We wish you a very warm welcome today to St... Church, especially if you are a visitor or a newcomer.


We wish you a very warm welcome today to St... Church, especially if you are a visitor or a newcomer.
16th November 2014
2nd Sunday before Advent
We wish you a very warm welcome today to St Paul’s
Church, especially if you are a visitor or a newcomer.
Please introduce yourself to the minister or sidesmen.
Collect for the Week
Heavenly Lord,
you long for the world’s salvation:
stir us from apathy,
restrain us from excess
and revive in us new hope
that all creation will one day be healed
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
8.00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)
The service begins on p 237. The readings are on p 192
10.00 am
Parish Eucharist (CW)
President & Minister: the Vicar, Preacher: Rev. Tim Harford
10.00 am
Family Service at the Church Centre
Beryl Woodall
Chris Bassett
WT 332 One More Step
WT 64 Now is the Time to Worship (offertory)
WT 48 Brother Let Me be Your Servant
WT 37 Beauty for Brokenness
Matthew 25.14-30
6.30 pm
Choral Evensong (BCP)
Minister& Preacher: The Vicar
The Service begins on page 16
God be in my Head – John Rutter
NEH 436 – Praise my Soul the King of Heaven
1st Reading: 1 Kings 1.15-40
Bill Barter
Sumsion in A
2nd Reading: Luke 9.1- 6
Shirley Barter
Nunc Dimitis: Sumsion in A
Evening Hymn – H. Balfour Gardiner
NEH 245 – God, that Madest Earth and Heaven
NEH 252 – The Day Thou Gavest, Lord is Ended
MONDAY 17th Hugh Bishop of Lincoln, 1200
9.00 am Morning Prayer at the Parish Church
7.00 pm Sewing Circle at the Church Centre
TUESDAY 18th Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, Philanthropist, 1231
Parish Office Closed
WEDNESDAY 19th Hilda, Abbess of Whitby ,680
9.00 am Morning Prayer at the Church Centre
11.00 am Communion to Glendale House
11.45 am Communion to Mount Ephraim Lodge
3.00 pm Communion to Rusthall Lodge
THURSDAY 20th Edmund, King of the East Angles, Martyr 870
11.30 am for 12.30 pm Rusthall Lunch Club at the Church Centre
11.45 am Holy Communion at the Church Centre
6.00 pm Set up for the Autumn Fayre
6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice
7.30 pm Full Choir Practice
SATURDAY 22nd Cecilia, Martyr at Rome, c230, Patron Saint of Music
Sunday Next Before Advent
Christ the King
8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) – The Vicar
10.00 am Matins (BCP)
10.00 am Family Service at the Church Centre with Holy Communion
6.30 pm Parish Eucharist (CW)
Pew Leaflet
If you have items for the Pew Leaflet, please send them to the Parish Office by
Tuesday - [email protected]
Fair Trade Stall Today
Please come over to the Lodge after the 10 am service for the last chance to
buy from the stall this year. There are still some Advent Calendars left as well as
the usual range of fair trade foods.
Autumn Fayre Next Saturday
Next Saturday our annual Autumn Fayre will be held at the Church Centre,
opening at 9.30 am. Setting up will begin at 6.30 pm on Friday evening, if you
are able to spare some time to help please do come and join us. Donations for
the various stalls can be left at the Parish Office during the week. Please come
and support US on Saturday, there will be something for everyone. Lunch will
be served from 12 noon, so make sure you have time to enjoy the delicious
soups prepared by the Diana Dunning and her team. See you there!
Ebola Crisis
We are all aware of the situation in West Africa and our thoughts and prayers
are with all those affected. We would like to send a donation directly to the
Anglican Church in Sierra Leone. The Church there is supporting people in as
many ways as possible, with food aid, and pastoral care. If you would like to
make a contribution, money can be given in at the Parish Office or placed in
the collection boxes in both Churches. Thank you.
Visiting Speaker Today
We welcome Reverend Tim Harford who is preaching at the 10 am Eucharist
Service at the Parish Church. Tim is the Director of Fundraising and
Communications for US and will be telling us more about the work that this
Christian Charity does around the world.
Sewing Circle
We will be meeting tomorrow at 7 pm in the Church Centre
Pew Collections
Next week is Prisoner’s Week and money collected at all services will be in aid
of Angel Tree Parcels.
Volunteers Needed for Rusthall Lunch Club
We meet for lunch on Thursdays at the Church Centre and are looking for more
volunteers to help with laying of tables, serving food and drinks, and also with
kitchen duties.
If you would be prepared to spare a couple of hours or so at lunchtime to join
our friendly team, once a month or more, we would love to hear from you. For
more details please telephone Helen Foster on 01892 535159 or Ros Rodwell on
01892 862652
Rusthall Ladies Society
The Rusthall Ladies Society will be Gonzoozling with Neil Sadler as he shares his
experience of Life on the Canals. Do come along and join us if you are able to
at 7.45 pm in the Church Centre hall, on Wednesday 19th November.
Contact number: Pat Standen - 542294
Rusthall Bonfire and Fete Committee
Saturday 6th December - Rusthall Christmas Tree Lights switch at 6.30 pm
followed by a Carol Service from 6 – 7 pm, United Reformed Church Grounds
and Hall.
We are currently looking for musicians and singers if anyone would like to
perform a few Christmas Carols. Also those of you involved with the school,
library, youth clubs, guides, scouts etc we are hoping the residents of Rusthall
would like to make decorations for the tree? Please let me know and we will
arrange to collect these.
Lisa Lindfield 07738662687, [email protected]
The Vicar: The Revd Ronnie Williams 521357 (day off: Friday)
The Parish Office: Mrs Ginette di Palma 521447
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday– 10 am to 1 pm (Closed Tuesdays)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.stpaulsrusthall.org.uk
Registered Charity in England and Wales, number 1132681