Document 6605595
Document 6605595
June 9, 1931. H. D. GREGORY DISPENSING DEVICE FOR STACKED VARTICLESV Filed Jan. 14, 1929 ' 1,809,690 Patented June 9, 1931 1,809,690; ‘ UNITED STATES; PATENT orrics HAROLD D. GREGORY, OF HALDDONFIELD, NEW .J'EBSEY, ASSIGNOR T0 INDIVIDUAL DRINKING GUI? COMPANY, INQ, OF_EASTON, PENNSYLVANIA, A. CORPORATION OF rnmrsrnvam 'DISPENSING DEVICE FOR STACKEDY-ABTICLES J . . ' Application filed January 14, 1929. Serial m. 332,886. u This invention relates to improvements in dispensing devices for stacked articles, and to subject matter divided from my copending application ?led August 17, 1925, and bear ing Serial N 0. 50,819. One of the objects of the present invention end of the column in a direction axially there-. of. The base member 15 is further provided with a sleeve portion 17 concentric with open‘ ing 16 and ?tting snugly in telescopic relation with casing 11, as shown, whereby the base 55 member and the associated device 10 are con -. is to provide improved apparatus of the nected in cooperative relationship with re character described wherein the same has a ’ greater capacity. than such apparatus con 20 spect to each other. _ ' Associated with base member ‘15 is a mem1 ber, indicated generally by reference numeral _ Other objects and advantages will herein 18, and operable to receive and sup-port addi-=. structed heretofore. , after appear. 'tional columns of cups 19, 20 and 21. Mem For the purpose of illustrating the inven ber 18 is provided at its upper and lower ends 15 tion, one embodiment thereof is shown in the with bearings 22 and 23 in the form of hollow drawings, wherein rivets or grommets and through which a pivot Figure 1 is a vertical sectional view, partly element or shaft 24 loosely passes. The lower 65 bearing 23 seats upon the enlarged central portion 25 of base member 15 through which Fig. 2 is asectional view, the section being thelower end ofshaft 24 loosely passes. A taken on the line 2—-2'in Fig. 1; ' manually-operable element 26 is connected Fig. 3 is a fragmentary, elevational view, to the lower end portion of shaft 24, as more looking toward the right in Fig. 1; and clearly shown in Fig. 4, that is, the end por Fig. 4 is a detail, ‘sectional view, the “sec tion 27 "of element 26 is split and clamped tion being taken on the line 4—-—4 in Fig. 1. tightly on the shaft by the set screw 28. Referring more particularly to Fig. 1, an Member 18 is shown as being made of wire _ 75 - ‘ broken away, of a dispensing device embody ing the present improvements; 20 25 ‘ escapement vdevice indicated generally by pieces shaped and connected to form the va reference numeral 110, comprises the casing rious compartments or chambers for receiv- -' 11 and a manually-operable element 12, and ing the columns of stacked articles or cups, is shown, for the purpose of illustration, as this member including the central tubular 50 being of the general type used for dispensing part 29. through which shaft 24 passes and a column 13 of nested cups. , The construc 80 which provides with the upright wire por tion and manner of operation of the particu tions 30 of member 18 a three-point support for each ofthe columns of articles13, 19, 20 to those skilled in the art, reference,.in this and 21. The tubular part 29 is provided at ‘ I lar escapement device shown are well known connection, being made to Patent No. its upper and lower ends with the ears 31 85 1,260,432ofM'arch 26, 1918, to Nias. The bent inwardly as shown over the central parts , action, generally, is that upon movement of of the wire structure at bearings 22 and 23 to ' ’ element 12 to the ‘right, the device operates hold the same in assembled relation and to . to “release the lowermost cup 14, while, at the connect 'the wire structure to the tubular part 90 _ _~ . 40 same time, supporting the remaining cups for rotation therewith. for subsequent release individually and in A suitable pin 32 passing through shaft 24 like manner upon repeated actuation \of ele-f ‘and tubular part 29 operates to connect the 85 ’ ment 12. latter for rotation with the shaft. _ , _ A base member 15 is provided with the The member 18 is shown and described ‘in opening 16 accommodating the column of detail in my copending application above re 9.5 cups 13 in operative association with; escape ferred to. ~ ‘ ment device 10, such column passing down vA protective casing 3'3, which may be made" v i L wardly through this opening as the cups com of transparent glass, is disposed over the col-v prising the same are ejected or released by umns of articles, as shown, ~and ?ts snugly 60 device 10 and individually from the lower at its lower end portion in telescopic relation :‘ 00. . H 2 1,809,690 with the upwardly directed ?ange or rim means being provided with a pivot passing loosely through said base, and manually-op portion 34 of base member 15. In the operation of the. present improved erable means connected'to said pivot and dispensing device, the manually-operable adapted and arranged for cooperatlon there element 12 may be actuated to dispenseor eject the articles or cups of,column 13 indi vidually and in a direction axially of the col_ umn until the entire number of cups have 10 been removed, after which theouter end por tion 35 of element 26 is grasped by the oper ator and moved laterally in the desired direc with to effect rotatlon of said means with re 70 spect to said base and movement of said col umns into alignment successively with said opening for movement therethrough. 2. A device of the character described comprising a base adapted to support a plurality of columns of stacked articles and tion to impart rotary movement to shaft 24 provided with an opening through which and member 18 connected thereto, thereby said columns may pass, means associated causing rotar movement of columns 19, 20 with said base for rotation with re and 21 over ase 15 by such amount as to spect thereto and adapted and arranged to effect movement of the next succeeding col effect movement of said columns into ali n umn 19 over opening 16 to permit the same ment successively with said opening 80 or movement therethrough, said means ‘being capement device 10. In like manner, move provided with a pivot passing loosely to drop into operative association with es 20 25 through said base, and a lever connected to said pivot and adapted and arranged for co operation therewith to e?ect rotation of said ment of columns 20 and 21 into operative association with device 10 is effected upon removal by thelatter of the entire or substan tially the entire number of articles or cups means with respect to said base and move of the respective precedin column. ment of said columns into alignment succes with pairs of spaced lugs 36 depending from the outer edge portion thereof and arranged throu It is proposed to ‘provi e base member 15‘ sively with said opening for movement there h. . '. in operative association with escapement de ' operation of said device, a base, and means vice 10, the lever being made of material suf for receiving a second column and providing ?ciently resilient to permit the same to for movement thereof over said base into 0 spring and ride over the lugs upon lateral or erative association successively with said e pivotal movement of the lever for the pur vice, said means includin a pivot element ose1 pf effecting rotary movement of mem having a loose ?t in said ,se andlprovidedr r 40 . While the escapement device 10, has been shown as being of the speci?c construction disclosed in the Nias patent above referred to, it will be appreciated that any other de vice of this general type may be employed, 45 60 55 90 _ 3. n dispensing apparatus, a device oper so that lever 26 will be in position between able to support a column of stacked articles thelu 5 comprising the respective pairs, ‘as and to ermit of removal axially of said col 30. more 0 early shown in Fig. L3, when the cor umn o the article at one end thereof while res onding column of articles is concentri supporting the remaining articles for subse cal y disposed with respect to opening 16 and quent removal in like manner upon repeated 35 85 with a manually-operable member disposed intermediate said base and said device and 95 100 105 operable ‘to provide for operation of said means independently of operating action of said device. _ 4. In apparatus of the character described, that is, a devlce operable to- ermit or provide escapement means operable to support a col 110 for removal of articles, stac edv to form a col - umn of nested on s and to permit of removal umn, from one end of the column individually of the latter in vidually from one end of and in a direction axially thereof. said column, and means operable to support a The member 18, also, may be of any suitable second column and to provide for operative association of the same successively. with said 115 construction other than that shown. ' escapement‘means; said means including a _ Furthermore, it will be understood that various changes may be made such as in the base, and a pivot element having a loose ?t size, sha e. and arrangement of the parts in said base and provided with a manually without eparting from the spirit of the in~ operable member disposed intermediate said base and said device and operable to provide 120 vention or the scope of the claims. ' for operation of said means independently of The invention claimed is: 1. A device of the character described com prising a base adapted to support a plurality of columns of stacked articles and provided with an opening through which said columns may pass, means associated witlrsaid base for rotation with‘ respect thereto and adapted and arranged to effect movement of said col operating action of said device. 5. dlspensin device including a support for a plurality o _ stacks of the articles to be dispensed, dispensing mechanism positioned 125 relative to the support for dispensing the ar ticles from a stac in alignment therewith, manual‘ operating means for successively . umns into alignment successively with said aligning the stacks with the dispensing mech-. . at opening for movement therethrough, said anism, and means engageable with the man-o 130 1,809,690 ual operating means for arresting movement thereof and holding a stack of articles in alignment with the dispensing mechanism. 6. A dispensing device including a support for a plurality of stacks of the articles to be dispensed, dispensing mechanism positioned relative to the support for dispensing the ar- 7‘ - ticles from a stack in'alignment therewith, manual operating means for successively aligning the stacks with the dispensing mech anism, and circumferentiall spaced mem bers on the support ada te to engage the manual operating means, or arresting move- ' ment ‘thereof and holding a stack of articles 15 in alignment with the dispensing mecha nisIn. : . 7. A dispensing device including a sup ort for a plurality of stacks of the articles to e dispensed, dispensing mechanism posi 20 tioned, relative to the support for dispensing the articles from a stack in ali ent there with, manual operating means or successive ly aligning the stacks with the dispensing mechanism, and circumferentially_ spaced 25 pairs of projections on the support to arrest - the movement of the manual operating means v and hold a stack of articles in alignment with the dispensing mechanism, the manual oper ating 'member' being positioned between the 30 projections of each pair. ~ In witness whereof I hereto a?ixmy signa ture. . I HAROLD D. GREGORY. 50 60