COMPA CO ANY PROFIL PR LE INT NTRODU UCTION N Giza Technologiies S.A.U. is a Spanish ccompany esttablished in year 1997. Mainn Office is lo ocated in thee city of Maddrid, right in n the center of the Iberiian Peninsulla and very close to the bulk of cusstomer’s bas e. A tottal of 13 perrsons work at a Giza Techhnologies S.A.U., and a recruitmentt process haas been engaged in order to covver constanttly growing business. Speciifically tailorred softwaree permits alll processes within w the co ompany beinng handled with w greatt agility and flexibility. Giza Technologiies S.A.U. (SSpain) was reelated to Giiza Technolo ogies Inc. (N New Jersey-U USA) throuugh a partneership, but in n January 20009, the Eurropean entityy became tootally indeppendent. Sincee Decemberr 2011, Giza Technologiies, S.A.U. iss part of Millexia, a grouup that has put p togetther Elexien nce in Francee, and MicrooElit in Italyy. Elit + Giza) offers now a strong salles coveragee of the SoutthMilexxia (Elexiencce + MicroE Euroopean region n, going from m Portugal tto Greece, th hrough Spaiin, France, B Benelux and d Italy. GizaTechnologgies Page1 GIZ ZA - BU USINESSS ACTIV VITIES Giza Technologiies S.A.U (Spain) startedd in 1997 as Procurement Companyy for an impoortant Spanissh group of companies in the OEM M/CEM scen nario, speciaalizing in thee Defeense/Aerosp pace/Telecom markets. In thhis sense we are proud to o say that G Giza Technollogies S.A.U U is an Officcially Approvved Procuurer for majjor players in n the Spanissh Defense and a IT Indu ustry, as welll as for the Spannish aeronautic Industry. Giza Technologiies S.A.U is, in essence, a service provider. Custtomer greattly appreciaates direct iinvolvemen nt and, very y specially, skilled techn nical assesssment from m the begin nning of an engineerin ng project. Thirtteen years aggo Giza deciided to grow w into a high hly specializeed market nniche and began repreesenting an nd distributting in excllusivity, forr the territories of Spaiin & Portug gal, a line oof products targeting the widest rannge of RF/M Microwave, Defense/Ae D erospace and d Teleccom industry sectors. Therrefore, as of today, Gizaa Technologi gies S.A.U. presents p threee clearly deffined Busin ness Unitts: c ts and relatted Proccurement Seervices for eelectronic component wave compo onents for th he Defensee/Aerospacce, Speccialized RF & Microw Spacce, Telecom m, Satcom, Industrial, Transport,, Medical aand Broadcast mark kets. Speccialized Instrumentatiion, System ms and Serviices for thee Defeense/Aerospace, Spacce, Telecom m, Satcom, Industrial, I Transport,, Med dical and Brroadcast m markets. n 80% of thee company’ss The ssecond and third busineess units reppresent todayy more than activiity. GizaTechnologgies Page2 GIZ ZA’S PH HILOSOP OPHY: The pphilosophy that moves Giza is stronngly based in i customer’’s appreciatiion of its dirrect invollvement in projects p from m the incepttion stage. This applies not only to pureely technicall assessmentt issues, but also to logi stic issues. This implies high hly technicallly skilled Saales & Appliications Enggineers for thhe very demaanding high--end marketts. GIZ ZA - CU USTOME ER PROF OFILE In thhe present tim mes, Giza’s business in Spain/Portuugal is aroun nd 60% in tthe Defeense/Aerosspace Mark ket. Giza has been hiistorically in nvolved in thhe design an nd productio on of RF andd Processingg Boards for Radar, ES, EA, SIGINT, S Miilitary SATC COM, Avion nics, and othher Airbornee and Spaceeborne appllications. Wee are also tarrgeting veryy specifically the SATCO OM market, preseenting comp plete turnkeyy solutions w which includ de hardware and softwarre. The rremainder of o the busineess has to doo with a grow wing Teleco om and Wireeless Industrry, Transport and Broadcast B Maarkets, oftenn represented in our terrritories by nnewly created d OEM M companies, and otherr purely desiggn companiies working for other larrger compan nies and T Telecom Op perators. We aare seeing UM MTS and LT TE base stattion designss, Cellular GSM G Enhanccers, Radio over o Fiberr, LMDS raddio, WLAN,, Gigabit Etthernet, SON NET/SDH (Boards & T Test), Blueto ooth, Scienntific Researrch, TETRA A, DVB Trannsmitters an nd Repeaters, MPEG Booards, VSAT T, SATC COM. Businness here is close to 40% %, but it migght probablyy grow. GizaTechnologgies Page3 GIZ ZA - TEA EAM Man nagementt: Dan Benzaquen n – Managiing Directoor Gradduated from the “Ecole Nationale SSupérieure des d Télécomm municationss de Paris” as a an electrrical engineeer, specializeed in the Infformation Syystems Areaa. He develooped his carrrier as a connsultant, worrking for An ndersen Connsulting in th he Change Managemen M nt area. In 19997, he crreated Giza Technologie T es, S.A. in paartnership with w Giza Teechnologies Inc. (USA).. As soonn as 1997, hee signed an im mportant coooperation agreement a with w Indra Siistemas whicch is still ooperative as of today. He H has conduucted the company’s straategy to focu cus mainly th he Militaary, Aerospaace, Telecom m and Wirelless markets for the pastt 5 years. Inn January 20009, he bougght out Gizaa Technologiies, Inc sharres and becaame the sole owner of thhe companyy. In Deceember 2011,, he merged Giza with M Milexia. [email protected] Miqu uel Lloberaa – Directorr of Busineess Develop pment and Product P Linnecard He ggraduated fro om the “Esccuela Técnicca Superior de d Ingeniero os de Telecoomunicación n de Barceelona - UPC C” . He deveeloped his caareer mainlyy as a Support Engineer in Broadcasst and Microowave Engiineering, and d in the RF & Microwaave product support andd distribution. He acquiired a vast experience e in ntroducing aand selling th hese produccts to our tarrget marketss. Miquuel joined Giza Technollogies S.A. inn January 20000 and is since then, reesponsible fo or the RF & Microwavee Product Line L as well aas the Business Develop pment area, his main tassk is to leaad the comp pany to be ab ble to offer to the markket the latest and most suuitable technnologies of the t industry. [email protected] GizaTechnologgies Page4 Mariia G. Gonzaalez Müllerr – Chief Fiinancial Offficer Gradduate in Eco onomics, Maathematics an and a concen ntration in Financial F Maarkets by Colby Colleege, USA. During D severaal years gainned accountiing experien nce at several al companiess in Madrrid. In 2007,, obtained a Masters in E Economics and Financiial Managem ment at "Cen ntro de Estudios Finaancieros" an nd joined a T Tax and Acccounting Firm m as a Conssultant. Joining in 2010, Giza Tech hnologies as C.F.O. [email protected] Juliáán Montalvo o – Sales Manager M Gradduated from the "Univerrsidad de Allcalá de Hen nares" as a Telecommun T nications Enginneering. Juliian has alwaays worked inn the Electrronics Industry as a Salees Engineer. He joineed Giza in Juuly 2003 and d was supporrting Miqueel on differen nt sales tasks ks. Since Aprril 2009, he was pro omoted as Sales Manageer and is in charge c of the sales team m. He managges Giza''s customer base and is responsiblee for the glob bal sales actiivity in Spainn and Portu ugal. [email protected] Dian na Margaritta Páez – Purchasing, P , Logistics and a Quality y Managerr She ggraduated in n Colombia as a an Industtrial Engineeer. Diana earned her MB BA at the Teleccommunicattions Engineeering Schoool in Madrid d, while joiniing Giza Teechnologies as the P Purchasing and a Logisticss Manager siince year 20000. She is allso Giza Tecchnologies' Quallity Managerr. [email protected] GizaTechnologgies Page5 Joan nna Rodrigu uez – Officee and Hum man Resourrces Manag ger Joannna is our Offfice Manageer and she iss in charge of o the Humaan Resourcees as well. She joined Giza back in 2008 and has coontrol over all the proceesses of the company. She hhelps Maria G. Gonzaleez with the aaccounting. [email protected] Salees Departm ment: Ana González – Senior Fieeld Applicaations Saless Engineer She iis a senior Electrical E Enggineer with wide experience in the RF & MW ddistribution markket. Ana has her own cliient and suppplier portfolio and repo orts to Juliánn Montalvo. [email protected] Daniiel Sayalero o – Sales En ngineer, Keey Accountt Manager He hhas developeed his careerr in the Electtronic Comp ponents Disstribution Inndustry. Daniiel is in chargge of the maain customeer accounts for f Giza Tecchnologies iin Spain, maainly in thee Aerospacee business. He H helps andd supports Julian’s actio ons in our biiggest accou unts, moniitoring new projects wh here productts can be inttroduced at the t inceptionn stage. [email protected] GizaTechnologgies Page6 Carlo os Lovera – Inside Salles / Procu urement and d Field App plications SSales Engin neer Carloos joined Giiza in 2008 and a became over the paast years a veery pro-activve Field Appllications Salees Engineer. He integraated Julian’s team for customer suppport. He is now n supporting the teeam as an in nside sales enngineer. cloveera@gizatech Wan nda Mejía – Assistant Wandda is our Seccretary and Assistant. A Shhe gives sup pport to the Managemennt of the Com mpany, and dedicates d a big share of hher time as an a inside sales assistant for the Sales Depaartment. admiinistracion@ Log gistics Dep partment: Aliciia Valentín – Purchasiing Officer Aliciaa has experience in Purcchasing and Stock Manaagement. Sh he developedd most of heer carrieer working in i the Electrronics Indusstry, reportin ng to Diana Páez in the Purchasing and Logisstics Departtment. Her main m task is Sales Orderrs and Purch hase Orders managemen nt. [email protected] Ignaacio Corral – Warehou use Responssible Ignaccio has been n 10 years wiith Giza Tecchnologies. He is respon nsible for allll the wareho ouse organnization andd daily incom ming and ouutgoing shipm ments. He allso dedicatees part of hiss time to quuality contro ol and visual inspectionss. icorraal@gizatech GizaTechnologgies Page7 GIZ ZA - OR RGANIZA ZATION N CHART T: SAL ALES OR RGANIZA ZATION. N. CHART RT: GizaTechnologgies Page8