Indoor Dressage Schooling Show Sunday, December 7, 2014 Judge


Indoor Dressage Schooling Show Sunday, December 7, 2014 Judge
Indoor Dressage Schooling Show
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Closing Date: Monday, December 1, 2014 mail delivery (see mailing address at bottom of page)
Show location: 20800 White’s Ferry Road, Poolesville, Maryland 20837
Judge: P ho eb e De vo e -M oo r e, “ r ” D r ess a ge Ju dg e
Fees: $25 per test; write check to Bascule Farm LLC
Tests: NEW 2015 USDF/USEF Intro-4th level, 2014 USEA BN-Advanced, FEI Your choice*!
(*FEI tests: You may opt to do current test(s) OR 2015 test(s); just indicate which on your entry)
Ribbons: 1s t to 8t h place each class, championship ribbon to best score in show
Rings: Competition Indoor and Warm-up Indoor (rubber/sand/fiber footing)
20 x 40 arena except for FIRST LEVEL tests and above, in 20 x 60.
Dress: Casual attire, approved helmet required
Show Secretary: Julie Hagen; [email protected] with questions.
Only complete entries (entry form, coggins and check) will be scheduled a time. Ride times by e-mail Friday,
December 5, 2014. LIMIT 60 RIDES PER SHOW, so get your entry in early!
BASCULE FARM Dressage Show Entry Form
Current Coggins Test MUST be included with entries.
Name of Rider: ______________________________________________________________________ Age _____________
Rider’s Address:______________________________________________________________________________________
Daytime and Evening phone:____________________________________________________________________________
Rider’s Email (please write clearly): _______________________________________________________________________
Name of Horse: ______________________________________________________________________________________
1s t Dressage Test: ____________________________________
2nd Dressage Test: ____________________________________
3rd Dressage Test: ____________________________________
Total Amount Enclosed: _______________________________________
1 /We recognize that there are inherent risks and dangers related to horses and horse shows. In consideration of Bascule Farm, LLC
accepting our application to participate in this show, we hereby agree to assume all risks associated with and do hereby release and agree to
indemnify and hold harmless Bascule Farm, its agents, employees, representatives, servants, and volunteers, for all causes of action,
including negligence, which may accrue as a result of any damages or injury to me, us, or our property.
Signature of Entrant/Rider: ______________________________________________________________
Signature of Horse Owner: ______________________________________________________________
If the participant is under the age of 18, we, as the minor’s parent/guardian, hereby consent, jointly and severally, to the minor’s participation
and agree to indemnify Bascule Farm, LLC, and hold Bascule Farm, LLC, harmless for any damage or injury suffered by minor or the minor’s
Signature of parent/guardian: _________________________________________________________________________
Other competitors with whom you are trailering/sharing a coach/etc.: __________________________________________
CHECK made out to Bascule Farm
Send Show Entries to:
Bascule Farm Dressage Show
12668 Granite Ridge Drive
North Potomac, MD 20878-3435