
FOR IMMEDIAT E R E L E A S E November 2014
Award-Winning Blues Vocalist Janiva Magness to Headline Fundraiser
Blue Star Connection is coming to Phoenix. BSC has been active
in the Phoenix area for years, providing instruments for kids and even
more instruments for the music therapists in the area.
Recently we discovered Donalyn Richardson at Cardon Children’s
Medical Center in Mesa. She had been helping kids for years with
minimal tools, until she discovered Blue Star Connection with the help
of one of her patients, Nathaniel (at right). We were glad to fulfill her
“wishlist” of gear, and she now has more ways to help her kids.
“ Research has shown that music therapy is most effective when
live music is used, so instruments are at the heart of what we
do in helping people. Having the tools that we need to be able to
affect the most change is monumental to our work. Being able
to give a patient an instrument of their own to keep, that’s
priceless. Through the efforts of Blue Star Connection, the
Music Therapy department at Cardon Children’s Medical
Center has been given the awesome opportunity and capacity
to accomplish some amazing things and we are truly grateful!”
What: An Evening with Janiva Magness & Friends
When: Wednesday, December 3, 2014; 8pm showtime
Where: Rhythm Room, 1019 E Indian School, Phoenix, AZ
Why: Raising funds & awareness for Blue Star Connection
Music Therapist Donalyn Richardson works with Nathaniel using
the new instruments provided to her department by BSC.
Donalyn B. Richardson, MT-BC
Music Therapy Coordinator / Internship Director
Banner Desert Medical Center and Cardon Children’s Medical Center
In addition to continuing to work with music therapy departments
across the country, we also want to find more kids like Nathaniel who
want to play their own instruments as they go through difficult times.
This array of instruments was donated to Cardon Children’s
Medical Center by Blue Star Connection.
The Road to Cardon Children’s Hospital (Mesa, AZ)
A young boy on his way to the hospital found an article in Guitar Center Magazine about a teenager
named Sadie Johnson, who had been inducted into the “Brotherhood Of Guitar” a few weeks earlier.
During her interview, Sadie talked about Blue Star Connection. The young boy, Nathaniel (above, and
inset left), had been using music therapy for years, and his therapist needed instruments. He asked his
mom if Blue Star Connection might help his musical angel, Music Therapist Donalyn Richardson. She
sent us this story, and we promptly made contact with Donalyn, making sure she and Nathaniel and all
the patients had the best instruments we could find. We also got Nathaniel his own new guitar, and Sadie
Johnson donated one of her amps, sending along a personal message to him on the back of the amp:
“Keep on Rockin’ dude!” Sadie will accompany me as I visit the Cardon Children’s Medical Center on
December 3rd. Then we will see everyone at the world famous Rhythm Room for a very special night of
music with Janiva Magness & Friends, plus a special opening set by Sadie Johnson and special guest Bob
Corritore. Blue Star Magic is what we call this…
— John Catt, Blue Star Connection founder
For more on Blue Star Connection, visit www.bluestarconnection.org