
techniques about life insurance rate making, expense estimation, reserves, etc. The lectures will
also discuss about the life table and different survival models.
In completing this course, you are expected to know how to use life table and mathematical
models to design life insurance products, including expense estimation, rate making and
reserve calculation. Multimedia resources will also be used in the class to enhance the learning
Week 1: Interest theory review
Week 2: Introduction to life table
Week 3: Survival models and multi-survival models
Week 4: Life products
Week 5: Actuarial present value (discrete case) I
Week 6: Actuarial present value (discrete case) II
Week 7: Actuarial present value (continuous case)
Week 8: Expense Structure
Week 9: Net Premium and Gross Premium
Week 10: Policy cash balance and dividends
Week 11: Net reserve (discrete case) I
Week 12: Net reserve (discrete case) II
Week 13: Net reserve (discrete case) III
Week 14: Net reserve (continuous case)
Week 15: Life insurance practices
Calculus, Probability, Principle of Insurance
45. 课程中文名称: 风险管理
TITLE:Risk Management
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Kai, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
The objective of this course is to engage students in active discovery of risk management
principles. The lectures focus on the way in which businesses and society assess, control, and
transfer risk.
The course readings, homework and quizzes bring a balance of theoretical concepts with
practical application. Students are expected to learn a risk management process that can be
applied to a variety of risks and actively contribute to collective learning of the class.
Multimedia resources will also be used in the class to enhance the learning experience.
Week 1:Introduction to Risk Management(1)
Week 2: Introduction to Risk Management(2)
Week 3: Organizing for Risk Management
Week 4: Risk Assessment, Analysis and Evaluation(1)
Week 5: Risk Assessment, Analysis and Evaluation(2)
Week 6: Risk Assessment, Analysis and Evaluation(3)
Week 7: Risk Reduction
Week 8: Elimination and Retention of Risk
Week 9: Risk Transfer(1)
Week 10: Risk Transfer(2)
Week 11: Residual Risk Financing(1)
Week 12: Residual Risk Financing(2)
Week 13: Financial Risk Management (1)
Week 14: Financial Risk Management (2)
Week 15:Enterprise Risk Management
Probability, Corporate Finance
46. 课程中文名称:利息理论
TITLE:Theory of Interest
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Kai, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
This course aims to provide you with fundamental techniques for Investment, financial
mathematics, corporate finance and actuarial science. The lectures cover problems related to
interests, such as annuities, yield rate, bonds, and loans.
In completing this course, you are expected to know how to calculate annuities and bonds
based on deterministic interest rate. You are also expected to understand the concepts of
arbitrage and derivatives and know how to construct investment portfolio with derivatives to
create arbitrage opportunities. Multimedia resources will also be used in the class to enhance
the learning experience.
Week 1: Time value of Money
Week 2: Deterministic IR
Week 3: Cash Flow
Week 4: Annuity01:Anuuity certain
Week 5: Annuity02:Varying Annuity
Week 6: Annuity03:Deferred Annuity
Week 7: Loan Schedule
Week 8: Measures of Investment Performance
Week 9: Bonds
Week 10: Reddington Theory
Week 11: Arbitrage
Week 12: Derivatives
Week 13: Term structure of IR
Week 14: Stochastic IR 01
Week 15: Stochastic IR 02
Calculus, Probability
47. 课程中文名称:量化风险管理
TITLE: Quantitative Risk Management
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Kai, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
The course is based in the book Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, and
Tools by Alexander J. McNeil, Rüdiger Frey and Paul Embrechts, published by Princeton
University Press 2005. The lectures will cover a combination of statistical modeling theory,
statistical methods, and practical examples using statistical software.
Multimedia resources will also be used in the class to enhance the learning experience.
Week 1:Risk in Perspective: Financial Risk
Week 2: Risk in Perspective: The Regulatory Process
Week 3: Risk in Perspective: QRM: The Nature of the Challenge
Week 4: Basic Concepts: Risk, Losses and Risk Factors
Week 5: Basic Concepts: Risk measures
Week 6: Basic Concepts: Standard Methods for Market Risks
Week 7: Multivariate Models: Basics of Multivariate Models
Week 8: Multivariate Models: Multivariate Normal Distribution
Week 9: Multivariate Models: Normal Mixture Distributions
Week 10: Multivariate Models: Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions
Week 11: Multivariate Models: Dimension Reduction and Factor Models
Week 12: Financial Time Series: Fundamental of Financial Time Series
Week 13: Financial Time Series: GARCH Models
Week 14: Financial Time Series: Fundamental of Multivariate Time Series
Week 15: Financial Time Series: Multivariate GARCH Processes
Probability, Risk Management
48. 课程中文名称:风险管理与保险学
TITLE: Risk Management and Insurance
INSTRUCTOR: SUN Qixiang, Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
The management of risk, both through insurance and risk management practices is of growing
importance not only to the insurance industry but to both large and small companies,
government agencies, families and individuals. Good risk management practices can lead to
win-win situations, in which insureds can reduce their premiums and general liability costs,
while at the same time insurance companies can reduce the number of claims they must
handle, freeing up resources that are better dedicated to product (policy) development. In this
course we will discuss the interplay between risk management techniques and insurance
product development from the prospective of both providers and clients, both in theory and in
practice, both in China and overseas.
The ultimate aim of the course is to have students gain knowledge of the basics of risk
management and insurance and understand how insurance works in practical terms. A
secondary aim of the course is to gain an understanding of the global insurance industry and in
global business practices in general.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Risk Management
Week 3: Fundamentals
Week 4: Contract
Week 5: Property and Liability
Week 6: Home and Auto
Week 7: Presentation
Week 8: Business insurance
Week 9: Life
Week 10: Life and Health
Week 11: Employee Benefits
Week 12: Employee Benefits
Week 13: Financial Planning
Week 14: Market and Regulation
Week 15: Presentation
A healthy and heavily interaction in the class is expected. This requires that you be responsible
enough to pay attention and read ahead. Group performance and individual contribution are
both considered in grading.
49. 课程中文名称:风险管理与保险学原理
TITLE: Principles of Risk Management and Insurance
INSTRUCTOR: SUO Lingyan, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
The course introduces the fundamentals of risk management and insurance. It examines risk
management issues faced by firms and individuals and discusses ways to protect firm value and
personal wealth. The course covers the areas of general risk management process, property
and liability insurance, life and health insurance, and annuities. The insurance industry and
regulatory concerns are also addressed.
The primary objective of this course is to provide students with the insights of risk and its
treatment, the principles of decision-making under uncertainty, theoretical aspects relating to
risk management & insurance, and the methods of managing and protecting against risks to
firms and individuals. In completing this course, students are also expected to talk and write
comfortably in English on insurance subjects.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Risk and Risk Attitude
Week 3: Risk Management Process: Risk Identification
Week 4: Risk Management Process: Risk Evaluation
Week 5: Risk Management Process: Risk Management Alternatives
Week 6: Risk Management Techniques: Noninsurance
Week 7: Risk Management Techniques: Insurance – Principles
Week 8: Risk Management Techniques: Insurance – Policy
Week 9: Personal Insurance Planning – Life and Health Insurance (I)
Week 10: Personal Insurance Planning – Life and Health Insurance (II)
Week 11: Personal Insurance Planning – Auto and Home
Week 12: Commercial Insurance Planning
Week 13: Insurance Industry and Regulation
Week 14: Student Paper Presentation
Week 15: Student Paper Presentation
50. 课程中文名称:卫生经济学与卫生政策研究导论
TITLE: Introduction to Health Economics and Health Policy
INSTRUCTOR: SUO Lingyan, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
This course studies how to apply microeconomic tools to analyze health and medical care
issues. We start with the special features of healthcare as a commodity, the demand for health
and medical care services, the economic explanations for the behavior of medical care
providers (i.e., physicians and hospitals) and the functioning of insurance markets. Then our
discussions will touch on technology innovation and diffusion in health care, health financing
system and the role of and economic justification for government involvement in the medical
care system. Finally, we will use the tools we have learned to discuss most critical issues and
challenges facing the China health care system.
Students will approach this course from two perspectives: (i) the perspective of practitioners,
that is policy analysts and managers who need to understand and apply these basic concepts,
tools, and techniques to understand public health policy analyses and research, and (ii) the
perspective of applied academic researchers, that is, students who want to evaluate theoretical
arguments and the empirical evidence regarding alternative policies and courses of action. By
the end of this course, students should be able to conduct basic analysis of health care related
industries and have a global perspective and a broad understanding of institutional changes
going on currently in the healthcare system and be able to analyze the economic aspects of
medical care policy issues and reform proposals.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Health and the Value of Health
Week 3: Demand for Health Services (I)
Week 4: Demand for Health Services (II)
Week 5: Supply of Health Services (I)
Week 6: Supply of Health Services (II)
Week 7: Demand and Supply of Health Services
Week 8: Health Financing Mechanisms
Week 9: Health Reimbursement Arrangement
Week 10: Typical Health Financing Systems in the World
Week 11: Health Care Reform Worldwide
Week 12: Topics in China Health System Reform (I)
Week 13: Topics in China Health System Reform (II)
Week 14: Student Paper Presentation
Week 15: Student Paper Presentation
先修课程和能力要求/PREREQUISITES: Introductory Microeconomics. It is expected that you
are already familiar with the basic microeconomic theory before taking this course.
51. 课程中文名称:中国保险市场
TITLE: China's Insurance Market
INSTRUCTOR:ZHENG Wei, Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
This course aims to provide you with a general picture of China's insurance market, which has
grown in the past 30 years from nothing to the 7th largest market in the world nowadays. The
lectures cover a wide range of topics in insurance, such as the overview of China's insurance
market, property insurance market, life insurance market, insurance intermediary market,
insurance fund investment, insurance regulation, future of China's insurance market, etc.
In completing this course, you are expected to have a general idea of what China's insurance
market looks like, how it works and where it is going.
Week 1: Overview of China’s Insurance Market: I
Week 2: Overview of China’s Insurance Market: II
Week 3: Property Insurance Market: I
Week 4: Property Insurance Market: II
Week 5: Property Insurance Market: III
Week 6: Life Insurance Market: I
Week 7: Life Insurance Market: II
Week 8: Life Insurance Market: III
Week 9: Insurance Intermediary Market
Week 10: Insurance Fund Investment
Week 11: Insurance Regulation: I
Week 12: Insurance Regulation: II
Week 13: Student Group Presentation: I
Week 14: Student Group Presentation: II
Week 15: Future of China’s Insurance Market
Principles of Economics.
If you have learned Principles of Insurance, that would be better.
52. 课程中文名称:中国社会保障改革
TITLE: China's Social Security Reform
INSTRUCTOR:ZHENG Wei, Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance
This course aims to provide you with a general picture of China's social security reform, which
has been a key issue in China. The lectures cover a wide range of topics in social security, such
as the overview of China's social security, pension reform, health insurance reform, workers'
compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, social security fund, future of China's social
security, etc.
In completing this course, you are expected to have a general idea of what China's social
security system looks like, how it works and where it is going.
Week 1: Overview of China’s Social Security: I
Week 2: Overview of China’s Social Security: II
Week 3: Pension Reform: I
Week 4: Pension Reform: II
Week 5: Pension Reform: III
Week 6: Health Insurance Reform: I
Week 7: Health Insurance Reform: II
Week 8: Health Insurance Reform: III
Week 9: Workers' Compensation Insurance
Week 10: Unemployment Insurance
Week 11: Social Security Fund: I
Week 12: Social Security Fund: II
Week 13: Student Group Presentation: I
Week 14: Student Group Presentation: II
Week 15: Future of China’s Social Security
Principles of Economics.
If you are familiar with Principles of Social Insurance, that would be better.
Department of Public Finance
53. 课程中文名称:法律与经济学
TITLE: Law and Economics
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Jingqi (Marc K.Chan), Assistant Professor, Department of Public Finance
Laws are “obligations backed by state sanctions”; economics concerns “the use of scarce
resources among competing uses”. How are the two related to each other? In this course,
students will appreciate the intricate connection between the two apparently distinct fields.
Students will learn and apply the basic tools of economic analysis to study law and the legal
process. We focus on the following five topics: 1) Economics of property law; 2) Economics of
contract law; 3) Economics of tort law; 4) Economics of the legal process; 5) Economics of crime
and punishment. After taking this course, students will be able to critique law from an
economist’s perspective, and to appreciate the importance of legal institutions to the
functioning of markets. Students will have a deeper understanding of how laws can change
people’s incentives and their consequences on the economic efficiency and equity of our
society. Through these discussions, students will be able to form a critical view of how and
where states should intervene the markets fail.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Basic tools of economic analysis
Week 3: Legal institutions
Week 4: Economic theory of property
Week 5: Intellectual property
Week 6: Topics in property law
Week 7: Economic theory of contracts
Week 8: Optimal contracts
Week 9: Topics in contract law
Week 10: Economic theory of torts
Week 11: Tort liability rules
Week 12: Topics in tort law
Week 13: Economic theory of legal process
Week 14: Economics of crime and punishment
Week 15: Topics in criminal law
Elements of Microeconomics
54. 课程中文名称:应用公共经济学
TITLE: Applied Public Economics
INSTRUCTOR: CHEN Jingqi (Marc K.Chan), Assistant Professor, Department of Public Finance
In this course, we will discuss advanced empirical models of public finance including budget
analysis, externalities, provision of public goods, and government expenditures. Advanced tools
taught include structural models and reduced form semi-parametric models. These models are
applied to areas including education, health insurance, social security and unemployment
Week 1: Basic tools of budget analysis
Week 2: Econometrics of budget analysis
Week 3: Externalities: problems and solutions
Week 4: Public goods
Week 5: Government expenditures
Week 6: Unobserved effects models
Week 7: System estimation
Week 8: Political economy
Week 9: Income tax
Week 10: Various tax systems
Week 11: Welfare
Week 12: Education
Week 13: Social insurance and security
Week 14: Health insurance
Week 15: Unemployment insurance
Intermediate Microeconomics
55. 课程中文名称:公共经济学
TITLE: Public Economics
INSTRUCTOR: LIN Shuanglin, Professor, Department of Public Finance
This course provides the students with an understanding of modern public economic theory
and its applications. It discusses market failures and appropriate corrections for these failures.
It covers topics such as fundamental theorems of welfare economics, public goods,
externalities, taxation, income redistribution, public debt, social security, and open-economy
public finance. It introduces static as well as dynamic models for public economic analyses.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: General Equilibrium and Pareto Optimality
Week 3: Externalities
Week 4: Public Goods
Week 5: Optimal Taxation
Week 6: Tax Evasion
Week 7: Income Redistribution
Week 8: Public Finance in Dynamic Models
Week 9: Capital Income Taxation
Week 10: Labor Income Taxation
Week 11: Social Security
Week 12: Taxation, Government Spending, and Economic Growth
Week 13: Government Debt and Deficits
Week 14: Public Finance in Open Economy
Micro- and Macro-Economics, Calculus
56. 课程中文名称:宏观经济学
TITLE: Macroeconomics
INSTRUCTOR: LIN Shuanglin, Professor, Department of Public Finance
This course is an introduction to macroeconomic concepts and analysis. The operation of
economic activities is examined to provide an understanding of how the composition, size and
distribution of national output. Discussions include business cycle, banking system, monetary
and fiscal policy, international policy, fluctuations, and economic growth. The course objective
is to introduce basic macroeconomic concepts intended for understanding the interaction of
market influence with short-term or long-term national and international economic policies.
Week 1: The introduction of macroeconomics
Week 2: The data of macroeconomics
Week 3: National income
Week 4: Money and inflation
Week 5: The open economy
Week 6: Unemployment
Week 7: Economic fluctuations
Week 8: IS-LM Model
Week 9: AD-AS Model
Week 10: Monetary policy and fiscal policy
Week 10: Economic growth
Week 11: Government debt
Micro- and Macro-Economics, Calculus
57. 课程中文名称:微观经济学
TITLE: Microeconomics
INSTRUCTOR: LIN Shuanglin, Professor, Department of Public Finance
This course is designed to help the undergraduates to build an understanding of the economics
of the market place. In particular we focus on microeconomic principles that demonstrate the
roles and limitations of both competitive and imperfectly competitive markets in motivating
socially efficient consumer, business, and public sector choices.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Preferences, Utility and Choices
Week 3: Income and Substitution Effects
Week 4: Demand Relationships among Goods
Week 5: Production and Costs
Week 6: Production and Costs
Week 7: General Equilibrium and Welfare
Week 8: Imperfect Competition Models
Week 9: Game Theory
Week 10: Labor Market
Week 11: Externalities and Public Goods
Micro- and Macro-Economics, Calculus
58. 课程中文名称:中国公共财政
TITLE: China’s Public Finance
INSTRUCTOR: LIN Shuanglin, Professor, Department of Public Finance
Public finance plays an important role in China’s economic development. This course discusses
the essential issues in China’s public finance, such as tax reforms, government revenues,
government expenditures, income redistribution, social security reforms, central-local fiscal
relationship, government debt and fiscal policies, etc. Modern analytical tools are utilized to
improve the students’ ability to analyze problems that China is facing currently.
Week 1: Introduction to China’s Public Finance
Week 2: Value-Added Tax, Business Tax, and Consumption Tax
Week 3: Personal Income Tax Reforms
Week 4: Corporate Income Taxation
Week 5: Government Expenditures
Week 6: Poverty, and Environmental Protection
Week 7: Education and Healthcare
Week 8: Social Security Reforms
Week 9: Debt, Deficits, and Expansionary Fiscal Policies
Week 10: Rent-seeking and Corruption
Week 11: Regional Disparity and Central Government Transfers
Week 12: Local Government Finance
Week 13: Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Development
Micro- and Macro-Economics, Calculus
Department of Development Economics
59. 课程中文名称:自然资源经济学
TITLE: Resource Economics
INSTRUCTOR: CAO Heping, Professor, Department of Development Economics
Resource Economics is a course for students with a background in calculus and introductory
microeconomics and a familiarity with the spreadsheet software Excel. The lectures cover basic
concepts, such as values and social welfare designs; show how to set up spreadsheets to solve
dynamic allocation problems, and presents economic models for renewable and nonrenewable
resources, stock pollutants, option value, and sustainable development. Within the class,
numerical examples are posed and solved using Excel’s Solver. These problems help make
concepts operational, develop economic intuition, and serve as a bridge to the study of
real-world problems of resource management.
Week 1: Introduction: value system and economic system
Week 2: Resource allocation and basic models
Week 3: The Ester-islands model
Week 4: Excel's Solver and examples
Week 5:Theory of market and externalities
Week 6: Renewable resource model (1)
Week 7: Student Group Presentation
Week 8: Midterm
Week 9: Renewable resource model (2)
Week 10: Renewable resource model (3)
Week 11: Non-renewable resource model
Week 12: Pollutant model
Week 13: Theory of Exchanges for resources
Week 14: Sustainability and human future
Week 15: Student Group Presentation
Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics. Probability theory, calculus, Excel spreadsheet.
60. 课程中文名称:生态经济学
TITLE: Ecological Economics
INSTRUCTOR: JI Xi, Assistant Professor, Department of Development Economics
Ecological Economics is a course concerned with extending and integrating the study of
ecosystems and human economies. This course aims to provide students with systematical
knowledge in ecological economics such as evaluation of macro-economies' scale, alternative
principles for valuing ecological wealth, allocation of natural resources, etc. The history, the
core concepts and theories, and the research paradigm of ecological economics would be
covered. Students are expected to write essay on the main theories and methods, and give
individual and group presentation. Student will master the corn accounting, valuation, analysis,
and modeling methods for environmental decision making at the end of the course.
Week 1: Introduction to Ecological Economics
Week 2: The Comparative Analysis: Ecological Economics and Environmental Economics
Week 3: System Theory
Week 4: Efficient scale of Macro-economies
Week 5: Allocation of Ecological Resources
Week 6: Valuation of Ecological Services
Week 7: Material Flow Analysis
Week 8: Ecological Footprint
Week 9: Emergy Analysis
Week 10: GDP and Integrate Accounting of Resources, Economy and the Environment
Week 11: Modeling for All Scales
Week 12: Renewable Resource Management and Conservation
Week 13: Environmental Decision Making
Week 14: Student Presentation
Week 15:Student presentation
Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics; Natural Resources and Environmental economics
61. 课程中文名称:资源和环境管理
TITLE: Resource and Environmental Management
INSTRUCTOR: JI Xi, Assistant Professor, Department of Development Economics
This course aims to provide students with comprehensive training in natural resources and
environmental management, which should cover the introduction of global and local
environmental problems humans, some of the recent innovations and ideas in natural
resources and environmental management, and the main challenges for effective governance,
The course consists of two parts. The first part is a series of lectures and discussions on key
issues in natural resources and environmental management. Here plenary lectures and
interactive discussions will be the principal working methods. Students will be provided with
some key texts, while a list of suggested readings is added. The second part is assignments on
key topics relative to international and domestic environmental management experience.
During this part, students will work in small groups of two to three and systematically analyze
one case, and give group presentation.
Week 1: Global Environmental Focuses: Energy Safety and Climate Change
Week 2: Global Environmental Focuses: Water Resources, Poverty, Trade and the Environment
Week 3: Environmental Issues in China: the Transition of Chinese Economy, and the Evolution of
the Environment in China
Week 4: Environmental Issues in China: the Recent Focuses
Week 5: Key Problems Facing China's Environmental Management: Water, Energy, GHG and Air
Pollution, Forest, Biodiversity
Week6: Key Problems Facing China's Environmental Management: Population, Food, and
Week7: Key Problems Facing China's Environmental Management: Urbanization and the
Week 8: Complexity and Uncertainties in Environmental Issues
Week 9: Environmental Standard and Environmental Management System
Week 10: Technologies in Environmental Management
Week 11: Environmental Protection Policies in China
Week 12: Environmental Law in China
Week 13: Group presentation: case study 1
Week 14: Group presentation: case study 2
Week 15: Group presentation: case study 3
62. 课程中文名称:发展经济学专题
TITLE: Topics in Development Economics
INSTRUCTOR: LIU Minquan, Professor, Department of Development Economics
This course aims at applying economics theory and analysis method to realistic problems faced
by individuals, enterprises and the country. The topics it covers are related to our roles in life
which are students, consumers, suppliers, company managers, or those citizens who are
concerned about the future economic development of China (or policy makers, if you have this
This course wants to show you that the economics theory is not abstract and lack of application
meaning, and economists study these theories are not because that they do not have better
things to do. In fact, if you know how to apply these theories, their applications are very direct
and effective. The aim of this course is to teach students how to use these theories.
Week 1: Education reform, Student Loan and Human Capital
Week 2: Education reform, Student Loan and Human Capital
Week 3: Education reform, Student Loan and Human Capital
Week 4: Credit Market and Rural Finance
Week 5: Credit Market and Rural Finance
Week 6: Credit Market and Rural Finance
Week 7: Land Finance and China’s Real-estate Market
Week 8: Land Finance and China’s Real-estate Market
Week 9: Land Finance and China’s Real-estate Market
Week10: Risk Avoidance Theory, High Salary for Clean Government,
and Protection Price of Agricultural Production
Week11: Risk Avoidance Theory, High Salary for Clean Government,
and Protection Price of Agricultural Production
Week12: Risk Avoidance Theory, High Salary for Clean Government,
and Protection Price of Agricultural Production
Week13: Agriculture Development, Rural-population Transition and urbanization
Week14: Agriculture Development, Rural-population Transition and urbanization
Week15: Agriculture Development, Rural-population Transition and urbanization
Only students of the Department of Development Economics are entitled to choose this course.
63. 课程中文名称:动态优化
TITLE: Dynamic Optimization
INSTRUCTOR: ZHANG Bo, Professor, Department of Development Economics
This is a course for the graduate students in major of economics, especially macroeconomics,
environmental and resource economics, finance and insurance. The course consists of three
parts: calculus of variation, optimal control and discrete time dynamic programming. Typical
topics include Euler equation, MRAP, Pontryagin maximum principle, Mangasarian condition,
transversality conditions, phase diagram analysis, Bellman equation, Markovian decision
processes, etc.
Week 1: Calculus of Variation (I). Euler Equation.
Week 2: Calculus of Variation (II). Transversality Conditions
Week 3: Calculus of Variation (III). Second Order Conditions.
Week 4: Calculus of Variation (IV). MRAP.
Week 5: Optimal Control (I). Pontryagin Maximum Principle.
Week 6: Optimal Control (II). Transversality Conditions.
Week 7: Optimal Control (III). Mangasarian Sufficiency Conditions.
Week 8: Optimal Control (IV). Infinite-Horizon Case.
Week 9: Optimal Control (V). Phase Diagram Analysis.
Week 10: Dynamic Programming (I). Finite-Horizon. Principle of Optimality.
Week 11: Dynamic Programming (II). Finite-Horizon. Markovian Strategy.
Week 12: Dynamic Programming (III). Finite-Horizon. Existence of Optimal
Week 13: Dynamic Programming (IV). Infinite-Horizon. Bellman Equation.
Week 14: Dynamic Programming (V). Infinite-Horizon. Existence of Optimal
Week 15: Dynamic Programming (VI). Infinite-Horizon. Markov Decision Processes.
Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, Probability and
64. 课程中文名称:非寿险精算学
TITLE: Non-life Actuarial Sciences
INSTRUCTOR: ZHANG Bo, Professor, Department of Development Economics
This is a course for the graduate students in major of insurance or actuarial sciences. The topics
covered are aggregate loss model, risk processes and ruin probability, risk measure, risk order
and risk exchange, optimal reinsurance, credibility theory, reserves and Bonus-Malus System,
which parallels to the related contents in the SoA/CAS Examinations for actuaries.
Week 1: Loss Model (I). Aggregate Loss Model
Week 2: Los Model (II). Estimates of Claim Frequency.
Week 3: Los Model (II). Estimates of Claim Severity.
Week 4: Ruin Theory (I). Risk Processes and Ruin Probability.
Week 5: Ruin Theory (II). Adjustment Coefficient.
Week 6: Ruin Theory (III). Maximal Aggregate Loss.
Week 7: Ruin Theory (IV). Optimal Reinsurance.
Week 8: Risk Measure.
Week 9: Risk Order.
Week 10: Risk Exchange.
Week 11: Credibility Theory (I). Limited Fluctuation Approach.
Week 12: Credibility Theory (II). Buhlmann’s Approach.
Week 13: Credibility Theory (III). Bayesian Approach.
Week 14: Reserves (I). Basic Model.
Week 15: Reserves (II). Chain Ladder.
Week 16: Reserves (III). Separable Method.
Week 17: Reserves (VI). Modified IBNR.
Week 18: Bonus-Malus System.
Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Insurance.
65. 课程中文名称:经济增长
TITLE: Economic Growth
INSTRUCTOR: ZHANG Pengfei, Associate Professor, Department of Development Economics
This course provides a description of growth economics in order to arrive at summary
conclusions about what we know, what we do not know, and what it is that we need to learn in
order to discover the means by which poor peoples in the developing countries could become
rich like those in the developed countries in Europe and North America.
Barro Robert J. and Xavier Sala-i-Martin. Economic Growth, 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, c2004.
Helpman, Elhanan. The Mystery of Economic Growth, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c2004.
Easterly William. The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists’ Adventures and Misadventures in
the Tropics, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c2001.
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Solow-Swan Model
Week 3: Introduction to Optimal Control Theory
Week 4: Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans Model
Week 5: Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth
Week 6: AK Model
Week 7: Human Capital and Externality
Week 8: Education and Economic Growth
Week 9: Student Group Presentation
Week 10: Cross-Country Productivity Differences
Week 11: Horizontal Innovation
Week 12: Vertical Innovation
Week 13: Technology Adoption and Economic Growth
Week 14: Trade, Growth and Interdependence
Week 15: Student Group Presentation
Intermediate Micro- and Macro-Economics. It is expected that you are already familiar with the
basic micro- and macro- economic theory before taking this course.
Courses with Chinese Characteristics
During study at PKU, all of our degree programmes allow you to choose from a wide
range of modules covering different aspects. Peking University could also offer some
courses with Chinese characteristics to enable you understand Chinese language,
Chinese culture, China’s history and China’s society.
Here are some courses of Peking University’s Public Elective Courses and Courses for
General Education for your reference.
Public Elective Courses
Course ID
Course Name
北京历史地理 The History and Geography of Beijing
法治与礼治:中国政法传统研究 Legalism and Rule of Propriety: Study of Chinese Politics and
Ancient Chinese Classics and Arrangement
Law Tradition
中国书法理论与技法 The Theory and Skill of Chinese Calligraphy
中医养生学 Health-preserving of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Courses for General Education
民俗学 Folklore
中国古代文化 Ancient Chinese Culture
中国古籍入门 Introduction of Ancient Chinese Classics
中国古代文学经典(一) Ancient Chinese Literary Canon(I)
中国传统官僚政治制度 The Chinese Traditional Bureaucracy
中国通史 (古代部分) Ancient and Medieval Chinese History
中国现代社会史 Social History of Contemporary China
中国古代物质文化史 Material History of Ancient China
Sino-Soviet Relations and Its Effects on Chinese Social Development
中国名著导读 Masterpieces of Chinese Literature
中西文化比较 A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultures
中日文化交流史 History of Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchanges
中国美术史 History of Chinese Fine Arts
中国书法艺术理论与鉴 The Theory and Appreciation of The Art of Chinese Calligraphy
中外名曲赏析 Appreciation of Chinese and Foreign Famous Songs
中国流行音乐流变 Trends of Chinese Popular Music
中国美术概论 Outline of Chinese Art
中外美术创作比较 Comparison on Creation of Art between China and the West
北京与中国,公元 900 年至今 Beijing and China, 900-Present
孙子兵法导读 Introduction to Sun--Tzu's Art of War
( offers some courses with Chinese
characteristics. Here are some of its courses for your reference. The program offers
ten content courses and one Chinese language course. The subjects of the content
courses will be related to philosophy, economics, public policy, sociology, culture,
literature and music.
1. TITLE: Communication, Culture, and Society: The Chinese Way
This course will focus on the triangular relationship of communication, culture and society in
China. It intends to demonstrate, through the Chinese cases, how heavily our communication
habits are influenced by the culture that has shaped us as members of the society, and how our
communication, both interpersonal and mediated, helps to construct and change the society
we live in. Therefore, this is not merely a course on China, and the thinking can hopefully be
applied and examined elsewhere. The lectures will use vivid cases such as daily events rather
than abstract theoretical deliberation to illustrate arguments and thoughts regarding how
people communicate and what they achieve through communication, and above all, the social
and cultural consequences of our communicative behaviors. The topic "Food, Communication,
and the Chinese Culture", for example, discusses how in ancient China the way people ate was
developed into an important part of the system of rituals as recorded in the Book of Rites, and
the traditional function of dining as a means to communicate respect, affection and friendship
is still common in contemporary Chinese public relations practices. Surely the "by-product" of
this course would be to help the students understand more deeply the Chinese culture and
history, and the society and people in China today.
The lectures will be illustrated with colorful power point slides, and the students are
encouraged to ask questions and to present their own views.
2. TITLE: Comparative Philosophy: China and the West
The focus of the course will be a careful reading of representative texts of the Confucian and
Daoist lineages: the Analects of Confucius, the Zhong Yong, the Xiao Jing, the Daodejing,
selections from Zhuangzi and the Huainanzi. The objective will be to struggle with imagination
to take the Chinese philosophical tradition on its own terms. To this end, we will use several
sources - the Book of Changes, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tang Junyi on Chinese natural
cosmology - to establish a lens through which to read these canonical texts. This lens provide us
with an interpretive context, and will enable us to be sensitive to the presuppositions we are
likely willy-nilly to bring to the texts. Over the tenure of the course, we will attempt to develop
a nuanced and sophisticated appreciation of the basic vocabulary of Chinese philosophy.
3. TITLE: Study on Chinese Traditional Music Culture
Equivalent to Series Study on Music and Culture, special subject: Chinese Music, Peking
University. Part of Core Curriculum since 2007. Study on Chinese Traditional Music Culture aims
to instill in listeners a basic comprehension of the many sorts of the Chinese musical
imagination and inspiration. The course specific goals are to awaken and encourage in students
and appreciation of music from ancient to present in China, to help them learn to discover
intelligently to a variety of musical idioms, and to engage them in the colorful debates about
the character and purposes of music that have occupied composers and musical thinkers since
epic age of China. The class tries to involve students actively in the process of critical listening
which performed by Chinese musicians live in the classroom, and the instructor attempts to
help students grasp how to sing a Chinese folk song fluently phase by phase in person too. The
extraordinary richness of musical life in Beijing is thus an integral part of the course. Although
without the background on Chinese music and even not a history of Chinese music, the course
is developed in series question such as What is Chinese music, what is the traditional functions
of Chinese music so on, each unit is divided into two parts: text analysis and music imitation.
4. TITLE: Transition and Public Policy in China
This is an introductory course about China's public policy in the process of economic,
administrative and social transition. We will provide major facts and alternative explanations
for various policy problems and corresponding public policies during this transition.
Major topics covered in the course include: public administration and public policies in the
centrally planned economy period, major reforms after 1978 (including rural reforms, urban
reforms, state-owned enterprise reforms, financial reforms and administrative reforms),
current problems and major public policies, etc.
5. TITLE: Introduction to Chinese Economy
China's fast economic growth has generated great interest among media, scholars and ordinary
people around the world. The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of the
Chinese economy. The topics covered include an introduction of the Chinese economic history,
the transition path from a central-planning to a market-oriented economy, the background and
implications of the urban-rural divide, population growth and the related labor market issues,
the financial system and its reforms, international trade and the role of foreign investment, the
environmental issues and policies, etc. Upon completion of the course, students are expected
to be familiar with China's economic system, its current economic reforms, and the challenges
that the country faces in the twenty-first century.
6. TITLE: Poverty and Policy Responses in China
This course will provide an overview of the contemporary discussions on poverty and inequality
in China. It has an analytic and descriptive focus on definition, measurement, processes of
production of poverty and inequality, as well as public policy responses. At the conclusion of
this course, students will be able to understand the role of public policy and its implementation
in producing, maintaining and alleviating poverty and inequality in China. Furthermore,
students will obtain a solid understanding of some fundamental theoretical and methodological
frameworks. Specifically, the topics include definition and measurement of poverty and
inequality, poverty populations in China, Chinese administration structure and social welfare
institutions, concrete policy responses to poverty and inequality, as well as evaluations on
current anti-poverty policies.
7. TITLE: Chinese Foreign Policy
This course is designed to survey major topics of the international relations of the People's
Republic of China. It begins with a brief historical review of China's role in the pre-modern
world, followed by a survey of Chinese Communist Party's world view and China's non-aligned
policy. Then the course will be organized around special topics of Chinese foreign policy in the
post-Cold War era, including the rise of China, the Taiwan Issue, U.S.-China relations,
nationalism, public opinion, China's multilateral diplomacy as well as the economic dimension
of China's interactions with the outside world. The course pays attention to the application of
different international relations theories to the problems under study. The course aims to
acquaint students with knowledge of China's involvement in world affairs in historical and
contemporary perspectives and train them with an analytical understanding of the dynamics
of China's foreign policy.
8. TITLE: Modern Chinese Film
This course will lead the students through the various stages of Chinese cinema from the
establishment of P.R. China in 1949 till now (with a brief review of Chinese film in the
Republican era in the first session). In the various periods, state policies, filmmaking trends,
representative filmmakers and films, and the state of the industry will be covered, with close
readings of some important films. The course is intended to give the students a historical
perspective and broad knowledge of Chinese cinema, and trainings in academic approaches to
film studies.
9.TITLE: Chinese Politics and Public Policy
This course seeks to introduce advanced undergraduate and master level students to the main
issues in the study of Chinese politics, with a special focus on the policy making process in
contemporary China.
In the first three sessions, the instructors will cover in a very brief manner the political
development of China from late Qing to the Hu Jintao period, trying to help the students
understand the main themes of the Chinese politics and background of the current political
In sessions 4-5, the focus is the challenges faced now by the Chinese leadership, ranging from
state capacity decline to the increasing social instabilities. Whether and how these problems
can be handled will arguably define the political future of the Chinese nation.
In the next four sessions, we will analyze the institutional characteristics of the Chinese
party-state, cover the main models to understand the Chinese policy making process, and we
will use some examples to illustrate the power and shortcomings of the models. In the final
session, the current debate about the Chinese political future will be reviewed. Hopefully, after
taking the whole course, the students can have their own informed and well-grounded
arguments on this topic.
10. TITLE: Introduction to Issues in Trade and Development
The course will introduce the student to the principles of economics that are key to
understanding key aspects of international trade including the basis for trade, the gains from
trade and the effects of policies that influence trade flows. In addition, time will be spent
focusing on macroeconomic topics including the balance of payments, exchange rates,
monetary and fiscal policy in the open economy and alternative types of international
monetary arrangements. Throughout the course, special attention will be paid to issues that
are of special interest to developing countries.
Degrees and Majors
There are six departments at School of Economics, which are Department of
Economics, Department of International Economics and Trade, Department of
Finance, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, Department of Public
Finance and Department of Development Economics.
Undergraduate study:
In the first two years of undergraduate study, all the students have basic courses in
economics which means that there is no difference in majors. Students could choose
their majors and orientations in the third year according to their characteristics,
interests, career plans, and etc. Students could choose from six majors which are
major in economics, major in international economics and trade, major in finance,
major in risk management and insurance, major in public finance and major in
development economics. Students will be awarded with Bachelor Degree of
Postgraduate Study:
Our master program has eight majors which are major in political economics, major
in history of economics thoughts, major in history of economics, major in western
economics, major in world economics, major in human, resource & environmental
economics, major in public finance and major in finance.
Our PhD program has seven majors which are major in political economics, major in
history of economics thoughts, major in history of economics, major in western
economics, major in world economics, major in public finance and major in finance.
Note: There is limited number of places for international students who want to live
on the University campus. You may find accommodation off-campus by visiting local
real estate agents, checking newspaper advertisements or searching through the
Below are a few recommended hotels and hostels on or around campus.
On Campus:
Zhongguanyuan Global Village, PKU (北京大学中关新园)
Tel: +86-10-62752288, 62752236-70888
Peking University Shaoyuan Guest House (北京大学勺园)
Tel: 86-10-62757361/62757360/62752218
The Lake View Hotel (北大博雅国际会议中心)
Tel: +86-10-82689999
Off Campus:
Beijing Ziyuan Yanyuan Hotel (北京资源燕园宾馆)
Tel: +86-10-82629988 62757199/0858/0855
Beijing Xihua Hotel (北京锡华商务酒店)
Tel: +86-10-62646688
Tel: +86-10-58986679
The Worker Club (五道口宾馆)
No. 23 Cheng Fu Road, Haidian District Beijing China.
Tel: +86-10-62316688
You Dian Liaoyangyuan (邮电疗养院)
Tel: +86-10-62642402 & +86-10-62587779
Sariz International Hotel (萨尔利兹国际酒店)
Application Information and Contact
Application Information:
Please note that for all programs of Peking University you must apply through the
International office of Peking University. Entrance requirements can vary from year to
year, so you should check the University’s website for up-to-date details.
For questions regarding admissions please contact the International Students Office
of Peking University:
Telephone of International Students Office: 86-10-62751230
E-mail: [email protected]
Useful links:
We strongly recommend international students to browse the website of Office of
International Relations of Peking University's: &
To find out more about the university, please see the university’s website:
Webpage for international students:
Official Website of School of Economics:
Our Address & Contact:
School of Economics, Peking University
Haidian District
Post code: 100871
Office of School of Economics: 86-10-62751460 (Tel & Fax)
Office of International Relations of School of Economics:
86-10-6275 1462 (Tel & Fax); 86-10-62753857(Tel)
Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]/ [email protected]