
singing – all help us feel better
when we feel sad. “Laughter is
the best medicine” and “music
can sooth the savage beast”.
Today the children will be learning
about David, the psalmist, as he
played his harp to help sooth
Saul’s troubled soul.
COMING UP THIS WEEK... November 23 - Nov. 30, 2014
Office Hours Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-12 noon & 1:00pm-3:00pm
Interim Minister: Rev. Harry Disher
Designated Lay Minister: June Hawtin
9:00 am
9:30 am
Sanctuary Singers practice
Adult Bible Study
Baptism Worship Service and
Sunday School. ReDedication of Font
Christmas Bureau donations: socks and underwear
11:30am Confirmation Introductory - MH
1:30-5:00pm SAVP - Kindergarten Room
A.A. and ALNON - PRI/Kitchen
1-2:30pm Anne and Students - Sanctuary
Private Counselling - Parlour
2:30-8:00pm Katherine and students - Sanctuary
H-P Presbytery - Brucefield Community C.
WEDNESDAY 9am-3:00pm Probus pictures - Parlour
Piano tuning - Parlour/Sanctuary
4:30-8:00pm Supervised Visit AP - Kindergarten
7:00pm Church Board - Parlour
November 30 at 7:00 p.m.
Free will offering
One goal of “Friends of Music” is to assist performers in the preparation of examinations, festivals and
auditions by providing an opportunity to perform
before an audience. Everyone is welcome. Please
come and enjoy an evening of music in the sanctuary and a light refreshment following.
THURSDAY 12:30-2:30pm A.A. - S.S
2:30-7:30pm Katherine and students - Sanc.
5-6:00pm NIA Dance - Primary Room
Friendship Group - Primary Room
Christmas Bureau 2014
Exeter United will be hosting the Christmas
Bureau this year in Marshall Hall. Collection
week is December 1 to 5 and Distribution
week is December 8 to 11.
“Bonus Gift Collection”
Nov. 23rd – Socks / Underwear
Nov. 30th – Pajamas / Hats / Mitts
Dec. 7th – White Gift Sunday
*** Food Items are NO longer a part of
the Christmas Bureau program***
White Gift: Tree tags are on the Christmas tree in the Andrew St. entrance.
Take one and buy new cloths or toy for the age of the boy or girl.
Setting up for Christmas Bureau - Marshall Hall
Lighting of McNaughton park
8:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous - Primary
Play Rehearsal - Sanctuary
9:00 am
9:30 am
Sanctuary Singers practice
Adult Bible Study
Advent I Worship Service
Sunday School - Primary Room.
Christmas Bureau donations: P.J’s, mittens and hats
1:30-5:00pm SAVP - Kindergarten Room
Friends of Music - Free will offering
A.A. and ALNON - PRI/Kitchen
Income November 16 $ 129.50
Income to date - $ 4,574.55
Transferred to General fund $ 2,500.00
Only 4 more weeks to order this year! Last date for
guaranteed Christmas delivery – Dec. 7
Last order date this year – Dec. 14.
Orders resume Jan 4, 2015
November 23, 2014
A warm WELCOME and thank you for coming. May all who
worship here find in the music, song and word, that which
encourages, comforts and brings new life. If you are a visitor,
please fill in the Welcome Card found in your pew so we may
have a record of our time together and please place it on the
offering plate. Offering envelopes are also available in the pews
for your convenience. With your name and address on these
envelopes a receipt will be sent to you for your generous
We welcome Denver Mac, son of Brittany Mills and Jeffrey
Beauchamp into our family.
Thank you to greeters this morning: Ron and Lynn
Godkin at the James St. main doors and Pat Fletcher at
the North Andrew Street Door.
Nursery care, supervised by Darlene
Lightfoot, is provided every Sunday morning
downstairs in the Nursery.
November Courtesy Car Driver:
Deb Campbell 519-235-1609
Please volunteer
Call for wheelchair accessible van
CONFIRMATION: The age of 14 has
traditionally been the age our young people at
Exeter United are invited to explore the possibility
of Confirmation. If you know any one aged 14
(born in 2000) or older who might be interested in learning
more about the confirmation process, please contact the
church office as soon as possible. An introductory meeting
will be held for Confirmands, Parents and Mentors after
worship today, November 23 . We will meet downstairs in
Marshall Hall after worship for about ½ to ¾ of an hour.
The Final Five: An EUC Fund-Raising Initiative
We anticipate a 5% budget shortfall this year.
Please consider topping up your 2014 givings:
If Your 2014 Donation is:
Your Final Five is:
$0 - $500
$0 - $25
$501 - $1000
$26 - $50
$1001 - $2000
$51 - $100
You have eight weeks over which to spread this
additional gift.
Thank you
Please return this order form by December 14 for a
POINSETTIA to be placed in our sanctuary for
Christmas in memory, honour or celebration of a person
or event in your life. You may pick up your plant(s)
following the Christmas Eve Service, December 24.
The cost for a poinsettia is $10.00 each. They are being
ordered through the “Big Brothers, Big Sisters of
South Huron”.
I/we would like to place ___ poinsettia @ $10.00 ea. =
red/jingle bells/white (please circle)
in memory/honour/celebration (please circle)
Please return this order form along with your cheque to
the office (or on the plate) by December 14.
Thank you for contributing to decorating our Sanctuary for
Income to November 12, 2014
Expenses to November 12, 2014
Mission and Service to date
$ 175,712.83
$ 184,578.06
We would like to THANK everyone for
your donations, contributions, the workers women and men that came out to help and
make the soup, meat balls, cabbage rolls,
quiche, sandwiches, etc.
THANKYOU to the decorating team and
Cookie Crumb girls, the men who hlped
with the set up and lastly the buyers and customers.
“Painting the Stars”
You are invited to participate in an exploration
and sharing group on the theme of “evolutionary
Christianity”. The communion of science and
faith will be looked at through readings, video
presentations, and guided group discussion.
Sessions are planned for Wednesday
afternoons at 1:30 p.m. and Wednesday evenings at 7:00p.m.
Dates are: December 3 and 10. If you are interested in
participating, please let Rev. Disher know in person.
Church Office -Phone:235-0860 Fax: 235-0861
Rev. Harry Disher, BA, MDiv, STM 519-238-5690
June Hawtin, DLM 271-8420
Choir Director Bob Robilliard Accompanist Anne Spivey
Secretary: Joyce Morgan 263-2544
Treasurer: Lynn Alderdice 226-378-5322
Custodians: Ann Lindenfield 226-423-2011
Larry Hamilton 235-0318 weekends
E-Mail: [email protected]
mail: Box 561, Exeter ON N0M 1S6
Hearing Assistance Available
Check out website: www.exeterunitedchurch.ca
Camp Bimini would like to introduce a Christmas
gift idea. It’s the gift of camp for a child. Think
about it, pass it on…it really does just take a
spark…In 2014, we were able to help dozens of
families. We hope to be able to offer that support again. With our
thanks. Please see Andrew St. bulletin board for more details.
Show off your Nativity Scene!!!!! Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter
is holding a Nativity Scene Exhibition November 30, 2014 to
December 7, 2014. Be sure to drop in and see our beautiful
array of scenes! If you have a nativity scene that you would like
to add to our showcase please contact the church office by
November 20th, 2014 at 519-235-2565 x226
The Bach Music Festival of Canada presents "An Old Tyme Christmas"
Concert featuring The Festival Chamber Choir & The South Huron
Community Choir Multi-Cultural "Nativity Scenes" on display at Trivitt
Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter on Sunday November 30th at
3pm Tickets purchased through www.ticketscene.ca or call Trivitt Church
529-235-2565 Ext 223 Adults $15 Youth $5 under 6 FREE
Adopt-a-Family (Big Brothers Big Sisters) Visit our tree at the
Exeter Branch Library starting November 14th to take an
ornament and help a South Huron family at Christmas. Visit
www.shbbbs.on.ca for more details.
“FAVOURITES” A concert featuring: St. George’s Anglican
Church Choir & Vanneck United Church Choir November 23,
2014 at 7 pm Vanneck United Church Ilderton Road at Vanneck
Road . Freewill Offering with all proceeds going to the Ailsa
Craig Food Bank building project.
Blyth Festival Singers perform selections of Handel's "Messiah"
and sacred carols with accompaniment by world class organist
Ian Sadler. Sunday, December 7, 2014 2:30 pm St. Georges
Anglican Church, 87 North Street Goderich. Adults $18.00
Children 6-12 $6.00 Tickets available from Blyth Festival Box
Office www.blythfestival.com or 519 523-9300 or from any Blyth
Festival Singer.
Katherine Napiwotzki, BMus, MMus Soprano Upcoming Events:
Christmas with Arcady Dec. 5, 7:30pm, St. Andrew's
Church, 95 Darling Street, Brantford
Handel's Messiah Dec. 13, 7:30pm, Ancaster Christian
Reformed Church, 70 Garner Road East, Ancaster
Saint-Saens Christmas Oratorio
Dec. 15, Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, 264 Main St,