Document 6604966


Document 6604966
Sept. 23, .'1930.
Find sept. 12, 1928
Patented Sept. 23, 1930»
` HERMAN M. nonLscHnR, Vor CHICAGO, rnnnvors,v AssIGNon To nonnscnnn Bno'rnnns;
Por-UP vALvE `
Application mea 'september 12,1928. serial No. 305,454. ~
1 My invention relates to pop-upvalves for view1 ofthe pop-up -valvey disclosed
waste'pipes of bowls, tubs and containers ‘of
in Fig-A
thelike 'nature and more particularly to pop
~~^Figure 3 is- a horizontal sectional view
up; valves of thetype which are adapted tobe taken transversely of the valve along the line-
,jg operated by means positioned externally of
the liquidy container.
3_3 of Figure2; and
lFig/:ure 4L is a detailed elevational view of
My invention contemplates the provision the detachablesleeve, said view being shown
primarily to disclose/the nature of the way
isreadily removable from'the drain pipe with» orlocking grooveî rformed‘yin the periphery
of arpop-up valve comprising a sleeve’which ,
2o which itis associated' and which presents un'-`
obstructed drainagetherethrough.
. .
of said sleeve.
» `-
èv ‘Referring now to the drawing wherein like
j Another object of my inventiony is to pro-` numerals have been employed to designate
vide a pop-upvalve'having a sleeve for per similar parts throughout the various figures,
mitti'ng free andv f unobstructedV drainage it will b'e'observed’that I have disclosed, for
le therethrough, ¿said sleeve being readily; rei the
purpose of illustrating'ar practical ap
movable from the drain pipe with which it is plication' of my improved pop-up valve,-a
associated 'and f adapted 'to
be ~ "actuated
conventional ,_ basin or .bowl 2. -Over-flow
through the* agency of anindependent-an water fromthe basin 2 may pass through an
nularl'me'mber ‘positioned within the drain lopening '4 in' said basin into a chamber» 6
which-will direct such over-flow water to the
'HA further object of myinvention is to pref central portion of the basin at W ich position 70
clude, .as faras possible, the removal through myfvalve is installed. ~'
. '
- theft or inadvertencegbfdrainage valveparts `
By referring to Figure '2; itwill be seen
by providing a pop-up valve Comprising a that I .provide a fixed sleeve member 8` which '
25 >drainage sleeve which lmay be readilyr in
isy provided with a usual valve seating flange
serted within a drain pipe'and which is' pro 10 at the upper end thereof. The lower half y 76
.vided with a way“ formed 'in the outer "pe~ of the fixed sleeve member-"8 is threaded to
riphery thereoffor'co-operating with ’a lock receive a clamping ring 12 which serves'to
ing pin's'o asto necessitate >>partial rotation of securey the fsleeve to' the ‘basin 2. Threaded
. 3mi/the sleeve'in-orderrto completely insert or to the lowermost extremityfof the sleeve Sis "so
remove vthe sleeve.> »1 f
' -i
-ajsuitablefdrain coupling 14 and vertically '
` Aj'still further objecto'f my invention is to ¿slidable within the fixed sleeve member S'is
l «Y provide a pop-up valve,y as above set forth, another'sleeve' 16.1y „This’sleevelô is provided
having a sleevey which will permitthe `free atits upper end with ‘a cap 18 which is adapt- `
drainage of waste »mattertherethrough »and -ed to seat against the "flange 10 when said
which maybe Vreadily inserted or'removed'by jsleeve‘is completely lowered within the fixed
i a . personI familiarA wi'th'ïaïlocking combina’
.sleeve member" 8.
l .
Drain openings 20 are
,tion associated with the sleeve, said- locking ‘formed’ within the' sleeve 16 to permit the iiow
f combination being such/»that the Yinstallation- of waste matter through the'sleeve from the
40 thereof» does notnecessitate the perforation of basin 2` when said sleeve occupiesl theV elevated ~
any portion of thedetachable sleeve. 'ï ~
>position shown bythe dottedlines in Fig
. v These and other objects-‘will belmore ap ure 2_¿VItwill be _observed that thek sleeve 16 .
.p'arent from> the» following detailed ’ descrip >is’fimperforate and presents avsmooth unob
@tion when considered in connection with the structed surfacefbelowthe drain openings 20
accompanying drawings»,wherein-„ ~ Y
r 150
so as to permitthe 'free drainageof material
Flgure 1 lsa vertical sectional viewof a> `therethrough and that the space between the
conventional basin or bowl which is equipped outer surface of said sleeve and they inner sur
,with a pop-up valvekembodying features of face of companion fixed sleeve 8 is very small
my invention; i
`g ~
.-„ ,so-as to prevent the accumulation of foreign
1.1Íigure-2 is an„enlarged:vertical sectional
mattersuch as soap and the'like.
.Y y,
The lower extremityof the sleeve 16 ter shaped construction of the groove 34, the e `
Y minates within the coupling 14 adjacent the horizontal portion of the groove will 'be
upper portion of an annular sleeve lifting moved past the pin 361with` the result that 'i
means 22. This lifting means 22 is vertically the extended portion 38 of the groove will beV
slidable within the coupling 14 and is pro movedinto association Vwith said pin.VV In
vided with anjannular groove 24 which ac other words, the sleeve 16 can only be com
commodates the inner extremity of aÍlever pletely withdrawn by elevating said sleeve
26. This lever 26 passes through a laterally untilthe horizontal portion of the groove34
extending portion 28 or the coupling v14 and is carriedwinto registration with the pinh36 Y
which `point'thejsleeve must be partially
is provided-‘with aball-ilikeportion _BOïwhichf at
rotated in ordert'o‘ permit the continued up
is housed within
closing `vcap 32, fthe'nsual‘
' packing gland being employed to provide al ward movement thereof. Obviously, ways or ` '
Water-tight fît JÜO’lQl‘AeVQIlÍ? the escape of water grooves of varied forms may be used with-through theY laterally ~. extending ¿portion - 28.
»out departing from the spirit and scope ofV
my invention. The -lí>ayonet~shaped groove
merit of fthe lever v26,'the lifting means «22 which I'have disclosed ¿in the drawing,‘how-.f
will be shifted vertically within the coupling ever, illustrates V'one type of 'grooveíwhich
of the coupling 14. lÍn response to the move
14i`and thereby elifeot the eleva-tion of the re-V necessitates verticaliand "angular displace#
movable >sleeve 1'6. It will b'eln’oted'thatthe ment 'of the'sleeve in orderito completely re
opening within the annular ¿lifting memlbei‘ move the same andk thereby presents a very
22 is ~ greater in ydiameter :thanfthefopening practical means for avoiding -thelin'advertent
within the 'sleeve V.16, therebyfinsuring’ the
removal ’of ~`such parts;
free and ?nobstructedïñow of waste materialv
By providing means such "as> the annular
from the sleeve 116 through Ythe lifting mem elevating means ’22 operable:independently
>of the. sleeve, I vhave avoided the 'necessity
Y It--i'svery *desirable‘t'o have the sleeve 16 of directly ä'connecting the sleevey with -th'e f
` construfctedso as vtoïbereadily ‘detachable ' lever‘2‘6 and this presents a very economical
from and insertable within the` fixed sleeve Y andpr'actical constrm'tio'n- Byemploying
- -8«,-bu’t it isequally‘desirahleto provide means this v’construction the sleeve16 is verylsimp‘l'e
whereby 'the removal fo-¿f the sleeve through in construction andïmay be readilyr'emove'd
theft'or inaclvertence3lwill be avoided; To for e lpurposes ‘of repair ' 4'ko'r replacement ’with i
this-end l lprovide, as clearly disclosed-in little diflicul'ty. Also, "myfinvention provides
Figure >4,'a«jaggedway 'o_r S'gro‘ove 34 in the avery economically"constructed- and 'effii
outerfsurface of thesle'eve 1:6. It will' be seen ciently` 'operable pop-up valve whichïimïay
that vthis ‘groove-does notlperfor'ate the walls be readily, althoughV n_ot inadvertently, fre? '100,'
of :the‘sle'eve and, therefore, f'd‘oes >'not >present moved from-’the operative"association with e
any obstruction to the free 'draina'geofmate 'adrain pipe. vAs"hereinb'efore suggested, my
ri‘alsthroufgh the sleeve-I The lower vend of inventienj'is niet limited rte :any v'speen-le 'ferm ,
this groove> 34 is' open to- permitv the A‘as'soöi'a of locking the groove or way, but fc'(ï>'ri"_te‘r'nL
tion of said lgroove ‘with a locking orgïi'iide »plate'sftlre-.use of various-ly shaped ‘grooves
pin 36, Figures 2 Vand ‘3, -se‘eurecll ’to the inner which' will ‘function s'îini’larlyite thebayenet
wail ‘of ‘the fixed 'sleeve ‘member 8. Tlhu’s, it 'oriZshapedvv/ay dísielesedfin Figure-‘4 ‘ofthe `
'Y will vbe `-apparent that in ‘order to properly drawing;A 'Ít‘wïill "also 'be apparent th‘atby
jinsert the sleeve 16 within'the ‘sleeve’ i8, the ’employingv the vin'd‘epelfiol‘eiitly ’operable îsleeye
`lower vertical Íîp'orti'onjof the groove 34,5m1`1st> lifting means ofthe vertîeallyjslídable type
‘ 'lirst’b'e broi'iiglît into registration' with’ the Vdisclosed in‘ll‘i'gure 2, a 'c'on‘tiï> ,ousiinobf
‘il-‘oekinl'gîpi-n or 'member 36.y The sleeve mayy -structed v‘drain *conduit )for waste material is
- j -tlrenb'e Elowered 'until the horizontal `portion `presented and' thev'possiloilit'yfofv accumu
@sleeve ‘must‘be partially rotated ina clock-y
wise -’direeti'om as 'viewed :in Figure 3,' until
’the upper 'vertical 'portion ofthe ¿groove reg lIc’laifmffas ínewand“desire to-fse‘c'i'lre byfL'etter's
isters with" the locking-pin; The f sleeve §16
Vmay ‘then’ 'be' 'completely ¿lowered within the
companion sleevje‘8`so as to occupy the' "posi
` «tion disclosedii‘i'flli'gure 2. Inre'mov'ingthe
1. A p'opeupvalveincluding 'afsleevehaw '
a dosing ‘valve ’ at its pupper‘ßend »and ~ a
plurality-’efydrain openings ïb’eneath said
:"síle'eve' ¿16 it if's‘fo'nly necessary to 'reverse Ítlife 'upper end, 1 said "sleeve bei’ngjotherwise «im
movements ‘guet described ‘in ‘ eonneetëìen 'with perforate, 'an independently slidabl'e Vl'liïrt’ing p
fithefinsertion fthereöf.' îIn "this y'e‘onn'eeti'on it
means 'ineluding f an :annular ‘member for "en-v d _*
Íìs' *Leibe noted that Tpre’vide a-lewerfex‘tended gaging thel’owfe'rïeìîtrïemity "o-Íïthejsleeve,_and
portaient@ fthe yupper A’vertical sect-ien er ïthfe means lfor actuating thev felidable" "lifting
înumeral ~138", Figure l4,- ?and ‘obviously ‘ïif `the'
` sleeve 16 'iswithdrawn vertíea‘lfly?'by a iperson
not Íamiliarfîwi-th'the jogged‘tör 'bayonet
~ 2;- rn embrassen-avahïeuqaia eenefi?er, ~
la pop-up _valve including a fixediouter'slïeeve, jilao
ing valve at its upper end and a plurality of
drain openings beneath said upper end, said
`sleeve being otherwise imperforate, away
formed within the `inner sleeve, and a fixed
5 locking member for co-operation with the
way, Vsaid way being formed to necessitate a
lrotary movement of the inner sleeve to effect
the complete dislodgment thereof7 said way
serving to prevent complete rotation of the
10 ‘sleeve in itsvarious positions of vertical ad
i vjustment, the smooth, cylindrical inner sur
face of the slidable sleeve beingunbroken so
as to> permit the' free yunobstructed passage
of drain water therethrough.
3. In combination with a liquid container,
a pop-up valve of the class described includ
'ing a fixed outer sleeve, an inner sleeve slid-k
able therein having a closing valve at its
upper end and a plurality of> drain openings
9J» beneath said upper end, said sleeve being oth
erwise imperforate, a jogged groove formed
ywithin the inner sleeve extending circum
ferentially and longitudinally thîereof, an
abutment provided at each extremity of the
25 circumferential groove for limiting rotation
of the inner sleeve, and a fixed locking means
designed for co-operation with the groove
to secure the inner sleeve against inadvertent
dislodgment, said jogged groove being Y
30 formed upon the inner sleeve without im- t
' pairing the‘smooth, cylindrical inner sur
, face of the sleeve.
4. In a pop-up valve of the class described,
an outer l'ixed sleeve, an inner sleeve slidable
35 therein having a closing valve at its upper
end anda' plurality of drain openings be
neath said upper end, said sleeve being other
wise imperforate, a `groove formed within
the peripheral surface of the inner sleeve,
40 said groove comprising two sections extend
ing longitudinally of the sleeve and a con
necting section extending circumferentially
, of the sleeve, one of said longitudinal sections
» j forming a T-connection with the connecting .
' rf 45 section, andv means for actuating the slidable
5@ In a pop-up valve of the class described,
an outer fixed sleeve, an inner sleeve slidable
therein having a closing valve at its-upper
»y k50 end and a plurality of drain openings be
neath its upper end, said sleeve being other
Y wise imperforate, a groove formed within the
vinner sleeve, said groove comprising two sec
tions extending longitudinally of the sleeve "
55 and a section extending between said longi#
tudinal sections, the upper longitudinal sec- `
“tion extending below said connecting section,
and locking means y extending into said
60 Y In witness whereof, I have hereunto sub~Ã
scribed my name.