Hospice & Palliative Care: The Past, Present & Future


Hospice & Palliative Care: The Past, Present & Future
Hospice & Palliative Care:
The Past, Present & Future
Summit Location:
NOV EMB ER 1 8 , 2 0 1 4
Wake Tech Co mmu nity Coll ege
Kildair e Fa r m Rd
Car y, N C
Hospice Coding Location:
NOV EMB ER 1 9 , 2 0 1 4
AH H C Of f ices ( Ne wly R en ov ated)
3 1 0 1 Industrial Dr . St e 2 0 4
Rale igh , NC 2 7 6 0 9
Attend Both And Save!
Co me visit t he T ria ngl e ar ea
f or a couple of days! Af ter
the Hospice & P alli ativ e C are
Join us for the 2nd Annual Hospice & Palliative Care Summit, an all day workshop
focused solely on hospice and palliative care issues. On November 18, the day will
open up with a presentation by Jennifer Gentry, Board President of the Hospice &
Palliative Nurses Association, who will provide her perspective of the future of hospice
& palliative care along with findings from the recent IOM report, “Dying in America.”
Did you know that providing pediatric hospice and palliative care may be possible for
your organization? Find out from Dr. Ernie Schiller and Marion Taylor, of Hospice and
Palliative Care of Greensboro’s Kids Path Program, just how possible it is for you. Dr.
Don Taylor of Duke Medical Center will break down the cost effectiveness of hospice &
palliative care with an explanation of the economics behind the care. Our two
breakout session topics will be: Hospice Documentation: Making the Case, presented
by coding expert Judy Adams; and Partnering Effectively with Other Health Care
Providers, presented by Pamela Scott, Partner, and Wilson Hayman, Partner, with
Poyner Spruill Attorneys at Law.
On November 19, we will reconvene in Raleigh at the newly renovated, spacious
AHHC offices where Judy Adams will conduct a day long workshop on hospice coding.
Su mmi t, pl an t o stay at o ne
man y
hotels ,
en joy
a nd
surro und i ng
a plet hor a
en ter tai n ment
options , a nd get f ue led up f or
a day of Hospic e Codi ng! We
also h ave a d ay only r a te,
att end
j ust
th e
op tion
on e
works hops!
For Lodging & Dini ng Optio ns:
Hospice & Palliative Care Summit Faculty
Jennifer Gentry, RN, MSN ANP BC, GNP, ACHPN, FPCN
Nurse Practitioner, Duke University Hospital, Palliative Care; Board President of HPNA
Ernie Schiller, M.D., Kids Path Staff Physician
Marion Taylor, RN, MN, CPNP Director
Kids Path Program, Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro
Donald H. Taylor, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Public Policy, Sanford School; and
Associate Professor of Community and Family Medicine and Nursing, Duke Medical Center
Judy Adams, RN, BSN, HCS-D, HCS-O, Adams Home Care Consulting
Pamela Scott, Partner, & Wilson Hayman, Partner, Poyner Spruill, LLP
ww w .visitr al eigh .co m
The Association for Home and Hospice Care of North Carolina is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the
North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on
8 :30 AM
8 :45 AM
9 :00 AM
1 0:00 AM
1 0:15 AM
1 1:45 AM
1 2:45 PM
2 :00 PM
2 :45 PM
4 :15 PM
Wake Tech Community College | Cary, NC
Regis tration
Welcome & Intr oductions | Pete Br unnick, AHHC Boar d Chair; Tim Rogers, AHHC Pr es ident and CEO
Palliative Car e in the US : Where Ar e We Headed? | Jennifer Gentr y
BREAK w/ Kinnser S oftwar e
Pr oviding Pediatr ic Hos pice & Palliative Car e: Yes You Can! | Dr. Er nie S chiller and Mar ion Taylor
LUNCH and Presentation by Kinnser S oftwar e
The Cos t Effectivenes s of Hos pice | Donald H. Taylor , Ph. D.
BREAK w/ Kinnser S oftwar e
1 .) Hos pice Documentation: Making the Cas e | Judy Adams
2 .) Par tner ing Effectively with Other Health Care Pr ovider s | Pamela Scott and Wils on Hayman
AHHC Offices | Raleigh , NC
Registration begins at 8:30am and lunch & breaks will be provided!
**** see below for more detail on the Hospice Coding Offering!
1. Identify key changes in
ICD-10-CM coding.
I. Introduction
A. The need for a strong foundation in coding
B. Overview coding in hospice
C. highlight Unique changes in ICD-10-CM over ICD-9-CM
2.Describe the key
II. Key Guidelines and Conventions in Coding
conventions and guidelines
A. The Role and purpose of the Official Guidelines and Conventions for Reporting Diagnoses,
that impact diagnosis
B. Key ICD-10 Conventions with highlight of differences and similarities between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM.
1.Hiearchy between conventions and guidelines
2. Code structure
3. Placeholder
4. Use of the 7th character
5. Excludes 1 versus Excludes 2 notes
6.Manifestation coding convention
7.Sequela (late effects/residuals)
8. Use of signs and symptoms
9. Combination Codes
11. Required documentation
12.Fundamental Rules for Coding
3. Describe the process for
III. Selecting and Sequencing Diagnosis codes for hospice
correct selection and
A .Steps in selecting codes
sequencing diagnosis
B. important questions to ask
C. Requirement for robust coding in hospice
D. Guidance for selecting and sequencing primary and secondary codes.
E. Dealing with the patient with unspecified diagnoses and the mandatory 10/1/14 Return to Provider Edits(Transmittal 8877)
4.Demonstrate selection and
IV. Dealing with the major unspecified code: Definitions and case examples
sequencing codes for
A. Debility
patients with the variety of
B. Adult Failure to Thrive
dementia codes in ICD-9 and
C. The Myriad of Dementia Codes
D. A variety of hands-on practice case examples involving debility, adult failure to thrive and the range of dementia codes in which the
Unspecified code cannot be used as the principal diagnosis.
5.Demonstrate accurate
V. Interactive Practice coding a variety of hospice situations involving:
selection and sequencing of
A. Respiratory failure
diagnosis codes for a
B. Primary metastatic neoplasms complicated by neoplastic associated pathological fracture.
miscellaneous array of
C. Sequela of non-traumatic cerebrovascular infarction with various residuals
hospice situations
D.COPD complicated with other respiratory conditions.
E. Diabetic ESRD and diabetic foot ulcer.
F. End stage liver disease due to chronic and current alcohol dependence.
G. Renal failure and LT diabetes
Registration and Payment Information for:
The Annual Hospice & Palliative Care Summit
AND Hospice Coding Workshop
Attendee Name (add credentials): _______________________________________________________________________
Agency Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Agency Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Payment Schedule:
 Register me for the Hospice & Palliative Care Summit ONLY
 Register me for the Hospice Coding Workshop ONLY
 Register me for BOTH days (Summit PLUS Hospice Coding)
PLEASE CHOOSE a BREAKOUT Session for Nov 18:
 Hospice Documentation  Developing a Palliative Care Program
 My check payable to AHHC is enclosed in the amount of $_____________ OR
 Visa
 MasterCard  American Express
 Discover
Credit Card Number: _________________________________ Exp. Date _______ Sec. Code ______
Name (as it appears on card): ________________________________________________________
Address (of cardholder): _____________________________________________________________
Signature (required): ________________________________________________________________
Registration must be received in writing and will not be accepted without payment.
Two Easy Ways to Register! By Mail: (If paying by check or credit card) mail registration form with total registration fees to: AHHC, 3101 Industrial
Drive, Suite 204, Raleigh, N.C., 27609
By Fax: (If paying by credit card) fax a copy of the registration form with the appropriate credit card information and signature to 919.848.2355. Our fax
lines are open 24 hours a day.
Cancellation Policy: Fees will be refunded, or invoices will be adjusted, only if written notice of cancellation is received by AHHC two weeks prior to the
workshop. In the event of cancellation, AHHC will retain, or charge, $25 of the initial registration fee, per registrant, to cover administrative overhead.
Once written cancellation is received, an AHHC staff member will review for approval. If your cancellation is approved, we will email back a signed and
dated copy of the cancellation that your agency should retain on file in case of questions.
The theme of Hospice & Palliative Care Month this year is Imagine… Imagine a
world in which political leaders understand that Home Care and Hospice Programs
save the state and the federal government money; allow patients greater quality
of life in the comfort of their own homes; and provide jobs for thousands of North
Carolinians, among numerous other benefits.
In honor of Hospice & Palliative Care month, we are offering $25 off registration
to folks who write “Imagine” on their registration forms and submit them by
November 1 .